Nikki Cook,Kristian Donaldson,John Paul Leon,Riccardo Burchielli,Brian Wood | 168 pages | 08 Sep 2009 | DC Comics | 9781401224301 | English | New York, NY, United States DMZ: War Powers (Volume) - Comic Vine

This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Collected Editions Trade Paperbacks Vol. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Army was finally able to halt the advance of the Free States forces. There was even a sense among troops that the U. With the U. The U. In an interview, Brian Wood described the back-history as the citizens of Middle America having risen up against the pre-emptive war policies of the U. Midwestern militia groups revolt against their local governments in protest of rampant U. Small insurgent groups pop up in towns and cities across the country, and a sizable force, the Free States Army, pushes toward . The city proves too big for them to take, and also for the U. Army to defend. The war stalls there, a stalemate, neither side being able to shift things. Manhattan is mainly empty, with only , people still on the island compared with 1. The comic series begins when reporter Matty Roth arrives in Manhattan, five years after the outbreak of the war. Through the series' first 22 issues, DMZ followed Matty Roth through various crises in his first year and a half around the DMZ and the surrounding areas, such as military bases of the Free Armies and of the United States. The story returned to primarily following Matty Roth in issue The series had an immediate impact, attracting critical recognition from the American national media with the release of the first trade paperback , DMZ Vol. It is addictive and brutal, and a perfect antidote to the flag-waving Fox News broadcasts of the War on Terror. Wood and Burchielli have created something special, something that gets beyond the body counts and the headlines of setbacks and failures". In February , it was announced that Syfy is planning on making a TV series adaptation of the comic with former writers and executive producers Andre and Maria Jacquemetton. The series has been collected in standard trade paperbacks paperbacks. Starting in , the series was collected as two Compendium trade paperbacks paperbacks. Starting in , the series was re-released as deluxe hardcover editions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the Vertigo comic book series. Further information: List of DMZ characters. In Dougall, Alastair ed. The Vertigo Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. Live from the DMZ. Archived from the original on February 15, Retrieved February 16, Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved March 13, April 6, Retrieved April 7, DMZ, Vol. 7: War Powers by Brian Wood

If you like war history, war fiction, dystopian fiction, or comic books at all I suggest you get your ass off the computer and check this one out. Jul 27, Aaron rated it really liked it. Another solid if fairly predictable volume. After all the buildup and hero worship Matty had for Parco Delgado in the previous volume, in this one we start to see some of that start to unravel here. It's further proof that you can't take anyone at face value in the DMZ, but that's kind of what I thought was going to happen from the very moment Parco was introduced. That said, I do respect Wood for not just flipping a switch and suddenly turning Parco into some kind of evil mastermind. He's still Another solid if fairly predictable volume. He's still a human being doing what he thinks is best, though a lot of what he's said so far ends up being duplicitous at best. It's realistic even though you can see it coming. This volume is broken up into 3 smaller stories, all of which are enjoyable, each very different from the last in scope and tone. It's actually pretty upsetting thanks to its realistic approach, and was definitely my favorite part of this one. Then in the middle we get the Parco stuff I already mentioned, and we close with a story of Zee arguably the only other thoroughly explored character in the entire series? I have to say, I don't really get Zee's decisions in this volume. She's always been a very distrustful person thanks to her time in this war zone, and who can blame her. But she's built an actual relationship with Matty, who she's grown to respect despite his outsider status. So for her to just pack up and disappear into the night, leaving only a note for Matty that says "You lied" which, he didn't? So, pair that out-of-left-field decision with the cliche "I guess I have to save the enemy even though he is my enemy" war story she falls into, and I was not into her solo story. However, this wasn't enough to damage the overall positive direction this volume took. Wood's really figured out how to keep this series dynamic and engaging, so it's definitely worth working your way through the mediocre volumes to get here. Sep 01, Marissa rated it it was ok. I suspect this is so well rated because only people who are genuinely enjoying this would be seven volumes deep in it, everyone else having abandoned ship long ago. Luckily, I'm an idiot with access to her local library, so here I am. Nothing makes sense at this point - not the players, not Matty's choices, not his relationship that he's let curdle to dust over the last several volumes, not even Wood's choice to never reveal the name of the leader of the Free States outpost. But hey, someone fou I suspect this is so well rated because only people who are genuinely enjoying this would be seven volumes deep in it, everyone else having abandoned ship long ago. But hey, someone found a nuke. Jul 23, M. Ashraf rated it liked it Shelves: . K with Iraq plot style with the Gold and the nuclear Weapon, a bit of a shocking ending to the story and then the final issue without matty and again a different artwork style. Not that great but still not that bad! Sep 11, Ross Vincent rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novel. After the controversial election in the previous volume, Matty finds himself once again investigation life in the DMZ. From a Christmas Day like Armistice between the United States military and the Free States militia that takes an ugly turn, to the urban myth of China Gold in the city and what it can buy, to a solo story and Zee making her way in this new city, it is balls to the wall crazy in this latest collection. Nov 11, Ben rated it it was ok Shelves: plano-library. Illustrations of the first and final parts are too cartoony for the tone of the storyline. Characters have devolved into two main types: badass major players with big talk and background cannon fodder cardboard cutouts. The overall story has promise, but the execution in each volume leaves a lot to be desired. Sep 10, Eric Mikols rated it it was ok Shelves: vertigo. I guess I'm just reading this as a completionist. It never does anything for me but I used to like the series so I keep hoping something will click with me. I'm fully aware the low stars are because of me and not the book. Sep 20, Brendan rated it it was amazing. War Powers may be my favorite storyline within DMZ. Jan 22, Patrick rated it really liked it. Matty becomes a less likable character as he gets more deeply involved in the politics of the DMZ. This was another issue that seemed it could have come right out of today's headlines. Sep 05, James rated it it was amazing Shelves: comicbooks. It's very hard to remain neutral and impartial. Jul 16, Kelli Trei rated it it was amazing. So far "The Island" is the most impressive read: harrowing vignette to me in this series. Jun 09, Scott rated it really liked it. The set up for the downfall. Nov 15, Robert Hudder rated it liked it. So, political intrigue Yeah, this arc hasn't enthused me so far. But it seems necessary to get us to the next place. May 02, Martijn Van rated it really liked it. After a dip and reshuffling the cards by introducing the Delgado nation DMZ is back on track. Sep 15, Du4 rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. DMZ ramps back into a storyline that makes up for the past transgressions of the last couple of shitty stories. Wood has obviously recognized the less-than-reputable behavior of his lead character and decided to face it head on. The first story contained herein is about , and how it's become this one part of the DMZ where soldiers from both sides of the civil war pretty much just hang out and get high all day. It's a "Boystown" kinda vibe, but naturally, something happens to fuck it DMZ ramps back into a storyline that makes up for the past transgressions of the last couple of shitty stories. It's a "Boystown" kinda vibe, but naturally, something happens to fuck it up. Smell like filler? It is. Just look at that godawful art by Donaldson. This story's inclusion keeps me from giving this volume full marks. While it begins as a sort of "what's next" to the election of Parco Delgado to the governorship of Manhattan, it's more about Matty Roth finally coming to grips with the fact that he is no longer an impartial journalist. He has essentially "gone native" to the DMZ, and now that the DMZ is splitting up into political factions I predict a massive block war coming soon between Wilson and Parco Matty has to deal with the fact that he helped cause all of this. There are many familiar faces that pop up in this story, not the least of which is a surprising appearance by Soames, who introduces a brand new bargaining chip into the dangerous game Parco's playing between the United States and the Free States. I naturally enjoy anything involving Wilson and his grandsons, and it's apparent that Wood is setting up quite a spectacular showdown between the Chinatown ganglord and the newly elected mayor of New York. All around, this was a great character exploration, and I'm impressed with the direction Wood's setting up future stories. Burchielli's art is still not up to the gold standard set in his first few issues, but it seems to be stabilizing. I can deal with it much better than before, and certainly much better than the fill-in artists Wood has such a hard-on for. Aug 26, Gavin rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. The series gets back on track here, in my opinion, after the whole last issue was about politics, elections, and power. Not that those still aren't issues here, but Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely increase the time it takes for your changes to go live. It is addictive and brutal, and a perfect antidote to the flag-waving Fox News broadcasts of the War on Terror. Wood and Burchielli have created something special, something that gets beyond the body counts and the headlines of setbacks and failures". In February , it was announced that Syfy is planning on making a TV series adaptation of the comic with former Mad Men writers and executive producers Andre and Maria Jacquemetton. The series has been collected in standard trade paperbacks paperbacks. Starting in , the series was collected as two Compendium trade paperbacks paperbacks. Starting in , the series was re-released as deluxe hardcover editions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the Vertigo comic book series. Further information: List of DMZ characters. In Dougall, Alastair ed. The Vertigo Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. Live from the DMZ. Archived from the original on February 15, Retrieved February 16, Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved March 13, April 6, Retrieved April 7, Publishers Weekly. Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved October 4, DMZ (Volume) - Comic Vine

It is. Just look at that godawful art by Donaldson. This story's inclusion keeps me from giving this volume full marks. While it begins as a sort of "what's next" to the election of Parco Delgado to the governorship of Manhattan, it's more about Matty Roth finally coming to grips with the fact that he is no longer an impartial journalist. He has essentially "gone native" to the DMZ, and now that the DMZ is splitting up into political factions I predict a massive block war coming soon between Wilson and Parco Matty has to deal with the fact that he helped cause all of this. There are many familiar faces that pop up in this story, not the least of which is a surprising appearance by Soames, who introduces a brand new bargaining chip into the dangerous game Parco's playing between the United States and the Free States. I naturally enjoy anything involving Wilson and his grandsons, and it's apparent that Wood is setting up quite a spectacular showdown between the Chinatown ganglord and the newly elected mayor of New York. All around, this was a great character exploration, and I'm impressed with the direction Wood's setting up future stories. Burchielli's art is still not up to the gold standard set in his first few issues, but it seems to be stabilizing. I can deal with it much better than before, and certainly much better than the fill-in artists Wood has such a hard-on for. Aug 26, Gavin rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. The series gets back on track here, in my opinion, after the whole last issue was about politics, elections, and power. Not that those still aren't issues here, but He finds himself no longer close with some he was, and in bed metaphorically with people he wouldn't have ever thought he was. By the end of the issue, we see Matty has become just as calculating as some of the other personalities that he start The series gets back on track here, in my opinion, after the whole last issue was about politics, elections, and power. By the end of the issue, we see Matty has become just as calculating as some of the other personalities that he started out reporting about and showing the truth on However, his journalistic POV went out the window last Volume. There are also 2 side stories here: a 2 parter about Staten Island and the military Barracks there, where the USA and Free States grunts have worked out a sort of interesting peaceful arrangement Matty is involved in this story, but mostly in the guise of a journalist, which I like more. There is also a stand alone story about Zee, who makes some choices of her own that leave her in a much different place than she was at the start of the last Volume. What I really enjoy here is getting more interactions between Matty and some of the supporting cast, like Wilson, Soames, Delgado, his mother, and others. We see that although Matty is the protagonist and narrator most of the time, he's not an entirely unbiased one, and other characters might be far more powerful than he gives them credit for. What comes across most, is still the search for power, but this time in the context of self-motivation, and looking out for 1, which many are doing in the DMZ. Matty continues his shift in personality, or just ends up making some choices, and we have to wonder who he really has been the whole time, if this is really him, or if being in the DMZ so long and exposed to so much has warped him and in the wartorn atmosphere, maybe survival is all anyone can hope for? Sep 27, Chris rated it liked it. Another good installment in the DMZ series. War Powers covers the different ways the factions try to maintain stability in the periphery of NYC - Staten Island - and how Matty gets caught in the mix of Delgado's political machinations. Though the story was compelling, Matty's naivete was frustrating and a little unnerving. His conversation with Soames made everything click for him - everyone's got an Another good installment in the DMZ series. His conversation with Soames made everything click for him - everyone's got an angle and the journalist needs one to. It's too bad that Zee's story only gets a few pages near the end of the volume. I'm finding myself much more interested in what happens to her than Matty. I appreciate how she can maintain her principles while being savvy and doing whatever the situation calls for view spoiler [ I don't think I could help a Blackwater solider though hide spoiler ]. She's got the sense and wits that Matty is only beginning to develop. Feb 19, Shannon Appelcline rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , comics-indy. The Island Wood is very good at showing us different sides of the war, and that's exactly what he does here. Then he twists it around, then he does so again. War Powers I'm not sure I like Matty any more. As the title of the previous arc suggests, he's now got blood in the game. He's being manipulated, but he's also a manipulator. He's not the nice guy who came to the DMZ. Still, I respect the fact that this arc puts tha The Island Still, I respect the fact that this arc puts that change front and center and I'm interested in seeing where it goes. Sep 04, Bryce Holt rated it really liked it. Definitely sets the story back on the right path. Thought the story showed very well how the political climate had changed, and how those power shifts were changing the game for all parties USA, Free States, etc. I really enjoy this story, but wish it were more about the city itself like the part about Staten Island and its parallels to the prisoner abuse done by the Americans during the war as well as Wilson in Chinatown and not just the major Definitely sets the story back on the right path. I really enjoy this story, but wish it were more about the city itself like the part about Staten Island and its parallels to the prisoner abuse done by the Americans during the war as well as Wilson in Chinatown and not just the major players. Nonetheless, it's a great read Jan 24, Douglas Koehne rated it liked it Shelves: comics-tpb-vertigo. There is a lot to like about the DMZ series. A unique story, some good art, and small cast of characters written with complexity. In saying that, although I enjoy reading the stories when the latest TPB comes out, I never have developed a real need to read the stories immediately. Apr 07, Mikael Kuoppala rated it really liked it. We see Matt redefining himself as a member of the Delgado team as he swears off propaganda and aims for the idealistic reporting of truth he used to vouch for. Lots of elements are in motion and something big is obviously on its way. Dec 25, Koen Claeys rated it liked it. The first story 'The Island' is just bad storytelling with a totally unbelievable premise. The art by Kristian Donaldson The Massive is solid. The main story 'War Powers' is more realistic, has a fascinating storyline and the character development makes me curious about what's to come. I adore Burchielli's artwork. The trade ends with the excellent one-shot 'Zee'. A pity about those first 44 pages in this book. Jun 05, Bri rated it really liked it. I think the story is most compelling now that we have an over-arching plot, with Delgado now taking over as Mayor of the DMZ. The aside on Staten Island was okay. The last section from Zee was great, so good that it alone probably brought this up from 3 to 4 stars. I'm just finding I'm very torn about how I feel towards Matty Roth. I also can't help but wonder if I would find this series anywhere near as compelling if I didn't live in NYC. Sep 29, Deidre rated it really liked it Shelves: comic-books. Wood continues to unwind new threads and questions which keeps DMZ a fascinating read for me. I found it improbable that the "Ghosts" had the bargaining chip that they had. However, the questions and "what if"s that are presented as the DMZ's transitional government fights for recognition are interesting, realistic and a parallel to foreign affairs today. Jan 24, Laura rated it really liked it. This particular chapter had all sorts of portentious political satire hanging over it. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. Overview The story of Matty Roth, the ultimate embedded war journalist trapped in a most unlikely war zone: the street of , or as the world nowknowsit,the DMZ. In this seventh volume in the graphic novel series, the status quo of the series is tossed out the window as Matty, back from his misadventure in Staten Island, finds Parco Delgado in office as provisional governor of the City of New York and details his first days at breakneck speed redraws what you know about DMZ. Matty's first task under the Delgado regime involves tracking down the source of one of the DMZ's greatest urban legends. Product Details About the Author. About the Author Brian Wood developed his skills as a comics writer and designer whileworking a string of internet design jobs. In addition to earning himinternational acclaim, these projects have also resulted in four Eisneraward nominations. Related Searches. DMZ Book Five. The final year of DMZ begins here! 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