Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 No. 187 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 3, 2009, at 11 a.m. Senate FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008

(Legislative day of Wednesday, December 10, 2008)

The Senate met at 10 and 23 seconds Bob’s superb stewardship of the office. ing about their future and the path they will a.m., on the expiration of the recess, was in many ways a model follow. Believe me when I say they will not and was called to order by the Honor- and a mentor to me. I was humbled and find a better example than the Senator Dole from . Senator Dole, in many able CARL LEVIN, a Senator from the honored to assume a role that he filled respects, was a pioneer for American women, State of Michigan. for so long with such dignity and skill. as many of her early opportunities came be- f And today I am honored to submit for fore women were in the forefront of public or the RECORD a letter of tribute from my private sectors of meaningful service activ- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING old friend to his remarkable wife at the ity. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE conclusion of her Senate career. ELIZA- Elizabeth has never stopped looking for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The BETH DOLE has graced this chamber in ways to make a difference. It would be im- clerk will please read a communication the same way that she has graced possible to determine the number of good every other institution of which she people in North Carolina and across America to the Senate from the President pro that Elizabeth’s efforts have had an impact tempore (Mr. BYRD). has been a part in a long and distin- upon, myself included. She assisted me three The legislative clerk read the fol- guished career of public service. We times in campaigning full-time for the presi- lowing letter: will miss Senator DOLE’s kindness, her dency, taking a one year leave of absence U.S. SENATE, warmth, and her unyielding belief in from the Red Cross, but more importantly PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, the greatness of her country. Senator were the countless times she assisted me per- Washington, DC, December 12, 2008. DOLE is one of the great public servants sonally because of my disabilities. To the Senate: of our day. It is my great pleasure to Let me recount some of the highlights of Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, ask that this letter from one dear Senator Dole’s career so that those who may be looking for a role model may fully under- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby friend to another be printed in the appoint the Honorable CARL LEVIN, a Sen- stand the differences she has made for oth- RECORD. ers, irregardless of party, race, religion or ator from the State of Michigan, to perform The letter follows. the duties of the Chair. status. DECEMBER 12, 2008. ROBERT C. BYRD, PUBLIC SERVICE CAREER AND SELECTED DEAR MITCH: I wish I could be a Senator President pro tempore. ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF again just long enough to speak of Senator Early 1960’s: Summer jobs during graduate Mr. LEVIN thereupon assumed the Elizabeth Dole’s accomplishments which school chair as Acting President pro tempore. have spanned a period of nearly a half cen- tury. Office of Senator B. Everett Jordan (D–NC) f Elizabeth correctly chose to focus her fare- United Nations Guide United Nations Intern Program TRIBUTES TO SENATORS well remarks on those who helped and coun- seled her along the way. She spoke about 1966–1967: Assistant at the U.S. Department of ELIZABETH DOLE those who were most important in her life’s Health, Education and Welfare ∑ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one journey such as her mother, her father, her After completing her Master of Arts in of the great privileges of my career has teachers, co-workers, and her dear brother, Teaching and her graduation from Harvard been the time I have spent working John, who passed away on April 8, 2008. John Law School, Elizabeth Hanford was hired by alongside Senator Bob Dole and his was her mentor, her confidant, and a proud the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Her assignments there included wife, Senator ELIZABETH DOLE. I feel a naval officer in World War II. Elizabeth’s planning the first-ever United States govern- special kinship to the Doles. Not only speech was all about others rather than her- self, which, in itself, says a lot about Eliza- ment sponsored conference on education of are they both dear friends to Elaine beth as a caring human being. the deaf. This conference, which spawned a and me, but in my position as Repub- So in an indirect way, I want to share her career-long dedication to the rights of the lican Leader I often think back on many areas of service with all those think- disabled, was held in Colorado Springs in

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.000 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 1967. During this time, she took cases for er for women to collect court ordered child cluded the appointment of a blue-ribbon indigents, those who could not afford an at- support payments, and to equalize Social Se- commission charged with developing na- torney. curity benefits for widows and widowers. tional competency guidelines that reflected 1967–1968: Deputy Assistant for Legislative Af- 1983–1987: Secretary, United States Secretary of work readiness and which could be used by fairs, White House Office of Consumer Af- Transportation the schools for curriculum development; fairs In 1983, President Reagan nominated Dole sponsorship of a first-ever national con- In April 1968, Elizabeth Hanford joined the to serve as Secretary of Transportation—the ference on the ‘‘school-to-work’’ population; Lyndon Johnson Administration at the first women in history to lead that cabinet expansion of work-based training along the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, department. The United States Senate principles of apprenticeship; and ensuring working for Betty Furness. As Deputy As- unanimously confirmed her. that the Job Training Partnership Act pro- sistant for Legislative Affairs, she traveled Dole’s many accomplishments as Sec- vided basic skills, literacy, and remedial frequently to Capitol Hill to advocate for retary of Transportation included: education along with job training. policies protecting American consumers. Presiding over what, up to date, were the Instigating a ‘‘glass ceiling initiative,’’ safest years in the history of American which revealed the barriers preventing 1969–1973: Deputy Director, President’s Com- women and minorities from reaching the top mittee on Consumer Interests transportation—highways, railways, and air- lines. levels of corporate America. Upon taking office in January 1969, Presi- Initiating widespread efforts to eliminate Traveling twice to Poland to assist that dent renamed the White drunk driving, particularly among the na- country in its transition from communism House Office of Consumer Affairs the ‘‘Presi- tion’s youth. These efforts led to the passage to democracy. DOL programs included the dent’s Committee on Consumer Interests.’’ of legislation raising the drinking age to 21 creation of construction training centers in Virginia Knauer was appointed Special As- to eliminate ‘‘blood borders’’ between states Warsaw and Gdansk. sistant to the President for Consumer Affairs with differing age requirements. Crafting a strategy that led to the success- and promoted Elizabeth Hanford to serve as Instituting random drug testing of safety ful conclusion of a bitter eleven month her deputy. Hanford would serve with and security-related employees—the first ci- United Mine Workers strike against the Knauer for five years as a tireless advocate vilian department to do so. Pittston Coal Company. Elizabeth visited for American consumers, developing con- Crafting a rule that resolved a twenty year the strike scene and traveled through a coal sumer education curriculum for America’s controversy over automatic crash protection mine. schools, reaching voluntary agreements with in cars. This rule totally changed the cli- Special focus on improving lives of youth industry to undertake nutritional labeling mate for auto safety in America, leading to at risk in our society. and unit pricing, and helping to create the the adoption of mandatory safety belt use 1991–1999; President, American Red Cross Consumer Information Center in Pueblo, laws in 49 American states and providing in- (The first woman president since Clara Colorado. They were guided by the philos- centives for auto manufacturers to develop, Barton, who founded the Red Cross in 1881; ophy that for consumers to make wise deci- test, and offer air bags in automobiles. Out of respect for the thousands of volun- sions, they must have access to all relevant Mandating high-mounted brake lights on teers, she served her first year without pay.) information. cars. These ‘‘Dole lights’’ cost less than $20 During her eight years at the helm of the per vehicle, and have been estimated to 1973–1979: Commissioner, United States Federal American Red Cross, Dole led a $287 million eliminate 900,000 crashes annually. Trade Commission project that totally modernized and trans- Implementing rules that improved safety In 1973, Elizabeth Hanford was nominated formed the Red Cross blood operations begun in aircraft cabins by making aircraft seats by President Richard Nixon and confirmed in World War II. ‘‘Blood Transformation’’ in- less flammable, improving aircraft cabin by the United States Senate to serve as a tegrated 28 different computer systems into evacuation with low-level lights, and reduc- member of the United States Federal Trade a single centralized network; replaced 53 Commission. Established in 1915, the Federal ing the danger of fire in aircraft lavatories. Leading successful effort to pass legisla- non-standardized testing facilities with 8 Trade Commission’s duties include pro- tion authorizing the transfer of two federally state-of-the-art labs to test for infectious moting fair competition through the en- owned airports, Washington National and diseases; standardized manufacturing proc- forcement of antitrust laws, preventing the Dulles, to a regional authority, accom- esses across each of its 38 blood regions; and dissemination of false and deceptive adver- plishing a de-federalization move that had established a Quality Assurance Program tising of goods, and investigating unfair been proposed eight times since 1948 and had that became a model for the blood banking business practices. never been voted out of committee in either industry. Seeing the commission as an opportunity Dole also led a massive four-year revital- to bring about lower prices for consumers, to the House or the Senate. The new Reagan National Airport and doubling the size of ization of Red Cross disaster relief services, ensure better quality goods and services, and establishing a National Disaster Operations to expand the choices available in a free, Dulles International were thereby accom- plished through revenue bonds, not federal Center open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year competitive marketplace, Commissioner to monitor ongoing disasters and impending Hanford’s (married Senator Bob Dole in 1975) taxpayer dollars. Leading effort for the reopening and rede- threats; increasing to twenty-one thousand priorities included consumer protections for velopment of Washington D.C.’s Union Sta- the number of those trained to handle na- women and the elderly. She held seminars tion, which had been closed for over five tional catastrophic disasters; and warehous- for women in business, and as the FTC en- years. Historic Union Station re-opened in ing equipment in areas likely to get hardest forced the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 1988, and now houses dozens of shops, res- hit. worked with Women in Radio and TV on ads taurants, and theaters, while also serving as Dole restructured and strengthened Armed explaining how women, for the first time, a major transportation center. Forces Emergency Services, which provided could get credit in their own name. Dole’s Selling government’s freight railroad, Con- an average of 4,000 emergency communica- work also included a comprehensive inves- rail, in the largest public offering of its kind tions a day and other assistance to members tigation of nursing homes and a number of to that date. of the Armed forces and their families. Her antitrust and consumer protection investiga- Overseeing a 10% increase in the number of 3–year modernization of AFES included the tions and enforcement actions. women in the Department of Transportation establishment of two centralized Case Man- 1981–1983: Assistant to the President for Public workforce, which had only 19% women in its agement Centers utilizing the latest tech- Liaison 100,000 workforce when Elizabeth became nology to replace 145 stations on military in- In January 1981, President Secretary. stallations. named Dole Assistant to the President, to 10-point initiative including rotational as- For the first time in its history, Red Cross head the White House Office of Public Liai- signments and career development programs chapters had to defend their charters, meet- son. In that position, Dole played a key role to assist talented women in moving up the ing high standards. Henceforth, they were re- in advancing the Reagan agenda to a wide ladder. quired to meet those high standards every number of constituent groups (for example, First woman to serve as departmental head five years in order to keep their charters. women, business, labor, religious commu- of a branch of the armed forces, U.S. Coast 10-point initiative to help qualified women nity, Hispanics and other ethics organiza- Guard. and minorities move up the ladder, such as tions) and to the American people. Dole was 1989–1990: Secretary, United States Department apprentices assigned to all senior managers. instrumental in the passage of the Prompt of Labor Throughout her tenure, Dole ensured that 91 cents of every dollar donated to the Amer- Pay Act of 1982, which required the govern- In January 1981, President George H.W. ican Red Cross was spent on programs and ment to pay vendors on time or pay an inter- Bush nominated and the Senate unani- est penalty. services. mously confirmed Dole to serve as Secretary Dole led humanitarian visits to disaster Dole also headed the White House Coordi- of the United States Department of Labor— nating Council on Women, charged with re- sites and war zones around the world, e.g. the first woman in history to serve in the Kuwait; Somalia; Goma, Congo. viewing government regulations to eliminate cabinet of two presidents. vestiges of discrimination, thereby increas- Dole’s priorities and accomplishments as 2003–2009; United States Senator from the State ing opportunities for women in government Secretary of Labor included the following: of North Carolina and in the country at large. The Council ad- Improving the skills of individuals enter- In November 2002, Dole was elected by the vocated legislation that would make it easi- ing the American workforce. This focus in- voters of North Carolina to serve in the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:11 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.002 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE December 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10961 United States Senate. Upon taking office in 110th Session of Congress. When it That would have been enough for January 2003, Dole became the first woman does, we will all return home to spend most people, the end of a remarkable in history to represent North Carolina in the time with our friends and families to career, a wonderful life in itself, but Senate. celebrate the holidays. We will also ELIZABETH was just getting started. In her six years in the Senate, Dole’s ac- complishments included: have a chance to meet with our con- When she left public life and entered Leading a successful effort to protect stituents as we prepare for the chal- the private sector, she then took up North Carolina’s military bases from closure lenges the New Year, a new administra- the reins as the President of the Amer- and adding additional jobs, for example 9000 tion and a new session of Congress will ican Red Cross. She was the first at Fort Bragg. bring. woman to hold the post since Clara Working to ensure a fair process that re- Before all of that occurs, we will say Barton, the organization’s founder held sulted in the basing of two F/A–18E/F Squad- goodbye to several of our colleagues it in 1881. It was a difficult job and a rons at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry who will be returning home at the end tremendous challenge, but she was Point, which brings more than 1,200 jobs and of the year. We will miss them and the more than up to the task. ELIZABETH an annual infusion of $40 million to the local economy. important presence they have been in took over a Red Cross in real financial Securing nearly $4 billion in funding for our lives and our work over the past trouble, but when she got through or- rural North Carolina and preventing thou- few years. One Senator I know we will ganizing and overhauling things, a sands of farm families from bankruptcy by all miss is ELIZABETH DOLE, the Sen- large deficit turned into enough cash achieving a tobacco quota buyout with no ator from North Carolina. on hand to provide the kind of assist- tax implications. It’s that time of year when we will be ance the Red Cross is known for in the Leading a bipartisan effort to extend fam- watching our traditional holiday film event of any local or national emer- ily and medical leave coverage to military favorites and one that certainly brings families. gency. Successfully working for a law that pro- ELIZABETH DOLE to mind is It’s A Won- ELIZABETH is probably one of Duke tects service members and their families derful Life. I don’t think anyone has University’s best known graduates. Her from predatory lenders. had a more exciting or interesting ca- North Carolina roots then brought her Successfully advocating since 2003 for a reer than ELIZABETH and certainly no back home to make a run for the Sen- strong world class regulator for Fannie Mae one has a more impressive or detailed ate. As she campaigned, the people lis- and Freddie Mac. resume than she does. tened to her and they liked what they Securing $57 million for hiring customs ELIZABETH has been a trailblazer heard. They decided that sending her agents focused solely on keeping illegal tex- throughout her life as she set out on a tiles out of the country. to Washington to represent them would Securing $350 million in federal funding for path to show others what was possible. be a good idea. The record shows they North Carolina transportation infrastructure Thanks to her, women of all ages were right. projects. across the country have a role model In the Senate, ELIZABETH has been at Authoring legislation that provided in- and a champion to look up to who has the forefront of efforts to ensure that creased grant funding to community colleges raised their sights as to what is pos- our workers will have the training they through the Higher Education Act. sible for them to achieve in their lives. will need to change careers and move Working with federal officials and sheriffs Looking back, ELIZABETH has been on on to better jobs in the current global across North Carolina’s 100 counties to de- the front lines of our national political economy. She had the insight to pro- liver the first in the nation statewide part- nership to apprehend, identify and remove scene for many years. She has broken pose legislation to provide grants to undocumented aliens who commit crimes. quite a few glass ceilings, too, as she small business owners so they could Helping to lead the effort to raise fuel has taken a position of leadership and get the training they would need to be economy standards for cars and light trucks worked in the administrations of five more competitive in the markets of in the 2007 energy bill to 35 miles per gallon Presidents. In the recent past she was today. by model year 2020, thereby saving 800,000 often mentioned as someone who would On the Banking Committee, ELIZA- barrels of oil per day in 2020 and nearly one make a good Presidential candidate BETH has been at the center of the ac- million barrels per day by 2021. herself. tion on the Nation’s financial prob- Becoming a national leader in the fight ELIZABETH really has lived a wonder- against hunger, through the adoption of a lems. She has played an important role farm bill that expanded funding for federal ful life. After her graduation from Har- in the effort to enact tougher regula- anti-hunger programs, and helping to secure vard Law School she was asked to tions to stop predatory lending and more than $400 million for the McGovern- serve as a consumer affairs aide to place tighter controls on government Dole International Food for Education and President Lyndon Johnson. She then sponsored mortgages. Child Nutrition Program. served under President Nixon, Presi- Clearly, ELIZABETH has compiled a Convincing the Office of National Drug dent Carter, President Ford and Presi- long list of achievements and accom- Control Policy to designate five counties in dent Reagan, who asked her to join his plishments in her life that would make North Carolina as part of its High Intensity administration. anyone proud. She has received a num- Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program. ELIZABETH set another precedent Helping to lead the effort to reauthorize ber of awards and recognitions for her the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS when she was appointed to serve as the tremendous efforts as a national polit- Relief at $48 billion, and $9 billion for preven- Secretary of the Department of Trans- ical figure. But, what is probably most tion of malaria and tuberculosis, thereby portation. She was the first woman important to her, is the fact that she preventing 12 million new HIV infections, ever to serve in that post. It was an- has blazed a trail for others to follow treating 3 million people living with HIV/ other opportunity for her to make a and by so doing she has inspired a new AIDS, and supporting care for 12 million peo- difference and she got right to work. generation of women of all ages to set ple living with HIV/AIDS. She increased automobile safety re- a higher standard for themselves and Handling 40,000 cases for North Carolina quirements, worked to raise the drink- what they think is possible for them to constituents who needed assistance with a federal agency. ing age to 21, imposed tougher security achieve. In the end, that may be her These are just the highlights and while she measures at our airports, and helped to greatest accomplishment of them all. did not always reach her goals, most of her make our cars safer. All of these This is only a small part of ELIZA- life has been filled with successes because of changes not only made our lives better, BETH’S story and there are many more her hard work, her faith, integrity and deter- but they also helped to save countless items on her record that are equally mination. Mitch, I’m proud of her record, as lives over the years. impressive. Together with her husband, you are of Elaine’s remarkable achieve- President George Herbert Bush then Bob Dole, she has been part of a re- ments, which included their work together asked her to serve as his Secretary of markable team and they have had a at the Department of Transportation. I be- Labor, a post that ELIZABETH would use profound influence on the Senate and lieve those who read this will be inspired to to help identify and erase the barriers set higher goals for themselves and will ac- the Nation on every level. complish a great deal more in their life- that were preventing women and mi- Diana and I will miss seeing ELIZA- times. norities from moving up the corporate BETH here in the Senate, but I have a God Bless America, ladder. She saw her service as an im- hunch she will be close by to keep an BOB.∑ portant opportunity to change things eye on us and to keep in touch. She has ∑ Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, the final and make life better for others, and had a remarkable career and a wonder- gavel will soon bring to a close the once again, she succeeded. ful life and we were very proud to be a

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.004 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 part of it. We enjoy her company, her firsthand, as it impacted women busi- All this time Elizabeth Dole was at his unique style, and most of all, we enjoy ness-owners, and was instrumental in side. But she became an important figure in her friendship. We don’t know what her championing our opposition to an egre- her own right. When Ronald W. Reagan was next adventure in her life will be, but gious SBA rule. elected President in 1980 Dole became Rea- gan’s liaison to conservatives, veterans and I say to ELIZABETH, all of us in the we will be watching with great interest others. Soon Reagan named her Secretary of as this exciting chapter comes to a Senate are going to miss her presence Transportation. By all accounts she did an close and she begins to write the next.∑ and contributions to this venerable admirable job. In the Administration of ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I rise to chamber—but as she is well aware, George H.W. Bush, Dole became Secretary of pay tribute to my longtime good friend there are 15 of us who are losing more Labor. She and Bob Dole became a power and colleague who, as one of 16 women than a friend and a colleague . . . but couple in D.C. Senators in the 110th Congress, has also a compatriot . . . and, yes, a kind When Senator Jesse Helms (R–NC) retired been a tremendous and cherished com- of sister-in-arms. We all have the sense after 40 years in the Senate, Elizabeth Dole of a bond born of serving together in ran for his seat. He campaigned for her. She patriot and an outstanding legislator, suggested she would vote like Helms and in- leader, and public servant. this institution as a minority of our deed she did. However, some North Caro- This Chamber was truly fortunate own. I recall having our dinners first at linians suggested that her constituent serv- and blessed to have someone of ELIZA- the Sewall-Belmont House, then the ices left much to be desired. And by all ac- BETH’S background, understanding, and Supreme Court, the Library of Con- counts she ran an inadequate re-election stature. A veteran of five administra- gress, and the last one we came full cir- campaign. tions, Senator DOLE, upon her arrival cle by dining in the U.S. Capitol. ELIZ- I watched with sadness as she questioned in the U.S. Senate in 2002, brought with ABETH, will certainly be missed. automobile manufacturers in the lame duck session of Congress. Soon she will have to her an impressive depth and breadth of Lastly, on a very personal note, I don’t think many of us will get com- pack up her office and head home. Her hus- experience even by Senate standards, band is now all but retired. This once-power- and a grace befitting her southern her- pletely used to a U.S. Senate without a ful couple is out of power. Dole is gracious itage combined with a tireless commit- Dole—and what an incalculable per- about her loss. One would hardly know she ment to uncompromising substance. sonal and combined service both ELIZA- had been defeated. Yet she leaves Wash- Having acquired both a masters and BETH DOLE and our esteemed and be- ington having accomplished much in her law degree from Harvard University, loved former majority leader, Bob service in the White House, the Transpor- Senator DOLE put the rigors of aca- Dole, have rendered to our country. So tation and Labor Departments and the demia to good use in the pursuit of on this occasion, as we celebrate the United States Senate. This is one fine lady, exceptional contributions of ELIZABETH the likes of whom we probably will not see in public service. She worked as a con- this town for many years.∑ sumer affairs aide to both President DOLE in the Senate and throughout her ∑ Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, Johnson and President Nixon and as a life, our warmest regards go out to her even before she came to the U.S. Sen- member of the Federal Trade Commis- and leader Dole, and we wish them ate, ELIZABETH DOLE was already a sion under President Ford and Presi- both nothing but the best for the fu- trailblazer and one of the most accom- dent Carter. And as a Member of Con- ture.∑ ∑ plished women in American history. gress, I well recall ELIZABETH in her Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask to have printed in the RECORD an arti- At a time when women who attended role as assistant for public liaison in prestigious colleges and universities the Reagan Administration—where she cle about Senator ELIZABETH DOLE, were rare, Senator DOLE received an served while I was in the U.S. House of who will be departing the Senate this year. She has been my seatmate, and, I undergraduate degree from Duke Uni- Representatives. And she broke new versity, as well as two degrees from ground as the first woman to serve as must say, she is my favorite in the en- tire Senate. A brilliant thinker, an in- Harvard University: a master’s degree U.S. Secretary of Transportation—a in education and government, and a post she held under President Reagan, credibly hard worker, gracious, a per- son of sincere faith who lives it every law degree. She was one of only 24 and then as Secretary of Labor under day, she has lifted the Senate to a women in her Harvard Law School President George H.W. Bush. class of 550. After ending her stellar executive higher level throughout her tenure and through many difficult times. Her She then began a public service ca- branch tenure, Senator DOLE assumed record of service, as Paul Weyrich reer that paved the way for millions of the helm of the American Red Cross in women who have admired and followed 1991. And who could forget her valiant notes, is truly extraordinary. Through- out her long and distinguished career, her. run in 1999 for the White House. As After serving as the Deputy Director ranking member on the Senate Com- her commitment to America has never been questioned. Her decency, experi- of the White House Office of Consumer mittee on Small Business and Entre- ence, and leadership qualities have Affairs in the Nixon administration, preneurship, I had the privilege of not blessed us all. She grew up in small ELIZABETH DOLE was appointed as a only serving with Senator DOLE, but town North Carolina and the values in- member of the Federal Trade Commis- also collaborating with her on issues stilled in her by family, church, and sion. affecting women in small business. To- school were never lost. I wish her every From 1981–83, she served in the gether, we saw an untapped capacity success in her future endeavors and am Reagan administration as assistant to that women business-owners clearly confident that in this next stage of her the President for Public Liaison. possess to contribute to this econ- life she will continue to contribute to From 1983–87, she served as Secretary omy—and we have worked tirelessly to the betterment of our nation. of Transportation, the first woman to remove unacceptable and regrettable The article follows. hold that position. impediments to receiving assistance [Townhall.com. Dec. 11, 2008] She joined the administration of and contracting opportunities from the A TRIBUTE TO SENATOR ELIZABETH H. DOLE President George H.W. Bush as Sec- Federal Government. (By Paul Weyrich) retary of Labor from 1989–90. In fact, we introduced legislation From 1991–98, ELIZABETH DOLE was which would amend the Small Business A good lady is about to leave Washington, D.C. after decades of public service. I refer to the President of the American Red Act to allow women-owned small busi- Senator Elizabeth Hanford Dole (R–NC), who Cross, the world’s largest humani- nesses to have a meaningful con- was defeated in her bid for re-election in the tarian organization. tracting program—one that would 2008 election. Dole married Senator Robert J. Finally, in 2002, she won election to apply to a broad array of business in- ‘‘Bob’’ Dole in 1975. President Gerald R. Ford the U.S. Senate from North Carolina. dustries across this Nation; and pre- named him his running mate after dumping As the senior Senator from the Tar vent the SBA from requiring agencies the unpopular Vice President, Nelson A. Heel State, ELIZABETH DOLE has fought to admit to past discrimination in Rockefeller. Dole was Majority Leader of the for lower taxes, choice in Social Secu- order to participate in the women’s Senate from 1985 to 1987, when Democrats re- gained control of the Senate and he became rity, and comprehensive energy reform. Federal contracting program. The fact Minority Leader. Dole remained the leader Senator DOLE, and her wonderful hus- is, our government is supposed to work of the Senate Republicans until he resigned band, former Senate Majority Leader for the people, not against them. Sen- his post to be the GOP Presidential nominee Bob Dole, have made a tremendous im- ator DOLE understood that basic tenet in 1996. pact on American history.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.005 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE December 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10963 I will miss working with Senator most notably, by his work to tackle a strong sense of right and wrong and ELIZABETH DOLE, and I wish her all the the problem of uninsured children. He his inner compass has helped to guide best.∑ offered an amendment that passed the him in the direction that he felt was GORDON SMITH Senate that provided for an increase in best for his State and the Nation. He is ∑ Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, we have Federal cigarette taxes to fund a pro- an individual blessed with a strong and come to the end of another legislative gram to cover some 6 million uninsured determined spirit who has a special session and we are all preparing to re- children who were eligible for but were place in his heart and his life for his turn home to celebrate the holidays not enrolled in State health insurance God and his country.∑ with our friends and families back programs or Medicaid. ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, today I home. As we close the books on the He fought for our children because wish to pay tribute to Senator GORDON 110th Session of Congress, it is good to GORDON understands full well that they SMITH, with whom I have had the privi- have this opportunity take a moment are our most important resource. If we lege of working throughout his 12 years to say goodbye to our colleagues who don’t provide them with affordable of service in the U.S. Senate. Gordon will not be with us when the gavel health care, a good education, and a has been a great friend to me as he has opens the next session of Congress. We supportive home environment that will to so many of us—but most impor- will miss them all. make it possible for them to be suc- tantly he has been a tremendous asset One Senator we will particularly cessful in school and later in life, then to the Senate, the Nation, and cer- miss when the next session of Congress nothing we do, no matter how well we tainly the great State of Oregon. begins is GORDON SMITH. GORDON is a do it will matter much in the long run. Since his election to the U.S. Senate remarkable representative of his home GORDON knew it would not be easy to in 1996, the people of Oregon have bene- State and he has been an important pass that amendment, but he was ready fited immeasurably from Senator voice for the people of Oregon during for a fight. He made it clear that if SMITH’s leadership. Throughout his his 12 years of service in the Senate. anything was worth fighting for, that service on numerous committees, in- I have enjoyed coming to know GOR- was it. It really was no wonder, there- cluding the Commerce and Finance DON and having a chance to work with fore, when he won a clear and decisive Committees where we have served to- him on several issues of concern to the victory—not for himself, but for those gether, Senator SMITH has been a cred- people of our States. During his serv- 6 million children who now have a it to this body and has left a positive ice, he has compiled a remarkable chance to live a happier and healthier and lasting mark—exemplified by his record of success that has earned him a life, thanks to GORDON SMITH. It’s an- tireless work on the State Children’s reputation for his ability to get things other proud chapter in his legislative Health Insurance Program, and the done in both the private and public sec- career—and it’s part of a legacy of leadership he took in defending the tor. service to the people of Oregon that Medicaid program from misguided GORDON and I have something in will never be forgotten. budget cuts. common—a love of numbers and the in- As I have come to know GORDON, I Above all else, Senator SMITH always tricacies of the law and how they im- have thought that he is a little like me perceived his responsibility as rep- pact the small businesses of our Na- because we both love to confound those resenting his country before his party. tion. We are both aware of the impor- in both parties who are surprised to see There is no doubt that as we move for- tance of the small business community us working so well with members on ward into next Congress, I, for one, will and the jobs they provide to the people both sides of the aisle. We have both miss his independent perspective. of this Nation. Without them our local, worked with TED KENNEDY and thanks Since 1992, when he won election to State and national economies would be to his willingness to help us pursue a the Oregon State Senate, Senator in even worse shape than they are right common agenda, we have both been SMITH has devoted his life to public now. With them, there is great hope able to make progress on the issues service—and his integrity and dedica- and confidence that we will be able to that concern us and the people back tion to the finest ideals of service find a solution to the economic prob- home. make him a role model for all Ameri- lems facing our country. In the months to come, I believe we cans. Few who have held the position GORDON knows something about run- will most remember GORDON for the of U.S. Senator have been able to com- ning a small business from the days he way he faced the personal tragedy of bine his candor, civility, aptitude, and spent trying to revive the frozen vege- losing a son. I can only imagine the absolute dedication to the public good table processing company that had pain that comes with such a loss. GOR- that have allowed him to be such an ef- been in his family’s hands. Because of DON handled that time in his life with fective, bipartisan Member of the Sen- the strength of his will, his determina- great strength and shared his experi- ate. tion to succeed, and his commitment ence with us, not to draw attention to What many may not understand is to excellence, he was able to produce himself, but because he knew that ‘‘his the camaraderie that we build with our amazing results. He took what had having been there’’ would enable him fellow Members of the Senate. We been an unprofitable business and to reach out to help those who might spend aggregate months each year sep- turned it into one of the largest frozen be facing a similar struggle in the lives arated from our homes, families, and food companies in the United States. of their own families. friends and in doing so, each of us be- His incredible ride to the top earned As he began to heal from that painful comes a part of an extended family. So him a place in the Frozen Food Indus- wound, he took that personal tragedy it was the most acute and profound try Hall of Fame. and gave it added meaning by working sadness that we all felt in our hearts It also earned him a spot on the Sen- to pass a suicide prevention bill that upon the loss in 2003 of GORDON’s son, ate Finance Committee, where he has now bears his son’s name. It was an- Garrett Lee. And having read Senator worked tirelessly to protect the small other battle he fought because it was SMITH’s book, Remembering Garrett, businesses of our Nation. His business the right thing to do. He took up the One Family’s Battle with a Child’s De- sense and the practical experience he cause because he believed in it with all pression, I still find it almost unimagi- had of meeting a payroll and planning his heart. As a result, the Garrett Lee nable the grace and courage he dis- a budget helped him to master all of Smith Memorial Act will forever serve played in continuing his work during the details of our tax policy. He has an as a loving testament of a father to the the most difficult of times after Gar- uncanny sense and a profound under- life of his son. It will encourage us all rett’s tragic passing. standing of what works and what to reach out to those facing similar As a testament to his humble nature, doesn’t—and why. Fortunately, he has problems so they can receive the help Senator SMITH turned from his own been at the right place at the right and support they need to go on with loss to help others. And he forged a re- time and has known what to do to fix their lives. markable and indelible legacy for his things and right our country’s eco- I have always known GORDON to be a son with the Garrett Lee Smith Memo- nomic ship. man of great spiritual strength, a rial Act—legislation to which Senator GORDON’s commitment to our fami- former Mormon bishop who has deep SMITH has dedicated his life. This act, lies has shown itself in many ways, personal and moral convictions. He has which the President signed into law on

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:11 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.007 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 October 21, 2004, authorized $82 million just that. GORDON never shied away In fact, in the 110th Congress, we—as for suicide-prevention and awareness from the controversial issues and often part of both the New Hampshire and programs, and represented just the went against the majority position of Maine delegations—working with the first step Senator SMITH has taken to his own party. Every time he did so he Kittery-Portsmouth community, union help prevent other families from hav- articulated in a very professional way leaders, and Captain Mazzone and his ing to experience what his has endured. his reason why he was voting and the world-class team—fought vigorously Ou Government is supposed to work way he did. This always takes courage and successfully to secure $20.7 million for the people, and few individuals dur- and conviction, and GORDON SMITH pos- in full funding for the construction of ing my tenure in public service have sesses both. the Waterfront Support Facility at exemplified this truism more so than I will always admire GORDON’s faith, drydock #3—and $9.9 million for the Senator SMITH. In the Senate, GORDON which allowed him to survive personal first phase of a new Consolidated Glob- never allowed a party label to deter- tragedy as well as deal with the day-to- al Submarine Component Facility. As a mine who he works with on critical day decisions of the Senate. much-admired, ‘‘best in Navy perform- legislation affecting our Nation. He Senator GORDON SMITH is one of ance’’ shipyard that delivers the best had the skill to work across the aisle those Members who makes serving in work consistently on time and under with intelligence and grace, and most the Senate a pleasure. I will miss his budget, Kittery-Portsmouth Naval counsel, his advice, and his friendship. of all, his highest priority was his con- Shipyard—the oldest naval shipyard in God speed to he, Sharon, and their fam- stituents in Oregon. Whether he was the Nation—unquestionably deserved ily.∑ fighting for transit funding in urban no less. Portland or assistance in coastal fish- JOHN SUNUNU When it comes to the life or death ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, today I ing communities and rural timber matter of LIHEAP, since coming to wish to pay tribute to Senator JOHN Congress in 1997, JOHN has, time and towns, GORDON always knew where his SUNUNU, an outstanding public servant roots were, and he was invariably an again, battled on behalf of thousands of and fellow New Englander whose com- eloquent champion for those issues families in New Hampshire who require mon-sense approach to governance and that truly mattered for the people of fuel assistance to stay warm in their dedication to problem-solving have Oregon. homes during the winter months. Sen- well-served both his constituents of the ator SUNUNU was a stalwart addition to GORDON, we thank you, we will miss Granite State of New Hampshire as you, and please know that you have the chorus of those championing well as his country. LIHEAP from New England and other left a positive and indelible mark on It is impossible not to like and re- the Senate. All the best to you, Shar- affected regions around the country. spect someone of Senator SUNUNU’s tre- Although there are truly serious sub- on, and your entire family for the fu- mendous affability and enormous capa- jects of public policy that bind us as ture.∑ bility. Personable and analytical, JOHN New Englanders, nothing brings us to- ∑ Mrs. HUTCHISON. GORDON SMITH has brought to the U.S. Senate what he ex- gether more than our beloved Boston served the people of Oregon extremely hibited during his accomplished tenure Red Sox. And I dare say, one of JOHN’s well. in the U.S. House—a welcomed engi- fondest memories over the last 6 years Before coming to the U.S. Senate, he neer’s perspective. So, we are losing likely has nothing to do with the U.S. served as director of the family-owned more than a colleague of undeniable Senate and everything to do with being Smith frozen foods company in Weston, skill and integrity—we are going to from New England and a Red Sox fan— Oregon, where he created jobs and miss his vital and refreshing contribu- as Boston won not one but two World spurred economic growth. tion to this Chamber’s national con- Series Championships, shattering the GORDON SMITH entered politics with versation. much-ballyhooed curse for good. his election to the Oregon State Senate And so, let me just say, it’s been my In the end, Mr. President, the true in 1992, and he became president of that good fortune to serve with JOHN on the measure of a person is not making a body in 1995. Senate Committee on Commerce, living by what you get—but rather by Since winning election to the U.S. Science, and Transportation—specifi- what you give, and JOHN SUNUNU, dur- Senate in 1996, Senator SMITH has cally, the Subcommittee on Oceans, ing his entire time in Congress, has worked with his colleagues on both Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast given his State of New Hampshire re- sides of the aisle on critical issues. Guard as ranking member, and the markable public service worthy of its Senator SMITH chaired the Special Senate Committee on Finance. venerable heritage. By entering the Committee on Aging, and he also Particularly, as a member of the family business of politics, JOHN has served on the following Senate com- Ocean’s Subcommittee, and former indeed been a steward of the country’s mittees: Commerce, Science and Trans- chair of the Subcommittee on the Na- business, and we, and his State of New portation, Energy and Natural Re- tional Ocean Policy Study, Senator Hampshire, owe him a debt of great sources, Finance, and Indian Affairs. SUNUNU advocated for New England’s thanks.∑ Senator SMITH has also courageously fishermen and fishing communities ∑ Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, soon the used family tragedy as a way to edu- through several difficult years. More- gavel will bring to a close the 110th cate and encourage Americans on a over, as Maine’s groundfishery contin- Congress and we will say goodbye to very important subject: suicide preven- ued to suffer under ever more stringent several good friends who will be leav- tion for young men and women. catch limits, and our lobster industry ing the Senate and returning to their In 2004, I was so proud when Presi- faced increasingly strict regulations, home States. We will miss them all. dent Bush signed the Garrett Lee JOHN’s help was instrumental in keep- JOHN SUNUNU will be heading home at Smith Memorial Act, authorizing $82 ing these issues at the fore and pro- the end of the current session and I million for suicide-prevention and tecting one of our region’s and our Na- know I will miss him when the next awareness programs at colleges. tion’s most historic professions. For session of Congress is called to order on Senator SMITH also distinguished his tireless leadership on these crucial the Senate floor. I have enjoyed having himself by championing rural Orego- issues, we are forever grateful. an opportunity to come to know him nians, including the many farmers and On two additional topics that are during his service in the Senate and on ranchers throughout the mountains also profoundly critical not only to my the Senate Banking Committee. He has and lake areas of his beautiful State. State of Maine, but also to the entire always impressed me with his knowl- I thank GORDON SMITH for his dedica- New England region—the vitality of edge of the intricacies of our Federal tion and service, and I wish him well.∑ Kittery-Portsmouth Naval Shipyard mortgage system. It is clear he has al- ∑ Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I and the protection of the pivotal Low ways had the tools and the talent to be too wish speak of my good friend, Sen- Income Home Energy Assistance Pro- an effective representative for the peo- ator GORDON SMITH of Oregon. Senator gram or LIHEAP, JOHN and I have been ple of his State and he has always been SMITH came to the Senate for all the vigilant, working hand-in glove to en- a strong and effective voice for the peo- right reasons, most importantly to rep- sure the continued viability of these ple of New Hampshire. resent the people who elected him and indispensable mainstays of our neigh- JOHN learned about politics and pub- he has done an outstanding job of doing boring States. lic service at a young age as he

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.014 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE December 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10965 watched both of his parents pursue the folks back home. His long list of Senator SUNUNU is also a man of their careers in their chosen fields. achievements on this and many other heart. JOHN’s mother was a school board issues will be his legacy, a record of I will never forget that in July 2005, member, which explains his aptitude which he can be very proud. to show solidarity with Senator SPEC- for science and math. He soon turned In the years to come, I will remember TER, who had lost his hair due to chem- his talent for numbers into a degree JOHN for his unique sense of style, his otherapy, Senator SUNUNU shaved his from the Massachusetts Institute of determination to get things done for head. Technology and his interest in business his state, and his willingness to stand Since he is still a young man at the into a degree from Harvard. up for those things he believed in with age of 44, I suspect that we will be As the old adage says so well, he that remarkable intellect of his. He’s hearing a lot more from JOHN SUNUNU comes from good stock and a great po- not just a smart guy. There are a lot of in the years to come. litical family. His father served as the very gifted individuals who knew what I wish him well in his future endeav- ∑ Governor of New Hampshire and later had to be done but could just never do ors. ∑ Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, Maine as President Bush’s Chief of Staff. He it. JOHN is a thoughtful man of action learned a great deal from his father who has an in-depth understanding of and New Hampshire have much in com- about politics and what mattered to the problems that face the Nation and mon. When JOHN SUNUNU came to the Senate six years ago, I immediately the people of his home State as he a unique insight into what will work saw in him those traits shared by the traveled around New Hampshire with and what won’t. Simply put, JOHN people of our two States: a strong work his dad. He then put those lessons into knows how to make the right things ethic combined with a great sense of practice when he made his own run for happen. humor, traditional values balanced by office. Now JOHN and Kitty will be returning a spirit of innovation, and fiscal pru- JOHN’s initial run for the House led home to New Hampshire to begin some dence always tempered by compassion. to three successful terms. He then new and exciting chapter in their lives. He quickly became not only a valued launched a successful campaign for the I don’t know what they will decide to colleague but also a trusted friend. Senate. do, but I do know that JOHN will stay JOHN’s extraordinary intellect, wis- As soon as he arrived, he made it active and involved in the issues that dom, and experience belied his young clear he was going to follow his own concern him that carried him to Wash- age and benefited this chamber and Na- path and he had his own way of doing ington for these past 12 years to serve tion. His upbringing in a family de- things. He had spent years working in the House and the Senate. He would voted to public service, his education with the people of his home State and be the first to tell you that it has been in science, engineering, and business, he had a clear view of those issues that a pleasure and an honor to work for the and his experience in the House of Rep- were of great concern to them. people of New Hampshire, and I am cer- resentatives made him a veteran from When he was asked, he had a ready tain we haven’t heard the last from day one. His ability to analyze chal- explanation for the reason why he had him. For my part, I appreciate all his lenges and devise creative solutions such a unique perspective on things. It help on the issues we worked on to- made him an esteemed colleague. was all due, he would say, to his long gether, but most of all, I appreciate his In the best tradition of the Senate, New Hampshire roots. He knew that friendship and his willingness to play JOHN brought his knowledge and expe- the people of New Hampshire are such an important part in the history rience to bear on some of the most known for their independence and they of New Hampshire and the United pressing issues we face. In technology, have a long tradition of great respect States. He can be very proud of the dif- he has been a leader committed to for the rights and freedoms of this ference he has made. He has been a growth and advancement. He has been country. That, he would say, has drawn good and effective Senator and the peo- a devoted advocate for special edu- my focus and sparked my interest in ple of New Hampshire will always be cation and rural health care. He has these issues. proud of him and that they had the been a strong voice for our forest prod- JOHN has been a welcome and spirited good sense to send him to Wash- ucts industry and for a sound energy presence on the Senate Commerce, ington.∑ policy that would reduce our dangerous Science and Transportation Com- ∑ Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I reliance on foreign oil. mittee. His educational background have really enjoyed working with JOHN It has been an honor to work with has helped him to stay on top of the SUNUNU. him on the Homeland Security Com- latest technological advances and de- JOHN SUNUNU grew up in Salem, NH, mittee. His diligence and commitment velopments and that has helped him in and is one of eight children. He was have helped make America safer. His the effort to keep our regulations on first introduced to public service at a tireless leadership to reform the Pa- the latest technologies up to date, cur- young age, when his mother served as triot Act demonstrated his unwavering rent and effective. chairman of the local school board. commitment to safeguard the civil lib- Yogi Berra used to say that you can JOHN attended public schools, grad- erties Americans cherish. observe a lot just by watching. I hope uated from Salem High School, and re- In addition to his leadership on na- JOHN will forgive me for quoting the ceived bachelor’s and master’s degrees tional issues like the Patriot Act and words of a Yankee legend to a Red Sox in mechanical engineering from the tax policy, JOHN has been an effective fan, but as I have watched him in ac- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. advocate for projects of special concern tion, it is clear from his style that he JOHN also earned a master’s degree in to New Hampshire, whether it is low- has a bit of Wyoming in him. Never one business administration from the Har- income heating assistance and weath- to look for opportunities to speak to vard Graduate School of Business. erization programs or the Portsmouth the press or make lengthy speeches to JOHN SUNUNU first ran for public of- Naval Shipyard. We recently worked get noticed, JOHN has always been fo- fice in 1996, winning election in New closely together with our two col- cused on what he could do that would Hampshire’s 1st District and serving leagues to secure $20 billion for the help to get things done. In my home three terms in the U.S. House. shipyard’s new dry dock to help secure State we like to say that you can get In 2002, JOHN defeated both an incum- its future. anything done if you don’t care who bent Senator and an incumbent Gov- Above all, Senator JOHN SUNUNU has gets the credit. John is like that. He ernor to become the youngest member distinguished himself as a champion of has been working to get things done for of the U.S. Senate. good government. He is an independent New Hampshire and he has earned the As a Senator, JOHN distinguished thinker who stands up—always—for credit he has received back home. himself as an innovative legislator, what he believes to be right for New One of the issues that has always bringing his extensive background in Hampshire and right for our country. drawn JOHN’s interest has been the en- science, engineering, and small busi- He has a sharp eye for wasteful spend- vironment, especially the quality of ness to his work in Washington. ing and is a resolute fighter for fiscal our air. It is a sensitive issue for him, Senator SUNUNU has been a staunch responsibility. and he has always shown himself up to advocate for low taxes, smarter regula- It has been an honor to serve with the task of fighting for cleaner air for tion, and civil liberties. JOHN, and I wish him and his family all

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:11 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.017 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 the best. I will miss serving with him tions of our work on that budget reso- role in championing the 2005 Energy day to day, but I know that he will lution, along with our strong bipar- Policy Act. And while we had some dif- continue to accomplish a great deal.∑ tisan 92 to 8 victory on the 1997 Bal- ferences on policy, once again, true to PETE DOMENICI anced Budget Act, represent a historic his relentless work ethic, his can-do ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I rise template for how this institution tack- optimism, and dogged determination, today to honor an undeniable, univer- les budgetary issues today and likely what was most conspicuously vital and sally-acknowledged legend of the U.S. will in the future. on display was Senator DOMENICI’s Senate, an outstanding public servant However, what has resonated the pragmatism in crafting this legisla- who has been a legislative master of most through the years—and what is tion. this institution and its most labyrin- certainly one of the crowning hall- Advancing this measure required thine but pivotal and influential proce- marks of his monumental legacy—is Senator DOMENICI to compromise with dures, and a U.S. Senator who, with how PETE reminded us that the Senate his own colleague from New Mexico, passion and verve, brilliantly grasped can indeed achieve resolution by bridg- Senator BINGAMAN. Yet they sought, the complex nuances of legislation ing the partisan divide and forsaking found, and maximized the common de- without losing the broader perspective polarizing acrimony in favor of sub- nominators that would, in the end, driving the national issues of the day. stantive action advancing the public allow this bill to be signed into law. It I am referring, of course, to the Senior good. stands as an enduring testament to Senator from New Mexico, PETE Senator DOMENICI brought this same Senator DOMENICI that the final energy DOMENICI. constancy of purpose and tireless com- bill in 2005 passed with 71 votes, and In his 36 years serving the people of mitment to the common good to his Congress took a serious step forward in New Mexico in this venerable institu- advocacy for mental health parity in addressing our energy crisis. tion, Senator DOMENICI embraced and healthcare coverage. Vigorously work- Time and again, Senator DOMENICI confronted the most difficult or con- ing across the aisle with Senators has placed legislative performance sequential of matters regardless of op- Wellstone and KENNEDY, Senator above political posturing, and a desire position or the complexity of the sub- DOMENICI demonstrated that building for concrete results above the din of ject. Indeed, Mr. President, as our bipartisan coalitions based on common discord and rancor. And in the process, country faces myriad challenges, it is objectives and good will were not only Senator DOMENICI leaves a formidable with a heavy heart that we lose not possible but fundamental to creating legacy of establishing the standard for only an exceptional colleague and good policy. facilitating the budget process, pro- friend to many of us, but one of the As Senator DOMENICI made his com- viding mental health parity for mil- Senate’s finest legislators. pelling case against the inequality of lions of Americans, and forging a crit- I had the distinct privilege of wit- mental healthcare to the White House ical first step toward altering the nessing PETE DOMENICI’s sterling lead- and to each Member of the Senate, his course of our long-dormant energy pol- ership and political acumen firsthand personal history with the disease was icy. when he chaired the Senate Committee conveyed in a manner that could not For well more than three decades, on the Budget from 1995 to 2002 in three have been more poignant and powerful. this institution has been blessed to successive Congresses. Having been a The story of Clare, Senator DOMENICI’s have among our ranks one of the giant member on the House Budget Com- daughter, mirrors that of millions of legislators of his generation and our mittee, I can tell you that serving on Americans afflicted with a mental time, and we will miss you PETE and the Senate Budget Committee during health disorder, and Senator DOMENICI all you brought to the Senate, to pub- PETE’s chairmanship represented a courageously recognized that he was lic service, and to the people of New magnificent opportunity for a fresh- uniquely positioned to help shepherd Mexico. As the son of Italian immi- man Senator—not to mention the fact the message that health care coverage grants, who worked in your father’s that PETE empathized with me as he should not financially discriminate on whole grocery business, and who would had been offered a seat on the com- the basis of this disease. later become a minor baseball pitcher, mittee as a freshman Senator as well. Although Senator Wellstone charac- math teacher, lawyer, and then a leg- Although PETE was quoted as saying terized his partnership with Senator endary Senator—you truly exemplify that he joined the committee in 1973 DOMENICI as, ‘‘an odd couple,’’ where the very best of the American story ‘‘because it was available to me as a their political philosophies diverged, and dream. To Nancy and the entire freshman, when other committees were there common allegiance to making a DOMENICI family, thank you for sharing not,’’ history will show that the Senate difference paved the way for enormous PETE with us and our country. We are Budget Committee, the U.S. Senate, strides that engendered an effective all the better for knowing him, work- and the country were all well-served bond. And with stately leadership, Sen- ing with him, and calling him our col- because of PETE DOMENICI’s undaunted ator DOMENICI and Senator KENNEDY league and friend. command of the budget process and the rallied the Senate, which at that point JOHN WARNER esteem and respect with which he was had mourned the tragic loss of Senator Mr. President, I rise today to pay held by his colleagues. Wellstone, to action, passing the Men- tribute to my good friend and col- As I joined the Senate Budget Com- tal Health Parity Act which the Presi- league, a true giant of this institution, mittee in 1995 with Chairman DOMENICI dent signed into law. Once again, Mr. and a consummate public servant, the at the helm, we worked hand-and-glove President, Senator DOMENICI con- gentleman—and I use that term with to reprioritize our Federal budget, in- founded the status quo and fought for every fiber of the true definition of the still greater fiscal discipline, and pass meaningful change. word—the gentleman from Virginia, a balanced budget for the first time in I believe we ought to have more, not Senator JOHN WARNER. 26 years. Success was going to require fewer, ‘‘odd couples’’ and alliances in Mr. President, in delivering these re- dedication and pragmatism or in the Senate, given that compromise and marks, and most especially in consid- PETE’s words, ‘‘guts.’’ conciliation are the true and necessary ering Senator WARNER’s impending re- I well recall standing on the floor of lifelines to achieving real results. To tirement from the Senate, I have cho- the Senate as we were debating the that end, my hope is that the Domen- sen not to focus on the tremendous loss budget resolution, and, referencing ici-Wellstone-Kennedy example will to this body that will occur with Winston Churchill’s famous remark, I constitute a model for generations to JOHN’s departure—though the dimen- said, ‘‘I feel we finally have reached the come of bipartisanship and comity. sion of that loss is indisputably monu- ‘end of the beginning’ of what I hope And I couldn’t have been more pleased, mental. Rather, I prefer to recall the will eventually be known as the first having been a longtime leader on this incalculable contributions JOHN has seven-year budget to reach a balance in issue myself, to work in accord with made to enhancing this institution over a generation.’’ And the force be- Senator DOMENICI in bringing this mat- since his arrival here nearly 30 years hind that legislative and budgetary ter to fruition in the 110th Congress. ago—and his unparalleled commitment milestone was the Senator we honor Lastly, I cannot help but applaud to the state and the Nation he has today, PETE DOMENICI. The ramifica- Senator DOMENICI for his indispensable served so honorably and so well.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.019 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE December 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10967 JOHN and I both came to the Congress late Senator John Chafee served as tion—and embodied the best traditions at the same time—albeit to different Secretary. And might I just say as an of the Senate. And JOHN WARNER was chambers. I had long been familiar aside, what an extraordinary duo would instrumental in standing up and lead- with Senator WARNER’s outstanding come out of the Pentagon to subse- ing that charge—once again, lending reputation as a man of strength, char- quently serve side-by-side in the the gravity of his standing in the Sen- acter, knowledge and integrity from United States Senate. And like John ate to advance that crucial cause. my days in the House. And it didn’t Chafee, JOHN WARNER earned the un- So when I think of JOHN WARNER, I take long for me to find out why when wavering respect of our military men think of an embodiment of what our I joined him in the Senate. and women because of his unflagging forefathers quite likely had in mind Among many memories is my service respect for each and every one of them. when they envisioned a U.S. Senator. on the Senate Armed Services Com- Certainly, Senator WARNER has al- Someone who is learned, who is delib- mittee as Chair of the Seapower Sub- ways had unlimited enthusiasm and erative, who is compassionate, who is committee under JOHN’s leadership as commitment for the men and women of considered, who is experienced, who is chairman—and the command and the the Navy and Marine Corps. In fact, I reasoned and measured in approach— focus and the vision that he brought to understand that, in a time before there but who is most undeniably unafraid to that critical panel. I can tell you, with were elevators and escalators in the act decisively when circumstances de- his long service on the committee—and Pentagon, he was known for quite lit- mand. of course as a former Secretary of the erally bounding up the steps ‘‘two by That is the caliber of the man to Navy, there wasn’t anyone who in- two’’ in the mornings, and that he did whom this institution is about to bid stilled greater confidence when it came so every morning to get to his office to farewell. And as we do so, I also cannot to meeting the challenges of limited serve the officers, sailors, and Marines help but recall the proud tradition of defense dollars and the reality of that for whom he cared so much. extraordinary thinkers and leaders post-Cold War period than JOHN WAR- I am certain it is that very spirit that the great Commonwealth of Vir- NER. that explains why he is so beloved by ginia has produced over centuries—the I certainly well recall that at a time our members of the armed forces of the ranks of which JOHN WARNER is most when our foreign policy had quite United States. I am certain it is also unquestionably fit to occupy. What a frankly made our Navy into America’s that spirit that’s made him so beloved credit he has been to his State, what a ‘‘Emergency 9–1–1’’ force, with a 331 by members of this United States Sen- legacy he contributes to Virginia, and percent increase in contingency oper- ate. certainly to America. The people of ations at that time from the previous It’s a spirit not only of ‘‘can do’’, but Virginia could not have asked for a ten years, at a time when the branches of ‘‘must do’’. It’s an honor-bound dedi- more eloquent and powerful voice in of the services weren’t meeting their cation to the notion that we all have a the U.S. Senate—and it was a powerful recruitment goals and the Air Force sworn duty to our constitution and to voice not for the brashness of its vol- and Navy were woefully short of pilots, our country to leave a better nation for ume or tone, but because of the credi- at a time when China was continuing having acted in our country’s best in- bility and thoughtfulness behind the to make quantum leaps in military terests. words and thoughts that voice deliv- technology, Senator WARNER’s exper- It’s a quality we witnessed once ered. tise and leadership didn’t arrive a mo- again during historic debates on our Quite simply, he is truly one of the ment to soon. course in our war in Iraq. Senator best—deeply respected, highly re- I remember an instance when he WARNER consistently brought to bear garded, a principled, independent- called our allies to account on his credibility, his gravitas, and his ex- minded voice of reason. He is what we Kosovo—when he saw that our Euro- perience to elevate the Senate’s delib- need more of in government. And he pean partners had deployed only 722 of erations and rise above the din of par- sets an example for us all. the 1,264 policemen they had promised tisanship. What JOHN WARNER said on He has also been a great friend to to provide as part of the Kosovo Police the matter of Iraq—or on any military me—as he has to so many of us. I will Force, he held them to their commit- issue of vital import—carried the miss the firmness and sincerity of his ment. He exposed that inequity and weight of an intellect pledged solely to warm ‘‘hellos’’. I will miss running into thanks to his hand at the helm they the concept and pursuit of doing what him in the hallways, on the Senate began to change their course. is right. subway, on this floor. I will miss his in- From day one as chairman, Senator And at no time was JOHN’s sense of stitutional wisdom and depth and WARNER was relentless in scrutinizing the greater good more evident than in breadth on the issues. I will miss his existing defense programs as well as ar- JOHN’s leadership in the so-called kindness and comradery. And, I imag- ticulating a vision for the future. And ‘‘Gang of 14’’—at a crossroads when the ine, there are 98 others in this Chamber no where was that more in evidence— very institution of the Senate was who feel likewise. or more prescient, for that matter, caught in the cross-hairs of a struggle So let me just say, farewell, JOHN than when he created the Emerging over judicial nominations. As we re- WARNER. And while none of us want to Threats Subcommittee, to address ev- call, at the time, the repeated, sys- see you go, there is certainly unani- erything from cyberterrorism to ter- temic filibuster of the President’s mous consent that—as you yield the rorist threats here at home. nominees had been a corrosive force on floor for the final time—no one is more Indeed, as I said at an event at the the Senate. At the same time, the re- deserving of this time to now spend time, ‘‘the fact is, since Soviet power peated, systematic filibuster of the with your family, your friends, and has receded from the heart of Europe, President’s nominees had been a corro- with whatever personal pursuit you the United States faces more region- sive force on the Senate. At the same may choose—than you, JOHN, as a pub- ally diverse and unpredictable chal- time, exercising the so-called ‘‘nuclear lic servant of so many years, a public lenges to its national security than option’’—that would have jettisoned servant of great accomplishment, and a ever before. And JOHN knew we must be the traditional rules governing these public servant of such positive and in- prepared to respond.’’ Well, that was nominations—would truly have had delible consequence to the Senate, and and is the JOHN WARNER I know—al- longstanding consequences for the fu- to America.∑ ways looking ahead, always antici- ture of the Senate. ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, it has pating the next challenge, and always But we set aside partisan differences been one of my great honors to serve working to meet those challenges head to help forge consensus to safeguard a with one of the most distinguished on. body constituted to be neither a rubber Senators in our body, Senator JOHN And above all else, no one, no one, is stamp nor a personalized veto. Just WARNER of Virginia. A man of great more concerned about the welfare and when we were about to cross a political wisdom, a man committed to the coun- well-being of our brave men and women Rubicon, this watershed compromise try that he has served for many dec- in uniform than JOHN WARNER. embraced and preserved the essence of ades in a host of important positions. Interestingly, Senator WARNER was our Founding Fathers’ vision to JOHN WARNER has never failed his Na- Undersecretary of the Navy while the achieve results through accommoda- tion. In addition to his knowledge and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:11 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.021 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 judgment which I so deeply respect and He was always heading back home Alaska is perhaps best known for its have so often followed, he is a true de- whenever it was possible to keep in towering spectacular and imposing light to be with and has the rare colle- touch with the people of his State and mountains that seem to rise dramati- gial skills to bring highly intelligent let them know what he was doing on cally right out of the ocean. It is the and committed Senators together for their behalf in Washington. perfect backdrop for TED STEVENS who the common good. As chairman of the TED has an affection for super heroes is a man to match their mountains. Armed Services Committee, as its and that is no surprise because TED is TED is a landmark of service and he has ranking member and in the last 2 years one. He may not be able to leap tall achieved a mountain of results for the as its de facto ranking member he has buildings in a single bound, but he was people of his State. continued his record of superb service. able to make sure that the needs of his As I have come to know TED I have We have gone through many difficult constituents were heard and addressed become very aware of the truth of the times and without his leadership I unlike any other Senator for his entire old adage that it isn’t the number of don’t see how we could have worked Senate career. The people of Alaska years in your life that determines who our way through some of our Nation’s watched TED hard at work in Wash- you are, it is the amount of life in your great challenges. ington and they liked what they saw. It years. For his entire Senate career, JOHN WARNER is a product of the isn’t any wonder that the folks back TED has kept up an incredible pace and heart of Virginia. Our affectionate title home call him not Senator STEVENS he has the results to show for it. He of ‘‘squire’’ reflects the recognition of but Uncle TED. just celebrated his birthday and I can When TED returns home, Alaska will his Virginia heritage and style. Among say that he is a very young 85 years of have lost a powerful force in the Sen- other good qualities no one is more de- age. ate. He is not only his State’s greatest lightful to travel with than JOHN WAR- He won’t mind my mentioning his fighter, but he is also Alaska’s best NER. I cherish the opportunity to have age. He’s proud of it. He’s earned every ambassador. He loves his State and he listened to many of his stories both hu- year of it and he certainly hasn’t been loves showing it off whenever he can. morous and insightful. He is a walking taking it easy. At a time in his life Many of us have had a chance to enjoy student of American history. I urged when most people his age are sitting a wonderful dose of his special brand of him to seek reelection but he chose not back and relaxing, TED has been fight- Alaskan hospitality when we have had to. He will be greatly missed. My best ing here in Washington to protect their a chance to take a trip to visit that re- wishes go with him and his wife benefits, keep their taxes under con- ∑ markable land up north. Jeanne. I love fishing and hunting and all the trol, and reduce Federal spending so ∑ Mr. CHAMBLISS. I wish to speak of activities that are possible in the great that they could have the peace of mind the retirement from the Senate of my outdoors. So, for me, it was a special that comes from knowing that things friend Senator JOHN WARNER. Senator pleasure to be in Alaska and have a are in good hands—TED’s hands. WARNER is the quintessential Virginia TED and I get along so well because chance to take part in TED’s Kenai Gentleman. He is gifted of speech, Tournament. Alaska is a magical place in a lot of ways, Wyoming is a lot like courteous, possesses courage and con- and the fishing and the scenery there is Alaska, and that often puts TED and viction, and is a defender of freedom second only to Wyoming. More impor- me on the same side on a lot of issues. and the Senator most committed to tantly, the Kenai Tournament is more We both understand the needs of rural the protection of our men and women than a social occasion or a chance to America, and we both know how impor- in uniform as well as their families. It get in some great fishing during a tant it is to see that those needs are has been my privilege to serve with break. It has a much more important met. Senator WARNER on the Armed Serv- purpose. The tournament was created His determination to serve the people ices Committee. His leadership as to help raise the funds that are needed back home was most evident when he Chairman was superb. His commitment to restore and improve the habitat of took aim at keeping universal phone to protecting America and Americans the salmon in Alaska and over the service in operation. He knew how im- is unparalleled. years it has done a remarkable job of portant phone service is to people, es- From his days in the U.S. Navy to his both protecting and helping to promote pecially those in isolated areas. For years as Secretary of the Navy to his the wonders of his home State. them, a phone is more than just an in- years in the U.S. Senate, JOHN WARNER It might surprise some people to strument they can use to keep in touch has provided the kind of service and learn how much TED loves the environ- with others. For those in remote re- leadership that Virginians and Ameri- ment of his State and how concerned gions, a phone is their lifeline. It helps cans appreciate and respect. he is that it continues to be preserved to provide them with the peace of mind I will miss JOHN WARNER but cer- for future generations to enjoy. It’s a that comes from knowing they can tainly wish him and Jeanne Godspeed cause that TED has worked on as he place a call and report an emergency as they continue life’s journey.∑ dealt with all of us in working to pass whenever they are facing a life threat- TED STEVENS bills that would help to keep Alaska’s ening emergency. For them and for all ∑ Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, it is always great outdoors open and available to Alaskans, there was never any sub- a bittersweet moment as the clock all those who love to hike, fish, hunt or stitute for knowing that the Senator winds down on the last minutes of the just stand back and admire the sce- who speaks for you, understands your current session of Congress and we nery. Like me, TED knows that our na- life and your needs and TED has been start to pack up and get ready to head tional treasures should be maintained the one to do that—ever since he first home for the holidays. As we do, it’s al- not by excessive and intrusive regula- came to Washington. ways good to take a moment to reflect tion, but through the efforts of good It will be tough to say goodbye to on all we have accomplished over the stewards of the land who understand TED when he leaves Washington be- past 2 years and those special Senators its value and its importance to our fu- cause I will miss having him riding who did a lot of the heavy lifting who ture as a nation. shotgun as we go to work on those will be returning home at the end of For almost 40 years, whenever it issues that are going to make a dif- the year. That is when we begin to re- came to fighting for Alaska’s best in- ference in the lives of the people of our alize just how much they will be terests on the Senate floor, or pro- states. As we say in Wyoming, TED is a missed. Such a Senator is TED STE- moting the treasures of Alaska at guy who walks the walk and doesn’t VENS. home or here in Washington or any- just talk the talk. He says what he As TED leaves Washington for his be- where in between, TED STEVENS has means and he means what he says. You loved Alaska, he will long be remem- been the voice of Alaska. Whenever an know just where you stand when you bered for a long list of achievements in issue was brought up in the Senate deal with TED and he has never been the Senate. The fact that he is the Sen- that affected his State, we all knew im- one to back down from a fight in com- ate’s longest serving Republican is no mediately to find out what TED thinks. mittee or on the Floor. accident. It came abut because TED al- He always knew what would be best for In the years to come, whenever I ways had one foot in Washington and Alaska and when he spoke, we all think of TED I will remember him as a the other in his home State of Alaska. stopped to listen. man of action who knew it was more

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.008 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE December 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10969 important to get things done than to election, and then re-electing him six ‘‘If men were dying of breast cancer, talk about doing things. He was always more times, always by overwhelming you wouldn’t think twice about in- quick to put his words into action and margins. creasing the funding.’’ get results. He has a wealth of knowl- Senator STEVENS’ achievements are Needless to say, those words made edge about how to get things done in legendary in this Chamber—including quite an impact on Senator STEVENS, the Senate—and done right. When it (but not limited to) Chairman of the but probably not what this advocate comes to being an effective Senator, Senate Rules Committee, Chairman of anticipated. TED could have written the book on it. the Senate Appropriations Committee, When Senator STEVENS walked back I won’t say goodbye, TED, I will just and President pro tempore of the U.S. into the conference, he repeated the say we’ll see you around town. I have Senate—putting him third in line for charge and then looked around at his no doubt that we will keep in touch the Presidency from January 2003 to mostly male colleagues. with you and I am sure you will keep January 2007. He knew that at least six of them in touch with us—whenever something For his many decades of service, Sen- suffered from prostate cancer. He also noticed that the bill they comes up in the Senate that we need to ator STEVENS has received and accept- fine tune to make sure it treats Alas- ed numerous honors—including having were considering didn’t fund prostate kans just right. Thanks for all you the Anchorage International Airport cancer research. But thanks to the excellent sugges- have done for me, for the West, for named after him. tion of the woman in the hallway, he Alaska and for this Nation. Thanks Our entire country has been enriched was going to advocate breast cancer re- and improved by his hard work, dedica- most of all for your friendship. That is search and prostate cancer research. something I will always treasure most tion, and leadership. Senator STEVENS was determined to be- ∑ I say this, not as a distant observer, of all. come a leader on these issues, and over ∑ Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I but as an up-close witness to his time, that is certainly what he’s be- achievements. wish to speak about my great friend, come. Back in 1993, when I first arrived in Senator TED STEVENS of Alaska, who I congratulate Senator STEVENS on has served in the U.S. Senate for 40 the U.S. Senate, I was one of only all that he’s accomplished for Alaska years and is the longest-serving Repub- seven female Senators, and if the Sen- and America, and I wish him well in his lican Senator in history. ate was a men’s club, then the Appro- retirement.∑ On a personal note, I have always en- priations Committee was its inner CHUCK HAGEL joyed working with Senator STEVENS, sanctum. ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I rise to There was not a single woman on the and it has been a true privilege to col- express my enormous gratitude and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, laborate with him on some of the most deep appreciation to my good friend important issues facing our great Na- but that’s where I wanted to serve. and colleague, Senator CHUCK HAGEL, I explained to Senator STEVENS—who tion—including energy, health care, for his 12 years of sterling leadership was then the ranking member of the and national defense. and steadfast service in the U.S. Sen- Senator STEVENS’ service to the committee—that Texas has more Army ate. United States didn’t begin when he soldiers than any other State, more Air A man of deep-seated principle, stepped inside this Chamber. Rather, Force Airmen and women stationed in honor, conscience, and conviction, Sen- his service began decades earlier—dur- Texas than any other State, and our ator HAGEL has been a stalwart legis- ing some of the most harrowing days of defense industry builds everything lator and an unwavering guardian of World War II. from fighter aircraft to Army trucks to the first branch of government during Senator STEVENS was part of the artillery systems to sophisticated elec- his remarkable two-term tenure in the Greatest Generation who fought and tronics equipment for the Pentagon. Senate. And, having served with CHUCK won that global struggle for freedom— Therefore, it was absolutely essential side-by-side for that entire period—in- flying a C–47 in the China-Burma-India that a Senator from Texas serve on cluding, in the 107th Congress on the theater. that committee. Senate Committee on the Budget, and Incredibly, over 1,000 of Senator STE- After some careful thought, Senator subsequently for the remaining three VENS’ fellow airmen died ‘‘flying the STEVENS agreed and welcomed me to Congresses on the Senate Committee hump’’ and elsewhere in the China- the committee. And since that time, he on Intelligence—I can attest firsthand Burma-India theater—a sobering re- has been a valuable mentor to me—not to the tremendous intellect, independ- minder of the high price of freedom. to mention a passionate advocate for ence, and integrity that he has brought For his heroic efforts, Senator STE- Alaska and America. to his office and to some of the most VENS later received two Distinguished And when I say passion, I really do consequential debates of our time. Flying Crosses and two Air Medals, as mean passion. Anyone familiar with Senator well as the Yuan Hai medal awarded by Senator STEVENS has been known to HAGEL’s background will notice readily the Republic of China. show dramatic performances on the how a fourth generation Nebraskan After the war, Senator STEVENS com- Senate floor, keeping wandering eyes steeped in the time-honored traditions pleted his education at UCLA and Har- focused on the urgent issues that need and mores of the heartland was well- vard Law School, and then moved to to be addressed. equipped with the bedrock character Alaska, which was then a U.S. terri- One day, during a mark-up in the and unshakable foundation necessary tory. Senate Appropriations Committee, to reach the highest heights in both In the city of Fairbanks, Senator Senator STEVENS, who chaired the the public and private sector. Whether STEVENS practiced law for several committee at the time, grew very ani- serving as President Reagan’s Deputy years, until he came to Washington, mated and laid down the law. Administrator of the Veterans’ Admin- DC to serve in the Eisenhower adminis- When a frustrated senior Senator istration, demonstrating keen entre- tration, and also to lobby for Alaska’s told Senator STEVENS that ‘‘there was preneurial acumen as an early leader in admittance into the Union—a mission no reason to lose your temper,’’ Sen- the cellphone industry, heading the that succeeded in 1959. ator STEVENS glared back and re- World USO, or eventually running suc- When Senator STEVENS returned to sponded, ‘‘I never lose my temper. I al- cessfully for the U.S. Senate from Ne- Alaska, he ran for—and won—a seat in ways know exactly where I left it.’’ braska, the common denominator, time the Alaska House of Representatives, But if Senator STEVENS has a temper, and again, pervading Senator HAGEL’s and later became House Majority Lead- he also has a compassionate heart. life—and what has shaped his renowned er. I will never forget when a group of trajectory of accomplishment in every Then, in December 1968, Governor protestors gathered outside of the Ap- undertaking he has pursued—has been Walter J. Hickel appointed him to fill propriations Committee conference to his unwavering love for his country a vacancy in the U.S. Senate. demand increased funding for breast and abiding faith in its founding prin- In 1970, the voters of Alaska ratified cancer research. ciples. that choice by electing Senator STE- One particularly agitated advocate Nowhere was Senator HAGEL’s devo- VENS to finish that term in a special got in Senator STEVENS’ face and said, tion to our Nation more paramount

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:11 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.009 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 than when his country called on him to tant issue when he chaired the Stra- these companies in recent years which serve in Vietnam, where he and his tegic Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate brought them to the brink but because brother Tom, having bravely enlisted Committee on the Armed Services. I I believe allowing their failure at a together, fought shoulder-to-shoulder was honored to follow him in that posi- time of great economic uncertainty as infantry squad leaders with the U.S. tion when he moved to the prestigious could deal a serious blow to our na- Army’s 9th Infantry Division. Both dis- Appropriations Committee. tional economy. played enormous heroism on the field WAYNE has also been a firm and con- of battle and were decorated soldiers, sistent voice for a sound economic pol- The domestic automotive industry represents almost four percent of our with CHUCK earning two Purple Hearts. icy based on the free market, lower As you can imagine, it has been a taxes, free trade, and restraint in Nation’s gross domestic product and privilege over these past 12 years to spending. Day after day—year after ten percent of our industrial produc- witness the courage and candor of this year—he never wavered in those prin- tion by value. One out of every 10 U.S. American hero and esteemed colleague, ciples. jobs is impacted by the U.S. auto- whether on measures addressing war, I deeply regret that WAYNE took a motive industry. GM, Ford and Chrys- specifically in Iraq, or matters con- pledge to not seek a third term in the ler account for roughly 65 percent of cerning the Foreign Intelligence Sur- Senate. His unqualified commitment to U.S. auto production and support mil- veillance Act, FISA. Senator HAGEL principle will be sorely missed. WAYNE lions of jobs across all 50 States. The was indeed my compatriot and ideolog- is a man of integrity, and he never Center for Automotive Research re- ical soul mate on the Senate Intel- hesitated to keep the promise he made cently reported that in Massachusetts ligence Committee. If you must go into to the voters of Colorado. alone, the automobile industry ac- battle whether in war or in politics, WAYNE and I came to the Senate to- counts for more than 28,000 jobs and you want to engage your opponents gether. We have been good friends $256 million in wages. The bridge loans with someone of CHUCK HAGEL’s mettle throughout our time here. We have that would have been made available and fortitude. stood together in the Armed Services through this legislation would have A true conservative who believes in Committee in support of our men and gone to protect not only the jobs de- limited government—and that the dif- women in uniform. We were thrilled to pendent on this industry but the Amer- see the child tax credit become law, fusion of power and authority are the ican economy as a whole, which is suf- providing relief to hard-working Amer- surest check against despotism and the fering from a widespread liquidity cri- ican families. We witnessed many best hope for democracy—Senator sis that extends well beyond the vital HAGEL has demonstrated a visceral and other important pieces of legislation be automotive sector. unending passion for this institution enacted into law. And we were able to and for the possibilities of effective stop quite a few bad pieces also. I believe this critical moment pre- governance by people of good will. And Mary and I send our best and most sents an opportunity for the Federal Senator HAGEL crystallized this deeply sincere wishes to WAYNE and Joan. I Government and the automobile manu- held belief in his farewell speech on the know that he will continue to con- facturers to transform an industry that floor of the Senate when he emphasized tribute to the good of Colorado and to has long resisted the changes that are to his colleagues that . . . the Nation.∑ so clearly necessary for their continued Article I of the constitution is about the f global competitiveness. The assistance Congress. We are a co-equal branch of gov- AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY CRISIS provided in the bill was conditioned ernment. And if anything I’ve learned in the upon a commitment by the industry to ∑ Mr. WYDEN. Yesterday, when I heard 12 years I’ve been here is the importance of use this money wisely to become more sharing, participating in the governance of the majority leader was going to call a efficient market participants. The leg- our country, being part of that governance, cloture vote, I changed my schedule islation included important provisions helping make decisions with the president and hurriedly returned to Washington, and the executive. DC, from Oregon, where I had been that would help ensure American tax- Finally, as a Mainer, I must say how working on the Oregon Business Plan payers that this assistance is not used fitting it was that a few years ago Sen- at the Oregon Business Summit in as a line of credit simply to continue ator HAGEL was recognized as one of Portland. I was on an airplane, about business as usual. The legislation also the esteemed recipients of The Edmund an hour away from the Capitol, when included important safeguards to limit S. Muskie Distinguished Public Service the Senate Leader called the vote, and executive compensation to ensure that Award. Senator HAGEL exemplifies the I missed the cloture vote on the $14 bil- taxpayer funds are not wasted. best of the Muskie tradition which was lion loan package for the U.S. auto- I was absent for the vote that oc- built upon certain irrefutable, sterling mobile industry. It is my under- curred Thursday evening because—as standards for high intellect, unassail- standing that if my vote could have the incoming Foreign Relations Com- able integrity, and a lifetime of leg- possibly made the difference, the Lead- mittee Chairman—I was representing endary service. er would have waited for my plane to the Senate at ongoing international To his wife Lilibet and their daugh- arrive, but I want it to be noted that it climate change negotiations being held ter Allyn and son Ziller, thank you for was my intention to vote for cloture. in Poznan, Poland. But I was prepared sharing your husband and your father While I continue to have concerns to return from Poland at a moment’s with us for these 12 years. And to about ensuring that taxpayers are pro- notice had we reached a bipartisan CHUCK, we will miss your voice and tected if this loan is to occur, I believe agreement or were my vote needed to your vision. By your words and in your that if the President can unwisely pro- pass cloture and break a logjam. In- deeds, you bring to mind the Greek vide $700 billion of taxpayer money for stead, thanks to obstruction by the mi- playwright and poet, Aeschylus, who the investment banks that took hor- nority, the 110th Congress has come to wrote that ‘‘his resolve is not to seem ribly unacceptable risks and helped the bravest, but to be.’’ You have been trigger an economic collapse, we cer- a close, and the automobile industry a brave steward of the public trust, and tainly have a duty to attempt to pre- teeters on the brink of collapse. In the we are forever thankful.∑ serve a cornerstone domestic industry absence of Congressional action, I urge WAYNE ALLARD and the jobs of hundreds of thousands the President to tap the Troubled As- ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, one of of working people whose personal ac- sets Relief Program so that American the great privileges of my tenure in the tions are in no way responsible for the automakers can access sufficient cap- Senate has been to serve with my col- current economic crisis.∑ ital to survive in the short-term. I re- league WAYNE ALLARD from Colorado. ∑ Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I am ex- main hopeful that the 111th Congress He and his wonderful wife and part- tremely disappointed that the Senate will be a Congress of real economic ner Joan have contributed greatly to was not able to pass legislation to progress and will work to ensure that the life of the Senate. WAYNE has been make bridge loan funding available to the American automobile industry re- a leading advocate for a strong space our country’s automotive industry— mains globally competitive in the long- and missile defense program, an impor- not because I condone the behavior of term.∑

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.011 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE