) 0 . 0...DOCUMENT RESUME. 'ED. 259 091 CE[041.192'.

ITLE . National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. JNgTITOT1ON %Office of Consumer.Affairs, WashingtOnl.D.C.

PUB DATE-'-' 'Jun 84 . NOTE' 37p.; For a related document', see CE 041 193.. PUB 'TPE Reports - Descriptive (141) , EDRS PRICE MF01/PCD2 Plus Postage. DESCRUTORS Adult. Education; Adult Proarams;Blinesss;Community Progrimp;\*Consumer Edubation; *Conpimer RrOtetion; *Were' Government;' Libraries; *LoCal Gbvernment; *Nonprofit Orgsnizatioris; Public Agencies; *State Agencies; State Government O 0 ABSTRACT This report represents only a sainplins of the hundreds of activities that took Place during National Consumers Week (NCW) 1984. It begins with a copy of the president's proclamation and the history of NCW 1984. THree Sectioniegive brief descriptions of the various activities that were sponsored by state and loeil agencies and organizations, by the business community, and by Fecletal agencies. Activities are listed within each section in alphabetic&1, order. Sample state and, local activities are proclamations by governors, mayors, and commissioners; workShops; poster. contests; award luncheons; seminars; exhibiti; consume: fairsvprets releases; conferences; essay competitions; and media events. Representative

' Activities of the 'business community include exhibits, clinics, displays, consumer,education campaigns, study tours, consumer fairs, publications, seminars, information kits; ads, workshops, photo contests, arid press' releases. The descriptions of activitiesjf Federal agencies highlight programs, mailings of informational '; materials, displays, \contests, exhibits, consumer fairp, speeches, conferences, workshops, clinics, and media events. (YLB)

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s ' t% Jh. I14

S Nation\al onsumersWeek -1984 1.

FINAL REPORT ,dune1984


Ire U.S. 5EPANTNIENT OF EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION E UCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION BEST COPY AVAILABLE CENTER (ERIC) This document haa. been reproduced as received from the parson or organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve 2 reproduction quality lihrPointS ofrev. or opinions stated in this(WV ment do not necessarily represent ottioal NIE positian or policy. 0,110, Or, Ord x Ou .1, or, sw1 or, ob op, ., . j .11.4111../ olp_mgvOtoO. OP, ,ANAIP , OI, Oh x0/ ve. xvi 61, OCRIP.A. 01,1 A. se, 0;



National Consumers eek,' 1984 .

By. the President o the. of Ameri

A Proclamation .

The American consumer has been blessed bythe freedom to participateina social, economic, and governentalsystem that; is unparalleled inany other land. Since the founding of thiscountry, Americans have benefitted from the fruits of a free. society; Weare free to learn, free to ch ose a vocation, freeto produce, and free to purchase. These fundamentalfr (adorns and the willing- ness of our people to work 'hard have helped make erica great. Americans are prosperous and enjoy a standard of livink that is, t theenvy of the world. It is appropriate to focus 'special attention oncsumets and the important role"- Pg'tti ey.play in our economic and socialsystem. We have emerged from a ,recessiono eve of consumer optimism that dramatically provts the truth of thisy ars slogan -- "Consumers Mean Busi, ness." Our economic recoveryprogram as dramatically lowered inflation and interest rates, giving buyers.A3re dispos income, Consumers are reacting to theNation's..resurgent.economy by purchasing homes,automobiles, durable goods, and those products or services which enhance'the quality of life. With greaterpurchasingpower, it is important that .consumers have access to the JatiAinformation. Consumers ne to understand the market economy, both here and abroad, and their options for earning, spendi saving, and investing income. lb- creased consumer and economic educatiih schools, workshops, the media,. and the distribution of informativematert is from government and business giye 'consumers a greater' appreciation of their rights andresponsibiliti s in ou.! incomparable American econbmy. ' - Those who are sensitive toconsumer needs and services and .r cognize at well-infortned consumersmean business=-- repeat' sales and and market relationships-t-can expect to be rewarded withcontinuing oortunities to I serve and profit: Witte consumers, properly,/ informed end working with busi- - ness representatives at all levels, can assure that our marketplaceoperates on mutual trust and fairness. , Byl working together in the voluntary spit,. that has alwaysdistinguished the character of Americans in all walks of life,we strengthen our free enterprise system and secure basic consumer rights for all. Let us show appreciation during National Consuiners Week forour many freedoms and work together to enhance the consumer'seconomic equity in the marketplace. NOW. THEREFORE. I. ;President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week beginning April23, 1944, as National Consumers Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I helve hereuntosety hand this 3rd day of Jan.. in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eigty-4, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hand` d and eighth.


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NATIONAI?OiNSUMERSWEEK EnsiAl., REPORT acceptance.,_.Two. national conferences, oneonC,6nsumerEducationArfundThe INTRODUCTION ld; and the other for businesleaders exa ining The Consumer's Stale.in InternationalTrade,drewhundredS, of Thd third,.annual National Coilburrers ipantsto Washingn. The most Week (NCW) was coordinated by' President' development, every was the, Reaga9'sSpecialAdv).serforCo,nsume r growth of comminity-bas prrams taking, Affairs and the United States Off ioeof place acrcss the country. .. Consumer Af fa irs ',(USOCA).It demonstrated a continuing and growing interes -in this The success of NCW! 83 led to nationaleventwhichhighlightsthe NCW,', 84 isfocus on private/publisicohsuner importance,of consumer -issues and .)ccoperat iv0 i iitiatives at, the community consumer .education."1 Thenumber and 'level.A nets publication, How To-Run a varietyofevent'satthenational, Consumer' Weekty. , was developed in cOoperaion with The Seve -Up canpeiny, regionala cartaunttylevels. indicate widespread ex uretothe messag6 of and within 3Q days ofits issuance the National Consume Week 1984: "Consulters `...firs tr run of25,000-1 copies hcidbeen Mean Business." addition, the, number exhatisted.Some 80,000 Listers, 400,000 of State ,a local govnrrents infOrnational 'flyers, another 10,000 How participating in liC1084 incased To Run a Con...lurner Meek, 40,000 capi of substantially over previous years, As did the' P es ident 's Prodlama t. ionand educational andcivic' groups,an?)- the eachto some50' million Americans private sector. disseminatOdbythe ' endofthe Week's 'Mose rva nce Bu more important were thk estimated 3,000 carinunity-based PRESIDENT REAGAN' S PROCLAMATION y activities. in many of which business and The ,!Lherre, Consumers Mean consumers joined together--sare, for the Business,".stated In Presint Reagan's first time--to help andinformfella./ Proclamation of National coLiners Week,. citizen consumers. 1984, was adopted by' litlly hundreds of organizations Which neoredNCW' 84. FreXamplg, 'among the -many cities events. ThePresident's_ ,.Proclamation large and small, in which Cqrsurner Fairs 'underscoredtheeffective4pproach of were held durIng NCW,T.krd:Baltimore, Consumer educatioh, consumes :protection4IN Bos ton,New York, Atlanta,Dallas,Les and consurkir involverient.' The value and Angeles, Burlingto. *(Mass.), Chicago, San. achievements of / cocp6.rative of forts Diego, Ci ti, 'Honolulu, between government and tne private_Rector Whiladelphiar. iew (Tex.), Stillwater were also underlined by the ProcLarraion, Okla.), and Providence (R.I.). ° whichisreproducedin'fullinthis report. , Planning and Preparation . , . HLSTORY Beginning in the fall of 103, .the United States Office of. Consumer Affairs began Firstlaunchedin1982,National, to coordinate,the preparation and Consumer'sWeek begana'sa sensitizing distributiqnof printand broadcast process on theimportance oflifelong Materialsonanationalscale.,,,The consumereduCation. Morethanfive Seven-Up -ny prepared.and published million people ,were reached through the large quaities of thebooklet,How To media with NCW'82 messages, and dozens of Run a Cons 3,.-r week, and the Committee on programs were . sponsored by civic, Consumer the American Council consumer, and busines4 groups around the of Life Insurance, joined by the Health nation. Inthurance Associ- tion of America, me : picduced 400;000 cies of theNCW'84 NCW' 83saw the sophistication of the flyer, which* wasmailedwidely to observance growing dramatically, both in particip\nts andcfiiinsors throughout the itsi.organization and in public country. The z-rs,RoebuckCompany

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\;ivh1g force nauet! '?"° ayJo1NLAw' .JameJ.I1uatrick PIIiI S'I - . . , t° Detyoiti%It$) .. ..( a . OO4 . . WhatI . '. . r

...... 'ç: U.S. I CDnsumersiuer.,ofi ,' putocomP .. RUPfl _t' gnuuet prstdent tmpOTt goverflrnefltm money s Consuiner?les ( co5tng cousumrn . ye&T. . That mek0j Comm Jn:t the wçek'mosteahsbikggreitest concern to the Nid jo1k : with lUto % but for the rbrd: th obedieac&toactually hay, Increased hi this urn prit 2249) It$J act of Cogieui, the. White HoLte ers Wt (Amtnir vor pu period by neirly $300 miUJon. ¶_. it 'j11oiI_Couumei Week.' Tb. preuldeot bii prmviiledi iöine Ift cme1 sent _InhrCeijervtew. The proc1imiUo1uu -.-wiipju1z. Is efortu to reduce the burden c. . .. sutomotve tssue$."VU biageetwein the4Rilpb Nader folks. regu1,Jou. Compared tc *ppt'oprh - to tiinthe idmWi.trsUx ba. oo . tio*reripsare down foriueh ageocie terrible Jb for c001uoneru, and the Rop; ;, mod%' as the Conuuoner Product Silety Commit ( aid Reagan foiku, who naturally thnk th Eothe MtiIzuut DtvIsIoof the Depar Sshe lavOrl otherwise. me of Juitice, the Federal Aviatto . bumPfS eo ii *e look at the wboie picturetAdmitraUoo, and Economic Reg tsVors acrackd ' . She governmental regu1aUo, a fair judgmenttalory AdmtiitratLoo v1th(the Dtpsrt pirt3$other . thusomewhere iithemi4d!.Thement of Energy. £ j4' I pre$jdej baa made iomep10gm,ovsr O the other baad, CoáVeu blitC t4t w the'pist J*UJ KNAUEI?MSI ,a war against atoog wt ReSgans ieques ;1;-;;mig:;iiw a&YI Bfldjienry Howeve1 Ktaue1 re(uI9tlOo. bu be bunt mad.aearb asto cut the Food and Drug AdmlniitraUoo AttaIrS much aa be ortgthaliy proposed to mki S otliceof Consumotee treeseminars until nextMarch, unueC the Equal Emp1loymeot Opportunity Com ty CofleQe tnaUV opetltIon. with That b c0nibon 1 the Othee of Surface M1uin tiOfli ConS 2f WOOkt 7:30-10 p.mApril .rions1 hop' (q the Study of American Business, whichwithin the Depsrtnlent of the Interior.Al ntndthe'°m çg(Øfl RoS recently published an analysti of reguli.these are up substantially. A preuld.n n thO FinøArts BulLdIflQ. propous, ku the truism reminds us. but trbOrn For inf: 10 cover su both public opinl* Congress disposes. c' Public opinion obviously plays a pst It 2.cs asctild se the picture, Back in 1570, to look bak EVNrN3 - 149,854 bit, the Euvlaonmentai Protection Agen cy bid an appropriation of $71 mf,f.lion I UDAY- 22591 1 timer The. cu.rren appropriation for The eguVatpr activities Is about $1.5 billion. ThIslil gr L oteet:'j?0)e to at lee at $1.7 bilhipa In I9.S. Th' popt' UrjUJe Ifltormevj . /piaiiily care about clean air, clean.te r rossiYror I and the safe disposal of toxic wastes, g I this_concern has been con'uaunicated t and the mutt0mationJ,,Congress. The EPA, says the center. I: CO iac lfltor0j need ProvId,'f a.on I comeback trail. W' Bh' to La 13WIZ$. Afl. I PtlOI', ' he make The truth of the matter, It seemito me hevedeeideci an /Is fr electiotn0 h0oee Ii that U Is just about Impossible tc 'om$yeecribe the ,P 'ncL,,id utpronounce sweeping value judgments or ' pwtheaed ChTocse ,;.j'ticie aerv he "federal regulatIon." Much of It is wise e V.8 aJ S- is1e guesswork up to the - flgto t'Q aveThe people are not so fed up with thi secsfic ',.____ er y. . to bureaucracy that they are ready t ''e,ve 5SL.res tarn. Itarnizung indivd- I abandon protection against t&"-mci' 1hs lp uchet ma4aud fullan res U Ilsrrs ooisdes4,g tect ualpurchases ,s.y po'vduo huo- co)sjcf.a 'itI We tiëtic lie t are all md avnldthe order are consu attei aalbe sent. t'espono. 2684 rou Wi 44?;' 01 1.e4KiJt a aoduct Ofl In areonsibie zwsp- itY t C0fl itd Ito rni the publishers have vertfied the '-Vie w$I ofl.' sh 'me tiern tO dvertiaer's clsinis the Lect, . 01umeT flC erathmaM Corn "° that prorhwts are oered for sale the l tosi alut the vih audi ta1 ._,__ anti tO Ii by mail does riot mean the lot .Bt ::ttflLpCt1CCI Servi has verified the adver- 0itIoflI1 II 1(OCUSeS thIl good to btrue usu*lly *' I tiser' clainu. C;urnj C tlCIP nd rtlC' E you have doubts about a !4.tIon Martin '01.le;rn1 ttlV ttO' uimuany or peoduet It the Bet- The Poetal Ser advised toT ° ment 'terusiriThitaiu'Chrnberthat postal inspctnrr. now have he OtciL' t1 pffslTS onerns°Y5ctO' ornmeree in the city wherethe ability to take act thrn ,5,t to' tth eêi)usinosaalocatedBEFORFdays, instead of months, if false to b?'fl%0° ç Lt (1 order, or onnts êe advertising is cbicuvered hi ad- iT tve OçCC .. dition, conswier serv1c cards cur Cl CUflbs tjtsIT Co0V4' Do not rely in pictures toPt'Oj available 'ery pt office en- wt ;nit1t.td thr' de auruta gmi what ae conimemtorepo mad Cur tutal U flt rS Cr nt1 ,ntt' l e to order. Note thede friiud x'1' ' I' e TV' n q .,11nur' 's prI.%tle II - '' i I,.; " I tf'b' a' ' ,tltt' . ., II '"' T' a n,., )pl" ,.,,fl V''1' V ' ttiifl" ,.UOTI tu ll' -

DCC'r - - - uuryAVAILABLE I

I t h.. FP.'?PA *.HERPI,V PR 1984 rill !"1 11 - 22.21i lb SUNDAY t sp,.8%ally tor recat4

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Disitmaulsiticl,Aelue.ersnts *wall WNW

, . By. BETTY DEBNAM The eracienton Henthd. Monde ri 2..1984

SON. The Ildiat P15. OPT /NO i/i. 114 Uluireesal Pm. *r6044 $$$$$$$$$.$$$$-$$$.ids nusirtess. The million kid The companies that sell to the ages of 5 to,.12 mean, kids emend about WO million a business big business. This year rkl, ads directed to. them. means that one of every nine With sp many experts trying people in the 1.1ited States is a to sell. them something, many young consume' kids are learning ,to..become Kids are big consumers.They'wise TV viewers and shoppers.' 'drink, eat and use a tot. Many schools teach consumer They are big spenders of theirlessons. Parents work with kids

.own money on things they tike at home. TM and can afford. It's true that kids mean They also have a voice in howbutiiness and big profits for the,family's money is spent, compahies. e e.liecially at the grocery store. But kips are letirning to mean Meet Euble Smart, a Li.st year, young shoppers characteei created to remind business in another way. Manyyowu to be smart about money. spent 37 cents out of every are learning to mean business He will beveri busy during dollar in the family.food . when they demand the most forNational Consumers Week, . budget. Kids usually havea bigtheir money. coming up April 23-29. The say when the family makes a And hew about saving some, purpose of this week is to choice about computers or videotoo? remind you to be "money recorders or tapes. Wise" all year long.

hat Do Kids Buy? wite.do lads A a. What do kids buy with their ownmoney?To find getoney? out,..The Mini Page asked a group of fifth- and sixth- 0 allowances graders. Check each item you buy, toe. pay for doing chores ge0agifts fr6m relatives I -!. O i4144:1C. , Osnac1 mi t Where do they 0 06deS..' GI files ptit savings? o records ;;I:1; %stuffed bang savings a 'tapes arimals accounts 4 *P. actio91--, 0 P0846.. O piggy, banks suppliei t- 0 video .. CI hidden boxes gifts ) cortridges CI in care of parents O comic iiooly P games What are some rA o toys ; []'video game - saving for? KW( Pk* 10 D ientia t9k1311U3 computers ThemeBoolt - LIF')college education ei&9° scieakers prof! CI gul" ) emergencies ',II f ....."--.11MITO barratteii J431-velrY bikes (`'=

BEST COPYAVAILABLE we/..:an r . Q a, 41

Norton, Virginia 24273 The Coalfield °progress Thursday, April-19,1984 Page15-B tionalcloiqstrrieies'Week to be celebrated uric(mi(inth of Aril :::. inoal'ismr:4401ureenirsti. ni2re celebiLitin alsriLltgar devote and faU canning ollmitedbsane families. Oneoil.he. elieltwork e4 / ladinI'4.ear`,.1welliaing *NW-um in . a indiv,iduals% condone .. Mean' Along with theseare p on remiatztathorne energye ; rati3ht-lislih-etarlimen11:?414n 1;7111hell (11. , . he* hq I mar etplace klierTIT'llurn.ndbiii:YisseEigt41342Dawar..tallisakt.s. a home to make it . er. Wilt' /°:aysitillq9:11dtielivilithbnidialitiMughtbelit forelderly persona. i".' uanr.37146°. ar"linbilliWall*.ala bart:e4:1(115.fantilinidlii"et:"11"Sd: '.. flhealls,111eVstn "Setensia°- Malted beIPIngti hen tall b9rhti9d and visit 1 beIP mama?" by. 14k* t9 WaYanlinlraSh7SinirVing.' I nsalt2pee81:12171t' the.spiculeifirLIP PrParlitt Imatudy bilYingli-elliald7WiriW:1"rirlfriPmErlwahetibricsataniamallaci re' In14/ Many Eatensioniouifenll be conottmer managerneptat Virginia particululy yugshgiurd. winos. and State University. vinlibud, back in the early . eGelinekbrati nab umer and offr ways She said a place itieFlelms."Programs gate faculty at V teaUhin"alree,c41:1diirttieltirttiet Week MO events. can dogstoday i...i.,...... ---nli. Many A table televilion series entitled rely onlothelp is the local na onlYfood!wetland "fterthelr-"aa-luetalt VirginiaPreeerlinat". I-- ... "Consumer Guide ta" was _,C°°Pertative. Ekten.i... . 0, ,..,.: , started'hisreh 19 will continue get helpbefore pblem --r--.4...... ,1,..,41enedthrough 10 weeks, This program, toristimers can .4:etteevi. provide Miami . Mal Abraham, eninvestige- phone or will mall CASSEDY It," said meesepte wee. omen. 4 131 KATHLEEN for with the brochures as venousconsul Gantt. Nellie/11er ,,, I - auner Affairs. of°. IC: swugtiatele"ywout°Aboutirl: 11: ? FairfasidLlysi'l;ellirdtment real; thAlexaltria feels the same way counseling: fore residents Wh have an. Nuttier of Affairs, Once a Censurer and Fairies County about the countylortice."I'd likelit tel offered I c. other Services Mee oiCassumetAlbin.' the existence r affairs iffIce does see citizens notice thenthey often becorne .,-, But a catsurher department and beams more*were grtevences between be said. 'ere. Abraham...Ad: more theft settle tithe services provided," The Alexandriaeft customers andnochenta or ',tyke are maintainedat Complaint 1,200 form ore consumersmake providers. the offices, so / a le This week isNationil Caesumers' can check with lellinc ccoPi "CI major pu are in the as of al Wee offfeas 01101101WISSenta wale If grie,vances 0 services. the local pain, cry.t, home to IWof their have been III hat merchants uirt;vt do..retail .-- "I'd like totwernorejecrok with w ty areplanningto toMn'iniervicee We hoveInform. - 1SeeCONSUIV RT Col rod business. 4 Don here and ifvie don't, we can fitt nmilmwo f ...... , I. 1, r \ , I me r . i diisu . i .r. the ' page 11. If consumers here 'sieve:sate,the cr 'I information they Svelbciut the thir-.. 4 Abrahasp said TS percent et comm. In" se fop . .-.3(111: '' 4, 1 ill ..".. ertherteconsurivervinc7The"otherwided2sPercefithfavor' are°1 ea`cmit'sernicitriawsiusrehasersinvestigators 77 %wally Invalid or the consumer is re. not the =he W.f.N .i.- . ferred to another agency, such as .t: human rights or health gels about dePartinenbj. f .. to SOO calls a Istonth but onlyabout 25 ,he said. Tinece:Irj .1 - - percent are complaints. The othercal. In the past gro months, theMem- 174.000 In len wantinformation ... aria office has recovered Investigators at the Alexandria wiFenuct: for comm. money; goods or services office have noticed a trend overthe morethan the . ers. This is consider** the after gets consurdiatiZgrdepoibid. years. After Christmas. ., SS4.000 it recovered duringall of last ..,9,." .... a lot of from coustatera who have eak:::::d4;4;direl ono, a ca. year, Abraham noted complatnts4sinst f rice pe s Id-liwapolk:tils.':4-PAIlltl , when tames -,.1 which The county officeeta about 4.000 Then in the Comer wok cult:rat/I 1.4:agnet:. formal canpleints every yearfrom nets think about homeimprovement.; ProTectitton:Coinnin th, honorable :Seboci. 1 chants or slr. the office starts to get callscomplain. mr 'silt :no' rstACaorynslAummearisWinet mertticin consumers about me tracts to menwa. . at th the piirged fogabout contractors who did not do ttir vice providers The Res are . . . Fair rollSrOad erldigepit 00t: 7 s....N....every two years. sothere are about tbeworkproperly Mall.State 8.000ftles atanv limpmiii.A.,A - W S V. 1 8

a A3E.S1 COPY AVAILABLE r 0,1 e. 1 l r , designed And distriblitird,80000(c4fies of participateasvolunteer' ,speakerson a pcpter for NCW84 featUring the theme eensumer 'topics during CW..,The Uriited 'Consulters' Mean tusiness:" . TheZayre 4Staties Office of Consumer Aff.airs CerporatI,Ion-*printed and distributed preplireda Spgaker's Kit, withCkdra.ind 700,000 shopping., tags. with' the,NCW'84 and dnforrtationa). materials ..or? coekumer ..slogan:*Pitney Bowes,, desfigned theito. issues and a modelNaticinalCorsufrierS ...official NCW'84 'postage rretee' Week speech, for use by agency ,officialt, trade _ cancellation- imprint and v. availabletopurchaser?at cost. A Another', new aspect ofNCW' 84was special issue of Consumer News,. published involvement oforganizations sery the United States Office of Consumer handicapped people,.'emphasizing theO fairs,was `mailed Jaet.ary,with.,specialneeds -%ofdisabledconskineit. 4 details of-. the-date, dank, ands'Arrong the organizations were the preliminary, plans- for .Nat.ional Cornsuneis Administration 7 on Developmental " Week 1984. Disabilities of- the'Separtnent of Health and 'Hunan Services,State 'Councils on Designeesfr6n1 44 Federal agencies who Deeeroptrental Disabilitids, and the make up the Cons, r Affairs Council "were Presidei i s iCcrit4ttee on Employment organized into a.tional Consumers Week, the Handicapped, 0 etrask Force, and teere grouped under seven `.....TaskForceChairmen. Theirof fort's`, pr.es1 kitwast preparedand naired- to beginning in Februar, 1984 were 13,000 media contacts all over the United concentrated en agency-wide 'pi-rations States:.The kit contained a °variety of for. NCW '84, including the invenent6a of news releases and feature' artioles,as relgionar andfield offices 4acrossthe well as information about the Consumer% country. i., esource Handbook, recently published by , . USOCA ita squantityof1.5million Martin. Katz,Genei-alCounseloft copiesas a cooperative .activity with a Consulter Product Safety Commission, croup of Federal agencies.The kit also servedas,"Ch6irrnanofthe Lawand introduced Eubie Smart,the copyrighted Consumer Safety Task Force; Mary trademark of USOCA, which is featured in Elizabeth Quint, Diretor of the Office the Consumer's ,Resource Handbook. of Consumer 'Af fa irs, Deparbitent of Transportation, headed the ,Communications Leal and national mediagave excellent and.TransportationTakForce; Rose coverage toNCW '84events.Virginia H.. Bates, Director of the Office of Consumer .Knauer was interviewed extensively during . Af fa irs', Departmen.t of Energy, headed the her tvela` both print and .broadcast isEnergy and Environment Task Force; Teresa media,. as sDeputyDirec tOr Robert r NeS if, Director of. Consumer Af fa irs for Steeves. The NCW Radio rvice the General Services Aczbninistration, was istribut -3ublic service anncunenents Chairmrofthe' AmenServicesTask selected consumer topics. to over 2,000 Force; Al Cruz, Coordinator for Consuneti radio, Stations, and Mini -Page, a special Af fa irs, Department of Labor, chaired et he -newspaper, insert for youngsters, carried ., Labor TradeandContnerce. TaskForce; t NICIP#1 information to hundreds ofpapers. Dolly Wells, Director of the offioa of Specialmediaevents, includingthe Consumer AffairT at the Department of 'the ribbon-cutting ceremony for an exhibit -in Treasury, chaired the Finance Task Force; New. Orleans on counterfeit namebrand' e- and Cindy Tapscott, Special -Assistant to the Director of the Office of Personnel products,. received, widespread attention. Aahagement, headed the tional.. Activities Operations Task Force. The report, which follows represents only A new activity ,for '84/was the a sampling of the hundreds upon hundreds establishment 'of the Fede 1 -Executive ofactivities whichtook place during Speakers Bureau, whidh invited top National Consumers keek^ 1984. Itis officials of all Federal , agencies estimated that 3,000 ccerrunity activities represented on the Task Force to were sponsored through but the U.S.A.to 4 io J Att:61 .OPY AVAILABLE

. 11.&ler 4 emptor 44; racretvicFwordla pan thea;etghe 11 bkrertodatirot e . TheY sed °I.central'', 221;4 4. takeea adtkdnotes and eget? .Mlernelleuri._-...tio..reeir. mearine; e with AprIl 23.29 d - nom ealintair fitsderrguribt: -Consumer pt4 - ---- 'Whig shy:leant thentsernit,M.reeinerrn._ mar, tips at Ajover. - well'l°111. .e:,Theytttev."Kitir?pagoterrevattyvattanety,. Sbe tesehes,_ aeldeesettrOlessoron "after 111. ash edues,.. mono:aCORIIVZIkr -.. we,family *atilt tut take' th:eghbftte. Anne,'proteeliont, at theuniversity ..,11118nnlOrd14. as the&Ina. Ma. end fenifivete.v. and ffttifie°t Major wry Wribmotif Appllance recent, fcleueing 11, CAP),. co f. * eler41141113:1 -Orff1D01111. wee aPP0Inted "1 look P7412171; 1111//00-703: PentestIonelo Action forward warkerOetee t, Panelto: neceeenry to Majur cationand (am.jerling ta effectively laid. fifha sprvalig the Caliafintere 111 al COltftiMer'prottienia field% . the tilh&and 5060844 nit *The such asjaeel ffie Years ve follos effOrt tree_ front eaPrefect were not nei ertu. end HaPanel Ms On fat*Credit themselves resolved Pa reviews nen, etIts Hein- Cant frit_ MinUtIletUrer arthe Major lndividu- remain "4e. Nnel's GilderCreditCard,. to some Quint keeigag_bY aprviiiii3ncedantve I efteamer and am....an enthoOlistic Sara Aftera that ngly bans.1-- 'manes. In the anatleki Ckeer (. recom nag.a furolt. Panels;-rvgiVeg; current eapirt inplaint. agefty Awlsere team tanner tion to Ilfarflaconeu Rsunti.), for fair the-manufarneerthePanel to and settlerne mattes ng Canedtailmusk therners ta 1.te k And a ment panelsrat ivciv.edntlustrles with theco ed end regulation. lIthe best n.I. therefore the In th. the are feu'atternb.1 criklitcard ^ 1ree017inu....Ole...ndLiafr. ". v: valde getbest conserivisartirfas gerdaithig and 1 S COKsumens srArruil ore, sconomli.. she p OfIly *etahosts withatileftty le"leele4two °Men hours outflow statetennce cite' la "'smiler P mustele be volunteer ,.bonne The residents, they havebeen teem. Mark has thernselees. each taut the office 6 KAUMPICAMEDV in theconununity for office, said titaftWriter teaching la the tom liroXrstnn programs foeis makers. hand clubs Service Wedleaders alwaysLIA1 cooking orWigging toed- Uteri** "But we can your money. Cooperative IirdanIS,Wads' °WOW'S &WYshe said. N0,000,4041 Oche(aprdenert area ofisxnenwiltInt, throe 30 afford OCCOU21111111, specifkal. volunteers." but you can't and Kline. offices conununitydevelowent.service program about There is helptor Semite hes Another eateodon teacheschildren relive Extension for their This program ,. Ttg Virginia test value_ 'truth. state to helpresidayeetoeurerstet to ty acme the of stoic:weldable be andmake the most ..iniativ: dollar Eltensiont The Cooperative the r pmdeolestheBotehtension tsti to servefarmers end enrietV halbecomeir?!e...L.all ritifn$ . "JM

observe NCW'84, altdthat. media'cUtreach centerpiece of .year-round activities to of forts del ivere1 the message of promote consumerism in both the public President Reagan's 'Proclamation of NCW'84 and private sectors, for the benefit of to soap 50 million readers and viewers. all Americans. ,

The s- three sections ofthe report 4tbat Conclus ions follbws give brief descriptions of the National Consumers W.qek continues to grow various activities which were sponsored-. in 3.Thportance and influence .as a vehicle by STATE AND LOCAL ager.lies and for advancing consumer education and for organizations; by tpe BUSINESS COMMUNITY; h ighl ght ingthe consumer's role in ciir- and by FEDERAL AGENCIES. i eco y, as well as for underlining the of effectivenessof the, pciminiiration's This repc.rt, is incanplete, because it is policy of self-regulation by the private based only on the information received by sector. presstime. ROports frcrn 'agencies and C 'V darrnunities will continue to be received UriertheleadeishipofVirginia H. for sometimeto care, and, even then Knauer, Special. Adviser to the President. represent only a'"sample of all of the for Consurrer Affairs and Director of the many activities, .stimulatedby National United' States Office of Cors ner Affairs, Consumers Week which. took place and vnre NationalConsumers. Week became the publicized locally.

. 6 . 10 1

k' V -

STATE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES . .throughout the State, and f lye radio4and television shows carried publicity about NCW.

ADAMS-BROWN JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT4ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY - Proclamation 1 OF WINCHESTER,\OHIO - Participated` in NCW issued by Mayor Matthews. ,,/#84 activitied. by' codtacang /arious. 44 .% organizations in the Cincinnatiarea, ATLANTA, GEORGIA - An exhibit coordinated 'promoting a Consumer Hot Line, .publishing by Health and_ Human Services and the articles in the local media ar41 . GeOrgia.- State Depatitment of Consumer disseMinating PSAs to radio stations in Affairs,titled, Cossum-er Awareness Expo thearea. Commissionersin Adams and' 1984. drew 250 attendeel. Brown Counties proclaimed National Consumers Week in theit respective AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA with COALITION . ,counties. .1 OF' CONSUNA EDUCATION OF ALABAMA Conducted a seminar on Credit and SATE OF ALABAMA - Proclamation issrded by 'Consumer Fraud in Anniston, and another Governor Wallace. for military pergonnelond.their "flies . t at Fort McClellan. AOhBAMA COALITION FOR CONSUMER. EDUCATION 4 - With the ATTORNEY4 GENERAL'S C2FICE OF .BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Proclamation issued CONSUMER PROTECTION Conductedan by Mayor Schaefer. all-day workshop for military." social service workers on credit,. banking and BELL MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY OF MENNTOT, Lair der collection.,; INDIANA - Sponsored activities for NOW, 1 including placing posiers, brochures, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - Proclamation books and magazines in a cer ral dispIdy issued by Mayor Beatley. area. Aspeaker was a ble to local clubs 6 talk on,consune rotection. ALIENTOWN4 .- Prod larnation issued by Mayor(Ceddor. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Proclaination issued by Mayor NewPort. AMERICAN-PSSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS. ft .(AARP) CondUcteda. national Poster BROOKLYN ,, NEW YORK A press conference contest for older Americans through its inaugurated NCW in New York State. 5,000 chapters. The winner, John Participating.Werethe NY State Attorney Olatulis, of the New Britain, Conn., General, the 'head of the NY. State chapter, visited Washington, D.C. and was Consumer Protection Board, and the "Y aguestfor. lunch at the White House City Corrunissiotaer for Consumer Affairs. Mess. 4' r' BROOME COUNTY (NEW-YORK) QJNSUMER AFFAIRS ANAHEIM', CALIFORNIA - Proclarret .an issued - Participate) in the second annual by Mayor Roth. poster contest sponsored by the National Coalition for Consumer Education and STI.TEOFARKANSAS - prOcLamations issued exhibited consumer information material by Governor Clinton, and. by .Mayor at the Oakdale Mall. Benafield of Little Rock. BUCKS ODUNTy, PENNSYLVANIA - Proclamation STATE OF ARKANSAS Attorney General's issued by Commissioners. Departnent of Office - Aftanged an award luncheon in Consumer. Protection, Weights and Measures Little Rockfor eightindividualsand ponsorei-exhibits at Richland Mall and businesses in the State who have,' shown INackS Courthouse; speeches to women's and outstanding leadership in consumer aging groups and schools; publicity ,-,n education and protection; awards and one television and two radio stations; placities were presented to poster contest and distributed consumer reports to 1200 winners. Seven presentationswere made' schools, 400 service groups, senior to civic and educational groups .citizen groups and the media.

4 1 1 ByFFALO) NEW YORK - A Consumer Assembly i6ss releasesto the local media 'during w#s sponsored by'ra group of western New NCW, nd Mayor Robert M. Isaac proclaimed Yorkagencie$: .-FDAhelda Consumer Cons r leek in Colorado Springs. The .exchange meeting on diet and health fraud, Cons r Division \made presentations atN during an =evening workshop session, acrd four or citizens meetings during the the Buffalo. Consumer Affairs Officer Ics week. interviewed on two radio stations. , 1 COLUMBIA, SOH CAROLINA- Proc]anation BUFFALO STATE OOLLEG4 BUFTADO, NEW YORK issued by Mayor Finlay. with the NEW 'YORK .8CATE CEVARTMENT OF d. 4 LAW, CONSUMER FRAUD AND /PROTECTION BUREN COMMUNITY ACTION, INCORPORATED, and the ODALTITON FOR: CONSUMER HAVERHILTer. MASSACHUSETTS Scheduled a EDUCATION Sponsored,., a seminar.on series of. autoclinics, sponsored by consumer fraud April, 6. local auto and autosupply dealers; provided local media with NCW publicity STATE10.0 CALIFORNIA-Proclamation issued on auto 'care; 'and sent a .copy ofitsO by Governor Deukmejian. . . video tape, "Small CLains. Proceduresl." for airing on public. television 'during NORTH CANTON, OHIO 'A, 'Proclamation iss NCW. ; a ,by Mayor William R. res. STATE pF-TCNNETIcOr- Ibis year directed CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - Proclamation ed attention toward K-12. students by by Mayor Washington. spcinsoripg. a p9ster contest,for on choice inthe marke4lace; forgrades. CHICAGO -.(etter BtisinesS reau ai the 6-12 byf;Sponsoring an essay cont t' on Department.of Education co-sponsor the imp#tance of consumerism to National Consumers Week Ea]. stude ts. Governor William A.O'Neill Thirty-five basinefs agencies' and annou ced winners. The consumer offide exhibited( including-- FI5A. More than 150 urg theschoolsystemto makemore parsons. attended. - ' effe tive use of Connecticut's consumer. currvulum. CINCINNATI, OHIO - The Greater-Cincinnati Federal Executive Board and the City of ODNSUME1 .EDUCATION AND INFORMATION'. Cincinnati sponsored an NCWfair. A ASSOCIATION OF VIRGIVA (CCIANO, 7 ceremony dedicating "The Week (A the Cooducted its annual conference featurIng Consumer in Cincinnati"' included Nancy health care issues in Norfolk. Steorts, Chairman. of CPSC,Cincinnati's Mayor, Arn Bortzl.and other state and CONSUMER yANEL OFAMERICA, California local,government and business leaders. Carried a notice about NeW in its April '1984 issues of CONSUMER SPOKESMAN. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - Virginia H. krUiller- vras guest speaker at a di ner meetinb of CREDIT COUNSELING CENTERS,INCORPORATED the Consortium ofBusine s, Civicand in Michigan arid_ THE NATION/ -IL BANK OF Consumer Organizations. DETROIT - Held a state-wide essay contest f. onmoney management for high school CLEVELAND, OHIO- FDA materials were students. exhibited during a week-long NCW display. 0 in the lobby of the Federal Building. OATIONAHIO, OFFICC-OF ODNSUMWR AFFAIRS - Stressed consumer fraud prevention STATE OF COLORADO - Proclamation issued through radio and T.V. and an exhibit at by Gave nor Lamm. Court Square during the week.

COLORADO - Denver District Attorney's DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Mayor Barry issued `office sponsored a NationalConsumers aProcl nation forNationalConsumers Week program at the Eugene Field Library. Week. The D.C.City Council, passed a Resolution supporting the al..;.6.vities of COLORADO SPRINGs, COLORADO - 'City's the Department of Consumer and Regulatory ConsumerDivisionsent dhilyconsumer Affairs. Consumer EXPO highlighted

8 12 1

visuals, workshops, exits, FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA .- Devotedthe demonstrations and a poster art,c6htest. April newsletter to NCW 'And expanded

Fifteen city agencies, . three public distLibution for thatmonth, prepared utilities, and the Chanter of Canmeroe, video text for Cable Television Bulletin METRO; and the U.S. ,Consumer PiCduct Board, and setup displays inpublic Safety Commission, participated. The libraries. 'United Planning Organization sponsoreda. Mini donsumer Conference; the D.C. FALLS CHURcH, VIRGINIA Brownie Troop pepartment of Consumer andRegulab6ry 295 designed andwrote the Consumer Affairs ard the D.C. ' Energy Office Sandy's Fun Sheet, with puzzles, ganv1., of feted workshops on health and energy' and an advice column on the child's role topics r4 a public- hearing, entitled as consumer. "Consumers SpeakOut, sponsored by the United Communities Against' Povefty FLORIDA CONSUMER EDUCATION AND Community Action Agency; the Low Income INFORMATION NETWORK '(FCEIN) - Conducted a and Elderly Workshop presented progrims number of workshops across the State. , on consumerism. STATE OF ,FLORIDA Proclamation issued by DETROIT - Virginia H. Knauerparticipatell Governorraham. #1:na series of NCW activities, including press conference, a live TV appearance, FLORIDA FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT- ',luncheon speech sponsored by the Representative Bill McCollum sponsored a Detroit Business Consumer Coalition, consumer resource activity in his

meetings on auto-related consumerisstliSai District. with top eficials of Ford, General Motors, and C ler. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OFAGRICULTUREAND OONSUMER SERVICES and the AMERICAN D.C. CONSUMER CREDIT ASSOCIATION - ASSOCIATION. OF RETIRED PERSONS, - Sponsored a luncheon and awards ceremony Co-sponsored a series of five Consumer honoring the winners of the 1984 Consumer nurn throughout the State. Credit Aswciation Essay Contest. Approximately 400 seniors attended Virginia H. Knauer was, the luncheon 'Irkshopsthat included FDA discussions speaker. ,oncerning health' frauds, drug use and the elderly, and the regulation of ENERGY AND AGING CONSORTIUMand the hearing aids and ophthalmic devices. DEPARTMENT ENERGY - Co- sponsored a luncheon on April 23rd at the Department HENRY .FORDCOMMUNITY COLLEGE -With of Energy. Theluncheonthere was MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK in :Detroit, "Energy and the Elderly: Building Michigan, sponsored a full-day conference 4 Partnerships for Local Initiatives." on consumer issues. Virginia H. Knauer Virginia H. Knauer congratulated the addressed a luncheon meeting on Energy and Aging Consortiumand the "Partnership Between Business and Department of Energy on their programs Consumers." and activities, which helped to net the energy needs of elderly consumers. FORT WORTH, TEXAS -Proclamation issued Secretary Donald Hodel discliissed the by Mayor Bolen. Department's new energy initiatives and representativesfrom the University of FREMONT, CALIFORNIA- Proclamation issud by Mayor Leon Mdzzetti. the District of Columbia and the Unive sity of Maryland presented ideas, GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS and communicationschannels, and techniques CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY in cooperation with for developing and expanding partnerships the EXTENSION SERVICE of USDA - Conducted, to meet theenergy needs of elderly a national essay competition program consumers. entitled "Quality Nutrition for All."

ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY Proclamation STATE OF GEORGIA - Proclamation issued by issued by Mayor Dunn. Governor Joe Frank Harris.

9 \. 4 ,GEORGLA,DEP ENTIJOIF AGRICULTURE -Send special,edition of its Consumer S ices Newsletter, and a flyer to all Georgia newspapers announcing NCW. Anc AirsPOSTERCONTEST WINNERS NCW pr/gram was sponsored at the Atlanta .*H" Farmer-ss Market, and a story was publishedin the Farmers and.Consumers Market Bulletin. Brochures and handouts 1. I, , were prepared specifically for NCW, and ENEMY.' PSAs were sent to Georgia radio stat ions. .1 vOlxVigh Aok 14.144; GEORGIA OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS- SAN Coordinated Consumer Awareness Expo La coop6rative effort by business, industry, "ernment, and consumer oriented public and private groups. More than 30 agencies participated in the day-long HIALEAH, FLORIDA- Proclamation issued by event. Two consumer fairs were held at Mayor Martinez. areavocational-technical schools, and .the Office of Consumer Affairs conducted HOUSTON - Virginia Knauer was the radioltnterviews highlighting the role of luncheon speaker at a meetingsponsored consumers in the economy. bya Consortium oft Businessand Civic Organizations. GLENBROOK HIGHSCHOOLGLE4VIEW, ILLINOIS - Sponsored a student assembly STATE OF IOWA - Proclamationissued by on economic and consumerfraud during Governor Brinstad. NCW. Bob Steeves, Deputy Director of the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, spoke on THE JOURNAL INQUIRER,' MANCHESTER, ,USOCA and the impqrtance of consumer CONNECTICUT - Published a series of education. columns on consumer issues,written by Cynthia S. Bercowitz, Editorof the Tell THE HARLEM CONSUMER EDUCATION COUNCIL - It To George column. Sponsored the Tenth Annual Consumer Conferenceon April 28 at the Harlem LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY, ictUSTON, State Office Banding in New York City. LOUISIANA - Laminated shopping bags The conference was designed' to infOrm low distributed by SAFEWAY STORES with the incomeand elderly citizens of their NCW'84 theme, and convertedthem into- rights as consumers, workers and posters, which were displayed around the resident's. The theme was "Knowledge and campus during NCW. Common sense Defeat Ignorance." The topics addressed included, "YourWork MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK,Og DETROIT- Rights in the Comiputer Age," "Developing Co- sponsored with the HENRY FORD Credit Unions for Low-Income ODMMUNITY COLLEGEk a full-day conference Communities," and "Fair Hearing on consumer issues, at which Virginia Practices: Know YourRights." USOCA's Knauer was a guest speaker. Juanita Yates keynoted the Conference. MARYLAND COALITION FOR CONSUMER EDUCATION THE HAWAII CONSUMER EDUCATION INFORMATION - With the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of ASSOCIATION - Sponsored two activities Frederick County, dissemihated consumer during NCW. Thefirbt was a poster education information sheets at point- contest for 'students, with winners of-purchase and ergo held workshops, to announced on April 28th at the Ala Moana address various consumer issues. Shopping Center, where 24 exhibitors participated in a Consumers Pair. MARYLAND ATTORNEY GENERAL'S CONSUMER Governor Ariyoshi proclaimed Consumers PROTECTION DIVISION - Sponsored a Week in Hawaii. Consumer Exhibit at the Security Square Y Mall in Baltimore.

10 14 MASSAG1USETTS The StateOff iceof MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF , NATURAL RESOURCES Consumer Af fa irs,the Consumer Resource AND CONSERVATION. - Sent radio PSAs about Council, the Cooperative Extension tfCW and Energy. Service,theRegionalOfficeofthe Consumer _product Safety Crmisson,and NATIONAL CONSUMER COUNrTII. of The UNITED the New England Chapterof SOCAP KINGDOM - Prepared the original text of co-sponsored two shopping mall consunkr thepublication How To Run A Consumer fairs, 'one in Burlington, sand gthe other Week. in downtown Boston. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL JOHN MCMILLAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BETHEL PRINCIPALS - Made a special nailingto PAM!, PENNSYLVANIA,- Observed NCW ina is its36,000members °promoting NCW '84 fourth' gradeclass. Studentsformed programsandcritiquing NCW teacher partnerships and opened shops to create a instruction guides. mini mall,whereclassmatesactedas consumersusingplay money, studied THE NATIONAL' COALITION FOR CONSUMER r 'computerized 'inventory control systemsat EDUCATIOd Sponsored a National Poster local stores,, and presenteda consumer Contest for school children grades K-12, panel on how torun. a success ft,ti through its network headed by 56 State business. coordinators.Senators Daniel Moynihan, James Sasser, and Wendell H.Ford made MILWAUKEE, wiscorssiN - Proclamation thepresentationsofcertificatesand issued by Mayor Maier. $100 bonds tothewirners, Louis Gonzalez, age 6, Heath Hurst, age 14 and STATE OF MINNESOTA - Proclamation issued. Kathy Miller,..age15,who also won an by Governor Perpich. allItxperse paid trip to Washington, D.C. with their parents, April 24-25. MINI PAGE (newspaper supplement for kids) Feature c PICW '84 and consumer topicS NEBRASKA EXTENSION SERVICE - Developed a and tips for its edition the first week "How . To" planning manual for in April in 450 syndicated newspapers. s partic ipa ting in numerous activities happening throughout the state in JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI - Proclamation conjunction with Nebraska Consumer issued by Governor Allain. EducationWeek. Theplanningtranuai includedaconsumerquizfactsheet, STATE OF MONTANA - Proclvation issuedby activitiesforextensionagents,the Governor Ted Schwinden. elderly, and 4-HClubsas *fiellas programming ideas for the media.c CITYOFOAKLAND

.,. I e f , 4 0 t 4 , , t o g N i 4 4 STATE OF NEW JERSEY - Proclamation issued

,, .. 1, . by Governor Kean. PROLLAMATIO NEW JERSEY 14th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT - Thlr. ,17I4P6_9.r.9AP. Represantative Frank Guarin.k sponsored a Ihe. President of the United States has proclaimed the week beginning April 27. 19as as "NATIONAL iONSUMKRS' MX- and consumer resource fair for 1100 people in Our competitive free market eyettm operates to satisfy consumer demand. end his District. Those who are seneitive to consumer needs and recoanise that welllnformad consumer* Adm. huathese can Intp4F, to be rev/M./dad with continuing -pportunitiss to e,Irva and profit thereto, STATE OF NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF fay\SUNER r.zcitrni:tic:Lfrceilett::Tprieli syatau to the AFFAIRS - A COASUrrer postire was TmfRgIna I Lionel I Wilton. es Mayor of the 'It), of Oastend do herby proclaim Aprli 27 .0.19as distributed through the New Jersey -NATIONAL 6ONSUMI0.5' VYOP" in Oakland

St nc ,e rely. Consumer Affairs Local Assistance ,system highlightingthe Tel-consumer toll-free taped informational system.Tel - consumer has 150 subjects ranging frcm advertising to warranties. Local offidps provided speakers for various organizations during NCW and also set updisplaysat local


15 shoppingcenters, schools, apd public STATE OF NORTHDAKOTA Proclamation libraries. .The office distributed issugd.by Governor°01son. The Attorney Consumer yips in press releases to 200 General's Office sponsored two activities news organizations in New Jersey, during NCW, one in the eastern 'part of Pennsylvania, and New York. A display of the State, and the other in the informational and educational materials central-western/area. Attorney General was set u in. City Hall, and Robert,O. Wefald contacted every shopping proclafilation signing °e re was held mall in the State,requesting them td give visibility to the Week, and included there by Mayor Kenneth Gibson*. information andprociimations from the Governor -and the Pres ident. He contacted STATE OF NEW MEXICO - Proclamation issued the North Dakota State Retailers Assn., by Governor Anaya. with NCW information. A public service ad wassentto members oftheNorth NEW ROCHE4E, NEW YORK - OONSUMER Dakota State Newspaper Association. The PROTECTION OFFICE, with the STATE PUBLIC State's Largest grocery chain ran weekly SERVICE COMMISSION - Co-sponSored a ads jegarding the availability of their workshop in the New Rochelle City Hall home economist for consumers with special needsk The news media gave extensive STAB E° OFNEW4f;K- Proclamation issued Dbverage to NCW. by Governor Cuomd. OKLAHOMA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - Sent THE NEW YORK STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT speakers to vAious meetings tn the State Diss6Minated free publications on giving presentations on consumer problems mortgages, deregulation of bank accounts, and distributingonsumer information. financing small business concerns, variable interest rates; credit OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY'S CENTER FOR reporting, and other banking information.. CONSUMER SERVICES,' STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA - onducted a shopping mall consumer fair. STATE OF NEW YORK CONSUMER PROTECTION BOARD - the Attorney General's Office and 0 IDA COUNTY (NEW YORK) CONSUMER AFFAIRS the Director of the New York City office - Conducted poster contest, participated participated in a press conference in NYC in localradio talk show onconsumer and Albany. The featured speaker issues and set up Onsumer information addressed a leaders' training conference display with the SAVNGS BANK OF UTICA. for organizations to discuss legislative ORANGE COUNTY (CALIFORNIA) OFFICE OF issues and consumerism. CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Sponsored A National Consumer Education and Information Day at NEW YORK CITY CONSUMER AFFAIRS OFFICE - Mission Viejo Mall. Television Sponsored consumer conferences, personality Sybil Robson of theconsumer activities for civic ,groups, and a poster TV program"Taking Advan4ge," was a The .winner contest for school students. special guest at the opening breakfast of the poster contest was announced at a and day-long consumer fair featuring over press conference. 100 exhibitors.

NEW YORK CONSUMER ASSEMBLY a OWE4,SWORO, KENTUCKY - Proclamation issued shopping mall consumr fair. by Mayor Ross.

STATE OF - Proclamation PASSAIC COUNTY, NEW JERSEY - OFFICE OF issued by Governor Hunt; CONSUMER AFFAIRS Arranged a special program at Clifton High School, Clifton, OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COTUMER COUNCIL - New Jersey. . MeetingduringNCW focusedonsenior Citizen issues and services. FDA PHOENIX, ARIZONA - Proclamation issued by participated with Ln exhibit on sodium Mayor Goddard. reduction and health fraud. Workshops tre held on consumer legislation,, PITTSBURGR, PENNSYLVANIA -Proclamation ergency needs, and complaint handling. issued by Mayor Caliguiri.

_ 12 16 PORT5MOUTH,' VIRGINIA Proclamation issaed by Mayor Johansen.

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ODNSUMER AFFAIRS OFFICE, VIRGINIA - *Distributed consumer education brochures at various libraries duridgNCW,, issued radio spots with consumer tips, and conducted a demonstration on how to buy a used cag.at. 'the Manassas Mall.

el0Maka, the President of the. United Stater has procleimid 'National Consumers Week': PUERTO RICO Proclamation issued by the week beginning April 2 , 19ss and Governor Rimerc,Barcelo. . "141 ANEMIAS, a major funcon of ourcompetitive free market system is to satisfy consumer demand; and

WIERIA11, everyone is a consumer, but too often this role REHABILITATIONINSTITUTE OFCHICAGO- is the most neglected in terso'of preparation and trainingrand Arranged a mediaevent tb Inform the WEEMS, consumers should hay access to a wide assortment of competitively priced goods and services produced here and public about their work around the visit abroae, and it curate Information on product content and care, on contractual a ***** nts on th cost of credit...essentially. of Deputy USOCA Director Robert Steeves, whatever fact are needed t make an informed choice; and who toured .the facilities serving ANEMIAS, it clear that the greatest fairnspa for con- SUA2[11 den be achieved through the active cooperation of business, government, and consumers themselves working together to inoura handicapped persons, equity, increased competition, and safety in our free market 11 economy: and ANIMAS, National Consumers Week will promote dissemination RENSSELAER COUNTY (NEW YORK) COOPERATIVE of sound consumer information by both public and private sectors. Including the media, ogisubjects such as complaint handling EXTENSION - Conducted sendnars, on and on public policy fiue which affect consumers;, .4 homebuying for first-time buyers and ANEMIAS, National Consumers Week will encourage dialogue and cooperation among consumers, business., and government, and consumer redress for teenage mothers. broaden the scope of consumer andeconalAt education by height- .enIng consumer mean:mesa that we function in a world market -- that our interdependence extends tar ilyond the boundaries of the United Stets.: STATE RHODE ISLAND -ProcLa6ation MOW, TIMMONS, I, ROGER REOGICOCR, the Thirtieth Mayor of the City of San Diego, do hereby reclaim April 2)-29, 1984 to issued by Governor Garrahy. be 'CONSUMERS Me in San Oieq 0 WITNESS WEEPEOF,I have ereunto set my Hand, this RHODE ISLAND CONSUMER'S COUNCIL - Thirtieth( Day of march. Nine- teen thaudred and Eighty-four, Sponsored its second annual Consumer and have caused the Seal to be aff d hereto, Education Fair in Warwick Mall, Providence. Twenty five organizations 'from the public and private sectors ted.N Council continued its .4 education programs in the schools. With RUTGERS UNIVERSITY CO-OP EXTENSION the Consumer Product Safety' Canmission, SERVICE, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY,- Used the Council co-sponsored a safety fair at the theme of the "Assertive Consumer" in the Warwick Mall, concentrating'on safety its media activities for NOW. 15 news

problems ashociatedwith lawn m6Wers,.. releases on' . vbrious aspects of , chain saws and other seasonal hazardous consumerism Were issued to each of the 21 products. The 'Council co- sponsored a tOunty ExtensionService offices, for conciliation/arbitrationAmediation con- release to the local media. ference with the Regional Office of the Federal Trade Commissionon"fowbusiness THE ESSEX COUNTYEXTENSION OFFICE- Should handle consumer ccmplaints and the Particleted in an open house sponsored FTC's rules on mediation and arbitration. by the tounty Office of Consumer Affairs. Therewerealso skits on auto, have improvement., and major appliance THEo HUDSON 'COUNTY EXTENSION HOME complaints, showing how 'to handle ECONOMIST - Participated in the Consumer complaints effectively. Forum in North Bergen, New Hampshire.

RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA - Proclarration SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 49- Proolanotton issued by Mayor Corcoran. issued by Mayor Hedgecock. Consumer assistance clinic was sponsored at the RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA - Proclamation Grossmont Shopping Center, with 36 State, issued by Mayor Brown. local and Federal agencies represented.



- SANTA it, NEW MEXICO Proclamation ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI- Proclamation issued issued by Mayoeliontano. by Mayor Schoemehl.'

SAN' FRANCISCO, CALIFbRNIA - District SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW 'YORK- - County Attorney's Office took its consumer fraud Camnissioners prO6laimld Consumer Week, unit to the streets during NCW to and sponsored4.seminar for studentt at publicize its services-to consumers; a Suffolk County Community' College Western public. meetingI was held on food Campus; a consumer education workshop for irmdiatiori, with =meats yresented by community leadersin Hauppauge; anda panelists and the pUblic. Shopping Mall Consumer Fair at the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove. SALT RAKE crTy, uTAti - An exhitx.t. at the Crossroads Mali was' sponsored by several SUMMIT HALL, NEW JERSEY - Mayor Rober J. consumer groups 'andthe FOOD AND DRUG Hartlaub issued an NCW proclamation, and ADMINISTRATION. the City Cleric sent a press release about its ConsumerAffai LocalAssistance STATE OF SOUTK CAROLINA - Proclamation Office to the localmedia. is ued.by Goliernor Riley. SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA - Proclamation Ili SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF, CONSUMER issued by Mayor Briody. AFFAIRS - Introduced its new instructional packet on credit, developed. SYRACUSE (NEW 'YORK)CONSUMER as a joint venture with the South Conducted Consumer Carnival f CarolibasZept. of Education and the South the City Hall. Carolina Council.on Economic Education. It' will be sent to every secondary school. "TAKING ADVANTAGE" TELEVISION SERIES, LOS in the State. In it ANGELES, CALIFORNIA -PaFticipated co-sponsoredo- a public seminar the National Consumer Education and Nid-Carolina ConSumer Credit Assn.,'`nth with qInformAtion Day, in conjunction with the a speaker from the TTC. Robert Steeves, Orange County Office of Consumer Affaift. Deputy Director, USOCA, and Steve Hamm, Their booth featured free transcripts of Director- of the South Carolina Department the show and a, Q &A session with co-host of Cons r Affairs, also spoke. An NCW SybiVobson. The show also participated procLamati was issued *by Mayor Kirkman with ABC affiliates in varfousevents Finlay, ofolumbia, s.c. taking place in Dqtroit, Michigan. Jerrl, Graham, co-host, "participated in a SEATTLE, WASHIN3TON CONSUMER PROTECTION program at Henry Ford College, Detroit. ROUNDTABLE 7 Sponsored aluncheon and Co-hosts Sybil Robson and Jerry Graham presented its Consumer Advocate Award to were named Special Media Advisers to the someone in the Seattle area who has done0) California Consumer Advisory Council. outstanding work in behalf' ofconsumers. t. TAL ''SEE, FLORIDA - Proclamation issued Mayor Bel Lamy: SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANAUNIVEiSITYHOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT - Sponsored senior )0RIDA Virginia' H. Knauer student projects for NCW, one of which addressed the Consumer Grassroots Forum was publicized in the campUs newspaper. sponsored by the Gulf Oil Products Company. SOUTHWEST' BAPTISTUNIVERSITY, BOLIVAR, MISSOURI - Distributed a free booklet on STATE OF TENNESSEE - Proclamation issued food purchasing provided' by Kraft by Governor Alexander.' Cbrporation, and offered consumer related prograns to local organizations through UNITE COMMUNITIES AGAINSt POVERTY its Home Elnamics Department. COMMURITY ACTION AGENCY, LANCCVER, MARYLAND - Sponsored a Consumer Volunteer STATEOF so DAIWA - ,Proclanation Recognition Awards Ceremony and conducted issued by Governor Janklow., a public hearing, "Consumers Speak-out."

18 b 1 a UNIONODUNTY, NEW JERSEYDIVISION OF Information Association of Virginia 'was CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Distributed thousands held at.:Virginia BeacH;on thetheme of Consumer's ResourceHandboolcs land "Emerging Problems in Health Caret packets containing. information from the U.S.. Cansimer Product Safety Commission WALKER COUNTY. TECHNIC SCHOOL, GEORGIA -1- and local consumer related organizations;v, Sponsored a Ciis Awareness Day on 'publicity campaign included newspapers, April 25, which was advertised,in five radio and television anda speech to surrounding county newspapers and senior citizen leaders. publicized on a talk show in Chattanooga. Area service groups were invited. \UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EXhibits were displayed all weak. \MUM INCOME CONSUMER ODUNSEkING PROGRAM t 'Sponsored daily workshops for low WHIM -TVIN HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA -income and elderly consumerson " Devoted its talk show with Teri Guerrisi rism." to the subject Qf counterfeit, prqducts. NationalNCWCoordinator Martin Petersen UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCHOOL CF was a guests on the show, along with the NURSING - Sponsored a program to develop, \Director of th Pennsylvania Bureau of a model for effective co]4abozation . Consumer Protection, Mike Pekula. betweean organized consumers and nursing.

The . gproj4ct was stiff by a WEST RN NEW YORKCOALITIONFOR..CONSUMER suggestion from the National Consumers EDUC pm, AND the NIAGARA 'FRQNTIER LeagUe, and funded by 910 American Nurses comsurps' 'ASSOCIATION With Fcrderal, Fopndation. Stateand local eencies sponsoreda one-day Consumer-A reness Conference of STATE OF VIRGINIA - Proclamation issued Buffalo State College. Media by Governor Robb. announcements publicized the event which was 'open to the pUblic. VIRGINIA CO-OP EXTENSION SERVICE OF VIRGINIA TECki AND VIRGINIA STATE WARRENttCOUNTY, NEWJERSEY ,OFFICE OF UNIVERSITIES - Sypported the second CONSUMER tFFAIRS - Participatedin NCW annualNationalConsumersWeek Poster with an exhibit atthe Warren County Conte with mailings to Virginia public Library in Belvidere, .and with a special schoo in the Richmond area.- 4class entitled "Consumers Mean Business:' Complain Like a Pro." OCA staff were VIRGINIA CITIZENS OONSUMERODUNCIL- interviewed on local. radio, and Displayed information on local measured television, and an open house was held at telephone service in libraries in Fairfax -its office where staff answered questions and Arlington counties during NCW '84. and distributed printed information. Warren County issued a proclamation of VIRGINIA EXTENSION OFFICES' - Displayed NOW. the ,NCW poster in their offices, along with publications and ;handouts. A STATE OF wwiwroo - Proclamation issued conference in Southampton County had the by Governor Spellman. theme, "Wake Up ToNow." It was sponsored by SHOP, StraelghtHelp for STATE OF WEST .VIRIGNIA - Proclamation Opportunitiesfor. Purchas A consumers issued by Governor Rockefeller. conference washeld at RichardBland Cam uni College on the theme "Consumers WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK DEPARIMENT Helping Themselves" addressing the OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Set up exhibits at unemployment situation in the area. three indoor shopping malls in the County Media coverage was extensive in ,the distributing literature andpamphlets. Richmond area, and Pittsylvania County Staffalso answeredquestions. Spot had special exhibits and-programs whiOh announcementswere sent to the local stressed consumer issues on buying, cnclia, and afeature article by the shopping, andprotection.. The annual Consumer Editor of the Westchester meeting ofthe ConSumer Education and newspaper was published during N04. a p is.19 01* PROCLAMATIONS OF NATIONAL CONSUMERS WEEK Pennsylvania; Concord,' California ; received ranGovernors .included the Jackson, Miss iss ilipi ; Milwaukee',

following4' States: Alabama, Atka n.sas Wisconsin; Columbia, (t South Carolina ; California,Colorado, Delaware, Florid, Hialeah, Florida ;Taliahassee,Florida ; Georgia,. Illinois, Iowa,. Minnesota, Santa Fe, New Mexico Portsmouth, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, New Virginia; Berkeley, Cal ifopia;.,Chicago, Mexico).-North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Illinois;Phoenix,Arizona; Richmond, Rhode Island, SouthCarolina,South California; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Dakota Tennessee, Texas, Virgintlx Anahe tin, California; Fort Worth, Texas; Washingtor., tokst Virginia, and Wyoming. San Diego, California; Baltimore, .11 Maryland; lentown, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth, -4' w Jersey; Queensboro, PROCLMATIONS FROMMAYORSincluded the Kentucky; BattleCreek, Michigan; Kansas' followingcities (not inalphabetical City,Kansas; Garden Grove, California; order) :Sunnyvale, California; Atlantic Buffalo, New York; Reno, Neveda ; City, New Jersey; Pittsburgh, Cranford,Nevi Jersey; and Indianapolis, Milwaukee,Wisconsin; Cincinnati, Ohio; Indiana.

4t. $ ablation .o

The President of the United States has proclaimed the week beginning'April 23. 1984. as "National Consumer" Week. and MIMEO, This special observance will promote the discsminat ion of sound consumer information by both public and private sectors, including the media. to acquaint the buying public with such processes as complaint handling and to height entroncumer awareness of our interdependence on a world market as well dame/tic one; and

WMFYFAS, Everyone is a constmer, but 'little effortis made to prep Iretu Itrain people for this rule; and

1 WHEREAs, consumers should have access to a wide assortment of ompet it t-ely pr iced goody and services produced both bore and abroad, plus accurate , intormat prrxitict content and quality; and Itis essent tat that business, government and constrarrti . .elves or k tuct her to insure equity, increased compet I t ion And safety) in our rc market e,onormy;

I, 7 NI W. TIIEREMR E.I. HENRY W. maIi7, Mayor of Milwaukee, do hereby pr-,-lain the period of Aprt1,23-29, 1986, to he tiAT 10::AI. CON ;;HERS WEEK in Milwaukee. andI urge ever vuhe to acquaint themselves with the consumerint onsat ion that is readily available to Oars.

ty114-iffiNkY W. MA 1 ER



AMERICAN AIRLINES ,Sponsolted travel AMERICANODUNCU. OFLIFE INS CE - arrangements for the winners of the NCW Prov'ded an NCW 'packet of informational National Phota.Gontest. ma ials to its 600 member companies,, with directions forsponso ing a imeriety 4 AMERICAN ALJTOVBILE ASSOCIATION (AAA)- of community activities.Wi h the HEALTH, Conducted car. care clinics througty its INSUpANCE ASSOCIATION ". AMERICA, state and district igfices andpr.4.7, ided prodiiced 400,000 promotional flyers "consumer tipS through its putklications. announcingNCW - 84'. ,-40° .AVERIklyCANfea ERS;NcwASSZ.CIATiION News 4AMTRAK - Displayed its, specially equippdd Ap-ril10 sleeping car accartrodations for issue,describingkindsofactivities wheelchair passengers at UnioStation in tanks acrcas the country could Chicano as a media event. participate lri for NCW.

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION -Special Committee on Alternativp Dispute Resolution assisted in orpanilinga visit. byVirginia H. Knauertoitspilot . rrult.i-doorprojectinHouston. Mrs. Knauer toured the facility and observed a' simulated mediation case.

AMERICAN GAS ASStOCIATION (AGA)- Opened the Gas Appliance. Research and Demonstration Home at the PGA Laboratories in Cleveland.More than 200 guests attended, with DOE Under Secretary Pa Er ick 'Collinsdeliveringthekeynote address. CPSC Chairman Nancy Steorts and me'mbe rs of.herstaff toured the facilities.The AGA Labs staff will be conducting \researchto develop new residential and carrarcial gas appliances and accessories, ars.1 the house will serve asashowcaseforderrorstrating Aqw equiptient.AGA also held a works hop on handling 'consumer concerns and inquiries for 30 . of its membel ccmpany representatives hosted by Southwest Gas Corporation in Las `Vegas. Other member companies participated. in NCW activities THE ARMSTWAsIG RUBBER CDMPANY - Launched inAtlanta,Brookly:.East Ohio, New its new liarrantedautoTredlocTire JerseyNortheastern States,Oklahoma, during National Consumers Week at a press Southe,nCalifornia,Southwesternand, conference in Nashville. USOCA Deputy Mid-Atlantic States, and Washington, D.C. Director Robert Steevesparticipatedin ceremonies, at the Nashville plant AMERICAN 'IrJURISTER OORPORATION - announcing, thetire, which sets anew Sponsored an exhibit at the NCW consumer industrystanaard for/tiremileage ,fair,atMidlandMall,Warren, Rhode guarantee':. Island, and at the Warwick Mall, Warwick, 1 Rhode Islam.The Fair was publicized on ASSOCIATION OF HOME APPLtAkcE local radio stations. 'MANUFACTURERS (AHAM) - Focused on Nail in

17 21. its March/April issues of Appliance Letter sent to over 4-0000 consumer; communicators tttroughbut the country; distributed a speCial media package 'during Nags

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVELAGENTS '" Released a new consulter education campaign .alerting travelers to .potential consumer` problems. This was done, in conjunction with the . It i uded radio and print media ',material.

,,ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEA COMPANY (A&P) - Distributed consumer feed-bayk survey during NCW to each customar'who passed

throughLa checkout line. Postage-paid A results will be tabulated and analyzesN A &P operates 715 stores in :WStates.

7-0,0NPRODUCTS - Sponsor ( a stut4r tout for. consumer educators from Japan as a major NCB actimity./- Professors fran 4 F a majorunivetnitbm participated in a ten-da, folr-city tour, which began April 23rd in New York.. They feet with experts in consumer education in classrooms at the elementary, high schooi and university levels. Avon also

. hcetild open house at its seven Regional Offices.

BEAIER BUSINESS BUREP,,(MGVIEW, TEXAS- .Conducted a shopping mall consumer fair. et" 1%BONHAM STATE BANK, BONHAM, TEXAS - Used am_ an NCW postage cancellation stamp for its metered mail during April, and ran ads on National ,Consumers Week in the local newspaper. The .Bank also ran -an NCW poster onits marquee and used an NCW logo on all statements during April.

CAR CARE COUNCIL - Mailed a publicity kit- to 600 newpaper editors on Car Care Fairs THE COCA-COLA COMPANY - Released its new duringNational Consumers Week, with publication, "Investi In Consumer stionsabout car care atx.1 lists of Information," and distributed ittoChief ocal resources. Issued aseries of Executive Officers of. major U.S. 0-second radio public service corpolions, public relations acnouncements relatingto car rare for execut es, trade associations, and177 NCW. Better Business Bureaus in the U.S. and Canada during NCW. CITICORP /CITIBANK, N.A. - Provided a grant for the NationalCoalition for COLUMBIA GAS DISTRIBUTIONCOMPANIES -. Consumer Education's NCW Poster Contest Under the theme "Save Energy Dollars Year involving school children. Round," produced pamphlets, posters and

18 /22 news releases that pointed.out year-long energy savings can result by taking action ddring the the spring and summer. Also prepared ateacher's packet with lesson ideas and student worksheets. All 140 area officesin a seven-State area participated in the program. ai CREDIT WORLD MAGAZINE - Donated two full- page advertisements to Aational Consumers Week in their January-February and March-ApAl issues.

D.C. CONSUMER "CREDIT ASSOCIATION - Virginia H.. :tnauerwas the luncheon speaker at the Essay Contest Awards Luncinleon, where awards were presented to say contest winners.

DAL TEXAS The Third Annual Consumers Dpy Fa i was co- sponsored by the Federal Execu ive Board and the Bette Business Bureau.- Forty-four .gpvernment, private, business and educational organizations participated

DETROIT -Virginia Knauer addressed a luncheon meeting of consumer and business leaders, visited.officiald of, the major automobile vanueacturers, and attended a reception marking National Consumers GARFIELDRIDC6-84cCHICAGO - Hosted an Week. NCW seminar for senior citiz during National Consumers Week, with a speaker from the Social Security Adminstratton. EQUITABLE'BANK, N.A. :-ltimore) - Prepared anNCR poster. 'sr .itlk 130 offices, and issued abroth re, imple GOODYEAR TIRE A)(D RUBBER Publishedarticles 'lips' on Personal Credit, t .3 gh its on NCW publications. branches. A statement stuffer about the brochure went to 165000 tank customers. GULPOIL PRODUCTS COMPANY Hosted EXXON COMPANY U.S.A.- Co-sponsored a consumer and community leaders a+_ one plf the company's Consumer Forums consumer issues luncheon -tot Houston Grassroots in St. P?tersburg, Florida. business and consumer leaders, addressed by Virginia Knauert'and conducted Better HENLEY lOca1 Rusiness Bureau orientation programs for PARK HOTEL - Sponsored company' employees at nthe key facilities arrangements for te winners of theNCW National Photo Contest. 'nationwide to stimulate individual a.lareness of BBB services. Exxon also HOFFMAN-LaRbCHE, INC. -Sponsoredthe conducted one of its communityleader for the dialogue sessions, giving senior ribbon cutting ceremony anticounterfeiting exhibit in New management the opportunity. to hear consumer leaders. Orleans.

FOOD'LMARKETING INSTITUTE, WASHIN3TON, HOME OWNERS WARRANTY CORPORATION (HOW) D.C. - Included "Cortymer Clips"in its WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sponsored a reception s AprileditionofFMVsIssues Bulletin. .celebrating the 10th Amlversary of the

Sentletters to 1300 member companies . HOW program on the ktOningdayy- okNC urging their participation in NCW.. '84. --- 4 I9 23 t" THE'''HOOVER. CD Featured NCti in its leaf kets through its chain ofstores; in -housepublroa andof fe a used a special NCW logo and hang tags in "Consumer Guide To Carpet Cleaning"to its advertising dd ing NCW. all who requested it. The NCW poster was, displayedineachofthe70factory 'ME STAR GAS COMPANY1 [ALIAS. - service centers throughout the U.S.; and Participated in he Third Annual the carpet cleaning guide was 'available Consumers Day 'Fair at Northpark Shopping forall customers. Center. The Company nailed aspecial newsletter to social workers and agencies INTERNATIONAL ANTIODUNTERFEITING in Dallasand 'FortWorth explaining COALITION, alohg with the 'U.S.customs consulibrissues related tonatural gas SERVICE and the UNITED STATES'OFFICE OF service. The Company den onstrated gas CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Opened it's exhibition drilling ptoceduresatthree sites in the on counterfeit consumer productsnear area. 1984 Louisiana World' Exposition in New Orleatks. The exhibit showed the health, MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL Ws ,NK OF DETROIT day -long conference on safety, quality .andecgnomic dangersof Co-sponsored a FORD. the growing $16 billion market in consulter' issues, with the 'HENRY nterfeit" goods for thepublic vis'iting ITY COLLEGE. Virginia Hv,Knauer t Louisiana World Exposition during a dretsed the luncheon meeting on ON "Partnership Between IBusiness and ConsuaerS." f INTERI TIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT ASMtIATION MAJOR APPLIANCECONSUMER ACTION ,PANEL - Spo red the National Consumer Credit (MAC,AP), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS uSponsored, an Education Week during NCW, and hosted a exhibit Aof najor appliances including wide variety of seminars, workshops 'on those egbecially adapted for use by credit, and high school essay contests handicapped persons. .1 through its chapters nationwide. ,MCDONALD CORPORATION, GREATER WASHINGTON, JOINT COUNCIL ON ECONOMICEDUCATION - D.C. AREA - bporisored a 'luncheon meeting Sent outgcm Information ,Kit, to its to announceitsConsumer EducationGrant 201000 members. Program for innovative educational projectsinthe area of consumerism for KRAFT FOOD PRODUCTS CORPORATION- Mailed D.C. areapublicschools. a publication titled Consumer's Right lb Know to 6, o0consumer educators and1 MEDI M4RTItIUGSTORES - Participated in §ngland SOCAP Consumer Education profess :lnalg , in goverment, industry, the. New interest groups, academia, and the ,media Fair at a shopping null in Boston: A during NCW., 2,000, members of the Kraft pharmacist.' distributed Materials and sales force took order blanks for publications, and answered questions consumer publ ica t ions to their 'custateis about health, prescriptiondrugsq and du ring NCW. Kraft usedthe"Consuers over-the-counter medication. Nearly 200 Mean .Business",1logo as its nail blood pressure readings were taken.' cancellation indium during NCW, and a Kraft representative distributedconsumer MERCURY MARINE CORPORATION -Prepared a materials at the 'Better, Business Bureau speCial NCW poster using a 1984 Consumer EducationFair, attended by marine/business therm and distributed it 3,000 members. . to over 6,000 Mercury outboard, Mariner outboard, and, MerCruiser dealers-; KINGS SUPER MARKETS, WEST CALDELL, NEW throughout the JERSEY - Ran full-page ads about NCW in major ,New Jersey newspapers. In MINYARD FOOD STORES, DALLAS -Printed a addition, consumer lea lets were special NCW poster displayed in all its distributed in all their s es. stores during NCW, and participated in the Consulter -Fair at Northpark Shopping LEVITZ FURNITURECOMPANY -Distributed Center, distributing information on four,..litferent consumer information fitness, nutrition,andrecipes.

20 4 24 NATIONALALTIOMOBIIE CRALERS ASSOCIATION lobby, The e Presidevt for Customer (NADA).- Sent a series of news releases Services made several speeches during NCW onsales and service of new carsto on consumer. issues. automotive writers cofne4or publicatiOns. PEOPLE MAGAZINE - Donated a free public NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS- service ad in its April 20 issueon the Prepared a special kit for all its dtate NCW theme, " Consumers Mean 133.1siness." and local affiliates includingcamera ready fact sheets for cOnsumets and PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION suggested events that home builders might - Developedslide and script PSAs for become involved in at the local level. distribution to 230 television stations for .use during ea week. NATIONALNINSTITUTE FOR 'AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE - Conducted :car care PITNEYBOWES - Designed the official demonstrations nationwide` NCW' 84 postage meter cancellation imprint and made it available to p Sets at 1.1.1E NCW%RADIONEVIS SERVICE - Offered cost. generic consumer tips over the AP and UPI

radio . news service to 2,000 radio RCA MUSIC SERVICE = Developed a'special stations during N04. Thiseffortwas presentation on consumer awarenessfor produced by SKLAR/IDEL9ON, a Washington, its 400 employees and is using the Pitney D.C.-based public relations firm. Bowes postage meterimprint throughout 1984. NEW JERSEY NATURAL GAS - Sent radio PSAs to nine stations broadcast overfive SAFEWAY SPORES - Printed free NCW days, on homeheating, water heating, shopping bags for use in all their stores cooking, equal payment plan, and other during the week, and LouiSiana Tech Uni- consumer suggestions. . The company used * versity, in Ruston,' Louisiana, laminated the NCW slogan on its postage meters some of the bags and converted them into during NCW. posters which 'were displayed around the camp4s during NC4. NEW ORLEANS BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU and SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY - Sponsored a one-day SEARS, ROEBUCK & COMPANY - Designed and seminar on consumer affairs and National printed80,000 copies of theoffipial Consumers Week on the University Campus, NCW'84 poster' and reprinted the poster plus a mss, -wide display of NCW. artwork in its4th quarter, report to stdckholders that reached onemillion eNEW ORLEANS United States Office of people. Consumer Affairs, U.S. Customs Service, and International Anticounterfeiting SECURITY TATE BANK, PHARR, TEXAS- Coalition co-sponsored exhibit on Sponsor a week-long series ,pf NO4 .counterfeit name-brandproducts atthe activities on a number of issues, Customs House. Mrs. Knauer and including Social Security benefits, Congresswoman Lindy Boggs.participated in direct deposit, itiergy conservation, . opening ceremonies April 30. The exhibit investments and bank services. willremain open during the Louisiana World Exposition. Syndicated television SEVEN-UP OOMPANY - Printed 30,000 copies series "Taking Advantage" covered the o How to Runa Consumer Week, a opening event. ftactioal 19-page guide that takes local planners through a step-by-step NORTHEAST UTILITIES, HARTFORD, presentation of how'' to do it. CONNECTICUT - Mailed a special NCW insert in 1.2 million statements sent toits SHELL OIL COMPANY - Through its district customers during April, and provided offices, presented . its consumer publications for the exhibit sponsored by "Self-Help" programoncar care and the Department ofEnergy in itso main maintenance.

21 25 SOCAP 'NEWSLETTER UPDATE - Carried a prominent nbtiae about.NCW in its April issue and celebrated the week with its Spring conference in Sin Francisco. National SOCAP is the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, with 1500 ConsumerWeek members. 11PRIL 23 - MIL 29 SOCAP /OHIO CHAPTER - Featured NCW in the Ilc Service Prigram spring issue of its newsletter, OHCAPS. SOUTH FLORIDA BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU - "Consumers Mean Business" Participated in a consumer fair at the Aventura Shopping Mallin Miami. Staff Sponsored by Security State Bank of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of South norida,.also participated, and * Retirement Benefits FloridaPowerandLight Companysent consumer literature, and a representative * Energy Cost to answer questions. * Investing Wisely SOL/THERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, ATLANTA - Sponsoreda booth at theConsumer Awareness Expo 1984 coordinated by the * Local 'Economics GOVERNOR's OFFICE OF OONSUMER. AFFAIRS, displaying equipment availablefor the At SECURITY STATE BANK, We're Here To Help, and dur- disabled, as well as providing ing the week of April 23rd to April 29th 1984 we will information about the Company; also be sponsoring an Informative program for the general conducted a seminarin Atlonta for the public. Everyone Is INVITED. The programs will begin at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: State's Consumer Affairs/Public Relations Managers, to identify current consumer April 23rd(Monday)--locJil_losurily Administration needs throughout Georgia and to develop representatives will speak on Social Security income, Direct Deposit, end answer any questions you might ways ofresponding effectively; Company sponsored open houses throughout the State to acquaint the public withtheir April 24th(Tueiciay)--Central Power and Light Company representatives will speak on energy conservation local telephone facilities and services; measures, reading your meter, and answer questions. their speaker's bureau net with 11 different grodps to inform them- of* April 25th(Wednesday)-4ecurlty State Bank personnel will speak on the financial market, Bank investments. changes in the company's services. and Bank Services. TAMPA CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE and BETTER April 26th(Thursday)--The Rio Grande Valley Sehemkeili Commerce Executive Director will Inform us on the BUSINESS DIVISION - Sponsored a Health Valley Economy. Frauds Workshop, in which FDA FREE To Everyone participated. Discussion focused on how These Informative programs will Asks place at the Tex- government, local agencies, and media can an Hotel Meeting Room. It Is open for the general publiq. work together to protect consumers from kw y, 101 A 111011111IT AIM an mown fraudulent products.

TEXAS HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION -In SECURITY conjunction with the National Association STATE BANK of Home Builders conducted a pilot Member FCC program for consumers with generic "We're here to help." instruction on how to select a he and finance it. USOCA Director,. Virginia H. 118 South Cage at Caffery, Pharr 787.5911 10auer, addressed the session.

-Drive-kis North Cage & State 'TRIBUNE COMPANY SYNDICATE - Created a counterfeiting villain, "Murky," and

22 26 S

created aproductcounterfeiting story THE WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION - Developed a line for its Dick Tracy. comic strip which series ofpressreleasesfor National began during NCW and ran for four-tonths. Consumers Week, and distributed a variety of consumereducation rraterials regarding UNION OIL COMPANY - Provided specially appliance safety, including special des igned NCW posterstoitsService publicationsfordisabled consumers. stations in the Western Region. The Poster's theme was,"Serve Themwith THE ZAYRE CORPORATION - Printed and Spirit -Consurn4rs Mean Business." distributed 100,000free shopping bags bearing the NCW theme,"Consumers Mean VIVITAR CORPORATION - Conducted a Business," to /organizations conducting National Photo Contest through its 7,000 local consumer fairs and exhibits. dealerships.

WASHINGTON D.C. GAS LIGHT COMPANY Mailed an NCWbill-stuffer toall its customers in the Metropolitan area.

f you have a questionor concern about your service, first give your local customer service representativesan oppor- tunity to help you. They'll make a real effort to getyour ques- tions answered on the spot. The number to call is printedon your bill and listed under. "Northeast Utilities" in your telephone directory.

Please don't write onyour bill stub it is scanned by com- puter and an important message may be overlooked. Please write on a separate piece ofpaper and enclose it with your bill payment. CELE = RATES If, for somereason, we have not adequately addressed your NATIONAL concerns, write to: CONSUMERS WEEK Levitz Cares! Come In Or Call William J. Sfax, Director For A Free Booklet On Levitz 10-Point Consumer Bill Of Fights, C nsumer Affairs csd, Truth in Shopping, How To Talk No theast Utilities Like A Furniture Salesperson, and The Cover Story. P.O.ox 270 CALL TOLL FREE Hartfo Connecticut 06141 1-800-327-7645. In Fla. Call 1-800-432-4844

NORTHEAST UTILITIES 1.4 t Oftr.il.1.. &hp mvort- "S it it otaPaN o I PQW%n L01.0AN S NU t111. 141

This information is paid for by Nil shareholders. FA.114ti I 2 OlIN1


ACTION - Focused on the7senior citizen script slide presentation called population through its RetiredSenior "Partners in Protection," which was sent Volunteer Program (RSVP), which is a to 250 agency officials. FSISalsd national program for older Americans featured PSAs during NCW. The annua) contributing their tine .ind virtually poster contest on food safety was entered every part of our country. The RSVP by morethan 75,000 elementaryschool programs in conjunction with VOLUNTEER children this year." Thirty USDA SENIOR CITIZENCENfERSwith whom they Inspectors visited 50 schools to workaround the- nationalso provided congrAulate local winnersduring NCW. speakers for NCW community activities. FSIS sent information about USDA's' Meat and PoultryHotline to 17,200public THE ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE CC THE libraries, 1,100 consumer affairs UNITED STATES - Posted the official NCW newspaper reporters and 240 supermarket poster its lobby, and publicized the consumer affairs professionals. THE event by oailing informational materials EXTENSION SERVICE, which provides to its 125 members and liaison consumer educationin morethan 3.,000 representatives of the Administrative counties 444in the .U.S., mailed NCW, Conference. information packetsto more than 5,000 extension professionals. Among the DEPARNENT OF AGRICULTURE - Featured special programs conductedfor NCW was exhibits and consumer. information one by the Nebraska Cooperative Extension programs in the USDA Administration Service. Building. Virginia Knauer. participated in the opening ceremony with Deputy BALTIMORE' FEDERAL EXECUTIVE B>ARD - Secretary Richard E.Lyng. Specralists Sponsored a display in the Fallon Federal madepresentationsto emCoyees during Building lobby, in which 13 Federal extended lunch hours anc .distributed agencies particpated.29 other agencies consumer information. Over 1,000 USDA hosted programs of their own qnd employees and visitors saw the exhibits displayed the NCW poster. Between 1900 and special programs. The Food Safety and and 2000 visitors saw the lobby display Inspection Service (FSIS) produced a in,the Fallon Building.



t>,i .00,4111W MEN? if'.:"_now-3 AND 10.07

ANEXPO atmAilEx" do'we'

24 CNSUS BUREAU '--Showed displays at five Maritime Fisheries Service's (NMFS) consumer fairs in Boston, New Xork, Southeast Region published a special Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles. edition of NMFSNewsbreaker withthe President's Proclamation of .NCW, and CIVIL AERIONAAICS BOP:AD (CAB)- Informed mailed a press release to toog editors. state andlocal consumer units of its 'IsiMFS sent 'outreachletters on NCW to functions and issued special information their fisheries marketing directors, / kits about airtransportation consumer fishing trade associations, and- major issues. Prepared PSAs about Air seafood compaqies. The Regional Office transportation and consumer issues, and participated in consumer fairs in members of the the Board staffed the Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas,Texas and consumer complaint telephones during the placed NCW notices 'in severalissues of week. Market News Report. It also highlighted NCW in the Pascagoula Laboratory's Open CHICAGO - FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD (FEB)- House April 19-20. Tile Northeast Region Sponsored a half-day information sharing announced NCW activities each morningon . session for Federal employees in daily WNBS, New Bedford, Mass., and NMFS contact with the public regarding official John Lenehan discussed it during resource referralson consumer issues; an interview on that station. NMFS published a Chicago edition of the participated in a consumer fairin the Consumer's Resource Handbook and Burlington Mall, Burlington, Massa- distributed it to 110 member FEB chusetts, and the Marketing Committee of agencies; poster displayed in the lobbies the Mid-Atlantic Foundation, April 16-21. of Federal buildings in Chicago. , The Southwest Regiom-,participated. in the Orange County Annual Consumer Fair at DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- i'Sponsored an Mission Viejo Mall, and announced NCW at exhibit in the main lobby of' the Hoover the Spring convention of the California Building on the theme, "Commerce Serves Seafood Institute in Monterey, Consumers." Twelve agencies showed California. The National Weather Service displays about their consumerprograms. regional offices participated with Over 6,700 people, not including displays in Norfolk, Virginia and employees, visited the exhibit. Columbia, South Carolina,the lobby of Secretary Baldrige sent a notice to all the Federal Building in Kansas City,' Department employees in the Washington 4 Missouri, and Anchorage, Alaska, and the area urging them to visit the NCW Ala Moana Shopping Centerin Honolulu, exhibit. More than 20,000 booklets and Hawaii. The Bureau of the Census showed fact sheets were distributed. The displays at five consumer fairs in Departmental newsletter, Commerce People, Boston, Massachusetts, New York, Atlanta, featuredan article on NCWand the Georgia, Dallas/Port Worth,Texas, and exhibit. The OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Los Angeles, California. honored members of its Consumer Sounding Boardat a coffeehourwhereDeputy COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION- Secretary Clarence J. Brown presented Informed the North American Association certificates of appreciation to the of Securities Administrators (NAASA) and volunteer consumer members of the Board. selected State Attorneys Generalabout NCW was featuredin the March issue of NCW; made contacts with major print media Simply Stated In Business, the bi-monthly about NCW; and with NAASA and the Council° bulletin sent to 9.000 subscribers from of Better BusinessBureaus distributed business, government, and academia. The information onfraud preventionin the Department's Office of Business Liaison commodities industry. sent a special mailing about NOW to 450 government affairs representatives in CONSUMERPRODUCIt SAFETY COMMISSION trade associations, and the Director of Three Commissioners spcke at meetings and nsumer Affairs taped a radio broadcast news conferences during NCW. Chairman sent throughout the country and Steorts visited Ohio, Florida, and participatedin aradio interview by a Minnesota; Commissioner Armstrong visited Dayton, Ohio station. The National Arizona and California; and Commissioner

2528 Scanlon vi ited Texas and North Carolina. the Notional NCW Poster Contest sponsored Sent publ city packets to national by the National Coalition for Consumer organizatns which hage communications Education. Also sent a special mailing networks, using the theme, "Product to Regional Offices making them aware of Safety Sells." CPSC also collaborated materials avaitable and the NCW Poster with various local grassroots Contest. organizations during NCW to promote the use of the CPSC hotline. displa A-77 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY - Activities exhibits, workshops and fairs.. 1 n included participation by operationf Offices located throughout the country. Nancy Steorts, ' through the ederal Executive Speakers Programof USOCA, ,Headquarters staff issued a press release addressed the audience at a Consumer Fair to the wire services and trade press. in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Secretary Hodel taped several PSAs for 2,000radio stations nationwide. Two DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - Provided NCW\fact radio actualities were featured on DOE's. kits to social studies coordinators at newsline. An Energy and Aging Consortium its overseas dependent schoolsand to luncheon meeting was-held April 23, with libraries and family and community 70 attendees. Secretary Hodel was among

service centers . located on military the speakers, along with USOCA Director installations. 'The Army ptesented Virginia H. Knauer. Four exhibits were programs to the respective. military displayed in the Forrestal Building communities on various aspects of lobby,with publications including some consumerism' at Fort. Myer and Fort provided'by private sector sources. THE Belyoir, Virginia, and at Fort Leonard NEVADA OPERATIONSOFFICE displayed an Wood, Missouri, Fort ,Sill, Oklahoma, and exhibit of an electric vehicle at the Las the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, to Vegas Boillevard Mall. NCW proclamations name 'a few. 'Pupils at the DOD Dependents were received from Nevada Governor School in Avellino, Italy,. participated Richard Bryan,Las Wegas Mayor WilliaM in consumer awareness activities during Briare, and the Clark County Commission. the School's spring recess._ They visited THE SAN FRANCISCO Offibe's Applied various consumer facilities at the U.S. Science Division of the Lawrence Berkeley Naval SuppOrt Activity in Naples, Italy. Laboratory participated in an Energy PaviliOn at the Berkeley City Fair, and proclamations were received from the Mayors of San Leandro, Oakland and Berkeley..The Oakland/A4Oreda County Consumer Council held a conference in a community meeting hall, attended by 200 people. The'DOE Regiona). Office participated, and CPSC Commissioner Sandra B.Aimstrong spoke. THE IDAHO OPERATIONS OFFICE received a proclamation from Governot John Evans, and Idaho Falls Mayor Tom Campbell, who toured the Willow 'reek Building, one ofthe most energy efficient buildings in the country. A DOE energy spebialist was featuredon several public affairs TV programs, and a 7ariety of PSAs were aired. DOE pamphletswereondisplayatvarious bookstores and thepublic library for mem Comisbei Maw, View aid Pa* Moe Ural Ow snails OW OttaissiwilirbIslubssoftelmsloorslargalmonnAleileas.ftessilftsreissle*Mtt NCW. OTHE CHICAGO OFFICE received proc- db. pbet s osimarp * Ass 1. mieffillis v torarpr Aeireem liffeb. Mast l 102 Glen. Maatiomery lamatidAs from Governor 'James Thompson and Mayor Harold Washington. An center and display of DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - Sent a special information consumer literature werefeatur10 mailing to editors of approximately 200 housing 100 Feddral Education Associations, alerting them to Federal buildings

26 4 30 employees on April26 and the City of Directors ofFDICreceived information Chicago operated a consumer information materials and.. instructions for booth in the lobby of City Hall during participation. NCW. A ess release was sent to Chicago media; f: 'ran a consumer-oriented FEDERAL EXECUTIVE. BOARDS AT program the news show; and the Chicago DALLAS/FTWORTH, CHICAGO, BALTIMORE, Tribun ran a special Sunday insert for CINCINNATI, HONOLULU-PACIFIC - Made major NCW. The Tribune has a circulation of contribution* to consumer fairs,, 1,000,000./The Chicago Sun Timesran a expositions and workshops in their similar pull-out sectionon energyt THE ,respective" communities. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND: ENERGY hosted 'an Energy Efficiency Fair FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOPJf(FHLBB) - featuring exhibits" from WA, the NCW materials were sent to the 12 University of Tennessge, and DOE's Oak district offices thinstructions for Ridge National Laboratory. THE KANSAS use CITY SUPPORT OFFICE exhibited 20 ,displays to help consumers became aware. FEDERAL INFO1MATION CENTERS, GSA- Again served in a coordinating ,role for,local EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION NCW activities,: by acting as an (EEOC) - Sponsored an NCW exhibit at the information resource for communities. main entrance of the Washington office, and conducted .Vbluntary Assistance FEDERAL MART ME COMMISSION. (FMC) - Symposia in Sandusky, Ohio; Newark, New Sponsored a week-long , clinic for Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; and employees to help them resolve their own , Pennsylvania..The,symposium ccmsumer complaints by providing program continued though May and June. educational materials and offering assistance inlocating State and local FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC)- consumer'' services.

Held a Telecommunication , Wbrkshop focusing on Life Since Divestiture, which FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (FRB)- Displayed was opened by Chairman Mark Fowler and consumer education brochures at its Virginia Knauer. t. It also held a Central Office; article about NCW was Rulemaking . Clinic and Workshop for published in a Board newsletter; Reserve communciaticms law students who have Banks were reminded of NCW observance. filed comments with tlePagency, examining the process by which their comments were FEDER TRAM COMMISSION (FTC) - developed andsubsequently filed. In pevel and distributednationwide a 'addition, involved 50 students fromarea special newspaper supplement explaining colleges anduniversities selected by consumer's legal rights and their respective schools, who questioned responsibilities'in variousareas. FTC the five Commissioners _during a, also offered advice to consumerson how television taping. These tapes will be to avoid makingcostlymistakeswhen made available to Ole participating purchasing a car or when ordering y mail schools for further showings. A brown This project was produced in conju ction bag luncheon was open to the publtc*on with the FTC's Boston Regional 0 ice. the subject of FM radio broadcast issues. Also, distributed a special edition of The Chairman and the Commissioners Facts for Consumers listingall free visited the Washington-based NCW consumer and business education materials activities. An updated version of FCC's that are wlailaplefrom the FTC. In TelecommunicationsGlossarywas issued addition, The Credit Wbrld magazine during National Consumers Week. listed allOf the FTC's freeconsumer credit foublj ations in a.full-page ad in F tmAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORKCION their April issue. 117 (Fn_.) - A letter fram Chairman William Isaac was mailed to all State-chartered FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGIONAL OFFICES non-member banks; an exhibit was placed - Participatedin various events: In in the .FDIC main lobby; all Regional Atlanta, the staff gave speeches at

27 31 severallocal high schools;the Dillas Francisco; and aliterature display by Regional Director made opening remarks.at the Health Care Financing Administration the New Mexico Attorney General's at a Seattle Consumer Roundtable Statewide Consumer Fair in Albuquewue; luncheon. The Social Security the New York Regional Director ta&d a Administration distributed Consumer's special TV program on antitrust laws for Resource Handbebks and NCW posters to its the consumer educktion program atthe 'field offices and arranged educational

Bronx High School of Science; the Seattle programs for' community grow , as well as Regional Office took part inan NCW participated' with Fede Executive luncheon sponsored by the Seattle Boardssponsoring exhibitsand fairs. Consumer Protection RoundtVle.' The Health Care Financing Administration publicized the .booklet,,Guide to Health FOODAND. DRUGADMINISTRATION (FDA) - Insurance For People le With Medicare, and Celebrated NCW in various forms conducted Medicare training sessions nationwide, with districts giving throughout the country. Official priority to coordinated effortswith speeches during NCW included other agencies and organizations. Nine consumer-oriented remarks: The consumer fairs were conducted, tenpublic Administration on Aging. distributed presentations were made, and one 10,000. copies of a poster bn the theme of television interview taped. health and the elderly, and published .a special issue of Aging magazine on the GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, CONSUMER same topic. The Administration. on INFORMATION CENTER - In addition to being Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF) sent a major distribution point for NCW 2,000 copies of the Consumer Information materials through its distribution calala;to its grantees for useduring facility in Pueblo, Colorado, mailed an NCW. THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE'S Surgeon NCW fa,Ft sheet to media mailing lists General sent a letter with.a copy of the totali920 11,000 names. TheConsumer Consumer's Resource Handbook to 300 Information Center (CIC) developed print community health centers which were urged public service ads distributed to to contact various consumer groups and newspapers and magazines,and produced' unertake joint activities during NCW.

the NCW Consumer Quiz for 6,000 newspaper I and zine consumer reporters, as well INTERNAL RFVEWE SERVICE (IRS) - as 5, I0 radio and TV broadcasters. CIC Publicity materials highlighted IRS staff members did four radio interviews programs relating 'toconsumers. IRS based on theQuiz, for stations in officials were urgedto participatein Jamestdon, New York; Toledo, Ohio; Cedar NCW media events and speaking Rapids, Iowa; and Fresno, California. engagements; a display was made available for local use during NCW. \ DEPARTMENT. OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) - Regional Offices participatei in TNTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION (ICC) - a wide variety of meetings, exhibits,and tssued a press release to the news media media activities during NCW. Among them and the general public regarding the were: an exhibit on dental health and assistance and protection the ICC. child nutrition in Boston; exhibits in provides the traveling and shipping Federal buildingsin New York,Albany, public and establishing contact with and Newark; a pressreleaseto major Members of Congress to furnish them with media markets in Alabama, Florida, current information regarding some of the Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North consumer services that the ICC has Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee; available to them, their staff and their /an HUS Consumer Fair in theState Office constituents. Building in Chicago; participated in the Dallas shopping mall fair; an information DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - Established fairfear local mpdiain Kansas City: a an Interior Cemittee on Consumer Affairs Federal Health Fair in. Ded4r, sponsored to plan agency NCW activities. Bureaus bya TV station; appearances by I4HS and offices involved theit field staffs expertg;on morning television news in San throughout the U.S. and the Territories.

28 4 Secretary Clark sent a memorandum to all the abuse Of look-alike and bureau . and office heads, urgingtheir over -the- counter drugs to 4,000 parent participation. In theMain Interior groups around the country. Thisis a Building, an exhibit displayed pamphlets, consumer project in association with the brochures,booklets,maps, posters and National Federation of Parents fora Drug other materials. Over 1,000 visitors Free Youth. attended. Mrs. Knauerattended the opening of the DepartMental exhibit. The DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Sponsored an Geological Survey participated by exhibit in the main lobby of the highlighting the earth- science *headquartersbuilding,and sent pit a information and sales providedby 10 special mailing. Secretary Donovan pdblic inomiries offices, with ..media issued an accompanying qcwmessage to all releases, an.exhibit in the Main Lobby, recipients of the mailing, including and a special topographicmap offer for union leaders, worker and business NCW. The Assistant Secretary for associations, State departments of labor Territorial and International Affairs and algment security, pnalf associations sent a letter to each Territorial of ma , gsyernors, caketty and other Governor requesting official public.execUtives. also sent an NCW participationin NCW. The Bureau of message to all DOL employees. All ten Minesparticipated in thq Main Lobbqk 'Regional Offices exhibit, and participated in a its centers in thefield variety ,off NCW activities. prepared displays and . distributedt pamphlets, which were also sentto media ATLANTA DEPARTMENT ,OF LABOR REGIONAL andto universities. Mine tours were OFFICE.- Distributed Consumer'sResource conducted for a number of schoolclasses. Handbook through AFL-CIO affiliates The National Park Service participated and in State Information Officers. the* Main Lobby exhibit. The Fish and Wildlife Service sent a memo signed by 'BOSTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR- Distributed the Director to itsmore than 300'field a regional Handbook, through AFL -CIO offices, including a packet of affiliates and State Information informational materials, and participated Officers. in the Main Lobby exhibit. The Office of Surface Mining participated in the BOSTON 'DEPARTMENT OF LABOR exhibit, and sent - REGIONAL an NCW memo to its 13 OFFICE 1- Sponsored a public service field offices. The Bureau of Land information campaign in . Management sent the greater information packets to Boston area, and provided speakers for its field of and displayed talk shows and media interviews on publicationsin the Main Lobby exhibit. Departmental programs and services: The Bureau of Reclamation participated ix, the Departmental Exhibit,sent a memo on CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR- REGIONAL NCW to its field offices, and OFFICE-Exhibited in various paiticipated in exhibits Federal in three Federal buildings in the city, plus an exhibit in Office buildings inthe Regions. The a local shopping mall. Bureau of Indian Affairs distributed consumer information materials to its 12 DALLAS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGIONAL area and regional offices; senior OFFICE - Exhibited at a major shopping officials who gave speeches during NCW mall. emphasized the importance of consumer education. KANSAS CITY DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGIONAL OFFICE - NCW exhibit in lobby of Federal DEPARTMENT OFJUSTICE- Headquarters, building. Special mailing to major media regional and field offices sponsored in the Region. exhibits an both Contacted labor editors its consumer affairs with weekly columns about DOL programs program Eind NCW. 4pformational materials and NCW. wereavailable foOr employeesand the general public. The Drug Enforcement NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OFLABOR REGIONAL Administration'distributed informationon OFFICE - DOL regional officials discussed

29 3 a consumer related issue* on radioand SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ODMMISSION - television talk shows. 'Presidential proclamation wasdisplayed in headquarters and 11 Regional Offices; PHILADELPHIA REGIONALOFFICE DEgARTMENT a visual presentation ofthe history of OF LABOR - in various/Federal the SEC offered on loan to groups for use buildings in city,plus an exhibit in dUring NCW; four 'newspaper columnson a local ghopping'mall. investing mention NOW.

NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION - SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - Worked with trade organizations to Distributed approximately 10,000 copies encourage member credit unions to observe of the Consumer's Resource Handbook NCW. through its field offices, and sponsored an exhibit in the CentralOffice lobby NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY during NCW. Copies of the Handbook were ,,ADMINISTRATION (NHTSA) - Distributed PSAs made available to small business toapproximately1900radioStations. organizationsfor distribution to their Virginia H.Knauer. joined Secretary of membership; several representatives of Transportation Elizabe 'th Dole and the SBA fie,ldoffices participated in Administrator Diane Steed at the NHTSP FederalExecutive Boardactivities in Auto Safety .*Hotlineto handle calls on- Chicago and Minneapolis during NCW. Monday, April 23. Publicity photos were distributed to. the media,and the AP SOCIAL SECURITY kDMINISTRATION - Prepared covered the story over its wire service a special NOW consumerinformation kit to publicize the 800 number of NHTSAto for its 1,328 field offices. the public. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Emphasized. NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE - Sent energy conservation and solar energy press packets to food editors tbri seafood programs during NCW. It participated in packing, handling, and nutrition. vgriousfairs. and exhibits in sixteen) Offices participated in Consumer Fairs in cities. The TVA staff -presented Atlanta, Dallas and Orange County, programs, workshops, and ,displays to illustrate the benefits of energy California. . Officials gave radio interviews and nade speeches on NCW. conservation and solor programs. available to citizens of thetennessee Valley. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE - Exhibited'. at consumer fairs iri Fort Worth,Norfolk, DEPARTMENT OF THE FRFASURY - Sponsored an Columbia, South Carolina,LosAngeles, exhibit, withbrochuresfrom Treasury Kansas City, Mo., and Honolulu oh topics Bureaus, in the lobby ofthe Treasury such ,asmarine weather, flashfloods, Building. A permanent Treasury thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Department Consumer Exhibit at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving was dedicated ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FDA's Consumer Affairs on May15 by Secretary Regan and NCW Officerin Miami, Estella Niella- Brown, National Coordinator Martin Petersen. was a guest onanopen-lineSpanish Theexhibitwill be seenby500,000 language TV program on health fraud. visitors annually. THE BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL OPERATIONS printed RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD, CLEVELAND an NCW message on 20mill ion REGIONAL OFFICE - Participated in an Security check envelopes for the April information exchange with other mailing. The UNITED STATES MINT government agencies about NCW under the conducted a Consumgr Hotline, with the direction of the Cleveland Federal Director and Deputy Director Executive Board during NCW. GoVernment participating in respondIng to the public publications were made available to the inquiries. A press release was sent to public at five Federal agency facilities newsmedia, and the Mintdistributed in the Cleveland area. informational materials to the NATIONAL


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ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATORS. districts participated in Consumer Fairs: Approximately 12,000 information packets Honolulu, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and were distributed. Consumer suggestion Cincinnati. Manhattan and Brooklyli and comnent .cards were printed and Districts jointly participated in a distributed to the Mint field leadership training .conference presented installations. BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBT by the Consumer Protection Board and the developed and displayed posters. in its New York Office rt Consumer Affairs. The various offices. THE COMPTROLLER OF THE Jacksonville District Office set up a CURRENCY, C. T. Conover, sent a letter to library exhibit in the main lobby of the // Chief Executive Officers of 4,700 building, and news releases were mailed/ national binks, encouraging them to to all media. participate in NCli activities. The Comptroller deliverea the keynote address DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - at the Financial Executives 'Institute Particibated by displaying NCW poSters in conference 'in San Francisco, with 400 in various lobbies throughout the building. attendance. The District Adminigtrator, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Southeastern District, keynoted the South also displayed the poster. Secretary Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs Dole participated in the N. .TIOKAL HIGHWAY Conferencein Columbia. Meetings were TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (NHTSA) .held with representativesof community Hotline by taking consumer calls. Mrs. and small business groups and CDC Virginia Knauer joined Secretary Dole in leadership to discuss bank regulation and this event. NHTSA also distributed 1900 its implications for consumers. FEDERAL PSAs to radio stations across the LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER offered country, and sent .hotline flyers to all. speakers to local civic groups and radio stations to encourage them to pass community organizations. U.S. CUSTOMS this information to thepublic. THE SERVICE co-host4d the anticounterfeiting URBAN MASS TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION hosted Exhibitin New Orleans. THEINTERNAL a Transit.Fair where Washington, D.C., 1 REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) district offices Metro representatives answered specific -issued press releases onIRS consumer questions by DDT empl9yees. - services, and used radio and television to disseminate NCW 'information. A U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS (CCR) - five-minute loop film on taxpayer Issued :a memorandum toall employees assistanceand a displayon taxpayer regarding NCW; distrputed posters for education programs were in the IRS display in alt regional offices and in NationalOfficemain lobby. Several headquarters building; announced NCW in

31 35 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 4 included materialrelatedto Consumner issues:

VETERANS'ADMINISTRATION - Produced a series of mid -day demonstrations in the Central Office, including those by local' consumer affairsreporters and writers. \The Department of Medicine and Surgery presented a three-part program in Readjustment Counseling, 'and sponsored a rap session by a Vet Center team. The Regional Office in SiouxFalls, S.D. participated in a Hospital Cost Fair and five other Regional Offices participeted in consumer fairs. Lo4 Angeles Regional Office staff joined with the Small Business Administration in a two -day management training session for potential veteran business owners, and at Dover Air Force .Base, VA staff sponsored two benefit seminars for pre- and 4 post-retirees and their dependents. VA sent news releases to newspapers, radio and television station, andin Seattle the VA Regional Office distributed 351 packets to Senior Citizens Centers throughout the state, containing VA its Update newsletterto25,000 readers; pamphlets and a card with a toll free exhibit presentations during April telephone number for VA assistance.

included the Consumer's Resource' National cemeteries throughout the U.S. Handbook. provided veterans groups and others with information about. the national cemetery U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE - .With the and headstone/market programs Invited INTERNATIONAL ANTICOUNTERFEITING local dignitaries and members of service COALITION and the U.S. OFFICE OF CONSUMER orgabizations to tour VA facilities, and Affairs, opened an exhibit of counterfeit medical centers and other facilities name-brand products at the U.S.Custom displayed pamphlets and 'brochures in House in New Orleans during NCW. The lobbies and waiting areas. All exhibit will be open during the Louisiana facilities prominently displayed the World Exposition. Presidential Proclamation and the tGOCA poster, as well as the VA poster and U.S. MERIT SYSTEMSPROTECTION BOARD - several facilitiestrecognized employees Issued a special notice from the Chairman who had made special efforts during the to all central staff, plus the personnel year toserve' or assist patients and in its regional offices,'which included a their families. comprehensive list of Board publications with information on their availability. VA MEDICALCENTER, KNOXVILLE,' IOWA- Prepared an exhibit on consumes, rights 'U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) - Issued a and issues and participatedin atalk 1984 Postmaster's Guide to Postal show on lodal radio. A Sprirfj Carnival' Consumer Protection Week, in conjunction was held for patients, sponsored by the with National Consumers Week. Radio PSAs American Legion Auxiliary. were distributed to over6,000radio stations in 50 states. VA MEDICAL CENTER, MARTINSBURG, WEST VA - Hosted a luncheon for the County Chamber U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE..- Speeches by of CommerCe Committee on the VA, with a the Assistant Secretary during NCW tourof the hospital. The Associate

32 36 Director attended a dihner sponsored by of tours for the public of the ..new the American Red Cross;the Canteen 357-bed hospital. NCW information was offered a Consumers Week luncheon published in the Center's publication, special,and audio visuals were shown "The Mountain Ear." periodically throw Hbut the week. Variccs VA publicatio we exhibited WALTER REED ',ARMY MEDICAL CENTER, and distributed. Press relses were WASHINGTON, D.C. -Presented an award, sent! to local media annoonci a schedule ceremony forconsumerexhibitsduring .0"





