E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 No. 187 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 3, 2009, at 11 a.m. Senate FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 (Legislative day of Wednesday, December 10, 2008) The Senate met at 10 and 23 seconds Bob’s superb stewardship of the office. ing about their future and the path they will a.m., on the expiration of the recess, BOB DOLE was in many ways a model follow. Believe me when I say they will not and was called to order by the Honor- and a mentor to me. I was humbled and find a better example than the Senator Dole from North Carolina. Senator Dole, in many able CARL LEVIN, a Senator from the honored to assume a role that he filled respects, was a pioneer for American women, State of Michigan. for so long with such dignity and skill. as many of her early opportunities came be- f And today I am honored to submit for fore women were in the forefront of public or the RECORD a letter of tribute from my private sectors of meaningful service activ- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING old friend to his remarkable wife at the ity. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE conclusion of her Senate career. ELIZA- Elizabeth has never stopped looking for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The BETH DOLE has graced this chamber in ways to make a difference. It would be im- clerk will please read a communication the same way that she has graced possible to determine the number of good every other institution of which she people in North Carolina and across America to the Senate from the President pro that Elizabeth’s efforts have had an impact tempore (Mr. BYRD). has been a part in a long and distin- upon, myself included. She assisted me three The legislative clerk read the fol- guished career of public service. We times in campaigning full-time for the presi- lowing letter: will miss Senator DOLE’s kindness, her dency, taking a one year leave of absence U.S. SENATE, warmth, and her unyielding belief in from the Red Cross, but more importantly PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, the greatness of her country. Senator were the countless times she assisted me per- Washington, DC, December 12, 2008. DOLE is one of the great public servants sonally because of my disabilities. To the Senate: of our day. It is my great pleasure to Let me recount some of the highlights of Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, ask that this letter from one dear Senator Dole’s career so that those who may be looking for a role model may fully under- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby friend to another be printed in the appoint the Honorable CARL LEVIN, a Sen- stand the differences she has made for oth- RECORD. ers, irregardless of party, race, religion or ator from the State of Michigan, to perform The letter follows. the duties of the Chair. status. DECEMBER 12, 2008. ROBERT C. BYRD, PUBLIC SERVICE CAREER AND SELECTED DEAR MITCH: I wish I could be a Senator President pro tempore. ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF ELIZABETH DOLE again just long enough to speak of Senator Early 1960’s: Summer jobs during graduate Mr. LEVIN thereupon assumed the Elizabeth Dole’s accomplishments which school chair as Acting President pro tempore. have spanned a period of nearly a half cen- tury. Office of Senator B. Everett Jordan (D–NC) f Elizabeth correctly chose to focus her fare- United Nations Guide United Nations Intern Program TRIBUTES TO SENATORS well remarks on those who helped and coun- seled her along the way. She spoke about 1966–1967: Assistant at the U.S. Department of ELIZABETH DOLE those who were most important in her life’s Health, Education and Welfare ∑ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one journey such as her mother, her father, her After completing her Master of Arts in of the great privileges of my career has teachers, co-workers, and her dear brother, Teaching and her graduation from Harvard been the time I have spent working John, who passed away on April 8, 2008. John Law School, Elizabeth Hanford was hired by alongside Senator Bob Dole and his was her mentor, her confidant, and a proud the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Her assignments there included wife, Senator ELIZABETH DOLE. I feel a naval officer in World War II. Elizabeth’s planning the first-ever United States govern- special kinship to the Doles. Not only speech was all about others rather than her- self, which, in itself, says a lot about Eliza- ment sponsored conference on education of are they both dear friends to Elaine beth as a caring human being. the deaf. This conference, which spawned a and me, but in my position as Repub- So in an indirect way, I want to share her career-long dedication to the rights of the lican Leader I often think back on many areas of service with all those think- disabled, was held in Colorado Springs in ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10959 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:41 Dec 13, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE6.000 S12DEPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE S10960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2008 1967. During this time, she took cases for er for women to collect court ordered child cluded the appointment of a blue-ribbon indigents, those who could not afford an at- support payments, and to equalize Social Se- commission charged with developing na- torney. curity benefits for widows and widowers. tional competency guidelines that reflected 1967–1968: Deputy Assistant for Legislative Af- 1983–1987: Secretary, United States Secretary of work readiness and which could be used by fairs, White House Office of Consumer Af- Transportation the schools for curriculum development; fairs In 1983, President Reagan nominated Dole sponsorship of a first-ever national con- In April 1968, Elizabeth Hanford joined the to serve as Secretary of Transportation—the ference on the ‘‘school-to-work’’ population; Lyndon Johnson Administration at the first women in history to lead that cabinet expansion of work-based training along the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, department. The United States Senate principles of apprenticeship; and ensuring working for Betty Furness. As Deputy As- unanimously confirmed her. that the Job Training Partnership Act pro- sistant for Legislative Affairs, she traveled Dole’s many accomplishments as Sec- vided basic skills, literacy, and remedial frequently to Capitol Hill to advocate for retary of Transportation included: education along with job training. policies protecting American consumers. Presiding over what, up to date, were the Instigating a ‘‘glass ceiling initiative,’’ safest years in the history of American which revealed the barriers preventing 1969–1973: Deputy Director, President’s Com- women and minorities from reaching the top mittee on Consumer Interests transportation—highways, railways, and air- lines. levels of corporate America. Upon taking office in January 1969, Presi- Initiating widespread efforts to eliminate Traveling twice to Poland to assist that dent Richard Nixon renamed the White drunk driving, particularly among the na- country in its transition from communism House Office of Consumer Affairs the ‘‘Presi- tion’s youth. These efforts led to the passage to democracy. DOL programs included the dent’s Committee on Consumer Interests.’’ of legislation raising the drinking age to 21 creation of construction training centers in Virginia Knauer was appointed Special As- to eliminate ‘‘blood borders’’ between states Warsaw and Gdansk. sistant to the President for Consumer Affairs with differing age requirements. Crafting a strategy that led to the success- and promoted Elizabeth Hanford to serve as Instituting random drug testing of safety ful conclusion of a bitter eleven month her deputy. Hanford would serve with and security-related employees—the first ci- United Mine Workers strike against the Knauer for five years as a tireless advocate vilian department to do so. Pittston Coal Company. Elizabeth visited for American consumers, developing con- Crafting a rule that resolved a twenty year the strike scene and traveled through a coal sumer education curriculum for America’s controversy over automatic crash protection mine. schools, reaching voluntary agreements with in cars. This rule totally changed the cli- Special focus on improving lives of youth industry to undertake nutritional labeling mate for auto safety in America, leading to at risk in our society. and unit pricing, and helping to create the the adoption of mandatory safety belt use 1991–1999; President, American Red Cross Consumer Information Center in Pueblo, laws in 49 American states and providing in- (The first woman president since Clara Colorado. They were guided by the philos- centives for auto manufacturers to develop, Barton, who founded the Red Cross in 1881; ophy that for consumers to make wise deci- test, and offer air bags in automobiles. Out of respect for the thousands of volun- sions, they must have access to all relevant Mandating high-mounted brake lights on teers, she served her first year without pay.) information. cars. These ‘‘Dole lights’’ cost less than $20 During her eight years at the helm of the per vehicle, and have been estimated to 1973–1979: Commissioner, United States Federal American Red Cross, Dole led a $287 million eliminate 900,000 crashes annually.
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