Hope March-April 2017 Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B.





Mr Javed Ahmad Ghamdi’s fervent stand for Muslim unity

“Anybody who calls himself a Muslim and insists on being a Muslim, nobody has the right to declare him as a disbeliever or regard him as having been denied the mercy of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Anybody in the world is considered a Muslim or a non-Muslim or a disbeliever on the basis of what he declares. Allah has not delegated this power to anybody else – not to any individual, nor to any religious scholar and nor to any state – to declare anybody a non-believer or a non-Muslim. The final decision in all such matters relating to it depends on the declaration of the individual himself. Therefore nobody should dare to pass any such order against him” (Musalmaano ki takfir, monthly Ishraaq, p. 36, April 2017).




Ir. Muslich Zainal Akikin was born in Balapulang, Tegal on 23 July 1952 and resides at Jl. Teratai I, No. 14 Condong Catur, , Indonesia.

Education Civil Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 1971. Master Degree in Transportation System, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 1996. University of Hawaii, USA. Pacific Asian Management Institute, International Business, 1991. Master Business Administration, STIE IPWI, Yogyakarta, 1992.

Training LEMHANAS RI (Republic of Indonesia, National Resilience Institute) KSA XIV 2006. Training in National Resilience in Nederland and Belgium. Study: Organization Europe Society, Europe Parliament, International Court of Justice, NATO, LEMHANAS RI Program 2006. Training in National Resilience, Maluku 2006. Management Training: “Systematic Approaches to an Effective Training”, Lubeck, Germany, 1998.

2 | Page Field study and training International Handicraft Business, San Francisco, USA, 1994. Fishery Business in Hong Kong, Kowloon, 1993. Fishery Business in Taiwan, Kaoshiung, Taipei, 1993. Training of “Methods and Techniques of Project Planning (ZOOP). Training, Deutsche Gesellschaff fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, , 1992.

Trading and Export Department, Perdagangan RI, Yogyakarta, 1986. Small and Medium Enterprise, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto dan Kobe, 1977.

Student Activity Training, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1976. Small Business Training, Malaysia, Singapore, 1976. Student Board Training (Dewan Mahasiswa) Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Leadership Basic Training, Leadership Advance Training, Senior Course, Instructor, 1974-1978.

Leadership Training Indonesian Islamic Association (PII and HMI), Basic, Advance, Senior Course and Instructor 1968-1976.

Work experience Senior Researcher of Transportation and Logistics, Study Centre (PUSTRAL), Gadjah Mada University, 2001-present. Tim Leader MTI in Joint Project of ITS (Indonesian Transport Society), UKP4 Evaluation and INDII (Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative, AusAid) in Evaluation and Monitoring Program for Jakarta Transportation Problem, 2011. Senior Trainer of Abhiseka Training Centre, Yogyakarta, in Public Relations, Public Speaking, Personal Development, Leadership, Customer Service and Human Resources Development. Senior Trainer for various institutions, such as TNI AU, PLN, BRI, Depdagri, and universities, 1991- present. Visiting Lecturer in Graduate Program, Gadjah Mada University. Activator, Supervisor, Trainer, Facilitator for Village and City Empowerment in Cooperatives, Public Transport, People Economic Network, Agro-Industry and entrepreneurship since 1975. President Director of PT. Minaqua Brackish Water Technology, Fishery Business, Jakarta, 1998-2008. Director, QUESTCON, (Quality Executive Search/Training/Consulting), PT Asia Sahabat Indonesia Jakarta, February 2001-2003. Director, Centre Policy for Agro Studies, Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1999-2004. Director PT Graha Artha Berjangka, Jakarta, 1999-2004. President Director, Information Technology and Management, Islamic Education Academy, Yogyakarta, 1994-2000. Senior Consultant and Director, PT. Studio 36, Design and Contractor, Jakarta 1989-1998. Dean of Faculty of Engineering Cokroaminoto Islamic University Yogyakarta, 1989-1996. Involved in a series of research in Transportation for government and private institutions such as Public Work Ministry, Communication Ministry, KADIN, Public Transport Cooperative.

Social activities and affiliations National Board Indonesia Transport Society (MYI), 2016-2019. National Board Indonesia Transport Society (MTI), 2013-2016. National Board Indonesia Transport Society (MTI), 2010-2013. Chairman of Working Agency of MTI National Board 2004-2010. General Secretary (2007-2013), Vice Chairman (2001-2007) National Board Faculty of Engineering Alumni Association of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 2007-2013. Secretary of National Board of Gadjah Mada University Alumni Association 2001-2009. Secretary of Gadjah Mada Alumni Foundation 2008-2010. Vice Chairman of Gadjah Mada Alumni Foundation 2010-2011.

Page | 3 Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Head of Agro Industrial Department 2000-2005. Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Head of Small and Medium Enterprise Committee, Kadin, Indonesia 2005-2008. Yogyakarta Province, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman for Public Policy and Taxation (2009-2013). International Relation, Tourism and Investment (2004-2009). President and Director, Abhiseka HRD Centre, “Non-Government Organization for Human Resources Development”, Yogyakarta 1991-present. President National Board, Indonesia Civil Engineering Student Association (BKMTSI) 1977-1978. President, Civil Engineering Student Association, Gadjah Mada University, 1977-1978.

Islamic movement and affiliations President National Board, Indonesia Ahmadiyyah Movement, 2015-2021. Vice President, National Board, Indonesian Ahmadiyyah Movement, 2011-2015. Secretary General, National Board, Indonesia Ahmadiyyah Movement, 1991-2011. Chairman, PIRI Islamic Education Foundation, 2015-present. Vice Chairman, PIRI Islamic Education Foundation 1991-2015. Regional Board, Islamic Student University Alumni (KAHMI), 1990-2017. Chairman, Regional Board, Indonesian Islamic Student Association Alumni (PII), 1990-2010. President, Islamic Student Association (HMI), Gadjah Mada University, 1975-1976. Vice President, Indonesian Islamic Student Association (PII), Yogyakarta Special Province and South , 1973-1975. President, Indonesian Islamic Students Association (PII), Yogyakarta City, 1972-1973.




Report by Br Yatimin AS

“It was a pleasure for me to take part in some of the meetings during the recent visit of Hazrat Ameer and spend some time with him, Br Shaukat A. Ali, and Br Shakeel Humayun. I wish and pray that Hazrat Ameer’s visit may further foster collaboration and cooperation between the Centre and the Indonesia Jama‘at. I feel strongly that the Indonesia Jama‘at can play a more active role in Suriname among the Javanese, and the coordination between the SIV (Suriname) and the GAI (Indonesia) can prove a grand opening for the propagation of Islam both in Java and Suriname.”

Alhamdulillah, Hazrat Ameer, Prof. Dr Abdul Karim Saeed, along with the General Secretary of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman, Br Shakeel Humayun, and Br Shaukat A. Ali, Regional Director of the

4 | Page Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for South-East Asia and the Pacific, visited Indonesia for 11 days, from April 4 to April 14, 2017.

The officials and members of the Indonesia Ahmadiyya Movement (GAI) felt very happy, and warmly and enthusiastically welcomed the visitors.

In the last three years the Indonesia Jama‘at has lost five very valuable and dedicated stalwarts: the former President of GAI, Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc., and his beloved wife, Prof. Dr Hj. Wiratni Ahmadi; the former President of GAI, Dr Ir. H. Iwan Yusuf Bambang Lelana, M.Sc.; and the former President of GAI, KH. S. Ali Yasir and his beloved wife, Nunuk Suparti. May Allah Almighty grant them a pleasant abode in Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen.

Hazrat Ameer, during his previous visits to Indonesia, became very close to them and always valued their literary and religious services to the cause of Islam. Prof. Ahmadi and his wife paid several visits to Lahore and their presence at the Annual Prayer Conferences was a great source of inspiration for the Ahmadi brothers and sisters in Pakistan. Although Hazrat Ameer paid a short visit at the time of the death of our worthy brother, the late Prof. Ahmadi, in order to condole the departures of our other worthy members and to meet the new President, he thought that another visit needed to be undertaken. During his recent visit he was able to refresh his contacts with the GAI officials and was pleased to know the progress the Jama‘at has made since his last visit. Hazrat Ameer and the new President discussed some new plans and how to develop closer contacts in the fields of publications and tabligh work. We hope Hazrat Ameer’s recent visit along with the General Secretary and the Regional Director will pave the way for more fruitful collaboration between the Centre and the old- est Jama‘at of the Lahore Movement in Indonesia.

In brief, the activities of Hazrat Ameer during his visit to Indonesia included: (1) Meeting and dis- cussion with the Board and senior members of GAI both at the Centre at Jogyakarta and at oth- er branches; (2) Visiting several mosques and delivering speeches on Islamic teachings andthe Ahmadiyya Movement; (3) Meeting and giving lectures and encouraging the teachers and students of the Minhajurrahman Islamic Boarding School by appreciating their dedicated work; (4) Visiting some schools of the PIRI Foundation; (5) Visiting the graves of former Presidents and other senior officials/members of GAI and offering Fatihah for the departed souls; (6) Visiting some of the fami- lies of senior officials/members as well as the families of former GAI Presidents.


Tuesday April 4 At about 10:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer, Br Shakeel Humayun and Br Shaukat A. Ali arrived at Soekarno- Hatta International Airport, Jakarta. They were received by Br Sulardi, Br Wawan Muhammad Karyawan and Br Anzalna Muntaha. After resting at the Ibis Hotel, Jakarta, at about 07:30 p.m. they attended a meeting with the big family of GAI and Djojosugitan. This meeting took place at the house of Br Prof. Dr H. Mujtahid Ahmad Djojosugito in Cipinang, East Jakarta.

Page | 5 Wednesday April 5 At about 01:00 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and his entourage left Jakarta for Yogyakarta by Citilink Airways. They arrived at Adi Sucipto International Airport, Yogyakarta at 02:00 p.m. Br Ali Arie Susanto, Br Purwiyadi, Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Ibnu Ghulam Tufail received them and took them to the Kemuning Guest House in Baciro, Yogyakarta, where they rested. The guest house where Hazrat Ameer and his entourage stayed in Yogyakarta is located just opposite to the PIRI schools complex.

At 05:45 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and others performed congregationalMaghrib prayer in the Darus Salam Mosque situated inside the PIRI schools and the Minhajurrahman Islamic Boarding School complex. This was followed by a meeting with the teachers and students of the Minhajurrahman Islamic Boarding School. The agenda of the meeting comprised: an introduction about the Minhajurrahman Islamic Boarding School by Br Basyarat Asgor Ali; and a speech by Hazrat Ameer (translated into Indonesian by Br Yatimin AS); a welcome address and a word of thanks were given by Br Mulyono. The meeting ended with Isha’ congregational prayer.

After a short break, a meeting was held in the PIRI Foundation hall with the Central Board of the GAI and the PIRI, the PIRI schools’ headmasters and religious teachers, as well as the families of the late Iwan Yusuf and the late S. Ali Yasir. The host of the meeting was Prof. Dr Hj. Ida Rochani, SU, who acted also as translator. The agenda comprised: (1) Talks by Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali; (2) a speech by the President of GAI, Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin, M.BA, MT; and (3) the handing over of KH. S. Ali Yasir’s valuable collection of books by Elia Catur Samhudi, the eldest son of the late KH. S. Ali Yasir. (It was received by Br Mulyono on behalf of the Central Library of the GAI.)

Thursday, April 6 At 08:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer, accompanied by Br Purwiyadi, Br Ali Arie Susanto, Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Fuad Arima visited the grave of Br Dr Ir. H. Iwan Yusuf Bambang Lelana, M.Sc., in Sawitsari. From there they went to the PIRI Ngaglik Junior High School and the Vocational High School.

They also went sightseeing on the Lava Tour in the Merapi volcano area before returning to the Kemuning Guest House.

At 06:00 p.m. Hazrat Ameer, accompanied by Br Mulyono, Br Muslim and Br Basyarat Asgor Ali visited the homes of Br Yatimin’s family in Simping, Tirtoadi, Mlati, and Sleman until 09:00 p.m.

Friday, April 7 At 08:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his group, accompanied by Br Ali Arie Susanto, Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Ahmad Ervan Habibi visited the graves of the late Br KH. S. Ali Yasir and his wife, and the late S. Ali Yasir’s family, who were not living far from the graveyard in Berbah, Sleman.

Afterwards they joined Friday congregational prayer in the Darus Salam Mosque. The sermon was delivered by Br Yatimin AS.

After offeringthe ‘Asr prayer in congregation, they attended special prayers held at the Darus Salam Mosque for the success of all the PIRI schools students in their final exam. This was followed by a

6 | Page meeting with the teachers and students of the PIRI schools. On this occasion, Hazrat Ameer made a speech in which he highly appreciated the efforts of the teachers and the PIRI Board in promoting education and imparting zeal and dedication among the students. His speech was greatly appreciat- ed by the students and the teachers.

Saturday, April 8 At 07:45 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his group, along with Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Ahmad Ervan Habibi, left for Kediri, , by the Malioboro Express train. At 12:30 p.m. they arrived at the Kediri railway station. They were taken by Br Mutohir Alabas to Br Burhan’s house, which is close to the headquarters of GAI Kediri branch, for a rest.

At 05:45 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and the others went to the headquarters of GAI Kediri branch to per- form the Maghrib prayer, and this was followed by an informal talk. After that, they performed the ‘Isha’ prayer in congregation and attended a formal meeting. Hazrat Ameer made a speech which was translated by Br Basyarat Asgor Ali. The meeting lasted until 10:30 p.m. They spent the night at the Surya Hotel, Pare, Kediri.

Sunday, April 9 At 08:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his group visited Br H. Mat Susin’s house. Afterwards they offered Fatihah at the graves of H. Kutaji Bramasta and his elder brother, Br Suprapto, of Br Sahroji and of Mr and Mrs SWB. Arifin. Then they visited Br H. Musni Nur Ahmad’s house. They also offeredFatihah at the grave of Br Dr H. Yazid Burhani. Finally, they visited Br Jazuli’s house at about 12:30 p.m.

At 04:15 p.m., Hazrat Ameer accompanied by Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Ahmad Ervan Habibi, left Kediri for Purwokerto, Central Java by the Gajayana train. At 11:15 p.m. they arrived at the Purwokerto railway station. The PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School staff welcomed them and took them to the Java Heritage Hotel, Purwokerto.

Monday, April 10 At 08:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and the others went around visiting some classrooms, workshop rooms and laboratories of the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School.

At 10:00 a.m. there was a meeting of all the teachers and employees of the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School and the group of the PIRI schools functionaries from Yogyakarta. Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A Ali delivered talks in English, which were translated into Indonesian by Br Mukhammad Harun, who also acted as translator at other meetings in Purwokerto, Purbalinga and Wonosobo. This meeting lasted up to Zuhr time. The group then rested at a local hotel.

At 03:15 p.m., after the Asr‘ prayer, they attended a meeting of the Board and members of the GAI Purwokerto branch at the As-Salam Mosque, Pejagalan, Purwokerto, where Hazrat Ameer delivered a speech. The meeting concluded with Maghrib prayer, after which Hazrat Ameer and his party returned to the hotel.

Page | 7 Tuesday, April 11 At 09:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer’s group, accompanied by Br Agung Budiono, Br M. Sardiman, Br Mukhammad Harun, Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Ahmad Ervan Habibi, left for Purbalingga to attend a meeting of the Board and members of the GAI Purbalingga branch, which took place at Br Imam’s house in Kemangkon Village. The meeting ended at 11:00 a.m., after which Hazrat Ameer and his entourage went to Wonosobo, Central Java, by car.

At about 04:00 p.m. they arrived at Binangun Village, Watumalang, Wonosobo, and offered the Asr‘ prayer at the At-Takwa Mosque. Hazrat Ameer was introduced to the members of the Board and the senior members of the GAI Wonosobo branch at Br Basirudin’s house and was briefed about the educational activities of the school, which is located next to the Mosque.

At 05:45 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and the others had a brief talk with members of the Board and the GAI members and offered congregational Maghrib prayer at the Abdul Wahab Mosque, Tanjungsari. Afterwards, Hazrat Ameer delivered a very interesting lecture and conducted a question/answer session. The meeting ended with ‘Isha’ prayer. Hazrat Ameer and the others stayed overnight at Br Basirudin’s house.

Wednesday, April 12 At 04:25 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his group went to the At-Taqwa Mosque to offer the Fajr prayer, where he led the prayer. The atmosphere during the Fajr prayer was extraordinary. Everyone in the congregation experienced a special spiritual feeling which made them very happy. Hazrat Ameer’s Quranic recitation and his heartfelt du‘as were so touching that tears came to the eyes of many.

At 08:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his companions, accompanied by the senior members of GAI Wonosobo, visited the graves of Mr and Mrs KH. Abul Hasan, as well as those of Mr and Mrs M. Jamil, and offered Fatihah for them. Afterwards, they visited several mosques located in villages, namely, Keseneng, Lengkong Lor, Lengkong Kidul, Pasar Lawas, and Pagedangan. In every mosque Hazrat Ameer was pleased to give a brief speech and he shook hands with the people who came to welcome him.

At 02:00 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and his companions took part in a well-attended religious meeting at the Al-Mubarok Mosque in Sumber, Watumalang. According to the committee report, this meeting was attended by 1,600 people, consisting of GAI members and well-wishers from various villages, lo- cal religious Ministry officials, and the Watumalang Sub-district Police. The speakers at this gathering were Br Subahim, the chairman of the GAI Wonosobo branch; and Br Mulyono S. Ag, who delivered the welcome address on behalf of the central board of the GAI and the representatives of local reli- gious ministry. Hazrat Ameer, Br Shakeel Humayun and Br Shaukat A. Ali, in brief talks, thanked the members of the GAI, the PIRI and others for making such an elaborate and well-planned tour and for providing the transport and the comfort at each location. They said the whole trip was wonderful and most enjoyable. The translator was Br Mukhammad Harun. The meeting ended at 04:00 p.m.

At about 04:30 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and his companions, accompanied by Br Basyarat Asgor Ali and Br Mukhammad Harun, left Wonosobo for Kroya by car. On the way to Kroya, they stopped at the house of one of the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School staff for about two hours to take a break and have

8 | Page a dinner. At about 10:00 p.m. they arrived at the Kroya railway station and went on to by Lodaya train.

Thursday, April 13 At 03:30 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and his party arrived at . They were welcomed by Br Adam Adilelana, S. Si, MM (the late Prof. Fathurrahman Ahmadi’s son). They took a break at the house of the late Prof. Fathurrahman Ahmadi in Gunung Rahayu, , Bandung.

At 08:00 a.m. they visited Br Ir. Ishak Hanafiah, DEA, at his house. At 09:00 a.m. they visited the graves of Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc. and his wife, Prof. Dr Hj. Wiratni Ahmadi, to offerFatihah . After that, they had a short stop at the office of Sister Ir. Sari Wahjuni, M.Sc., SH., MH., Mkn (daughter of the late Prof. Fathurrahman Ahmadi) on Dipatiukur Street, Bandung to condole the death of her learned and dedicated mother.

At 02:45 p.m. they left Bandung for Jakarta by Argo train. At 06:00 p.m. they arrived at Gambir railway station, Jakarta. From there they went to the Ibis Hotel, where they spent the night.

Friday, April 14 At 09:00 a.m. Hazrat Ameer and the others attended the farewell meeting at the headquarters of the GAI Jakarta branch at Jln. Kesehatan IX no. 12, Central Jakarta. Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali delivered talks, which were translated into Indonesian by Br Sulardi. The meeting ended with the Friday prayer, with Hazrat Ameer delivering the sermon.

Br Shakeel Humayun did not attend the Friday prayer as he had to leave for the airport. At 10:00 a.m. he was taken by Br Wawan Muhammad Karyawan and Br Basyarat Ahmad to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to travel to Pakistan.

At 02:00 p.m. Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali were taken by Br Sulardi and Br Anzalna Muntaha to the airport to return to their respective countries.

Conclusion It was a pleasure for me to take part in some of the meetings during the recent visit of Hazrat Ameer and spend some time with him, Br Shaukat A. Ali and Br Shakeel Humayun. I wish and pray that Hazrat Ameer’s visit may further foster collaboration and cooperation between the Centre and the Indonesia Jama‘at. I feel strongly that the Indonesia Jama‘at can play a more active role in Suriname among the Javanese, and the coordination between the SIV (Suriname) and the GAI (Indonesia) can prove a grand opening for the propagation of Islam both in Java and Suriname.



10 | Page Page | 11 Discussion


Br Yatimin AS

The two brothers from Indonesia who visited Lahore on the eve of the Salaanah Du‘aiyya in December 2016 were Mutohir Alabas and his son, Ahmad Ervan Habibi. Br Mutohir Alabas is the Secretary of the GAI (Indonesia Ahmadiyya Movement), Kediri branch, East Java. He is also a village-head of Genuk, Adan-adan, Gurah, Kediri, East Java.

Br Ahmad Ervan Habibi is an Arabic teacher at the Minhajurrahman Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta. He is also a student of Arabic literature of the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, where he has been studying for the last year and a half year. He and his friends learn Urdu at the MINNA Foundation, Yogyakarta once a week, usually on Friday mornings.

He is a graduate of a Modern Islamic Boarding School of Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java. He has even taught at the school in Riyadhatul Mujahidin Gontor 7, South Konawe regency, South-East Sulawesi, for two years.

From the left, Bro. Mutohir Alabas, bro. Amir Aziz, and bro. Ahmad From the left, Bro. Ahmad Ervan Habibi, bro. Mutohir Alabas, Ervan Habibi Hazrat Ameer, etc. *** IDENTITY THEFT! – PART 1 ALLAHU AKBAR – IS IT A SYMBOL OF MAJESTIC PRAISE OR A THREAT TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE? Taking away the gift of life of innocent lives in the name of the All-Loving God! “Allahu Akbar provides ‘eternity of contemplation’ for a believer.”

Iain Dixon

I have been told that the expression ‘Allahu Akbar’ means ‘God is Great’, or, more accurately, ‘God is greater than anything. His greatness is beyond and above anything and everything’.

Page | 13 Wow! What a praise for God! Surely these are beautiful words that should only be reserved for the Beautiful Creator of the heavens and earth! The words Allahu‘ Akbar’ provide an eternity of contemplation for a believer, majestic praise that is higher than the highest mountain, a source of joy that is deeper than the deepest sea; praise that is more radiant than the brightness of all the stars of the universe put together!

And yet … something has gone horribly wrong in the world today. Rather than ‘Allahu Akbar’ being a refrain of praise, or a symphony of love and adoration for the greatness of God, something horribly wrong has gone on with it. The hearing of these words has sent, and is continuing to send, a chill of fear in the hearts and minds of its hearers around the world. For many, ‘Allahu Akbar’ has become a death cry, and are words that are uttered just before a bomb is set off, or innocent people are shot down, slaughtered in an instant. As a candle’s gentle flame is snuffed out in a moment, so those uttering Allahu‘ Akbar’ are extinguishing the light and love in the lives of those who are loved and treasured by Allah. Somewhere, somehow, people have traded in love for God and mankind with pure hatred. ‘Allahu Akbar’ has become a death sentence, and a label that has ‘re-branded’ the Creator of the universe as a God of hate, Who delights in destruction. I call this ‘Identity Theft!’

Attributes of Allah In this article, and other articles to follow, I want to share with you what I have learnt from my own personal reflections on the attributes of Allah that I have discovered in reading the pages of the Honoured Quran. I am a follower of Jesus, and do not ‘belong to the Islamic faith’ as textbooks would define a ‘Muslim’. But I am someone who thinks, reflects and has an incredible love and respect for my Muslim brothers and sisters. I know the great promises and prophecies in the Bible scriptures which foretold the growth and spread of Islam, and how God promised to protect and bless them, and use them mightily in the unfolding of His purposes. I am also aware of the bad press Islam has received at the hands of the media, and also at the hands of those who have been guilty of ‘Identity Theft’. May the words that I write restore honour to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and ‘take back’ the beauty that belongs only to Him, a beauty that has been stolen by those supposedly acting in His name … a beauty that has been tarnished and vandalised like a beautiful painting that has been ruined by graffiti and spray paint.

Who are guilty of Identity Theft – Muslims or the media or the terrorists? Those that are guilty of ‘Identity Theft’ have not noticed how often the pages of the Honoured Quran refer to Allah as Most Gracious, Most Merciful! Each chapter of the Qur’an (except one) begins with the words “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” Does this sound like the character of the God represented by suicide bombers around the world, or those brandishing machine guns gunning down other Muslims in mosques because they believe slightly in a different doctrine? Surely the qualities of mercy and grace should abound in the hearts and lives of those who openly declare to be worshippers of the One True God. We are told in the pages of the Quran, “kind words and covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:263). Those who have committed ‘Identity Theft’ have forgotten to follow Allah’s advice in abounding in kindness and in covering the faults of others. Instead, they have traded these noble qualities for

14 | Page intolerance and abusive words, condemning hearts and finding fault in others. Anyone who dis- agrees with them is to be exterminated! Should we not rather treat all people kindly, especially those who do not see things the way we do?

The Quran admonishes us to clothe ourselves with kindness, forgiveness and mercy towards others, even if they do not see things the way we do. Surah Al-Kafirun, 109:1-6 is a direct challenge to those who have committed ‘Identity Theft’. Rather than exterminating those who disagree with us in religious belief, we are told: “Say: O ye that reject faith, I worship not that which ye worship, nor will ye worship that which I worship, and I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, nor will ye worship that which I will worship. To you your way, and to me mine.”

Taking away precious gift of life by reciting Allaho Akbar? People have different beliefs. We all differ also at different stages in grasping spiritual truths. Let us help one another in nurturing spiritual truths to grow into kind and loving with love and kindness. How tragic it would be to destroy a beautiful flower before it has come into full bloom! Imagine crushing what appears to be a lifeless seed, or cutting down an unimpressive green stem because we don’t see it yet a beautiful flower! Those who commit ‘Identity Theft’ do not allow people to change or give them time to come into full bloom of all that Allah intended them to become. Instead, they are impatient and intolerant of others. How different this is to the way of Allah! In the Bible we are told, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs, 4:18). Just as the sun rises gradually each day, and moment by moment more light is unfolded, so too does our spiritual light and understanding take time to grow and mature. We don’t believe in what God, Who is the Creator and Nourisher, tells us. Nobility is a seed. It needs to be nurtured by hard work, good deeds and kind words. A seed grows into a flower or a fruit. From human sperm a child grows to be a man or a woman. Evolution worked right from its inception. The laws of nature never change.

How sad that those who commit ‘Identity Theft’ have taken it upon themselves to judge others from their myopic eyes and to take away the precious gift of life from others, all in the name of “Allahu Akbar”. Those who misrepresent the character of God have never truly recognised and realised the greatness of God and His merciful manifestation.



Amir Aziz M.A., Imam, Berlin Mosque

Into the fold of Islam With the blessings of Allah Almighty, two people accepted Islam in the month of March. Mr Arthur Hornig accepted Islam on Friday 10th March. He is a nice and educated person and we hope the Islamic way of life will add beauty and lustre to his personality.

Page | 15 14 March. Ms. Charsten Schatte from Hamburg came to the Berlin Mosque and accepted Islam. Later She got married at the Mosque with a Muslim. Mr. Amir Aziz, the Imam performed their their Nikah. With the blessings of Allah till today eight men and women have entered into the fold of Islam at the Berlin Mosque since May 2016.

Visit of Heinrich-von-Stephan-Gemeinschaftsschule Berlin 7 March. Students of the above-mentioned school visited the Berlin Mosque. They were led by the Art teacher. They enjoyed the presentation delivered and had a long question/answer session. All the students enjoyed the visit to the Mosque. The German translation of Holy Quran and the book about the history of the Berlin Mosque were given to them for the school library. Flyers were also distributed among the students.

Visit of OBAK Otto Bartning-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kirchenbau 8 March. A group of students from the above-mentioned institute visited the Berlin Mosque with their Islamic Studies teacher. After a presentation, we had a good question/answer session. It was a nice group and I hope their visit and discussion may have given them a clear ideas about Islam and the Ahmadiyya Movement.

Visit of the Integration Department The Integration Department from the District Office has an arrangement that all those who wish to stay in Germany have to learn the German language and participate in an Integration Course. With a view to inculcating religious tolerance, these groups are asked to visit the Berlin Mosque. One visit comprised a group of members of the Qadian Ahmadiyya Jama‘at who visited the Berlin Mosque with the person in charge of them. The group included a Ph.D. scholar and a couple from Dresden who specially came to visit the Berlin Mosque. After a presentation by the Imam and a question/ answer session, the Qadiani youths, as usual, started asking questions about the prophethood of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the institution of khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Movement (their fa- vourite subjects). It appears as if these two topics are the basis of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and the challenges which Islam faces in the West are less important to them. The visiting scholar and the leader of the group were presented with copies of the German translation of the Holy Quran.

10 March. A Jewish lady, Marie Lühl, specially attended the Friday service. She was happy to know about Islam and the stance of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. She had only a brief conversation with the Imam because Friday is a busy day. She was presented with a copy of the German transla- tion of the Holy Quran.

Evangelische Matthäus-Kirchengemeinde 16 March. Students of the above-mentioned institute visited the Mosque. A presentation and a question/answer session lasted for one and a half hours. It was a very good group who were keen to obtain knowledge about Islam. They were presented with copies of the Holy Quran and other literature for their library. Flyers were also given to all the students.

Solidarity Demonstration 16 March. All Imams and a large number of other people from various Muslim communities held a Solidarity Demonstration at the place where terrorists killed ten people with a truck last year.

16 | Page The Imam of the Berlin Mosque was specially invited to attend the event. Candles were lit and the gathering pledged solidarity against any such future attacks.

Participation in an UrduMushaira 18 March. Bazme Adab, Berlin organised a Mushaira on 18th March. Mr Amir Aziz, Imam of the Berlin Mosque, was invited to recite a poem. He participated in the programme. It was a good op- portunity to have an introduction to the Pakistani community. Poets from the UK and Sweden, as well as various cities in Germany, also took part in the event, which was recorded by Desi Radio for broadcast. An Official of the Pakistan Embassy chaired the programme.

Interfaith programme by HWPL 23 March. HWPL held an interfaith dialogue entitled “Relationship between Religion and Peace”, in which representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated. The Imam of the Berlin Mosque represented Islam and his viewpoint was greatly appreciated.

Training Course and Jalsa in The Hague, Holland 26, 27 March. A training course and a Jalsa were organised by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Stichting, The Hague, Holland. Br Shabbier Hoeseni of the Stichting Ahmadiyya Anjuman asked Mr Amir Aziz to hold a training programme on specific topics relating to the doctrines and message of the Ahmadiyya Movement. Accordingly, a syllabus was prepared. On 26th March a refresher course was conducted in which 30 young men and women participated. Two topics, “Concept of Promised Messiah and Mahdi” and “Differences between the Two Groups of the Ahmadiyya” were discussed in detail. Later, a question/answer session was held.

27 March. A special Jalsa was organised. Mr Amir Aziz was asked to deliver a speech on the “Salient Features of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement”. It was followed by a question/answer session. All the arrangements made by the Stichting Ahmadiyya Anjuman, The Hague, Holland were excellent. All credit goes to Br Shabbier Hoeseni and members of the Stichting Ahmadiyya Anjuman, whose efforts are commendable. We hope to have more such courses. Our thanks to the Stichting Ahmadiyya Anjuman for organising such a fruitful course.

Visit of Freie University Berlin students 27 March. Students of Freie University Berlin visited the Berlin Mosque with a Ph.D. professor. These students were given a presentation by the Imam, followed by a question/answer session, which lasted for more than one and half hours. Freie University Berlin is one of the most well-known universities in Germany. The teacher said that they were very impressed by the presentation and the message and work of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. All students will later on come with their own groups. They stayed at the Berlin Mosque for quite some time and went around the building as they were students of History and Monument Architecture. The German translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali and History of the Berlin Mosque by Syed Nasir Ahmad were presented for the University library, and the students were given flyers about the Berlin Mosque.

Project of digitation of the Mosque archives 4 April. It is the need of the time to digitalise and computerise the archives of the Berlin Mosque. God-sent help came once again. Dr Gerdien Jonker sent a message that an Indian research scholar, Dr Des Razak Khan (Research Fellow in “Modern India in German Archives”), is working on Archives

Page | 17 and is interested in this project. They both visited the Mosque on 4th April and discussed the project in detail. During the first stage, the Mosque library will be catalogued and all documents will be scanned. Then a professional research scholar will work on this archive and link it with the National Archives of Germany. It will provide a great opening for introducing the history of the Berlin Mosque to the National Archives.

Shooting for a theatre play at the Berlin Mosque 11th April. The directors and artists of a theatre spent a full day at the Berlin Mosque and filmed a theatre-play about the “Syrian war and its Refugees”. The artists were mostly from Syria. The theme is “Colourful Aleppo in Future after the War”. The theatre will show how the future will be colourful and the Berlin Mosque will be shown in this context. The Imam will be a guest at the theatre show when it is held in Berlin. Flyers about the Berlin Mosque were distributed among the visitors.

Visit of Official of Deutsche Stiftung 12 April. Architects of the Renovation Projects, the Head of the Monument Department and other related officials of the District office in Berlin visited the Mosque. They were given a presentation by Mr Amir Aziz, the Imam, and later on they had a meeting with him in the Mission House. After the meeting, the officials approved a grant for the Mosque. They were also presented with flyers about the Mosque.

Participation in Easter Celebrations 16 April. The Imam was invited by the Danish Church to join in Easter celebrations. He participated and presented a cake on behalf of the Mosque. It was appreciated by the head of the Church. The card from our Mosque was placed on the main dining table with the cake. The head priest and the administrative staff of the Church thanked us for visiting the Church and participating in the celebra- tions as well as presenting a cake.

Visit of Turkish students 19 April. Thirty-nine students with four guides from Hanover, Germany visited the Berlin Mosque. They were given a presentation about Islam, the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and the history of the Berlin Mosque. They were also given flyers about the Mosque.

Interfaith programme at the Mission House 20 April. The HWPL organisation held an interfaith dialogue on “Commandments of Peace in each Religion” at the Imam’s House of the Berlin Mosque. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. Mr Amir Aziz represented the Islamic and the Lahore Ahmadiyya view on how the Quran and precepts of the Holy Prophet Muhammad upheld and practised and promoted peace and cordial relations in the society and with members of other religions. The dis- cussion turned out to be very interesting and the Islamic viewpoint was appreciated by all.

Visit by Unterwelten Organisation A group arranged by the Unterwelten Organisation visited the Berlin Mosque. They were given a presentation, and a question/answer session was also held. Flyers were distributed to all of them.

18 | Page Interview by a photographer from Peru, South America 22 April. A photographer from Peru, South America conducted a two-hour interview of the Imam. The photographer’s university in Hanover, Germany has given him an assignment to prepare a docu- mentary about the Imam and the activities of the Berlin Mosque. He selected the Berlin Mosque as his main venue and will visit it several times to cover all aspects of its activities, especially the Friday congregation. He was presented with a Spanish translation of the Holy Quran.

Visit of Austrian experts 30 April. Twenty Austrian experts on inter-religious dialogue, with a focus on Muslim-Jewish dia- logue, visited the Berlin Mosque with Dr Gerdien Jonker, who is a great friend of the Berlin Mosque and a research scholar who is specially invited to seminars to talk about inter-religious dialogue. She very ably explained to the visitors about the history and the role of the Berlin Mosque in the field of creating understanding and cordial relations among various religious communities. She accom- panied them to the Mosque where the Imam gave a presentation about the history and work of the Mosque and held question/answer session. The participants appreciated our viewpoint and efforts. They were presented with flyers. Two Muslim scholars were also present in the group. They asked for the English translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali. An Imam from Bosnia, who is an Imam in a mosque in Austria and also a research scholar at the University, asked questions about the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. He took several books and booklets with him, including Introduction to Islam and Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr Zahid Aziz and Jihad in Islam in Arabic and English by Maulana Muhammad Ali.


7 March: Students from Heinrich-von-Stephan-Germeinschaftsschule, Berlin visited the Berlin Mosque

A group of members of the Qadian Ahmadiyya Section with a Ph. D. scholar and a couple from Dresden visited the Berlin Mosque arranged by the Integration Department of the District Office, Berlin.

Page | 19 10 March: Mr. Arthur Horning embraced Islam at the Berlin Mosque.

16 March. Students from Evangelische Matthaus-Kirchengemeinde visited the Berlin Mosque.

16 March. All Imams and Muslim community celebrated Solidarity Demonstration at the place where a terrorist killed ten people with a truck.

“Mr. Amir Aziz, Imam of the Berlin Mosque, reciting his poem at the Mushaira

20 | Page 18 March. Bazm-e Adab organized a Mushaira (Urdu Poetry meeting). An Official of the Pakistan Embassy chaired the meeting. "TRAINING COURSE AND JALSA AT THE STICHTING AHMADIYYA ANJUMAN MOSQUE, HAGUE, HOLLAND"


Page | 21 27 March. Students of Freie University, Berlin visited the Berlin Mosque.

11 April. Directors and artists of a theatre shot a film about Syrian war and its refugees at the Berlin Mosque.

16 April. Easter celebrations at the Danish Church in Berlin.

22 | Page 19 April. 39 Turkish students with four guides visited the Berlin Mosque.

30 April. 20 Austrian experts on inter-religious dialogue with a focus on Muslim-Jewish dialogue along with Dr.GerdienJonker, a well-known German research scholar,visited the Berlin Mosque.


“The Urdu translation and commentary of the Qur’an, “Bayaanul Qur’aan” (original edition pub- lished in 1922-24) by Maulvi Muhammad Ali, M.A., “Science of Commentary of the Qur’an and its Evolution (9 to 1421 AH)” for the students of M.A. Islamic Studies (with particular reference to the Qur’an and its commentary), written and compiled by Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi, published by The Department of the Qur’an and its Commentaries, College for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, 2016. Pp. 442-443).

Maulvi Muhammad Ali (d. 1371 AH/1951 AD) is from among those who were highly qualified in the English language and Western education. He has also translated the Qur’an into English, which is popular among literary circles. His Urdu translation and commentary (of the Qur’an), Bayaanul Qur’aan, is in three volumes. Its length is 10 ½ inches and width 7 inches.

The printing of all the volumes is very clear, fine and bold. The calligraphy is beautiful. The printing of the Arabic text is equally fascinating. The Urdu translation is given under the Arabic text, and com- mentary has been given as footnotes. The translation is simple but still it has maintained its literary elegance. From a literary point of view, it is eloquent and refined. As far as the translation and com- mentary are concerned, many people have objections about them in view of the Maulana’s beliefs and thoughts as he was the head of the Qadiani (Lahori) Jama‘at (of the Ahmadiyya Movement). His translation is almost free from interposing the ‘wrong beliefs’. He has been very careful in translating

Page | 23 it. He has been very particular in translating the text of the Qur’anic verses and in spite of it he has been able to maintain elegance and flow in the translation. Two examples of his translation are mentioned below. (We are quoting are from his English translation as they are exact translation of the Urdu version):

“And whatever things you have been given are only a provision of this world’s life and its adornment, and whatever is with Allah is better and more lasting. Do you not then understand?” (Surah, The Narrations, 28:60).

blessings of Allah be on him). LOVE also generates peace and happiness in the society. Follow the “Thecommandments life of this world of ALLAH is but and idle His sport Messenger, and play the [aHoly useless Prophet thing], MUHAMMAD and if youand earn believe an ever-lasting and keep life your here duty, He willin this give world you and your in the reward, Hereafter. and He does not ask of you your wealth” (Surah, Muhammad, 47:36).

MaulanaMay Allah Muhammad bless you all. Ali has given the Contents with a list of subjects dealt within at the start of each volume of Bayaanul Qur’aan. His way of translating is that after giving the name of the surah, he gives a summary of the subject (dealt with), then he explains its relationship with other surahs and verses.Ahmad While Nawaz, explaining Hayward, the California relationship and arrangement, he emphasises its three significant aspects:I have 1. just the finished mutual reading relationship the February among 2013 issu thee of verses;the HOPE 2. Bulletin the dedicatedmutual relationship to the memory ofof thethe late sections Br. Akbar Abdullah. I must say that your team has worked very hard to collect facts about the life and withincontributions a particular made surah by our; and late 3. Br. the Akbar. mutual The formarelationshiptting of the among Bulletin theand photographsvarious surahs have. made it very impressive and visual. Br. Akbar deserved such a beautiful dedication. At the end (of his introductory notes) he gives summary of each section of the surah. The author has also explainsI wish to congratulate the latent you wisdom for making underlying the Bulletin the more name than of just each a news surah bulletin..” (Translated from Urdu. – Ed.)

The brief life history of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas) by our new sister in the fold of Islam, Christiane Backer, is very impressive and shows how his Perfect Example has inspired her thoughts and behaviour. I am sure her book “From MTV to Mecca” must be worth reading. Thanks for introducing the autobiography of a highly popular figure in the Western media, who, by her own study, has adopted Islam, and is facing challenges with firm faith and conviction.


The HOPE Bulletin E-mail address: [email protected]

ISLAM stands for: I SHALL LOVE ALL MANKIND Photographs : Photos: Br Yatimin AS, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Mr. Amir Aziz, Berlin, Germany. Design & Formatting : Erwan Hamdani, Jakarta, Indonesia For Books on Islam and the Ahmadiyya Movement: Translations of the Holy Quran in Urdu, English, German, French, Russian, Indonesian, Dutch, Spanish and Turkish. Visit our websites.

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