The 1923-1995 Precious Blood

of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Visions and Messages to Veronica Lueken

As seen & described in ecstasy to Heaven’s chosen Voice-box, Veronica Lueken, named ‘Veronica of the Cross ® at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine.

OUR LADY OF THE ROSES, MARY HELP OF MOTHERS SHRINE A Rosary Shrine and Apparition site of Our Lady and Our Lord and the personages from Heaven’s appearances and messages to the late Veronica Lueken from 1970 to 1994, at the site of the Vatican Pavilion of the old World’s Fair Grounds, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Flushing, New York


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses


The exedra monument at the Site of the Vatican Pavilion of the old World’s Fair, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park,

OUR LADY OF THE ROSES SHRINE Our Lady requests three hour Rosary Vigils on the Eve of the Feast days (7pm-10pm) and Sunday Holy Hours for our clergy and hierarchy (10:30am Sundays)

Shrine Vigils –three hours of ‘prayer of atonement’7-10pm on the Eve of the Feast Days. See our Vigil Calendar. The Vigil means to keep watch and in religious to have religious service on the eve – vigil of a feast. It consists of 7 Rosaries, Litanies, Hymns and concluding candlelight prayer at the conclusion to ‘bring in the new feast day.’ Our Lady promised She would ‘guide us on the eve of all the feast days.’

Rosary Processions – Our Lady requests ‘mittens’ – white gloves be worn during the processions. Our Lady’s statue is carried 3 times around the Shrine with the people in procession following praying the Rosary

Shrine Holy Hour on Sundays at 10:30am to 12:00pm – 3 Rosaries (15 decades), litanies and hymns.

The May Crowning – Sunday Holy Hour in May.

Site of the former 1964-65 World’s Fair, Vatican Pavilion where Michelangelo’s Pieta statue was on exhibit and Pope Paul VI visited and blessed the site. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. Flushing New York, Queens, Diocese of Brooklyn, U.S.A. After the World’s Fair ended, the exedra monument was built in commemoration on the spot where the Pieta was under the dome. .


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses


Vigil of July 15, 1970, Eve of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady: "My Son is still shedding His blood for the sins of the world. A Mother's heart is breaking. He accepts this suffering, My children, because He loves you.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of November 21, 1970, Eve of Christ the King

Our Lady: "Who created the pagan rituals I see before Me in the holy places of prayer? For well I remember how they, too, danced about My Son's cross, clapped their hands to the beat of each drop of His Blood. Why must you make My Son continue His anguish? See the torn flesh, the heart laid bare! Won't you stand beneath the cross with Me now?”

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Vigil of February 11, 1971, Eve of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady: "O woe to ungrateful man who cares not for the Blood that My Son shed for them! Their own destruction will be made through their own hands, in their own evil hearts. For the blackened soul can seek faster the ways of satan.”

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February 28, 1971, Message for the world given to Veronica by Jesus and the Eternal Father

Eternal Father: "My Son has shed His Blood on an unworthy generation. Heed My word; you have called down My wrath! I have called upon you for atonement, to be turned away. You will answer to your Father, and I shall spit you out as venom from the flames.” * * * * * * * * * * * *


Veronica: "I screamed and winced as two soldiers took turns hitting Jesus' bare back with a long brown, leather-like strap. On this strap were metal hooks, laid horizontally all along the strap. These nail-like, claw-like fixtures on the strap cut and scratched deeply into Jesus' flesh, causing blood to pour out. It was a despicable game with the soldiers. They laughed and joked. Jesus never said a word.”

Veronica: "Jesus was barefoot; His sandals had fallen off as they banged a stake higher into the pole and raised poor Jesus up so His toes barely touched the floor. The floor was just dirt and blood. The soldier remarked, 'Maybe they cut out His lying tongue. Ha, ha!' Our poor Jesus remained silent.”

Veronica: "Jesus' hands were tied again with the brown, leather-like material; and He was dragged to His feet. The soldier draped His top gown over His torn back. Oh, I could see it stick to His oozing blood. Oh, it was horrible!”

Veronica: "Jesus tripped and fell. He was so weak now, the beam had thrown Him off balance as He staggered. Poor Jesus fell. One nasty old man ran out of the crowd to spit and kick Him - the nasty old beast! I tried to tear off my tunic to wipe the blood out of His eyes. It was awful! He looked up at me - the soldiers wouldn't let me through. I pulled at my hair in frustration and anguish. Jesus looked at me, and I saw the love of an eternal, glorious promise.” Veronica: "Soon a soldier grabbed a man out of the crowd. This man had a long gown on with stripes down the front, and he had a turban wrapped around his head with stripes in the front. He sure didn't want to carry the beam, but they knew Jesus couldn't make it to the outskirts of the town. So this man shouldered the beam while the insane crowd taunted. Jesus was pushed and pulled along. Dirt and blood were all over Him; He was a picture of bloody grime.”

Veronica: "Soon two soldiers lifted the head of the wood and three the bottom, carrying Jesus on the cross, and dropped the end into a hole. It went in with a thump! Jesus winced. And it tore His hands more. Blood was trickling down His face. He couldn't move His head. The pain was awful; each movement cut deep. He sagged a bit, but pulled upward. The sagging tore more.”

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of March 24, 1971, Eve of the Annunciation

Our Lady: "My heart is heavy. I feel the last drops of blood have left My heart, and My Son's has already filled the cup. I want you now, My children, to keep a constant vigil of prayer. I will be with you to guide you.”

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Vigil of June 17, 1971, First Anniversary of Our Lady of the Roses

Our Lady: "Love My Son. He has shed His blood for you. He is still shedding His blood for you, for, in His merciful heart, He has not visited upon you the destruction you so rightly deserve.”

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Vigil of August 21, 1971, Eve of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Lady: "I, too, as your Mother, am subjected to the will of the Father. My children, I would give you the last ounce of blood from My heart if I could save you. We do not wish to see one of Our children lost to Us.”

Veronica: "Our Lady is standing now beneath a very large golden cross. Jesus is upon the cross. There is a deep gash in His heart area, and blood is pouring from it. His blood is dripping into the chalice. Our Lady is holding the chalice. The blood is filling the cup. It is flowing over on to Our Lady's hand and arm. The wound in Jesus' heart is bleeding very heavily.”

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Vigil of September 14, 1971, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Eve of Our Lady of Sorrows

Jesus: "My children, I have come not to add to the words of My Mother, but to give you My heart that has shed every last drop of blood for you.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

December 24, 1971, Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve

Our Lady: "I have wandered in tears throughout the world; I have pleaded in tears throughout the world. The blood of many will be shed to defend My Son's cross.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of August 5, 1972, Eve of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

Veronica: "There's a cape . . . there's a cape; it's made from the back of His robe. And He's walking over to the right side of the flagpole. But I can see blood on the side of His face. Oh! He's taken His cloak off His head, and there's a heavy crown of thorns on His head, and the blood is running down His face onto His white gown. And He's standing there with His hands out.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of August 15, 1972, Eve of Saint Joachim

Veronica: "Oh, now Jesus is standing over - He has raised His hand. Now as He raised His hand like this, I could see the deep wound in His hand. Now He is touching His chest, and He has pulled aside His robe. And I see a large heart, but it looks like it's kind of cut. It's all cut; and now there is blood dripping - oh, onto the right part of His gown.”

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Vigil of February 1, 1973, Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord

Our Lady: "Man is walking the ladder down to his own destruction. Tears and blood will mix upon earth, washing your earth clean, cleansing it of the abominations to the Sacred Heart of My Son.”


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

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Vigil of February 10, 1973, Eve of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady: "Now Our Lady is coming down. She's over by the right side of the flagpole. And She's looking down over to the right side and over to the left, and She's holding out Her hand. Oh, but in Her hand is a large heart, and it's dripping with blood!”

Veronica: "Now he's holding a golden chalice, and he's looking into the chalice. And I see blood flowing from the chalice. It's a very large, golden chalice. Now I see three angels. They're standing over to the left side of the flagpole, and they have what looks like soup bowls in their hands.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of March 18, 1973, Eve of Saint Joseph

Our Lady: "My Son is very lonely in His House. Won't you come with compassion and ease His loneliness? You do not abandon those you love. Have you no love for your Creator? Have you no love for He Who gave His life upon earth for you? Have you no love for He Who still sheds His blood for you?” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of March 25, 1973, Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Veronica: "And over to the left side of the flagpole there's written a word: "YELLOW AGAINST WHITE, WHITE AGAINST BLACK," and then there's a large cross over the world. It's a globe of the world, and there's blood dripping over on one side. And there's a pool of blood; it's like a river. And now the word comes out from inside the blood, and it says "PALESTINE": P-A-L-E-S-T-I-N-E, and underneath, "JERUSALEM."

Veronica: "I can see - I can see where the spikes went right through His hands. Oh, the marks are there. It looks like - oh, it's not bleeding, but it looks very like dried blood, coagulated.”

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Vigil of April 14, 1973, Eve of Palm Sunday

Jesus: "My blood shall cleanse your earth anew. All who come to Me in belief shall receive the chalice of My suffering." Veronica: "Oh! Oh! Now His hands - Jesus' hands now are also dripping blood.”

Veronica: "And now He's turning His hands over, and the blood is now coming down. And I notice there's a large globe now. Jesus is floating up a little. There's a large globe now where Jesus was standing. And the blood is flowing right over the globe.”

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Vigil of April 21, 1973, Eve of Easter Sunday – Vision of the Crucifixion

Veronica: "Now I see that the hands are crossed across His chest, and they're bound tightly with this sheeting. But there's blood; there's blood seeping out on the sheeting. Oh! [Veronica finds it difficult and painful to describe the sorrowful scene.] Also, His face is covered, and there's blood coming out of the top of His head on the sheeting.”

Veronica: "He's . . . oh, oh, he's - it's Jesus on the cross, and he's pushed it into Him just above His stomach! Oh! Now he can't pull it out. He's being covered . . . it's not blood; it's water. But he can't - he's running; he can't seem to wash it off his face. He's wiping his hands. It's over his hands; he can't get it off his hands.”

Veronica: "The cross has fallen down now. Oh! They're holding Jesus, and the cross fell down. And now they can hit from the under side. The spike's coming out. They're not tearing His feet. The hands had to be torn. Ah! Oh, now the three ladies are rushing over. Now the man, he's now lifting Jesus up, and Our Lady now is sitting on the ground. She has Jesus now . . . the blood is on Her gown, all on the front. She wants to remove the headpiece from His head, but She can't. It's in too deep!”


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

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Vigil of June 8, 1973, Eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Veronica: "But Jesus has on a red robe; it's tied at His neck with a golden string. Now He's placing the robe over His hand, like this, and - oh, He's opening His . . . the top part of His robe. Oh! Now I see there's a large heart. There's a large heart on the front part of His gown. But the heart now - there's a large sword; it's, it's, oh, it's going through His heart. And there's blood now dripping down His gown.”

Veronica: "Now Jesus is bending down. He's placed His hand over His heart. Oh, it's His right hand, and the blood is seeping through His fingers.”

Jesus: "My Mother has made many visits to your earth. She pleads your cause well with the Father. However, the time for your atonement has been shortened. You will all save yourselves now in the merciful drops of My Blood shed for you through generations, shed now for an ungrateful generation that has chosen to give himself to satan."

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Vigil of July 1, 1973, Eve of the Visitation of Mary

Veronica: "The hourglass is covering the whole sky. Oh, but the hourglass looks like it's filled with blood. Oh, not sand, but blood. And it's dripping onto the hourglass slowly, drop by drop.”

"The sword now is dripping blood. It's dripping from the chalice into the hourglass - from the sword into the chalice into the hourglass.”

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Vigil of August 14, 1973, Eve of the Assumption of Our Lady

Veronica: "The cross, though, the cross is like being made in blood. The cross on the door is like blood on the door. The blood of the cross!” "I can't see whose hand it is, but the hand is very lighted. I fear it is - yes, it is Jesus. Oh, He's standing there now with His hand out, like this, and I can see the wounds in His hand. Now He's extending His other hand out, like this. Oh, and as I watch, there is blood coming from His hand, flowing down now upon the world.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of October 6, 1973, Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady: "No matter what his human character is, at the time of the Consecration the Father sends the Holy Spirit down to use this human being known as your high priest, to bring to you the Body and the Blood, spiritual and physical, of My Son to you.”

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Vigil of December 31, 1973, Eve of the Solemnity of Our Lady

Veronica: "There's a great light about the tabernacle. And now the light is so bright that it's taken the rivulets of blood; I can't see them anymore. But around now the whole opening of the tabernacle is a huge Eucharist. It's just glowing beautifully. And now right in the center - oh, it's Jesus.”

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Vigil of February 17, 1974, Sunday Holy Hour

Veronica: "Do not be turned away by the man whom God has chosen with consecrated hands to bring you the Body of Christ. Do not judge your clergy by human standards. Remember, he is a human being. However, during the time of consecration, through the Holy Spirit he will bring you the physical Body and Blood of Christ.” * * * * * * * * * * * *


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of March 18, 1974, Eve of Saint Joseph

Jesus: "You will eat of My Flesh and drink of My Blood in My houses or you will not be with Me. Do not cast aside My House because of the values of man. My representatives will bring My Body and Blood to you during the Consecration. Do not judge My House by the standards of man. But woe unto that day when you can no longer receive My Body and Blood!"

Our Lady:"When He is given to you, brought to you by the legally-ordained priest chosen by My Son - though, sadly, many now go on the dark road - chosen by My Son to bring His Body and Blood to you.”

Jesus: "My Blood will be upon the hands of many."

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Vigil of March 24, 1974, Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jesus: "Come to Me, My children, for I am very lonely. I am visited only by the few. You must drink of My Blood and eat of My Body, or you will not have the light within you."

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Vigil of April 6, 1974, Eve of Palm Sunday

Our Lady: "Visit My Son often. You must eat of His Body and drink of His Blood, so that you will have the strength to resist the evil forces that have now invaded and multiplied upon your earth.”

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Vigil of April 13, 1974, Eve of Easter Sunday

Veronica: "Now Our Lady is going over, and She's kneeling at the feet of Jesus - it's Jesus on the cross. And She's extending Her hands out. Now, slowly, I see blood coming down, dripping down onto Our Lady's hands

Our Lady:"My Son, Jesus, is the only Messiah. He has already come to your earth, but He will return. But He will come down from the heavens as He ascended, with the legions of saints, those who have washed themselves clean with the Blood of the Lamb.”

Veronica: "And now She's asking Raphael - has stepped back, and Raphael is coming over. And he's placing a very golden - it's a chalice. He's now kneeling beside Our Lady, and he's holding this goblet-like chalice out. And the blood is just dripping from a wound in Jesus' side.”

Our Lady:"You must make a special effort to be with My Son by the tabernacles in His House, houses throughout the world. Unless you eat of His Flesh and drink of His Blood, you cannot have the light within you.”

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Vigil of May 22, 1974, Eve of the Ascension of Our Lord

Veronica: "Oh, the blood! Jesus' blood! And the blood is pouring now from this heart He has in His hand. Oh! Now I see in His hand the heart is surrounded by thorns. He's holding it forward, and the heart is growing larger and larger and larger. Now I can't see Jesus behind it, but I can hear His voice.”

Jesus: "Look upon this heart, My child, so torn by the sins and offenses of mankind. My heart is aching. My hands are bloody. I long to look upon My creation and be filled with joy. Who will comfort Me in My loneliness?"


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of June 8, 1974, Eve of the Holy Trinity

Our Lady: "Remember, My child, shout it from the roof. My Son is with you until the end of your time. It is truly His Presence, His Real Presence, His divine Presence, His Body and His Blood. Do not treat Him with disrespect! Bow your knees; cover your head! Do not chew Him!” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of June 18, 1974, Fourth Anniversary of Our Lady of the Roses

Our Lady: "Human nature, My child, sets man on the path to sin. He can overcome this sin by staying with My Son, close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Unless you eat of His Body and drink of His Blood, you cannot have the light within you, for it is His Body that is food for your soul.”

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Vigil of August 21, 1974, Eve of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Veronica: "Oh, my God! Oh! Now I see a crucifix, a very large crucifix with Jesus upon it! Oh, my goodness! Oh, there's blood all over! It looks like He's been torn to shreds!”

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September 13, 1974, Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Eve of Our Lady of Sorrows

Veronica: "Oh, now there's blood! Our Lady now is extending Her Rosary out, and there's blood now coming from Her face, from Her eyes, down onto Her gown - oh, so much that the gown is now stained red!”

Our Lady: "I have a great secret to give to you and all those who are knowledgeable. Human food is not necessary. Know, there is a secret I reveal to you at this time. You can be nourished by the Body and Blood of My Son. For the secret, My child, is that you will be fed the manna from Heaven.”

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Vigil of October 6, 1974, Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary

Veronica: "And now Jesus is stretching His hand forward. Oh, my goodness! But there are drops of blood coming from His hand. Now He is placing both forward in front of Him, and I can see the holes in His hands and the blood dripping from them. It's falling down now upon us.”

Our Lady: "Save your souls and the souls of those you love through the blood of My Son which has been shed for mankind."

Veronica: "Oh, now it's growing much dimmer. Now Jesus is going up. He's floating up. I don't see any more of the blood coming down.”

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Vigil of November 23, 1974, Eve of Christ the King

Our Lady: "Do not judge My Son's Church by the actions of man. Know that regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist. A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest, will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist.”

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of December 31, 1974, Eve of the Solemnity of Our Lady

Our Lady: "Those who remain close to My Son at His tabernacles of the world, those who eat of the Bread of life, My Son's Body and Blood, shall be strengthened in the days ahead. You cannot have life within you unless you eat of the Body and drink of the Blood of My Son, called your Eucharist.”

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Vigil of February 1, 1975 Eve of the Presentation of Our Lord

Our Lady: "My child, My children, you will remain with My Son in the Eucharist. He is with you - His Body, His Blood - He is with you in all the tabernacles of the world."

Jesus: "You are asking for the Chastisement! My Mother has passed among you, and has begged for the time - an extension of time, so that you will make this atonement. However, your time is growing short. Prayer, penance, and sacrifice, or you will wash your robes in your blood.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of February 10, 1975, Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady: "The Father looks into the hearts of mankind. All manner of filth and abomination lie therein! Shall you wash yourselves in blood? Or will you get down upon your knees now and make atonement to the Father, the Eternal Father, for the many offenses that are setting now upon you a chastisement such as has never been seen before by mankind!” Jesus: "They are angels, My child, but they come from your earth. You see those who have cleansed their souls and washed their robes in the blood of sacrifice as victims, victims of injustice by man upon your earth.”

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Vigil of March 18, 1975, Eve of Saint Joseph

Our Lady: "During the Holy Sacrifice of your Mass, My children, you shall receive among you the physical and spiritual Body and Blood of My Son. This is not but a memory or a myth, My children! Understand the supernatural! Understand that My Son comes to you fully in spirit and physical Body.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of March 22, 1975, Eve of Palm Sunday

Veronica: "It's a beautiful heart, with an orange flame that comes out from the center. But around the heart I see a crown of thorns. It's just like the crown that's on Jesus' head. Oh, and now from the crown I see punctures in Jesus' heart, and there is blood dripping slowly from these wounds.”

Our Lady: "We took upon pagan practices, My child, in the House of God. It will not be tolerated by the Father. Remember, My child, the evil ones danced around My Son as He shed His blood upon the tree.”

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May 17, 1975 Vigil of Pentecost

Our Lady: "Yes, My child, each time I see a sheep being lost forever to Us I cry until My tears have become tears of blood! I would be willing, as your Mother, to wash you in My blood for your salvation. My Son washed you in His Blood for your salvation. Are there not enough among you to make penance, do penance and sacrifice for your brothers.”

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Vigil of May 28, 1975, Queenship of Our Lady

Jesus: "My heart will shine in your darkened world; My Blood shall be your salvation.” 9

Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of July 15, 1975, Eve of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Veronica: "Now Jesus is placing His hands out, and there are tremendous large drops of blood coming down upon the world. Oh! Oh!”

Veronica: "Now Michael is coming forward. He has in his hands a very large golden chalice, and he's going over now - He's standing now below Jesus, on his knees. He's not standing, he's kneeling now. He's taken a kneeling position, and he's extending the chalice. And the drops of blood are filling up the chalice - oh, faster and faster. And now the chalice is overflowing.”

Our Lady: "My child, this is My Son. We ask all mankind to save their eternal soul, their immortal soul, in the Blood, the wounds of My Son.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of July 25, 1975, Eve of St. Anne and St. Joachim Jesus: "You see, My child, the burning fires of My heart. My Blood has been shed for the salvation of mankind. Now My wounds are bleeding anew. Is there not one who will solace Me? My hands are bleeding; My heart is sobbing. I long to see My creation and be filled with joy."

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Vigil of August 5, 1975, Eve of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

St. Michael: "Yes, my child, you find the balance heavily loaded, leavened by the sins of mankind and all manner of abominations that cause the Blood of your Creator to overflow in the chalice. This Blood shall wash mankind clean. Blood, the blood of mankind, shall flow in the streets in revolution! Wars are a punishment for the sins of mankind."

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Vigil of August 21, 1975, Eve of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary

Our Lady: "But no, My children, My Son shall come as He ascended. He will come down from the sky, shouting with a call of triumph to all. He will come down with the legions from Heaven of angels and all of the souls who have bathed themselves in His Blood and now wear the garments of light and life.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of September 6, 1975, In honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady: "We ask and repeat that no one handle in unconsecrated hands the Body of My Son! It will be defiled and discarded, unless only a legally ordained priest, a man of God with purified fingers of the Holy Spirit, give the Body and Blood of My Son to each one under his care.”

Our Lady: "There is no need, My child, for women to rush into the sacred portals. There are enough throughout the world, men consecrated and chosen as ministers of the Eternal Father, of the Body and Blood of His Son, to distribute among mankind this sacred Body.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of October 2, 1975 Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels and Eve of Saint Theresa

Our Lady: "Keep your robes clean and spotless, for He will recognize you, My children, in that manner when He returns to your earth. Wash them in the Body and Blood of My Son. Remain close to Him, My children, in the Eucharist. Wash your robes in His Blood.”

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of November 1, 1975, All Saints Day and Eve of All Souls Day

Our Lady: "However, if you remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, tabernacles that are being defiled and bringing much sorrow to My Son's heart . . . My children, remain with Him; let Him nourish your soul, strengthen you with His Body and His Blood, and you will go through this time of trial with fortitude and peace of spirit."

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Vigil of November 20, 1975 Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jesus: "I watch your earth. I tremor for what you are asking as a just punishment for your actions! The Father chastises those He loves. Your world will be bathed with blood. Shall you accept the Blood of the Lamb, or shall you receive the sword?”

Jesus: "Pastors with your permissiveness, I shall stand, and you shall be spit as spittle into the flames! Others who persevere shall wash their robes clean in the Blood of the Lamb.”

Jesus: "The Eternal City shall face soon, My child, a bloodbath. The world shall be bathed in fire.”

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Vigil of December 24, 1975, Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve

Jesus: "I shall say anew, there will be the time that you will be given to great trial. Your world shall be bathed in blood. Your world shall go through a great crucible of suffering. The Eternal Father does not seek to bring fear into the hearts of His children.”

Jesus: "There is Heaven, there is hell, and there is a place of purging. You must be clean, cleansed of all sin. Your garments - many shall wash in blood to cleanse them, but pray that it is the Blood of the Lamb.”

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Vigil of December 27, 1975, Eve of the Holy Family

St. Michael: "The blood of the Son of Man shall not be shed again for an unrepentant generation. Man shall shed his blood and be slain for the Lamb.”

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Vigil of April 10, 1976, Eve of Palm Sunday

Veronica: "And now that He's coming through the light, I can see Jesus' face now. He looks very sad. Oh, now Jesus is pointing to His chest, and I see emerging through His fingers, rivulets of blood. He's placed His hand, His right hand now over His chest, and there are rivulets of blood coming where there's a wound in His chest.”

Jesus: "We have not abandoned you to yourselves, for We support you under the mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred Heart I place the drops of My blood. I shed this blood anew. I am, as your Savior, recrucified by My own.”

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Vigil of April 17, 1976, Eve of Easter Sunday

Our Lady: "Wear your armor of protection, your sacramentals, and be guided in the light. I repeat again: remain with My Son in the Eucharistic Service. His Body and Blood shall strengthen you in the days ahead.”

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of June 12, 1976, Eve of the Most Holy Trinity

Jesus: "How long, you ask, shall the saints keep crying out for their just revenge? Many have received their peace at the cost of the shedding of their blood, and many more shall enter at the cost of the shedding of their blood.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * June 24, 1976, Eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our Lady: "The forces of evil are gathering about the city of Jerusalem. I walked there, My children. My home will be destroyed. There shall be much blood shed upon My home.”

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Vigil of August 5, 1976, Eve of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

Our Lady: "Do not judge your Church, My children, by the standards of man, for a legally-ordained priest, a man who has been legally ordained, will be used by the Eternal Father, through the Spirit, to bring to you My Son, His Body and His Blood, which He is shedding in sorrow now for you. * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of November 22, 1976, Eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady: ". . . many victim souls upon earth, My child, victim souls who shed the very blood of their hearts as penance, atonement, and sacrifice for the sins and offenses that tear the heart of My Son.”

Veronica: "And now Jesus is extending His right hand out, and He has on it a heart. It's, oh, it's very - oh, I don't know how to explain it. It seems horribly hurting. There is like a band of thorns about it, and the blood is dripping now down from His hand.”

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Vigil of February 1, 1977 Eve of the Presentation Of Our Lord

St. Michael: "During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is a change of the bread and a change of the wine, and it is the real Presence, the Body and the Blood of your God!”

St. Michael: "Did not the river in Egypt turn into blood in the will of God? And cannot God, in His will, come to you changing the bread and wine into the actual Presence, the real Presence, the factual Presence of His Body and Blood?”

Veronica: "Now Michael is going backwards. He's just floating. There's no way to explain it; it's like the air is carrying him. He covers the whole sky. It's a beautiful, awesome sight. But he's going backwards now, and pointing, holding the chalice high above his head. There's a great light now coming from all about the chalice, but there is like a bubbling over of blood, red blood floating out of the chalice upon the world.”

Veronica: "I see Jesus nailed to the cross. I see a Body torn, with very few solid pieces of flesh left! I see His head covered by a crown of thorns, biting, cutting, tearing into His skin, and the blood flowing down.”

Our Lady: "My children, unless you pray more, you shall not recognize the signs; unless you remain with My Son at the tabernacles of your world, you shall not recognize the signs; unless you eat of the Body of My Son and drink of His Blood, you shall not have the light within you.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of April 9, l977, Eve of Easter Sunday

Our Lady: "You see, My child, the many martyrs I counseled you of. They also will wash their robes clean with the Blood of My Son."

Veronica: "Now Jesus is touching His chest and He's extending His hand out. And He has a heart, a flaming red heart in His hand, but there are droplets of blood now coming through His fingers.”


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Veronica: "Jesus is still holding the hand with the heart that's bleeding, and the blood is now running onto the gowns, the robes of these people dressed in white.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of May 14, 1977, Eve of the Queenship of Mary

Our Lady: "I repeat again that none shall bring the sacred Body of My Son, His Body and Blood, to another but a legally-ordained priest with consecrated hands. I say, My children, consecrated hands, blessed hands, washed clean by the Holy Spirit! No man shall render excuses for defilement of My Son's Body.”

St. Michael: "There shall be set upon mankind a great tribulation such as has been never seen since the beginning of man's creation, and those that pass through this great tribulation shall come forward cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb."

St. Michael: "They have washed their robes clean in the Blood of the Lamb."

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Vigil of May 18, 1977, Eve of the Ascension of Our Lord

Our Lady: "My child, I repeat Myself to you: at the start of the consecration in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you will join your hands together and remain this way until all have received the Body and Blood of My beloved Son, respectfully and rightfully."

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Vigil of June 16, 1977, Eve of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jesus: "My children, you cannot have the light within you unless you partake of the Bread of life. Come to Me in all of the tabernacles of your world. Refresh yourself in the Blood of the Lamb.”

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Vigil of July 25, 1977, Eve of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim

Our Lady: "My children, My heart bleeds; I cry bitter tears to see the manner in which mankind has reduced My Son's House of worship and adoration to a meeting place of all manner of demons and abominations, defilement of My Son's eternal Body and Blood.”

Jesus: "And if you retain your sacramentals and keep your faith, you will go through these times with great courage and perseverance. I repeat: Many shall wash themselves clean in the Blood of the Lamb."

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Vigil of September 7, 1977, Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady: "My children, you are not alone. All of the personages of Heaven have joined in this battle. The saints have waited for this day, and I assure you, My children, before this battle is over many latter day saints shall wash their robes in the Blood of the Lamb."

Veronica: "And there's - oh, my! There's a very, very heavy, somber-looking cross now in the sky. It's black-colored. It's really black and somber. But then there's a - on the right side of the cross, there's a huge Host; I know it's a Host. It's an illuminated round, circular Host. And now there's blood dripping now from the Host. And now there's a chalice appearing in the sky. And - oh, dear! It looks like there's absolute blood just dripping out of that Host into the chalice. Now the chalice is filled, and blood is flowing over the chalice.”

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Vigil of September 28, 1977, Eve of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Jesus: "Prepare, My children, and go forward as light bearers, carriers of the Faith and truth. My children, before the final capitulation of mankind to the evil forces of destruction, all will have washed their robes clean in the Blood of the Lamb.”

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Vigil of October 1, 1977, Eve of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus

Jesus: "It is truly now a battle of the supernatural. If you remain close to My heart in the Eucharist, if you nourish your souls with My Body and Blood, I assure you, My children, you will not fall into the darkness

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Vigil of October 6, 1977, Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary

Jesus: "Seek the light, My children. It is a simple way. I am the way, I am the light. I've left a legacy to you. Nourish your souls with My Body and Blood.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of November 1, 1977, All Saints' Day and Eve of All Souls' Day

Our Lady: "You must not abandon My Son. You must go to the tabernacles of the world and eat of His Body and His Blood, the Bread of life.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of November 19, 1977, Eve of Christ the King

Our Lady: "We ask for many victim souls in the days ahead, those who will prostrate themselves before My Son on the cross and catch the blood coming forth from His wounds again as He is thrashed and beaten anew by mankind. My Son is being re-crucified by His own.”

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Vigil of December 7, 1977, Eve of the Immaculate Conception

Jesus: "You cannot wait, you cannot expect your brothers or sisters to guide you completely. Unless you accept the sacramentals given to you, unless you eat of My Body and drink of My Blood, you cannot and will not have the light within you, for I am truly the Bread of life.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of February 10, 1978, Eve of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady: "No, My children, this was brought about to desecrate My Son, to take from Him the truth of His divine nature. No one who hears My voice must accept My Son's Body and Blood in the hand! The chalice shall turn, and you shall be bathed in His Blood.”

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Vigil of March 18, 1978 Eve of Palm Sunday

Jesus: "I give you My heart, My children, a heart torn asunder by mankind. But even if I must shed My blood anew for you I have great hopes that in this suffering the world can escape the great Chastisement.”

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Vigil of March 25, 1978, Eve of Easter Sunday - The Entombment Vision

Veronica: "He looks very bloody. The blood has dried. It's not running any longer. It's dried upon His side. There is a gaping hole in His side, on the left side under His heart. And the blood has dried all about His face.”

Veronica: "His face looks very, sort of dirty. It's a lot of caked mud on His face. But the blood hasn't dried, because it's coming upon the sheeting; it's seeping through. And now I can understand the voices: "We must leave. The hour grows late. We cannot defile the laws."

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Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Our Lady: " My child and My children, that I am most distressed with the actions of mankind in turning aside from My Son when He has given to you all the greatest of sacrifices: His Flesh, His Blood and His Spirit, so that the gates, the entrance to the eternal Kingdom of your God would be open anew to mankind. Has this sacrifice of My Son been in vain?”

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Vigil of May 13, 1978, Eve of Pentecost Sunday

Veronica: "And Jesus now has stopped just between the tall tree and the banner, the flag. And He's bending over now, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now He's floating backwards; He's moving up backwards, and He's now taken His hand and placed it on His heart. And I can see the blood is coming now down from His hands.”

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Vigil of May 27, 1978, Eve of the Queenship of Mary

Jesus: " I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood?”

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Vigil of June 18, 1978, Eighth Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside

Veronica: "Jesus is coming forward. He's floating forward; He doesn't walk. I can't explain the way He's carried weightless through the sky. He has nothing upon His feet. I can see the marks of the spikes, the nails, on His insteps. The wounds are very evident. They're very sore looking, and they're red, a deep red. There's no blood coming from them; they're like dry, but they're very, very, very sore looking.”

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July 15, 1978 Eve of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Veronica: "Oh, my goodness! Oh, I see two hearts. They look like living, pulsating human hearts. They - oh, my goodness! And I see knives, actual knives, but they are a cross on the handles. The knives are thrust in the hearts, and the blood is coming down like blood falling from the sky.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

September 7, 1978, Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Veronica: "I can see Jesus on the cross, as living! Oh, but He's suffering terribly. I can see His head covered with the crown of thorns. I mean covered! It goes down to His forehead and covers His whole head. And there's blood running down His face, and He's in terrible pain.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of November 25, 1978, Eve of Christ the King

Our Lady: ""Even in My Son's churches I have watched My children approaching the Sacred Species, My Son's Body and Blood - His divinity being desecrated by young women, young men, and even middle-aged, wearing satan's emblems! How foolish you are not to recognize the cross and the sacramentals given by the institutionalized churches - the Roman of My Son - even though sadly I have often cried at the many denominations that came from the first Church of My Son.”

Our Lady: "They are martyrs, My child, who have washed their robes clean in the Blood of the Lamb.”

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Vigil of December 7, 1978, Eve of the Immaculate Conception

Our Lady: "We ask that all bishops and cardinals refrain from promoting change and reform in My Son's Church. They must gather the peoples into the Church to do honor before the Eucharist. Unless you eat of the Body of My Son, and drink His Blood, you shall not have the light in you.”


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

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Vigil of June 2, 1979 Eve of Pentecost Sunday

Veronica: "I notice that His feet this evening are bare; He has nothing upon His feet. I can see the wounds on His instep of His feet. They seem to be open and oozing blood. Now Jesus is placing His hands out like this, in front of Him. Oh, and I can see the wounds in His hands. They are also very sore-looking; they must be very painful.”

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Vigil of June 18, 1979, Ninth Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside

St. Michael:"You will kneel, my child. For you must eat of His Body and drink of His Blood." [Veronica kneels and with tongue extended receives Holy Communion mystically from St. Michael.]

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Vigil of July 14, 1979, In honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Jesus: "Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice must now be your guide through life. Wear your sacramentals. Receive the Eucharist daily. I come to you; I am with you. It is My Body and My Blood. He who nourishes himself with It shall live forever.”

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Vigil of September 7, 1979, Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Veronica: "Our Lady is turning now to Jesus. I see forming about His head a very, very heavy crown of thorns. Now over the crown of thorns, I see forming a basket-like weave, a head covering interwoven like a basket weaving. It's settling now over the thorns making a very heavy head covering. I can see the blood coming down His face.”

Veronica: "Now Jesus is looking about Him. He has the heavy crown of thorns upon His head. The blood is still coming down across His forehead. And now, as He's raising His hand out, like this, for blessing, I can see blood coming from His palms down onto His arms, onto His gown. And He's now extending the arm - and it must be very painfully - to make the sign of the cross in blessing upon all: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Now Jesus is looking about Him. The pain of the head covering must be almost unbearable, from the flow of blood onto His face. But He's turning now and looking directly over to the left side of Him, over to our right. Now He is placing His hand so covered with blood to His lips, and He is saying.”

Veronica: "Oh, my! Oh, dear! Oh! I see now Jesus upon the cross! I - just as I saw it in 1971. Oh-h-h! Oh- h-h! I see Him upon the cross. His hands with the nails through His palms, and the skin-like ropes holding onto His wrist, onto the wood. [Veronica sighs plaintively as though in pain.] The blood is carrying through the na-a-ail! Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h! [Veronica undergoes excruciating pain, both emotionally and physically, as she joins Jesus in His sufferings.]

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Vigil of September 14, 1979, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross & Eve of Our Lady of Sorrows

Jesus: "My child and My children, wear your sacramentals as given from Heaven. You must eat of My Body and drink of My Blood in the Eucharist or you cannot have the light within you, for I am the light and the way. He who is not with Me is against Me! I am the light and the way! You cannot serve the world and serve God the Father, in the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Jesus: "I bless you all, My children, and send to you the necessary graces to proceed with perseverance and endurance in the days ahead. The great tribulation will soon be upon mankind. Those who pass through the tribulation shall come out cleansed, their robes cleansed with the Blood of the Lamb.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of October 2, 1979, The Guardian Angels and Eve of Saint Theresa

Our Lady: "For all the blood He shed for you, you defame His name. For the heart that bled for you, you despise Him anew. O My children, heap all upon Me the abuse that satisfies your addiction to sin, but do not defame the name of My Son. I ask you as your Mother to listen to Me, for I have come to try to save you - to save you even from yourselves, for you are blinded by sin.” 16

Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

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Vigil of October 6, 1980, Eve of Our Lady of the Rosary

Jesus: "I ask you all not to abandon My Church. Do not judge My Church by the priest, for in his human nature he can err. But I assure you I am using him, as a legally ordained priest, to bring you My Body and Blood. Do not go seeking elsewhere, for you will lose your baptismal right, and you will no longer be accepted as a Roman Catholic, and you will not enter into the highest place of Heaven, the Kingdom of Paradise.” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vigil of June 18, 1981, Eleventh Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside (Veronica received was home ill)

Veronica: "Oh, there's Michael. Oh, Saint Michael! Oh, he's tremendous. He's tremendous! Oh, but do you know what he's doing? He's got a chalice, a large golden chalice in his hand, and he's holding the chalice now and turning it down, and there's like blood pouring out of the chalice . . . blood! Oh, my goodness!”

Veronica: "Our Lady is showing me now a heart that was implanted on the front of Her gown. Her gown is just stained with blood now. It is bleeding. Oh, my goodness! It's bleeding onto my carpeting, too.”

Our Lady: "My heart, My child, is torn and bleeding, because it is the children that I cry for now. They are being misled.”

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Vigil of June 18, 1983, 13th Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside

Veronica: "This is at - the statue of Our Lady. If you look up perhaps you can see it. Over to the left, beyond the first tree, there's a chalice. It looks like it's made of pure gold. And this chalice now is dripping. Oh, my! Oh, what's coming forth from the chalice is blood. Our Lady knows that this has given me a terrible inner shock. Our Lady places now Her fingers, first finger to Her lips.”

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Vigil of June 30, 1984, Eve of the Most Precious Blood and In honor of the Visitation of Mary

Our Lady: "My Son's heart is bleeding because of the manner in which His Mass is being celebrated, with neither honor nor sacrifice. My Son is not pleased with the manner in which His Body and Blood is being given to all of the humans upon earth. Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven.”

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Vigil of August 21, 1985, Eve of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jesus: "This, My child, is a prayerful means of suffering. We wish that the blood of Christ be upon mankind, and not the blood of his brothers.”

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Vigil of May 17, 1986, Eve of Pentecost Sunday

Our Lady: "However, many saints shall come out from this conflagration, saints who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.”

Jesus: "My child and My children: yes, they are some of the few who have washed their robes clean in the blood of the Lamb, through suffering upon earth.” * * * * * * * * * * * *


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses


"Pray constantly in your homes. Do not abandon the statues and holy relics for modernistic sculpture and pagan artifacts. Protect the innocence of your children. You must be most careful and monitor their training, both in religion and sectarian training. "My children, I do not want a schism and division in My House upon earth, My Church. Convert the unbeliever. Do not compromise your Faith. Heresy, O mournful heresy - condoned and permitted in My House! Do you seek, O clergy, to recrucify Me?"

[Veronica in ecstasy extends her arms in the form of the cross as she views the agony of Jesus on the cross.]

Veronica - Oh, my! Oh, dear! Oh! I see now Jesus upon the cross! I - just as I saw it in 1971. Oh-h-h! Oh-h-h! I see Him upon the cross. His hands with the nails through His palms, and the skin-like ropes holding onto His wrist, onto the wood. [Veronica sighs plaintively as though in pain.] The blood is carrying through the na-a-ail! Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h! [Veronica undergoes excruciating pain, both emotionally and physically, as she joins Jesus in His sufferings.]

His feet are crossed on the wood, the right foot over the left. [Veronica sighs heavily again.] There's a big spike through His instep, through His feet onto the wood. Ah-h-h! [Veronica cries out in pain.] I can see His arms. Ah-h-h! His arms are straining. Oh-h-h! Now He's putting His head upward, and He's saying, "Father, forgive them anew, for they do not know what they are doing!"

[The emotional stress upon Veronica in seeing Our Beloved Savior upon the cross, crucified, is almost unbearable as she sighs and groans. Finally, exhausted from the strain, Veronica allows her arms to collapse and her head falls limp to one side. She has fainted from the ordeal. She is revived ten to fifteen minutes later.] Vigil of September 7, 1979

Our Lady: "Do not recrucify My Son upon earth, because you will all be held accountable. None shall come to the Father except from My Son. For My Son is in the Father, and the Father is in My Son, and the Holy Ghost. I know full well that it is not understandable to many the existence of a Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They are all one, in one God. I repeat again: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Vigil of October 2, 1989


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

th OUR LADY OF THE ROSES SHRINE 40 Anniversary Year

The Apparition site of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica Lueken from 1970 to 1994.

Our Lady requests three hour Rosary Vigils on the Eve of the Feast days and Sunday Holy Hours for our clergy at 10:30am to noon. Please join in the prayers from your area.

“Everyone who comes to the Sacred Grounds has been called there by the Father.” Jesus, June 18, 1983

2010 Rosary Vigil Dates (7pm to 10pm) February 1 Monday Eve of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple & Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary February 10 Wednesday Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (Apparition in 1858, Lourdes France)

March 18 Thursday Eve of the Solemnity of St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus March 24 Wednesday Eve of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary March 27 Saturday Eve of Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday

April 3 Saturday Eve of the Solemnity of the Resurrection of Our Lord April 10 Saturday Eve of Mercy Sunday

May 2 Sunday The Coronation of Our Lady of the Roses & Sunday Holy Hour (10:30am) May 12 Wednesday Eve of the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord May 22 Saturday Eve of the Feast of Pentecost May 29 Saturday Eve of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Trinity Sunday & the Queenship

June 5 Saturday Eve of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ June 10 Thursday Eve of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus June 18 Friday The 40th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Roses® July 1 Thursday Feast of the Most Precious Blood & Eve of Visitation of Our Lady July 15 Thursday Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 24 Saturday In Honor of the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim, (parents of Our Lady)

August 3 Tuesday 15th Memorial of ‘Veronica of the Cross,’ Veronica Lueken August 5 Thursday Eve of the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord August 14 Saturday Eve of the Solemnity of the Assumption August 21 Saturday Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

September 7 Tuesday Eve of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady September 11 Saturday Eve of the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary September 14 Tuesday Eve of Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows and Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross September 28 Tuesday Eve of the Feast of St Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

October 2 Saturday Eve of the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and in honor of the Guardian Angels October 6 Wednesday Eve of the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary

November 1 Monday All Saints Day & the Eve of All Souls Day November 20 Saturday Eve of the Solemnity of Christ the King and the Presentation of Mary

December 7 Tuesday Eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception December 24 Friday Eve of the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas December 27 Monday Eve of the Feast of the Holy Innocents December 31 Friday Eve of the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God & the Christmas Octave

SHRINE LOCATION: Outdoors at the site of the former Vatican Pavilion, the old 1964-65 World’s Fair Grounds, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Flushing Queens, NY 11368 on Long Island, (borough of NY City, Diocese of Brooklyn). A grey granite, semi-circle monument (exedra); replaces the former Vatican Pavilion building where Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’ sculpture of the Blessed Mother holding Jesus after His crucifixion was exhibited. The site was blessed by Pope Paul VI on his Apostolic visit in 1965. The Shrine is on Avenue of Europe off Perimter Road just east of the circular double towers. The Shrine is 200yds SE of the famous steel 50ft Unisphere Globe, and 50 yds SE of the Queens Theatre past their parking lot. The Shrine was relocated from the original site at the St. ’s church in Bayside, NY in June 1975. ALL WELCOME.

For Directions to the Shrine, call or write to the Shrine for our map or go to and enter Our Lady of the Roses. .Driving to Flushing Meadows: From RFK Bridge– exit 9E; From the Whitestone Bridge Exit 13D; From the LIE/I-495, Exit 22 to the GCP to Exit 9P And follow the signs to the Queens Theatre. By Train take the#7 Train- exit at Willets Point and walk South past the Unisphere globe and Theatre. GPS – location in the park – by the Queens Theatre 111th St and 53rd Ave. View a map of the Park at:


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses

Contact the Shrine for more free information, messages to Veronica, directions and a blessed Rose Petal. Go to Google/maps for more information, videos, photos and exact directions.

Our Lady of the Roses®, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine is a Rosary Shrine and Apparition site of Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus’ appearances to the late Veronica Lueken, (July 12, 1923 - Aug 3, 1995), (‘Veronica of the Cross’®), at the old St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church in Bayside Queens and Flushing Meadows, New York from June 18, 1970 to June 18, 1994. Our Blessed Mother Mary requested 3 hour Rosary Vigils on the Eve of all Feast Days, (7:00pm to 10:00pm) and Sunday Holy Hours (10:30am), which continue in Flushing Meadows Park, at the site of Vatican Pavilion (behind the Queens Theatre) of the old World’s Fair grounds, Flushing, Queens, New York, on Long Island. Over 300 messages of directives and counsel from Heaven to the world and the Church were given through Their chosen voice-box Veronica, an instrument for Heaven, during the Rosary Vigils from 1970 to 1994 when Veronica was present. Our Lady comes as a Mediatrix between God and man. Graces in abundance and countless cures and conversions have been received by many throughout the world. Come pray the Rosary at the Vigils and Holy Hours. All are welcome!

Prayer Penance Atonement – Redemption Grace & Peace


Our Lady of the Roses ®, Mary Help of Mothers, P.O. Box 52 Bayside NY 11361 (718) 961-8865 Copyright © Our Lady of the Roses