Lewisham Deptford Green Party News and views from the Green Party. Delivered to over 30,000 green news homes in Lewisham & Deptford. Autumn/ Winter 2007 www.lewishamgreens.org.uk Darren Johnson - working for you Lewisham councillor and Green Assembly Member, Darren Johnson, is bidding to be your local MP at the next General Election. Darren says, “I care about protecting our environment, care about making life fairer, and care about Lewisham. Greens have made a real difference on Lewisham Council and on the London Assembly. It's now Darren Johnson time for a Green MP.” Green London Assembly Member In election after election Greens have proved to be the only real alternative to Labour and Lewisham Councillor in Lewisham Deptford. Greens now have six councillors in the Lewisham Deptford seat. Labour have 11, the Lib-Dems 2, Others 2 and the Conservatives none at all! To support Darren's campaign contact
[email protected] or phone 020 8694 9524. The state of the parties in Lewisham Deptford - 2006 Local Election results Labour (37%) Jenny Jones Green London Assembly Member Green (27%) Liberal Democrat (17%) Conservative (12%) Other (7%) Jean Lambert London's Green MEP Only Greens can beat Labour in Lewisham Deptford! Contact us if you'd like to hear more Join I can help deliver Green News in my street/estate I'd like more information about the Green Party The I'd like to make a donation to the Green Party name Greens address - postcode call 020 telephone email PLEASE RETURN TO: 202 Malpas Road, London SE4 1DH 8694 9524 email:
[email protected] or call us on 020 8694 9524 Information on this form will be kept private and used only for Green Party contact.