Grosse Pointe News

VOL 46-No 23 Grosse Pomte, Michigan, Thursday, June 6, 1985 30 cents 46 Pages for your ll1fol'matlon Charges turn election into recall rematch B) l\hke '\ndrLcjcL)'k Imttee For Heponslble School GO\- School Government In It.'>polItical year's polls, Clay said work WIth the Earh ChIldhood Committee, Mrs Marl' saId Had It II d~ too good to lc1st ernment, dccordlllg to that group':, advertl.'>ement.'> before the June 11 The Marrs say their contnbu- fyi '1'hl.'>yedr'.'> qUIet campdlgn tor post-electIOn campaign flllance electIOn la.'>tyear endOl sed Mourad 11011.'>were made to the campaign of she be~n active rn the recall, she \\ouldn t have dccepted the place tlHl :,('ats 011 the Board of Educa- fIlings and Brownscombe and tailed for a Wilham Brown.'>combe, not to the By Tom Greenwood tlOllel upted la.'>tweek With charge~ The Commlttee For Hesponslble vote for recdll committee 1"01' them to have been on the commIttee, ~he added that cdncIJdate Cdro] Marr disgUIS- School Government had the .'>clme I ju.'>t belIeve that .'>omeone talhed With the flllances of the com- What last week'<; dCCU.'>dtlOn:, ed her lOll' III la.'>tyear's recall ef- treasurer as the Committee For \1110made d wntl'lbutlon hd" more mIttee was eIther a mIstake or a have done I~ diVide the candlddte.'> Batter way up! 101 ts NeIghborhood ElementarJ than c1PdS~lIlg llIt{'re"t . m the ca.'>e mISreprE'.'>entatlOn, they added mto tllO cdtegone.'> \Ir~ \ldrr dnd Time to let vou c1l1mon d little The chellge~ were made by form- Schools/Recall The re.'>pon:'lble IIlvolved, Henry CldY. orgal1lLer of Although she Signed a petitIOn to 1\11'.'>Pangborn have been Iden- secret and gl\' e d pat on the back el membel ~of Cltllen.'>Agcunst Re- schools committee made contnbu CAlm, ~ald 'The.'>e eltorts don't get the reorgal1lzallOn matter on tified With la~t year'.'> recall, whlle at the Sdme tune There's been d call Efforts, the committee which tlOIlSto the campargns ot William run Without volunteer.'> and fman- the ballot, hIS Wife was very much Dr Ernest Buechler and Call bit of an additIOn to the .'>ports .'>upported three board member.'> Brown.'>combe and Roger Mourad ctal ~UPPOl't ' opposed to the recall, Marl' saId Ander~on have become the anti sectIOn 01 OUIpdper IJ) ou turn taced With expu!:,lOn trom otflce ii!UUl dU, 1\lIu lU~l 1I1~ ~edt 1a.'>I 11ldt tne J\ldl'l ~ IIldUe the con- He Wa:> lIul lIIvulvcu !II uq~aIllLlIl!; 1 c'-ail iJal! to the Gros"e Pomte Llttle fOl their vote to reorgamze the June, was the only trustee to vote tllbutlOll.'>the II eek helm e c1ndthe pdrents at Richard Elementary Buechler wa~ one of the target~ League .'>ectlOn,you'll see the .'>choolsystem and close Barnes dgc1mst reorganllatlOn Brown:,- day ot the electlOll ~hO\\s that they School, as CARE members have for recall Ander.'>on 1\ a.'>a membel silhouette of d batter dt the top Accusations 01 mlsrepresenta combe was a "Ice presIdent of the were Imolved, he added abo claImed. Marl' added of CARE of the column tlOll.'>temtrom the report thdt 1\11'.'> CommIttee For Nelghborhood !'vIr.'>!\Iall mdY be tr) IIlg to dls The contnbutlons to Bro\\ns- Mrs Marr, 1Il dl<,<.U..,"ll1g That silhouette IS none othel l\1c11'Iand her husband Wilham Schools/Recall soclate hel.'>clf Illth the recall be- combe's campaign were not for a Brownscombe's cc1ndldd<.Yoj Id~t than Gros.'>ePomle Nol'lh base- contnbuted $25 each to the Com- The Commltle(' 1<'01 Re~pon:'lble cause of the bedtlllg lt took at last recall leader , but for a good person year, said ~he knel\ a vote for hIm ball star Frank Vento, d semor dt who IS fall', who IS a fnend of the would not undo reorgaOllallOn or NH~ and d ,,1101t"top on the £\01th famIly and respected for the reopen Barnes She conceded thd t mne positions he took on the Issues. had the recall pa~.'>ed, there 1\ as Here'.'> how It all came about Mrs Marr saId the pOSSibilIty that a majontJ 01 At the begawmg of the .'>eason, Brownscombe saId he has en- llke-mmded people could ha ve New.'> .'>pOIt.'> editor Peggy dorsed both Cmdy Pangborn and been elected O'Connor and I went over to Mrs Marl' and contnbuted to theIr One person who helped locdte NOIth to do a .'>toryon their val' campaigns To hIS knowledge, Mrs documents of the Marrs' tmancldl slty ba.'>eball team Peggy did Marl' had not played an active role 1I1volvement m last year's cam- paign IS a campaign volunteer for the mterv lell 109 IIIIIIe I took the m the recall campaIgn, but had photos saId that the school reorgal1lzatlOn Anderson III one of the dlstncts After gettlllg .'>hob ot pitcher.'> Issue should have been put before Mrs Marl' claimed the charges do109 theIr .'>tuffdnd ~hortstop.'> the voters, Brownscombe said have been brought now because stoppmg, I needed a shot of a Many people lumped the cand!- her growmg support from people batter I wanted to make It dates together WIth the recall last on both SIdes of last year's con- artsy-craftsy, so I thought I~d year, somethmg she hopes doesn't troversy The resurrectIOn of recall shoot agamst the sun Frank happen thiS year. Mrs Marl' said will only reopen old wounds m the I,as the guy I grabbed, but we She makes no mistake about her community had a bit of a problem posItion on the ongmal school reor- Clay agreed, notmg that It'S The sun was so high In the sky gamzatlon plan, which she said pOSSible that while some former I would have had to lay down on was flawed and presented poorly. recall workers are clustenng the muddy field to positIOn him She took to the podlUm Sept 19, around candidates perceIved to be agamst It, so mstead we dragged 1983 at a publIc hearmg at Maire pro-recall, former CARE members over a trash contamer, turned It Elementary School attended by and workers may be sldrng With the upSide down, and Frank scram- more than 400 people to vOice her candIdates perceived as anti bled on top to pose whIle I shot oPPOSitIOn recall, redrawmg the Imes of last and kept my trousers clean She dIdn't plan on speakmg that year He was a pretty good sport evemng, but was mcensed by com- While It'S an attempt to lay gUlIt about It too, stayHlg up there ments that quahty educahon de- by aSSOCiatIOn,recall should not be holdmg hIS bat gnmly In the all' pendmg on more students m bUlld- an Issue 111 thIS campaign because while hIS teammates tossed a mgs "The more they talked about recall IS dead, Mrs Marl' SaId few remarks at h1m It, the more It troubled me," Mrs Votes should not be cast based on Marl' added candrdates' pOSitIOns on past IS- Anvhow Frank, that stunnmg Photo by Tom Greenwood silhouette III the sports .'>ectlOnIS The next year, she worked With sues, but how they stand on Issues you the school system m developrng ItS that affect the future of the svstem. One less mansion along Lake St. Clair full-day kmdf'rgarten, part of her she added • Thanks for pranks This was the view from L.akeshoreRoad last week as the wrecker's ball demolished the home Boy, talk about the power of of the late Eloise Webber, who died in 1982, leaving the house unoccupied since then, Located the press In last week's DetrOIt at 437 Lakeshore, the nearly six-acre estate is next to a nearly eight-acre parcel which formerly Intervention asked Free Press east SIde sectIOn III held the home of Henry Ford II. The 76-room Ford house was demolished earlier and 18 cluster- the ."Dateline" column, the type homes are being constructed on the site. The Webber estate was purchased by 457 Lakeshore Freep reported lone week after Limited Partnership, (comprised of Henry Ford and William Caldwell, of the Caldwell Equity Co.) us) that the students at South and builders have Indicated they hope to construct 16 more cluster homes on the grounds of the for troubled youth High had started the semor class Webber estate in the future. prank season bJ movmg out 200 By Nancy Parmenter LlVoma model on which Judge oak chaIrs and '10tables from the A proposal for a youth assIstance SchneIder saId she had based her school cafetena program Similar to those now m ef- proposal, It will prOVIde tramed The Fnendly then saId thmgs fect m many Wayne and Oakland volunteer counselors to work one- were qUIet at North I-IlghSchool Public safety vote delayed county communrtles IS makmg the on-one WIth the youth Volunteers where "the annual prank usual- rounds of the Pomtes' city counCIls would also fIll clencal pOSItIOns years down the road, the hrst per- ly mvolves stealmg an elght- By Pat Paholsky The vote to delay a deCISIOncame under the gUIdance of Woods Mum- and staff a speakers' bureau foot-tall fIberglass statue of the The Park counCil Will vote on son at the door 1'.'111be m a car when Councilman Mark Valente clpal Judge PatrrcIa Schneider The Llvoma program, which has Big Boy from a local restaurant whether or not to consolidate police "It's the wave of the future," said. "I thmk It's unfortunate and Judge SchneIder, who ISsponsor- operated for three years. served and dlsplaymg m on the school's and hre departments at a speCial Flldewadded "I suspect It Willcost unfair not to take advantage of the mg the Idea along With Park Coun- 132 clients durrng fiscal 1983, re- roof" meetlng Monday, June 17 A deCI- us more over tIme and It WIllcost us fme gentleman we hIred tomght cilman Vernon Ausherman, said qumng all of them to pa.'tlclpate m more ImmedIately" (Police ChIef RIchard Carettl) I Bmgo I No sooner read than SIOn, WhlCh was expected at last she hopes to have completed pre- lrfe management skills classes to After more dlscusslOn, Molman done The very mght the artIcle week's meetmg, was delayed to give thmk by waltmg another few weeks, sentatIOns to the five Pomtes and learn problem-solvmg, commulll- appeared, Big Boy wa:, taken - counCil members time to diSCUSSthe SaId, "The longer thiS debate con- we could very well come up With a the school district by the first part catIOn and a better self-concept not once, but tWIce Wood.'> concept WIth nel\ Police ChIef tmues. the more detrImental It ISto unammou.'> decIsIOn" of July If the commumhes agree Other features of the program are Police reported seemg a plck-up Richard Carettl the city of Grosse" Pomte Park I The speCIal meetIng June 17 Will to fund the $55,000 pilot proJect, a court vlsltahon, which lets the truck screech out of the Mack The last publIc diSCUSSIOnof con- thmk the Issue should be resolved - take the place of the regular program could be m place by the youth see sentencmg and dlscu.'>s It Avenue restaurant at about 1 solidatIOn was held March 11 About It'S gone on too long .. meetmg scheduled for June 24 tIme school starts WIth a Judge, commumty work ser a m Ffld'ay mornll1g With 70 re.'>ldents filled the meetmg room "The Idea has been around for a VIce, to prOVide restltutlon to the everyone" faVOrIte hdmburger then to listen to 212 hours of pros and long time," Judge Schneider said commumly, and counseling refer- helper m the bclCk.coverE'd by a cons from members of the CItizens Senator Kelly fights ''I've been aware of the need for ral to agencies such as Alcoholics tarp CommiSSIOn on Public Safety about three years" Anonymous When the truck trIed to make Dunng that penod, she expended A report produced b) LIVOnia a qUIck turn onto Amta BIg Boy The group. after a year-long study program evaluators states that 91 5 of the matter, had submitted a state death penalty energy trymg to convmce Wayne tumbled out the back and mto percent of the youth 111 the program report to the counCil Jan 31recom- County to prOVIde the Pomtes With the southbound Jane of big mendmg consolidatIOn The vote By Nancy Pal'menter the Senale The resolutIOn 1<;ex- a referee through the juvemle have not had further contact With Mack The student~ wel e appre WdS11-2and the report contamed a A resolution to restore the death pected to come before the full court system Judge SchneIder the polrce or Juvel1lle courts dUrIng hended and BB 1\ a:, taken bdck majonty and mmonty opmlOn penalty m MIchigan that squeaked Senate for a vote before adjourn- .'>ald she renewed those efforts m the SIX months followmg theIr re- to hIS rIghtful homE' by a Senate commIttee May 28 ment In the second week of June late 1984,when she and Ausherman lease, the penod dunng which they Later that mormn~ at about At la!>t II eek's meetmg, CounCIl- passed over the objectIOns of state 'I've been counlmg the Senate agam dIscussed the Idea WIth are statistically most likely to get 5 30 am, a Woods <;cout car man Dal Id Gaskill asked John 1\10- Sen John Kelly to-DetrOIt) votes." Kelly Sdld, 'and I think we Wayne juvemle Judge Gladys Bar- mto trouble agam tourmg the parkll1g lot at North llIlan. a mmonty voter on the com- "I've always been opposed to have the vote.'>to defeat ' samian Judge Schneider asked Suzanne found another BIg Boy, or per- ml~SlOn,If It IIOtildbe more effiCIent capItal pUOlshment," Kelly saId A two-thlrds Senate vote IS re- "AgaIn, we talked about refer- O'Shea, the chief probatIOn offlCf'r haps the same one, over b" the to have two departments, "If we had "ThiS IS the worst pOSSIblethmg to qUIred for approval The recent ees, because that was the only thmg for the Grosse Pomte plobatlOn school Officers al..,o found a a clean slate and II ere starting all put before the electorate .. death of Sen Robert Welborn I knel\ about - and she suggested department, to prepare a budget ove~ " rope leadmg to the roof of the Kelly said hiS objectIOns, III addI- reduce~ the t 1\ 0 thlrd~ reqUIre thiS The Idea really grew dunng and plan for the three pilot }ears of bUlldmg "Even With a clean sldte. [I~ould tIOn to bemg phl!o~ophlCal stem ment to 2> ,ote~ the last SIXmonths" the proposal Ms O'Shea estimated Wltnes<;e<; abo reported rather see indiVIdual departments," from the fact that the wordmg of Sen KIrby Holme" (R-Utlca) "The Idea" ISto prOVIdean alter- the cost for 100youths for one year earlier seemg d car haulmg d ]\[olman sald "J feel If a person the resolution does not address the the sponsor 'of the resolutIOn was nahve to the present juvemle JUs- at $55.322 traIler hlghtallmg It out of the spends 50percent 01hIS time on one cnmes which would be punrshable feelmg plea.'>ed to get It out of com- tIce system by offermg counselIng "I'm WIlling to do thiS for them parkmg lot JllSt hefore the cop- thJl1gand 50 percent on another. he by death The resolution alms only mIttee He saId thlh marks the fifth m an effort to head off senous mis- for a pIttance because I believe III pers arl'lved Cdll't gIve 100 percent to that job to remove the prohibition against lime he ha!> presented the resolu- behaVIOr Judge SchneIder saId It," she saId Shame on 'tou Free Pres.'>. for , I happen to thmk people are dif- capItal pUnishment from the state tion, fOUl tlme.'> III the House and that most judges and law enforce- The Pomtes had a SImIlar pro- puttmg sud] Idea~ mto tho'>E' ferently motivated A person can be constltutlOn l\!Jchlgan has not had once m Ihe Senate The re<;olutlOn ment officers feel that young peo gram durmg the late '70s Ms emptJ heads o\er at :\orth' ab"olutely fearless 111 gomg mto a capItal pUlllshment for 139year.'> hds also receIved what Holmes pie scoff at the system O'Shea saId the annual budget for burnlllg hUIldl:lg, but IIhen It comes "People would use a subjective cdlled a non-stop petitIon effort" "They are just bemg warned and that program was $126.000 Knapsacks and quacks to confron'a tlOn "'Ith a man \\ lth a test to evaluate (the proposall." he released," she explamed "The "They want us to run It economl- hutcher klllfe. that's ~omethmg Of the 2i vote" nef'dt'd, "m, head Actually It 'i kmd of gelling to SaId "They \louldn t know 1\hat chIldren gf't to know thiS and they (Conltnut>d on Pagp 19\) ehe. he added the statute would be I would like to count 1'i:U There s gOll1g t;) be a don't take It very senously " be the <;lllysea<;onallover In thE' MaIOI' Pro Tem John Prost saId high degree of laking a walk," Woods 'ice the enabhng legIslatIOn wnt- Farms Police Chief Robert that smc(' the Park had two out- ten fIrst The proponentc, lIant to Holmes "aid, 111 rpferenc(' to the Ferber put It more strongly when Accordll1g to police report" d 'ilandll1g departments -- f1re and fIve or SIX :,cnator" he expects to The race is on woman called m Ieccnth to phrase It as vaguely a'i possible" the proposal was presented to the police (on'iolldatlOn posed a prob- Kelly "ald he had propo~ed an stayawa) from the votIng 111 an ef- Farms counCil May 20 "ThiS WIll Nommallng petitIOns for seve- compldll1 dboul a man I\aikmg If'm fhp real <;olutlOnIS the con- fort to remarn publicly uncommIt- dOl'.n her 'itreet I\eanng a knap amendment to the resolutIOn ex- put some teeth back m the psychol, ral offIces m Grosse Pomte Park "ohda IIOnat all five Grosse Pomtes ted on the hot politIcal Ic,"lIe 'ilC'k Tn" il kn,lp'iilrk - nnthlng cJudlllg cnmlllais convIcted on clr. ogy of pumshment." he saId "Thp arf' now ;Jva!lable at the c;t:r ''I/O onp na" open anJe 10 slep IOrward cumstantlal eVIdence, but that It kIds laugh at us now when we say clerk's offIce, 15115 E Jeffer- rIse and grt Ihc1tdone" he .'>a;d lIolmeh ..,ald he hdd purpo:,ely 1\ had failed m commIttee not prepdrpd pndbhng le[2151atlOn I'.e'll send them to Jllvemle court" son The oman \\ ,." una hie to fur Pro"t c1..,kNI~tf'phen Wasmger, « ontlnuell on Page 1'1\) "Manv of th~ worst, mo<;t hem for the votrrs ht'Cclll"CIt "'ould be Ausherman and Judge Schneider OffiCIals whosE' terms expIre chall meW of thr comml<;"lOn and a ous crm1es are commltted \\ Ithout too COnfll'illlg 'It come'i to the are recommendmg that the com- thiS year are Mayor Palmer melJOl'1t~ lotpr how he I'.ould \Iltne<;c;es Wa} ne Wilham". p..,ychologv of votll1~ 1Il the booth" mumtles fund a three-year pIlot Heenen, counCil members Car- an..,I\t'r pC'ople 1\ ho fpel It 'ihould be Inside CharJe<;Manson ,John Wayne Gary h(' ,>ald The "1D1pler VOU Cdn program to be directed by the roll Evola, Patncla r'orster and pill to d loll' I don't have any problem com Grosse Pomte probatIOn depart- Mark Valente III, and MUl1lclpal -jA 'You drc the elccl('d official,>.' make lt tl)(' briteI' ch,1I1ce \ 011 Bu"uw..,,, mlttmg them for the rest of thplr hdve Halh('1 Ihdl1 'itlck a "tee thl'i to !lve.'> But there's no wa;.- to apppal on the ballot we \\ould prefer to II1tended both to prOVIde profes- Deadline for the petitIOns, Cla'i<;lflCd 4C be "1I1table for rpferendum ,. from the grave" Kelly \Vcnt on to change the Con'it ItlItIOn ' hlOnal gUIdance and to reduce WhICh reqUire a mllllmum of 25 Elent<; l7 \ .John Filde\\ member of the com. pomt out that Gary Dotson, recent- lit' rated tht' c.hdnce" of pac;"age start-up costs Up to 100 youths, signatures, IS4 P m on Tuesday, Fpaturr 12B 1111"'iIOnand malont) \oter, <;ald, ly freed on a rape conVIctIOn after In the S('nate m the c8trgory of referred to the program by the June 18 Hf'cll J<:"tate fIB The CIeam of the crop 1<;m public spending SIX YE'ar~ III pnson, had pollce, the Ilchools, or themselves, If more than two candIdates Letterc, () 7.\ "prvlcr And \Ie haven t overspent "llliracuIOlI'" dnd 111 the House as bE'E'ncharged With a cnme that 'next to 7('1'0,' hut "ud the petitIon IIIII receIVe counselmg The pro- fIle for any offIce, there WIll be a Oblluanr" Il \ III thl<;(ommunlty The be'it young was oncE' pUlll!>hable by death anvp hr I" workmg on With Oak- gram ISnot mtended for senous of- prImary election 111 August, ac- ~oclet\ 17R people commg out of colleges and The vote of the five member land County PrO'iccutor L Brooks fenders who have already been cordmg to Clerk/Comptroller Sport" J,2 W 11l1l10r collegeh now want the senate JudICiary committee spilt referred to juvemle court NunzlO Ortrsl challl'nge of hath jobs Five or .'>IX Patter<;on will be theIr "ace III the 3-2, reflectlOg the party dIVISIOnIn hole" If the program funchons ilkI' the

,\ ~age Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Tt:lursday, June 6, 1985 --.------

Vehicle ID FOR FATHER'S DAY at Eastland SUNDAY, JUNE l{7f( this weekend SWIMWEAR In a commumty relallons effort, Eastland, Hudson's and AAA , MIchigan are cooperating to pro- ~ VIde a free.of-charge VehIcle Iden- 0 tIfIcation Number (VIN) ~tchmg « ~~ Program to motoflsts f, The VIN program, aImed at '" <. MIchIgan's fastest growmg crIme > - auto theft - will be offered 10 \\ I \1\1 I'll \'d [) 10 \'\ '\OL '\( I a m to 6 pm. Wednesday, June 5 through Saturday, June 8, and noon TONY MORREALE to 5 p m Sunday, June 9 m parkIng ~ 11\" Inl'\! D l" \" 1\lluRI,\(, \1 \'\ \(.11{ \\1) \\ III BI- HI-Rf sectIOn 36 at Eastland ~ lU HI \\1) "IR\I lIh \\\'\) (.I{O""I 1'01'\11 FRII-,\!).., VehIcle IdentifICation COnsIsts of etchmg the vehIcle's reglstratlOn ~ Coul of/ In our great number mto the wmdshleld, back ~ Washable, pure cotton £ as<,ortment of <'ILUlI '" Washable POplzll Wind. ; and front WIde Windows The etch- ;, casuals With the amaz- } 6ho1't6 BOle, 01 zlP-fi Oil t breaker Jacket. Perfect ,I- ~ Ing process. which takes about 10 mmutes, does not harm the wmdow '; Ing permanent (rease !Ilode16 III Indw madras. ' {or dad's golf bag or any "; III -lltc1elj's or detract from thE' vphwlE"" 111'- ,~ Hemmed bottoms tan. nfmhll ()I r(l~t rfrv nv/or> ((I'1/1nl ""'or Tnn, ,n()!,'- • I Zl , ~ I r SINCE 1900 pearance A small slicker m the ~ navy, white or red. 35 00 't 1850 to 42 50 de' blue or maIze 18.50 corner of each front SIde Window i: ~ll\llll\ \1 \1 "I \1 \11{el,Rn"j I'l)I,11 '1 -, I, announces to thIeves that " \lb'll~ 11,1 (11lI //It/\t!llllliiJ ....\ I \ I" I the vehIcle has been protected MM1 M9~O f; Etchmg lanes WI))be coopertive- I'~::f'1<;" >' .:::. .,. '" $.::::., • ," Iy manned by mall personnel and Gift wrapped at Hudson's employees A mInImUm of SIXpeople at each center WI))be assIgned to the serVIce, wIth addI- BOY'S & GIRL' A KEY 25% OFF tIOnal stand-by workers avaIlable for perIOds of peak demand. S'NC£ 1900 5 00 DIrections to etching lanes WIll WE HAVE GOOMIE BRACELETS 4/ 1 be posted m the Hudson's parkmg k.ll{( III \ \1 \ I "I (1 \II( e (,R(h,1 P()I\! J lot at each mall The serVIce will be (II'UI 1/"11 ,,1//1 II! lilli,' iii rJlIII offered only m dry weather and In \ l' I BOY'S & GIRL'S ~~\~ 25% OFF temperatures between 60 and 85de- 882-89"'0 grees INFANT & SLACK SUITS & OLa OFF TODDLERS COVERALLS 25 71 Home health aide IZOD BASICS 11. 99 course offered PRE Prompted by an increasing need In the commumty for home health BOY'S & GIRl'S JOG SUITS 20°10 OFF care serVIces, the Southeastern MichIgan Chapter of the American Red Cross IS offering a new course FATHERS ~~ED GROUP titled Home Health Aide The SPRING DRESSES 25% course WIll train individuals in the skills needed for employment as a SELE~ GROU~ KNITSSHIRTS $4.99 to $8.99 home health aIde wIth an agency DAY BOY S & MEN 5, VALUES TO 16.00 speciahzmg m home health care The fIrst class begms June 24. NEW PARKING AREA - ENTER OFF 9 MILE RD. The BO-hour course WIll requIre four hours of class partiCIpatIOn CONNIE'S • STIVI's PLACE five days a week for four weeks SPECIAL BOYS & GIALS WEAR FOR MEN & BOYS The course fee is $125 per person. 2'3240 GREATER MACK' (1 block South ot 9 Mile) For more information or to reg- ST CLAIR SHORES MICHIGAN 48080 Ister, call 494-2875or 494-2876 (313) 771.8020 MENS CASUAL SHORTS

Grosse 25% OFF Pointe News (USPS 220-600) Published every Thursday ALSO ... Y~d fira:Y' Bv Anleebo Publishers SELECT SPORTSWEAR q9 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe. l\11 ~8lJG SAVINGS Phone 882-6900 UP TO Secane Class Postage pa d al /ruw /6' DeTrOit Michigan vds~r:rf~~~~ta~~~I=t1;peryear Address all Mal SUbSCfJpllons Change 01 Addr ... Forms 3579 to 99 OFF Kercheval Grosse Po nte Farms M,ch The deadtl n9 for news copy IS 'viands., noon 10 Insure Insertion //(.~ VJ All advertiSing copy must be In the Mon , Tues ,Wed & Sat - 9 30 to 6 00 • Thurs & Fn .9 30 10 9 00 News Otflce by 11 a m Tuesday , "'f~~ rA CORRECTIONS AND ADJUST BIRMINGHAM MENTS Respon.sIC)lllty for display GROSSE POINTE and class fled adyerl S 1'19 error lS 116 N. WOODWARD 17045 KERCHEVAL ~~L) I mlted to e ttler a ca ncellallon of the 642-1965 fi:j;'.' charge for Or a fe-run of Ihe portion 884-0701 ,\-./ Jf:. - tn error NotificatIOn must be 9 yen II) I me for correction In fhe follOWing Rediscover the \' I Issue We assume no responslbd ly for the same arler the flfst Insert on missing links t \ the unique fabric r ~ ! that stretches and 'I. springs back for i fRfnCHtJSttRlnfR wearable comfort FAEflCH.TECH' Lightweight for FROM NOW 'TILL FATHER'S DA~ extra coolness, TAKE THE IO-DAY WALK TEST. the knit shirt that IS truly a , > Loafer's Glory

The fine art of relaXing, \\ t' 1(' \/11 e thai /1 CII< /l Tech U 1/1 be the revived In style mOlt (oll/{m table ,/Joes Open sleeves, knit 1011 1(' e/ el 11'0111 50 \//Ie thaI 1/ lOll dOll t collar with contrasting agl ('{'ajtci {/ I (I nO)' \\ alk I c,t 11011 thlough I a/her, trim, long shirt tall f)fll - parllupallllR Polyester/cotton White dC{l/{ I' u ill rl< I/(rilll ,l!.11 e 1 ()/( 10111 monel !}(iLk khaki navy yellow Our dreu UJwaf shoes have a Sizes M-L-XL, $30 /Ill/que comjorl bot/om jilted \II/Ih IhoIiSOlUl, oj tillY arr bubbles that (u~}l1on ea( h Ilep you take And, I~e '1/ f!,n e l'OIi a jree men's carrvaft hag I\/Ih ~ollr purcJlG~e . <-'< I,el/(!l Tech To"-e the IO.Doy ,, ~ 011< Test ana see '" $6750 .'," I ..--... \ ;,< \, ) ) ~

i, I) 6>, 7 .. oR 6. 1 10 1{) lP 11 '4 q, \l 1) I~ " , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ 'N \1 , • • , \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , \ \ rrlC men, lOt \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , \ \ " ------, . , l ;Hn ,1I1hag \\ Ilh We welcome Jacobson s Charge Card or Tile American Express' Card .111\ ~ ren( h 1c( h KI IH III \ Al \ I "I (1 \I H e (,J~ ()" ..,I P() I\ I I pur <. h,l,e Shop until 9 p m on Thursday and Friday (1/', 1/ 11>111.,1111\ II (1I111~' iiI I) ()() I Untrl 6 pm on Monday Tuec;day Wednesday and Saturday \ I' 1 8R28970 , •

) Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Th ree-A Park chief hears concerns By Pat Paholsky CouncIlman Vernon Ausherman leader mlts cnme preventIOn pro- Richard J Cal CUI, newly regardlllg hIS personal views on grams The program consists of appoll1ted Pa rk police chief. took affirmative actIOn, Carettl saId as block clubs, CB patrols, apart- some hard questIOns at last week's a police chIef he would be duty- ment, bUSIness, hlgh-nse and counul meetmg 111 "" hlch hiS ap- bound to enforce the ConstitutIOn of neIghborhood watches, property pomtment was confirmed, and the Umted States and the laws of IdentlfIcalion and other pt'ograms answered them unequivocally and, the state of MIchigan at times, \\Ith humor He added, "I can th1l1kof no rea- Asked by Mayor Palmer Heenan what hiS thoughts were on pubhc About 80 people crowded mto the .'>onwhy there would be any need safety, Carelli Said they were pOSI- meetlllg room dnd other!> stood m for afflrmatIve actIOn 1lI Grosse the hall The lal ge tUl'nout was due POlllte Park" tIve "All over there's a budget crunch Your challenge IS to make III part to a fher thelt had been dIS- In answer to Mayor Pro Tern tributed to hot!scs that weekend John Prost who asked what he more effective use of personnel and urgmg cltlLen participatIOn There planned to do first, CarettI saId he It seems to me that 111 the concept was also ,1Il0ther Item on the dgen- would get acqua1l1ted With all of the of pubhc Sdlety, you \\ auld be dC da, the con!>olldeltlOnof the city's offIcers and determll1e what type comphsh this" pohle and Jlle depdl tment!>, that of talent was avaJlable Gaskill moved to conillm the ap- "I'd also estabhsh cnme preven- pOll1tment and members were poll- ha!>rdl'>ed lon..,lderable IlItel est ed Illdlvldually All of the members Cdretll !>alIII the dudIeIlCe as CI- tIOn programs," he SaId "DetrOIt ty Mandgel John CIdwlord lormal- haf>been extremely &uccessful and voted 101 confirmatIOn except for Aushermdn, who f>ald he \\d~ III ly dnnounced Ill.'>dppollltment and I'm an advocate Pohce depart- ments actll1g alone don't solve the faVOl'of a ) ounger mall dnd ,>ollle concluded 1Ihll ('meltl \\d<;excep- one \\ho \\3& better vCI"ed mille tlOndll) \\ ell (judlilled tor tlm pO.'>I- ploblem tlOn' In a ldtel' phone ll1tervlew, Caret lighting Stephen Wd"HlgCI, chairman of tl saId DetrOIt I!>recogl1lzed na Cdrettl will begin hiS llC\\ Job the Pltl7en<; ('ommlftpp Ihid rev!PW tlOnallv and 1I1ternahonallv a<; a 'T'hw <;n,ly 1111le 1'\ ed apphca tlOn!> dnd Illtervlewed cdndldates lor the pO.'>ltlOn,saId Carettl' \\ d" not only the preferred applicant ot the techmcal commit- Caretti has years tee, he waf>the prefen ed candIdate unammous!y of the citizens com- mittee " The techl11lal committee of police experience lonhl!>ted of law enforcement of- flCldl!>who al!>oscreened apphca The new Park pohce chIef be- commander of the Third Pre PnolO bl Tom Greenwood tlOns and mtervw\\ pd candidates gan hIS career 111 law enforce- cmct TheIr fmal recommendatIOn ment 1111953 as a pohce offIcer m Dunng thl~ penod. he earned Go ahead, just ask Leonard Fasulo, of Nottingham Road, were then submItted to City Man- DetrOit'!> FIfth Prellnct It was a bachelor's degree m manage what's new over at his place. What's new is the big empty ager Crawlord who londucted hIS hIS first Job after &ervll1g two ment and marketll1g 111 1!J511 Here's hoping space in his front yard where thiS giant elm tree used to stand. own mterVle\\ & years 111 the U S Army from the Umverslty of DetrOit According to Fasulo, it wasn't toppled by the high winds we Wasll1ger Sdld the purpose of 1968, In he receIved a mahter of had recently, but just sort of keeled over on Its own. He told our both committees had been achiev- sCience degree m CrimInal JUS ed Carettl was then II1vltedto SItat tIce admInIstration from l\hchl- Leonard has roving photographer he had recently reported to the Park DPW the front table to answer questIOns gan State Umverslty He also that the tree was buckling his front sidewalk and might possibly form council members and 1 eSI- completed the Personnel Test- be leaning toward his house. That night, just before sundown, dents lI1gProgram at General Moto!h a fireplace the tree slowly toppled forward, resting on the home. Luckily, Refernng to the fllel that had Institute In 1969 no one was injured and the tree was cut up and removed within been dlstnbuted to Purk resIdents, He is a part-time adjunct pro a day. CouncJl David Gaskm asked Caret- fessor In the cnmmal JustIce tl If the chu! ges It made were program at both Wayne State 1I ue " Ul1lversity and Mercy College "It says you're too old, that 59 IS He was also an Instructor 111 Anchors aweigh for GP female too old and that you're look1l1gfor a police admIl1lstratIon at School- soft pOSItIOn111 thiS community" craft Commumty College and a Christina Johnson tWice made the Superintendent's "FIrst of all, I'm only 58," Caret- substitute teacher 111 the East In an interstll1g tWiSt. Just as and Commandant's list She was tl rephed "I th1l1kage IS relative DetrOit school distnct Pam tel' Joey Johnston, the area's active as company and battahon There's chronologIcal age and bIO- Born In St Bomface, Pa , he first woman apPoll1ted to West 90mmander and served as female logIcal age and r prefer to th1l1kof attended St Ambrose School 111 Point, was forced to turn down that ombudsman to the Commandant myself as a young 58 Grosse POinte and graduated appomtment, Chnstma Johnson of for three semesters_ She graduated . If I \',ere look1l1gfor a retire- from St Phlhp Nen High School the Farms was graduatmg from With a bachelor of sCience degree ment haven, I'd stay were I'm at," m 1944 the Naval Academy She ISthe fIrst 111 economics , he added Dunng hiS confirmatIOn hear- woman from the POintes to attend All midshipmen are required to He saId later, 111 response to l mg, Carettl Said, "I've hved on Annapolis particIpate 10 one of the 63 varsity another questIOn, that he has been the fnnges of Grosse Pomte all MISS Johnson was one of 1032 and llItramural sports at the Aca- ellglble for retirement from the De- Richard J. Caretti my hfe I look forward to the mIdshIpmen to toss up their hats m demy MISSJohnson sailed With the troIt Pohce Department for eight RIchard CaretlI then moved challenge and the opportumty to the tradItIOnal ceremony "Reagan varsity dmghy team and played Ill- years Asked what hiS current re- up m the ranks on the DetrOIt serve thiS community " shook all those hands," her tramural tenl1lS tIrement plans were, CarettJ saId force, serv1l1g as detective, de- He and hiS Wife Dons have mother, Mrs BasJl Johnson, saId RIght after graduatIOn, the new he had none "I'm an active per- tective sergeant, lIeutenant, m- four daughters and two sons "Some of the mIddies were pretty ensign headed for Europe on a son" spector, commandmg officer, The famdy WIllbe movmg to the enthusiastic - I'll bel he had to Navy cargo plane for some relaxa- The mandator) retIrement age deputy dIrector of pohce person- Park smce It IS a requIrement soak hIS hand afterwards" tIOn before her first assignment of a pollce chIef 111 the Park IS 70 nel, and 111 1984, was named for employment. MISSJohnson graduated near the WIth Commander Fleet Air m In response to a question from ------top 10 percent of her class and Keflavlk, Iceland


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... GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 8, 1985 ------L Mefmpark map available M-Star may open up school channel The 1985-86 Huron- By :\like Alldrzejczyk fesslOnally produced programmmg lmmg of a consultant to coordmate Mrs, Parra va no, Dora DeMarco Chnlonl\!('lropark I\lap Publlc and non-public school Will be available from 9 a m to a svstem-wlde cable club for non- and Mane VandePutte, media spe- -- sho\\ JIlgthe locatIOn offiCials met tillS week WIth repre :3 p m and schools Will ha ve one- public school students clahsts at the hIgh school and ele- and t .Iclllt Ie:>of th(' 13 sentatwel> tram the Wayne Interme- year recol dab1llty lights, the) Becau~e of the ~mall number of mentary school respectively, work mett op,lrk~ plus tree dIate School Dlstl'lct and the Arch added ~tudentl> at each l>choolwho are 111- wIth Paul Dalecke, Jim Thomas, \1ay~ dnd load." tJu'ollgh- r-~-~--~-~--~------, dIOcese of Dell'OIt to put together a One benefit of the 1\1Stdl l>lgn,t! tel ested 111 cable tclevl~lOn produc- John Gallagher, Stephame Hakim. l FRESH CUT I Ollt IIw count lei> 01 workshop to help teachers learn to on Channel 19 Will be the opcnlllg tlOn, the a~bocldtJ()n deCided to use Karla Callender, Barbaro Carr and \\a~ ne, LI\ Ing~ton. use ('ducatlOnal cable teleVISIOnpro up of the channel to pi ogrdlllllllllg .I COn"lIltdnt to pull together stu- Amy Bonner to produce segments ;\Idcomb Odkland and gram 111 the clhtent ------1 UCdtlOll,b~ rl1ld-Augui>ton Channel 6 p m From (, to 9 pm, the plO (;1 o~"e POll1te Cable, WIll be get- shooting ehch year oj po'-tdge and proc(,i>'> 1'1 the 10Cdieducation decess ehan gr.lmmmg ploduced b) thl' local rng \1('tl opdrk !\lap - tlllg h,llldb 011 expem'nce bj devel- Besides Harper Woods HIgh- FULl, Sf:nVICE FLORISTS : nl'! ~d1001 ,Ind COll1pdn~OfflCld'" ~choob \1111be all cd The chal Oplllg plograms fOI cable, dccor- lights, the students have wntten Dept m 3U30 Penob ~d\ detel genel a tor \1111a Iso be lI:>ed dlllg to Phllhp \10%, upper 5chool and produced programs featunng ".'. ,1--llrK HII • ~cot BuIldlllg Dellolt k.ll her Ihl<., month, membel II om 9 p m to IlHdl1lght dl dlllot the ,\!,soeldtlon of Non \\ Ith the pO~~lbllJt~ of mOle gett ~chuol dlld fOJmel pi eSldent of Woods Mayor James Haley, school Publlc EducdtlOn Commulllt\ hour<; of cable space av,Hldble fOI \'\! PEe Supenntendent Arthur Toth and a decHled to reCel\l' the 1\1Sid I lhell pi Oglams, AN-PEe and lIal B) poollllg the I ei>ources fJ om dIscussIOn of a mIllage elee-tlOn, '>lgndl O\l'l Glo:>i>ePOlllte Cable, pel \\ oods ~chooh ~t!w ~\ ~tem, AN PEC ~hould MI~ Parravano said accol dlllg to A:\'-PEC pI (,sldent CIeLI"e the dmount of pI ogt am~ be dille to ploduce a \\ eekly neIV5 The program currently IS han- Ii101 IWI (~]Pllll '\1PH1PI nl 1Il('1n::l I 01 tl1PV dpvp!np f "'~ !~ ...l t ("~Y~\l. th..'t 11,:H spotl:ght dled ~s Don ~htl u C...u. l J~U:"l ~\. tl \J- B15hop Gall.lgh('r Ihgh'School GI OS5ePomte pubhc ~ehoob pI 0 ..,ollle01 tbe gomg5 on m each 01 the Ity, With the students taking FOI ItS p.lrt. the cable compan) gram I~m.lnnbo, however The dl~ <"choob, :\Ioss ~ald The show will classes from the cable company, d!!1 ('ed to \111(' Notre Dame and He- tllet thIS year has II.! staff POSI not only get parents mterested be Mrs Parravano said Because of glll,1 high :>chools to hook th('m to tlOns devoted at least pal tldll~ to cau<.,e thev \\ III be able to watch the dlstnct's Size, there Isn't much the s)l>tem cabl(' General I\lan cable teleVISIOn PloductlOn WIth tlll'1l (hllclren 01 bChool on tele- extra money to go around, she add- dg('r I\llcha('1 DuFour Said the ehmmatlOn of the assIstant to VI<.,lOllbut It \\ III also get the non- times, good food good music make ed The dlstnct hopes to begin de- Good & With Gro~se Pomte s agreement the supelllltendent post held b" publJc i>chools' me~sage out mto the New Center Area a special place to enjoy, , . velopmg an eqUIpment base to pick up the :\1Sial' Signal, the Bruce Kefgen, the program 1<;\\ Ith the commulllt\ he added The students are commItted to :\N-PEC schools WII!not receIve an out a director and has lo<.,t1\\ 0 VISIt one of these fme New Center restaurants 13e~lde:> the commItment to their work, and the admmlstratlon tennas from the archdIOcese to thirds of It<;staff weekly program productIOn, a and staff have been supportive of Fisher's 666 Leill's The Intermission pick up the SIgnal dIrectly at the Who \\ III head the pubhc school number of <;peclal events WIll be 875 5900 871 1590 87::' !7) J the program as well, she said Some schools, Nemer added system's programmmg next yeal avatlable 101televlsmg, Moss saId of the school board members have Gertie's Garden Mr Mike's What's On Second' A meeting has also been sched- has yet to be determmed, ac The non-public schools now also appeared on programs, she 8742246 8716777 8731313 uled bet\\ een the sub-commIttee of cording to Supenntendent ,John Iegulm ly produce or are mvolved added Hotel St Regis Normdndie on the Park the Cable AdVisory Board formed Whntner Local productIOn of pro- 111 a nUl1lber of shows, Illcludmg The program offers students a 873 3000 871 5523 to study I\I-Star and the representa- grams IS one area he has carved 'Strady Gams" and Sports Rap, chance to learn the techmcal as- tives of College Cable, DuFour out fOl hImself to learn more about With anchor\\oman Fay Howen- pects of the cable televIsIOn field as ~ald The meetmg I~to try to deter- over the summer, he added ~telll, from UI1lVerslt~' LIggett well as get some expenence for mllle how many people are ac- At least one non-pubhc school of- School Don't miSS thiS great mUSlcallll1e up 111 the New Center Park pOSSIble careers m mass medIa, tuall) usmg the cable college pro- fiCial said It appears that Kefgen's Hal pel Woods public schools (Second Avenue F.. V\est Grand BI\d \ I\Irs Parravano said Grosse grdms, he added removal from the assIstant to the have aIJ eady committed to pro- Pomte Cable has been very good to VVednesdays Thursdays 1\1Star IS scheduled to begin supel'lntendent post \\ 111mean a dllcmg five programs next year the school system by makmg Its "30a m.-' OOp m 5 30p m .8 30p m transmiSSion on Channel 19, whJ!e backmg-off of Grosse Pomte s de WIth the help of Grosse Pomte equipment and exp~rtlse avaIlable '0"0- 2 Trrn,dad Tripoli Steel Trlnodad TripolI Steel College Cable Will be moved to 21, velopment of local school pro- Cable, Elizabeth Parravano, coor- for the students' use, she added Band Band \\ here It Will shal e the channel WIth o"e 1 r. Orthe,a Barnes ~ ,Norma Jean Bell grammmg dll1ator of the schools' cable mtern- "WIth E:'qUlpment, It would be so & he P zall Band Ursula Walker'. e Pro Am Sports System, DuFour While Grosse Pomte's program ~hlp program saId much easier," Mrs Parravano o"e 'b Alexander Zonl'c Buddy Budson TriO said remains headless thiS summer, Although Harper Woods schools , (' j" 'tr larados sald "There are ltmlts to what we The worhhop \\ 111give teachers both Harpel' Woods and AN-PEC has no budget or eqUipment of Its can do" R...,d.'" Thul1ldl'fl Free perking: for evenmg CCllCertl an Idea of the programming that betHnd the Norml!ll1d~ BUIlding representatIves say then' produc- own, a core of studenls and three The students have Improved Will be ava1lable for their use next tIOn teams are ready for next year advI<;ers have produced a number since beglnnmg theIr work WIth l>choolyear and how they can use It Last week, AN-PEC offICials of program5 tillS} ear as well as be- cable, she said, addmg, "It'S not to supplement classroom ll1struc \\ ere to meet to dISCUSSa vanety of mg fedtured on other local cable Channel 7, but It's a learmng exper- tlOll, school offiCIals said The PIO- cable related tOpICS. lllcludmg the <;ho\\ 5 Ience for them"

FATHER'S DAY - SUNDAY, JUNE 16 "Fanus adopts $5.9 million budget By Nancy Parmenter federal revenue-shanng program, sarv nous signs" of mcreasmg, The $5 9 mJlhon budget adopted the city expects revenue Il1creases '\Ve haven't torn down very The cIty has stili not been assess- by the Farms counCil May 20 will for 1985-86 Increased hcense fees many schools lat('ly " Lock saId ed for its portIOn of the Fox Creek be balanced WIthout ralsrng taxes, are expected to boost the cIty's "We don't know what to expect faclhtles plan, an amount ranging Evans a situation of whIch the counCIl share of state highway funds by The unknowns are substantial and from $22,000 to $54,000, dependmg AT.HOME" FOOTWEAR may be "Justifiably proud," City $45,000 Cable teleVISIOnrevenue IS sometimes they're expensive" on how the costs are spread Manager Andrew Bremer Said up two-thirds, oWlllg to rate m- The cIty has not yet receIved bIds No one knows at this POint when The Farms' property tax rate WII! creases and maturity of the on the project or how much electrICal power rates remam at 13 2 mills system, Bremer said Boat moor- The Farms replaces pohce and wlll 'increase when DetrOIt A pubhc hearing held prIOr to the ing fees will mcrease If the recom- adnlll1lstratJ"l-e cars on a two-year EdIson's Fermi plant comes Ol~ adoptIOn of the budget netted only a mended 10 percent hIke ISenacted cycle Each year the city pur- hne "They're talkmg about a 20 request from Woods Mumclpal The cIty has taken what Bremel chases five vehicles and trades percent Increase," Lock saId Judge Patncla SchneIder to m- called "a mIddle road" on federal them III after two years "ThIS could be a very bIg blast" clude fundll1g for a youth assIs- revenue shanng and budgeted only Sidewalk snow plowmg contmues tance program After hstenmg to Lock saId the new budget allots half as much as normal Neverthe- to be a problem Lock said that $325,000 for street hghtmg, an m- (HfROKEE OPfR~ .. Brolin or UliI(~ \([(Idle her presentation, the counCil deCid- less, Bremer wrote, total revenues some of the Jeeps the Farms ISnow ed to Walt to hear the responses to crease of approxImately 15 per- leather; padded lea/he} 10 Ie, 1II/IIIIed \(JIrQ\! or Reglilm are up and Will enable the cIty to usmg date to the '60s, although they cent, m anticipation of the EdIson IIldllls 539 95 the proposal from the other com- balance the budget WIthout ralsmg have been refurbished With new mumtles and the school dIstrict hike He said sewage pumping is taxes transmISSIOns and motors III the In- also heaVIly affected by electncal and then conSIder fundmg the re- Bremer called attentIOn to se\ tenm The city has kept them be- quest through the Farms' contm- rates and has been mcreased from eral unusual Items III the budget cause they lit on the narrow Side- $140,000 to $175,000 gency fund This year the Farms has allotted walks, Lock saId At thiS pomt, the A fund for major and extraordi- Bremer's letter to the counCIl $200,000, almost tWICe the usual Department of Public Works is nary expenditures, whIch Includes stated that the cIty ISmamtammg a amount, for ItS street paving pro eyemg two four-wheel dnve die- frugal mode "The departmental the contmgency fund, con tams gram, m a move to "aggressively sel pov..ered vehicles as replace- $474,050 Any budget overruns or budgets do not mclude all Items or address" some of Its pubhc Im- ments at an approxImate cost of expendItures not planned for m- programs deSIred by ll1dlVldual de- provement needs $15,000 each Bids WIll be let thIS partment heads," he wrote " Old Kerby School WIll be torn summer cluslOn at the time of adoption, To theIr credIt, each department such as the proposed youth assIs- KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR e GROSSE POINTE down and used for parkll1g Con What the budget WIll not cover head responded to my appeal for troller Carrol Lock said that ap tance program, would have to general belt-tlghtemng and mam- could have slgmflcant Impact, come from thIS fund Open Tllursdav Evel1lngs 'td 9 00 proXImately $30,000 III block grant Bremer saId One of the major tamed theIr operatIOnal requests to money IS avaIlable for the project "It's just hke your home budget a necessary mlmmum .. unknowns IS collective bargall1ll1g - you set aSIde $500for unexpected MasterCard 882 3670 VIsa and that the cIty has allotted an ad Police contract", expIre at the end In spite of anllclpated cuts 111 the dltlOnal $40,000 If It proves neces expenses and the day after you 11 U~~~ag,"'fr ~~ ''''if of Junf' ArbItratIOn WIth flreflght- make the budget, the telephone erl> remall1s unresolved "Conse- company raises the rates," saId quently, the 1985-86 budget year Lock "You Just hope's you've set would be Impacted tWIce as hard If aSide enough" Dunng 1385, an arbItrator should award an un- $375,000was allocated to the extra- expected i) hIgh wa,ge and benefit ordmary expendIture fund CIty package, ' Bremer'", letter stated fIgures project spendmg $460,000 City lll'illranc(' costs show "oml- by June 30 FOR THE GENTLEMAN or TRADITION Father's Day SHIRT~ ~Uln"rS June 16th

Ever nottce a favorite pattern 'lportcoat may SVALUESs become tlrC'lOme, but you keep your bla7er'l S~.... Ill•••\ittIRTS a bIt too long. Why not <;top In <;oon and get acquainted With a new "old fflend." Navy, [ Ight Blue, Grey & Tan, $155.00 Slack<; to ComplIment from $45.00

DETROIT picard-71ol'ton 20535 James Couzen. Highway Near Norlhland Shopping Cenler 92 KERCHEVAL-ON-THE-HILl EAST DETROIT GROSSE POINTE FARMS 20929 GraUel Avenue Near 8 Mfte Road 9 "II 6 Dally YOU CAlI ... I!JIIP WESTLAND CHA~OEtT .- 7040 Waynft Road 882.8251 Near We.tland Shopping Cent .... Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve-A - Business fare He has also worked as a con- Allardice hOnored gressIOnal staff auditor Franklin holds master's degrees from Har. VILLAGE MARKET for 20 years' service vard Business School and the Um- POinter Marg- verslty of Cmcmnati heritta .. Mic- 18328 Mack Avenue - In The Farms key" Allardice Announcing the NatIOnal was feted by 300 ~ r"" Bank of Detroit hai>appomted Park community resident Robert A. Young as as- Jeaders at the ~'\ .... ~ sistant vice president at ItS Wood- Untted Com- ~ ward-Salem office Tere!>3 "THIS WEEKS BELL RINGERS" mumty Services " Doyle of the Park has been reo annual meeting as she received elected secretary of the executIve their Executlve of the Year award committee of the Michigan chapter DAILY 8 a.m •• 7 p.m. An artist, who was volunteered of the ArthrItiS FoundatIOn Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m •• 6 p.m. PRICES IN EFFECT with the elderly and dlsadvan- James Monnig, Bookseller has set JUNE 6th, 7th & 8th 'taged, Mrs AllardlCe IS the ex- up shop at a new location at 15133 :ecutlve director of Adult Service Kercheval Campbell-Ewald Centers, Inc , a multi-service agen- has named seven new vice pres- ~ cy for the disadvantaged and the Idents, among them Tom Roeht of mentally ill She ISa past vICe pres- the Farms He has been With the ) ( fiesh...... fr~ th;;;_ ... e(.~~ ..,.. ••• Ident of the Natlonal Coun('ll on th(" agency SInce 19£9:md h:ls covered 1 I Agmg and has served on state com- "- the advertising fIeld by workmg for ,\\\\ \t. \I \I\00(1j things at great prices ..---~ mittees on services to the agmg A Ross Roy, W B Doner and Young h member of Grosse POinte and De- & RubICam. Most recently, Roehl FRESH FROM trOIt artists' groups, she is plan- has worked as prmt productIon (II WI:_~ FRESH FRYING mng to retire to a new career In the supervisor on the Eastern AirlInes OCEAN WHITE FISH FILETS art fIeld account for Campbell-Ewald . More advertIsmg news Dane ~,,>,~. CHICKEN Rhoades named top Lachiusa of the Park has been $5 Ford communicator named art director at W B Doner 98 $2!~ Thomas P. Rhoades Jr. has been He moves to Doner from Young & FRESH FROM BOSTON movmg up through the ranks of RubICam and has also worked for BREAST public affairs at Ford Motor Co two agencies m New York .. The RIBS ATTACHED 5 LB. BAG BWE COD FILETS The City resident has worked m Greater Detroit Chamber of Com- Ford's pubhc relations department merce has Just elected 12directors since 1969, starting as editorial to its board Farms resident Bar- OUR OWN • THICK SLICED $2~B~ planmng assistant. HIs most recent bara K. Wrigley, secretary/treas- promotIOn names him regional urer of DetrOit MarIne Engmeer- FRESH public affairs manager for Ford's Ing, was named to a second three- North Ameflcan operatIOns. An In- year term. The Farms has a LAKE PICKEREL FILETS diana natIve, Rhoades began his Chamber monopoly, as Alfred R career in the newspaper business Glancy III and William T. McCor- mick Jr. were named to their first BACON as a reporter and editor 10 New $1~~ $3tJB~ York and Kansas He attended the three-year terms Glancy IS the UniverSity of Virginia and grad- chairman and CEO of MlchCon and MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY uated from Northla'nd College in McCormick IS president and CEO .~?~j..;t FRESH Wisconsin at ANR . One of our two POInte WHOLE WHEAT _",-~~'f1fiiJ' congressmen, George W. Crocke\t Hospital names Jr. IS the recipient of a brand-new BREAD l-~ award. the Distinguished Amer- 1 LB. LOAF ::.~~-.-:.:;;.-. Franklin v.p. ICan in PublIc Service award of the '::...... :;:.."" ...... =& St Joseph NatIOnal AssociatIOn of Arab ~/~~:~ERLOIN$2!~ Hospital m Clin- Amencans It recogmzes Crock- 2 for $1Oo~~~.2? ton Township ett's efforts to strengthen U S - has appomted Arab relatIOns through support of USDA CHOICE Peter H. Frank- trade and economic agreements m- EXTRA LEAN lin to the dual tended to create jobs and improve v.a VEGETABLE JUICE post of vice pres. • ..... the U S balance of payments It Ident of fmance • also recogmzed hiS "undaunted 6 PACK 6 oz. and treasurer. Franklin Will be re- courage in standing up to the SHORT RIBS sponsible for accounting, patient fi- IsraelI lobby on several CrItical oc- nancial services, reimbursement, casions" . And, finally, former admitting, management informa- Pointers in the news. . Joseph R. tIon systems and material manage- Deane, now of Grosse Ile, has been OF BEEF $1°9 ment The Grosse Pointe resident named to the General Stevedormg has had financIal experience in the CounCIl, an mternatlonal orgamza- BONELESS - ROI.l.ED OUR OWN health field as chief fmanclal of- tion devoted to ImprovIng the han- ficer for a Kentucky hospital and dlmg of imports and exports He's as speCial assistant to the Secre- also lookIng to boost the Port of TAKE tary of Health, Education and Wel- DetrOit PORK LOIN - Nancy Parmenter $177 ROAST LB. • N' Mortgages continue to rise BAKE April first mortgages for homes $197,960,854, and $164,446,029 m __~~~~ USDA CHOICE - BONELESS contmued to rIse in both number February MEAT and dollar volume in Wayne, Oak- Wayne recorded 2,479 loans for ,i;tJ'7.. ~ "'\ ENGLISH CUT $ land, Macomb and Washtenaw $72, 393, 280 in thiS group; Oakland LOAF countIes. 1,506 for $62,785,572, Macomb 1,946 for $89,746,511; and Washtenaw 294 John H Brenner, vIce preSident for $16,999,191 i,~ ;)POT ROAST 7 \ - '4. II J ,I -,l and MIChigan manager for Commercial loans (over 200,000) 1! $279 0~~~~d/ Lawyers Title Insurance Corpora- numbered 248 and totaled ~ GREAT FOR THE GRILL tIon, reported 6,225 mortgages $368,978,761 READY TO BAKE 2 LB. PAN compared to 5,369 such mortgages The mortgage commitments of WITH ONION SOUP In March The dollar companson all lenders combmed totaled 6,473 FRESH was $241,924,554 to March's for $610,903,315 STUFFED " ..~" 2 LITER SALE PORK I '~;:F ..."~~ PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, MT. DEW TENDERLOIN ' '-I "~j; "If PEPSI FREE, DIET FREE $268'~~~ VERNOR, DIET VERNOR LB. Evertbody A&W ROOT BEER, DIET A&W STUFFED WITH SAGE AND ONION DRESSING ball an SALE ENDS 6/12/85 .7-UP , ' I REG. OR DIET Ocean" & ~~ ?~) 99tf DEP. ORANGE CRUSH Would you still vacation in IVI~11~'-'~REG. OR DIET Harbor Spril1\ls? Of Course. FARM FRESH '~(--~ .u CANADA DRY ALE FRUIT VEGETABLES 6 PACK CANS Harbor Spnn'j/s. on L~tlle Traverse &11' & $149 IS MJd-Amenca S summer vacation 12 OZ. + DEP • destination We have three vacation rental locauons for you Each IS .~~a,J:,~~;;ij THE WINE THAT dlstmctlvely dIfferent but all enJoy ~It~~~~, ~~ ~~ the renown recreation. shoppm~ ...,~ _ ..... '-') CELEBRATES FOOD! dinmll and relaxation of The uttle ",. . ALL FLAVORS Traverse &1y area. FRESH AT ALL TIMES SPICY ALFALFA SPROUTS - GINGER ROOT - SHALLOTS. FRESH CHOW SAVE $400 on a 3 liter MEIN NOODLES - BEAN SPROUTS - SHELLED READY TO COOK PEAS, PWS SAVE ADDITIONAL $1°0 WITH MAIL LIMA BEANS, GARBANZO BEANS, BLACKEYED PEAS - LIVING ALFALFA IN REBATE OR SAVE ADDITIONAL $300 ON SPROUTS - IMPORTED FRENCH ENDIVE TWO B07TLES WITH MAiL ih RESATE ITALIAN STYLE $ 00 RED ONIONS ••••••••••••• 3 LBS. 1 WE SELL NO WINE CALIFORNIA SNOWWHITE BEFORE ITS TIME! . CAULIFLOWER •••••••••••••• .98° HEAD • CHABLIS • ROSE f J ...... ; CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS • RHINE • BURGUNDY ~r ~ _ • LIGHT CHABLIS GRAPES. Red or White •••••••• .. $149 LB. ------Please Send Rental Informa lion & Free Color ~rochure • LIGHT ROSE rl Include Sales Information REAL ESTATE RESORTS LG. SIZE JUICY PO Box 497 • LIGHT RHINE Name. _ Harbor SprlnQS MI 49740 LIMES ••••••••••• ...... 4 for 590 Slreel _ Reservations CALIFORNIA (616) 526-2156 50 Clly . SUlle __ Hideaway Vallq Only CHERRY TOMATOES ...... 590 BOX SAVE $3 Zlp Phone (616) 526-6264 on a 3 liter ZUCCHINI SQUASH • ...... 490 LB.

" ..~~~.<...-_--

Page Slx-A Opinions & letters Thursday, June 6, 1985

A not-so-quiet campaign YOYMt ~t~. "What a difference a year makes 111 public at- t\\ 0 boa 1d ....ed t~ SIll' ~upported Dr Brown~- titudes about the annual Grosse Pomte school combe lor the board. she smd, because he IS a *" board elt.'ctlOn " taml1y Irll'nd, a good pel SOil whom she respects That \\ as tht.' tlrst paragraph 111 last \\eek's and a CdlHhd,lte \\ ho \\ auld have made a can- edl tonal 111 Ihe Grosse Pomte :"Je\\ s companng tnbutlOn the "tdlrly qUiet" campaign tor the June 10 elec- WI1l'tlll'l' gl\ lIIg ~2) to IIlg \\Idel ~upport tim, )ear ObVIOusly, it should - - I • • • The contentIOn \\ as made that the two men not Is~u{'" change and so does the pubhc's I rUl1llmg lor the board, Dr Buechler and Carl D perceptIOn of them ThiS newspaper had hoped .. \ndel SOl1. opposed last year's recall attempt that the ('ontroVerl:>leS spawned by the recall \\ Illle the t\\ 0 \\ omen. 1\lrs l\larr and C'llldv campaign I,l~t Y('a! could be aVOided this year I I Pangborn. ~upported It . dnd It ~tlll hope~ tlw recall \\ III not be regarded CI a~ the major Il:>~ueon June 10, It IS, after all, In her candidate mtervlew, Mrs Pangborn I behll1d LIS It I::>Icl~t year's news -~ ~~ told the ~ews that she had supported the recall - .I But 111 \ le\\ ot the fact that the New~ has sup- to give the people the nght to exercise their op- ported the board's reorganizahon plans most of tIOn to oppose the board's pohcles on reorgal1lza- the time and opposed last year's recall campaign tlOn and closll1g ~chools i\lrs l\larr told the agall1st three board members, thiS newspaper ::\ews she had not played an acttve role m the wants to make clear ItS general backmg for the recall campaign on either Side and expressed the board's poliCies and lor candidates who support hope that the Issue IS now 10 the past I them That doesn't mean the News Will be a rub from our readers • But an .\nderson campaign worker called to bel' ~tamp for the board and supenntendent m , the ~e\\ s' attention the campaign fmance report the future any more than It has been 111 the past . filed by the Committee for ResponSible School But It does mean the News sees the electIOn as a For whom should center exist? Government With the Wayne County clerk's of- kllld of relerendum on board polICIes, which, as hce that shows that Mrs Marr and her husband thiS ne\\spaper said at the tIme, were strongly To the Editor; It Regarding the propo"ed hqUOl last veal' contnbuted $25 each to the committee SUppOl ted by the defeat of the recall and the elec- monal Center eXIst" The Farms Center while respectmg the nearby license at the W,lI' l\lemOl lal CouncLl hdS the responSibilIty of de- Thl::>' orgamzation. among other campaign ac- tIOn of t\"O pro-board members a year ago church and surroundmg neighbor- We are aware that dIfferent people wlll have Center, I am at a loss to undel ~tdnd cldmg lor the five Grosse Pointes hood. If readers share any of these tlntles. pldced an ad III the Grosse POlllte News how Wider perml":'>lve power \\ III who \\ III control beverage service different lIlterpretatlOns of the developments of sentiments, a note or card should urgll1g a . yes ' vote on the recall issue and sup- help the Center admll1lstl atlOn elt the Center, they should not pass be sent Immediately to the Grosse the past \\ eek, JLlStas they have different VIews portll1g Roger Mourad and Dr BIll Browns- gain more control than they hav(' thli> authOrity to the state Liquor Pomte Farms City Council The vote combe for the board of what reall) happened la~t year The News now over sel vice of dlcohol Control CommiSSIOn Llmltmg be- IS scheduled for June 17. reIterates ItS view that the POll1tes are for- Is there ~ome gap III the Centel'~ verdge servIce to pnvate parties Barbara R. Thompson When asked about the contributIOn thiS week, tunate In havlI1g four excellent candIdates for the authonty to enlm ce Iuk" o'ver pn hels dccommodated users of the Grosse Pointe Farms :\lrs Marr sald she had supported Brownscombe school board 111 the June 10 electIOn It reIterates vate partlCs on Ib 0\\ tl pi emlse,,'1 for the board and the contributiOn hsted III the Its support lor Dr Buechler, the only mcumbenf If so, what can WI:' (;ro~<;e POll1te Puzzled by endorsement report \\ as made at a 'fund raiser on hiS behalf In the runnmg, and, \\ hill' repeating Its endorse- Farms re!>ldents, through our Clt,\ She reiterated that she had "not played an active ment of Mrs 1\13rr, It makes an additIonal com- government, do to close the gap'l 10 the EditOi : mg three of the mcumbents. The request for a IIquOl license 1" role" III last year's campaign and, 111 fact, oppos- ment I am somewhat puzzled by your While she has a perfect nght to III-timed (and I, for one, ohJect to edltonal of May 30, 1985, III which ed the recall because she felt It was not the ap- We were as troubled as many other CItizens seek the office, I belIeve the publIc the extent of the campaIgn put you endorsed Carol B Marr for propnate route to take. Dr Brownscombe back- when we \\ere ilrst mformed about lVIrs Marr's should know that the discredited forth by the War l\lemol wI) reasons which mcluded the state- RECALL effort included one of the ed ~lrs 1\1arr's version, saymg she dId not play 1984 contnbutlOn to the committee supportmg Are we not In a n('\\' erd of ment .. and that she did not play candidates In thiS years' election I an achve role on either SIde last year and had recall That actIon ~eemed to contradIct her de-emphaSIZIng alcoholic beve an actIve role m last year's contro- suspect she IS not as obJective as preferred a referendum on the school reor- statement to us that :>he had not played an active rages as an es~entJaI par t of every versIes " I beheve an exammatlon she would have you believe Unfor- gal1lzatIon Issue role on either ~Ide m the 1984 campaign But phase of our eXistence? The trend of the reqUIred frhng by the tunat~ly, the election will be hiS- Asked speCifically about the apparent con- after severalmtervlews With Mrs Marl', we are seems to be that young adults elre RECALL group Will show that tory ~yth'e hme the public IS made tradlctlOl1 bet\\ een her opposition to recall and satisfIed With her explanatIOn of her 1984 posi- acutely aware of the stiff toll whIch Carol l\Iarr and her husband each aware of the facts her support for a candidate favormg It, Mrs tIon And so we thmk It is now time, in the few alcohol consumptIOn has taken oj made fmanclal contrIbutIOns to the Henry A. Clay 1\1arr said she had Viewed the 1984 campaign as days remaltllng. for the prospective voters to all age groups, and have more mo- gl oup that was dedicated to unseat- Grosse Pointe Farms derate dnnkmg pdtteIIl~ EffOl t~ composed of two separate elements' one, the at- concentrate on the current Issues as outlined by here 111 Grosse POInte e'l:empllf,\ tempt to recall three board members and, the the four candIdates last week m their interVIews natiOn-Wide efforts to combat A life may depend on it other, the contest among five candIdates for the III the New'> and III several publIc forums school-age dnnkmg 1'0 tht' Editor, mmutes to get from St John Persons desll'lng .Ill unhlnIted Recently I experienced an en- Hospital to North That IS too long variety of beverage~ have cOllnt- counter WIth Grosse POinte Woods less faCilitIes aVailable to them, 1)(' a time, espeCially when a person IS Emergency Medical Sen'lce in a great deal of pain What if the It for a sand\\ Ich or .111 t'ld!JOIdte The proposed tax reform I B~;\[S), and It \"as not a pleasant person had a heart attack or stroke? reception Alld I ~u~pect mdll) tel one at that The person could have already died PreSident Reagan's tax reform plogram IS Jor reform aImed at Simplifying the system and mllies have chosen the i\JemOlldl Dunng a JUJ1lOlvarsIty baseball Center for weddmg [{'cepltoll~ for by then probably the natIOn's major tOPiC of conversa- makll1g It fairer and more efflclent But while It game at Grosse Pomte North, a In the future I hope the EMS WIll tIOn thiS week - but that does not necessanly the very reason that the\ (hel 1101 playE.'r 1I1Jured hIS knee rather se- achieves those alms at least In part, the pro- want an open hm respond qUicker to the calls, mean that everyone agrees with all parts of it In posal,> still do not answer all of the questIOns \ E.'I'elv I rushed mto the school to What kmd of me':>~dge do \H' because sometimes a lIfe could de- fact. the reactions usually are subjective How about an equitable tax s}stem and still leave call the EMS becau~e we didn't pend on It send to one another by IlHhclIless and mdus- <'!I('of Ihr Grosse Pomle War Mem- to apply for a liquor license IlIty goals, ~hould 1111' \\ dl :\ll' ral government, the state government, the city try That shift represents a reversal of the trend The OppoSitIOnto thIS proposal IS m which he hves (and, If he works 1I1 DetrOit, to of recent years, but smce corporatIOns usually unmformed The opposihon be- lieves that the War MemOrIal will that city as well), the Grosse Pomte school dls- pass along cost IIlcreases JI1 terms of higher Method in hiring appalling become another bar However, tnct, Wayne County, Wayne County Community pnces, the heaVier taxes on busll1ess and mdus- To the Editor' they don't seem to realize that the College, the Huron Clinton Metropohtan Authon- trv could revive mflatIOn With the conc;olldatlOn of pollmg With four cclmhdatcs <'Cf'Kmg place~ no\\ reduced to only one for War Memonal already serves h- ty and the Wayne Intermediate School Distnct 1n Michigan, tho,>e who Itemize their ll1come electIOn tillS commg ,JUlie 10th 11 the '\loods, our Board of EducatIOn quor Every hme that the War for special educatIOn. tax deducllol1C:; \\ ould lose an estimated $1.075 a certamly docb not gl\ POI\{' \ ('f\ (lid Ilot avaIl themselves of thiS MemOrial's catermg servICe wants Our taxes go to support services to the general year becau'>r of the proposal to elimmate the much mcentl've to get 0111ffl(I{'Ill \ IJ:- llldllV years of expel lence Instead Last year, the War Memorial had speCIal ~uppo-t for families through the exemp- tIOn m rates and other changes proposed by the our Board of Edllccltlon. It 1" undt'l IIw\ kt the-lr fmgers do the walkll1g to go through thiS tedIOUS process tIOns for dependents, through the deductIOn of admll1lstratlOn Bllt the CongressIOnal Jomt Eco- ..,tandable why our school" ell(' «/11 dO\\Il a rC'guIelr list and anyone who 237 hmes The War Memorial "tantly m troubl£' and utl/pns fllle! wants this license only to make It mortgage mterest on homes and through the par- nomIc CommIttee said Michigan would be the \\a" at home at the time they cal- It necessary to ha\ e recall" Ird. 1)\ phone, \\as hIred Imme- more convement to prOVide alcohol tial exemptIOn of SOCial SecurIty and unemploy- lOth harde~t hit Mate If Congress approves the Bemg a reSident or Gro""e 1'01111(' dwtl'ly. WIth total disregard for the at Its banquets. The War MemofJal ment benehts from taxatIOn. Other tax laws tax plan The preSident said It IS not fair for tax- Woods for over 40 ."c,l!" <111(1 11,1\ long "t:ll1r1lllgcommunity workprs Wishes to contInue Its service to the have benefited busmess and mdustry by pro- payers 111 high-tax states (such as MIChIgan) to mg served the ((jmmllll1t~ ,I" d Wildt a \\ ay to thank all the for- commumty and the lIquor lIcense vld1l1g tax 1I1centives for mvestments, permit- get a subSidy from taxpayers In lower-tax states <;upef\ Isor Wllh ufmo<.,l (,[fl( 1('I1( \ Illf'r "lIperVlsor<; and former would help prOVIde that serVlce tmg accelerated depreCiation of facilities and through contmumg the deductablhty of local and and ne-dlcatlOn bolh III <.,(ho' I l'jC'c which the commumty, Judging by \\ 01 hI<;for b(,ll1g so faithful What authonzlng deduchons for bus mess entertam tlOn<; and CI!\ of (;10<"<'( I'Ol1lt(' the attendance at events With state taxes But he said nothlllg about the subSI- Iiii" h,IPlwned to our once caring Woods for (lvei' 1l,llf of I) ,0<"(' \ ('d I" ment and other business-related expenses dy Michigan prrlVldes to low tax states because (Ommlllllty , alcohol, apparently wants Tax law~ also permit the issuance of tax-free thiS state geL" back a smaller percentage of ItS I find the me-tllod u,,('d 111 hll me: Gt'orge Monahan \li01 kers for till<; £'1('(t 10'1 f d '1 ~ '.-'In, ~ Bur, H H(j.,N .h~('<:; '1"\"''' I-rlltor \o; .. ~..tnnl 10 Puhll~tll"r MIIon"Mf"r the Torch Dnve m order to provide lI1centlves for MichIgan \"hlch a~~ume hr(lvy tax burdens to h- '" ",t! j I .. 1 .. 1 I 11 If" I .....1 "" \ lno~~ ~Ofl ( IQi;'ufif'd 'YlfllnaJ(:f'f greater voluntary support that reduces the dram nance such S('I Vlcr" for th('lr people would be r n '\1 t r1t ROU....'-f'>'111 on pubhc agencies t. IIllil ~o('lrl\ ...(ht lr \1 r> Bro('df'11 '-lair'" PromotIOn under hedvy pn',>"un" If Congress removes the F-" \1'H r Ruren- The'>e examples Indicate that proviSIOns cal- deductablhty of stat£> and JocaT taxes tram the le- , () ( 11 ( rol ~ I'>('hr r ( hn .. l'l(ollll" '-Ipnn .. I-dllnr \nnf" \flllhrfln J lk-nJil:rnln (.lltT)! ling for dlffrrent treatment of different Income deral Illcomc tax return", to cut thE'lr own taxes \pll RI\1rcf kWl h 1711"""kl ...... 1 "I l-. group'> and different kmds of mcome often are and the ;.,{'rvlce" thr tan's pay for \\ II r foil) ( rr<'n "lln((' .. flllnn 11(ono,ult nt WrItten for good SOCial and economic purposes CIRCULATION JlIc:;tlce Ol1v£>r WC'nd('ll Holmes .Jr once wrote But the prohferatlOll of exemptIOns, deductions, \11 "I I 882-6900 special prOVIsions, tax shelters and tax loopholes that "taxe,> ar(' what w(' pay for a (,~vlh7ed snCle ~r 1 n irh, in recent years has reached monumental propor- ty " We thmk 1110"t p('opl£> ac('£>pt that VW\" but tions One result has been that many people have they al~o agr£>e With the pI ('sident that the pre- 1) 1, 11 (r I d Jost confidence m the tax system on the grounds sent system could bf> much more Simple, faIrer I'"hl"l" I it often showed favorItIsm and permitted tax re- and more efflcwnt In the end th{' preSident's B. Erlitol .I1HI 'Ii r \h; 1 \Ilrlll", n Prl''''' \ "'1')('1 ~ll(") Rohprt Frlgrtr, l'uhli.,hH 1nd "11 nn II ~r \~"p l~ I \'l''V)(" III nn lief for those who knew how to use and manipu- proposals probably Will be voted up or down, de- ml40 Hl79) pendmg on whrt]lrr Congl e'><;;and the pubhc '\lIdlt'RllrN\ll late the tax laws or (',r('ulalrr n.. So now PreSIdent Reagan has proposed a ma- thrnk hIS progr Hill aChlr\ {'<; IllS allns •• --.L.•------.....-~------~------


Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, June 6, 1985

,i-Liquor license is not a panacea I Editor's note, The \Hiter re. able procedures should be adopted In summary, with all the tragedy : quested that his letter, addressed to manage and control abuses In and suffering we see mduced today KNOW WKA, MAKts A LOTOF : to the Farms mayor, be published the best Interest of all LICensure of by alcohol abuse, the proposal to It- Yt~H...A : in the pdp('r. the type sought Ib not a panacea for ce!1se Itquor sa,les In a residential NOIS~ BUT DOESN'T ,;/O~K I Dear Mayor Dillgl.'man' potential problems and based on neighborhood m our commumty Notmg that our counc'lI IS sched- my experience may create more memorial represents a giant step VE~Y WELL AT ALL? ulmg a hearmg on the mdtter of the senous mternal and external prob- baIckward t t th POUTICIANI War Memonal liquor license I am lems Control Ib a management urge th a you reJec e pro- expressmg my vlew~ on It t'o you problem and not somethmg that can posal forthWith b d H. James Gram and your fellow memberb e Importe from Lansmg Grosse Pointe Farms We have used and supported the Tw h d War Memonal since ItS InceptIOn 0 ea s better than one and have always Iegarded It as well-managed and a commumty To the Editor: that balance our board so despe. asset With an excellent Board of DI- I dm so pleased to see the Gro!>se rately needs rectors NE'v('r In 0111' (,Xnf'rl('n('(' Pomte News chose to endor!>e one My other chief concern relates to has there been any problem re- of the two candidates I support - tmanclal matters In thiS area, Lin- lating to control of beverages serv- and for the same reason I agree It dy Pangborn IS the only candidate ed at events we attended or spon- IS Vital that balanced representa- With expenence m bus mess and fi- ~ored ThiS IS the way It should be tIOn on our board be estabItshed nance, She IS also the only candi- , and can be Cmdy Pangborn, With two children date to support tax containment There IS no need m my view to at the elementary level and one In Her commitment to better use of change If problems do eXist, SUlt- the high school can best prOVide the taxpayers' dollars gets my vote So for balanced representatIOn I Analysis of LWV program and cost-contamment, I Will vote for Cmdy Pangborn and Carol To the EditOl': system Marl' on Monday, June 10, 1985 Last week the League of Women One Important and substantive Somehmes two heads are better Voters conducted a meet-the-can- questIOn submitted beforehand to than one, espeCIally when they are I dldate program at the War Me- the League of Women Voters was, both on such competent women's monal to fmd out where the candi- "What IS your posItion on the pro- shoulders Sandy Morrow dates for the school board stood on posal of the former school superin- Grosse Pointe Woods various Issues Under exammation tendent to consolidate the system were mcumbent Ernest Buechler, m view of the fact that the pupil en- as well as Carl Anderson, Carol rollment has declined almost 50 Marl' and Cmdy Pangborn percent m the past dozen years or In the opening statements, a cou- so?" ple of the candidates mentIOned the ThiS questIOn was studIOusly I sa Peter and his principle were rIght! need for economy m the Grosse aVOIded by the moderator for the Pomte School System But m their League of Women Voters, who Maybe I'm gettmg crotchety m A good receptiomst is as rare as don't wnle tha I down - I'm Just response to ~ubsequent quesllons, later Said that somebody else was myoid age, but have you nohced a handshake m Beirut and I always kidding around .. "Okey dokey, I'll give hun the I many of a "Tnvlal Pursuit" vane- plckmg out the questions. there seems to be a lot more of seem to pull the Barney Fifes of the , ty, they showed an eagerness to When she was asked why the "them" than "us," anymore? world when I phone It usually goes message" further "Improve" and expand the meetmg wasn't opened to queshons What I'm referring to here are somethmg like thiS Rmgggg "Uh, would you like my name?' already bloated, extremely costly from the floor, she Said there rude, discourteous people versus "Hello, IS Mr Johnson'm please?" Giggle "I gue:,s that would help (probably $37 mllhon next year) wasn't lime Although thiS had the MISS Manners types who are 'No he's not .. What's vour name, sir?" 'programs in the Grosse Pomte been promised earher, it apparent- busy readmg thiS column right now Sile~ce, or the sound of gum be- "Tom' Greenwood, from the ly was Vital that the meetmg be and nodding their heads in agree- mg chewed Grosse Pomte New:, " closed by 8 50 P m ment "Well, do you know when he'll be "Got It, Mr Green' Amy corrects A concludmg remark from the I guess I'm a dmosaur, but my back?" "No, not Green Wood" League of Women Voters was, "Go parents raised me to be courteous "Nope, he didn't tell me I've on- "Okay, l\lr Wood Got It ., tell your nClghbors a bout the up- to everyone, but there seems to be ly been workmg here SIXmonth~ " "No, no Not Mr Wood Green- the record commg election " so little of It around anymore Take More silence wood' Two E's, two O'b " To the Editor: ThiS cil1zen's recommendation to opening doors for others, as an ex- "Well, how about takmg a mes- "Okey dokey, I've got It now Mr You wrote an article on my dad any Grosse Pomte reSident m- ample sage for me Tell him I'll call back Greenwald Will call agam thiS Carl Anderson terested In effiCiency and economy I hold the door open for everyone at 2 30 " mormng And you're from the You said that he has two sons IS to stay at home for thiS electIOn, If Eddie Haskell, Idl Amm and a "In the afternoon?" Grosse Ill.' News, fight?" , This IS not correct! but keep m mmd that a school mil- Frenchman followed me mto Per- "No, 2 30 thiS mornmg No, no, Right Another heavy Sigh , I am wntmg thiS letter to tell you lage election will be held next year ry's, I'd hold the door open for that Carl Anderson has a son and a And also "forget It," if you ex- them It's the way I was raised But dau~hter - that's mt:' pect the League of Women Voters why IS It so very few people say t~my Ahderson to really illummate the substantive "thank you", give you a smile or a Gros!ie Pointe Woods pohllcal Issues nod of appreciation? PSI am also m Ferry Elementary Joe Callahan And I'm sorry to say thiS, but School Grosse Pointe Woods women are the worst offenders, I don't know how many tImes I've held the door for a woman only to I have her sad through like she's on her way to a coronation and I'm I her butler I've taken to kIlling ------them WIth kmdness When thiS hap------___ _ w __ pens anymore, I usually say "you're welcome" and give them ------my sunmest smlle ------By Pat Rousseau ~ The looks of slack-Jawed amaze- Umque In Design ProfesSIOnals m glass ment are unbelievable They get cartoons, see them at Seasons of Paper, 115 red, stammer, blush or glare and Kercheval walk away. Try it somehme. I'm also sorry to say the same • thmg usually happens when I let Mosaic, ISnew at Mana Dmon These delightful, col- people mto traffiC, only the rude- orful mixed prmt polyester dresses are made m Hong Kong ness there lS equally distributed One size fits all A must see m the collectIOn of summer among the sexes Nobody says dresses that mcIude fresh cool cottons 11 Kercheval thanks or waves their hand m ap- preclahon The most vexmg part IS • I can't even respond since they're A New ShIpment of Picard-Norton logo usually cutlmg someone else off as cotton golf shirts come m twelve VIVidcolors they speed away at 92 Kercheval A Welcome gift for Fathers Speakmg of speeding, sometimes Day, June 16 I feel like God's orlgmal lonely man on the freeways I'm that rarest of birds - I dnve 55 mph Travelmg? Stop at Trail· Apothecary fW'~~-~ and I use my turn Signals. Okay, for travel kits, mdlvldual plastic contamers, -o-J"r~" okay, I'll admit it - occasIOnally travel aids and mirrors. 121 Kercheval , \F I'll rocket up to 60 or even 62 mph, . -.'::' but even then It'S like I'm standing stili Everybody passes me and I'll SALE All pnnts and OIls at The tell you It'S very unnerving to be ey,. I,.>/! P/'M League Shop WI]]be priced 20% off, startmg sallmg along the freeway and see f!ll.,IJt_ June 10 thru June 15 72 Kercheval one of those wolf packs rapidly ~ T gammg on you • I'm talking about that knot of 20 , , Admired In The WmdO\\' of WIlliam Denier and Com- or 30 cars that descend on you at pany 77 Kercheval . a small marble top table and two 70-plus mph, all the hme s\ldtchmg polished stee' chairs that would be perfect for a difficult cor- lanes, tailgating and generally ner on the porch scaring the hell out of you know who And I know for a fact If I could • push my little four-bangmg Toyota ~ ~.P.dO/ Just arrived by Peter Popovltch, Corolla up to 200 mph, there'd be v7~ pnced from $18to $.33 skirts, culot- some no-neck m a rusty red pIck-up tes and umbrella skirts WIth coordmatmg T-shirts III great two feet from my bumper wantmg colors 63 Kercheval m the lobby of the Coloma I Federal to go 220 Heavy Sigh BUlldmg Just one more comment about dflvers - speCIfically those • dumbells who congregate at the For Father's Day Barlow engraved cuff 1-94eXit at Moross Road When you hnks, tICc1a5ps, money clips, key rmgs. mUSical turn left onto Moross Road, please FATHER'S DAY/ JUNE l6 cards, ducks and many more gifts for the spec IaI stay m your own turmng lane Peo- man In your hfe Extraordmalre GiftS, 73Ker- ple are always slartmg In the far CHOOSE FROM TWO COMFORTABLE RECLINING LOUNGE CHAIRS , 1".. l _ _,..1 _ ,., ,., ..... cheval i ' lc.Aidt..

, I ., I • ."...... 'JW" ~ • ~~-V~~_~~~.~~~~~~~ 1#;)(• 3 41 • ...

• I

Page Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 Training offered Summer IS almost here and that means sWimming, canoemg, ELECT- sailing and the 11th an- nual Michigan Safety School Each year, the Amencan Red Cross conducts thl~ one-week camp where particI- CINDY MCDOUGALL PANGBORN pants are tramed to be- come certltled instruc- tors 'n \\ater safety, For Board of Education TRUSTEE hlegual d saJllllg, canoelllg, first aid, CPR or adapted aquatics (S\\ Immmg lor the handicapped) It IS scheduled for June 8-16 dt Camp Desales m Jack~on IN DEPEN DENT The cour~e IS open to Benashe Eqwe dll :\llchlgan residents 1i years old or over Legends of American Indians Each student chooses a major and mmor \\ 11\ do IndldIls believe that Benashe I<:q\\e \\ III tell o! the Ie course 01 study and IS rod., dnd trees haH' SPirits III and gends, and e\.plall1 the customs of ll1volved In dally lec- COST COI~SCIOUS ot tl,,'m~el\ e~" \\'h\ do Indians live :'oIatlve Americans The ch1ldren tures, semmars, course d lot,lll) ecological eXistence> \\ 111ledrn ho\\ Illdians feel about ll1struchon and prac- \\ h it dre the legends. the mysll- their past dnd present culture, tice sessIOns CI:-111 and magic of the Indian \\here the\ 1I\'e, ho\\ they eat. ho\\ Instructors at the l'UltUl e" nothmg IS\\ ds!ed or destroyed. and school are expert vo- ~tllJents i-12 \ears old can learn how they see themselves as stew- lunteers from colleges, the .Ill:>\\ ers to ihese questIOns and ards of 1\Iother Earth She \\ III also bUSiness and Industry, RESULT ORIENTED d l,undl ed more \\ hen Benashe tea<.h them the dances clnd crafts and Red Cross Eq\\ (' a member of the ChIppewa necessary to come fully prepared In the adapted aqua- Tnbe comes to the War Memonal for an authent IC pow \\ 0\\ on the tICSprogram, students dre:-~ed 111 full costume. June 17 last da) learn how to prOVidein- thlo'lgh June 28 Her class, whIch struction in sWImming ha" met \\ Ith great success at The cost of "DIscover the Amerl' to persons With mental CI dllbl ook. \\ 111meet weekdays, can IndIan" IS $65 dnd mcludes all or phySical Impair- ft um 9 to 11 am, for two weeks supplies For mformatlOn on how to ments \\ e,lther pernllttmg, most sessIOns register, call the War MemOrial at A fee of $150 covers \\ III be held outdoors 881-7511 all room, board and LIFE LONG GROSSE POINTE RESIDENT textbook fees for the en- tire week Applications are accepted on a flrst- TAX CONSERVATIVE Richard Place to be dedicated come, fl rst-served baSIS, With limited en- Tilt' publJc IS IIlvlted to attend the Farms Maypr James H Dmge rollment EqUipment IS 100111d! dedIcatIOn of the street- man. on behalf of the city counCil, prOVIded by Red Cross HWe need more diligent use of our present ::'C.lpe development known as will host the dedIcation cere- and Camp DeSales RICh,1Id Place Monday, June 10 at momes After opemng remarks, To register, or for lOdll1 RIchard School students Will pre- more informatIOn, call resources NOT MORE tax-dollars spent!" In the e\'ent of ram, the cere- sent the mayor With a natIOnal flag 494-2868 mom \\ IIIbe held the following day which has flown over the U S CapI- a1 the :-ame lime RIchard Place IS to The assembled students WIll lVomen workers lOCated on Kercheval Avenue be- then recIte the Pledge of Al- A study by the Sma II TRADITIONAL VALUES t\\ een :\1cI\hllan and McKmley legiance while the flag IS raised Busmess AdmInistra- IOdd" a t the foot of Gabnel RlchaI:d over Richard Place, followed by tion showed that more "I am seeking electIon because of first-hand knowledge of our schools As a life-long reSident, r value my Elementary School the smglng of ' Amenca" and their and more women are school song It" purpose IS to prOVIde a plea- choosing to be entre- Grosse POinte publiC schoo! education As a parent of three children In the system, I am concerned about ::,ant respite for pedestnan traffIC Dmgeman Will then mtroduce preneurs; the number provldmg a quality education for all Grosse POinte children. As a volunteer In our schools and community dnd d connective hnk between the guests. Il1cludmg those who have of woman-owned busi- t\\ 0 commercIal areas known contnbuted to the Richard Place ness in the V.S rose for 17 years, I am aware of the progress and problems Within our system As a tax-payer, I too question generall) as the "lower" and "up- project - Hili ASSOCiation, Grosse from 1 9 mIllion III 1977 our escalating property taxes per Hill RIchard Place consIsts Pomte Farms FoundatIOn, Grosse to 2 5 million by 1980, of .l meandenng red-brick walk- POll1te Garden Club Councd, Men's accountmg for 26 per- \\a\ II\e Williamsburg-style wood Garden Club. NatIOnal Bank of De- cent of all non-farm Our schools must offer a balanced education We must have creative, thoughtful, cost-effiCient programs betH he" a gazebo, flagpole. clock trOll sale propfletorshlps, which utilize the abundant resources already within thiS community, With my background In to\\ er decoratIve drmkmg foun- Other guests Will lllclude the according to "20 Facts t

Ttlursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne.A I ------l~ Foundation unveils project Gas Grills by The Grosse Pomte Shores Im- gin the land&capmg work by the provement Foundation unveiled It& end oi the summer dependmg on OVER With Post fIrst project Tuesday, May 28, at the succe&s of Its fundralsing Tech reg $341 66 the Shores village councIl meeting said ' $237.00 , Th,e foundatIOn received the vlI- Gnsslm has completed drawings lage s blessing to go ahead with for the landscaping of the entire 0 With port.c.rt constructIOn of entrance &Igns at I h f k /00FF reg $33333 the north and south ends of the engt 0 La eshore m the Shores, 30 $225.00 village on Lakeshore he added . • 2 GRILLS IN ONE The north end sign Will be placed The foundation WIll hold Its sec- • 524 Square Inches of cooking surface • Large dual H burner Tank and Redwood m the center of the Lakeshore me- ond annual meetmg Tuesday, June wllh 5 year warranty Shelf Included dlan The sign at the south end Will 18, Tech said More than 390 of the • Up Iront controls With Portable Model be placed on the striP of land be-' VIllage's near-1,Ooo household& tween the lake and Lakeshore have become members, he added Both signs WIll be white approxl- The foundatIOn Will also host Its TORCH GAS BARBECUr aeFYREPLACE DOORS mately SIXfeet !>quare with burned commumty party Sunday, Aug 25, 22140 EDMUNTON • ST CLAIR SHORES CUSTOM & STANDARD lettermg The signs and land!>cap- at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, DOORS mg were deSigned by landscclpe aI'- Tech said The community party SALES. SERVICE. INS TA LLA nON chltect John Gnsslln Will be the foundatIOn's major FREE DELIVERY 776.8060 fundral&er thiS year, he added Th e co!>t IS not t0 excee d $15,000, the amount the foundation has rals- The Shores Improvement Foun- ed to date datIOn was formed last year as a H , means for Improving the vdlage 1hlS IS the Im,t of two approved Without usmg tax dollars Under its projects by the foundatIOn, accord- articles of mcorporatlOn the foun- mg to PresIdent Kurt 0 Tech The datIOn IS "to be used to provide lUUIIUctllvll ctbu huve::. LV oeglll tacllltle!> and !>ervlces pnmarlly land!>capmg medians on the north for the beclullflcatlOn and up- end of the Village In areas where gradmg of (the Shores') public the VIllage has replaced curbing, grounds and faclhtIes perpet- he said uatJon of memory of persons, pres- The Village, In Its first of a hve- ervatlOn of objects of hJ&toncal or year plan to resurface Lakeshore, natural lllterest and provIde (J) has been replaclllg curbmg along faclhtJe!> and services for the VII- Michael Farrell the north- and south-bound me- lage . " dJans, accordmg to Village Superlll- FRONT ROW SEATS FOR GRAND PRIX tendent Michael Kenyon Curbll1g In Iran, the army's blood banks Preserving tradition is topic work IS expected to be completed are replenished with blood ex- ABOARD THE QUEEN OF. THE GREAT LAKES after four years, With the fifth year tracted from condemned prI&- p... of the plan to be the resurfaclllg, he oners Report IS the capital pns- of GP Academy presentations added oners are weakened but not kl1led To Il1crease awarenes!> of the an 1872 GothiC !{evlval mansIOn m ttJ_, The foundatIOn would hke to be- by thiS leechmg Grosse POInte Academy's Second downtown DetrOIt. He ISa leader m ~ ;! Century Fund drive, POlllte resI- the movement to reawaken m- :lJ dents Mr and Mrs Keith E Cram tere~t III the area's archltectUl al .,~~ 1~ hosted two presentations recently hentage The lecture was one of a senes of by Michael Farrell HI~ tOPiCwas 1_~~-+rtr.. L.... -=.. ~~ _--- .g..;;lW-~~ ,~J _ .. -- ;t --- "Tradition and the Times of our event:- being held during the Aca- '~:-JI ~ . Lives" demy's centenmal anmversary Farrell ISadjunct curator of edu- year to raise the commumty's ~ ~)'(I" I"" • , 1 ~ • • cation at the DetrOIt Institute of awareness of the bUlldmg's archi- Arts and associate professor of art tectural slgmflcance and of the Im- history at the Umversity of Wmd- portance of preservlI1g one of Gros- ~MiiJ1Me& SOl' A frequent lecturer, he IScur- se Pomte's few remamll1g ENJOY A 6 HOUR BRUNCH AND CRillSE rently engaged In the restoratIOn of treasures AND VIEW THE DETROIT GRAND PRIX Help is at hand for nation's stutterers ABOARD THE MOIOR YACHT One of the most common !>peech \'valk-man radIO and has earphones ~HELENL problems IS stuttering It affects which look Similar to a radIO head- nearly two million people III the set SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd Umted States Almost three limes Patients wear the headset to de- S as many males as females stutter lay normal audItory feedback of 100 per person There are many theOries about their own vOice Because of thIS de- Limited to 36 guests why people stutter and how It can be lay, the user tends to slow down controlled One theory IS that the and become more conscIOus of the stutterer cannot coordmate the speech process TillS helps to nor- CALL 5 STAR TRAVEL or SPARKY HERBERTS tImmg of all of the functIOns neces- mahze their speech patterns sary to produce normal speech Saratoga recently began accept- At Saratoga Commumty Hospi- mg donatIOns of used heanng aids 822-2100 822-0266 Award winner tal, Carolyn Hennessey, M A , These are cleaned, checked, and Robert Rathbun, South High School Art Department chairper- CCP-Sp, chief of Speech and repaired and then gIVen to patIents SPARKY RERBERT'S son, is congrat~'f1teC!,~YJJf'inS;R~~lFr~m:e}5F;r~1l9.IJ1~~~ir;twn9, , ) -t\udW!ogy, ~l1dJoyce Weeks, M,A" who need,heanng aids, but cannot third place in the Drawing, Graphics and Photography division speech pathologist, are usmg a new afford them LOBSTER SPECIAL of the 47th Annual Grosse Pointe Artists Association Exhibition piece of equipment called the De- For more mformatlOn about the JUNE 9TH & 10TH held May 4 to 11. Rathbun had three works that were accepted layed AudItory Feedback (DAF) service offered by Saratoga's Speech and AudIOlogy Depart- for the show. momtor to help those who stutter SUNDAY AND MONDAY The DAF IS about the size of a ment, call 245-1317 FACTS OF LAW I.------,FREE PIZZA I I BUY ONE 1ft,lNJ'~ MAKING I/) I PIZZA =-t=--~-- GREAT MACK AVE. I/) I G~1~~E PIZZA sl~R958 1\.I.... I:»I~ I ]~ by I MAMA ROSA'S PIZZA f{- Ellen C. 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS Wallaert I 15134 MACK AVENUE GROSSE POINTE PARK I 22250 MICHIGAN AVE., DEARBORN ALWAYS LOW 1822L 4260 pIckup sundayll1ursday4pmlam _ 17670 THIRTEEN Mile Rd., BIRMINGHAM PRICES - del~ery Inday salunlay 4 pm 2am \ ,,' OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9-10. SUNDAY 10-6 ," A homeowner ISliable for all unpaid taxes upon _ .- CENTRUM l:OREAL I:OREAL hiS property, In mo"t cases he Willnot be able I. HOT Oil Ceidi-~'r:a' Multi Vitamins ULTRA RICH to sell that property unle"s and until th(' taxes TREATMENT are paid (t _.~~ -= 30 FREE with

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~ ... - ... _~ r -6t ...... /It:J-.1t't ~ ...... 1:#" ...... 4,104ll\W..,.. ~ "1 -,-~ Thursday, JLlne 6, 1985 Page Ten.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------_.- ,4- In the Heart 01 the eastern Markel Surrogate motherhood,: One answer tine, nothmg hke buymg black JOIN US By Tom Green~ood mvolved 10 some desperate situa- Turmng the baby over to her new BEFORE THE tIOn where the couple was lookmg parents was tough market babies It's getting to be a: For Michelle SoulIgney, ~Ul'- much more common approach for: TIGER GAMES l'ogate motherhood was a labor of upon the child as a last act to keep "As the natural mother, I had to their marnage together That'!> not carry the baby out of the hospital," couples unable to have their own' love children : OAIL Y DINNER SPECIALS "I'd seen a mOVIe called 'The fall' to the baby" she said "When we got to the car I • 20 02 Porter House Steak 58 95 Although the meetmg went well, Just turned the baby over to her "There are so many mfertlle' • Alaskan King Crab Legs Baby Maker' a ley, years ago and couples m this country," she con-: though It was an mterestmg con- I\Is Souhgney noted that the pro- new mother She didn't ask or say JUST A FEW OF OUR EXCH .. ENT tmued "This IS the way they can; cept," saId Ms Souhgney, a !>pectlve parents were nervous and anythmg There was no wrenchmg COMPLETE DINNER SPECIALS a bit standoffIsh "Later I found out the baby from my arms, but I knew have children too Because It'S be-' PRIVATE ROOM FOR PARTIES' CHARGE CARD:::. ,\LlEpl f l' mother of two Chlidl en commg more accepted, I'd hke to: 'That's \\ hy I thought I'd be they'd trIed to adopt tWice before she \\ as tel flbly anxIOus They of- , .... ( ~ The Eastern Market s f,nest Food come a surrogate mother for a cou onlv to have the mothers back out -1 .. I h,l contdcted Dearborn Ia\\ vel Accordmg to Ms Souhgney, the \oel Keane, who !>peclahze~' III ddopllve parents dIdn't keep 10 cases Involvmg surrogate mother clo~e contact durmg her preg- hood After completmg a thorough nanc) 'At hrst I wondered about check of her background and med. that, ' !>he!>ald 'If It \\ ere me, I'd Ical hIstory, ~he was given a yeal be calhng to make sure the mother \1''''' p')lIner nronprl" ~nn th~t "orf LV Llllll~ U, "1 lid J<.'-l",,)ll "It was three years ago I con- of thmg '-'Then I found out they tacted Noel," she said 'Then I was wanted to keep It busme!>sllke, so on a \\ altlOg lIst for a yeal Most that takmg the baby would be mothers don't have any contact edSler They didn't want to take the .• WIth the future parents of her ChIld, baby of someone who had become ,.• but I made an effort to meet mme their best fflend Now we're very , I wanted to make sure I dIdn't get close • 'The mother and I exchange :'Ilother's Day cards and thiS year Cardaerobics moves they dipped the htlle one's hand m Samt John HospItal's Caraero- some mk and placed the Imprint on Photo by TOITlGreenwood the card," she contmued "I also bICS, a commumty-based, Phase Michelle Souligney with daughter Heather, and son, Aaron. III cardiac rehablhtatlOn program, sent two presents to the gIrls at , has moved to the Lakeshore YMCA Ea!>ter, rather than a birthday pI e- fered to stay on at my place for a see some sort of natIOnal organrza- ) at 23401 E Jefferson, St Clair sent on our daughter's birthday I few day~, but I asked them to leave tlOn formed for these chIldren Shores It was formerly located at didn't want to slOgle one daughter I'lght then" Their status IS speCIal They're' the St Paul School Gym m Gro!>se out over the other" She was depressed for a whIle, adopted, but they're not adopted Pomte Ms Souhgney was selected by but received support from daugh- The courts don't even know how to Card aerobics IS a medIcally su- the adoptive parents because she tel' Heather, 13, a student at PIerce deal WIth It At fIrst It was like pervised program deSIgned fOI bore a SImilarIty to the husband, Jumor High School, and Aaron, 10, black market babies In the future' persons who have had heart sur- enough, she saId, to be taken for a student at Trombly I thmk It II be more accepted and gery, suffered a heart attack, have brother and SIster Then she was "They were terflflcally suppor- even be covered by hospltalIzahon I heart disease, high blood pressure, artifiCially lOsemlOated With the hve, as were my friends and famI- Right now I feel hke one of the' dIabetes or are a high fisk for de father's sperm ly," she saId "In fact I've never pIOneers m the movement" velopmg heart disease "I had to sign an 18-page legal receIved any negative response She plans to VISItthe baby some- It IS a long-term rehablhtatlOn document With the father acknow- from anyone And I was completely hme thIS summer, With the adop- I program which operates 10 a large ledglOg hiS patermty," saId Ms honest With everyone I came in hve parents blessmgs "They thmk I. gym due to the dynamICS of the ex- Souhgney "The baby's adoptive contact With about my sltuahon " It'S a good idea," she saId "When' ercises and group sessIOns Exer- mother had to petItion to adopt her For her part, Ms Souhgney re- she's older they said they intend to ' cises mclude walkIIlg, joggmg, husband's child" celved $10,000 The adoptIve par- tell her everythmg I'd like her to blcychng and other approprIate Last March she dehvered an ents also paid for all medICal and know that I'm here if she ever real- aerobiC activItIes ParticIpants at- a-pound, ll.ounce baby gIrl "OrIg. legal costs ly needs me tend three times weekly for SIXto mally I didn't want to see her, ,. Ms "The total cost IS about $25,000," "Being a surrogate mother was 12 months Souhgney said "Then I Just she saId "That's a great deal of tough and I wouldn't do It again," , Interested persons can enter the couldn't resist anymore. I had her money and It helps estabhsh she concluded "At least not for ' program at any tIme smce It IS de- for about eIght straight hours I whether or not prospectrve parents anyone else I'd do it again for" Signed for partIcipants to work at laughed and talked With her and are serIOus about wantll1g chIldren them But It was worth It That look c theIr own pace sang her httle songs We bonded It I'm telhng my story because I want of sheer, total happmess on their For more mformatlon, call 3~3- wa~ best for me because now I'm people to see that surrogate faces when they receIved their' 3157 able to see her" motherhood IS nothmg calendes- baby made It all worthwhile."

Groesbeck Chapel of The Wm. R. Hamilton Co. ~OQ.OUQ.. IZX)QT1-\- IL H'I-R-\I DIRt-nOR., 5iRf}\t:¥\y5.ALE, f=V~Y I LP,CA50~TTE,COMPfXT I 226 CROCKER BLVD. Mount C-Iemen~ 480(,3 DI5GI45 *,Acc£~ 463-0577 IN 5TOCK.WILLB~ IS 0 \\ m. R. U.lml(lon II o~(l.PU$rPRlc£) J='OOMJUNG t1 I 1903-1981 m l)a\id \1. U.lmll!on John \\. Brnd,mlln To JUNE. 12 . Ronald D. Hec"mann 11o'd R. \fnnlaguc VILLACE RECOR.~' ~ TAPE' f\~'OCl,lle I)lrcllor, 1\.\, ~~I 17116 Kercheval Ave. (,rosse POinte 8Il6 6039 \hmhu In Itn,/anoll ~j'Jl\ \allOlU.iI <,(/( (Ii d \!urf/( ((!/}\ ~~~) '6 89 ~ercheval on the hill FRIE Store Houu' Mondoy.Saturday 8.00 to 5 30 HOMI DELIVERY Weclnesday till Noon Closed Sunday Ph. 885.8400 WHOLE WHOLE BONELESS FLANK CHICKEN BEEF TURKEY STEAK BREAST TENDERLOINS BREAST SLICED TO ORDER \~~$3J9 '°$1::;;" *$3!9 $3!9 NEWFROM i GLAZED HAMS CHINCEWKEN j SPIRAL CUT PARSLEY PATCH SALT FREE SEASONING ~~ WHOLE HAWAIIAN BMlIItIi OR BONELESS CHICK' • BREAST • ITALIANBLEND STUFFED WITH c.ANADIAN • FRENCHBLEND HALF BACON AND PINEAPPLE • MEXICANBLEND • GARLICBLEND $2!9 $1!~ • ALL PURPOSE BLEND ROMAINE WHITE GRANNYSMITH I LETTUCE CORN APPLES i C F~R ~;;~ 69 £fl ~39C C I II ,i head ~ 99C w-' each 4for99 ,f Fresh Baked Coffee Cakes and Donuts Every Friday and Saturday ~. .' I Mr: McCourt Shoes Dally UPS Pick. Up ~ reserve the fight 10 IImll quanlltlBs Pflres In effec' through June 11 1985 , 16980 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe (313) 886.4360 . -~~~, 1 I THursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.A . ------_._------New priest heeds call after years as lay minister "MEAT ME AT MULIER'S ... WHERE PARKING IS A PLEASURE" there were other non-Catholics In 15215 I St John's masters' programs. KERCHEVAL 822-7786 "We had to devise the curricu- Gros.e MONDAY-SATURDAY lum as we went along," she said "I Pointe 800 to 600 was really responsible for my own Park course of study. I had plenty of E81: 1.937 help, and I had been in the church long enough to have a good Idea of "An lmpreuit'e Selectiun of !O(Je/\ i/l " U,'[1I11l 1,1) 'im"ll Plact' " what I needed to learn. As I studied, I found there were still MULIER'S MARKET plenty of thmgs I still wanted to CALIFORNIA MEDIUM SIZE LEAN CUT learn, so that's probably a hopeful HEAD 0 SHRIMP $4Q9 BEEF sign" 49 W/SHELL !"B STEW Entermg the Episcopal mInIstry LETTUCE HEAD has proved so popular m recent PHIFFERS BUTTERflY MEAT years that the church has actually PORK WHOLE discouraged apphcabons, she saId SALAD 99 "The apphcation process was re- DRESSING 0 CHOPS STRIP $349 vamped to help the people discern 16 OZ 4 FLAVORS ROBIN HOOD lOINS LB whether their call is to the ordained CUT TO ORDER SILVER DOLLAR FLOUR ministry Too many were gomg m. 2 LB BAG CUSTOM MADE to It and there weren't enough jobs MUSHROOMS 2 BAGS FOR LUNCH MEATS The posItIons just aren't there" PARTY TRAYS Measuring the rewards ot the 160Z 99<: MADE TO ORDER mlmstry is diffIcult, but not impos- 1~JI sIble, she believes "One worl<;<; Prices In effect Ihru 6 '285 • very hard," she said "The re- wards are diffICUlt to pin down The • rewards are not monetary - this IX DR. ERNEST BUECHLER parish has responded With affirma- tIon beyond anythmg I expected for "The Job secunty aspects have Grosse Pointe Board of Education changed The automatic respect ... clergy used to get isn't so automa- 'i tiC any more But the rewards are if" still there. They're mtanglble " Photo by EI zabelh Carpenter l A bevy of priests gathered to help the congregation of St. Michael's Episcopal Church ordain the new Among the rewards she finds im- 'r portant is witnessing the profound priest, Karen Evans. From the left are the Rev. Robert Neily, rector of St. Michael's; the Rev. Audrey .~ Harrison, deacon at All Saints, Fair Haven; Bishop H. Coleman McGehee, Bishop of Michigan; the Rev. effect of the church on ItS mem- bers "There's something for me In Karen Evans; and the Rev. William Evans, her husband and rector of St. Andrew's, Drayton Plains. standmg at the commumon rall, more involved In the lay mlmstry knowing the tragedies and the sor- By Nancy Parmenter fortable With It," she said rows - and the joys - and seeing "I sort of resisted the whole idea r~ Mr. Neily says he favors the use the parade of people, knowing 1- The Rev Karen Evans was hard of the non-sexist term, "pastor," or of gomg mto the mInIstry," she at work 10 her newly redecorated said ' I felt called, but I was uncer- that's what the body of Christ ISall even "Mrs ," while the newly or- about RE-ELECT Dr. Buechler - A man church office, a gift from her damed pnest says she lean~ toward tam I beheve strongly m the minIS- parishioners, three days after her try of lay people and It took me "One of my most awesome mo. who cares and knows what to do! first names ments was standmg in the pulpit, ordination as a priest "There's less and less formahty some hme to deCide that my cal- "I had to come back down to Img reqUIred me to be ordained" seeing 200 people out there and PROVIDING .THROUGH as we go along," she said "For a knowing they were actually listen- [ earth sometime," she said. Her or- while there was a sort of antl-htle • lEADERSHIP • CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT dmatlon May 25 at St. Michael's ComplIcatmg the decision and ing to what I was saying!" i feehng In the church." • RESPONSIBILITY • FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Episcopal Church 10 the Woods is addmg to Its Irony was the fact that Her duties won't change drastI- She didn't always plan to become cally now that she IS a priest She I • EXPERIENCE • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE believed to be the first ever for a she was headmg the dIOcesan lay L woman in the Pointes The Rev a priest She IS the mother of two mlmslry commIttee at the time was and IS m charge of the Sunday Margaret Sammons serves at daughters and her husband, WLI School. But being ordained will HThequality of our schools determines ham, is a priest m Drayton Plams The deCISIOnmade, she consulted broaden her scope to Include givmg Chnst Episcopal, but was ordamed the dIOcese and received approval in Massachusetts. They met m graduate school where commumon and conductmg wed- the quality of our community." both intended careers m the for her plan to study for her Doctor dings, funerals and weekday ser- In spite of, or perhaps because of DlVlmty at St John's ProvIncIal of, the fact that Episcopalians have foreign service vICes IShe also teaches adult reh- "We began to questIOn whether Semmary m Plymouth, a Cathohc glOus education at the church and the Grosse POinte News believes It IS Important that Ernec;.t Buechler be returned to had female priests for 10years, the mstltutIon the board Buechler brings to the campaign hiS exlenSI' ..'8 e),per1ence as a profeSSional only big issue facing the congre- we wanted to move around that theology at the diocesan school in edycator and hlS lour years 01 samce on Ihe board Buech er has made an excellenl gants at St Michael's seems to be much," she said "Through a WInd- "The closest (Episcopal) semI- DetrOIt record on the board and ought 10 be re elected what to call their new priest. The ing path, we both ended up In the nary was m and my hus- For now, that is enough But Grosse Po nle News Mal 30 1965 rector, the Rev. Robert Neily, IS mimstry." band had Just accepted a call to some day . Drayton Plams," she explained commonly known as Father Bob. But, whereas her husband will "I'd like to be in charge of a PAID FOR BY THE COMMlnEE TO RE ELECT DR ERNEST BUECHLER "Some women clergy do use the celebrate his tenth year as a pnest While she was the fIrst Protestant church by myself to develop my term 'Mother,' but I'm not com- June 10, she spent many years graduate of the doctoral program, own mmistry."

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CarlAnderson, his wife Judy and their children C.]. II student at North, and Amy, who attends Ferry Elementary.

_I • M.A. - University of Michigan • P10 Officer at Ferry Elementary and Parcells Schools • Ph.D Candidate - University of Michigan • North Parents' Club Officer • Special Needs Educator • Elder, G.P. Memorial Church • Member G.P. Excess Space Comlnittee • Resident for 17 years • Melnber Governor's Educational Task Force • Recipient - G.P. School System's Outstanding Volunteer Award • GROSSE PO DESERVES A .SCHOOL BOARD IT CAN

Grosse Pointe has a long history of hard-working and dedicated public and our society's future. servants on its school board. Wecan add to that record by electing to our Carl has worked tirelessly for our children and our community. Now school board a positive and active man who will hold to our tradition of he needs our support. We urgt' you to join us in decting Carl D.•Ander- excellence and help raise our goals and expectations for our childrens' folona tnlstee on Monday, Junt" 10.

Carrol E\ ala Dav.d & Carol Gask,n 8111 6: I aUfa Huctlcman Lorett"l Altobdll I ('rn '\rd~lJn Boh ~ ( an)1 I .. tlc \nn Bl rr\ [ .. >, ~ ,,>, hi I "'nndlfll \Ir II.. \1" (h.rl" r Jud) ~ Ed Chn'lIan Claud'a Stuarl Glad,tone Fred So. Joan \fLlTler \ITs Jmeph H SluI.!e) Donna I- rc. d, -\nll ( \\ l'il ~t('r1m~ Blrr\ P II (aulklllo;; f l'li.JIl r Anne & Rob Dallaire Pam Glad,tone Edward Ded, \ITs llenlSe L Roh &. Ga,l Tun P<.nn\ tr."ml!h fhltll \.1.1) [00 <'1..In HrO\'Ill \Ir So. \1 n ('''''1(' (, \1< .... \I n rh"m.- Gar) 8. l\.athenne Sp,cer Ph,l &. Karen McAUuter Tony & "Ir\tlnla I (lthnu 10 Jane Turnbull \Ir &. \In (,,,,I r J"" "'(Ith fd\\ard IIJI11><1" Jlrnm( Bo.llO~ Dam & Mane Palazzo John & Millie Nank 'Ir ~ \In K,m Q ...."\Cn rhom., R &. .... an') 11hn!..e \I.r) Kc,'h J",'" 1l,1I11,tt Bob &. K,lr< n \11,,1,,11 f thel \\ al"knIHI Bullock "', n &. ,ntl \hll" UOhC-Tt \hcTldan \ld'\.1r1l DOLI~h( rt\ J Pt. tl "" ",.tllth Fram( \Ir &. 'In r1lOmd> Calherlne F BT1erl) Scanlan Dr Fran!.. II.. An" ran ,II, Hn\\ ard &. C\ TO\o\.crn & ( h.rla \\ ,,~11t I 01 .. ~hl nd,an ,1...... Jan lat.klc "'Holt Dr '" \1 ..... I (I ind ( utC'T [ tnnon John &. Norma H.mme! \1r &. \In JO"l'h \Ir II.. \In " '',,In<< John &. \nn \ 1n <'~ckle Dlel...... Buban R) \7e\\ ,kl Barban N We ... Shelly Gent", Parthum ",C\o\IUJlH( \rm1nd "'crh I\Iho( \lc ....ue BlIckl" Dc-nn'" &. I\.alh\ Gate .. r inH Ii \Jooll'" \laq. 'nul1J..( ( I,re &. ',Illel 11'1(' n Ann & John Polltrer Me. Joseph Walker Vera Taroll JO) \Icf,anq Dr & \If' "Iuart R \21q \IOOOl\ Ian I< Huh!> Ir(I Pclf"r ~ Hllth 1 homa., Dr .... \In 1,,\\ rem, \ ,tn E.ler Porter Mrs Lou," Monek MaTlh n & ( hu, k (.lnoff Brth .\klO\ "'nliitl It rmard ( on ..tanllnt. ftc-It n Hubcr Ru,,,,< 11 ~ ( arfl( Pc (hit .. KICk JImmy \fam Mrs Fr.t? Albreehl Mr & JIll" R,chard 11,1" John R II.. \fan Ano< Joe ..~ \ .eln rTi plann \[ar~aTlI ( on\l dnl 11"1(" r l'l I \10\" cr (, Illch lot ~u"ln Ho"cll Belt\ <'p,n"r Katheflne \falll Mr & Mrs Allan Phllhps Carol & Rllh \fark, Barnt\ IlaH & '>hamn "'OpUT!..( R.lrlnra ,\ ",h t\ann 'he tllt\h r ( hu('k ~ <;h.lrflll Rent I( ntll & \far~ar"t Adlho"h LOUI\ Allee Brown Mrs John Blake Hertam Roh.n \IIHanl 'Ir &. \In Peter Kr"'\ I l\\-rCnte Hllh, Dr "'C\< \,hu J1m ~\.. [)onll'l John"ton 11ck I lTnhk , Dc:nllt" Cardafu Mn Kathleen A Frakes Uoward &. ('I~1 ')tOf1C Palll N , 'lnrca r\..3\-;unu'ii!;n '1"'"n "" I)onn t\lpKa r 117Inl [n \1"( n 'lltill" nlil" 1.0'011 &. \ 1111\ t\.lcrk.c\ Jark" I ambl..., o\IIce Melry RlChard &. B<-t\\ \foon Manon & J Add"on Dock &. loan DeRon", \lr &. \In I no" n",I, 10111'1,(' Uo\-! \farlannr tV'II ... j,a I-. ~ f 1,lIne R"n t\Q;nc\ Rarron Bartush Mn R,ehard Moenerlll~ Susan \lo7cna I IOda I 'l;lffion" }{f'lrn ~ 10m f\.cppclman (,,,orl(e & 1l0Tolh) R"naud "ar) Rlark \1" J"h" \ Dodd, Gilbert Gra" MafiC Oon Markenz.e \bry Dennehy .John & .Joan (h,,'n. Kar<-n "1OIOIl"r Joanne Boe.m~er o.,vlln Dr Irene" Ru" hard J' "ph P b.. Barha,a R Wesley H Hoffman \la,) (,ra) Bob & Marc,e Dudek 'tue Dahlstrom <;IU & Karen "eharler 11"1 &. "Il( Ouclette fhomp\on \1r I>. Ren lor,,(eh.o Ihk & Pat Ih"e 1'''1" 1l,"IHe 'I" H( rln ~ ( hn ...( h\ HONEST, DEDICATED & UA lED Paid for by Citizens to Elect 'Carl D. Anderson to School Board, Russel Peebles, 1241 Bedford, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48730 Tt;lursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSe POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen-A

Museum plans FENCES Oct. auction ADD Henry Ford Museum and GI een PRIVACY field VIllage will sell about 4lJO lut,> & of redundant or out of scope oh jectb at an Oct 19 ab<;olutp ductlOn CHARM TO OUR DOOR LIVING AREAS to be conductpd m the mu':>eum parkmg lot by Hudson and Mar • licensed • 15 Yrs Experience shall, Inc • Fully Guaranleed Sale Items, which wl!l be avail • ReSIdential & Commerml able for exam1l1atlOn Friday. Oct IB, are object~ that will never fill ALL TYPES OF PRIVACY & the museum's exhlhlt or Ieseal (h SECURITY FENCES needs Hepre~entll1g only d frac lIOn of the mUbeum " ':>to!ed hold CALL mgs. the) IIlcIude dulOlllobJle" FOR FREE ESTIMATE motOl cycIe~, blcyde~ dnd hor<;(' n4-2045 drav. n vehlcIe~ a tl lick and d lolO motl ve, metal and \\ ootJ\\ork IIIg machll1e!> ~team engll1e<,.pOlt,lblP and tractIOn engme':>. hot ,llld !llN.elldl}(,ou" elpelllldJ Saint John Hospital ~ ,,-?..... j ~ ~ Item~ ,~Jh<~~'" • , • "t."'''': ",,:'J1:. «., ¥>: "-It '; ~~ "'/ i.l"'~ ..# :\ J->fJlI4o:' "i»'~ ;.-t-,.; Those mterested 111more detdlb offers >l1}} Ff!J :t. '" It y I'~ 1,.)- ~l- ~ .¥',.., i!;J ~ dt-t"" .*-,r ... - ..~~. and m obtall1111gthe catalog that Photo by Pauj J Desmel will Of' rerllllrpo for ,1(lml<"<;I(," tn Alzheimpr's Disease ProQram _ ~ I Beautif..ljing Elworlhy Field the blddmg area should can tal t ~ The Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe recently planted summer annuals at Elworthy Field. Hudson and Marshall, Inc. at thel!' number, I-BOU-1l41-!J4UU ALdwlnH?r\ is a terllbJe. mll1d cripplIng TWUro!C )L$lci11 Members included, front row from left, Harold B. Lee, Donn G. Kipka and George Vincent; back Later 111 the summer. catalog~ \\IIl disorder t!lCl! (01\ 'hit allY famIly. am,l perSUl1 It row, from left, Phil A. DeMaire, Howard Poppen, Harry N. Decker, Kenneth F. Cary and Gerald C. be avaJldble at the museum en destroys memory (llld eventually re.,ults In tr Jlt11 Schumaker. trance disonelltallOl1 and helplesslless More than 6(1 (Jl)() famdles III trw DetrOIt (lr ea (He affected by till" J! 1 Obituaries CUI able dl<,eCl"(;' Dr Me)1 y Mal tlnen wdl dlscu,:>') [~I<;; dlagnosl~ of All.hplnH:'r '5. It'S current treatrlll:'! Ii':> Emil J. Voelker Jr. Robert and ISsurvi ved by three SIS- Carter Andrew four grandchildren psVchologlcctllTllpact all the family and cornmLdbt> tel'S, one brother, and' numerous Interment wa" at \\ oodlcl\\ n . resources r)lO~ram wdl OP Iwld Monday, .JlIll'~ 24 : Servlce<; fOl 1\11' Voelker, 7B, meces and nephews VanLopik Cemetery formerly of the Park. lately of Interment was at WhIte Chapel 19B5 {lOIn 7 00 to 9 ()() p m in the Ho,>p,',,' Services for Mr VanLoplk, 55, of Singer Island RIVIE'ra Beach. Fla , Cemetery Ernest H. Anderson AudltOrlUI1l dlllS and lIterature will surplement the were held Thursday, May 30. at the WhIttier Road, were held Satur. r Thomas L Pnce Funeral Home. day, June 1, at the Verheyden Fu- ServIces for l\lr Anderson, 74, uf program $] ()()fee RegIstration necessary Con- Margaret J. Kingsbury neral Home the Pomte, were held Monda) , May l'iorth Palm Beach tact Camille C Khmeckl. M A , Dlrectol. to 1E'LJ' ~tt'l He died May 30 at Bon Secours 20, at the Verheyden Flloer al • He died May 28 In Palm Beach ServIces for Mrs Kmgsbury, 76, Home . Gardens Medical Centez WIllbe held at 9 30 a m today at St Hospital 343-3R70 He died May 16 111 Clearwatel : Born In DetrOIt, he retired as an Born in Coldwater. he \\as Joan of Arc Church Fla ' executive with the MIchIgan Bell She died June 3 111 St John's Hos- self-employed as a wnter Telephone Co 1971aft!'r 45 years of pital Mr VanLoplk IS surVIved by hiS Born In l'\ihchlgan, he was em- sfrvlce with the company He was Born m St Clair she was mar- WIfe, Nancy Jean, and one mece ployed b) General Motor~ a~ a 1001 Galli's }lfeothotlS a member of the Bayview Yacht rIed to the late Aelred, and IS sur- and nephew engll1eer 885-7290 9-6 Mon. Ihru Sat. Club and graduated from the Un! vived by a daughter, Janet Memonal contnbutlOns may be He IS surVIved by hIS \\1fe. ~rslty of l\l!chlgan where he \\ a'>a Danese. t\\O sons, Thomas and made to the Capuchm Commumty Helen, three sons. James, l\1lchael 119005 MACK J Blk. S. of Moross track star He wa<;also a member Paul, one sIster, 11grandchildren, Center, 1760 Mount Elhott, DetrOit and Christopher, foul' daughter~ the "M' Club and three great-grandchildren 48207 Nancy Siaubaugh, Diane Cro~,> PARKING IN REAR or Gall Ll\vak and Judene Gagnon I Mr Voelker IS survived by hI'> Interment Will be at St Mary's Interment was at Lake Forest and 11 grandchIldren \'{Ife, Cell:'<;te I Skrl~ zhl) and a Cemetery . Grand Haven, l\hch LIMIT 6 LaS. MemOrial contributIon,> may bi' LEAN ~Ister 'l\lr Voellcer \\a<; cremated made to the NatIOnal Kldne\ Evelyn Emerick Irving D. Bennett FoundatIOn or NatIOnal Assocla GROUND CHUCK .. $3.00 ServICes for Mrs Emenck, 80, of ServIces for Mr Bennett, 75, of tlOn for Patients on Hemoc!ldIV!>I" Homemade ~Michele Fisher Lundy 5t Clair Avenue, were held Wed- Clalrvlew Road, were held Tues- and Tran~plant PdlJents Koich nesday, June 5. at the A H Peters day, June 4, at the A H Peters Fu- Interment \\ as at WhIte Chapel Cemetery POLISH or ITALIAN SAUSAGE •$1.29 LB. ServIces for Mrs KOICh, 35, for- Funeral Home neral Home She died June 2 in her home merly of the Shores, lately of Lans- He dIed May 31 111 Bon Secours U.S.D.A. Choice Born 111 MIChigan, she was mar- Joseph M. DiSante mg, were held Thursday, May 23, HospItal ned to the late Stanley, and IS sur- Born m Michigan, Mr Bennett ServICes for Mr DISdnte bh, of NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS ••• $3.69 LB, at the Verheyden Funeral Home the POll1te, were held Thursdd\. :She died May 21 at St Lawrence Vived by two Sisters, Irene Delm was a memher of the CriSIS Club, and Beatnce Bllhnger Navlgator~ Club, DetrOIt Power MdY JO, at the Verheyden Funer ;\1 U.S.D.A. Choice I~ospltal. Lansmg l\lrs EmerIck \\as cremated Home and St Paul Church ,Born m Grosse Pomte. she ISsur Squadron, the DetrOIt Yacht Club BEEF TENDERLOINS .••..•.• LB. and the Shnners He died May 26 In ~t .John 1I0~PI $3.99 vlVPd by her husband, Sam KOICh, tal --- -=---PRODUCE ------=-=- t~o daughters, Sarah and MIchele Mr Bennett IS surVived by hiS Charles H. Ruh Born 111 WIChita, Kan. he was Lundy, two sons, Charles and Wife, Catherine, two daughters, owner of the Land D Tool Co c MIchael Lundy, her mother, Mrs ServICes for Mr. Ruh, 69, of the Kathleen and Cormne, and was HEAD LETTUCE ••.••••••.•..••.... 49 ea. 1\larv1I1R ;\nderson and one <;IS- Woods. were held Saturday, June 1. predeceased by two sons Lorne DetrOIt, for :15 ) ear~ lIe wa':> a FRESH SOUTHERN PEACHES , .. 49c lb. member of the Gro~~e POlllte tel' Joann!' Flsher-Taj lor at the A H Peters Funeral Home and Leonard SWEET FLORIDA CORN ...... ••.•..... 00 He dIed May 30 m Bon Secours Interment was at White Chapel Yacht Club, the German American 5/$1 IInterment was atHol) Sepulchre Club, St John'~ Men's Guild ,lI1d 9 00 ('emet(,1 \ HospItal Cemetery CUCUMBERS 5/ 1 Born 111 MISSOUri,he was a shIp Friends of Bon Secour~ lie \\ a<, s 00 pll1g and recelvmg manager for an dbo pa!>tpreSident of Ihe l\JatlOnal GREEN ONIONS 5/ 1 Agnes Anderson pngmeermg company Feme S. Elliott Tooling and Machlllmg A~~IlClat)(lI1 ServIces for l\lrs Andel ~on, B 3, Mr Ruh IS SUIvlved by hIS Wife, Services for Mrs Elhott, 87, at and was a veterdn at World Wdr II of the Farms, were held Saturday, Helen, two sons, Charles and the Farms, were held Tuesday, Mr DISante IS sun Ived hv Ius June I, the Verhe'vden Funeral James, and two grandchildren May 2B, at the Verheyden Funeral Wife, Eugema, two daughters. Home • Memorial contributions may be Home Robert LoCICero and Nancy Fan PARn~ PL41TERS She dIed Mav 29 m St John's made to the Multlple SclerOSIS As- She dIed May 24 In Detroit agy, a son, Joseph E , hiS mother, H • A-- '" "II c~( HospItal ' sociation or Peace Lutheran Born m Thurman, Iowa, she Tere~a DISante, two brother" and 8 e' • 5 I SC; C pest: $225 , n (;f~ <; • PO\i1 Sa?'d Born III Scolland she \\ as a res- Church predeceased by her husband, Regi- four grandchIldren s , • C ,0 H per person Ident of the Farms for mdny years Interment was at WhIte Chapel nald G, and IS surVIved by a CrematIOn was at For est La\~n S:l ..,14 • F-rp"tl Bi'l~"'1 8read Cemetery daughter, Barbara SchmItz, and Cemetery Mrs Anderson \\as the Widow of Prrces good thru 6.13.85


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Election of The Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System, Wayne County, MIchigan. WIllbe held ITALIAN ANTIQUE FURNITURE In "aHJ School DI"tnct on Monday, the 10th day of June A 0 1985 AND DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES THE P()LL~ elf" ELECTIO\; WILL BE OPEN FROM 7 00 O'CLOCK Let SUPREME > J i ~ - A 1\1 TO l\ on () CLOCK P 1\1 EASTERN DAYLlGHT TIME, ON Just Arrived From Italy So\TD ,JlJ\;E 10 IIn each • Cement Slab • Evaporator Coli Japanese FigUrines. Onglnal Oils from (,Ipetllm prpClnd 111 the School Dlslnct and are as follm\<; • Line Set • 5 Year Warranty Genoa, Italy. Icart DrYPolnt Etchings, Precll1ct A All \otpr!> m the CltV of Gros~e Pomte Park vote at • Thermostat on Compressor Bedroom Sets, Dining Room Sets, Plercp \ilddle School 1.'i430 Kercheval Lamps. Tables Desks, Mirrors and Much All \oter" 111 the elt\ of Gro<;<;ePOInte vote at Maire loRmp Table A 111Prl ....Wl V c I'recll1ct B lor_an Walnul Much More ------{.,lork rifl'nrh B e",r fl Elf'menldn ~chf)ol '740 Cadieux Ask About f ') relq J'\ 1rd Gnlf! c.. ... 1'1 ('C 111('I (' All \ oter" in the Clt, of Gros"e Pomte Farms votE' at an INTERRUPTA8LE 10% BUYERS PREMIUM Bro\l, nell \flddle School 260 Chalfonte SERVICE CHANGE With and Without Reserves Precinct [) All \ oter" m the CIty of Gros<;e Pomte \\ oods vote at and Save 25% 10 r',>t,>lr.guOC: et~ plu" nr."t",,,,r. P;. rccl~~ \1 :dd! ~ Sch~~! 2f\5()O!\fack 42% on ...... ,'C.Ao'~IV ~...... no.... oj tJvv.u~v Precinct E All voter<; 111 the To\\nshlp of Grosse P01l1te/VIlIage your AUCTIONEER FRANK H BOOS of Gro<;<;('POInte Shores vote at Vermer School ElectriC 8111s BuJlchng ~IlVerl1ler Hoad Re". $21900 PrC'cll1C'lF All \ otf'r<; In thf' elt) of Harper Woods portion of the RE-SELL-IT Gro<;<;ePomte Puhl1c Schof)1Sy<;tem vote at Poupard Elementary School. 206.'i'i Lennon Slpflmq Siver Many lie,'" ESTATE SALES Iial an Opnch HM

\ . ~ ... _ ... • .. .. • ...... t.4'.;..,'t. .._ ...... ~ .. Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 FAMULUS ENTERPRISES Shores holds line on taxes The Shores vLllage COlIllCllTues- complumt about a flooded base- day, May 28. ..ldopted ear budget that wLiI fmance porlions 01 the Village and trees $50,000 more III spendlllg With no were downed td'\ lIICredSe While trustee~ adopted the same Village trustee~ adopted a mil- tall. rate as last year, It won't raise LANDSCAPING AND LAWN SERVICE l..lgerate of S1b2:>for each $1,000of the same amount of money A drop 0 Gra" CUHlIlg \\~,d & f ~,d state ds~e!>:,edvalue. the :,dme rate III property values and adjust- 0 \Vllh hee fJglI\g $1700 1,'''11 "IHa\ a~ last veal' ments to assessments made by the $ (5 ()()i,) ,q hi \" llllO "1 il I 15 The "IJldge torecasts spendlllg board of review lopped $75,000 off $2 78 nuillon thIS hscal vear com- the money collected through pro- pared to $2 73 nllJllOn last year In- perty taxes, Kenyon said CALL 751-2306 credsed spendlllg on II.', mumclpal Other major expenditures thiS IIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\;, illlltlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll:III1t1\\lII'11111111111I11I11I1I1I court, financial adrmmstrahon, yCdJ' are the pay-off of back taxes public !>dfety depdrtment, buildll1g owed the Ed:,el & Eleanor Ford dnd grounds pdrk" and recreatIOn House totalmg $74,000 and fundlllg dnd IIlsur..lnce are expected lor replacement of radiO consoles The Shore:, \\ 111 spclId $110,000on for the publlc safety department "C\\ er projeds this) ear, accordll1g The Village rolled $36,000 off Its to \ i1lage Superintendent Michael fr mge benefit costs by havmg Its Kenyon \\ ork \\ rllll1c1ucte replace- penSiOn fund absorb the expense of ment 01pdrt of the Lakeshore Lane Ieliree medical beneflts, a praclice Scholarship winners "ewel and repair of a collapsed used III (Jther commul1ltLes, Kenyon sectIOn of pipe on Verlller at the ddded Patricia Roxas, center, and William Colwell, right, South High loot 01the mUl1Iclpal buddmg's fire The Village's fiscal year runs School seniors, were recently awarded $1,000 University of truck dnve\\ a V Irom Apnl to March Trustees Michigan Regents' Alumni Scholarships. Frances French, AllllOugn the village \I III :>pend adopted d budget lor Hlll:l-llb III South prinCIpal, presented the ceruiicau:5 dnd iil\:: Scholar- only half a:, much on :>ewer proj March, but the budget commIttee ships. ects thiS year as last to replace ItS has been worklllg to amend It be- detenoratmg mfr a:>tructure It IS fore sethng the tax rate stili on course lor Its planned rp- Trustees also found out the Vil- placement of se'Ncrage :lS well as lage ended Its last fiscal year m the U of D honors 2 Pointers :>treet:, and Sidewalks, Kenyon black by $6,000, not mcludmg an Former reSident Julie HarTIS Said .\\ e ha ve plotted ourselves a appropnahoTl of $101,000 from Its and Thomas F Russell of the COUI:,C and we are nght on tar- budget stabilizatIOn fund that get, ' he added Shores were among SIX persons wasn't needed thiS year, accordlllg who received the Umverslty of De- EVidence of the Village's Improv- to Village PreSident Gerald trOit's President's Cabmet Awards mg sewage system came after Fn- Schroeder at the 18th annual dll1ner at the day's heavy rams, which the vil- The Shores counCil approved an I • • All new prices! , Westlll Hotel May 18 lage public works department said appropriatIOn of $85,000 from the Ms Harns, a Park native, made 3 Eggs (any style). I • I I We ve rolled back the price on 1 II"-----.----~'I dumped 3 2 mches of ram on budget stablhzalLon fund to her Broadway debut in 1946 and StrtpS of almost every Item on our menu Shores streets Later that mormng, 3 Bacon • , balance thiS fiscal year's budget If has since won an unprecedented the Village had received only one I CriSPYHash Browns. latchen Nowyoucangetthesame I necessary five Tony awards She IS a regular delicIous food for much less I performer on the Hallmark drama- I Toast & Jelly. ~ I So come see us soon You II Corneast Cablevision plans repairs hc TV senes and other teleVision ... I love the food and the prices ~ shows. Russell IS chaIrman of the board • Comcast Cable VISIOnWill spend the fmal bids from contractors be- and chief execuhve officer of the more than $10,000 to replace a sec- OPEN 24 HOURS • COOKING JUST FOR YOU fore gOlllg to Iti:>corporate head- Federal-Mogul Corp. He was nam- ~----- tIOn of detenorated cable to Im------, quarters for fundmg, he added In 20195 Mack Grosse POint Woods • 1985 East Jefferson ed Michigan Industnahst of the Thomas F. Russell prove Its Signal to 15 homes along additIOn, ordermg electncal eqUIp- 15412 East Jefferson. 24301 East Jefferson Year He IS on the board of direc- Lakeshore in the Shores ment somelLmes results in delays Users Federahon and the Econo- tors of the Umted Foundation of Company director of governmnt One benefIt of placing the cable Metrop\.l .. ., .. .--.. .oqhnt...., ,1, , ment, which IS 12 feet Wide m some - REGULAR $39995 system, laid cable underground ... places and SIX feet Wide mothers, through wet spots Com cast, which Fitness programs offered SAVE $50 wITRADE-IN once It receives the permission took over the franchise last year, Bon Secours Hospital's Health pace An mdlvldua! exercise pre- from property owners, Detroit Edi- has to shoulder the full replace- and Fitness Center 10 5t Clair scnption ISdeveloped for each par- son and Michigan Bell, Ivey said ment cost, Ivey said Shores IS offermg two fitness pro- ticipant Altnough the easement IS heaVily TRADE-IN Grosse Pomte Shores IS part of grams for the summer: The deadhne for registration IS $34995 wooded and landscaped, the com- the ComCast system With Fraser June 15 All classes begm on June PRICE pany Will restore the easement to Fitness m Mohon - strengthen and St Clair Shores heart, lungs and Circulatory sys- 24 and meet three limes a week, for ItS ongillal state after laymg the Trustees granted Comcast the eight weeks, at the Health and Fit- cable, he added tem and tone muscles WIth simple nght to use the easement If the aerobIC dance steps ness Center, 22300 Bon Brae, west If all goes well, the company company receives the permiSSiOn of Jefferson, between 10 and 11 ~{(~ should complete the work wlthm of all affected partles and makes AerobiC Alternatives - for the MIle roads 19815 MACK, in Grosse Pointe Woods 881-6233 five to SIX weeks, Ivey said How- restoration after completIOn of the begmning exerciser Walk, bike or For limes and course fees, call ever, the company IS waltmg for work play aerobic games at your own 779-7040 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-4 - Sun. 10-2

CITY OF <&russe'ninle lJiarms MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION UNCLAIMED BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLE, MOPEDS, GASOLINE DRIVEN GOLF CART, JEWELRY, & MISC. OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT In accordance With the proviSIOns of SectIOn 11of Ordmance No. 184 and Sechon 252 of Act 300P A of 1949as amended Sec 157252 C L 1948 MSA 9, 1952, nohce IS hereby gIven that a pubhc auctlo~ sale of unclaimed bicycles, motorcycle, mopeds, gasolIne dnven golf cart, jewelry, & mlsc office furmture and eqUIpment Will be held on Satur- STILL FEATURING OUR LIVE day, June 8, 1985, at 9.30 o'clock m the forenoon at the Police Sta- MAINE LOBSTER SPECIAL tIOn, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pomte Farms, MY (Every Tuesday) All Items offered for sale Willbe available for mspectlOn between 9 00 a m and 9 30 a m on the day of the sale HAPPY HOUR DRINK SPECIALS 4-6 WEEKDAYS AND 10 TILL CLOSINGS Richard Solak LIVELY PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT GPN 6-6-85 City Clerk EVERY THURS ,FRI & SAT. EVENINGS Open Tues -Sat for Lunch & Dinner 11 AM .10 PM Fro & Sat fill Midnight - Lounge Open Till 2 A M 15402 MACK VAPEX- LATEX RAT Save Over $6/gal. corner of Nottingham In the Park HOOSE PAINT - (Mfg sug retail pnee) 881.0550 VALET PARKING CITY OF <&rnsse'ninle mnn~s MICHIGAN WHITE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City CounCil Will be consldenng • Luxunous low sheen finish • Controls bl stennq the follOWingprop


Proposed Ordmance to Amend Title VIlJ Chapter to, Sectlon S.10 Io-(C) of the City Code of the C'lty of Grosse Sale- {'nds Pomte Woods of 1975Entlt1pd Fences, To ReqUire A Fee June 22 Cr- ropraCllC ulljleG iI stnY"llHal appT0ach 10 ma~ntam a healthy of $7500 Payable to thE:'CIty for Pubhc Heanng Notice body Thp o:;plr'le ml st m~lntam nNmal blomechanlcal move fropnllo be heallhy Normal blomochan,cal movoment pnla Is urreslr cled and pamlee.s mollo..., In all dl'recll0n.:;. of bendIng Propo"ed OrdlOance to Amend Title IV, Chapter 8, Sec- tho npck mid back and lowp, back Abnormal motion leads tIOn 4-8-5of the C'lty Code of the City of Grosse Pomte to prematurE' Jo,nland d ,c degenerallon of Ihe sp,ne TnlS also Woods of 1975Entitled "Auto Parkmg Lots" to ReqUIre &Mt=()WH, PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Ipads 10symploms such", low back and leg pa,n neck and ",m pol n headaches d'll,nes, elr wh,ch surface due to the A Fee of $7,'}00 Payable to the City for Pubhc Heanng rrlfallon of the nerves musclf!S and Ilgamenlc; 0' Ihe Sp ne 1\JotlCe ~- 881.9760 Abnormal ,pinal movpmenl " detected vIa a mollon palpat,on pxam,nal on which can pa~lly detecl sp nal problems , ~ 19849 Mack Ave. Corner of Huntmgton • Grosse Pointe Woods firouqt'lf 10 ..,"ll as ~ ('ommUl'11.,..sorv <:~ hy Dr Dav d Ji'lntz I' you hav" Chester E. Petersen

.. ';Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FIfteen-II ------~ p------~I COUPON I 1$300 OFF! Jhieldl I ANY LARGE PIZZA I BAR Co I With Coupon Only - 6 1385 I flashed between the "Hcdd 01 cl , The IIsl~ made It more exclt- Girl" by Johanlle~ VCIlIlPCI Jlld mg," ~Uld Philip Anglewlcl, a fifth GIANT WIDE.SCREEN T.V. - VIDEO GAMES Andy WarhoJ'~ pop art '1\Lu 11.1'11 gl dder ,.It was lun to pick out the PttttRJR ------Monroe" pleturr;, " 18696 Mack Avenue • 885.9040 Each cla~s Wd~ gIven cI PIIV3t(' 'All III Ihe Cla;,~room" volun Open Monday Saturday 11 ani 2 a fIl Sunday 1 pin I1l1dnlght vlewmg of the gallel y AI t!l('d \\ Ith leer~ \1l'I'P on hand III the gallel y to hst~ of IdentJfyll1g chclradet I~tle,> encourdge and stImulate con vel '>a the student!> exammed the pnnh tIOn gem ed to the chrlch en \ gl ade and matched them to the de'>cllp level tlOns on the It~t~ Wp tI..,ked them to look at the S90t\TS ON THE "l~~ ptlll1tll1g~ ,llld tl ~ to undel'-,I,llld 1\IlJl thp 011 Iht wa" ~tlYJllg." ..,tlld \ o]unLpPf Kan'n Illll FATHER'S DAY SALE 1'hp\ dOli I h,n e to like ..,h0\1 19 Kercheval coI..,cd

AI I III the Cld'>SIoom" volull leell-t found Imaglllalive \1a~ ~ to help the youngstci ~ look dt drt 1\ om holdmg the Pc1l11tltlg~ lIp~lde do\\ II to pi oVldmg sCls~or~. glue, He mayor may not like it, but first-grader Ryan Rupprecht is giving this artwork his Intense scrutiny Pdlllt dnd papel so they .could cn'dte their own ..11 t Bob Hllnbo I)) ought a !-ohnmp to the clas;, when Eric Doelle awarded Lake scholarship he pre~el1ted "The Shrimp GII'I" h\ The 1985 reCipient of the annual dent of the Year m German, for HIS other achvlhe" IIlciude pld\ \\'lllldll1 BogaJ th You care about your child s future - and so do wel John Lake scholarship, named 111 earnlllg straight A plus grades III mg trumpet In South's Symphon~ The program was modeled aftel 1ft II \\ r )f U III (1( .. Uj>Ulq \( J • I j ItJI pt [( r (Ill ,\ t l'lpif rrJ( r r [I I J 1 11 honor of the late executive director four years of German language and Jazz bands, bemg on the bolse- the natIOnWIde "Picture Lady" 'Ii 'I YoulhEnrlchmentServlceslYESI Ilrr 1I,'ler,,, .1' II' ( "'I "I' of the Grosse Pomte War !\Ie studIes ball team, and partlcipatmg 111 the program "We renamed our pro rr j ,II if j r / I l I' r l' r I J If H YES (II r monal, IS 17-year-old EriC Doelle, Key Club, the JUlllOI Km am<; 01 g.l llIlatlOn Oriented 10 commul1lty gl am 10 bettel descnbe what \~e r I a June graduate of South lI1gh are II) mg to dccomp"~h," s,lld School service He abo did \'o!lIllleel ("11 01 01 , I r • YFS tutoring dt Rlrhal tI and pi", l"1 Homano, coordmatol , Doelle. who pldns to become a J)pJl'! ., progl dill 'I'hlrtel'll \(JllIll " pediatriCian. \\ III apply the $1.000 bdsketball and !M')ebdii ,It thl' JlJf l ! jrl III! j ~r n I J/ I r, [' l I Neighborhood Club Prim 10 South. tPl'l'" flom tlll' (Ornmulllt\ took II ~ ",' 'award tOWelldills tlllllOn at 1\1Ichl- j J \ I ~ hi) 1111 I ~ I I I \ r pdrt m two tramll1g se'i<;lon~ at r I l I ! I ( j 'I I \ I I' • r . gan State Umverslty he was a ~tudellt at RIChdl tI and Defer They were given a manual "', III I ( " "He's an excellent scholarship Brownell , H r I( r! I' I r I "r I J f \q J (11 ( ,,\ "We plan to have two mOl e .John \\ Itll gUldelmei'> and sugge,>lcd ,,: chOIce," sdld Theresa Lloyd, hIS pI e~entdllOll lechlllques. tlnd d~ Youth Enrichment Services Inc Neighborhood Club Lake scholarship benehls one 1Il Nfl I I (,,, H r 'Hi' )11 '(' 1 I r() V 1H fH ( (Jf' and Steve 1I1g slogan "When you're walklll' Wmners in a recent safety slogan contest at Poupard are, from &~:t()WH, PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. , Castamen. Sandel'" Chae Julia and talkm'. look both wav" hf>fnre left, Kris Tortomasl, lynne Pochmara, Scott Semple, Richard VanEt- FerriS and Carol) n ~C) del at \\ It cros'>lll', don't act cool 'cause ten, Anthony Koerber and Michael Novilke; in the back left, is Princi. 881.9760 llesses that's not the rule ' pal Jim Cooper with Superintendent John Whritner. 19849 Mack Ave. Corner of Huntington • Grosse POinte Woods

CITY OF <&rOlilie 'l1int.e 'ark MICHIGAN Grosse Pointe's z; NOTICE OF LAST DAY FOR FILING Oldest NOMINATING PETITIONS FOR CITY OFFICES Food Marlcet VERBRUGGE'S ::~~~1ri.!, Nommal lllg pet IlIon" 101 Ihe followmg Clly offices must be filed \\ Ilh 17328 MACK at ST. CLAIR ~~~~~E:~~R~ the fit) Clcrh. b\ 4 110P:\1 on Tuel-tday .• June 18, 1985' FREE DELIVERY 885-1565 410400 ~ :\L\YOR t~;/'~'~~ ) THHEE COlJNCILi\n::"J I~<' ~ fj:'1 (COLBY) USDA FRESH CHICKEN BREASTS ~ ;\Jl'f'J('[PAL .JUDGE ~ :.,~>C " + I STORE CHOICE/PRIME 1.39 LB. , PctltlOn fmlm "I (' ,1\ ,1I1,II)lcat Ihe offIce of Ill(' CIty Clerk 15115East "---I .Jeffel'ion A\ PI11](' (~ro..,,,e POllltC Park, MIchIgan 4B2.l0 Phone THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CHEESE T-BONE STEAK IMPORTED -., •• .' B22fi200 AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENT SLICED $3.89 LB. DOORMAN'S ' ~, ~)" N.J. Ortisi OPEN BABY '1 ~ ;0 ,.... ,.~ °i City Clerk WITH A PRECISION TUNE or by SWISS CHEESE If", • ("- TUNE.UP £, OIL CHANGE DOMESTIC THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM ), cJhu~K BOILEDHAM $2 69 LB ,. \ ' iI NOTICE TO BIDDERS • . \ ~ -:7) TU~~.- ...UP ~~ .OIL CHANGE $2.29 LB. $1• 89 LB. LEAN TENDER iv/ The Boal dot t' flIH'atlOl1 of Ihe Glo.,.,e FOlloW I'uIJI.L Sd"",l ~-""tCI" hcrpbv 111\ Ilc<, till' ,-uhml"'-Ion of <'c,lled I)](l" for HAMBURGER MArtiNA lED BEEF $~_cOO7"*1388 USDA CHOICE/PRIME FROM SHISH KABOBS CO!\Il\I()J)OIU<: (,1 \IT< !lOCOl\lPUTEHS AND PERIPHERALS 4 OFF .:5-.. WffI,,, Coupoe PORTERHOUSE STEAK GROUND $2.99 LB. brd') \1III he rpCPI\ cd lint tl 2 00 P m on the 19th day of ,June, 19B5 at WfThls Coupon ."'";"':"' Exp 61385 BEEF VERBRUGGE'S FAMOUS the ofl]('c 01 thc ~UI){'rvl"or of Purchasmg 311lJ St Clair Avenue, Gro%e Exp 6-13 85 '\",:: ~ POintp, :\llchlgan 4fl210. at winch Illne and place all bId" Will be public- .. ~ .<:} ;Jt'.. CHUCK "FIST THICK" ly opened and read BHI forms ma~ be obtaln£'d at the offIce of the 3 LBS. FOR STUFFED PORK CHOPS L. $4 19 Supervisor of Purc ha~lng 'I he right to reJeet any and/or all bId'> Il-t " "(-..JI~(.. • ,~. ,., JI r--f1 ,~,,) " ," LB 'f\ ~. $ $1 89 LB. r('..,pnpd \Il~ Illd 'illbllllttCrl \\ III be bllldlllg for thIrty days sub"c ~

, ; ".•_j - • $ 5 p P' PC

Thursday, June 6, 1985 Page SIxteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------,------,-,------Stress workshop Learn techl1lques to aVOid the III ~. ~AII.t~ effects of stress In a three-day workshop at Cottage Hospital SessIOns Will be held on Tuesday, ~. EAST SIDE ~ June IB, 25, and July 2, 1 P m to 4 pm, m the Nurses' Residence at the rear of the hospital parking lot, EATERY AND SPIRITS 159 Kercheval Ave Participants 10 the "You Can Control Stress" workshop Will Sail into I.R. early's n ~learn to manage stress through lec- ~ I For a Guarontee tures, diSCUSSIOnsand small group sessIOns ~ GRADE NO BULL Enrollment IS limited A $15 fee -K IS charged Call 884-8600,ext 2390 V2 LB. GROUND ROUND to make rest'rva!lons C OPEN FACE PRIME 99 Vacation Bible RIB SANDWICH 95 10 oz. PRIME RIB 5595 classes offered $3 DINNER . First English Lutheran Church, BOOVermer Road, Will offer Vaca- FLOAT YOUR BOAT DRINK SPECIALS tIOn Bible classes from June 17 through June 21 18695 Mack St::>:>lUII::. '" ill oe hdJ il-luuJd,Y CocktaU Hour Grosse Pointe Farms Nexllo through Friday from 9 to 11 30a m ,i 2 pm -6 pm Thomas Dallv activIties Will Include Bible 10 pm.1 am 885-9040 Hardware stories, crafts, songs, games and I Jj refreshments Enrollment ISopen to all children Photo by Joe Gala c", from ages 3 to sixth grade Fee IS$5 The 16 winners of the AAUW's Pens for Peace writing contest were honored recently at Grosse Pointe per child or $12 50 for families With MemOrial Church Fellowship Hall. Shown above are Nell Shine, Free Press senior managing editor and three or more chlldren Registra- columnist, the two top winners, Mara Vorhees, eighth grade winner from University Liggett, and Court- tion can be made by calling the ney Whitehead, seventh grade winner from Pierce Middle School, and Sheila Ossnn, project chairman. church office at 8B4-5040 AAUW honors writing contest winners Armed robbery The Amencan A~soclatlOn of Top honors m the seventh grade possible by an Issue Implementa- attempt fails Umverslty Women, Grosse Pomte diVISIOnwent to Courtney White- tion Grant from the EducatIOnal Branch, held a speCial recogmtlOn head, Pierce Middle School; sec- Foundation of the AAUW, wa~ to An attempted armed robbery at ceremony recently at Grosse ond, Scarlett Lacey, University stimulate young people to examme Sme Realty on Mack 111 the Farms Pomte Memonal Church Fellow- Liggett; third, Amy Stephens, Our the issue of peace and how It failed when the would-be thief ship Hall to honor the winners of Lady Star of the Sea Honorable relates to them, in theIr personal changed hiS mmd and fled the Pens for Peace wrlllng contest mention winners were: Steve Bal, lives, in the community, on the A man walked mto the office on The contest was open to seventh Our Lady Star of the Sea; Eric world scene. May 28 and asked if they were hir- and eighth grade students In the David, Umversity Liggett; Jim Also another was to change any mg Told to consult the owner, he Grosse Pomte School DIStflCt Campagna, III, Pierce Middle perception they might have that pulled a kmfe and said, "I want School, Anna Francis, Pierce Mld- 5 YR. LABOR WARRANTY ON Sheila Osann, project chaIrman, peace is dull and paSSive, that war your money," accordmg to police and DetrOIt Free Press senIor man- die School; Jenmfer Kalmmk, IS dramatic and excitmg Inherent COMPRESSOR BY FLAME FURNACE reports. Pierce Middle School. UP TO 10.2 S E.E.R. agmg editor and columnIst Neal in the project, too, is the thought He forced a woman employee to Shme, who dehvered an address on Mrs Osann noted during the pro- that peace-makmg and peace- MODEL 561D check the safe, whlch turned out to "Words are Magic," offiCiated at gram that 246 entries from eight keeping skills are valuable tools, ~ AIR CONDITIONER ...... be empty He left the office and fled the presentatIOn of cash pnzes, pla- schools were received and that the worth perfectmg for commumty on foot , . ~ Free Estimates, 2 Yr Parts WalTllnty by • ques and certificates to the top quality of the essays was outstand- good and mdividual justice • Flame Fumace Police are lookmg for a black essayists mg Contestants had a choice of three male m hiS late 20s, about SIXfeet The WInner m the eighth grade "You never outgrow your need to themes: Peace' Its Meanmg, Wo- tall and welghmg 180 pounds WE ALSO FEATURE A BRYANT FURNACE diVISIOnwas Mara Vorhees, UnI' wnte well," she said, "Whether men in History' Their Efforts Tow- WITH UP TO 97% EFFICIENCY verslty Liggett, second, Molly you are writing a 'thank you' note ards Peaceful SolutIOns, and Re-, Maycock, Umverslty Liggett, for a birthday gift, a term paper for solving Conflicts Peacefully' Class reunion third, Maureen Yap, St Paul's science, or a resume for a job, Rather Than Violently The Judg- The January and May classes of The honorable mentions for thIS those who are able to communicate ing criteria were creative expres- 1935 of Detroit Northeastern High grade level were' Heather Bots- skillfully have a tremendous ad- sion, feelings and emotions, use of FLAME School Willhold a 50-year class reu- ford, Grosse Pomte Academy; vantage over those who do not. The research, essay structure, basic nion July 13 at the Pol1sh Century Richard Martm, Our Lady Star of wmners here tonight have a firm language skills. Club In Detont the Sea, Julie NiChols, Brownell foundation in this craft and deserve Parents and teachers were m: FURNACE For more mformatlon, call Middle School, DaVid Sengstock, warm congratulatIons," vlted to Jom the students and George Marston at 525-3636or Jean Our Lady Star of the Sea, Stephan- The major purpose of the Pens AAUW members at the recogmtlon Gilbert at 885-2159 Ie Vitltoe, Brownell Middle School for Peace project, which was made ceremony and reception.

It's lean It's sleek It's the look you want. It's the look you get .. only 2 YEARS FOR THE at VIC Tanny, Because only Vic Tanny gives you PRICE OF THE the finest facilities, the best equipment, dedI- FIRST YEAR ALONE cated instructors and a profeSSional fitness program that works. '~~ DR 2 PEOPLE FOR It's aUyou neect. And ~" THE PRICE OF 1 It'S all yours now at Vic Tanny ... the world's No 1 health club chain JOin now and get 2 years for the price of the first year alone, or 2 people for the prIce of 1 Get the look you want, The look that says Vic Tanny. Call today!

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I FINALDAVS Hurry •••membership rates increase June 12th ~I

f ", June 8, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen.A ., ------


Then day trip In case of ram, the event Will be I Install efficiency, moved indoors Grosse Pointe students who will Advance reservations, in person secure ,our hOme be in grades 7-10 next fall are eligi- or by mail, are requested to insure ble to join the War MemOrIal's trIp Attractive PC GlassBlock replacement basement Windows cut energy that the proper accommodations costs and serves as an almost Impenetrable barrier against Intruders to Waterford Oaks Park, a park Will be made. For more informa- which features a wave pool and A PC GlassBlock .window unil seals out cold and burglars while pro- tIOn, call the War MemOrIal at 881- Viding insulation so that you may qualify for a 15% energy tax credit water slide. 7511 On Wednesday, June 26, the bus For effiCiency, beauty, security and privacy In one G - i ! will leave the Center at 10a.m. and easy installation, contact us today I .1 VISA I return at 4 p m. A ram date IS Senior recital Yoor family deS8Mls It. -==-' s.cheduled for the following day, DaVid E Butzu, a senior at Unt- , . . Glass Block Sales Moo s~IIJa.~~'8-5 June '1:1. verslty Liggett School, Will per- •• 22701 Wood Street-Off 9 Mile at 194 The $12.50 cost per person in- form selections on the plano and • St Clair Shores MI • Phone 778-6330 cludes transportation, admiSSIOn VIOlinMonday, June 10, in the Up- ticket and two tickets for the water per School audItonum of ULS, 1045 slide Students can brmg their own Cook Road, at 7.30 p m lunch or purchase food at the park. He has been playing the piano There are no refunds and permis- since he was 31l years old and he is sion slips are required. currently studying With Mischa War MemOrIal program director Kottler In Apnl 1985, he took the Jan Arndt says that the trip IS a highest prize m the Tuesday direct response to parents who ~1US1C:llcof DetrOIt's .\nnu.11 Schol !.Jr. N•.-H_l have expressed concern that arshlp Competition "there's just not enough fun and AdmISSIOn IS free And It'. wholesome things for teens to do during the summer." We've Got It To make thiS trIP, and future One-man show trips successful, however, Mrs. In celebratIOn of the 300th birth- Fitting Arndt adds that she will need day of Johann Sebastian Bach, the parental aSSistance Anyone who East RegIOn Catholic Musicians Out can help by chaperoning ISurged to will present James Hamman In call the Center at 881-7511 There IS "Old Bach: A One Man Show" no fee for chaperones. Prepared and performed in the Sale z- style of Henry Fonda and Hal Hol- CI•• rance OR: Sperry Top Sid,,, S'locttd S,yl .. 25% 10 40% oK 0 Glk Democrats meet brook, Hamman will portray Ware I Foul Weal~er Gear I Clocks. Barometers I QuaHI)I Bra" DUDfalor events m the hfe of J S Bach The Pleell'S • Framed Prlnll by Monlagut'! Ollwlon Congressman George Crockett, program will be held Monday, June who represents the CIty and the N... Th~ S••• on: Spons", ear For Men and Women _ Framed Challl 10, at 8 p.m at St Gertrude • Tole Bags. Accessories. I Oll Lamp. _ Framed toe.1 PhOlos Park, Will be the featured speaker Church, 28839Jefferson between 11 of the Grosse Pomte Democratic Mile and 12 Mile roads. AI.... V. On H.nd: Officl.l Ch." As,n' for Amtrlcon ond C.nodlon Club meeting Sunday, June 9, from Chens and Publlcadons • Na\llgallonal rnstrument' • Fine Glh. rot Caplaln AdmiSSIOn IS $3 and tickets are end erN' • Powe-r Squailron and Coast Guard AUldliary Rrq\llr,d Meltrlal 3 to 5 p.m The meeting will be held available at the door at the Grosse Pointe Unitarian • FilS' and Burg:e.$ lor All Occ•• lons Church, Maumee and St. Clair. 19605 MACK' GROSSE POINTE WOOOS, MI • 882-1340 IlTWUH 7 ANa, MU ROADI ..,_~ A fee of $7 pays for refreshments Infant health HOUOII MON -TIfUfII 10,5 f" '0,0 a.\T '0" ~' and membership m the Grosse The DetrOit/Wayne County In- Pomte Democratic Club. Bruce L The Sunshine Boys fant Health Promotion Coalition Sanders, president, will conduct a Will sponsor a Walk for Infant brief business meeting prior to ... has been extended to June 16 at the Attic Theatre, Third ' Health on Father's Day, Sunday, Congressman Crockett's presenta- and West Grand Boulevard. The cast of the Nell Simon comedy June 16, from 8 a m to noon on tion. The theme of the congress- Belle Isle man's talk will be American includes Loretta Higgins, at the left, Whit Vernon and Rube Weiss. For ticket information, call 875.8284. The purpose of the walk-a-thon IS foreign policy problems - particu- to Increase community awareness \\\\1 WEATHER larly and Nicaragua and participation and to raise The general public is invited to the beauty of the Enghsh gardens Children~sfun day money to expand servICes provided attend and the colorful country houses by the coahtlOn's 961-BABY hot- ~.~~\\\\\\\Il1l11ll//!I~.r~ The speaker has traveled ext en- set at Center hne, an information and referral English gardens sively through Europe but hIS real service. love IS England Each year he re- The War Memonal green over- For more mformatlon, call 222- Charles Chevalier will speak to turns to England to travel In the ..$- BUY NOW ~~ the Men's Garden Club on English countryside, viSit fnends and to lookmg Lake St Clair Will ex- 0300 or 876-4667 :=> Gardens and country ouses study the landscaping and houses, penence a metamorphosIs Sunday, AT FLAME ~ Thursday June 13, at Brownell which are such umque expressIOns June 9, from 1 to 4 pm. when It Will GP Singles Middle S~hool, 260 Chalfonte at of English SOCialand aesthetiC hIS- be tdranisfodrmed Into a children's FURNACE ~ won er an f, 7:30 p.m Guests are welcome. tory. Ch ld 'F D d Dr Alexander Blam III Will be ~ 'r I It ISalso Ladles Night and a hor- He was educated at Cranbroak I ren s un ay, geare es- the featured speaker Friday, June ticulture show will follow the pro- School and attended both the Um- peclally for the 8 and younger set, 7, at 7 pm when the Grosse Pointe f{' • gram. Coffee and cake will be serv- verslty of Principia and MIChigan wil ~ncIude pony ndes, the ball Smgles meet m the library of the AIR CONDITIONER ~ d dur ng the show ancL~,}oreQdQJitl and hiS- era ....1, moonwalk, a pocket lady War Memonal. ~war~'wi1IDe presetlte~ ~~llF"I'imllf'l~a~JiMJs'aff in:"-With an' apron' full: of. surprtses, Dr. Blain is a published poet and ~~.==- ..~...,-r-lnstal/.ed$1295' -:E author, sportsman, world traveler Chevalier is a distinguished pho- the Mount Clemens Community helIUm balloons, a .pamted-faces ::;;:. ~4~~ as low as ;::::: tographer and his slides enhance Schools lady to apply whimSICal make-up, and prominent surgeon ... 1OoiiOi~;;"";;;;;;'; ..... -. ~;,;;;;;;,;;,;; -,;;,-,, --, games of SkIll and chance, Rasco Members will receive mforma- ftl the Clown, and more tlon about the June 11th meeting of ~~ ~ 0 5.Y8ar warranty on Compressor - m 7a: o'-oio. ...~~ In~ludlnll Labor by Flame Furnace A::o.. CITY OF wrOSSt .jpointt ~arms MICHIGAN The tickets, which are $5 each for the Let's Talk group and the V4"J"A~ kids 2 to 8 years old, cover all June 15th outdoor barbecue to be NOTICE OF LAST DAY events AdmiSSIOn for children held m the members' homes Ci~ .~:;:~~;~TES~'( .. under two ISfree and they may par- A post-meetmg afterglow dance FOR FILING NOMINATING PETITIONS t1clpate, also There is no admis- Will be held at the Jefferson Yacht FOR CITY OFFICES slOn charge for adults and older Club. 24504 E Jefferson, St. Clair children who WIl! want to come NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the City Charter and along to aSSIst the younger ones Shores, at 9 30 P m with hve musIc the Michigan ElectIon Law of 1964, as amended, Tuesday, June 18, Children who are a little older are of the Doug DI Mana duo 1985IS the last day for fl1mg Nommating Petitions for the followmg welcome to partiCipate, but there Grosse Pomte SIngles is a diver- SIfied Smgles Group (39 and up) of- City Offices. \\ III be a $5 charge for them, too fermg a varIety of activIties for the FOUR (4) COUNCILMEN For those who want to make a smgle person In the commumty day of It, food and refreshments ONE (l) MUNICIPAL JUDGE For more mformation, call w1IIbe ava1lable at a nommal cost 882-0316or 445-1286 Petitions will be received by the City Clerk untIl 4 00 P m on Tues- day, June 10, 1985

RICHARD G. SOLAK GPN 6/6/85 & 6/13/85 City Clerk SALES CENTER NOW OPEN TttE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Education of the Grosse PolOte Pubhc School System hereby mVltes the submiSSIon of sealed bIds for

PRINTING OF STUDENT NEWSPAPERS CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING ~ bids will be receIved untIl 2-00 p.m on the 18th day of June 1985at the offICeof the Supervisor of Purchasmg 389St Clair Avenue, Grosse STARTUP Pointe, MIchigan 48230,at which time and place all bids Will be public- ~Our factory trained service ly opened and read Bid forms may be obtamed at the offIce of the D"~ teCflr'lIClanS Will be radiO ~IND~OOD Supervisor of Purchasing The fight to reject any and/or all bids IS .,I ~ dispatched to your home reserved. Any bid submitted will be blOdlng for thirty days subse IIiiiIJ and will perform the follow quent to the date of the bid opemng. mg services where ap pllcoble POINTE Board of EducatIon o I 'he blower molor Grosse POinte Public School System 2 Check blower belt for tension Ernest Buechler and wear G P N 6-6-85 Secretary 3 C'"leck air filters NEW LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 4 Air clean the cOr'ldenslng cell 5 011the cor deming motor Located at 24212 Jefferson Avenue, 6 Start unll 1/4 mde north of 9 Mile 10 St. Clair Shores, MIchigan. CITY OF MICHIGAN 7 Check ond record starting amps

t ' ------~------~---_. I ...... ".... ,~;...._...... ,...--.....,.., ...... -...... -...... '- ...... ------._----_ ...._------~,..-...------~..

Page Elghteen.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 ' Exchange Club gives support to Park police The Exchange Club of Grosse ventlon activIties Our club IS most p.l~t s('veral )ears The local E,- Pointe/St. Clair Shores recentlv pleased to assist our local police change chapter IS part of the Na- donated funds to the Grosse POinte departments 111 an~ \\ a~ po~slble m lIonal El\change Club \\ IHCh con- Park Pollee Department to help 111 tillS cause" :>IStSof local clubs throughout the their efforts In the fmgerprmtmg of The Exchange Club of Grosse LJllIted States dnd Puerto RICO grade school children and other Pomte/St Clair Shores meets 101' Each club serve:> the COmmllllllJes crime prevention activities breakfast meetmgs ed.l) by helpmg those \\ho are less 101'- Accepting the check on behalt 01 mormng at 7 30 at Gilbert's Res tunate than oth('r~ with mum em Ihe Park Pollee Department was taurant all Harper Avenue m St phdSIS on the prevention ot child Sgt. Randy Kane The check pre. Clair Shores Club member~ hear d dbuse, Cillne pn,'\ entlOll and sentatlon took place on the guest speaker concernmg tOPiCS 01 Amencall cltlzensillp "Poulter's With Prost" TV pro. II1terest III the commul1Ity gram produced by Grosse Pomte For more IllformatlOn about the Cable TV The sho.... IS hosted b\ club or for membership mformd' Park Councilman John Prost . tlOn. call :\hh.e He~ nold:, at 271 First petroleum discovered m Exchange Club President Paul 5080 thiS countn \\ as u.'.ed bv the In- Mumma said "one of the mam PUI' The local club hal> pal tlclpated m d13n:, as d' sort of salve to cure poses of the Exchange Club move. other cmne pre\ entlon activit Ie:>III whatever White men then bottled ment IS to assist 111 the preventiOn the Grosse Pomte Hdrper \\ ood:-- It and sold It under the name of Sen- DennIS Loffreda, at the left, poi;ts his camera at Kevin Granger, Paul Mumma, president of the Ex- of child abuse and other cnme pre. and St Clall' Shm es dl ed OVCI the eca all for as much as $20 a quart change Club, Sgt Randy Kane and John Prost. Candidates use League forum to highlight disagreements

+r...1", ~C",-..rt • "' ,nh ,., J(\ ,." Y'Y'\ "'T"l By :\1ikc .\ndrzcjczJ k pC::C:1ts the heur lor:.~ .'-" 0 J t'" .. the rcc.:1!!, bchc" ...r:e; :! tG ~~ ~r..~p She d1~PUt02d th~t, sq.) ~:1b there hC::ld ::;.nd shoulders ~bDvr ethers Four hopefuls seekmg two open- program Channel 11 propnate use of the recall mechtudents m the SIX through ItS acquIsitIOn and use of mgs on the Board of Education More than 70 people attended the After their three-mmute openmg I~m cltle.':> in the system that could eqUIpment Mrs Marr Said she June 10 took some of the qUiet out forum 111 the War l\Iemonal's Cry statements. the candidates fielded Buechler wa~ one ot the targets benefit from the program wasn't sure how 10 respond to the of this year's campaign at the stal Ballroom. lIlcludlllg school \\ Iitlen questlOn~ from the audI- of the recall, blOught on by the The candidates were asked what questIOn 1\11'.':>Pangborn said the League of Women Voters Forum board trustees Fred -\dams, ence The four used theIr opelllng ~chool board's vote to close Barnes they would do to fill the high system hasn't dlstnbuted eqUIp- Tuesday night, May 28, at the Dorothy Kennel and Calhenne statements to list their qualifica- School and move the Sixth-graders ~chooli> as enrollment declines ment fairly, With some PTOs forc- Grosse Pomte War Memonal Bnerly. \\ hose deCISion not to seek tiOns and reasons for runlllng for mto the middle school He added work their way mto the secondary ed to raise money III order to buy re-electIOn assures one ne\\ fale on the school board that With all that ha~ happened schools equipment for their schools A Although they agreed more than the board Also 1Il attendance \\ el e The first queshon tor the candI- ~ll1ce the reorgaml.dtlOn, he knows Anderson saId he would like to more equitable dlstnbutlOn of they disagreed, candidates Carl board PreSident Joan Hanpeter dates was whether they supported hiS deCISion to support It was a see the system better market ItS eqUipment and programs IS one of Anderson. Dr Ernest Buechler, and Supermtendent John Whntner last year's attempted recall of good one product m order to draw more the thmgs she Will work for, she Carol Marl' and Cindy Pangborn The forum was Videotaped by three board membel s Mrs Pangborn said she support- students to the high schools Buech- added set some verbal barbs III their op. Grosse POlllte Cable and Will be Anderson said he did not support ed the nght to recall elected of- leI' said the board has developed a On the seven.penod day, Mrs ftCials, because the power of recall JOint program With Harper Woods Pangborn said although It gave stu- IS allowed for m state law schools to allow students m one dls- dents an opportulllty to take Mrs Man said that although she tnct to take courses m the other on classes they otherwise wouldn't didn't support recall, she felt the an at-cost ba~ls have taken, the board faIled to commulllty should have had a nght 1\1rs Marl' said one of the pOSSI- evaluate the program whtle It was Watch for to vote on reorgamzatlOn blllties IS to move central admlms- operatmg, thus leavmg bugs In the KAMINSKI the The current representative form tratlOn functIOns Illto one of the program South, she added, actual- of government IS changing to a l11gh schools and vacate the St ly has an elght-peflod day because CHIROPRACTIC "CONNECTION" more participatory form, she said, Cla11' offICes of its "zero-hour" schedule addmg deCISIOns that directly af- PICklllg up on that, Mrs Pang- Buechler said the seventh periOd A Few Spinal Related Conditions fect a large segment of the com- born saId the dlstnct needs to con- gIves students a chance for more mumty should be put to a referen- Sider elimma tlllg the St Clair cen- flexible schedulmg, but the system • Leg, Arm, Backpain • Headaches dum tral ofhces because of the high needs to momtor low-abIlity stu- • Neck and Shoulder Pain • Migraines When asked why the commumty energy and mallltenance costs dents who overload themselves by should elect wise trustees If they The dIstrict also needs to keep m takmg the seventh class • Arthritis/Brusitis • Asthma are gomg to put the tough questIOns mllld about the sale and lease of Its Mrs Marl' said she thought there • Nervous Tension • Allergies Caring to the electorate, Mrs Marl' said other properties and should review was value to the program, but It trustees do more than struggle current agreements to make sure needs to be evaluated to address Professionals With the tough questIOns Trustees the distnct IS getting a fall' return some of the concerns of faculty of are halsons of commUlllcatlOn be. for Its expense overloaded students and less c1ass- working tween the system and the commun. In the sharpest exchange of the time of diSCUSSions and science ex- Ity, she added evemng, Buechler said the dlstnct peflments. together only one leased one property Mrs Anderson said the seven-periOd for better People have a nght to respond Pangborn rebutted, notmg the day was an excellent opportunity directly on deCISIOns that affect system had three lots currently for students to add a class they nor- them, she added d d C d health care Buechler retorted that board lease to the Farms an Ity an mally wouldn't have been able to FRANKS WIENER SHOP (I. received no money from meter take. He told the audience that his A Quality Meat Shop members are elected 'as represen- revenues the cIties make In addl- son opted thiS school year for a tatlves of the commumty to make tlOn, the distnct leases those pro. seventh-class at North, whIch 775-1991 the tough deCISIOns The board perties for a nominal fee pleased the famdy Because of hiS 25300 Jeffefson (2 blks. N. of 10 Mile) spent months hstemng to reSidents Buechler retorted that although academiC load next year, he won't HOURS: T.F 8:30.6:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00.6:00 p.m. before It made Its reorgamzatlon the proportles were leased for a take the seventh class, Anderson deCISion, ~e added . small price to the mumclpahtles, said of hiS son. All Gandi.dates,agl:~stI'-lGt,..4he system received snow'remova1 "Three''''M tM \four cantlidates ' ---- PARTY PIA11EU FOR YOUR . ' needs to strengthen ItS vocational and maintenance III the agree- agreed the present 6-8 middle educatIOn program ments it Signed school was a good move, since aca- " • PreSCription Although the system Will add Mrs, Pangborn added that the demIcally and phYSICally, the ~2.50 ::On. service DELIVERY !eMP.r'l~.!!.Q!i... 2 computers. electromcs eqUIpment school system continues to delay moth.graders belong 10 high • Jobst Support and computer-assisted draftlllg the renegotiatIOn of those leases, school 7) HONEY BAKED HAMS DIU~::U ~ HOSiery umts next year, the dlstnct stlll I\1rs Marl' picked up the theme Mrs. Pangborn disagreed, say- V, BONEL.ESS $2 89 L2~~ 4/ • DiabetiC Self- needs to strengthen ItS electrol11cs, of reduclllg costs by saYlllg the 109 the middle school reorgamza- , & SLICED • L.B. Testing Center robotICS and computer-assistance i.>ystem should better evaluate pro- hon of grades 7 to!l should be look- courses, Buechler said grams hke the seven-penod day WN TENOER TRY OUR HOME • Crutches & ed at It would slow the maturation While 80 percent of the dlstnct's and ItS computer education pro- wheelchairs process and perhaps keep parents ~lMnNI~n "tAU~ $2.99 L.B. M~g~ES~t~~S, students go on to college, the sys- grams, and costs like admllllstra. from pulling students from the D, u ~u~lgtM RIB EYE STEAKS 990 L.B We otter tern needs programs for the 20 per- tlve personnel energy conserva- pubhc school system for the middle cent who don't, Anderson said One tlOn measures' and $10 000 m next school years. FRESH FRYING t; OUR SALADS ARE personal service 49 for YOu anu your challenge facmg the board IS to bet- year's budget for a' consultant Mrs. Man, however, said the CHICKEN LEGS WIBACKS L.B. MADE IN OUR tel' sell the program to remove the study of computenzatlOn of library famlty nmth-graders belong m the high EXTRA LEAN KITCHENDAILYWITH perceived stigma attached to voca- services schools Anderson added that from BOILED HAM $1.79 LB NO PRESERVATIVES ST. ClAIR honal educatIOn, he" added Programs should be exammed hiS expenence, the 7-9 middle The dlstnet needs to take a for cost-effectiveness by seemg WHILE SUPPLY LASTS (BAKEDSPEaAIJIES'l school groupmg has not worked as PHARMACY closer look at Its vocatIOnal pro- ho\\ the cost affects a child's well as the current 6-8 program • FRESH LEAN $1.39 ~_HU_-rr..M p 5t Clair Prof Sldg grams as part of ItS program of education, she added Buechler said movmg the mnth GROUND CHUCK L.B, CUSTOM GRADUATION 22151 Moross Rd provldlllg oppartUl11tles for stu- Anderson noted that about 80 per- graders out of the high schools DetrOit MI dents \\e readlllg IS have been presented to the admlll- Anderson noted that the future of HEAT MIRROR'''' the most Important 'iubJect a stu Istratlve salary comlmttee Tues- the nahon IS directly related to ho\\ the natIOn teaches ItS children and TRANSPARENT dent can learn, she "ald. addmg del). may call for some lo\\t programs are Pangborn was the only candIdate to have new representatton to pro- Sea Suns Dealer TW ('c as geared for students III the upper not present durlllg the board's VIde balance to the board and new good as dOublr 9 aZlr'g elementary gra des There Ii.>help \\ 01 kmg sessIOns on the budget leadership Voters Will have to cIs Ih e I qhl In bJt alns GRAND OPENING FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS MAY 20 ....otiC(' I~hereb~ glVf>nthatlhe 1985-86 Budget for the City of Gros~e POlnle Call Pill k I'. hlch Include<; the utilization of federal revenue sharmg funds, was 524.1212 adopted on l\lay 13. 1985 The 1985 B6budget summary IS avallable for public -Special- mspC'ctlOn at the MUniCipal BUildIng, 15115 E Jeffer<;on, dunng regular ,••... FOR FREE COLOR bu<;mC'sshours ....",~.- CReAT9ve SPAS 9Hc I CATALOG OR VISIT SALES DESIGN INSTALLATION SERVICE OUR SHOWROOM $2.00 OFF ~r~~ 2821 Rochester Road • Troy MI 48083 18441 MACK AVE 1107 N.J, Ortisl near Canyon Rd GP'i 6/6/81 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL ENCLOSURES 882- City Clerk

, .' I ___ ~ __~ '_I~ __ -__ • ~ _L -_0l1li'_..' _

Thursday, June 6, 1985 G R 0 SSE PO, NT ENE W S Page Nmeteen-A _ ------_._------_._------_._------_._------Intervention asked for troubled youth (Continued from Page lAl hand" capita basis means that the shares cally so we can take a look at it and If the program is approved, the wIll run from a high of $20,000 for see If It'S worthwhile," she said II If probation department will hold dis- the Woods down to $5,000 for the it IS, it should be set up separately. cussions With pohce and schools City The cost would vary If only I've got a ternflc staff - they're all and other communIty agencies four or three communities partici- willIng to do this fer a penod of such as Center Pomt and the Fami- pated time" ly Life EducatIOn Council to see Ausherman said he IS currently Once the partlclpatmg communi- how all of the programs can fit explonng the possibilIty of county ties have allocated the funds, the together "We're not replacmg fmanclal support for the project probatIOn department will reqUIre anythmg - this ISanother fmger 10 "It's just m the disGusslOn stage," a six-to-elght week lead time to set the dike," Ms O'Shea said he said "I've been talking to up the program and double-tram The Farms council expressed 10- several county people, trying to ar- the staff Ms O'Shea said she had terest 10 the program when Judge range a meeting." insisted on the budgeted cap of 100 Schneider presented It two weeks Until the plan takes final form, clients, a number estimated by the ago. However, they declIned to Ausherman said, the commumtles police and deemed reasonable to budget any support for It before are unlIkely to actually commit handle they learned how the other com- funds But the Park, like the "That all we can deal With In the mumhes and the bchools react Farms, IS on record as bemg hrst year," she said "I want a "We've set up our budget the last favorably disposed toward the con quahty program We'll do a splen. three years With the Idea of not cept Like the Farm~, too, the Pal k did Job With 100, then we'll see what ralsmg taxes for our cItizens," said has not budgeted any support we need the next year " Mayor James Dmgeman, "In view ASSistance to troubled youth IS a of the fact that we're the first "commumty obligation - an obli- you've approached, I'd like to table fyi gation to the next generation." Ms It " O'Shea teels "FamilIes need help Judge SchneIder agreed that the ILontmued trom Page IA) 10 changing hmes and we all have fmanc10g of the project depends nIsh a deSCriptIOn and the nude a stake 10 children The program upon total partIcipation. Dlvldmg dude was gone by the time the Getting ready would give the family a helpmg the fmanclal responsibilIty on a per polIce arrived. Last year It was a nude jogger In the Farms, thiS ... for the Monteith Ice Cream Social Sunday, June 9, are, from left, John and Patrick S~ain, sprIng it's a naked knapsacker Tina DiLaura, Marimartha Barlow, Ryan Perkins, Sarah Young, Brian, Michael and ~evl~ Kaslbor- 10 the Woods Bet I can guess ski. The 10-speed bike is one of the prizes which also include a ~abbage Patch KI~ With a tooth What on Cable what he had in the backpack and a portable TV and radio. The event, held from 2 to 5 p.m., WIll feature entertalOm~nt by the A hst of local programs on Grosse POinteCable While we're on silly stones, band, "Replay" and John the Magician. There will also be a cake walk and games for children and Thursday, June 6 the Woods police received an adult silent auction. • 5 P m - "The Job Show from ME S C " (Jl) another call over the weekend .530 P m - "To Your Best Health," (Jl} from a woman who complaIned • 5 30 P m - "The Saving Word" (8) about a duck swimm10g 10 a • 6 P m - "Sports ViewToday" (I I) puddle In front of her home Cottage offers speech, language program o 6 30 P m - "The Fitness ConnectIOn"- A new serIes deSigned for all- So the cops had to take hme around health Withsemor Citizens In mmd Tomght's show for their rounds and come over Cottage Hospital, 159 Kercheval, bral palsy, stuttermg, cleft palate, 1\vo weekly, hour.long sessIOns (11) Willhold ItS annual summer speech wIll look at walking and shoo the bird away C'mon, delayed speech and language, are held under the directIOn of o 7 p m - "Pointers With Prost" - John Prost's guests are the and language program for local folks, don't the coppers have heanng Impairment, vocal abuse Gary J Cooper, Ph D, C C C Harper WoodsHigh Cable TV ProductIOnteam With children from June 24 through July and difficulty with perception Therapy ISsup€rvlsed by Margaret Ehzabeth Paravano (I l) enough to do Without try10g to handcuff a duck? Let's get 31 The summer program supple- Children who have problems With LaGrant, M Ed . C C C , and con- _, 07 P m - "Harper WoodsHlghhghts " (19) ments mdlVldual speech therapy spellmg, readmg and wntmg due to • 7 30 P m - The League of Women Voters Forum Withcandidates for serious out there ducted by the hospital staff of =: sessIOns y hlch are offered for chll learmng disabilities are also given the school board (11) P.S. Speak10g of serious The speech therapists, audIOlogiSts and :. dren and adults throughout the • 8 45P m - Johanna Gilbert InterViews (I l) Woods pohce are askmg all speCial attentIOn. other speCialists It IS the only pro- :~ Monday, June 10 year at Cottage Hospital The speech therapy summer pro- gram of ItS kmd 10 the area Cot- .. motonsts to be extra careful The summer speech and lan- • 4 P m - "Back Porch Video" - MUSICVideoshow (I]) these days because school is gram can help some youngsters tage Hospital IS a CrIppled chIl- •. o 4'30 (8) guage program IS a six-week ~es- p m - "Amel'lcan Catholic" nearmg an end, and the kids are maintain and contmue progress dren's provider under MedICaid :~ 05 P m - "Wayne County A New Perspective" (lJ) slOn of group and IndiVidual work begun In school speech therapy Interested parents should con- ...... 05 P m - "Faith 20 " (8) getting a little goofy anticipat- ing weeks of summer freedom With youngsters ages 3 to 15. who programs It can also help many tact the Cottage Hospital Speech ..' o 5 30P m - "The Body Shoppe" - Improve your overall health are bemg treated for speech, parents Identify and obtam guid- Therapy department at 884.8600, :: through aerobICSWithyour host Carol CavalIerI (11) They're asking us all to slow language or hearlOg problems ance m the early diagnOSIs and ext 2187,for registratIOn and mfor- :. 06 P m - "Practice Astrology" - What do the stars hold for you down and be a bit more alert Do The program ISdeSigned fOl chll (II) It for the kids treatment of speech and learnmg mahon HeglstratlOn IS limited to .~ dren With mental handIcaps. cere problem", 60 children o 6 pm - "Steady Gains" - From Bishop Gallagher High (19) .,=: • 6 30P m - "SpeCial OlympiCSAward Banquet" - Taped at the The :. Harper WoodsCommumty Center (lJ) Thinking " • 7 P m - "The MemOrIalDay ServICes" - At the Grosse POinte War "CONNECTION" Memol'lal (11) of Leasing • 7 30 P m - "Russ Gibb At Random" (II) is • 8 P m - "DetrOIt Curtain Call" - On locatIOnat Cedar Pomt, see musIc VIdeosfrom the movie Fletch and by Santana, Tom COMING Think of Petty, Jimmy Buffett, New EditIon and AmmotlOn MOVies reViewedmclude A View to a Kill, Brewster's Millions, Fletch and Fu'St Blood II (J 1) DRUMMY Tuesday, June II Watch for • 4 p.m - "The Church Of Today" (8) LEASING INC. the a Mile at Gratiot • 5 pm - "The Job Show from M E S C " (Jl) }bur Complete Food and Beverage Center .530 P m - "To Your Best Health" (11) "CONNECTION" 772-6700 772-2200 • 5'30 P m - "The Saving Word" (8) Da'.'.d Belfore V P * PACKAGE LIQUOR DEALER * SUNDAY LIQUOR * Ralph FI ze~ Sales Mgr • 6 P m - "Sports View Today" (11) • 6 30 P m - "The Fitness Connection' - See 6/6 Itstmg (II) • 7 P m - "POInters With Prost" - See 6/6 hstmg (I I) 111111 11111111 1IIIII11I1fIIIIllJlllflflllllllllllllflflllllUlllllllIIlIIlIlJllllllmllllllrlmIlTIm~J100llmlfliHlilill II III I II o 7 p m - "Harper WoodsHlghhghts " (9) .7.30 P m - The League of Wornens Voters Forum WItha look at the candidates school board (Ill \I.foftKSKlRE'S BIGGERTHAI EVERSAVlIGS • 8 45P m - Johanna Gilbert InterViews (11) Wednesday. June 12 • 4 P m - "Back Porch Video" - MUSICVideoshow (11) \\\~ BETTERTHAI MR QUAlITY! • 4 30P m - "Amencan CatholIc" (8) • 5 P m - "Wayne County A New Perspective" (l [) **PASSPORT PHOTOS** WELL TRIMMED • 5 P m - "Faith 20" (8) !1JJ.lillJiY • 5 30P m - "The Body SholJpe" - See 6/10 hstIng (II) Legal size only $9.9 J (, ~ I ' Yorkshire's Fresh o (J Il fX1!J1lJ PRIME RIB 6 p m. - "Practical Astrology" - See 6/10 hstmg Mention thiS ad - get 10°, ( )f I • 6 P m - "Sleady Gains" (19) Eastland Center L , SPECIALS STEAKS • 6 30P m - "SpeCial OlympiCSAward Banquet" - See 6/10 hstmg ~J~I)~ (]J) Harper Woods, MI • 526-6990 j$~~ (11) .'~(CI:: • 7 pm - MemOrialDay ServIces at the War Memonal .730 pm - "Russ Glbb At Random" (11) l~J)C/ ~ $2 99 JUMBO CALIFORNIA • 8 pm - "DetrOit Curtam Call" - See 6/10 IIstmg OIl ,~ «~t,/~ ~ • LB 99(: -->- "~~~ CENTER CUT BONELESS CAULIFLOWER EA , "---- Cc: FAMILY STEAK FRESH GREEN BEANS 59(: LB PRIME $2.69 LB STANDING ' FI-ORIDA Gal-DEN RIB ROAST , 5/99(: ) ~:::T $3.29 LB ~\. BONEl.ESS ROl.l.ED . /' CALIFORNIA SWEET ~ " Traveling Light is taking off JUICY PWMS .... $2.49 LB :g: (idJ 99(: LB I-EAN HAMBURGER In conjunction with our CUBE ~ Grand Opening promotion PATTIES 100% BEEF STEAKS LB - of our new Southern Callforma $2.69 'It FROM GROUND store take 25% off all Andlamo HOMEMADE Sport and Original bags Sun., Mon., Wed.& Thurs. 11a,m:3 a.m. CHUCK 6 LB. PKG, June 1.21 Fn. & Sat. tll 4 a,m. ITALIAN $1 49 ~ Somerw1 M.a Your Hosts: Gus & Chris Mantjios $11.99 TO'M'l c.nter SAUSAGE • LB ~ Lightweight luggage 2725 W 8'9 B€oaver Ad ],d lovol Troy MI 4&)84 Dearborn MI 481 26 and travel accessories ,31316491£60 131312711750 ------BORDENS~ BORDENS +. Thinking HOMOGENIZED \it ~ :. REmODEL MILK ,~---: TWIN SPIRAL SLICED, .,Inli?_ POPSICLES :' GLAZED HAMS I r -::::J :: PIRATES COVE DON'T TAKE A CHANCE- $2.99 lB. S1.69 C . CALL A PROFESSIONAL GAL 99 12 PK " Your "emoctelln. Pl.nned bJ Experts ". 17201 MACK at Bluehill ",•. w ••• CUSTOMCII"n ""v. 00_ 01 '1M known ., •_ ~. '" '1M .... '0 IMlp , plan you. ... •• -. "",t It'o .. oltIn & COI Nt _ ... 'A FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE FROM CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES ", ,..... In ..,. w•• -" Ill." de •• n.d . 882.9055 __ -."' __ .... r...._lulI,-..._ •• ", !!~+Iy ~*~ -lOW c~t.c ~ wt:: ~ SUNDAY,JUNE 9th SPECIAL You Know Complete Co.t In Adv.nce You Caf'I't ...... thft.t •• f'tOr can "' ... Our price I. nac•. You Oet Fln.neln. Help You Need CUSTOMCltAn k 'A -.:m. fo< you •• '1M 10 _ .." 1 •• 1•• w. cen left 'ow In anc n ,.0'" to" win b. ri ,I, ... PRIME RIB OF BEEF .." .. 10U ,,, ... pi on '"""rtftw It, You aet e Top heltt, .10". Flnl.hed On Time ChOice of Potato Tossed Salad $l95 • FUlfl , ~OOMS • DD~ME~S • ATTICS fiNISHED • ~EC ftOOMS Soup Bread Basket • • IAT"~OMS • KIICHE_S • CU~IOM GARAGES UD DOO~S LUNCH SPECIALS DAILY. Visit Our Showroom. Ulla.I•• FI ._-~------~------IIt'CH STATE 00 w/THIS AD \ 19S6 llC ... os. $3 OFF ~ ~pepsi 18332 Mack, Grosse Pointe LARGE DEEP DISH PIZZA , 7&5 W/eHEESE AND PEPPERONI EXPIRES 881-1024 Free ConsultatIOn . -J 6/13/85

..J ------~~~~ . - ......

. I

Page Twenty-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985



I .1 I

NEW 1985 FIREBIRD 2.Dr. COUPE NEW 1985 BONNEVILLE 4 DR. PS PS T Glass Reel CIOlh Ski Seats E PC R W Def Trans V6 PS PB WSW Steel Belted Tltes Deluxe Dua Spo,t Mortars SecUtlly SerMn Spoiler V6 FI Eng NEW 1985 Custom Covers AM RadiO W/Clock CulpJle Carpet Alum Whls Gauges WlTach I'll Tltes Afo..'FM ErR Acoustical Insulation Notchback Armrest Seats Deluxe Sle'eo ConSOle Folding R Seats Sik .2157 SUNBIRD 2 DR. COUPE European Reclin Cloth Buckets T Glass Wide B S Steering Wheel F&R Bumper Guards Stk .2571 MOldings Cycle Wipers Rear Defog Accent Stripes . Sporl Mirrors Tilt Strg Whl PS PB 4 Cyl OHC F I ~:ii'AL J$9895 Eng Front Wheel Onve Cust Whl Covers Oecklid :~f~/AL $8995 PRICE Luggage Camer WSW Steel Radials AM/FM ETR PRICE J Stereo W/Clock Stoc~ =2660 50 95 LEASE FOR petmo' 5 5191 ::~~/AL $7395 NEW 1985 GMC LEASE FOR 189 per mo • PRICE "M" CARGO VAN 81 4 3 Liter V-6. 4 Spd , Auto, Trans W/Ov- lEASEFOR $157 permo' erdnve. AM/FM Stereo, Lighter. 170011 ~ Payload. Rear Door Glass, 2 Passenger NEW 1985 PARISIENNE SEDAN Seating, PS, PB, Stock liT -899 Aula Trans Fuellnl V6 Engne PS PB A'mres' Clolh Seat A.M Raalo W ClOCk Decor Mlags WSw Tltes A.cousllcal ',sulal.on Delu,e Nhl Covers B S Mlogs C,g L ghler Dome ;~i~/Al $9495 lamp Day Nlghl Rea",e .. Mltror Stk 2550 PRICE NEW 1985 GMC 112TON WORK VAN 50 Rear Dr Glass Aux Seal B/E SS MIrrors S/O Side LEASE FOR 5184 permo. Doors Fronl Stab H 0 R Spnngs PS PB V6 A"lo ~:Ii/AL $9895 Trans OlD lighter 5 P2Q575R15 T"es Gauges H,back PRICE Ski Seals Sik .T941 8 LEASE FOR 5197 \e, mo' NEW 1985 GRAND PRIX ~~fi'AL $9795 PRICE Aulo Trans V6 PS PB WSW Steel Belted Tires Deluxe Cuslom Wheel Covers. AM RadiO W/Clock 5 50 Culplle Carpet Acoustical Insula liOn Nolchback LEASE FOR 197 per mo • Armrest Seat Deluxe Steering Wheel F&R Bump- er Guards No _2714 ::I~/AL $8995 NEW 198560004 DR. SEDAN PRICE "AIR CONDITIONED" 95 PS PB Aula Trans 4 Cy. FI Eng F'eeclom Ball LEASE FOR $189 per mo ' FWD T Glass Side & R W nd Def Dual SPOrt M,trors Deluxe St Whl AM/FM Sle,eo Culp,'e C'PIg DIN R Mltror AcoustIcal Insul B 5 Mlags wsw S8 RadlS's Cust Whl Cove's Rool OtiP & W,nd 5,11Mldgs Ins,de NEW 1985 nooo Release Center ArmreSI Sik .2706 'AL FIERO NEW '85 S.15 PICKUP "Sun Roof" 4 Cyl 25 Fuel InJection 4 Spd Manual Trans Vinyl PRICE::fi $9695 Tnm 6 Ft Bed Gauges SOlid Color Stk H947 75 LEASE FOR $195 per mo ' ~~f~/AL $6295 PRICLE 95 LEASE FOR $127 per mo '

NEW 1985GMC 1/2 TON PICKUP NEW 1985 GMC CABALLERO ,nled Glass Alt COhel,llonlng Calor Keyed Floor Mats Tinted Glass Pulse Wipers Chrome Mirrors Stabilizer L,m'teO Slip Rea' Axle Bar PS Pb Rally WhlS AM/FM Slereo Step Bumper CrUIse Control With Resume 5-P235/75/R15 S B Tires Gauges High Sierra T"m 305 V8 Engine Aulc.matlc Cloth Seats 6 Bed Slock _1787 Trans T,,' AM/FM Sle'eo NEW 1985 GMC STARCRAFT Rally WheelS Cloth Intetlor 11:/ • ..-" Plnstnpes S1k cT174 VAN CONVERSION • • • •j. L ~l • If}>,. 10 ~ ~ J ;. :~. SPECIAL SALE PRICE "" 11 L. ~ • " , b,."',10 r to '" r. ~ f" I ~ , ~. '''''l ~

"I" J b- ~ .. 1 f, .a ~ • .t o' • > # '> I ..T185 <\;$9895 $10,495 ~~iiIAL$15 395 PRICE , LEASE FOR 12 00 per LEASE FOR 5211 per mo' 5 0 99 mo' LEASE FOR 315° per mo'

GMAC FINANCING & LEASING AVAILABlE ALL PRICES INCLUDE DEST. Sale Ends Fn , June 7,6 pm ON ALL FEATURED UNiTS CHARGES & DEALER PREP. 776.4455 OUT OF TOWN CALLS ACCEPTED Michigan's # 1P:i.~~:. SERVING THE GROSSE POINTES Ho Need to Wonder Whyf FOR 28 YEARS PONTIAC 16Y2& Gratiot GMC,INC Mt. Clemens Subttetlo 'lease pymts based on approved credit on 46 mos pnor Silt closed end non maintenance lease 72 000 m, limitatIOn Leasee has no obligatoon to purchase vehicle al fease In Stock Un". Only end leasee IS responsible lor excessive wear and lear No Ord.r. Sec dep 01 $250 plus lsl month pymt and license fee No D•• '.ra Pl•••• and htle tee requited To get lot81 amounts multiply NOTE PIctut.. CII_ t!1own dOnol -'Y "-1 a( payments times 48 lease pymts subJect to 4% use tax lIMI_011aM.

i I l i _~ ...~..L Ji" L ':Ji'llit.- _____ ,,-...-...-...II. __ '--_ .... ~l...::.._....~_~~ __ _-.Lo • • • -..------

Section B :The Second Section Thursday, June 6, 1985

From Another Pointe r Of View By Peggy O'Connor

Thomas Wolfe may have thought you couldn't go home agaIn, but former Trombley Road - Windmill Pomte A busy Drive residents Garnet and DWight Nelson are living proof that you can provided you come "home" to Grosse Pointe, a thoughtful son, and loads of steadfast friends. Met week • • • J That's just what the The recent Met Week, while Nelsons - who now live in Detroit's last, was a busy one, Stuart, Fla., by way of which began on Sunday, May WIsconsin after their Pointe 19, when the Detroit Grand d..ys did Son Gregory Onl"ra A~sociation held a Nelson, a product of Country special testimonial dinner for Day School and Carrol Col- Anthony A. Bliss, retiring gen- lege, Wisconsin, threw a eral manager of the Metropoli- spectacular cocktail and sup- tan Opera, In the South Court per party for his parents in of the Detroit Instl~ute of Arts. his new Trombley Road Among the 150 D.G.O.A. sup- home. Garnet Nelson mailed porters who enjoyed the the party invitations from black.tie affair were (from left her Florida home, not to right in the top photo) bothering to include an D.G.O.A. president and gener- " R S V.P, saying "Well, if al manager John B. Ford III our friends know we will be In town, and they're not busy, and his wife, Peggy, of The they will be there" Farms, BliSSand wife Sally, of , and Barbara There were friends from the "Merry Go Rounders," and Herbert I. Lord, of The friends who had seen the Nelsons in Florida, club friends, Farms. Peggy Ford and Barba- close personal friends and friends of son Greg's - mall, ra Lord served as D.G.O.A. a grea t mix of people from the' 'welcome home - welcome general chairman and c:o- to my home" party. chairman, respectively, for Added to the atmosphere was a Country Club of Detroit the 1984.85 season. bartender who already knew the guests' preference, and Then on Tuesday of Met plenty of good food prepared by Greg, his friend Deborah Week (May 21), the D.G.O.A. Carron and his mother hosted a luncheon for memo bers of the Metropolitan Among the guests were Don and Leah Cherry, the Opera Company at Detroit's Patrick Carrons. the Meredlths, Peg Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Riverfront Apartment com- Norm Leget, Mrs. Victor (Wmme) Mansour, Mr. and Mrs. plex. D.G.O.A. benefactors William Milby, Mrs Karl (Marie) Weber, Mr. and Mrs. and Met Company members George Williamson, Mrs Aaron E (Lou) Wilcox, Ann and spent a sunny afternoon relax- Gerald Rackey, BIll and Fran Fox, Pat and John Doyle, ing on the terrace overlooking George Van Lokeran and Danielle and Fred Van Asche the Detroit River and feasting Grosse Pointe's astrologer, Lou Wilcox, brought her on a buffet luncheon provided by the Detroit Athletic Club, "party" ephemerIS and fmally wound up in the den with Da'Edoardo and the Merry guests who wanted to fmd out more about their "stars." Mouse. At left with Mr. and The Nelsons - who had two rental cars provided them Mrs. John B. Ford 111are fellow by thoughtful son Greg - were entertained later that week Pointers Peggy and Donald by many of the party's guests When she lived on Windmill M.D. Thurber. Pointe DrIve, Garnet was an active clubwoman (past preSident of Jenny Lind and Wmdmill Pomte Garden Club, fIrst vIce-president of the DetrOit Review Club, as well as a member of the Grosse Pointe WomeiU.Association of the SymPhOny, and the Detroit Women's Council of the Navy League, to name a few} , so she had quite a few phone calls from old friends (Continued 011 Page 4B)

Chair and • Ottoman omnl GEN<:5r~- $1,099

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Mon I Thurs , Frl , 1()'8, FORMERLY PATIO & FURNITURE CASUALS Tues , Wed., s.t 10.5, Sun., 12.4

I II Page Two.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 " ------~- --_._------Grand Marais GROSSE POINTE CHILDREN'S TEHATER Questers meet Members of the Grand Marais Chapter of the Questers have in- VIted husbands and other guests to help them celebrate the 20th anm. versary of the chapter's founding WIth a potluck supper at the Ker- cheval Avenue home of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Boresch, thIS Sunday, t' June 9. The group's historian, Mrs Charles E Fisher, wtll brmg pIC- tures hIghlightmg past meetings and actiVIties. Mrs Joseph Thomp- ~\I{UII.'U \ 1 son WIll present the evemng's pro- ~Km\\. Jl \~ 1-1111.. l:lfO-tdlll P.'!' gram, "Know Your Grosse Pointe" ('HO~~~ 1'01\ I ~ \\ \H \I~ \I0RI \1 In May of 1965, 22 enthUSiastic .r 1\\ n \\ H" S~~'iIO\. \I0\1l \\. Jl \~ 17lh IIIHOl (,11 HUlH" Jl \~ :!Hlh women met to (orm the Grand ~ Trammg m MaraIS Chapter of the Questers, a Mime VOIce & Dlcllon Stage Movement Charactenzatlon national study club whose maJor } objectives are to stimulate the ap- Improvisation. Monologues Scenes from Plays preciatIon and collectIOn of an- ~ PTE":;pntilt10n f0r Alln,p..,,..p llques :md to encouf:tgc the prcscr vahon and restoration of hIStOrIC For Information Please Call landmarks 885-6219 OR 881-7511 The name "Grand MaraiS" was ' or write to selected since members felt It ap.. I; propnate to choose a name which rl GROSSE POINTE CHILDREN'S THEATER hIstOrically described the region of " Grosse Pointe War Memorial Grosse Pomte, which had been 32 LakeshoreDrive called "Grand Marais" or "BIg Grosse Pointe. Michigan Swamp" by early French settlers. Eight of the orlgmal 22 members 48230 are stIll active m the chapter. They Photo by Tom Greenwood are Mrs. Boresch, Mrs. Cornelius I, Grosse Pointe Woman's Club officers Egan, Mrs Fisher, Mrs. Ralph Jossman, Mrs. William Krebs, 'J Grosse Pointe Woman's Club officers for 1985.86 were installed at the group's annual spring lunch. Mrs Keith Leibbrand, Mrs. John .~ eon at the Lochmoor Club in mid-May. They are, from left to right, Mrs. Michael H. Schneider, McKay and Mrs James P Stuart '\ treasurer; Mrs. Raymond J. Duffy, first vice-president; Mrs. George Gerow, president; Mrs. Edward Jr. Eissa, second vice-president; Mrs. John E. Engstrom, recording secretary; and Mrs. Henri Gelders, Throughout the chapter's 2o-year :' corresponding secretary. Although the club year has ended, the officers and executive board hIstory, membership has been at or " WHITTIER members will meet during the summer to plan the organization's 35th season. The Club's annual con. near the maximum of 25 In all, 56 women have shared theIr interests tributions this year went to the Foundation for Exceptional Children, the Children's Home of Detroit, I, TOWERS the Grosse Pointe War MemorIal's Family Fund, Leader Dog for the Blind and the Salvation Army. and discoveries WIth Quester b 415 Burns Dr. In addition, the Club presented Achievement Awards, which include a financial benefit, based on friends 10 the past years. The : high scholastic achievement, good citizenship, leadership and participation of extracurricular ac- pohcy of members preparing and , Detroit,Michigan 48214 tivities. The 1985 recipients are Amelia Dugan, of Gross,e Pointe North, and Kerry Bruce, of Grosse presenting most of the monthly" Pointe South. meeting programs has not changed and as such, lives of members have been enriched by increased appre- ciation of objects, art or customs of Grand Prix Fever Party set for June 20 an earlier day. In addItion, members have raIS- The Women's DiVIsion for ProJ- chaIrman, Mr. and Mrs. Keith E and desserts at every "pit stop" ed money to donate books about an- ect Hope is "ncing" toward an Cram are honorary chairmen The Grand Prix Auction, always • Private rooms and Apartments tiques to the Grosse Po1Ote publtc evening of unlImited eXCItement, The evening will feature Mmi the highlight of the evening, is library and to make contributions " all with private baths the annual Grand Prix Fever Par- CelebrIty races With TV newsmen more spectacular this year, ac- to local restoration projects as well I ty, set thIS year for the Westm RICh FIsher and MIke Holfield, as cording to the auctIoneers, Alice as to state and national Quester , • Around-the-clock security Hotel's Riverfront Ballroom at 6: 30 well as race car drivers, sports and Chuck Walby Some of the auc- proJects. For the Bicentenmal year pm Thursday, June 20. personahtles, medIa celebrIties tIOn Items include a day at the spa, of 1976, the Grand Marais Chapter • Excellent Meals • Maintenance All proceeds from the evening go and auto executives Prizes WIll be four tIckets to the Grand PriX race desIgned a w1Odow dIsplay of an- directly to Project Hope to help gIVen to those who bet on the wm- and WInner's CIrcle, an eye lift, tIques for Jacobson's and provide health SCIence around the mng racers. balloon rIdes, hehcopter rides, world TIckets are $30 per person, According to ProJect Hope's Jewelry and more. • Beauty/Barber Shop $75 for patrons and the attire for preSident Betty Gensch, the even- Further information may be ob- • Grocery Store the party IS "racing togs." mg ISset to be a winner, With cock- tamed by contactmg the ProJect Pointe collectors • L.lbr.ry PatrICIa DAuer IS ProJect taIls, a "winner's CIrcle" buffet Hope office at 649-4775 I display antiques • Registered Nurses on duty F 11 Woeds"l'l'eSidents Kathleen Beys n I', n" • Doctor,' Clinic Rehab donatiQn' reception is' tltis'l

Joan formerly if Joseph's has joineo us Joall at Margaretes ~ Eijlliliszewski Hair 'Fashions Smce 1913 COhf~ 776-5510 ' Jor appowtmen! 884- 6330 21435 MACK AVE. between 8 & 9 Mile

FURNISHING A YACHT IS RIGHT DOWN OUR GANGWAY Consult our profeSSional deSIgners before you redecorate the interior of your boat. There IS no charge for thiS service, and you Will have a great time discovering your almost limitless optIOns In soft-riding, functional handsome yacht furnIshings Here are some Ideas Brass and leak sleep sofa WIH-, blue Draylon covering, Innerspring mattress 31 Dx66"L, $1105, Teak bar chest With brass trim, two shelves, 20"H, $458, Blue Vinyl lounge chair, Irapunto anchor motif, storage space under the loose seat cushion, 27Wx33 'D, $535, HI-Io teak/brass table, 36x42" With leaves up Raises from 21 to 32"H, $798 Jacob sons

We welcome Jacobson's Charge Card or The American Express' Card

Shop until 9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday Until 6 pm on Monday, TueSday, Wednesday and Saturday

\ \ va 4 $ • .. •

Page Three-B Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pointe art in CCS show 2 CARATS OF DIAMONDS Paintings by Grosse Pomte art- ISts Heather Bokram, Carol A Sin- 00 clair and Wanda Warezak are FOR ONLY $1 ••• among the art works featured in the 59th annual Student Exhiblhon at the Center for Creative Studies - College of Art and Design The show runs through thIS Sun- day, June 9, from 11 a m to 4 pm dally at CCS headquarters on East Kirby in Detroit's Umverslty cul- tural center Free parking ISavail- able on campus Further mforma- tlOn may be obtained by callmg 872-3118 Farm and

Garden Club And a little bit of luck Purchase a raffle ticket , , from u'>to benetlt the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and entertained ~ '. yvu'll ll(.m: a (hJncc to ,',in thlS custom dcs:gned The May meeting of the Grosse lI: 41; ) _ diamond ring or a number of other gifts valued at Pomte Farm and Garden Club was over $15,000 Come In and take a look at thiS I held in the home and gardens of -'~<>~ Mrs Charles A Parcells Jr Co- exqul,>lte ring in person And while you're at It, why hostesses for the box luncheon Moonlight Serenade to benefit Harper not ,>pend $1.00 to win 2 carats In diamonds were Mrs Richard Bachmann and Anticipating an entertaining evening next Friday, June 14 - the night of the Harper Hospital Aux- Mrs Joseph Spitzley. The highlight of the afternoon iliary fundraiser "Moonlight Serenade" Jazz II - are (left to right) Geraldine Swormstedt, of Bloom- was the program of Jack McCar- field Hills, honorary chairman Robb Mahr, Dixie Bell and Chet Bogan, who will provide the evening's edmund t. AHEE jewelers • thy, local television celebrity, res- musical excitement with the big band sound of Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey, and Dixieland Jazz 2013g Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods taurateur and cookbook author, for dancing, Patricia Kenney, of Grosse Pointe, and Linnea Powers, of Detroit. The evening begins who entertained all WIth a WItty at 7:30 p.m. with music, food and an open bar at the Country Club of Detroit. Tickets, at $75 per per- 88&4600 dialogue on hIS multiple careers. son, are available by calling Mrs. Swormstedt from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday Dunng the meeting Mrs Roger at 885.3130. The Harper Hospital Auxiliary is currently raising funds for the new cyclotron machine, Fndholm was introduced as the developed in conjunction with Michigan State University, which will be used in the treatment of newest member, and It was an- cancer at Harper's radiation oncology center. The Auxiliary has supported many new research projects nounced that Mrs John W Haag and is already pledged to support the new diagnostic development scheduled to be announced soon. Jr., would also Jam the orgamza- . In addition, the group staffs the surgical lounge and the handy cart which serves hospital patients. hon. Wmners of the Apnl 10 Flower SPRING and Horticulture Show were also announced Blue nbbons went to War Memorial's Service League recognizes volunteers Mrs. Horace Carpenter Jr., Mrs Cecil Lepard and Mrs. Robert F The War MemOrIal's SerVIce Weber. "The kmds of things they made on the palOstakmg task of re- League wrapped up another year do for the Center are an mtegral pamng the Center's tapestnes. CLEARANCE Webber Red nbbons were award- ., ed to Mrs John D. Durno and Mrs. of volunteensm at ItSannual lunch- part of our daily operation and we Dr. Weber presented certIficates .. John N. Falling Jr. Mrs. J Craw- eon, May 23. Program director Jan couldn't afford to lose them even to all of the volunteer~ v"hIChread, . ford Frost, Mrs. Ralph T. McEI- Arndt presented corsages to Vir- for a week." "In appreCIatIOn of the Invaluable .. venny and Mrs James F Cordes ginIa Kasza, presIdent; Cindy Car- For example, without the House services and cooperatIOn extend- ... received third prizes, while Mrs. son, vice-president, Marion Bock- Committee all of the Center's ed" James C Stewart and Mrs. Robert slanz, Docent chairman; Mary plants would suffer from losmg theIr Others who were present lOclud- .. G Harwick merited honorable Jane Rousseau, hostess/host chair- weekly dose of tender lovlOg care ed Irene Blatchford, Betty Brad- . man, and Ruth McNamara, clen- If the SerVIce League took the ley, Jean Brett, Gladys Crelger- SAVE 30% .. mention. Mrs Hilary H Micou Jr , .. won both blue and red nbbons, and cal chaIrman Nancy Heenan, who summer off there would be no hosts Spencer. Dorothy Crowley, Mane . • Mrs. Wilber Hadley Mack won was unable to attend, was rec- and hostesses at such special events Cusmano, Ruth Doll, Mary Grace awards at all four levels ognized for her work as chairman as the upcoming Summer Music Donnelly, Mary Anne Draper, • DAYTIME DRESSES The club will hold Its final meet- of the House CommIttee Festival, and large maIlmgs an. Paula GalvlO, Grace Harnson, Peg 109 of the year thiS Wednesday, "Fortunately, for us, the nouncmg upcoming events would Jordan, Betty Kaye, MIldred Koep- June 12 at the Grosse Pomte Club League luncheon doesn't mean never get out to patrons. The pop- phn, Dorothy Layher, Bonme Man- • COCKTAIL DRESSES they'll be taking the summer off as ular summer Docent Tours of the nIe, Trudy Selferlem, Kay Welcen- most groups do," saId War Mem- histonc SIte would also have to be bach, Beulah Wells, Bermce Wood • SPORTSWEAR Panhellenic seats OrIal executive dIrector Mark forsaken, and no progress would be and Dorothy Craig 1985-86officers Visit Detroit churches on first Mondays with Historical Society • ACCESSORIES Mrs. Bruce Tock, Alpha Chi The 1985-86 schedule of first Mon- organized by 13 ex-slaves and the and the DetrOit HIstorIcal Museum , - . " Omega, of The Park, passecP'lter'l day-of-the-Month ..~ThUl''~.De....., -.()!dest bla~k eongregatJon 10 the.,- m co-sponsorshIp WIth the Nalt1tnai ! ,- DetrOit Alumnae Panhellenic As- trOll's hIstOriC churches IS now state; and St. Paul's EpIscopal SOCIetyof Colomal Dames of Amer- soclahon presidentlal gavel to Mrs avallable at the DetrOIt HIstOrical The ongmal St. Paul's church Ica, present these tours to acquamt Edward SarkiSian, of Farmmgton, Society. To obtain a copy, call the dates to 1851 and was located at Metropolitan DetrOlters WIth the Thursday, May 16, at Lochmoor Society offIce (833-7934) or wnte Congress and Shelby streets The contributions the InstitutIOns have 407 units Club, durmg the association's 66th 5401 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, congregation gave the bUlldmg to made in the development of the annual meeting Mich 48202 the fledgling Church of the MeSSiah religIOUS and cultural !lfe of our Serving as vICe-preSident m Over 30 churches are VIsited dur- and m 1901 It was moved to East area and to emphaSize the vita] )ht .sbop.sof 1985-86 wllllJe Mrs A J. Mestrovlc, mg the season, fIve on each tnp In- Grand Boulevard and Lafayette. neceSSIty of mamtammg these of The Farms Both Mrs. SarkISian eluded are St. Anne, whose con- The Church of the MeSSIah IS also buildmgs as VISIble remmders of .." gregahon dates to 1701; FIrst VISited on these tours our hentage and Mrs. MestrovlC are members ~ of Chi Omega soronty. PresbyterIan, legally mcorporated Hlstonc Church Tours leave the Due to a !lmlted number of Waltolt~Pi~r,~ ... Mrs. William Wilson, Alpha Omi- as the First Prates ant Society in DetrOIt HistOrIcal Museum at 10'15 tickets, advanced prepaid reserva- .. cron PI, of The Woods, will be cata- 1825, Fort Street PresbyterIan, a a m and return at 3:30 pm Lunch- tlOns are necessary Telephone re- 16828 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe .. loger-historian Mrs Joseph York, DetrOit landmark With its slender eon ISincluded in the tIcket prIce of servatlOns cannot be accepted .."'...... Sigma Kappa, of Farmmgton Hills, spIre rIsmg 265 feet from the $7 50for non-members, $6 for mem- Make checks payable to the DetrOit 884-1330 .. will serve as secretary, Mrs street, Most Holy Trmity, the fIrst bers of the DetrOIt Hlstoncal Sac le- Hlstoncal SOCIetyand mall to 5401 • .-. MIchael Vlerk, Zeta Tau Alpha, of Engllsh-speaklOg Roman Catholic ty Woodward Avenue, DetrOIt, MICh. Open Daily 9:00-5:30; Thursday 'till 9:00 Lmcoln Park, as treasurer pansh m DetrOit, Second Baptist, The Detroit HistOrIcal SocIety 48202

ALL CHILDREN WELCOMEI MACK AVE. Unique Optique VACAWIO. DISTINCTIVE EYEWEAR FOR THE BIBLE SCHOOL ~JIV IJU(J\ OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9.10, SUNDAY 10-6 IMPORTED & DESIGNER FRAMES Ages 3-12 DISTRIBUTORS Of: • 1 VRA • SOPHIA LOREN • MENRAD Bible Stories - Games 1\.1....1>I~I • LOGO • VUARNET • ANNE KLEIN Smgmg - Handcraft • BOLLE and more A.L. Price stands for Always Low Pnce. A quick look around Examinations Available 18900 MACK AVENUE Hours NO REGISTRA TION FEE our store Will show you that's more than just a slogan. It's a Grosse Pointe Farms ..,.. . T5 fact. Everyday A.L Price offers you mcredible savings on the , . 885-0541 96 June 17th to June 28th , I 20339 MACK, things you need and use everyday We're able to do this by 22250 MICHIGAN AVE. r, I MOST Daily: Monday thru Friday carefully shopping around among our suppliers for a great deal. DEARBORN JN~URANCE If we don't get the price we want, we pass the product up 'till #, • GROSSE PTE. WOODS l 'I i Between Country Club & Lochmoor ACCFPTFD 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. .. the next time. Which IS why you may see different brands and J. sizes each week. But when we do get a great price, it's our 17670 THIRTEEN MILE CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH policy to pass the savings on to our customers. The Incredible BIRMINGHAM I prices you see at A L Price are a reflection of that policy. 'dI Mack and Lochmoor , I Grosse POinte Woods I SCOOP CHAIR AND TABLE l SOL BLOOM/c1950 For further in/ormatIon call 884-5090 ,,"" I T "I 11" \1,,,. IInI III I, \1,,11. rll \rl ,n '\." '"r\.. oz. CONDITIONER III , r r 'I lId1aar ..,\ ,ul,", 111 FLEX 20 1l0' al CIa\- YOUR COST 40<: MichelJean Pil~t FLEX SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER After Mfg's. Refund LESS MAIL-IN REFUND

SpeClall/l ng m YOUR COST

TO REtElVi YOUR $I ~ CNcIlr: ptOduC:tftl pur~ creative landscape deSIgn, and RHU~O tHECK fOR ...~.)- ErTltER HEX SH411lPOO o fill SUm,.., 1st Dl- OR flEX tONOITIONER / 1 .... ,I II plantmg of gualtty shade trees, (0' $3 1e for 00l'1 FlllCoMM_,15~ N - '. . SENO u ~ one ptl:Xll' oINct'lMeM"d~. ~ ~" 58101 ~'-- .... -_-,,-..--- ...-...., F.. ~ , Tr'~ Il; or ~ n iJ ffJ shrubs, evergreens, and large Cerlfc'le- W"Or:_ll~ .-.c19"".Jndr:l$J 1" 2 rr,t 0 0 "UI O.3ted lUll TO flU S1 $I REFUIlO OffER POlO. 12U 'tIlUIIll AlIERICA "'" Wt4 tlS~ (eo \It rect pi wi" th' fl,. S",mpoo specimen trees or ne~ COndit OMr 1

, .1_ Page Four.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 -~ t ~'-- From Another Pointe JOSEPH P. PERSE with Fran Kirkland's Of View (Continued from Page 1B) UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING needlepoint" knit shoppe She was able to attend - with past president Lou Wilcox ServICing the POlntes for over 30 years - the ReView Club's May luncheon and program, where she met more friends and posed for more than one photo- graph Garnet hasn't ended her penchant for clubs; while .OltlG in Wlsconsm, she was president of the Waukesha Women's Wide Selection of Club and now belongs to the Stuart Woman's Club and is vice-regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution. CASUAL & She and DWight are Stuart Country Club members. Free pIck-up & delivery free estimates DECORATIVE 0.,. VA 2.9660 Son Greg is, as was his father and grandfather, a mem- ber of the Country Club of Detroit and the Detroit Athletic 12339 HAYES FABRICS Club. HIS folks were so busy durmg their viSit with HIM, OF he had to plan ahead to Visit them in Wisconsin when all the Nelsons - mcludmg brother DWight Nelson II and Geoffrey - were to join their sister Deborah's celebration upon graduatIOn from Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, DO YOU NEED BUSltlESS Wis , where she majored in interior design. After a party at the Milwaukee AthletiC Club, Debbie will VIsit back in HELP- StU

First English AGAIN OFFERS ~ Garden Center salutes DIA {J)uoJJe (#c.iIlIR f}(mll.liaI C{Jhll~tA Ev. Lutheran The Grosse Pointe Garden Cen- mterpretations of the seasons, Will Presbyterian U S.A Church ''THE BEST FOR LESS" ter will hold "A Celebration of the be enhanced by the flower arrange- Seasons," from 10:30a m to2p.m. ments directed by Pam MorriS Holy Communion Vernier Road at Compare these features to any other club in town \\ edge" ood DfI\ e tomorrow, Fnday, June 7, at the There will be exhibits by the "BEING HEALTHY AND Grosse Pomte \\oods • Lowest Hourly Court Rates • Exercise Room with War Memorial, as its salute to the Herb, Rose and Orchid Societies, !l!l4-~040 • Lowest Membership Fee In Sophisticated Marcy DetrOIt Institute of Arts' l00th as well as the Men's Garden Club WHOLE" A bonsai display will line the en- Faml" \\ or,hlp 9 1lJ a m Town EqUipment anmversary Dr LoUISJ. Prues, Semor Minister Church \\orshlp II a en trance lawn, and wIll include a • 10% DIscount when • Wallyball A mixed-media of acbvities held number of plants for sale Num- 9 30 and 11 30 \\ orshlp Serllces 16 Lakeshore Drive P.ul ~ "eppler 1'",lor Permanent Court Time \s • Squa~,h.,qfld,,~qcquetball In the Alger House of the Gro!;se 10 30 \l1ddle Hour Educal\on Grosse POinte Farms Bruce Qualrnan, Pas lor - -erous other plants wm- also I be .J c 882 5330 24 h" purchased in Advance • Gymnasffcs Pomte War Memorial Will depict available • Tanning Booth • Socral Mixers the seasons as seen through the Under the gUidance of Rose The Grosse Pointe • 2 Saunas • Eastpomt Tavern eyes of the artist, gardener and Mane Mebus, the Garden Center Grosse Pointe Woods Congregational • Large COED Whirlpool (Beer & Wme) hortlcultunst It Will be presented Room on the second floor Will be and through the talents of the Herb, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • Aerobics transformed. The center of attrac- American Baptist Rose and Orchid Societies, coup- tIon will be a table settmg of Flora 19950 Mack Avenu e lhal~ be~ Morass and llen>er Roads, Church pled With the work created by the Danica procelain Grosse Pointe Arbst Association. 886.4300 SIGN UP NOW AND RESERVE THE Patrons may purchase a chance ~tlJ ( h.llfontl' al Lothl Ilil Sandy VanDoren and Vicky Hay- for a Boehm Rose donated by 11 a.m. Divine Worship IllU-Wi;; BEST COURT TIMES FOR THE FALL SEASON don Will conduct a slide presenta- Karen Hostetter. tIOnof "Art and Flowers" at 11a m "Jesus Loves The Little Children" Admission charge IS $5 for non- "Moments of ...4.1 SIGN UP NOW FOR AN '85- '86 and 1 p.m. Dr Robert LInthicum, preaching Renewal" members. Further information on Nursery prOVided ..::..~~ ~~ MEMBERSHIP AND GET A Eight works by Pointe area ar- the event may be obtained by call- Mark I 32-39 Children's Sunday School ~~~ SUMMER '85 MEMBERSHIP • tists have been selected by Cormne ing the Garden Center from 10a m. Dolega of the Grosse POinte Artists to 4 p.m today, Thursday, June 6, 10 a m Service ASSOCiation The display featuring at 881-4594. Christ the King St. James ~~ FREE Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Or f{O\ H Hutcheon 20338 ""'ck, GPW 884-5090 "on The Hill" Rev Keith A Harnnglon EASTPOINTE RACQUET CLUB Call Woods Garden Club \k\11I1an al 11.." h., al KK 1.11.') 1 1 19001 NINE MILE ROAD at 1-94 X-Way Mrs Jean Marshal opened her mg the noon luncheon was the ap- Family +< ,ST. MICHAEL'S Roslyn Road home last Tuesday, pomtment of offIcers for next year Worship WORSHIP SERVICES EPISCOPAL EAST DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48021 June 4, for the monthly meeting of The Club asks that members lend 930&1l00am CHURCH the Woods Garden Club Mrs Ohve as much support to the group as 9:00 & I "'ur~cr\ 9 10 a rn I ~ Hollenger was co-hostess Follow- possible in the commg year 9 30 a m Sun School 21l17;"unllrn~dal .. P.rk E8 774-1000 ~ 10:30 a.m. (.ro" .. Pornle \\uOlh P.....tllf (,t llr .....\J ""'< IH Ilt'r !l!lH!l~1l Jo~eph P Fabn. Pastor PP,llll H4Itw-r( \ HlIllho H OIla mHo" Euchafl,t \[Ichael \ okt \'lcar Explore Detroit's rich history 10 III a m Four strolls through Detroit's members and include supper and Choral Euchansl and Fournier's Furniture St. Paul Ev. -"errnon .'>unda~ S(hool historic areas and an evening tour transportation Redeemer Lutheran '\ursen -\,aliablPI of histone churches are offered by Further mformatIon may be ob- >-. United \\ eekda\ Eu(han~1 the Detroit Hlstoncal Society and tamed by calhng the Hlstoncal .t-'" : Church Methodis\ : 881-6670 (I 9 311 a In Tuesda\ SALE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! the DetrOit Historical Museum dur- Society office at 833-7934 Church • • Chalfonte and mg the months of June and July Ill'lIor Hoberl E \ell\ Fournier's brings you another good value • Lothrop 20571\ ermer Karen P Evan, assoclale with this maple desk at only $295.00 ThiS Sunday, June 9, there Will be \\ or,hlp 9 a m Just east of I 9~ a gUided VISit through Woodmere Fort Pontchartrain EducatlOn for -\1110 10 a m Harper Woods Lookmg For f flend,hlp ~JY' \ Cemetery, 200 acres of old ship- DAR will gather \\orshlp 11 13 a m 88-12035 and 81hlc Teachmg" yard tract just beyond HistorIC \ur,er} a\allable The Fort Pontchartram Chapter 9 a m 12 13 9 00 a m Church School Grosse POinte Fort Wayne which IS the resting 10 30 a m Worship place of Gov John Bagley, David of the Daughters of the Amencan RE\ J PHILIP \\AHL Re\ Don L1chlenfelt Umtarlan. Church RevolutIOn Will meet Thursday, HE\ ROBERT Il RH\ Whitney, Rabbi Leo M Frankhn, ,,;;'L- the Rev James D Liggett and June 13, at noon at the Detroit Boat Club The program Will feature Grosse Pointe .._~ BenJamm Siegel, among others Wmfleld Arneson, chief curator at UNITED METHODIST CHURCH "All Church On June 23, Old Grosse Pomte, the Dearborn Historical Museum, 211 Moross Road 886-2363 the area bounded by Lakeshore speakmg on "Proflles of the SIg- Service" Laity Sunday Road, FIsher Road, Grosse Pomte nore" Preceding the luncheon, 11a m Service Boulevard and Edgemere Road Mrs Bernard L Seitz Will conduct "Our Church" and Church School Will be explored, highlightmg 1850 a board meetmg at 11 a m. Speaker Jack VanBecelaere 17150 MAUMEE to the present. A stroll through This will be a joint meetIng With 8814120 Palmer Woods IS scheduled for the Alexander Macomb Chapter, 9:15 Family Worship and Church School John Corrado Minister July 14 and on July 28, the DetrOit Mrs Wilham Froberg, of Mount 11:15 Worship and Nursery Care Hlstoncal Department's Architec- Clemens, regent, and Ehzabeth Faith Lutheran tural Curator, James Conway, w111 Cass Chapter, Mrs Frederick R Dr Robert W Bole} Re\ Jack :'\fannschreck Church lead a stroll through Histone Fort CHRIST CENTERED - Heath, of The Farms, regent At- SPIRIT LEO Wayne on a behind-the-scenes look tendmg from this area Will be Mrs Jefferson at PhIlip at the Fort, gradually bemg re- Gordon N Cameron, Mrs Paul THE SUBJECT FOR THIS SUNDAY IS 822 2296 stored to Its CIVilWar appearance Hondench, Mrs Leo'lard L Jen- <;unday Worship 10 15am The HIstorIC Evemng Church sen, Mrs George F Killeen, Mrs "God, the Only '>unday SChool 9 00 am Tour IS set for Thursday, July 11 Edwm Langtry, Mrs Frank S Mc- Cause and Creator" Prayer & Praise Wed 7 30 pm 3410-12 Desk W 48 D 20 H 30 In Tounsts WIll board the Hlstorymo- Kinnon, Mrs Fredenck Mc- Namara, Mrs Fredenck Schelter, Paslor TranSItIOnal styling IS constructed of maple veneers and genuine bl1e at 5.15 pm at the Hlstoncal First Church of Christ, SClentlst Museum and VISit Tnmty EpISCO- Mrs Seitz and Mrs Joseph Ronald W !>chm,dl hardwood solids, highlighted With a lustrous antique brown finiSh, Thomas Grosse POlnle Farms pal Church, Trimty Lutheran and 282 Chalfonte Ave GROSSE POINTE and accented With beautiful brass hardware ReservatIOns are bemg accepted Most Holy Trimty Located between Moross and Moran BAPTIST CHURCH by Mrs Seltz and Mrs McKmnon Services The Sunday Strolls begm on sIte ZI3:l6'lack I\v~nll~ Sunday 1030 A M at 2 p m and take two to three Gros~e Polnl~ Wood' Founzier's Furniture Recent Specs Howard School of Sunday School 1030 A M 881-3341 hours, led by volunteer gUides of WedneSday 800 P M A Warm W.,~e I 16421 Harper 27113 Harper the HIstorical Society. Broadcast Arts, Inc., graduate DetrOit St Clair Shores Sam Curucu, of The Woods, has ~~~~t':;~""hIP Advance reservatIOns are re- been hired by radio statIon WMJC "00 a m ~tr Sunda\ S<:hOOI 881.1285 776.8900 qUired for both events TIckets for as an account executive A 1980 DIAL A PRAYER 945 a m the Strolls are $2 50 each for HIS- Even'r\9 Servoce L Open Mon , Thurs , Ffl 9-8 Open Mon , Thurs ,FfI 10-9 Grosse Pomte North High School toncal SOCIety members, $3 50 for graduate, Curucu has also worked Tues & Wed 9-5 30 Tues, Wed & Sat 10-6 ~~':rym ~f ~~ non-members The evenmg church at WJXQ m Jackson and WJBK in "-II Servl

1 _____ ~1 I Q

I Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve.S ------DRC Friendship Teaplans are on course DetrOIt RevIew Club member club's annual Friendship Tea The lfeber:s- 75thyear- Sue Nine IS In the unenviable pOSI- Nines work hard for local charities I tion of having to be m two places at and DRC has a track record for Healthy one time Sue, of Bloomfield Hills, plulanthroplc work datll1g back to Plants 'I will be With husband Paul Nine In 1894 The DRC Itself has been In ex- make Better Gardens .. Traverse City for the Grand Open Istence since 1891 ",". Ing of the Grand Traverse Resort Members and guests at the Loch- and wmg It home Just In time to moor Club luncheon were given Weber Brother. hne been helping the ~ play hostess to the DetrOit Hevlew maps detaIling dIrections to the particular gardener have an eye. ~ Club's Friendship Tea on Tuesday, Nines' home, and listened to an- appealing, healthy Garden for 75 .. June 18 nouncements from Betty Gensch, season. ", The Nmes are well-Involved wlth Norah Houlihan and Lou Wilcox, In that time their ;: the resort - an 830 acre operatIOn past pre~ldent and co-chaIrman GreenhoUies have grown to coyer six and ~ whIch at pi esent mcludes a hotel With Betty Gensch of the 1985-86 a half acresl And today. Weber's ... and 150 condomll1lUms \\ Ith mOle programs, detaIling thiS fall's experts will stili go out of their ~ to come - a~ Paul "lllle l~ the at events The DRC's schedule in- way to help you have a =; torney "'ho put together the fman- cludes the annual program slated magnificent garden ~ clal plan~ for the resort and Sue thiS year for Tuesday, Sept 17, and ... wa~ III cha rge of decOla tmg th£> the November benefIt and fashIOn .8ell"al ... • ".riJl ..ld ..~ hotel Jack Nlcklau~ ~erved a~ golf ~how • "e •• ala,. • ••c I•• t I tole ...... • 1 11...... course deSigner lor the re'>ort and The Fnendshlp Tea, though, IS "II... Sue Nme will leave !'Ilcklaus, her lJrst on the agenda It 1,','111 run from .. husband and formel PreSIdent 12 ~O to 3 p m There will be no .. Gerald Ford at the grand opemng charge for members or guests, but . ." '" ceremomes to fly back homE.' for the DonatIOn Bowl (the contents of •• Weher, Brotheri' her 1< nend~hlp 1ed which go to help With V1{C s many Yllreenhouses ~, "Havmg t\\O thmgs to do at the charItable proJects) Will be m eVI- 11,.1\ 900 AM. 700 PM W10.DS W Ie...Mlloto.N4 0 ... '1';' .. I hltl Wnl.111M- 100 same tune ~eems to be par 101' the dence Prospective new members "

• rY ( ell • ~ rr l • rr Ie f i jr S OptlOOS In the MISS J Shop 882-7000 • I III sir • ,1t(U' c"'p I <.,l1r.'1 r lkc By Descente • Boast • Fre~~errY 'Includes haircut ~hampoo and slyhng • c1 ri( r, t t r I);' r, q { o( 'v ('( 'or Paja • Court Casual • Natty C JSf r r ' < " I t 1 I ?I,. I' "I r'CC rilnqcs 1 '" (r (r 1 r Bonnie Sportsware Fila A('cess05!~s 1 ( (r t lor r) r t ,(1 Wr rl V) , 1Vi ( I r r '1-1

T') ITak, yOll1 >1 '-' I r I, \ 1 0 0Jcr ()',- Irro'1lO'abrc call DISCOUNT RACKETS • ' ~ SHOES - BALLS \. I CI'-'t I r <.,~ r"IU(I-, ,#{ t Jacobson's 4668043 24 Hour Stringtng, Regripping Service Grosse POinte T 1 10 1\ M 5 30 PM t FRr I rS I'lll1f ~ iO tfrRr\rtS ,I All,V'1 I '/O~IIJAY THROUC;H rFllDAY We welcome Jacobsor'l's Charge Card or The American Expre~' Card CUSTO~ CLISI~E CATERERS t ir.zF~9.,~~t.~,~~,O~T~t Shop until 9 p,m. on Thursday and Friday ~~n.~""10 8 Gr88~~56~(thJ <"1 L',O~' ) , Untl16 pm on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday ~ ------L~~~~---..~ Thursday, June 6, 1985 Page SIX-S GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------~------_._------Carter-¥ockey rites are read Barbara Lynn Yockey and Rich- Matt Ottinger was best man for ard Kenneth Carter exchanged hIS fl'lend. who IS the son of Mrs marriage vows Saturday March 30 Kittle Carter, a former Grosse m the Alumm Memonal' Chapel at Pom!e Woods resident who now Michigan State Umverslty. An un- lives in DetroIt, and the late Ken- ele of the bridegroom, Mr Chnton neth W Carter Groomsmen were Bell, of Waterloo, Ont, officiated Tyrone TIedeman, MIchael Carter, at the ceremony, whIch was fol- of Dallas, Texas, a brother of the r------~~---~--~---,I FRESH CUT I NURSING lowed by a reception at Kellogg bridegroom, and Michael Yockey, Center on the MichIgan State Um- a brother of the bnde Ushers m- HOME verslty campus eluded W Stephen Carter, of < • i DAISIES I 80~S The bride. daughter of Mr and RIverSIde, Callf , another brother U~T JHHR~O\ Mrs Fred L Yockey of Plymouth of the bridegroom, and Kurt L>HROIT, '!I( H. wore a full length, tr~dltlonal whlt~ Yockey, another of the bride's i 99 ! Catherine M. Gaskin gown def>lgned wtth a cathedral brothers $1 BUNCH ' I I "' ...... 821-3525 tram, lace leg-o-mutton sleeves, a August VOWS lace and seed pearl bodIce and high Mrs G1ada QUllln was orgamst L_~~~~2~=!~~~~~~~_J lace neckline Her satm hat match- for the ceremony, at whIch Ms QL .4LIT> Johnston, one of the bndesmalds, ed the gown and held a long veil FULL SERVICE FLORISTS: \URSI\C C4Rl:. sang "Longer" and "Love Drops" are planned which trailed down the back She earned whIte roses and carnatIOns, Richard and Barbara 399 FISHEH HI) Mr and Mrs l\hchael A Gaskin, Mrs Zoe Yockey. the bnde's Carter GHOSSE POISTE 885-8510' of Lochmoor Boulevard, are an- IVy and baby's-breath great-aunt, was an honored guest .. nouncing the engagement of theIr Patncta Yockey, of San Diego, from West Vtrgmla Umversity, IS daughter. Catherine Mary, to Ran- Cahf , was maid of honor for her The couple vacatIoned m Orlan- an assocIate attorney with Mtel & , dall Lee Collins son of Rtchard C sister Bndesmalds mcluded Sally do, Fla , and are at home at Clif- Mlel Law FIrm In Stanton Mr Collins, of Grand RapIds, and Mar Johnston. ot Morgantown, W Va , ford Lake, Stanton, Mlch 1he Carter, a lrrosse Po1Ote North HIgh garet Hawkms. of Peoria. III An Cheri Chandler, fiance of the bl'lde, a graduate of Plymouth School graduate who holds Bache- ~9~~EYE CE~TER August weddIng IS planned bnde's brother, and Mrs. Pam Salem HIgh School who holds a lor of Arts degrees m Geology and g CORNEA. LASER. CATARACT. IMPLANT MISS GaskIn IS a graduate of Yockey, the bride's sIster-in-law A Bachelor of Arts m Busmess Ad- Computer SCIence from MSU, ISan Grosse POlnte North HIgh School mece of the bnde, Zoe Yockey, was mimstratIOn degree from Mtchlgan assocIate software engmeer WIth , , She IS maJonng III FashIOn Mer- tlower gIrl State UniverSIty and a JUl'lS Doctor Raplstan 111 Grand Rapids " chandlsmg and BUSIness at THE EYES HAVE IT! Western MIchIgan Umverslty, and Pair planning July wedding I, ' expects to graduate 10 June, 1986 She IS a member of FABS, a club at Columbia Umverslty, ChIcago, , \\ omen h..l\ e ah\ the son of Mr and Mrs. verslty and IS presently a student \\ ell )\\n fOl hi" e'-pel tbe m e\ e SUIgel y. offel's pel manent eye Imel. a pi OCtdUle \\ hlCh Implant» d) e mlCI OSUlglcall) The techmque. a ba"lc. delicate tatoomg take" about I'mt\ fh e mlllutes Camp Fire 'outreach' continues Camp FIre's outreach program mote deCISIOn-makIng, SOCIal-skIll Pel m,lIlE'nt E) E'Llillllg I" a \\ E'lcome beaut) aid fOI the patient who weals for city elementary school chlldren development, and havmg fun to- contact lense". bifocals ha" \ ISlOn pi oblE'ms 01 al thlltlC conditIOns receIved a grant of $15,000from the gether .....thletes and tho"e engaged III aCll\ e SpOIts such al:>S\\ Immmg and Jogg SkIllman FoundatIon ThIS fman- ThiS past year's Camp FIre In- mg ha\ e pi dlsed Its benefit» clal support from the pnvate sec- School Clubs served nearly 300fIrst tor of the commumty will help through fourth graders m five city- Call for Consultation 885-4987 Camp FIre DetrOIt Area CounCil to schools. The support of the DetrOIt contInue to prOVIde programs of Pubhc Schools, the Umted Founda- group-learmng skIlls and self- tion, the Black Umted Fund, and rehance development for chIldren other community foundatIons con- m the DetrOIt Pubhc Schools tnbuted to the inaugural-year suc- "Be it ever so "When Interested adults help cess of In-School Camp Fire Clubs. humble there's no chIldren learn new skills and gain Camp FIre DetrOIt Area Council place like home." Leslie A. Stead confidence m their abIlIty to use IS III ItS 73rd year of servIce to Mary Anne Bozich them, chIldren naturaIly come to young people III Wayne, Oakland, • Homr Carr "Iursmg understand and respect work, Macomb and Livmgston counties • Prl\ all' DUl\ Nur!>m~ Peters-Stead Miss Bozich • Homt'maklnj( St'n Il't'!> health and love," said John W The CouncIl IS Illcreasingly rec- Pugh, ExecutIve Dtrector of Camp ognized for ItS dedtcatIon to the de- If \Ie (un help \OU \I Ith \our troth is told FIre DetrOlt Area Council velopment of youth through hfe- to be bride medJ(ul or per;on,ll c:"rt' learmng experIences that trained ple,lse Lolli June wedd10g plans are bemg In-School Camp Fire Clubs meet Early August wedd10g plans are made by Leshe Ann Stead and C dUring the school day for 90 min- volunteer adults offer Club mem- be10g made by Mary Anne Bozich, 343-4357 Michael Peters, whose engage- utes on alternate weeks SigmfI- bers are enrolled m small groups of daughter of Mrs. Anthony Bozich, ment has been announced by her cant segments of each meeting are SImilar agt's from kmdergartners of North Brys Drive, and the late parents, Mr and Mrs Harold L gUIded by tramed volunteer adults through 12th-graders. All actIVItIes Mr BOZIch, and Michael Joseph PM S Stead, of Vermer Road who share responslblhties with are mformal and coeducatIOnal Frank, M.D., son of Mr and Mrs MISS Stead receIved a Bachelor parents for showmg chtldren ways The Detroit Area Counctl IS sup- Monroe Frank, of Buffalo, N.Y Professional Medical Services of Arts in Elementary Educatltm to go ported by funding from the United ,M.issBoztch was graduated from Camp FIre's Special Programs , Fbuhdati6rl.:~by gtanfs' fr6m toun- I , 200610 Itar!"'r ".e from the UniverSIty of Michigan to University Liggett School i.n 1977 Hirper Woods, MI 43225 Director, Kathleen Stokes, stress- dations and corporations, as well May and holds a Bachelor of Science III AI/I/laled wlrh Salnr John Hospllal Her fiance, the son of Mr and ed the values that adult-leadership as gIfts and contl'lbutlons from Ill- Nursmg from Marymount College Servmg rhe surroundmg Mrs. Roger Peters, of , Ga , role models offer "Chtldren and dlvtduals. of VIrgmia, ArlIngton, Va She IS a commUnllles for over 30 years parents alIke benefIt from the in- received Bachelors of SCIence 10 RegIstered Nurse employed m the both Electncal EngmeerIng and In dtvidual attention that is paid to Pointer earns group's recovery room at Bon Secours Computer Engmeenng from the partICIpants m small groups," she HospItal She IS also a member of Umversity of MichIgan 10 Apnl, saId Boys and gIrls m SImilar-age 'Tribute to Women' Sigma Gamma Association and the groups work on projects that pro- THE PROf !'.S~IO~-\LS \HW L-\RE 1984 Anme K Blessed, of The Farms, Jumor League of DetrOit was recogmzed for her hundreds of Dr Frank holds a Bachelor of hours of volunteer serVIces III cam- Arts m BIOchemIstry from Can- pa!gns, precmct work, fundrmsmg ISlUSCollege, Buffalo, and receIVed and Repubhcan women's club hIS med~al degree, WIth a pedia- Remember Dad funcltons at a speCIal "MIchIgan tnc specialty, from S1. LoUISUm- WILD WIN Tnbute to Women" dinner held re- versity's School of Medicine He IS cently at the Hyatt-Regency in a pedIatrICian at the St ClaIr 20% OFF Dearborn MediCal Center and ISa member of Custom framing on any limited Mrs Blessed was nomInated for the Amencan Medical AssociatIon edition print from our gallery thIS honor by the Women's Repubh- and the Amencan Academy of Special $15.50 can Club of Grosse Pointe She was Pedlatncs Now through Father's Day - one of 30 women so honored under with this ad. Call Today the jomt sponsorship of the Na- Medical Society 1Kercheval (at Fisher) tIonal FederatIOn of Repubhcan 885-4001 THE CORNER CUPBOARD Women and the RepublIcan Wom- Auxiliary meets Mon.-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5, Thurs 'tIll 9 en's FederatIOn of MIchIgan The annual meetmg of the Wayne 884-7082 Among those present were her son County MedIcal SOCIety AUXIliary and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs was May 17 at the Country Club of Charles W Blessed DetrOtt Officers Installed that day Mrs Blessed IS currently co- for 1985-86 include PattI (Mrs chairman of the EducatIOn Com- Earl) Merntt, president, Lily mittee of her local club She also (Mrs Nabl]) Tawile, VIce presi- has been actIve III Girl Scouts of dent, Jean (Mrs Ahmad) Azar re- 1JtIIt!ti5! America. havmg wntten the pubhc cordmg secretary, Mary E'llen !Vow tIuit'4 relatIOns pnmer that IS used m 11\1rs DaVid P.> Corbet, corres- every state pondIng secretary, LIsa (Mrs G A ) Morreale, assIstant coores- CbtliftJi11Jad tLJift/otJe Mar~ S. Harrity, daughter of ;\11'. pondmg secretary, Mary (Mrs and Mrs. William A. Harrity, of Rodman E) Taber, treasurer, 14-piece Vendome Road, receIved honors Peggy (Mrs James) Danforth for the fall. 1984-85 term at SkId- fmanclal secretary, and Jan (Mrs' portrait more College WIlham) Jevons. past preSident WE MAKE ~r~-- colledion FITNESS \11(1 \\ iI\ \\ould, I ,l1l\ I),HI 10\( thl., m,lI1-"Ii'r 2-Bxl0s,2-5xls, Bllrll' (h.lll \\lth Ih III"h d,(p '>I',IIJll~ I,', 'he 10 wollet size 1110" comfort,dll, J( (1111(r n('r tIloHler \c; f(,r loo~, 1IOt( It., h.lIId.,OIlH .,( ulptllrl d "Illgc;, moloed FUNI (ll,hlOlll!I~ hr,l ..." 1I.\1I1H,I

Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-B - ---_._._------_._------'Nightengale' Reserve space on 'showboat' Reservations are now being shops. Show hme, wIth the 1985 taken for the War Memorial's af- Showboat's attraction, the Osmond makes debut ternoon/evening trip to the Chesan- Brothers, follows. The Jenny Lmd Club of DetrOit 109 Showboat on Wednesday, July WIll present Elisabeth Berg, a 10 Only 12 spaces remain. The bus leaves the War Mem- young vocalist from northern The trip includes an early dmner onal at 12'30 p.m and returns at and reCipient of the 1984 at Chesamng HerItage House, a 1:30 a.m The $42 per pnrson cost Jenny Lmd Scholarship, 10 stately manSIOn built 10 1908 After Includes transportation, dinner and her first concert appearance m dlOner there will be time to explore the performance. To reserve Amenca on Wednesday, June 12, at the "Olde Home Shoppes" on the space, send a check or money or- 8 pm at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Boulevard, which mclude eight re- der to the War Memorial, 32 Lake- Club A pre-concert hght buffet WIll stored homes buIlt In the early shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, be served at 6'30 pm 1900s that now serve as umque 48236. Reservations are requIred by thiS Saturday, June 8 and atten- dance IS limited to 150 persons Bon Secours Celebrity Series sei TIckets are $20 per person, WIth partlal tax deductiOn Belle Brogan Tickets are now on sale for the the entire series Send a check: or (626-5350) or Harnet Genberg Grosse POinte Celebrity Series to money order to Mrs Eritest (882-0212) will take reservations benefit Bon Secours Hospital The Moeller, 801 Lakeland Ave~ue, Ms Berg, 17, is the youngest per- Thursday ~enes WIll take place at Grosse POinte, MICh ,48230 ':, former ever awarded the Jenny Parcells School Audltonum 10 Checks should be made payable Lmd Scholarship, presented an- Grosse Po1Ote Woods to the Bon Secours ASSistance :tea- nually by Folkparkernas Central The Celebnty Senes begins on gue TIckets Will be mailed 10Sep- Orgamsatlon Her extensive reper- Thursday, Oct 10, WIth guest tember tOIre of opera, romantIc and class speaker 4..nna 'VIana A.lh('rghptti. Ical Swedish songs promises a singer, actress, and Tony Award memorable evening of entertain- wmner for the Broadway produc- A look at computers ment and nostalgia She Will be ac- lion "Carmval " and genealogy compamed by plamst Tomas Camella Sadat WIllspeak on Nov Johnsson, of Gothenberg, an ac- 14 about "What It Means to be a The DetrOIt SocIety for Gen- compamst scholarship wmner Photo bJ' Karlest Ford Woman 10 Moslem Society" ealogIcal Research Will meet at Nora Ephron, cnllc and author 2 p m. this Saturday, June 8,10 the A Fontbonne welcome of the best seller "Heartburn," will Explurers Room of the DetrOit Colony 1bwn Busy preparing for their New Member Tea from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, at the home of speak on Jan 9, 1986 She ISalso the Publtc Library on Woodward Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGlone, are Fontbonne Auxiliary's (left to right) Mrs. Raymond A. (Rose) Regner, co-screenwriter and Academy nue All genealogical supphes and publications Will be avaIlable after general chairman; Mrs. Joseph L. (Rosemary) Gaspar, co-chairman; Betty McGlone, tea hostess; Mrs. Award nommee for the fIlm "SIlk- the meeting Club picks Anthony (Patricia) Oshtosh, Fontbonne Auxiliary president; and Sister Verenice McQuade, SSJ, Vice. wood" Peter Howard, composer, musIc A panel of past and pre~ent officers President of Patient and Community Services of St. John Hospital and Fontbonne Director. Summer director and concert plamst known DSGR board members WIll mitiate fashions from Marla Dlnon will be informally modeled and tea, cookies and sandwiches will be served, for hiS work 10 "Marne," "My FaIr a diSCUSSIOn of "Computers In The Colony Town Club has Harpist Nadia Marks will perform. Fontbonne members are asked to bring one or more new me~bers Lady," and "The Sound of MUSIC," Genealogy" Computers will ex- chosen Its officers for the 1985-86 as admission to the tea. Further information may be obtained by calling the Fontbonne office at will close out the senes on March pedite collectIOn of genealogICal season They are Mrs. John Nicol, 343.3675. 13, 1986 matenals qUIckly and the com- preSIdent, Mrs Thomas Murphy, Tickets for the 1985-86 Grosse puter experts WIll bnng both ama- first vice-preSIdent, Mrs. Thomas POinte Celebnty Senes may be teur and profeSSIOnal expenence to McBryan, second vice-president; purchased by mall and cost $30 for meet questions Mrs Thomas Coulter, recording The best way to control a child's behavior secretary, Mrs. Robert Sullivan, assistant recordmg secretary, Short Mrs. Robert Reas, correspondmg You may have heard someone buts about it I rules are, knowmg that the rules secretary, Mrs Harry Markle, as- say, "Children today don't do what EffectIve parent: "It's tIme to do WIll be applIed consistently, and and to sIstant corresponding secretary, their paren ts tell them!" But wha t your homework" Child. "I Just knowmg what the consequences Mrs Richard Sze]bach, treasurer, can parents do when chIldren don't want to watch some TV " Etfectlve Will be for breakmg the rules gives the Pointe and Mrs John Malcolm, assistant behave the way they want? parent. "No, you may not, because a child a feel 109 of security. The treasurer There are basically three types we agreed last mght that there chIld knows what ISexpected, what POinter .Jac1IUl'linl' Members of the Appomted and of responses parents use in dealing would be no teleVISIon tomght un- behaVIOr Will be tolerated, and Hahn received a Bach- Standmg CommIttees mclude Mrs With their children, according to less your room was tidied If you what Will happen If these limits are elor of SCience degree Growmg Up, the newsletter for Walter Bernard, chairman of the get your room cleaned by 6 p.m Ignored III B..lcteno)ogy trom Cancer Loan Closet, Mrs. Kenneth parents of school age children tomorrow mght - mcluding put- The Growmg Up newsletter fol- Washmgton Stdte Um These responses are "helpless," lows a child's development through Steketee, sewing; Mrs John Cush- ting all your shoes and socks away verslty JI1 December man, bulletm; Mrs Ralph Ander- "hostile," and "effective" neatly - then you Will be allowed the school years For more mfor- l:: -: .... to watch one hour of teleVISIOn matlOn, wnte to Growing up, P.O son, child adoptIOn, Mrs Sze]bach, The helpless parent - The POlllter Ha<;il J) tomorrow evemng - after your Box 620N, Lafayette, Ind, 47902 fmance, Mrs. Wilham Fox. mem- helpless parent Immediately ad- Johnson IS servmg as bership, Mrs. Edwm Secord, par- homework IS fmished " Include child's school grade when Repair, Re~toring and Refinishing mIts defeat, even before the chIld an IOformatlOn lepre- Knowing In advance what the wntmg lIamentanan; Mrs Edward knows clearly what behavior IS ex- sentatlve lor the U S FlOe dnllques retam their value Boggs, publicity and historian, pected of him. The helpless parent Merchant Manne AcI 9R KERCHEVAL O~ THJt; HILL, GROSSE PTE. FARMS, 884-1710 lor mol. nlOlmaMn 8114 7~25

I. \ :. Thursday, June 6, 1985 Page Eight-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. GROSSE POINTE SHORES OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. PRICE REDUCTION! WILLOW TREE Custom tUtlt six bedroom Col. 626 S. HIGBIE Pl. Prime LocatIOn PIl vate street NEW ON THE MARKET ... omal, two full and two half balhs Family close to lake, ~chools and shopp room With wet bar Den Sun room FINotfloor mg Newly painted exterJOl Pro- -l61McKINLEY - OPEN surmA Y 2-5 AllractlVe three bedroom. one and one half bath Colomal with laundry room fesSIOnallylandscaped Three bed large rooms and m excellent conditIOn New Mutschler kitchen. screened terrace. games room with rooms, family room, two full ftreplace tllO car garage It has everything' Move right 10' 884-0600 ST. CLAIR SHORES baths ProfeSSIOnally decordted LAKELAND Excellent two bedroom brick ranch kitchen, family room, and I1vmg 131MORAN - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 J,200 square feet of character and English charm m thiS stately four Family room Nalural fireplace room Two mdependent fireplaces bedroom two bath Tudor' Large step-do\\ n IIvmg room, entertamment size dmmg room. family room, New apphances negotldble Ex paneled hbrar~. t\\ 0 half baths master sUite with slltmg room and fireplace. private brick walled cellent floor plan Well con ~ard \\ORE' 88~-0600 structed Call Shlrlev Ireland, John S Goodman, Inc' 886 3060 \'ILLAGE CHARMER features three bedrooms one and one half baths and family room m mmt condi- WILIOH tIOnFarm Colomal Also Includes brand nell furnace plus nell 1'1' kitchen and bath The price IS rlght REALTORS $73,500 lIurf) , 8816300 Jfo~n,$. ~oonmanr<~ E:>"QUISITECOLO:'\IALJust a bloc~ from the lake' Outstanding amemtles mclude a terrific 26' famlly 884.3550 Computenzed - Mulliltsted room \\ lth ftreplace 0\ erlookmg breath taking gardens a designer kitchen with Jennalre, microwave, 93 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE marble counters and butler's panll ~ plus man~ more Iw.ur~ accommodatIOns Call 881-6300for details I 886-3060 Established 1951 BEDFORD RO-\D and an outstandmg four bedroom, tllO and one half bath Colomal m lovely setting With SINE REALTY \ lell of Three 1\111ePark :-.lel\Mutschler kitchen large breakfast room, library, enclosed terrace, . IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME recreatIOn room IIIth fireplace nell roof and freshly pamted exterIOr Excellent value $139,500 TO C,\LL SINE ... 118~0600 17826E Warren - Office bUlldmg m excellent locatIOn Second floor 11-\ 'l;Ul FA1Ui3 LvCATi0;-"', a." ..".:", ct"or. nc,\cr k:tcl;~n I' ell m-\Int'llnt>d ill1dthe price IS rleht' ST CLAIR SHORES Cilnhe hVlI1gqUilrters Square feet 2 300 $38 500 - Bv appoll1t Just $89500tor FOl:R bedroom'> fdmll) room fireplace den and fllllshed basment m lovely English ment only RIVIERA TERRACE - Second level, mce, two Colol1lal BB-l 0600 bedroom, lwo bath, condommlUm, carpetmg, GOOD INVESTMENT - 1088 LAKEPOINTE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 carport, Immediate possession Grosse rental income - $600 per month

7b5BEDFORD - Transferred Oil nI'l :\IUST SELL fme family ColomaI near the lake' Five bedrooms. GROSSE POINTE SHORES Two family mcome, stoves and refngerators mcluded Llvmg room, thl ee and one halt baths and hbran Fabulous bu)' 881.0;200 kitchen, two bedrooms and bath In each umt Gas, steam furnace, VERNIER - Near Lakeshore, three bedroom, two car garage $6,500down to FHA appraised mOltgage Priced 79-1C-\DIEl \. - Ternllc 31X}.j' master sUite II Ith adjOllllng bath In thiS three bedroom. two bath brick bnck Colomal, new modern kitchen, $49,500 bungaloll 111 hand~ Cll) locatIOn near the Village $70's 881-6300 carpetmg, two car drive, Immediate posses- SIOn,terms. Price Reduced, Owners AnXIOUSto Move Out of State 19960;E~IORY COCRT - Three bedroom. one and one half bath Colomal With family room and flmshed basement m popular Um\erslt) -LIggett area 881-6300 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Make your appomtment today to see thiS Immaculate gem of d ranch Two bedrooms WIth paneled family room or third -161'IcKI'\LEY - Three bedroom one and one half bath Colomal (See ad under' New on the Market" ROSLYN - Alummum, two slory, three bed- bedroom, fmlshed basement, new decor and carpetmg, newer rooms, den, large kitchen, uhhty room, drive, roof Close to transportation and schools Move-m condition abovE.' , garage, priced to sell lJI \tOR \" - LlJIel~ spacIous English Tudor ,See ad under' New on the Market" above) l SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT SINE REALTY .... I all11S.------MULTILlST SERVICE "--G-eo-r-ge-p-a-Im-s-- ( ) l-\-/J-all-a-ce-G-u-er-t1-er---' FARMS OFFICE 884-7000 tlCe~ WIlham Queen tI-....J DI:AL TO C; Gerald Leone Gloria Barker Herb Lorenz Leo Drolshagen Jr Mickey Palms 17646 M.A.CK 886-4444

....- Amerl(,an .. .------.... ------RedCro"s CAPE COD CHARMER m the Fdrms - versatile A BEAUTY OF A RANCH featurmg three enough for empty nesters" or a family Four bedrooms, two baths. large family room With ~-~ bedrooms four baths. family room and beautiful fireplace, Florida room and all neutral carpetmg games room Immediate occupancy 881-4200 plus an attached garage 881-6300 ---=:------OCTSTA!'\D!:"G PARK COLONIAL has five bedrooms, four and one half baths, hbrary, large family room. I1Icel) fJl1Ishedbasement, central all' and countless custom extras Ready to move m' 884-0600 =~~-iJ E\;GLlSH BEAUTY IIIth updated kitchen. new decor and landscapmg, beveled glass, family room plus /r I'" " hbraQ ThiS one WIll wm your heart' Formallll~% assumptIOn avallable Only $119,000 881-4200 conium., ""';. w-1 Information ~ BISHOP ROAD - Mmt condition Enghsh Tudor Withthree plus bedrooms, two and one half baths, fmlShed eltllog ~1 ',' basement t\\ 0 car attached garage and lots of recent Improvements includmg modern kitchen, new msulal10n and complete security system Nice assumptIOn posSible 881.4200 t1: ~., It\: THE WOODS - Fresh and hght neutral decor m thiS Colomal With beautiful modern kitchen With everything mcludmg microwave Beautiful new wooden deck and MORE' Just $67,900 881-4200 J' / 1'1 THE FARMS - ThIS three bedroom brick ranch on 60 lot IShandy to everythmg' Includes FlOrida l..--L--l------• room. redllood deck. garage - Just right for young marrieds' $70's 884-0600 Our IIsI can help yOIl do Ille other Ih,ngs you haveonyo~Lsl c:hKkon OltfGINAL OWNER WOODSCOLONIALhas newer family room and full msulation fo~lo~''''heatmg costs' SOCIalsecurity slart the diet find out abOut Your chOIce of hberal terms Priced m the $50's for young budgets' 881-4200. Ihe loan Our list IS lhe Consumer Information Calalog GROSSE POINTE PARK Two.famlly just reduced' Good return on this "newer" brick and aluminum And rt s tree So are many of the more lhan 200 government booklets In the Catalog Booklels on Illth t\\O hedroom Unit down one bedroom Unit up Now $74,900 881-4200 employment hea~h. safely nutrotlon hOysJng, government programs and ICls of ways you can save money The Consumer Informal Ion Cenler ot the U S General ServICes AdmlnJstratlon publishes Ihe I ,-,'. '~.\V;;=iIIiiIiM Catalog quarterly to bring you the most up-to- dale word ~!II!1I1 ..... c ; _ ~...... -. So to sl'lOrlen your list. send for the free Consumer InformatIOn Catalog It s the Ihlng to o R RELD. do Just send us a postcard or leller With your ~ name and address Wrote Consumer Information GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS Center Situated on a secluded street, thiS handsome Georgian manse deSigned by 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881.6300 Dept.PA Robert Carey IS Ideally suited to gracious family IIvmgand entertammg From PueItIo, Colorado 81009 the lovely foyer With fireplace, a panorama of dlstmcllve rooms ISeVident the library With Its arched doorways and gentle bay, garden room With fireplace and view of formal yard and massIVe games room With Its vaulted ceiling and PaladlUm doors which lead 10mground pool and gardens There are four family bedrooms and three full baths Amemtles mclude a separate guest or mother-m-Iaw SUite, first floor laundry, sewmg or computer room, attached three car garage and secunty system A umque opportumty to restore this legendary reSidence back to Its ongmal splendor $375,000

\h'mhel III IhE' We Get Results!!! LOCATED at-. THE HILL (ro", (' JOlnll Htll F I It E-"h n",l In Gr~ ...l' POinte Farm .... \1 .tomb Ho Ird 0' fi(" III r ... There is a reason why sellers chose McBrearty and Adlhoch Realtors to re-present them in, iU():'o." from Pe-rn Drull.!l llelfolT Ro ,rd (I RNI!m marketing their home. Call one of our Professionals today and set up an appointment to discuss our ideas further. PRICED REDUCED FIRST OFFERING - FARMS Enghsh Tudor, larger three bedrooms, one and one half baths, near CharleVOIX Separate breakfast room, two car garage Immediate occupancy

FIRST OFFERING - Indoor Pool, three bedroom ranch Withfamily room m convelllent Shores locatIOn, $13,000down assumes 11% Fixed Rate Mortgage

FIRST OFFERING - Great lookmg three bed- room ranch home on Kenmore Freshly pamted, thermo wmdows throughout, hard- wood floors, paneled basement Close to Park, wonderful starter home or home for retirees RIVARD four bedrooms, two full baths Wttha den Five appliances mcluded 903RIVARD - $86,900- COLONIAL Substantial, and family room for only $105,000and aVallable SpaCIOUS,assumable Central air, recreation room Immedlatel} EnJoy a brick home With a 200foot Withfireplace, hardwood floors, fenced yard, three deep lot only one block from Kercheval Home FINE FAMILY HOME, well mamtamed and bedrooms OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 needs work, but priced to sell, With most homes decorated, three bedroom, one and one half OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 -.FARMS center entrance m the area valued much higher bath home near schools and shoppmg LlVIng ColomaI Three bedrooms, one and one half GROSSE POINTE SHORES room WIth flrpnlace breakfast room. Im- baths. pane!erl recreat!!ln room, all natura! SPACIOUS SEMI.RANCH near Farms Park mediate occupa"ncy woodwork, fresh decor, new furnace, extra m- Situated III a pnme location on a beautltut corner site just 01I Lakeshore thIS Comfortable famdy home Withfour bedrooms, sulatlon 432McKINLEY ISthe place, KAREN OUTSTANDING French Provmclal home has all the amcmtles you would ex' two baths, and pleasant family room Outstand. KNUDSON wtll be your hostess Price reduc. pect m an offermg of thiS caliber and MORE' The versatile floor plan II1clurles mg recreatIOn room, central all' conditlolllng YORKSHIRE - Featunng a well designed center ed a large first floor master SUite,a stunnmg marble foyer featunng a graclou,> hallway plan With not only a very S}:laCIOUS Circular staircase to three generous bedrooms and two baths on the second 26X16 hvmg room but also featunng a large EXQUISITE FARMHOUSE - Completely floor, first floor laundry room With lavatory and powder room, and a fully FARMS McKINLEY Newer bUilt ml974 WIthall kitchen, family room and screened porch renovated, all new kitchen and oak cabinets, eqUiPped designer kitchen to dehghl the fUSSiest gourmet cook' Loads of the modern construchon features along With UpstaIrs features fIVe bedrooms and three three bedrooms, family room, hvmg room and beautiful carpetmg and decoralor wmdow treatments are al.,o mcluded the popular "open" floor plan, Ideal for your baths Priced to allow for your decoratmg dmmg room floors stlpped, refinished Stam- entertammg flow Neat family room With budget ed glass wmdows In hVlng. dmmg room and This fme offerIng features quahty throughout and I'>m ab,>olule!\ mlnl (on Frankhn stove and bookshelves All new car. kItchen Hearth 111 hvmg room has decorative dltlon Don't walt to call B84-0600 for the excll1l1gdelalb' . petll1g 111 1983and a large garage tiles from over 100 years old New brick walkway. charmmg. must see CONDO- STUNNING two bedroom, two and one half bath condo at Shorepomte Many custom RADNOR CIRCLE - FARMS, hrst floor features, private area, central aIr, custom bedrooms, near the "HIli", charming home moldmgs, parquet floonng, professIOnally de. With two full baths, natural fireplace, sprmkler system, two car garage corated OUTSTANDING ENGLISH home With five bed- NEAR BROWNELL, one and one half story home rooms, three and one half baths, famdy room m excellent condition Kitchen and baths and garden room Natural woodwork and eight-panel doors Breakfast room With cor- S~ KERCHEVAL AVENUE GROSSE POINTE fARMS mode rillzed, newer roof, Florida room With ss_ oeoo 'hot tub 882.5200 ner cabmets

i ...... """ ...... __ ...... - ...... - •...-...r-"...-..--...... -.--.-.,...... ,...... ,..-.~~~~~-----.,.

Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-B


Remodeling information available S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE : Whatever home Improve- franknes!>. Inlegrlty and respon. Grosse POinte Woods ment project you dre dbout to slbl1l1y In dealing With Ihe pub Write now! II begin, the Ndllondl Home 1m ilL Tu &,~,g'~ ~eat~

provement Council pro\ Ide .. CIIJ1lt; PI evelltlOn CoalltlOn j valuable Informdtlon from qdrl l.lox (,GOU "llllen ....all,., alld f'r;I'ltd., irf' l1WII" 886.8710 to flnlsh In Ih free broLhure. norr<:\lllli' M, manufacturer;,. lender;,. ;,elf dddressed envelope 10 the .. supphers. ull"ty wmpdnles Jnd NdtlOndl Home Improvement .. pubhshers y, ho dre pledged 10 Councll. 11 East 44th Sireel. obscnc the hlghc ..t stdnddrds of Ne\\ Yorl.. NY 10017 -.. 82.2CANTEr~BUR'r - tlngllldl oyoner Wdl mdlll GIWSSE POI:'oiTE SHORES - Immaculate four t,llnNl" Ith [p,11111 ,,_ m( IlIrhnJ! lour bPdroom, t\\O hpdroom ranch "-:ntlre house has been full bdth~ powdel room Idrg(' kitchen \\ Ith pdn ledetOrdted Mdrble fo)('r '1'\\0 flf('place., ,<;,un '. trv F dml h room Fir, t floor laundn ~pnnklel 100In All new carpeting Aluminum tnm Large lot t'i5 y 150 Clo;,e to the Idke FIRST OFFERING You'll fInd quality throughout NEW OFFERING sy;,tem tentrdl

PRESTIGEOUS LOCATION, move-In condltlOn Superb hVIng m thiS lovely center entrance semi ranch m Grosse POinte Shores Master bedroom With pnvate bath, powder room, family room. first OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 floor laundry and much more NEW OFFERING, 59 LAKESHORE - All the <.hdrm ot d turn 01 the centul\ rec;ldence and all the com elll£'nc{' 01 d IlCII OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 64 FONTANA LANE home Beautiful \\ ood" ork dnd ledded gla;,s \\ mdo\\ .., ne\\ kitchens and b

the Park, a flOe three bedroom brick Colomal Immediate Occupancy f Chdrmmg lhree bedroom tYoOdnd one half bath Cololllal m the Park LIVing giVing you many convemences mcludlng room \,Ith fireplace. COLyden. kitchen hd::' eatmg area Well land;,caped lot mamtenance free aluminum trim and no-wax t floonng In kitchen Basement and garage Top conditIOn W-60BEA) 886-5800 CUSTOM BUlL T COLONIAL Grand center hall ~\~ I Coloma I, lmmaculatp]\ m. . "J one half baths, \ paneled den With fireplace, Flonda room and central aIr condltlOmng ChOIce location on Falrford m Grosse POinte Shores perfectly .$Qzp_N~ _ framed In a profeSSIOnally cared for settmg (H.55FAD 885-2000 WELL APPOINTED FAMILY HOME Beautiful landscapmg accents thiS spotlessly mamtamed family home Hardwood floors, updated kitchen cozy screened porch, and den With bUilt-inS are Just a few of the many features to thiS "must see" Ulllversity near the ldl-.e Impre,slve detdil 1\100eto the heart of Grosse POinte Farms and en- home $95,000 (H.21BIS) 885.2000 throughout Md"ter bedroom'> ha~ fireplace four jO\ the pool and terrace thiS summer - garden room country kItchen, hVIng room With fireplace I STRIKING BI-LEVEL COLONIAL From the at- additIOnal bedroom" 0\1 ner Will Cdl efullv can- ... tractively landscaped and mamtalned ex. "Ider all reJ'io'1dble offer" Occupann at <.lose and plenty of bedrooms ... terlor to the charming and tasteful mterlor, .. you Will be Instantly Impressed With thiS um .. que home Large laundry room near kitchen, ..... formal dmmg room, central air $82,Boo .. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 885 NOTRE DAME, .....

N ./",:-,-.-! .. :if' GROSSE POINTE CITY 885-2000 .. CAPTIVA TED CHARM In a hlghl} desirable TRADITIONAL COLONIAL Excellent family .., Woods area ThiS beautiful Colomalls m superb home In convenient Grosse POinte Park loca .. condition from Inside out New floorIng In kitchen tlOn, close to public and parochial schools .. and natural flreplaced family room, Flonda room, FIrst floor den or fourth bedroom flmshed .. two and one half car garage, all aluminum trim. basement With recreation room. updated kit- .. new concrete porch and professlOnallandscapmg chen and enclosed breezeway $89 000 .. $75,500 (S-64RAY) 777-4940 (G.84BER) 886-4200 A GORGEOUS ENGLISH located In Wmdmlll LOCHIvlOOR IN THE \\I'OODS In additIOn to a Pomte SubdlHslon, Yoalklng dIstance to One of a kmd home styled for gracIous hvmg All Live on the lake - most rooms overlook the water flOe location, thiS outstandmg ranch has lakefront park A spacIous home With four the beaut v and qua hty of the old plu~ the ne\\ Bedutlful panehng and SpaCIOUSrooms make thIS numerous speCial features Formal dmmg bedrooms on second floor With two and one decor and reno\ alton de~lr~il lor tOO,1\ ~ Ii\ 109 thl' houc;e for the speCial buyer OWNER WANTS room and large eating space 10 kitchen half baths, two bedrooms on thm! rloor With A mu;,t ,ee home - Call for d prev\e\\ TO ~ELL' beamed ceiling family room With large brick bath. spacIous family room. hvmg room and fireplace and glase; doorwall to covered tel' recreation room A showcase of quahty and Umque one dnd one half .,tOrl home on Fdlrho]mr 10 the \\ood~ 1'ter bedroom on ;,pcond floor baths (G 23LOC! 886-4200 TASTEFULLY, BEAUTIFULLY REDECORAT- FI,>her Road III Ill(' Fdrm, - (,rpat famd) home - Lloe;pto e;choole; Three bedrooms, one and one half GROSSE POH\i"TE CITY DUPLEX ~e\lly hsted ED RANCH SpacIOus surroundings for thiS bath" kitchen Yolth eatlllg area $88 1(HI 8.22B24 Neff Near shoppmg. transportatIon superb Grosse Pomte Woods home Newly and "Neighborhood Club FaVOrite locallon remodeled kitchen With dl~hy,asher. stove and GRO~~r: POT\ TE SHORES SpettdUllar cenler entrdn<.e Colomal In move In conditIOn Beauliful foyer for Income property Formal dmlng room oven Family room With doorwall to wood \\ llh \Iood floor spaclou" hI 109 and dllllng room.,. family room WIth wet bar and fireplace, Mutschler t\lO bedrooms. fireplace m each umt e;eparate deck and gas gnll Newer roof and furnace kitchen. four Idrge bedroom, finIshed ba~ement and attached garage A must see house basements and two car garage IH 24NEF I Half bath In basement Price reduced to 885.2000 $115.000 (G-19KIN) 8864200 Picture perfect Enghc;h homc \\ Ith load., of charm Ln,mg room WIth fireplace. cozy den. dmmg room, updated kitchen pantry and covered porch Second floor features four bedrooms and three full baths OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Atlached garage ~pnnkler anrl securltv ~Y'item 7')3 Lakeland Grosse POInte Clt) 1014 Somerset, Grosse POInte Park 885 Notre Dame, Grosse POinte Cily 5647 Hlilcrest, DetrOit Near Gro,se Pomte - \\('11 maintained three bedroom Colomal \llth ne\li kItchen. breakfast room. sun 966 Rivard. Grosse POinte City 20235 Beaufalt Harper Woods room formal dmmg room and IIvmg r(){lIn With fireplace 529 Moran. Grosse POInte Farms 16534 LIncoln, East DetrOit 1260 BeaconsfIeld. Grosse POinte Park 1536 Brys. Grosse POInte Woods GROSSE POINTE SHORES l'ue;tom flm~hed m~ldc and out by one of the Pomte's fmest decorators 1361 Bearnne;flPlrl Groe;~e Pomte Park 23115 Robert John, St Clair Shores thle; "uperb C'o!rmlal fedtur('e; a fantae;ltc new kitchen, library and famIly room three bedrooms and 1\\0 full hath, -\ """ ,,( , I"nri h",,,,,, (nr tlJat "P"C 2! hu:'cr 1121 Ble;hop Groe;se POinte Park 61 "ontana Lane. Grosse POinte ~hurc~ ' SIll Shelden, Grosse POinte Shores Deppland~ arpa of Ihe <.,horl''' GraclOu, rce;ldt'nce de~lgn('d for the active family Lovel) e;creened porch overlooking ,unk('n 42 foot pool ('Ioe;e 10 ~tar of thc Sea. Liggett and Monteith FOR All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL OR COME IN OPEN MONDAY. FRIDAY 9 a rrt .9 pm and Vacant Lot - Kerb\, Gro.,e;e POInte Farm~ ')Ox 11l0.$2~ 000 9.30.530 SAT and SUN OUT-Of.AREA, CALL TOLL FREE 1-8()()'247-5200 ext 33 THOROUGH COVERAGE OF GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES /)11/II1Ar' 1. AI1~t, 76 KERCHEVAL Eighteen Offices In Four Counties TO BUY OR SELL il;lJfi/l!"; JI11l/i "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" A HOUSE CALL /7~YI/!:/kll,,' 885-7000 '\

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 ------,------Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange .... • ~E PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY When you !1st your home with .. CENTURY 2J LOCHMOOR we OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 . \&I BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ 0n1u~ ~ place a picture of your reSidence 446 Lexlllgton - G P F (u::C-- J In the Macomb M L S book as well •I ur21 281 Beaupre - G P F us It1 the Grosse Pomte E'(change 22466 Be,lch -- S C S • LOCH MOOR • Wi liam J. Champion & Company book You can double YOllr home's 5672 Ldnnoo - DetrOlI expo~ure by !lstmg It with us' I -. "FIRST OFFERING - SPARKLl!'\G :\EWEH 2JJ STEPHE:\S - OPEN SATURDAY-J 105 - 884-5280 . COLONIAL nedr the Village fedtures three TillS CUSTOM BUILT RESIDENCE of • superb ~uahty offers a first floor master !>Ulte FIHST Of'FEHING _ ELEGANT well mamtamed Coloma I In a beautiful locatIOn of the Pdrk l<'ourbed p bedrooms. one and one half bdth:., hI,lIlg room lOoms, Iwo bathrooms, new furnace, kitchen and mOIl'" Very, very clean , \\ Ith natural fireplace fOlnul dUllng loom mcludmg tll'O Idrge bedlooms, sltllng room ;!. and 1\\0 lull bath!>. hbrar) and lower level .. kllchen \\lth eatmg space den ne\\el roof dnd ,- entertdmment center both \'dth flreplace~, t>6B PEMBERTON - INVITING ftve bedroom, three and one half bath Colomallll an excellent locatIOn furnace and mamcured \dl d Pledse cdll tOl ot the Park Recently pam led and decorated New kitchen, hbrary and more PI Ice Reduced \,OUI personal appollltm'ent Ihree addlhondl bedrooms and tll'O and one hdlf bdths A special hou!>e' 44&LEXINGTON - SPRAWLING ranch III d ,uper locatIOn of the Fal ms Cox and Baker custom bUllt 872 BEHKSHIRE - OPEN Sl \D \'1 2 to i - ~10\ E RIGHT 1:\ thl::'darhng three tx>droom, one wllh many amelllt)('s sm,h dS dtlached gal age, flmshed basement and more I I THE \\ INDING ST\IRCASE greet:. )OU III thl::' lovel\' four bedloom t\\O dnd one hdlf dud one hall b!>ePomte Woods Excellent conditIOn Centrdl all' fireplace and more elude [,!lml) room 1\ llh fireplace fll::.t 11001 room dnd ne\\ 10\\ pl'lce of $71,900' laundn central air and attdched gdrage 580PEMBERTON _ OUTST4.NDING locatIOn (close to WllIdmlll Pomte Dnve, and Park!» on IhlS large central enll ance Colomal Four bedlooms, two clnd one hdlf baths, Idrge famll) loom and more t , I C-\REFREE CONDOMIl\lUl\1 luth dehghtful GEORGIA" COLO'llIAL III prtme area of G P enclosed pallo are,1 four bedrooms, t\IO and olle half bath, 2J >--17'6"famllv room \\Ith flle- 20B55 BEAUFAIT -- ATTHACTIVE ColomcllIII Ihe Gro,se Pomte School dl!>trtct of Harper Woods Three Amenities lllclude three bedroom::. tllO dnd pldce dlld barbecue grtll, nel\ kitchen \\ lth bedroom::., one dnd one half bdth!>, gre.1t room, 12% mortgage assumptIOn Pnce reduced one half bath:.. upddted kitchen nell furndle bUilt illS first floor laundf), attached garage .1~C ~cC'f th,rr fl""1 gl1f'

LARGER THA:'\ IT LOOK~' ThiS cute three bed EXCEPTIO,,\AL CAPE COD m the Farms offers three bedrooms, ldmll) room, den, Mutschler room bnck ranch III the \\ oods has d ,paclOu::, hvmg room IIIth SUI1lI~picture IIlIIdo\\ kit kllchen cenlrdl mr attached garage and con- I I,ement locatam nedr schools and shoppmg A chen II, Ith eating area attached gal age and J a large pm ate yard $67 000 mu"t ,ee' $9,1 900 HA:\'DSQ:llE CD. TER H \LL COLl),'..;I \L m the QlIET CliL DE SAC 1:\ THE FAR\IS IS the !>Ite elt\ has been lolalh redecOl ated' fhel e .11e tor Ihls slunmng house Hlghhghts mclude the tour bedrooms 1\\0 and one hdlf balhs, entlo::. step dOlIn 11\ mg room, adjacent nell screen I'd terrace ne\l kllchen that 11'111Impress the ed porch, attached garage, famll) room \1 Ilh separate heat and air condltlomng recl eatlOll culInary experls, ne\\ family room With fire- FOUR GOOD REASONS TO MAKE YOUR MOVE THIS JUNE place. five bedrooms, Ihree and one half baths, room \\ I!h marble floor and 1\ et bdr and dttached garage and recrealJon room With *AFFORDABLE, AVAILABLE MORTGAGE FINANCING securlt) s)stem $17~900 fll eplace "HOME AND LANDSCAPING CAN BE PRESENTED MOST ATTRACTIVELY "SEASONAL MARKET CONDITIONS CREATE MORE MARKET ACTIVITY "HOME PREVIEWING TIMES EXTENDED BY LONGER DAYLIGHT HOURS Member of Ihe CURRENT OFFERINGS LOCATED' ON THE HILL' Glosse Pomte Real Estate Exchange m Grosse Pomte Farms Macomb Board of RealtOi s " * Recently Reduced *" across from Perry Drugs DetrOIt Board of Realtors BARRINGTON Good value for do It yourselfer FISHER ROAD Adorable four bedroom, three Four bedroom, Iwo bath bungalow bath Coloma I, family room With fireplace

WILLIAMSBURG Two bedroom. one and one COUNTRY CLUB CONDO Luxury two bedroom half bath courtyard condo With carport townhouse With recreatJOnal faclhtles

GROSSE POINTE OFFICE NEW ON TH E MARKET LAKEPOINTE Umque three bedroom contem- WHITTIER ClaSSICfive bedroom English Tudor 90 Kercheval porary With mdoor pool, paneled library III Immaculate condllJon Family room, new Grosse POinte Farms kitchen, porch I BEDFORD GracIOus fIve bedroom Coloma I With DANBURY LANE Freshly decorated three bed- 884.6200 family room, sun room, first floor laundry, room, two and one half bath new England Col- ST. CLAIR SHORES OFFICE patIO and three car garage omal on private lane FamIly room WIth fire- place 23815 t: Jefferson TOURAINE Beautifully Mlcou-bullt traditIOnal TAPPAN AND r~APPANAND Colomal, foul' fireplaces, elegant master bed- MAHYLAND Budget pnced t",o-fanllly Three ivldlr 8t Shores room SUite, paneled library, enclosed porch bedrooms III each umt ASSOCIATES 775-6200 l6SS0CIATES GREAT OFFERINGS ALL OVER BERKSHIRE Take another look at thISwell pric- WESTCHESTER Ideal family home - four bed- ed five bedroom Colomal Great for a large room, three and one half bath attractlve Col- famIly omal Withhbrary and sun room Beaullful ter- race and yard NOTTINGHAM Nice first home With expansIOn space Three bedroom bungalow With flmsh- PEMBERTON Air condItIOned chalet-styled four I'd hardwood floors bedroom Colomal Withden and newer furnace BALFOl]R Elegant pIllared Colomal, four bed- rooms llius ~xtra fllmlly swte or office Panel- BERKSHIRE FIve bedroom Amerlc~n Colomal ,. ed library With fireplace WIth family room 'and enclosed vreezeway ---f MOTIVATED SELLERS McMILLAN T1ansferee wI11deal' Now's Ihe tlme BARRINGTON Very motivated owners Willlook FIRST OFFERING - ONE OWNER three POPULAR HARPER WOODS STREET IS the If you're lookmg for a mfly Tudor m the at all offers on cozy three bedroom, two bath bedroom ranch, newly pamted InsIde and out, With locale for thIS mcely decorated and updated three Farms Three bedrooms and den bungalow WIth tile roof central air condltIonmg and Immediate occupan bedroom ranch Offers hVlllg room With fireplace, III III OPEN HOUSE cy' In a most convement locale and pnced at on- eatlllg space kitchen, recreation room base- ly S54,900! Call 884-6200 for more detaIls ment With full bath and free standmg fireplace 957 FISHER Many Improvements m last five years Porch off kitchen would be converted to famIly room Call 884-6200 for details SCHULTES REAL ESTATE 710 NOTRE DAME 881.8900

~ Edgar bassociateS DRAMATIC LAKEFRONT contemporary desIgn EXCELLENT INCOME OPPORTUNITY awaIts 114KERCHEVAL 886-6010 I'd by noted architect for hIS personal residence for you to own thIS well mallltamed two family 111- This fIVebedroom, four and a half bath home con- come on a popular street 111 DetrOIt Umts feature tams an abundance of amemtles The use of red- leadetl glass and hardwood floors Good rentals wood, gramte, the finest appliances, quahty hard- prOVide excellent return Call 884 6200 for an OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ware and specIal IIghtmg are combmed to make appomtment' thiS truly outstandmg home Call 834-6200 19960 E. CLAIRVIEW CT. OPEN THIS SUNDAY 2.5, COME AND VISIT!! ~~. 17213E JEFFERSON - Two bedroom. t\\O bath townhouse With updated kitchen With large eatlllg area and central all' for comfort III summer' 884-6200 1011 S RENAUD - SpaCIOUScustom three bedroom ranch on lovely corner lot With famlly room. sprmkler system, central air and flllished basement WIth bath 20860WILDWOOD - Lovel) t",o bedroom Harper Woods co-op With one bath, kitchen \Hth appliances hvmg room and dmmg "L" Nice second floor umt' 7756200 ' APPEALING AND SOPHISTICATED ap propnately descnbe the decor mthe Grosse Pomte ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ... Shores Colomal Excellent house for famll) or cou- GHOSSE POINTE BLVD - Four bedroom, two ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE POINTES ple that enJoy space enough to entertam )'et Ihe " WASHINGTON - Four bedroom, three and one Large hvmg room With natural fIreplace, SpaCIOUS half bath Colomal With library, custom kIt- and a half bath contemporary WIth hbrary, mlJmacy of the paneled library \\Ith fireplace dmmg room and eat-Ill kitchen 1\vo bedrooms and chen, central aIr 884-6200 garden room. central all'. many amemlles VIEW OF THE LAKE FROM ALL MAJOR 884-6200 a bath plu!>a large expandable second floor Nice ROOMS house, mce qUiet court' t I W DOYLE - Neat Ihree bedroom ranch Wllh family room, liVing room With fireplace and MEADOW LANE - Three bedroom Colomal on bay 775-6200 lovely dead end street "'Ith fanuly room. cen- \ \~~!1, kfl/ tral air, natural fireplace, newer decor '~'~~-' HAMPTON - REDUCED TO $72,500 Three 884-6200 bedroom Colomal With famJ1y room WIth fIreplace, flmshed basement and Immediate CLAIRVIEW CT - Roomy four bedroom home occupancy 884-6200 With see through fIreplace from IIvmg room to family room, fmlshed basement 775-6200 RENAUD - Four bedroom Colomal off Lakeshore With hbrary, flmshed basement, screened ter- E OUTER DRIVE - Three bedroom Colomal race, attached garage 884-6200 WIth master sUite With beam celllllg and skyhghl Also hardwood floors, updated baths SMALL CONDOMINW'I1 SECOND FLOOR ..,..,~ £14'\1',1'\ - ~I..!\s~!r JPl.J DESIGN' j\FI;'ORD}\fH~'" J'\J' • ; OJ' v....~,; Exccl!ert !cc~l1cn fer retirement 0f JUcI c:;t::\f PRICE Assume a high balance Land Conlract ling out " One bedroom all appliances fully With seven years remammg Remodeled kItchen, carpeted L1Vem Gros~e Pomte City [or $40,000 THIS WEEK'S FEATURE HOME ... ne", "mng and recent extenor pamt\ng ThiS With access to publiC transportatIOn and WOller three IJ(>droomhome feature~ a hbrary fireplaces front park use FIRST OFFERING - Hand~ome custom brick m both 11\lIlg room dnd recreation room Colomal sItuated on one of the most deSirable streel~ III the "Shores" ThIS Mast bUilt home has II ,~" many outstanding qualities Bellullful ground~, Circular drive, marble foyer, formal lIvmg room With fireplace. dmmg room \l,lth shdlllg doom all to patiO overlookmg large pnvate yard, famIly room WIth parquet floor, fireplace, pickled oak panehng, den With wet bar, kitchen "'Ith SpaCIOUS eatlllg area, five bedrooms, four full baths. two half baths, central air, burglar/fire security !>ystem ThIs home lends Itself to year round enter- tammg and enjoyment By appomtment only at LOW 20 YEAR FIXED RATE MORTGAGE 1l84-6200 975% money avmlable to a qualified purchaser on TWO FAMILY FLAT Buy to live III or buy for thl~ thre(' bedroom Colomal on Lannoo Newer fur- an mveslment or do both' I , Three bedrooms III WON'T YOU LET TAPPAN HELP YOU SELL YOUR HOME OR FIND nace, roof, aluminum Irlm, and storms and each uml Separate furnaces and tenants pay all A NEW ONE?? CALL TODA YII screens Move-m condition, motivated seller their own utilities Good mcome potentIal

1 , \ ~ -~--~--- _"--_._ ...... Cd .... - • • .. '¥ •


939BLAIR MOOR - OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 - Custom bUill Colomal with bolh a hbrary and a spacIous ~im $afO~ family room, each with a natural fireplace A large kitchen with new bUilt-in apphances and ~~~ne£1 .inc. plenty of eatmg space Other highlights Include four family Slle bedrooms, tWQand one half bath~, new carpeting throughout and beautifully landscaped grounds with patIO You wlll not find a better buy at $167,000 17108 MACK LAKESHORE DRIVE - ThIs elegant residence IS Jusl north of Yacht Club and features a 30 foot family room, clruclar driveway, central alarm system and a surprisIng affordable pflce Call 886.9030 us for additIOnal detaIls

L':\DEP. $50,000 ,\ Grossc Po,ntc Woods brick r:mch th:lt \"o:.:!d r:1.:l!w :l grc.:lt sl:>r1cr

NORWOOD - Priced In the mid Sixties, thiS ranch has an updated kitchen, good SiZedfamily room and a great recreatIOn room HARPER WOODS - Located on a qUiet cui de-sac, thiS three bedroom bungalow features spacIOus rooms and a fourteen foot family room ST CLAIR SHORES RANCH - Just reduced, thiS sharp brick home features a large fenced yard, attached two car garage and a prICe of $64,900 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 939 Blalflnoor, GPW OPEN SUNDAY 12.3 905 BERKSHIRE Gorgeous l>IXbedroom Enghsh Tudor With four and one half baths, hbrary, kitchen With bay Win Youngblood dowed breakfast room and butlers pantry, natural fIreplace m basement recreatIOn room, hardwood ReaU" I/\C. floors With cherry wood borders, plus, a beautJ fu! three story stained glass skyhght' • Open Sun- day 12-3 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 976 BARRINGTON - Beautiful five bedroom bnck EnglIsh Tudor With two full baths, completely re dewrated, dmlng room, marble Sills, refllllshed hardwood floors, plus, set up for 'mother-m law' apartment'l Call today for more fantastic information on thiS super home 1

1345LAKE POINTE - Redecorated 1 I Newer four bedroom ColomaI With large modern kitchen WithbUIIl-m dishwasher, one and one half baths, basement With recreabon room (semJ-flmshedl Call nowll FIRST OFFERING - Meadow Lane Three bed- room, one and one half bath English Den m RIDGEMONT - Absolute A-I condition' I Decorated beautifully WIth newer carpet and beaubful earth Lavatory In basement 50 foot lot Great tone decor, three bedrooms, formal dmmg room, recreabon room, garage ThiS locatIOn In the Farms Farms locatIOn IS as appealmg as the home Itself' Pflce reduced to $79,90011

FIRST OFFERING - Lochmoor Boulevard At- 20720MARTER ROAD - ThiS home IS perfect for entertamlng' Gorgeous family room which leads to tractive Coloma I on popular tree hned street a beaullful awmng covered patio With gas gnll and lights, modern kitchen With appliances Park Extra large family room With bar and fire- servIces pick up the kids m front of the house I Not to mention all the other extras three bedrooms, place and doorwall to wood deck and terflflc t",o and one half baths, central air, and an attached garage Only $99,9001 t free form pool with Jacuzzi Bathhouse Flrsl floor master bedroom and one and one half 1453NOTI'INGHAM - Excellent house for a large fanllly'! Second floor remodeled 11119801Leaded gla~s baths Two bedrooms and one and one half and natural wood throughout, large hvmg room With natural fireplace, formal dining room, five baths on second central air, sprinkler system bedrooms, cozy den, one and one half baths, two car garage I Morell $52,500 and two car attached garage with Circle drive 1434-36SOMERSET - If you have been thinking about makmg that first mveslment, thiS ISa great place FIRST OFFERING - Englehardt near Marter McKINLEY Farm Colomal Newer kItchen, to start' If thiS Isn't your first It'S a beauty to add to your list An excellent Investment' Great Road In St Clair Shores Three bedroom one newer furnace, hot water heater and msulabon rental area of Grosse Pomte Park' Call today for particulars and to make arrangements for a pflvate bath ranch Newer furnace and central aIr Three bedroom one and one half baths Jalouslz- showmg'l Alummum trim and gutters Recreation room ed porch Recreallon room With fireplace Two car area Patio Immediate possessIOn $4B,900 garage 20316VAN AN1,'WERP - ExceptIOnal home' Grosse Pomte Schools, full bath master bedroom, recrea- tIOn room In basement With another bath and wet bar' Three bedrooms, bnck patio WIth pool for EDGEMERE - GracIOus SIXbedroom, four and summer enjo,ymentlll Ver:y nice landscapmgll Call today for more detallst1 onf1half b~1k ~\lJprniMm prml:l;l,far~ ,q~-, NOTRE DAME near Jefferson Convement to ,.. tlOnon 235X 15210l Library ana garden room transportatIOn and Bon Secour iiosplfal Four ,- Beautlfully landscaped yard With pool Green- bedroom two and one half bath Colomal house Too many amemtles to mention Call 21x 24 foot garden room With Franklin stove for details 60 foot lot Two car garage Price reduced EDGEMERE - Temflc Farms location Four NEW ON THE MARKET! bedroom three bath center hall Colomal Master bedroom With fireplace on first floor Paneled hbrary IOOXI52IlIcely landscaped lot Two car garage

N EDGEWOOD - Immediate possessIOn Attrac- tive three bedroom two bath ranch FamIly room With fireplace Screened and glass enclosed terrace Two recreatIOn rooms cen- tral air, lawn spnnkler system, secuflty sys- .'f~ tem and two car attached garage Great BIG HOME FEATURES abound LAKEFRONT ThiS Immaculate Shores locatIOn $165,000 HURRY' ThIS three bedroom beauty has a large family room In thiS cute two bedroom Cape three bedroom ranch has been lov- FORDCROFT - Great newer area of the Shores WIth a raIsed hearth and pegged Cod Pme paneled hvmg room and mgly maintained The large faml- fIrst floor laundry BUilt-ms m bed- Iy room, hvmg room, and master on a dead end street Four bedroom three and S OXFORD Four bedroom two bath two story hardwood floors You get an eat- mg area m the kitchen and another rooms Large lot Its pnCed to sell bedroom overlook the lake one half bath Colomal First floor master bed- Contemporary FamIly room RecreatIOn room fireplace In the hvmg room It Situated on a large lot Il has a room 30foot family room FIrst floor laundry plus a den With fireplace m basement Central aIr won't last long 433 Malson Open guest home on the grounds Attached garage WIth Circular drive Central Three car attached garage air Burglar alarm and lawn sprmkler QUick Sunday possessIOn SOMERSET - Near CharlevOIX Two family bnck flat Two bedrooms In each umt HAMPTON ROAD III the Shores. Four bedroom Separate utilities $79,000 BY APPOINTMENT two and one half bath Colomal on BOfoot lot "~ 'p ,,' Two adjacent family room, one WIthfireplace SUNNINGDALE m the Shores Attractive center First floor laundry area Fmlshed basement entrance four bedroom three and one half balh .~.~~ Central air Two car attached garage Colomal LIbrary Flonda room Brand new , kitchen WIthbreakfast room Freshly pamted HAMPTON ROAD - Grosse Pomte Park near throughout New brick patio New furnace and Jefferson Four family flat Two bedrooms central aIr Two car attached garage each umt Separate basements, furnaces and Reduced utilItIes $97,000 WASHINGTON ROAD - GracIOus resldencev.lth HILLCREST - Center entrance hall Coloma I mne large bedrooms and five and one half YAMASAKI DESIGNED and hid-- REDUCED In prIce, thiS four-five BUlLT FOR A GOVERNOR lhls Three bedrooms two and one half baths Den baths 16X 19 lIbrary With fireplace 18x 20 den away on a secluded cui de sac bedroom, three and one half bath home IS loaded With fme qualIty Recreabon room With fireplace 75X 150 lot draWing room With fireplace plus a 14X20 m the FARMS The tn-level floor claSSIC IS located 10 the FARMS architectural detail Located on a near Ridge Road rhe master bedrooms IS garden room Newer kitchen 151x320 lot A plan ISsuffused v.lth I1ght and ISa and Within walkmg dIstance to secluded bnck paved street, It has 28x 14 Three car garage great famlly home delIght for owner and guests ahke schools, churches and shoppmg many money saving Improve- SItuated on a I 6acre lot, It has SIX- You also get a famIly room, bre.ak. ments Four family bedrooms, KENWOOD - Near St Pauls Lovely and GROSSE POINTE BOULEVARD - SpaCIOUSCol- seven bedrooms and five bath,> fast room and central aIr guest SUite, apartment, SIXbaths SpaCIOUSGeorgian Colomal 18X25foot morn- o!llal bUIlt m 1967on over two acres of pnme and five car garage mg room With fireplace 30 foot hbrary With land Library With fireplace and bar FamIly fireplace Covered screened porch Ample room Screened terrace EIght bedrooms and bedrooms and baths Will accommodate al- SIXand one half baths Tenms court, pool and most any s;ze family squash court Many fme deluxe features

WILLIAMSBURG COURT - Two bedroom one and one half bath condommlUm near East land Convement to expressway Full base. ment Central air $59,500

SAARINEN DESIGNED and lov- BUlL T IN 1981 thiS lUXUriOUs OWNERS TRANSFERRED and LAKELAND - Over 6000 square feel of lIVing mgly mamtalned, thIS fIve bed home has a fabulous kItchen and ready to sell thiS attractive fire area In thiS updated Engl1sh manse Llhrary room, four and one half bath con. famIly room You get true bedroom, four and one half bath WIth fIreplace 30 foot sunroom Master bed- temporary home IS sItuated on a economy ""Ith the extra insulatIOn English Tudor With a modern kIt room has sitting room With fireplace Three ,,"'- large private lot In the FARMS and sophisticated heating and chen, greenhouse, paneled hbrary ~~ ~~ t additional bedroms for family plus maids or Must be seen to be appreCiated coohng system Four bedrooms and new spnnkler system LAKESHORE LANE - Three bedroom ranch guest rooms, plus an apartment o"er the three and two and one half beautlful T .1hrarv and famIly room RecreatIOn room Cen- car attached garage 173x 17')lot ImmedIate baths tral aIr Two car attacned garage 00 lool lut p~e:,:, lOll

Open Sunday 2:00-5:00 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1055Devonshire - FIve bedroom, two and 0lle half bath Coloma I WIth CIrcular dnve and sprinkler system Willdemere Place Deluxe Condominiums Lake Shore and Provencal 431 Malson - see Ne"" on Market above 394 Lakeland - SpacIOus EnglIsh Great locatIOn - $310000 4221Grayton - Three bedroom Colomal, natural woodwork, heated Floflda room 10 N Edgev.ood - Three bedroom tv.o bath ranch FamIly room H4 GrO'ise Pomte Boulevard - Four bedroom'> three baths Family room BORLAND..JOHNSTON .t\!!WOC!lates of Many, Many More by Appointment Kercheval Ave. ",cll111Ror BUyJnR Our Fll1l11mc Profc'i"lonal'i ArC fc,ldy 10 help C,l1l1ol!,IV £Q~ 886.3400 395 Fisher Road 20647 Mack Avenue Mi'lv"'u (J!,!'(J\lf£ (,I' 'lillll> III,," (J!ll'm/le /'{/ru'l/, '{!lliol ,..TWOlht _ Tile lie ...... fItopIe f 886.3800 884-6400 l~-;''::'

, h 'Feature Page Twelve-B Thursday, June 6, 1985

Elegant f/J.(Jt1zte Eating

Counter Points A !>election of recipes from the By Pat Rousseau low-calorie, low-cholesterol - and penny-wise - collection of Thyra Grey Howard and Helena DeWitt Father's Day ISJune 16and edmund AHEE t. Roth, featuring this week, more jewelry co. lS ready with a new selectIOn of handsome FOODS THAT BEAT DISEASE. 1-4Kgold cuff hnks 10 twenty styles, some wlth precious stones. Choose a memorable gift for your Dad, now at '" '" '" 20139 Mack at Oxford Open Fridays until 8 p.m , 886- Leafy green vegetables - let- -4600 tuce. kale and spinach - supply much of the body's nutl ients. Let- * tu."e l-UlltdiJl!> dildgic and foilc aCid, Sun Dressing at the POinte FashIOns considered cancer fighters, plus mcludes solrd color or pnnt sun dresses in ,itamins A, B comple~, C and E. casual or dressy styles some with jackets. iron, potassium and calcium. Other Cotton or cotton blends. No charge for altera sources of folic acid are spinach, deep green vegetables, liver, peas tlOns at 15112 Kercheval, 822-2818 and beans. Kale and spinach head * * • the nutrition list because they con. E\ en "01 e supel sel \ I(e at the \oll e D.lI11ePharmac) For tain a substantial amount of chlor(}- \ OUI pi escriptlOn COlli emence and IIlCOllle ta" recol ds. the \olre ph) II, which combats the tendency D.lme Ph.lrmaC\ is no\\ computel ized of cancer-causing agents to cause • • genetic damage to body cells. - The Vintage Pointe has a great varie- Spinach contains nearly two dozen of the trace minerals essential to ,>-"l Po~ ty of sparkling wmes for the season's wed- good health and has only 28 ~ -;;: dmgs, college graduations and summer par- calories per half cup. .•. ties There's also a wide price range. For those of you who prefer non-alcoholIc wines, you'll * '" '" .. fmd a good selection Kercheval at Notre BROWN RICE AND '= Dame Open seven days a week. evenings SPINACH CASSEROLE too, 885-0800 2 quarts washed spinach leaves Glenn A. Wesselmann, of The Shores. Pr.OIO by Tom Greenwood 2 Tbsp. margarine 2 Tbsp. flour 2 cups skim milk nettlE CREek SAVE 1/2 cup vinegar 30% off a/l in-stock and custom-order fur- ~ Pointer of Interest 1/2 cup grated Parmesan ntture du ring the month of June But don't cheese delay for the best selection and delivery By Michael McConnell and renovations. Farley retired as we can now do a better Job of tak- Salt to taste stop at 17110 Kercheval NOW Open Thurs- Glenn A Wesselmann, the PreSI. preSident and ChIef Executive Of- Ing care of mdlviduals and we Will fIcer of St Clair Health Corpora- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg days until 9 p. m Fridays until 8 p. m dent and ChIef Executive OffIcer of We like to be as personal and com- tion and St John Hospital early 6 cups cooked brown rice . 882-0935 5t Clair Health CorporatIOn and mitted as possible" St John Hospital, IS lookmg for- last year 1/2 cup whole wheat bread • * Toward thiS end, Wesselmann crumbs '" ward to the opemng of the hos- Wesselmann began his tenure at Imporlant l'pkeep .. 'Iutschler Kitchen's O",n ('ream Polish said that St John IS as current In pItal's new Concentrated Care St John In 1979as Executive VIce modern technologies as any hos- Place the spinach in a large ket- olndLemon 011. for )our fine furniture and cabinetry. Alsoavail. BUlldmg thiS Sunday, June 9 able at 2022; 'lack -\\enue. are trash compacter containers b) Whirl- PreSIdent and Chief Operating Of- pital in the state and probably the tle with just the" ater clinging to pool and Kltchen--\id . 884-.1;00 "The new bUlldmg," saId ficer after spendmg more than 20 most well-eqUipped hospital on the the lea~ es. Cover and cook until • * Wesselmann, "WIll help us to re- years In administrative capacIties east side of DetrOlt Also, all pa- wilted. Drain "'ell. Squeeze out ex- spond to emergencIes and the day- at the Memorial Hospital for tient rooms are now being carpeted cess water and chop. I An End-Of-The-Year ... thank you for your Cancer and Allied Disease in New m soft colors m an attempt to qUIet favorite teacher could be a gift certificate from to-day actiVIties more effectively It WIll upgrade our serVIces .. York the hospital environment Melt the margarine, stir in the L..,;..a the School Bell, 17904 Mack Avenue. flour and gradually blend in the I," .. * .. The five-story bUlldmg repre- He became interested in hospital Wesselmann IS chairman of the skim milk. Stir in the vinegar. Mix- sents a 250,000square foot addition administration as a result of a two- Sisters of Samt Joseph Manage- ture will curdle but as it heats and has padding keep your EdJm)is-zewski ~ to to the hospital It will contam new year stint as a U S Army MedICal ment System Planning CommIttee is stirred, it will smooth out. Heat Dhurries from slipping Free parking in front of 21435 faclhhes for labor, delivery, pedia- Corpsman In the mld-1950s and a member of the ASSOCIationof while stirring, until mixture thick- Mack 776-5510 triCS, mpatlellt and outpatient sur- AmerICan Medical Colleges Coun- ens, Stir in the cheese, salt and nut- A I'~sldent of Grosse Pomte ,,:1 cl '!'mching Hospitals. for which , ' '" . . gery, critrcal and coronary care, Shores, Wesselmann saM be enjoys meg. admitting, emergency, Express he has served as InstItutIonal Rep- Check The Ne\\ Look ... at Miner's hiS community hfe "St John has resentative smce 1971 Grosse Pointe. The stock of dresses has been Care, radIOlogy and a laboratory one of the best records in the coun- Mix the spinach and the rice into Of. the sauce and pour into an oiled s\4ltched "'Ith Miner's store in Birmingham try In terms of community sup- He said the move here from Come see al 3;5 Fisher Road. The Emergency Center IS desig- casserole. Sprinkle top with bread port." he sa Id Memonal Hospital III New York, nated as one of 50 major emergen- crumbs and dot with 1 tablespoon • • • where he had spent 20 years was an cy trauma centers In the natIOn margarine. Bake in preheated 325 Wesselmann ISa graduate of the easy tranSItion "I knew a lot of Memo to all working women: The The hospItal handles almost 50,000 Cornell UnIversity Graduate degree oven for 20 minutes. Makes people here I grew up m OhIOso I fitness advantage reaps such patIents a year. Accordmg to Wes- School of Business and PublIc Ad- 8 to 10 servings. J,~ was still a mldwesterner at heart" • benefits as increased energy, a selmann, the Express Care feature mlmstratlOn where he received a Calories about 253 for each of 10 MU- feeling of well-bein,g and a Sf>Me of the new center will allow qUIcker Master of Business Admmlstratlon of discipline. Vital OptIons Exercise invites you to treatment for mmor illnesses and degree With dIstmctlOn He holds Wesselmann and hiS wife, Gene- servings. Cholesterol about 6 mp;s. enroll in a summer class on the second floor of the injuries. "I think we are seemg an undergraduate degree from vieve have three children, who share one abldmg family character- Walton-Pierce Building in the Village Call 884-7525 for more of an emphaSIS on out-patIent Dartmouth College care," saId Wesselmann IStIC- an mterest In cookmg "We '" * '" a schedule. Ask us about Diet Options, our new con- Wesselmann's commumty ac- all like to cook," he saId, "probably COLCANNON sultation service. The planning process for the tiVIties include chaIrmanshIp of the because we like to eat " Traditionally an Irish dish, this is .. * * bUIlding was begun In the late 70s east area hospital United Founda- a favorite all over Ireland. How- hon Drive, Leadership DetrOit III. HISson is a profeSSIOnal cook and ever, if kale is unavailable, cabbage ,- The Mole Hole remembers dads and , "We took the staff on a retreat to his eldest daughter manages a talk about the changes we thought LeadershIp DetrOIt Alumm Asso- is often substituted for the kale. grads with a great selection of brass, desk CiatIOn, St John HospItal Guild and French restaurant while she pur 1 . ~~ a~d office accessorie~, the ultimate " we'd need We hope the bUlldmg sues an Interest In wTllIng 1 2 lb pota toes, peeled, and cut WIllreflect not only the needs of the Umted Methodist Church of Grosse into chunks. preCIsIOn tire gage, money clips, frames . Pointe Genevieve Wesselmann has a mas- -. with special monogram touch for all items. staff but also a more comfortable ters degree m nutntion from 1 lb. kale, washed and cut mto envIronment for the patIents " bite-SIze pieces Kercheval at St Clair Open Thursdays un- WESSELMANN SEES changes Wayne State UniverSity til9pm Another reason for the new bUlld- ahead for most hospItals "It's a 1/2 cup skIm milk changmg health care fIeld," he "I like to work WIth wood, so my mg was the need for more space to current avocatIOn is buildIng 1/4 cup evaporated skim milk • '" • said "Most of us don't know what mllk accommoda te the advancements grandfather clocks and mantle m medIcal equipment "The ong- to expect beyond the next fIve 6 scalhons, white and green years or so clocks from kits" WILD WINGS . Is offering for the first time, a mal hospItal was deSIgned in the part, thmly sliced 20% OFF custom frammg special through Father's Day ... 1 Ker- Wesselmann says he also enjoys cheval (al Fisher), 885-4001 Look for )our coupon In Section B. 19508and It dIdn't leave much room "ThiS mstitutlOn has enjoyed a Salt to taste • * • for the technological advance- VIsionary reputatIOn Farley was a tenms, photography and collecting Freshly ground pepper ments that have occurred over the master at plannmg I inherited sea shells Although he's hsted m 2 Tbsp melted margarine Wright's Gift And Lamp Shop .. IS ready for years," Wesselmann said \\Ihat he created" "Who's Who m Amenca," he IS Father's Day with a great selection of cards. It's a con- probably best known to hiS neigh- Cook potatoes until tender in boil- venient place to bring your lamps for repair and just HE CREDITS hiS predecessor, While Wesselmann acknowl- bors by a more familiar SIgnature ing ",ater which has been lightly James T Farley, for hiS far-slght- edges those who complain that St "One of the famIly marks ISan Old sailed. Drain, mash and keep the right shades. Free parking next to the building, edness m antlclpatmg St John Hos- 18650 Mack Avenue John Hospital can be nn Imper- EnglIsh Sheepdog that domtnates warm. Cook kale in boiling salted .. pItal's need for the new facilitIes sonal institutIOn, he adds "We feel the neIghborhood." he said water until tender. Drain and fine- '" * I} chop . Think Williamsburg.. Come in and see our selec- Heat milk and evaporated tion of authentic wall paper, fabrics and paints Also skimmed milk until hot but not save 5- on the balance of our spring silk flower ar- Shortandto thePoint-e----- boiling. Add scallions to hot milk. rangements, 16839 Kercheval Woods reSIdent James W. Long, Dawn B. Rogers, Laura A. the Health SCiences on May 18 blend thoroughl}. Beat mixture in- Landers, M.D., professor of medi- Sherigan and Suzanne R. Vyletel. Taylor, who received a Bachelor of to potatoes, and then beat in finely DESIGN DETROIT INTERIORS. cine at Wayne State Umverslty, '" .. . Arts degree from Case Western chopped kale unttllight and fluffy. • and pathologist at St John HOSPI- Dr. Robert M. Lechy Jr., of The Reserve Umverslty In 1976 and a Season with salt and pepper and '" '" tal, was presented With the Out- Woods, has completed contmulng Master of SCience degree from place in a deep dish. Make a well in Great Gift Idea ... standmg Clinical Faculty Award educatIOn reqUirements to retam Wayne State Umverslty School of the center and fill with the melted for dad. yourself and for hiS years of excellence m In- active membershIp In the Amer- MedICIne In 1984, Will continue hIS margarinf>. Spoon some of the the special people In structIon of cllmcal medlcme by ICan Academy of Family PhysiCI- melled margarine over each of 6 --- your life. Posters of medical educatIOn 10 an OB/GYN the WSU School of MedlClOe Class ans internship at the U S Naval Hospi- "ervinp;s. Q1!!.ler~_sailing. golf. the Grand of 1985 ,. ,. Prix, Monlreux and ,. • tal, Bethesda, Md, begmmng 10 Calories about 139per serving. . Cholesterol O. more .. 304 f'isher Boyce Tope, of The Woods, has July He was selected to the Alpha Building, 875.5211 Mary Aro, of The Woods, was been elected to membership in the Omega Alpha NatIOnal Medical '" • * • • among the wmners m the 39th an- SocIety of Cmcmnatl, an Amencan Honor Society whIle In medical BEET GREENS nual Michigan Water Color Society hereditary socIety composed of of- school Ne'W post-natal exercise session VINAIGRETTE ExhibItIOn, Waterworks, a natIOnal ficers of the Contmental Lme 10 the . .. 1 1 2 Ibs beet greens begins June 4, 1985,10August13, 1985 ~ - competitIOn held at the MIdland Revolutionary War It was orga- Recent college graduates mclude I large clove garlic, minced to help you ,get into shape. Bring your __...~ Center for the Arts Ms Aro was mzed m 178.3m the New York head- former Westchester Road resl- babies, new babySItting hours Tues., ~ awarded a $J5u pnze lor ner ""ork, quarters of Major General Baron dems ~rad Blame, Bachelor of 2 Tbsp vegeLabie 011 Wed., Thurs., Fri. mornings starting "Self Portrait With Ray" von Steuben, Inspector General of SCIence 10 Mechamcal Engmeermg 1 Tbsp red wine vinegar June 3rd CaIl for information 772- . . .. the Contmental Army, preSidents from Western MIchigan VnlVer Salt 9470. Cpl. Patrick S. Fragel, son of George Washmgton and James Slty, Scott Blaine, Bachelor of Pepper .. .. Anne G. Fragel, of Eight Mile Monroe were orlgmal members To SCience m Computer SCience from Wash greens and shake ocr ex- • Road, and Mark T. Fragel. of be eligible for regular member- MichIgan State Vmverslty. and ec'i'> water ('ut 'item'i in 1/2-inch "'''r Coloseum 2000 Hair Care is now ex- Glenn Ellyn, Ill, received the shIp, an applIcant must be a direct SU'ian Blaine, Bachelor of Arts 10 length,>, and very coaro;;ely chop I~ Psychology-SocIOlogy from Hope [ ~\itending its services to you at home. If you are parachutist badge upon completIOn descendant of a commiSSIOned of- lea\e'i. Put lea,e" and "tem'i in "f 1 unable to get out, one of the talented members of the three-week airborne course ficer 10 the Contmental Line under College The Blames are the chtld- ,>teamer and cook covered over ren of Mrs. Carole Blaine. who now of our staff WIll come to you. Thursdays only from 9 at the V S Army Infantry School, General WashlOgton moderately 10" heat for J to 5 lives In Johnson City, Tenn a m -4 p m Call 881-7252 for more information Fort Bennmg, Ga He IS a 198.1 • • • minute'i. or until they are just ten. graduate of MichIgan State VOIver Navy LIeutenant Robert Roland '" . . der. Drain. • • Sltv Ta)lor, a 1972Grosse Pomte South Jack E. Ford, SOCial studIes In a 'ikillet 'iaute garlic in oil for J, t> ,j O\Itdoorsmen Dads ... will appreciate the etched glasses and '" • Jf1gh School graduate who IS the teacher at Grosse POinte North I minute. Stir in beet greens, vine- bar glassware (some sets 01 lour, $6), playingcards and other special Among Northwood InstItute 'itu- son of Dr. and Mr'i. William V. Tay- HIgh School, has been promoted to gar, sail and pepper. ('ook for 3 to gift items at the Gros'!ePointe GunShop,21006 Mack.41~ block'!north dents named to the Dean's List for lor, of Brooklyn, Mich, was the rank of full colonel In the U S 4 minutes, or until thoroughly ,Id of 8 Mile, 881-5000. the wmter term are Grosse Pomle graduated from the F Edward Air Force Reserve Colonel Ford heated. Makes 3 'iervings. Woods reSIdents Karen ,J. Fern- Hebert School of Medlcme of the serves as U S All' Force Academy Calorie'> per serving about 35. strum, Stephen P. Ferry, Jody A. {]l1Jformcd ServICes Vmverslty of LIaison Officer for thIS area Cholesterol o. Section C 'Sports & classifieds Thursday, June 6, 1985 Sports Lancers douse One look at the Pointe hopes dejected Blue Devils (right) Week proves it Just wasn't South's in districts day in the base- By Peggy o'Connor By Peggy O'Connor wms thiS season South \~III lose ball districts at power-hitters Eugemo, Hennessey ~ ... \. Rule No 1 When facmg Bishop North High last and Waugaman, but hope to com- Saturday. For that Gallagher High School m varsity ~«'*,4~ baseball dlstnct tournaments, do b1l1e a solid core of returnmg Nobody asked me ... matter, it wasn't ,I.,lIf,\£%-.;;:,., players With thIS year's dlstnct ex- " ~~ not allow said Bishop Gallagher to ctllyoody ~ day t=X- pellelKe cllHl cl ~UIIUIJeI 01 c.ompell- Want to knO\\ what I thInk about la!>t week's ~ take a lead of four or more runs Indictment of several men 111 Pittsburgh 10 cept Bishop Galla- ,. early 10 the game tlOn 10 the Conme Mack League, as ... a base for next season The Devlls connectIOn \\ Ith drug charges and Major Lea- gher, which beat Rule No.2 If you break Rule No. gue Baseball? I think It stmks Mamly the part South, 15-2, and I, you don't have to worry about flmshed With a 21-10 record overall about hO\\ much of the 1OformatIOn about North, 10-2. Rose- Rule No 2 WhICh IS exactly what "We expect to see some excellent those mdlCted came from Major League base- ville's Wildcats happened to the varsity squads at competitIOn m that league and that wIll help You have to play thiS ball players who were also 1Ovolved with weren't having South and North in the baseball dis- drugs but who were granted Immumty m tncts at North HIgh on June 1 game as much as pOSSible - IJke any more fun than Gallagher does - to be suc- exchange for their mfol matlOn South's bench, Gallagher (35-6) bounced South, 15-2, m the opemng game and beat cessful," Gnesbaum says What a perfect lesson for the youth of losing 10-0 to the North, 10-2, III the dlstnct fmal FRANK SUl\IBERA'S North Amenca I In short, they now get the Idea that Norsemen. More after the Norsemen had mercled High team (25-12) had a little more you can' play" wIthout paymg as long as pictures of the RoseVille, 10-0. success In its first distriCt game, you make enough money to pay a good district playoffs "You can't let them get ahead of needmg only five mnmgs to take a lawyer And what about the guys (hke Kansas may be found on you because they Just keep gomg mercy rule-shortened 10-U Will over Clty's Willie \'dlson and pltchmg great Vida Page 3C. You get that many runs down the 6-16 RoseVille WIldcats Dan Blue) who have already taken the fall and PhOIOSb~ Elizabeth Carpenterl (South trailed 4-0 after half an mn- Kopltzke pitched the first two mn- spent time In Jall on drug convICtIOns No L ons Gate Un'lmlted mg) and the kids Just lose con- Ings, allowlI1g no hits and stnklng amount of tough talk by baseball commission- fidence, they don't believe they can out two while North batters bUilt a er Peter hen oth on how evervbody con- l'(' come back," said South coach Dan seven-run lead that allowed Sum. nected With I\laJor League basebail - except Griesbaum bera to move him to centerfIeld the players - must undergo drug testmg can South traIled, 7-0, after two mn- and save hiS pltchmg arm for make thiS one go away There's deflmtely mgs, despite sharp efforts from Gallagher III the fmals Craig something wrong when the guys who allegedly catcher Anthony Eugemo and Tom Engel struck out five, allowed sold the drugs and made the connections are L Fellows, who tned to put together a three hits, walked none m flmshlng mdlCted but the guys who allegedly bought the South rally m the second Blue the game drugs (and used them, one presumes) and Devil startmg pitcher RiCk North's Pat Kilchne had two hits blew the whistle can get off Yes,Virginia, the streak is over Leonard gave way to Rico Cor- mcludmg a two-run homer and Almost as unbelievable as ~hat SituatIOn dova, who gave up fIve runs Jerry Denms D'Agnese had two hIts and was the one I caught on a TV news program By Peggy O'Connor phone calls from wire services time ," Wood added Joliet flmshed the game. two RBI Semor Frank Vento got last week after the ternble soccer not m Brus- Sharp-witted Umverslty Liggett newspapers and teleVISIOn statIOn~ South scored m the third Illmng the North offense started, leading sels, BelgIUm The moderator of the program School tenms fans know by now after hiS team's streak ended Wood The entll e east Side, when Sean Bruce walked, Mike off and drawmg two walks, collect- asked one of hi:> guests, the editor of a Bntlsh that the Kmghts' 13-year stnng of himself, however, knew the end was not Just ULS, has ex- Hennessey (who flmshed the year mg a smgle and two stolen bases soccer magazme, what he thought the reason- state tenms champIOnships -long- near some time ago penenced a drought m batting 443) doubled and Rob Kopltzke had two hItS, mcludmg an mg behind the British soccer "hooliganism" est in the nahon's history - ended "You're not going to beat a team top-ranked players III Wood batted m a run on a sharp RBI-tnple Kllcllne's homer With was last Saturday when Kalamazoo that has several natlOnall) recent years South ground smgle The fmal South run pmch-runner Bill Miller on base Hackett outscored ULS, 24 pomts to ranked players With a team whllh Illgh Singles star Thad of the day crossed the plate when ended the game at 10-0. The magazine editor, With a perfectly 20. DetrOit Country Day School has none It Just Isn't gOing 10 hap. Angylls the only West- Rick Waugaman's grounder to first "The kIds did what I asked them straight face, opined as to how he thought that flmshed thIrd With 17 pomts. But pen Well, maybe It'll happen once, el n ranked players on was booted around after Gallagher to do," said Sumbera "They knew the behaVIOr of the Bntlsh soccer fans, partic- the fans may not know EXACTLY but we needed more than once la:>t the ea:>t Side, Wood ace pitcher Dave Peralta (playmg what had happened 111 the first ularly those from Impoverished Liverpool. when the streak ended Bob Wood weekend," Wood Said saId The west, includ- fIrst base after the second inning) game and they responded well was a reflectIOn of the fans' "soclO-economlc agamst RoseVille, puttmg them does ULS, which wa:> ranked No J 111 IIlg teams hke Cran- went for the ball mstead of cover- status" In other WOIds, because they are poor "As soon as It was deCided - at Class CoD, could not hope to com brook which has won mg the bag The pall' of runs were away early so we could get a little andlor Jobless and undereducated, the Liver- 11 35 a m Saturday at Stowe pete With teams likE' Hackett which :>IXstraight state cham- all South could manage rest before facmg Gallagher" • pool fans had a perfect nght to go berserk and StadIUm m Kalamazoo - I Im- had several ranked players Hac" pIOnshIps In Class B "We haven't seen anybody thIS But the way Gallagher was play- cause a bloody not at a sportmg event which mediately went over to the coach of kett was capable of wlnmng all the and hdS three We:>t- season that compare With Galla- mg on Saturday, even a lot of rest killed 38 people and Injured scores more em-ranked players on gher. To beat them, you have to get may not have helped the Norse- Right? - -. Kalamazoo Hackett and congrat- smgles flights With Its many re- ulated hIm. And when It was all turnmg players on a team which lIs middle schOOl team, ahead and stay WIth them m the men The Lancers wasted little Makes perfect sense to me After all, don't over, our kids shook the hands of dropped from Class B to Class CoD seems 10 be gettmg the late innmgs," Gnesbaum saId time m getting on top of North, we all have a perfect nght m thiS world to go the Hackett kids We went out Just competition thiS year ULS had lost top-ranked netters that "Overall, I'm pleased WIth our touchmg Kopltzke for SIX runs m around making other people miserable be- as I thought we would," ULS head five players from last year s cham. ULS and other east Side season. We're a htUe disappomted two mmngs, mcludmg a three-run cause we think we don't have what we de- coach Wood said. plOnshlp squad schools have gotten m we didn't wm the league and a little homer by centerflelder Mike FICI. the past, he added disappo1Oted With the way things who just caught a curve and sent It serve? And, the editor of a "occer magazme In ULS's Mike Fozo won the No 4 "Hackett deserved the wm, we ended on Saturday, but we had an over the fence D'Agnese relleved Great Bntam certainly knO\' ..,Innl e about the smgles flight and John Blrgbauer knew they'd be fonmdable \\'lth . All In all, I was excellent season and accomplished Kopltzke In the bottom of the sec- temperment of the average :> Cit- and Scott Watson were the stale their returmng players We went pleased \';Ith the behav- a lot of thmgs," he added ond, stnkmg out fIve and walkmg Izen of Liverpool than I champs at No 1 doubles No 1 mto the states as deCided under 101 of our kIds when the Gnesbaum looks forward to next five m closll1g out the game smgles player Mdrc Hunt was run- dogs We did our best The plavers I Just had one questIOn after I turned the n1dlch - and our season, he says, when starters Cor- North got Its fIrst run when Steve ner-up at that flight and I were more relaxed becau<;e show off If the fdns III questIOn were so poor :>tleak - and ended" dova, Leonard and Joliet WIU Pochmara walked, and second Wood was mnundated by tele. we knew It was Just a matter oj Wood saId ' and do\\nt1"Odden, how'd they get enough return The tno combined for 18 (Continued 011 Page :1(') money to travel to to watch a soccer match In the 11I!>tplace? Cheerleading camp set THE ACADEMY TENNIS CAMP The Cathohc Youth and 21, at Assumption Not nearl) a<;selIOU:> but thought-provoking OrgamzatlOn (CYOl Grotto m DetrOit Cost For YOlltb~ & Ad/llt~ Just the same are the questIOns nearly every- WIll sponsor mstruc- per camper or coach IS H bel e Tel/illS Is run to Learll tlonal day camps fOl' one IS askIng these da):> 'What's wrong With $20 each for the entire 4 DAY And Fun to PIa)' the Tigers?" "What's happened to the cheerleaders thiS sum sessIOn Re' ell'e l1/1t11" tlOlI fro/ll Tigers?" Alld the e"er populal . Are the Blue mer The eastSide Further mformatlOn Jays for I Cd]? , camp \'; ill run from 9 or l'egl:>tratlOn mav be a m to 4 30 P m Mon- obtamed by calling the While I get d gl edt big kick out of ans\\enng day, Tuesday and CYO athletIC depart "I don'l kllO\\ "Your guess I~ as good as Wednesday, Aug 19,20 ment at 961 7172 mille, and Of course the) omehO\\ feel JUNE 6, 7,8, 9th ONLY GPITC obligated I pre",:,ul ed mto" forced" goaded)) to Cf)me up \\ Ith a much mOl e senous, mtelll- Grosse Pointe Gunshop DAVID KAMISAR gent an<;\\ el s dS beflttmg m" title of sport:> edItor . SAVE $$$$ GPITC ~ So here they are GUNS AND AMMUNITION RALEIGH SPORTIFF Classes now forming for the first There's nothmg \Hong \Hth the Tigers that ALL TYPES a 52-game home stand agall1st the HOLSTERS & RELATED EQUIPMENT session which begins June 17. THE 95 ,0 Speed Indians dnd the Texas Rangers \\ ouldn't cure GUNS PROFESSIONALLY ONLY$119 After Rebate And \\ hat's happened to the TIgers IS that they Reg ~ Ib9 95 THE GROSSE POINTE ACADEMY dIdn't Win :l'i of their flr<;t 40 games hke they CLEANED & REPAIRED dId la!>t )ear, settllllg Instead for a mere 21006 Mack a.p.w. 881 5000 ~40,OOOOO ]7] Lakeshore Grosse Pointe Farms (Bet a & 9 MIle) • mortal.hke record of 26 21 after 47 ~ames As for the Blue .Jays, Ihey're as real as any major r Gary Bodenmiller - 882-2139 league tpam \\ Itl1 :>uch a SIlly name can be RALEIGH "J'l P

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• Page Two.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985

G.R Little League

Park Majors Bower allowed three hit" 111 flve lI1nll1gs J for J Brdndon KJhhch drove III three' : \'ANKEES'PIR,\TES on the mound Paul Hadad, Andre and Miami lUll" WIth two hits, Matt:. Aller WinS over the Dodger!> and Bo\\er each doubled Andre Prom, Reynold", Tim Sandercott and Tim', A,tro" the Yanks lost, 10 J Kyle Hoye Dalley and MdcDonald played well de Reynold" also h.ld hit, for MIami : • pitched BedndrchlCk, McMillan, Neal fenslvely, a" did Unger, Clowley and Ill:FF \LO-EHIE : Johnson and Bndn Do\\ liS slored Der- Hutherford Rechl pItched fOl Notre ElII.' took an 11-6Willover Buffalo, as • nck SITIIthhad t",o RBI fO! the Pirates, Dame DeBet", Jal VI".lnd Kmlll1el hdd Hobb) Zur"chnuede and Chn!> Dely . : \\ ho got pitchIng from Doy.ns and Dun key hIts Ilenl J tor J and Karl Trost and Jason Cdn l\1c!lllllan Danny l\Imadeo, Hoye Park Instructional Santo \\ ere 2-£01-2at the plate For Buf. dnd Peter Grwm ,cored the Yankee', falo, Andl ell RICCIbatted 2-for-2, as did I uns Ja!>on BedswOI th struck out the AlH FOHCE-AI{ '1\ ChI I" Alff, who tnpled Car tel' Gla"s Id!>lPu ate plleher All' Force outseored Al my 21 Ib COI dnd Jav Rilel drove m two runs each OHIOLES- \Sl'HO~ ey Schloedel hit a homel" dnd a double lor Bu{fnlo Nick Joseph's last IIllllng Tim GI dmhng pitched another com and KevlII St:hroeder e hIt doubles fOr All 1"01 ce i\ldr" C'dmp III 10'''' \1.0-\I1A:l1I IIlth a double dnd d tnple a" the Onole" bell had a home run and t\\ 0 double~ fO! Jon Morgan ~\\ alll had four hlb to look a 7 5 wm Leadll1g the oftenslve at Army, while teammates Sl'olt Stdnd ledd Miami [0 a 104 \\In over Buffdlo talk for the Onole" 'IIere Jd!>on Balle) and JUStlll Braun hdd exll d base hll" l\lnt! Heynold!> had a double III the 11\\0 hIt!», Matt Jacklyn \ two hI!!», Chad Amdru", John (,1'1[[111, Chm l\lll thu d, scored a run and \\as 3.for 3 For John liaise, l\lIke Spameh, Darren lIken and Sarah Brennel pld}ed \Iell BuffdJo Alft \Id" 3 for 3 and Gld,s and Co-chamrs Havern Kellv Gri1v~~ 1\11111 Rpnl1p\ ,\lH FOIlCE-1t \ \ GEn~ John Schoelllth went 2 for 2 Boolh and Joey ~,ltchael Catcher Seolt LupO, 1\11' 1:' 01 ce deteated the !{angel s. 10 I Platt !>double III the fourth and a double , , . of the C,Y O.'s Southeast DIvIsion are the St Paullakers, Including, from left to right, (front Grdmhng, Jacklyn and Haise played behllld the fllle baltlng of Peter Sulh pIa) by JdY HICCIand Bnan Lay. led van, Alex Bien and KevlII Schroedel Buffalo row) Jim , Rem Milligan, Beth Schutz, Mike Francis, Matt McCamlas, Vince Palazzola, Steve well on defense, catchmg the Astra" m lhl ee steal attempts Jim Bunn and Bob and the excellent pltchll1g of Pete I H OClIESTEH-H I t 11;\10N D Fedirko, Jay Bonahoom, Mark Wachter and Mike Miller; (second row) Mary Distel, John Olmsted, Khoenle pitched for the A!>tros,who got Feldman Allen Medel os hit !>afely m Hlchmond topped Hoehester, 4-2, III Jeanette Behm, Muffin McGralty, Peggy Storen, Kelly Hackathorn, Jenny Kane, Paul Bartell, Becky help on otfense from Fred Matvla .., each at-bat, mcludlng a homer Tony flont of a crowd which IIlcluded DetrOIt Heck; (back row) assistant coach Robert Bani, Michelle FranCIS, Kathy Ralt, Glenn Crandall, Robert Enc 1\Iathe\I", Dan LeFebvre, Khoenle CdvatalO, Ian Bovd, JIm MlGovern, Tlgel player Darrell Evans For Roch Jessica Buttlgher-l and Roger Clark Crane, Dan Monahan, Lew Echlln, Dave McCormick, Greg Stevens, Tom Droste, Dave Asker, Holly and Bunn e"tel, Claylon Bu,bey, Casey Ho and CAHD~-WHITE SOX played well Steve Strehler and slllgles, Ja"on Rolka McHugh, Sarah Heck and coach Mike Novak. Jenny Youngblood, Rob Phillips, Charlotte Remick, The Cards beat the White ~ox, 13J \HIII\'- \' \V\' (one RBI) and Jonathan Homme had Justin Hynous, Brran Wagner, Ted Majeske, John Mlkiel, Bill leins, Ken Galvan and David Rea were PItcher JIm Pote did not allow a hit un- Army and Navy pldyed lo a IJ IJ lie doubles For Richmond, Ben Black ~ot pictured. Leading the squad this year were Monahan In the long jump, Echlin in the half-mile and hi the fourth and Pat O'Donoghue went Chns Pote had two tnple" dnd a double tnpled and smgled, Ev Meade and mile, Bartell in the 50 and shot put, Droste in the high jump, Olmstead and Crane In the relay. Leading 4 for-4, mcludlng a double Don for Nayy and John Solobodowskl \\ ent Charles Janke had RBI Singles, John 3-for-3 Brdun hit a home run and 1\\0 Turnbull trlpied and smgled, BIlly the girls were Rail in the high Jump and 400 run, Distel in the 50, Kane and McHugh in the half-mile DeSeranno, BlIl SaylOl and Pate ldoubles) and Dan Paull and ChIp smgles for Army, and Ryan Hatha\\ay I'dlazzolo smgled and Nate Cook had and Youngblood and Heck in the 200 and relay. Peler"on contnbuted to the Cards' of. and George Massu had hIts 111 each at- l\\o slllgle" dnd 1\\0 RBI fense Dan Commer, Lance DeBets, bat MAtt Weaver, Joey SU"kl, Matt SYH,\CVSE-COLliMBUS Brandon Luhs, Ryan MlCartney, Ed Edelstem, Serra, Jaime Whitehead and Syracu<;e scored 18 run!> III the last Dorda, O'Donoghue and Paul. were Bnan Sulhvan had clutch hits Amanda two mmngs, bul undefeated Columbus . Week of upsets in Babe Ruth League outstandlOg on defense Playmg well Lawrence, Mike Rubmo, Kate Lupo and pulled out d 20-19 Will WIth two runs m for the -Sox were Josh Cumm1l1s, Dan Ryan Berg played well the boltom of the Sixth WhItney It was a \\ eek at upsets III the :\Iarcus \\ vsockl fanned 16 and for the Farm~-Cltv Babe Ruth first Cummms, JIm Campagna, John MARINE-COAST Gl'AIW Holmer's fourlh hit of the gdme drove Park's Babe Ruth League dnd de :,cattered SIX hits a!o the B1'a, es half schedule, the'Tlgers have clm- Hoberts, Peter Moran. Ryan McCar- The Coast GUard u"ed good pltehmg m the tylllg and wmnmg rum. Tim spite losmg two games, the Philli{'!> tnpped the Farms- Ydnkee!>, 5-2 ched that title and a spot 10 the roll, Andy Bramlage, Fred Turner, and fIne hlttlJ1g by Ben Trombley, I\!I"e Traey, Ryan J\lessacar, Paul GentIle managed to hold on to fIrst place James ClmlUi and Jay Verlmden league playoffs The f11st half rec- Mike Riley and TIm Nolan, and Jason Franzmger and Chn" Dellmer lo take and Nathan Smith eaeh had three hits an 8 3 Win over the Mannes MIke Tom Heasley slammed a home run and The Dodgers and Br.n es traIl b~ contnbuted two hits each and Alex ords were - Tigers 8-1, Red Sox BenaVidez, whose hIt broke up Pote's one game no-hitter Stines, Bnan Holliday and BlIly two smgles for Syracuse, and Jordan Dillon and l\!Ike ;\Jatthews had 5-4. Yankees 4-5 dnd Indians 3-5 The leaders topped the Woo

University Liggett School spring sports teams honored

The Umverslty Liggett School termined athlete, achieved per- record for the 100 meter hurdles Samudrala, Sood and Wendy Wil- were Jack ~'erns and Bob Tumac- omore Shelly Tibbitts, who played girls' track and field team fmished sonal bests in all her events thiS The Most Improved Player lett der. who placed thu'd III the pole halfback and fullback Accordmg their season with an awards cere- year and was a crucial factor m the trophy went to Kavlta Soad Sood, Varsity letters were won by Alex- vaull relay to Coach DaVid Backhurst, Shelly mony on May 23 and a trip to the team's 15.1 record. Never missing who could not run one time around ander, Rebecca Boone, Samantha ULS compiled a flndl recOl d of was "the backbone of the team - Greenhills Relays in Ann Arbor on a meet, Alexander was the team's the track Without stoppmg as re- DeSmet, Judy Go, Elizabeth 11-2, and fJnlshed second to South- tough and tenacIous" May 24 leading scorer, with 114% points cently as March, ended the season Hader, Carol Lmg, Miriam Muel- field ChristIan III the Michigan In- The Most Improved Player At the Annual Sprmg Awards picked up In long Jump, high jump, as a successful 3200 meter runner ler, Charu Nautiyal, SophIa Park, dependent AthletiC Conference Award went to sophmore Susan Banquet, coaches Cathy Schmidt, 100 meter hurdles and the 400 Junior varsity letters \vent to Laura RIZZO,Paula Rodnguez, Car- At the annual Father-Son Athlet- Judge who began the season alter- Sue Frederick and Josh Schmidt meter relay She currently holds Kelly Baller, Lisa BelzaI, Danne olyn Seydel, Nora Staebler, Jenm- 1c Banquet held on May 28, Coach natmg between strIker and full- awarded the Most Valuable Player the school record for the 100 meter Bullock, Lisa Clpnano, Barb Her- fer Van De Graaf and Catrm Wm- I\hke Bender named co captam back After the fourth game of the trophy to sophomore Lydia Alex- hurdles and the 400 meter relay zig, Pam Hickey, Phan Lam, Eliza- ter FerriS as Most Valuable Athlete season, Susan was SWitched to the ander Alexander, a gritty and de- She currently holds the school beth Manmno, Scarlet Parris, Vara Co-Captam RodrIguez praised The Most Improved Track and goal, despite never having played the efforts of managers Jenmfer FIeld Athlete was sophomore Chip the posItion She qUickly dlstlll- Barnhart. Sue DaVIS and LIZ Gil- DaVIS Newly elected co-captams gUished herself, drawmg raves Softball bert for the 1986 season are l\lark Koz- from league coaches She was also On May 24, ULS met ItS goals at lowski and Blasko RIStlC mstrumental m the team's shutout the Greenhills Relays Coach victOrIes over South. Lutheran North girls lose heartbreaker Schmidt had asked the girls to aim Kickers improve East and Novi for personal bests and school The ULS girls' soccer team By Bill Hoover Bergeron fifth Other highlights were the mlle records Two girls achieved per- showed marked Improvement over MVPnamed relay team WhiCh, though takmg sonal bests m mdlvldual events North High Junior Brtan Bergeron competed the second half of the schedule Coach Chuck Wnght named Rob- second (3:5804), bettered the old Alexander (long Jump) and Laura In the state track competition last After a wmless first foul' games, ert NlCcohm Most Valuable Player record set m 1984, and the distance RIZZO (shot put) Three school ULS was 4-5 Two of the losses were North's ",arslty softball team weekend at Flint Northwestern, records were set shot put relay on thIS year's Umverslty Liggett medley team, which Improved to state powerhouse teams, Grosse School JV tenms team. The No.1 ended the 1985 season last Satur- fmishmg an Impressive fifth III the upon the old record set m 1981 (Rebecca Boone and RIZZO), diSCUS day, with a heartbreakmg loss to diSCUS with a throw of 154 feet, 3 Pomte NO!th and Troy High doubles team of Gordie MaItland m 096) relay (Nora Staebler a nd Boone), School East DetrOIt, 3-2 North had beaten Inches and shuttle hurdles (Alexander, and Ted Evahs were the Most Im- RoseVille, 4-3. In the first game of Bergeron and semor Steve 8algh The highlight of the season \\ a c; a proved Players The team fmished North can't kick Sophia Park, MIrIam Mueller and vel'y emotIOnal 1 0 victory over the dlstnct playoffs were the only North boys who qual- Judy Go) Its season at 5-9 Ified for the state competItion North's girls' varsIty soccer Grosse Pomte South m a state tour- "While our record was not Im- In the first game Saturday the Salgh finIshed fifth m the first heat team ended ItS season WIth a 2 1 Boys are 11-2 nament game The victory \\a~ preSSive, these kids competed well Lady :"Jorsemen, behind the pltch- of the 100 meters and did not qual- loss to Troy Athens m the regIOnal The ULS boys' track and held particularly sweet, III that It and dIsplayed terrIfiC sportsman- mg of Celeste Sartor and Paula Ify for the fmals. Bergeron's throw fmals on May 25 - but not before team fImshed the season by partlc- redeemed an earh <,ea,>on10 0 lo~,> s/up all year," said WrIght "1 was Harms, stayed close before they the girls had'accompllshed most of The team's I\losl Valuable Pla\ bettered hiS previous best throw by Ipatmg In the Ann Arbor GreenhIlls proud to be associated With erupted m the top of the seventh for more than six feet theIr goals for the season Relays Medal wmners for ULS er award was pi e<;ented to soph them" three runs Sophomore Julie Cook North won the Expressway Lea- knocked III the game winner gue champIOnship With a 9 0 mark, WEIGHT '" ~ WATCHERS In the season finale, North went '" '" complied a record of 14-2 overall, North's nmth and tenth grade won the "unofficial" Grosse Pomte Frosted Treat 12 Inmngs behind the pitching of P.l:KIN 3177 & Desserts Harm'> before East DetrOit manag- boys' and girls' track teams partIc- champIOnshIp and advanced to the RAM'S HORN Lo Cal Menu ed the victory Coach Gary Bennett ipated m the Blue Devil Relays at reglOnals Ameha Dugan scored PAVI LION E. Jefferson South High May 30 The events that the only goal m those playoff,>, RESTAURANT Senior Citizen commented, "Both teams made 885.1902 Age 65 were particularly outstandmg for agamst a team which outnumbered Discount 10% great play<; m tough situations It y (~ - 17410 MACK AT ST CLAIR was our best game of the year" North were the 880 meter relay, the the Lady Norsemen, 24-17 ~J ----r. ~~. 'i' M,n,m,m Order S2 5 pole vault, the middle distance "Depth IS the only thIng that kept DAILY DINNER What's new The Lddy Norsemen, who hed for medley, the mlle relay and the diS- us from gomg all the way," said ~~~:~-:-L at the Horn fIrst In the BI-County With a 10-2 tance medley relay coach GUido Regelbrugge 'If It SPECIALS: CrOissants, Stir Frys, league record and 16-8 overall, was 11 agamst II, INe'd have won" Finest Ch nose Arner call Food 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. only Fresh Veg cooked to have several mdlvlduals who re- Mike WUJek, Tom AugustItus, Regelbrugge's girls team<; hdve BanQuel Facllll,es - Recently RernodeleJ order, Chicken Allen Thomalla and Balk Hur look Hawa Cocktail Lcu1qe HOMEMADE Breasts, Chicken or ceived post season honors Harms compiled

I ~ ... ~ ~ - ~~ - ~ ------~~~-~~------__ ..4""""__ ...... -"'+...pc...... ~...... 4 "''''l'-'.S.4''''''''''P'':~P,"""'''l'-'QIIIIIII,,,",#''',*

.• Call 882.6900

Page Four-C Classified ads Thursday, June 6, 1985

,,, Pf RSONAI S I. I'EIISONAlS 1A I'fIIS0NAlS 2•. TUTORING IND EDUCATION 4 HELP WANTED GENERAL • HElP WAHTED GENERAL ARE YOU senous about losmg PRA YER TO THE weIght? Fed up with that HOLY SPIRIT BEWARE ]\DEX TOCL\SSIFIED OFFERED CONSCIENTIOUS U L S MATURE WOMAN for small Area ReSIdents PHONE Sales, easIest pro- lire around \'our mid HolySplrlt you who make me graduate and college selllOl education consultmg offICe gram you ever sold, hourly RE~EE POm':RO,\ 1... , _ n" , ...... :" ...... 12 ...... see lion " Too em'barassed to see everythmg and \\ hI avaIlable for tutO! mg Edu. m Grosse Pomte Park MIX- plus bonus, part/full time, no Gets her dm ers license June .. ,.f "' tUIe of typmg, phones, book. \\ ear a blklm l Tned e\ er~ . show me the \\ av to reach catIon and English major, expeflence necessary, Will 6 1985 Z...... 1l:eM1J .... keepmg Expenenced pre- thmg and nothmg \\orks) 01 my Ideal You \1 tio gIve me l\1ontesson Intel nshlp com tram, apply at 16129Mack at Her AnXIOUSParents ferred Call 95, 885-3211 Just feeling lous~ l Runmng the Dlvme GIft to forgl\ e pleted, tutonng expellence Bedford PRA YER TO THE 1 ..... IIIeIcI out of gas before the da\ I' and forget the Ilrong that IS K 12 \I Ilh excellent re.>u!ts COOK - expenenced, day or MALE or Female dflver want- Call 881 0024 01' 884 %10 over? I challenge:. ou to the done to me and you \Iho are HOL Y SPIRIT 1A SIMce mght, full or part.llme ed for local hght delivery Hol} Spin!. ~ou \1 ho make me II : ...... one and onl:. product 1mI'on In all Instances of m\ hfe = l1J PRIVATE TUTORING Kavan's Colony East Rest. runs Downtown office, new see e\ en thlllg dnd 1\ ho 2 EMIR?' t the market thdt, gual dll \llth me I m thiS 'snort 1111 SEBVICE aurant 372,1720, ask for mlm.van $4 per hour to ,holl me the \l'dl !o reach ZA .. hsc.a.n GordIe teed to lose multi pound, d dialogue v.ant to thank ~ou I 11L DIAGNOSTIC TESTING start plus benefits 259 9132 m) Ideal You \1 ho gl\ e me ElIscatleNI month plus gl\'es ~ou lot, ot for e\ er~ thmg and confirm a 12 SUPPLIES FURNISHED BOOKKEEPER I Secretar), weekdays 9.1 pm energ:. and makes :.OUleel once more that Inevef\lant the Dl\ll1e GIft to forgl\el2C ~ CEBTlFIED TEACHER poSitIOn now avaIlable for dnd forge! the \\ rong that I' 21 12l SECRETARY full lime for great .-\ mone~ bal'k to be separated from ~ou no I c.n:n,s 121 PRE.SCHOOL TUTORING ,mall, fast growing com- done to me and \ ou who are %l SCIIM Grosse POinte one gIrl offICe guaranteed health and 01 I maller hov. great the mater 12«: PRE READING SKILLS pan) , accounts receivable/ In all Instances ot m) life I 3 LIst MI ftH:I Typmg, msurance ex. v.eIght loss plogl am de lal desires ma~ be I IIant to 13 M S EDUCATION accounts payable helpful \Illh me 1. In thl, ,hort I...... perlence deSired Ideal for :>Igned lor el el ~one Please I be v.lth ~ou and my 101ed b YEARS CLASSROOM Reply to Box M 16, Grosse dialogue Ilant to thank }OU IiIIllIcIUIIlIe 13A high school graduate Call mqullt' on hOIl to ,ta~ ones III lour perpetual glor} I" ...,.. '131 EXPERIENCE POinte News, 99 Kercheval, "p"'llth, ..,nrl .,.o~ II o..,h ..... I " ...,." ..- tor ~V~r\thing .lor! confIrm ... ;;." _ .... q.<; p m 1V[onn"y F"'d:ly JAillr..~ ltl'.l'.~l'. once more thd t I nel er IIant I C SIller ...... ,"'- ~m UIO"t: t'Olnte to drms, M! 82Hi502 Earn pallt~m~'~1 i~li't;~~e I Th~'~k';ou for }our 101t' to Ia1lr 8859075 48236 to be .>eparated from) ou no 411 Mnlp ..... 131 cash I A bus mess opportulll \\ ards me and m\ loved LOOKING FOR conscientious 131 TUTORING by expenenced LIBRARIAN TO catalog priV- t~ for e\ en one ISa\ allable ones Pra~ thIS prayer J con matter ho\\ great the maler 41 SInIas mdividual to assIst In mam. t) ~ 13f teacher. excellent referen ate book collectIOn Please Call am time J1J ii6.iJ2b secutne da}s \llthout asklllg lal deSires may be l\\ant to umes repel Itl\ e On Devonshire near War. thiS prayer as soon as your pamtmgs and ullique gIfts by ======--:- _ letters, reports 881.1368 rcn If 0\1 ner not found, free EXPERIENCED salesperson, favor has been granted local arllst 22401Marter to good home 8854620 shutters and blmds The 1 SALES/MARKETING Thank 'IOU for favors recelV. PASSENGERS needed - ride WORD PROCESSING ------1 Shutter Shop, St Clair REPRESENTATIVE ed M B I to Los Angeles, June 10 885 Term papers, resumes, let. LOST Male SIamese cat, has Shores Utica 775.6128 PAPERS multlplymg? FIle 8979 References reqUired ter,. etc caII 882 3224 broken nb, tumor VICllllty (Jan,' , For sales and marketmg of CadIeux and East Warren "...,:..:-:=-::==::-:::------:--: t h I h 1ft system bonkers? Let CHAR- NOVENA TO ST.JUDE TYPING - Fast quality ser- Call Jenny 886 1175 PAINTER-Carpenter needed cus om w ee c airs, I , b b Id t f h chairs, and 3 wheel TOPA orgamze your files Apostle and Martyr great m vice Reasondble 884 8670 4. tielI' WANTED GENERAl y UI er 0 repaIr, mls vehicles Established tel" and create a retentlOn/dls, Virtue, nch In miracles, TYPING SERVICE - l\!dnu and Inspect umts pnor to oc. cupancy Also warranty ntory available, With ex- posal system Save money/ kinsman of Chnst, In SCripts. letters. resume, work Full time plus benefIts ceptlonal opportulllty, m space I Call CHARTOPA, tersessor of aU who mvoke term paper.>, etc Reason SECRETARIES 882-2166or 823.3072 you to use your great God able 882079} unltl January 1986 Call884- expandmg speCialty pro. We Belong Together! I 1744,Monday.Frlday 8 a m.' duct hnes Send resume In NEED SOMEONE to care for given power to aid me In m) 2. ENTERTAINMENT 4 P m eVldence of past sales per. pets whIle you're away thiS 'I urgent pelltlon In return I Kell) Services has challengmg formance to June and July? High school promIse to make your name LIGHT.HEARTED long and short term assign. GOVERNMENT Jobs $IS,()()(). freshman WIlling to help, known Pray for us who ask ENTERTAINMENT ments for you You'll reo $50,OOO/yr poSSIble All oc. PRESIDEND & Grosse Pomte Park area I for your ald. St Jude. Say 1 MAGICIAN celve cupatlOns Call 805-687-6000, ADAPTIVE Call 823-3072after 3 30 IOuI' Fathers, 3 Hall Marys. Ext R.1626 to fmd out how WHEELCHAIRS LET COLOR I 3 Glonas ThiS Novena has ROBERT COOPER " Excellent pay "$20 00 for dIrectory " Flatter You and Slmphfy never been known to fall ALL AGES OCCASIO:-JS • l\leflt mcreases HOUSEWIVES wanted who INC. THE THREE R'S Your LIfe Say Novena for 9 days 885.4210 " PaId vacatIOn are lookmg for work Good 17546CHESTER, DETROIT Learn How to Purchase My request was granted SUMMER PARTY? • Chance to learn ne....skills mcome. set your own hours MICHIGAN 4B224 OF CLASSIFIEDSI ONLY Becommg AND Thank You St Jude, M K G I Call 88')-1713, Monday NO PHONE CALLS RATES - RULES - REGULATIONS! Coordmatmg Clothes [ WE DELIVER Gettmg married' Graduatmg' CALL US TODAy FOR d M k Add plano for atmosphere MORE INFOR;\IATION' ,!t::hr~o~u1J2g~h..!:F~r~ld~a~y.!..,~af~t:.:er:.:....::..5_-L======; 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE 48236 an a eup I Fresh meats, produce, frozen Call Dan _ Certified Color Analyst foods. S&W and Del Monte 278 0824 Advertising Sales CASH RATE: 10 words for $3 25 882-5596 _:-=~::-:~;:- . 7798100 ~ each additIOnal word IndiVIdual Appomtments i canned goods. beer and LOOKING FOR a nell \la\ RO,',EVILLE Excltmg, new local publicatIOn hjls an ImmedIate open- (I lUgfor aggressive, results orIented sales person to be or Sma 11Group ower fee) ROSLYNwme MARKET to entertain children and BILLED RATE: $1 00 blllmg charge MUST SELL - U S Open teen~? Why not have a dance part of our creallve team Base salary plus commls, $200 If not paid III 10 days tickets, Oakland Hills, june 884 3600 for area served part)" - learn the latest I V 'I Slon If you are a self.starter With a proven track KE L L' record ....e ....ant to talk to you 16 83!H1139,m'U:i!l\j WRITING/RESEARCH/I ~:~ce<; Call Ther~sa at '571 OPEN RATE: Measured ad $6 00per Inch Please forward resume to Box 36298, Grosse Pomte I Farm.>. MI 48236 Border ad $7 ()(J per Inch NO CHANGES RESUMES :\IAGIC ~JIO\\~ - .\\dlldOle SERVICES "extra charges for caps, bold. NO CANCELS Brochures speeches edlllng. for olrthda\ partle~ oan The Kelly' GIrl People ;======i darker borders, dots, stars. OF CLASSIFIED ADS manuals, semmars, artlC quet<; Jour ~o(lal alfdlr~ Not an agency. never a fee I SUPERVISOR photos, reverses. etc " AFTER 12~OON MONO.\YS les Call.Jlm ~hdnnon 77861O'i Equal Opportullltj Employer .\1/JoIH RULES: DEADLINES '10 EXCEPTIONS! 882.3146 I CLASSICAL musIc for Jour TELEPIlO;-..)Emlenle\ler<;- CENTRAL FILE DEPARTMENT Error correcllons must be LOSE WEIGHT - feel good HOG ROAST or ox roast, \Ie next occa<;lon Solo duo called In by MONDAY NOON Money back guarantee Call have the meat and the triO Gumtet GUItar wmd~ no expenence necessarv Downtown Insurance Agency has Job opportulllty for a Cancels must be called III by Mary Rogers 773.7528 gnlls to cook them up right vOice l'i4 6276 Studenh and housewl~es Supervisor m Its Central FIle Department MONDAY NOON Hogs or beef part) roast 40 Full and pJrt time Pl)'lltlons 21. MUSIC EDUCITIOIf Changes In copy must be called pound<; and up We cater open Gllara nteed hourly Pnor expenence reqUired College background III Record

III by MONDAY NOON rent the equipment or do 1t ....age'l Da} and evening 1 Management would be helpful, but not essential NEW COPY deadline IS 14th yourself 727.1450 or 727 WOODS MUSIC hour'> a.aliaole I\pply III I une 976'5 TUESDA Y NOON STUDIO person bet\leen 10-4pm at Send resume and salary reqUIrements to 2081t Kelly Road. ~Ulte 1..2 "NO EXCEPTIONS ON THE TENNIS Lessons - on own Gl ITAH. 1'11\:'1'0 DRl' ;\1~ l'.ast DetrOit ABOVE" FLAG private tennis court, 10 Tm:OHY ------BOX M-1 Pre.payment requIred on years expcl'Ience Plea'lc Home or SllIolO EXPERJE\CED 'le('retar) GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1 Service ads call Dre\\ :\!ascarlll lIB4 20'l41 \lac\" for one girl office 'lome I 2 Situation wanted ads 771li] ('a II \\ ",,1,,1 .. I computer kno\\ ledge help 99 KERCHEVAL ,j to Wantetudenh 'I r 6 All auto ads out of Grosse OR BUSINESS ... InterlOr and Exterior bcgmner~ through ad\ancrd If you lose me Pomte area PAM STEIL 881 ')986 for ...ummer '>chcdulr L(.... REGULATIONS: Responsibility for a claSSifIed EXPERT \\ oodll orkmg furn ,>on<;gl\rn hj mrmbc' of or find me SECRETARY \llchlgd n OfX'rd Theatre Or adverllslng error IS limited to I Iture, cabinets. door<;. fire. either a cancellation 01 the place mantels, etc Quahtj thl''olrd 11214704 charge for the ad III error or a re- work Reasonable prices PIA ~O Le~<;on~ qualified Large Dov.nto\\n Insurance Agency Career opportullity [ run or the portion In error. Noll- 521.16.17,Ken teacher n'} homc lIB27772 ficatlon must be given m tIme for BRIDAL FLOWF.RS, expen Excellent shorthand and typmg skIlls requlrcd Many correction m the next Issue We 2•. TUTORING IND EDUCATION frillge benefJ ts assume no responsibility for the I enced f10mt Call for ap same error after the first m. Have "Freedom Flag STRENGTHEI\l your childs ,',end resume and salary reqUirements to sertlon service" give you all elementary math. readmg We reserve the right to claSSify prices and free delivery ~ or engh<;h <;kllls ov('r the BOX M-1 each advertisement under the 'lummer crrllfled teacher with this ad In the local I RESUMES, theses. tcrm GROSSE POINTE NEWS appropriate heading The calling area. papers, rep, hght GROSSE POINTE TOM'S Lawn Cuttmg Free es- HEALTH CARE wanted for part-time days gal secrelary wanted to maintenance, 822-3250 and mghts Apply Your tlmates Reasonable rates, We have the ~ummer Jobs you R,N,-GERENTOLOGY work for sole practItIOner In EMPLOYMENT Place Lounge 17326E War- 777-6382 RECEPTIONISTS PROFESSIONALS need for ALL skilled levels RETIREMENT CENTER downtown bUSiness dlstnct AGENCY Use your health care skills to ren If you have offICe ,kllis we Nurse needed, for 3.11 pm Some computer experience AURA'S No experience nece~sary 885.4576 $5.$6/hour starting help someone who really HARPER Woods manufactur- have a~slgnment~ through- dnd occaSIOnal shift rota needed Salar} commen- HOME SITTING SERVICE needs you by becomIng a 109company has opening for out the Metro area We abo lion 32 hours weekly Re surate With experience Call 50 years reliable service T L C of chIldren, elderly HIRING TODAY! fosler parent for a child WIth entry level accountmg clerk have many light IJ1du~trlal cent Gerentology expenence 961-7555 Needs experJCnced Cooks, Hourly, overnight and 24 Call u!>at 557-1200 and land,capwg pO~ltlOns preferred If you are In- Nanmes, MaIds, Ho~ek~p. mental retardatIOn Work In No experience reqUired LEGAL Secretary - perma- hour rates 12 years With , JOB NETWORK your home and ear n $300- Full time Call Friday be- Cali now I terested In JOImng our out- ers, Gardeners Chauffeurs, Mr!> Hammon, whose agen. 26095Schoenherr Fee standmg staff m thl!>beauti- nent pOSitIOn, 3 days per ButJer~, Couples, Nur~e $700 per month plus room tween 10 am- 2 p m A~k week Experienced on cy served Grosse POinte and board expenses Call for c.ontroller 882-3400 WARREN - 977-5740 ful waterfront setting call AIdes, Compamollh and Day over 30 years Licensed DRIVERS Home Health Care ServlCe~ Xerox 850 or eqUivalent Workers for private homes HOME FINDER at 348-6200 HOUSEKEEPER and laundry Bonded $7-$1 O/HOURL Y DOWNTOWN Inc Mary Ghesqulre 823 word proce!>smg equipment 18514Mack Avenue aide pOl>ltlOns available 7556 necessar) Call Mr Berg Grosse POinte I"drms 247-0283 No expenencc neces~ary COLLECTION Must be expenenced Con- 963-2290 9633123 COMPETENT HIRING TODA Y SPECIALIST tdCt VI 88b 2500 PART TIME housekeeper CALL US AT 557-1200 NO FEE LEGAL SECRETARY Light cooking, references, SITTING Opportunity eXI!>t~tor profe~ SERVICE JOB NETWORK COOK ME 0 ICAL Permanent part llme po~ltlOn ,end reply to Gro~~e POinte 26095S(.hoenherr Fee ~lOnalcolle(.tlon ::.pcuallstto Day or night, full hme, ex- BONUS PLANS With an established DetrOlt HOME CARE - ELDERLY JOin d progressive tedrn New::., Box V 65, 99 Kerthe LAW OFFICE -- downto\',n at PrevlOusl) With Hammond Pre~tlge SerVice" Ir.(. We penenced With references SECRETARIES firm Expenence reqUired val, Gro~se POInte Farms only No fast food 2593273 SUPPLEMENTAL 11"'\ Good typing Important 48236 Agency Days, mghts, & 24 DetrOit, need!>\\ord proces are lookmg for self starters hour rates available between 9 and 3 onI) ::.or 80 WpM nllnlmum %2 With collectIOn agency ex- 961-9139 ELDERL Y lady m Gro~se LICENSED BONDED 8255 ask for !\Irs Douka~ WOHD PROCESSING opera STAFFING, INC We are currently seeking ~::-:-::-:::':=::=---:---:-- Pomte area need::. live-In penence or In the (.ollectlOn medlcdl secretanes, WIthor LAW OFFICE - downtown SALL Y 772 0035 FULL TIME temporary office of a medical facility tor - Ren Cen Expenenc- 1 h T H J D t t cds t t housekeeper/cook Refer- e emporar) e p People Without shorthand, for 1m e rOl , ne par Ime sec- i;XPERJENCED NURSES' Candidates should have a ed, excellent skills, and ---:-~-=-=:::::-:-'-:::-:-~- t 2 d k ences reqUired 774 OJ40be- pdlnter ~ helper $4 00 to $4 50 mediate long term lll>Slgn re ary ays per wee aides available Red::.onable per hour, Ocpenomg on ex- minimum of J yedrs collec- SECRETARY t"een, 9 and 3 Monday thru pleasant per~onallty, send ments on the East SIde 962-8255 A!>k for MI'~ rates Fraser Agency Slate peflence Call 773-2123 tIOn expeflence and ex resume to Renaissance D k Fndayonly BUSIness and Law Center, Must hdve word processing Medical terminology IS re- __ o_u_a_s _ licensed and bonded HOL', CuUtyit.LC OPrJpn('p fir lr'1l\wlprl<1(' 'n ~rcl SUite 500, DetrOlt, M148243 preferrably NBI and good 4UU I:U L~\.:rAL ~ecrclary lOr pre,tl I ~~J-ll! I charge of hou'>e dnd 2 yedr party bllhng IS helpf~l POSI I tlOn offer~ good starting AttentIOn, Office Managel general office skills for thiS glOu~dO\lontownDetrOltla\lo HANDYMAN any home reo old, live In winter In ______-"'c-_ I long term as~lgnment CALL US TODAY FOR firm t to 2 years leghou~e- pair Plumbing, electncal, benefits including profit WAIT PERSON Downtown Top pay MORE INFORMATION' penence, preferably deferu.e locks, etc , neat dependable, ces, send Ie,ume to P 0 Matureand neat, senous only I ENTECH 779-8100 litigation Excellent benefl~ ~Ittel With or Without child- Box 83007, Troy, 48043 sharing, mcludmg advance ren Reasonable rates Call honest 881-1399 ment opportunities For a need apply ExperIence I Rosevt-Ile and worklllg conditIOns Call WAITRESSES wanted Ye- Apply Soup Kitchen, SERVICES Roberta, 961-8989 Dee now I 885 6753 COMPETENT compamon- confIdential mtervlew ap aide alaJlable for ambula- OJde Tap Room Experience pomtment contact Lisa Long Franklin at Orleans 4 TO GROSSE POINTE teacher preferred, 14\115CharlevOIX blocks east of Ren Cen I L KELLY PARALEGAL - corporate Willing to housesll thl~ sum tory lady as IIve-m 5 days at 882 4910 -::::-:-=-=::-==c::----:--:-- SERVICES and tax prdctlce Do\', ntov. n 588 5610 mer 776-3365 weekly Grosse POinte refer NIGHT KITCHEN work, Ideal ENERGETIC person for ~hlP- • The "Kelly Girl" People DetrOlt firm Excellent oral ences 1-614 1172 for local male college stu- LIGHT Delivery must have ping department/supply WAf\YTED EnthUSiastiC '>elf Not all agency, never a fee commumC:- -:::----1 pensmg, contact lenses, In- ==::-:-:-:-::=:::-----:-_::_ HUSBAND and Wife dentists Heaven, 70 Cadillac Square RECEPTIONIST $200-$300/WEEK THE WESTIN Hotel Renals- surance forms Must relate ENTRY LEVEL llecretary for seek home to house Sit or DOMESTIC A large downtown corporation No Expenence Necessary sance Center IS now hmng well With people Send downtown law firm Typing rent In Grol>se POinte area THE AIRLINES needs a receptlOmst With HIRING TODAyl for part time promotIOnal resume to Box G-80, 99 Ker- 55 wpm, dlctaphone ex- 994-3270after 6 p m ATTENDENTS AND typmg skills to handle a busy HOUSE.KE-TEERS CALL 557-1200 work Here'~ an opportumty cheval, Grosse POinte penence helpful Will be TENTH Year sItting flne RESERVATIONISTS front desk Salary plus ex JOB NETWORK to put your energetic, bubbly Farms, MI 48236 tested on spelling, punctua- homes References 52t 5201 Lct Our Cre\\ Come In & Do WILL TRAIN cellent benefits 40 hour 26095Schoenherr Fee personality to profltable use I ---;.:.:..:...:.:.....:..:.-----1 tlOn, and grammar a~ well All of Your General Cleamng Call us today at 557-1200 work week Call Muriel F CTORY WORKERS Earn up to $8 per hour NURSE AIDES as tYPing speed Excellent 5 SITUA nON WANTED Windows & O\ens Too" JOB NETWORK Brown for a personal A Choose your hour!>, 9 a m -1 HOME HEALTH AIDES trallllng program Good Excellent References 26095Schoenherr Fee interview $8-$l~f~~~~ r~rZ~JING pm, 1 pm -5 p m and 5 Must have attended 60 hour or benefits Call Kathie, NEED SOMETHING moved? Gin Certlflcate AVailable 9635050 BECOME A p m -9 p m To find us come more Nurse Aide course 1iiira1a11-58,, I Two POinte reSidents WIll Call Chnl> AITENTION home sewers' HIRING TODAY! to the 300 Tower Ren Cen, move or remove large or COLOR CONSULTANT CALL US AT 557 1200 take shuttle elevator near "Ith certificate wlthm the small qUume to Grosse POinte $1 ;,lJ $4 00 dn hour to ~tart fIrm near Ren Cen Mlnl- time, all ages, excellent re- ~IARIE'~ CATERING Inter- miSSion Full tralnlng!$6 per 42400 Garfleld, SUite D 286 7000 New<;,99 Kercheval, Grosse I I nllmlted ho.urs FleXible, mum 3 years profesSIOnal ONE COOK and one down- I ferences Call Sand) 382 national CUISine Hors hour guarantee VIhatevrr POinte Farms, Michigan I ~chedules ..,II \Ionroe, experience or volunteer stairs helper needed, ap 4656 ' d oeuvres buffets, gourmet DetrOit I t t k proXimately 8 week~ at nor ...... :c- _ you're earning no.... you'll dmncrs 8626295,881.7292 Impro\e With our succe~s ROSEVILLE 482.l6 Box =H-20 i ==;-:;;;=-;--;-_;--_:-;-:- eqUlva en , compu er now- thern Michigan reSidence, EXPERIENCED mom WIll formula Expenenced 25869 Kel1) Road, SUite B WANTED malntenancl I EXERCISE Instructors We ledge helpful Hoursflexlble end of July thru Labor Day babySIt your child m my callcrs O;.JL') to work be- 7i98100 watchman light to medium I are lookmg for expeflenced Salary commensurate With 886-2960, Monday thru Fn- home Ages 3and up Grosse t\~een ') 10 'I 10 pm, ilion duty work reqUIred hour::. teacher~ and also Instruc ~~n~~e SeGndresupme tOt day 95 Pomte Park LICensed day Ihrough Thur~dav SHELBY /UTlCA Mondav Fnday 3 10 pm tors to tram Please l>enc rosse Oln e -' 823 2671 ')2188 Van D)ke 7 30 p-m coniact Larry resume to 21')17Kelly Road, News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse ' LAUNDRESS one day per 5A SITUATION WANTED (ma nagemf'nt opportumt:- --=.::.:...::.:..-=------2542'180 Vome Ironing of fme Imens INSURED - BONDED da lIy 886 t763 I I DRIVERS NEEDED' penenced part tl me on and pressmg clothes Such as WE HAVE STAR BRITE SECRETARY part time 10 3 SECRETAR\ admlnl~tratlvel KELLY G od d d W II agr~ble hours Downtown silks, etc Must have • lIO;,H:;;YAKf:RS CLEANING assl~tant for mortgage pm Monday thru FI'Iday 0 nVlng recor I 96t-2250 references a~ a laundress • SITTf':ns for verc;atlle offICe Call' I train Excellent money ---- 1 Generous "age based on ex- • COMPANIONS SERVICE broker salar" com men ~urale WitheXpCrlence App- SERVICES Karen 882 1612 I mal-.lIlg potential Apply In TROY Law firm needs ex. perlence and references I Beller Sitters & Compamon'> Free e~tlmates All work ly In prr~on June 8th or for- The "Kelly" Girl People Help \loanted days lunch time I pers~~501 Mack Ave penenced legal secretary I 8822504 773 1606 guaranteed Ap, re NURSES AIDES Health Care Live In or (jut dants, live I~ SCr~ned and SERVICE' part time 88191iiO I organl7atlOnai ~klll~, tlree~, joung adull~ With COMPANION AIDES Please call bonded 24 hour service :\FF( 1!{flABI.F j'/( [I I. DELIVERY persan "anted I creative wntmg and la}'out /1-\11\ car" for mormngdellvery of LIVE INS GOLL LICensed nurses for In- must hale own car, apply m I ~kllis essential Send resume \\FI-:I\l\ the DetrOIt Free Pre~ In the PERSONNEL surance cases person after 4 pm, Mama to Grosse POinte :'-Jews,99 HI \1' 1'\"1111 , Rosa s Pizzeria 15134Mack Kerchrval, Grosse POinte Gros::.e Pomte~' 882-004'), Private duty nursing m Grosse Pomte area Immediate POINTE AREA NURSES I between 7 a m II a m openmgs ChOice of hours and days Call between 10-4 AG ENCY TU 4-3180 LANDSCAPE con~tructlOn Farm~, MI 48236 Box BIO 772-3050 BEAUTICIAN needed ex I pm Monday-frIday 106 Kercheval R T T' I 1'''1 1<1-:1/ &, ""'-; Ii :- foreman and gardener/ LANDSCAPE laborers need- perlenced, ~ome clientele II MACOMB NURSING UNLIMITED Grosse POinte Farms 0 0 ILLING any ~Ize I "r:H\Il'rllr HII",'(, \! trimmer needed Expenenc ed Mu<,!bc atlea~t 18 757 . Job, free estimates Call Rental or percentage, 263.0580 882.2928 llll2-3800(after 6 pm), ask I "'II

b RENUL S HOMES 'PT~ f TC , "ENUlS'HOMES 'I'TS ETC DC "fNUlS HOMlS .PIS EIt l>I REN1A(\ H(lMf\ AI'l\ !T( bU IlINlllS HOM!S ~PIS flC liN NORI HERN MICHIGAN bN NORtHERN Mllf'!LAN II 6H OHICE fOR RHtT J GROSSE POINTE CIIOSSE POIIHt OET~O!1 _ _ _ _ Uf fROII , IlIAR AREA VICI TlON RENTALS VACATION RENlll \ GROSSE Pomte - townhouse. NEFF NEAR Jefferson Luxu YORKSHIRE between Mack/ MOROSS/Kelly area - 3 bed. LAKE ST CLAIR, fantastic FOR RENT - "On the HIli," BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT HARBOR SPRINGS Cozy; • 3 bedroom!s, 112 baths, car. rv J bedroom. 2 bath apart. Warren, beauhful3 bedroom room, famIly room, country vIew overlooking Clinton Colomal Federal Bldg, J HOME condo, pool, temus, sleeps a, port. walk to vIllage $750 ment Large hVlOg room English Cottage, nicely de- kitchen, garage, all new de- RIver, mmutes from lake room sUlle, $525month Mr Sleeps 6 comfortably PrIvate air 626.75J8 885-2524 I'dth natural fireplace tJI cora ted, bullt In appliances, cor throughout, security de. Brand new 2 bedroom lux- Vesco, 886 b6IJl !sdndy beach Only 11/1 hours COTTAGE ON Lake Charle------mal duung room. ~epardte marble fireplace arch POSit,references Must see I ury condo All appliances HOUSE Grosse Pomte Woodl. breakfast room large kit. "ON THE Ihll .. Apploxlmate away Call for mformatlOn VOIX 3 bedrooms, 2 full church "Indows and more, 245-1Wi4 With 40' boat well Lease I 1823Amta $550 per month chen" Ith apphJllces elr Iy 650 square feet Lower and e!servatlOn baths 616-247-0670Anyl1me ' security deposIt, hVlng. d1l1 peted Large closet~ SepJ $~95per month 882-3600 LOWER FLAT, 2 bedroom, With option to buy, from level Colomdl Fedel al Build 885-5833 June through August KENSINGTON near Harper, apphances, excellent access $129,900 RiverView Club 109, J bedroom~, 1 bath 821 rJte entrallce bJ~ement mg 63 Kercheval RetaIl or HARBOR SPRINGS condo - bnck upper, 5 rooms, car. off 1-94 and CadIeux, $350 46J.8040 office Mr Vesco 886 bt>lJI 8722 Two gJrJ.ges Walk to bus, DE RENT WITH OPTION BLACK LAKE Weekly rental by owner at PARK - BeaconsfIeld - J ~hoPPll1g BOilSecour~ 1I0~ peted. quick possessIOn $350 plus deposit 881-9268 3 bedroom furmshed cottage beautiful Harbor Cove II per month 526-2555 NOTTINGHAM near East to llUY THE MARK I BLDG. WIth fireplace Boat mclud- bedroom upper. n.ltural flre pltJI ~o petl> Ideal fOI Luxury 2 bedroom and loft I place. refrigerator. !stove ddultl> i\lu~l hIell~ 99 Kerchel JI 55-10 DETROIT lovely bflght J bed. tural fireplace), dllllng Gi\ YLORD - Boyne Moun- VarIable sizes HARBOR SPRINGS, Hal bar room upper 1 baih a\ lt 88~ JlJ8.l. d1)er. adult!>preferred, pet;, b. 2 full bath~, 2 bedrooms, 244~ '\0 l -\'\l EI ~ month WIth rent credit pol> ;leep~ (, II b9~ 153U "tARYL>\\D ~I' room 101\el OF lL\SMFtFU \US OK $450 per month 22621 !\lACK AVENUE, St and loft, fIreplace, dIsh- OUTER DRIVE area, 2 bed 8865160 SIbil' towar BUILDING FOR Lcase-20451 before June 17 SpeCIal KIAWAH ISLAND, South pllance~ read~ to mOl e In pllallce~ Idundl"l pJII..\II~ For qUIck move-m, zero $J;5 plu~ ulilltle~ 882 Zbb7 \leI! ~~lur~d, klichI'll lull mon_thgIus uhlllles. Andary LOVELY 2 bedroom upper, Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte rates (bib) J47-21144 Calolmd or FIOIlda Key~ 886.507 $295 mcludes heat, 839-3195 down, J72-4422 Real Estate Woods, 47x 185, Shorewood one/two bedl ooms. beach, ATTR-\CTl\'E 3 bedroom bdth __dmetl)e _1l\lI1g 100111 HILTON HEAD J BEDROOM house, 7 Gratiot Today E R Brown Realtv 886-8710 pool, tenlll;, golf, Chatter .0t •• ", 'rl ' " IU'l.u...... ~u~'"I 'v~ I ~qidl AA Q=WQ _ . . . "''''-- C"!VE r~~m ~nccmc D~ He'i! of'al,n Pill!nf>!l() n""es' al<:"d.. £'",3 •.)&~ ULlUU~~, ~"',) ~. lUll, 1..1 Llllton Ijoulevard, 6F. FOil IIENT fUIINISHED KENNEDY BUlldlllg OPPO~ltf' DeSigner decorated and fur- transporta tlon. $~95 A\ all I CLEA \; I bedroom duple, ~ecunty 8-4 p m ~97-758J vonshlre between Mack and I Bmghdmton, NY, 13903, able Juh 1 8232317 or 517 \11th utlllt) room >\1ter 6 Warren $235 per month Ed!stldnd Shopplllg C('nter IIIshed Just 6 months ago, GROSSE POINTE Woods, (607) 722 ~80b 3~93JJJ' ChJrle\ 01' drea 82~ 72~.1 dfter 6 pm 839-441 Share heat With lower 7765HU thl~ Villa ha') every con- LAKEPOINT. first block orf 471.3164references and se- Harper Woods, Warren vemence I 335-8666 HILTON HEAD bland One PRIVATE, Grosse Pomte HARPER \\llltller one bed (.IW~SE PUI\1E Mack - 2 bedroom lower curlty deposit, one month areas Completely furmshed bedroom, ocednVlew condo W<><>dl>,conference room, HARBOR Sprlllgs ared, golf, room upper ~to\e refng \lO\I\G \\():,10H\GFl'{l flat I~Ith Side dnve $180 rent one and two bedroom apart- Sleep" -t, efflcIency kltchen. copier, furmshed, ul1l1hes lenl1ls, sWlmmmg, 3 bed- erator hedl \\ ater $2~0 a Rl',holl.lble H,lll" 885 5196 ments, all the comforts of TV, ~tel eo Huge S" Immlllg month ll1:l21209 Ih'klbl,' ::>1'1\ ICt' BLUEHILL near Chandler room, fully furmshed condo Bl'CKINGHAM upper I'" Park, very mce 3 bedroom horne, short term leases Call 517-323-7307 pool. milcl> 01 beautIful GROSSE Powte Clt\ - 2 bed Fll'" E,IIIll,He, Ideal for transferrmg ex- beach 10tenms courts $.175 bedrooms appliances 111- house, natural Ctreplace, FOR RENT, CaseVIlle, MI, room~lllth~unpQIlh fue 1~,I,4tll 1l21Htl() cluded very clean apart. f k t ecutives or s}lOrt term ~ II cekly 112.2OOll8 waterfront cottage on SagI- place 111 h\lng room. carpet GROSSE POI:-'TE dreJ on ment $2~5plus securIty de. stove, re ngerator, notly assIgnments. Ii GARAGE for rent, prefer HILTON HEAD 2 bedroom, 2 ed garage 88b-7bJO Ha\erhlll \Ice 2 bedroom pme paneled upper bed. Executive Llvmg SUItes, Ine uent access 824-6876 nfr naw Bay, everythmg prOVId- POSit 882.6412 room, $475 East SIde bath villd, tenl1ls, pool, near ----"""""------upper Refllllshed hard\lood 474-9770 • • t I I ed but Imen $300week 331- ONE LARGE bedroom. dllllllg floor applIances -\dults B ARHAl\l, first block off Management 884-3890 , 6989 beach S500/weekly 882 room h\ Ing room kltche_n pref:n I'd >:325J~3-0.255 Mack, I bedroom lower flat LAING off Kelly, 3 bedroom ATTENTION EXECUTIVES IiiiiiiiiI 501l app!lanc~ Great area $31:> --' ' _ One and 2 bedroom apart- FOR LEASE, 3,000square foot LAKE CharlevOiX cottage $215 885.5196 Colomal Partially fInished (condo) ~andy beach, 2-4 SUMMER Il>great III HIlton 88.2.7065 SPACIOL'S GI O~~ePowe flat T ments Lmens, cookware, bUlldmg, can be diVided 111- Head - Palmetto Dunes Villa HREE BEDROOM upper basement 2 car garage, air, to 2-1,500square foot SUItes, people, Immaculate, 31Hi95- UPPER FL:\.. T .2bedrooms , 2 I w prestige area features 2 large IIvmg and dlOlOg $450 cablevlslon, utlhtles $27 50 2 bedrooms 886.9234 large bedl oom~ 2 baths, newly decorated, 1-94/8Mile 1857 baths hVlllg room, dllllllg room. front and back porch, Haverhill off Mack, 2 bedroom per day One month mini- room den \11thfireplace. en fireplace dIlIlng room. den mum 772-8100,652-0197after 7 p m 3 BEDROOM cottage, Harbor HILTON Head, South Caroli- sunroom and man) amel11. hardwood floors, appliances, upper, heat mcluded, $300 na Sea Pines -large 2 bed- closed porch garage appll garage separate furnace For more informatlon call 469-1075 771-4916 6t SHARE LIVING Springs, sleeps 8, available lies Including pmate tenms now thru September $500 room, 2 bath, oceanfront ances ~750 per month plu~ and basement $350 plus se- laVon's Rental and Proper- GROSSE POINTE - Vermer aUAIlTERS eed , deposll 82HH65 court Perfect for the profes- week, please call 642-7793 condominIUm BeautIful cunty 881-1044after 6 pm, ty Management 773 2035 Road Attractlve3 room up. NON-SMOKING Female n - Wide beach, pool, sun set SIOnal couple $850 month C I I ed to share same Imme- TWO BEDROO:\I apartment 88Hl600 886 3164 SIX MILE/Gratiot, upper, 5 per apartment omp ete y dlately Good locatIOn be- TRAVERSE CIty Cherry Fes- vIew Save 40% renl from stove refngerator hedl J OHNSONTE & JOHNSTONE ~200 BEDFORD - 2 bedroom rooms, With appliances, $250 furlllshed Gas heakt, hot tween Mack/Warren In tIval July 6-13,condo accom owner 641-8367 call after 5 p m 822 5025 - upper flal, $300 a month, m. plus securIty 775-0666 water, utlltties, coo ware DEAR area Graduate stu- modates up to 6 at Pmestead 588 ~EFF - one of the fwesl Reef on The Bay, $125a day. 7 WANTED TIl RENT GROSSE Pomte Woods - 8 condo rentals w Grosse cludes water and applian- ARTIST CONDO, one bed- dishes, lmens No pets 884- dent/professional preferred l\hle/J\lack area Immacu- 3134171-3077 POInte 2 bedroom, 2'" ces Shown Saturday and room, $260 Utllthes rents 4744 Call Gma 881-4798 after 6 FORD EXECUTIVE and Wife late 3 bedroom home baths. extensively remodel Sunday, 1-5 $315,better DetroIt 882-1691 LOVELY furrushed 3 bedroom p m LAKEFRONT cpttage close to need small home in Pomte breezell a~. attached ga. ed townhouse. exceptIOnally SOMERSET/Whltlter 3 bed- - home Large kitchen, break- .-!::.:.::_--~---:-- Traverse City. Interlochen, No chIldren or pets 882.8568, rage. nell carpeting. nell loom, smgle family Why CHATSWORTH/Warren - fast room, Iivm~ room, dm- ROOMMATE wanted to ~hare Sleepmg Bear Sleeps 6 large master bedroom II Ith 323-0315 stove and refrigerator $550 rent? Lease optIOn or $3,000 large attractive 5 room up. mg room, fenced m yard Grosse Pomte Park .Iat - Good flshmg, SWimming the ultImate w closet space, RESPONSIBLE adult seeks monthly. plus security 20i3 2 car garage, electrIC door takes deed FHA, No quah per, very clean, 885-0408 _ AvaIlable September 1985 568 3800ext 684695 or 823- 885-6916,evenmgs Ridgemont Call 96J-9155 bright one bedroom wood deck patiO, many spe- fymg. 259-8635, 779-6704 BALFOUR/Morang 3 bed. thru July 1986 $600 per .....:47;;5O~".,..".-=-=:--:'':"':':"_~:-- THIS SUMMER why leave II eekdays bet....een 9 am- ~ 1 Reasonable rent Will also CIal features, available room house, 1 /2 baths, ap- month 881-Q803 LAKESHORE VIllage, two MichIgan? AvaIlable by pm TWO BEDROOM upper, pltances, garage, available bedrooms, profeSSIOnal fe- consider one or two rooms stove, refrigerator - washer, September 1 $5OO/month 6G ROOMS FOil IIENT June 1st. a brand new luxury WIth bath and kItchen COLONIAL three bedroom male, $200OO/half ullllltes, ~ dryer Beaultful condltlon, plus utillttes, security, home Just completed on prIVIleges Can furnISh Non- home. den. 212 baths. finish- 77B-5086 . Chatsworth, $275 882.7065 references 371-2972after 4 OUIET neUl;hborhood - com- beautiful Walloon Lake In- smoker References 821 ed basement. $950 per fortable, prIvate home, no CLOSE: TO Lake St Clair 5 HAVERHlLL, near Mack pm FEMALE Roommate wanted credible lakefront property 9717after 6 p m month 885-1665 pets References reqUIred to share fJmshed home Hot WIth dock, decks and Views, bedroom 1'2 bath, family One bedroom upper App!t- KELLY/Morang _ WhItehIll COUPLE - 14year resllients ot FIVE BEDROOM 824-3352 tub, many extras DebbIe 1,600square feet With 2 bed- English -room, eatlllg area In kit ances, garage, basement Excellent area, 3 bedrooms, Grosse POlllte seeking Tudor available July 20, 526-5428 rooms, loft and 2 baths and chen full basement. carpe t CLEAN, qUIet person, over 35, duplex, flat or home to rent 1985 One year lease - ten. $225 per month 775-4901 'I 2 fireplaces, fmlshed base- JacuzzI Completely furnISh. throughout "el!wsulated 7 must have references, cof- ROOMMATE for 2 bedroom m or near Village Good, ant to pay securltj deposll MILElHayes, smgle home ment, formal dining room, ed Rent by week or month gas forced air 2car garage > fee A M only, prIvate phone home 111 Park, 150 rent, qUiet hVlllg people No and utlhtles Must have re- 1-2bedrooms, stove, refnge- 2' ~ car garage $4OO/month Brochure avaIlable Call540- Access to all St Clair Shores rator, $275plus secunty de- I 884-2307 lme 5 minutes from St John share UtilitIes, have dog 331- children or pets Need ferences $1,350 per month parks $700 per month 569 hospital 885-3039 5130days, 822-9818evenmgs. 2376 POSIt 521-3300,882-5541 FIVE ROOM lower Newly possessIOn now 773-2673 SCHULTES REAL ESTATE 1788 REGENCY INN, luxunous Mike 881.8900 MOROSS/Kelly area 2 bed- decorated, fireplace, STATE trooper, family Wishto rooms, satehte, waterbeds, 21951 EDMUNTON 2 room, kitchen apphances, garage, With or WIthout ap- WANTED Chnstlan lady or rent 3 bedroom home 527- ' 379 NEFF 3 bedroom, 1'~ bedroom. 2 car garage mOVIes, low da,tly:weekly gentlemen, non smoker to bath. 2 car garage $650per optIOn to buy No pets phances 5042 Devonshire 7249 screened porch Evel11ng 884-1408or 371.2119 BSS-6751 rates 372.2000. share my' home, reasonable month Crane Realty - 884 641-7458 882-@~', ~. , ORTHOpONTIST - smgte, 0700 TWO BEDROOM upper flat, FOR LEASE. 1 bedroom lo~- 6H OFfiCE FOil RENT be'gins ti-'~imng program in TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom 3 WANTED female non-smoker, I July, needs mce one bed- PARK - 6 room upper, off use of garage, very fme er, fireplace In liVing room GROSSE POINTE WOODS 25-35 855Cook Road Even- bath, garage, full basement bUlldmg, John S Goodman, Mack/Cadieux area $375 MEDICAL SUITES room flat/apartment III street parkmg $415 month On Lake St Clair $86;>- mgs 641-7458 Grosse POinte area Please Inc 886.3060 per month plus security In- 20835 Mack _ 1,000sq It plus utlhlIes July 1st oc- month 792-0130.886-4087 6M. flOlllDA VACATION call collect 1.216-888.1582 cupanc) 886-{)224 LOVELY furnIShed 3 bedroom cludes utilities, appliances, 20871Mack _760 sq fl 611 RENTALS/HOMES .• I'TS .. HC RENTalS after 9 p m home Large kitchen, break. washer and dryer 332-2611 Newly decorated, parkmg l\'EFF - GracIous upper flat HAII'EII WOODS 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, fast-room, hvmg-room, dm. KENSINGTON 2 bedroom up- GENERAL OFFICE SPACE TWO SCIENTISTS vlsltmg GROSSE Pomte Schools, Har from Sweden Wish to rent an sunroom. new kItchen. new lIIg-room, fenced 1II yard per, stove, refrigerator, car. 21304 Mack _2 rooms, 13x17 per Woods,:l bedrooms ....Ith Available September 1985 pet, sharp, $350 plus Utthtles, 20835 Mack _ 1,200sq ft apartment fOi a month dur- carpetmg. separate utilitIes den, $600 per month, ullhhe $950 per month Call after s thru July 1986 $600 per security deposIt, no pets ADEQUATE PARKING Illg June or July Please call extra. secuflt) depost Re 885-1783after b 00 P m ~ P!II - 882-4266 ference~ 882 9684 month 88l-{)B03 778.9538 _I 884-1340 886-1068 89l\tAPLETO\l, Farms Ideal CADIEUX.7 Mile Cozy small FIVE room upper flat, stove, 1-94AT 7'/2 MILE FURNISHED home or apart- TWO BEDROOl\1 condomm I- locatIOn. one block from Hill, house, no pets $250plus se- refngera tor, carpeted, Small suite, private entrance, ment for 1 or 2 months be um, stove refngerato r 3 blocks from lake, short cUrlty 774-4434 I clean, no pets 885-3881 lav , storage room Ample glllnmg middle/end of June - dIstance to schools Charm- Available after June 18 $375 305-566-0057,call collect 884.3602 MOROSS, one large bedroom CHATSWORTH near East park1l1g Room for 2-3 mg Cape Cod bungalOl~, size upper apartment Stove, Warren, 2 bedroom lower, people 7C GARAGE WANTED of large f1at Recently 6C. IlUUlS/HOMES. APTS .. HC refrigerator, use of washer. stove, refrIgerator, carpet- TO RENT OHIIOIT decorated, new apphances dryer Smgle person prefer- ed, ttled kItchen, utthttes ex- KERCHEVAL ON THE HILL WANTED Garage space for Perfect for young profes- THREE BEDROOM newly de- red Excellent transporta- tra, $300 885-6803 Lower level hideaways Just 1 unrestored antique car Car SIOnal or older couple 3 corated - lovely east SIde tlon Walkmg distance to St --- _. I left $175. not runnmg Please call 8116 bedtooms, one bath, natural area $400 plus utilities De John Call 881-4458 NOTTINGHAM and Warren, 2 5860 POSit reqUired No pet s ------I bedroom upper, newly re- fIreplace, screened.m back ONE BEDROOM newly dec- modeled appliances wash- HARPER WOODS •. MISCEUANEOUS ARTICLES porch, fenced yard WIth 839-5400 9-5 88Hl352after 5 For Sale FOil SALE Ask for Barb orated, stove, refrigerator" er/dryer', heat and eiectnc, large deck Smgle car $235monthly plus securIty 7 $285per month Call after 6 16-room offIce bUlldmg garage All yard mamten- MIle/GratIOt area 839-6287 I pm., ask for Phil 882-4874 SIX or more rooms available BABY ance IIlcluded $650 per ALTER-CHARLEVOIX LARGE 2 bedroom apart- for new owner Well bUilt, FURNITURE.' month plus utIlities Avail Grosse Pomte Side. aHraclIv c excellent condItIon, new one bedroom apartment s ment, carpeting, appliances, THREE Bedroom house, ap- abte August Call 886-2689, 15433Mack, at Nottmgham phances, dining room, good roof Perfect for profes- EQUIPMENT 7-9 pm evenmgs Heat Included From $22U SIOnals WIth future expan- AT RESALE PRICES 331-7852 824-7039 $315 per month, utilitIes m-I family house 885-{)327 2 BEDROOM upper, moder- eluded 822-1645 LAKEPOINTE, near St Paul sion m mmd Simmons cflb/dresser nized kitchen $450 885-9306 GRAYTON near Warren 3 WOODHALL near mack, mce - Clean upper flat - side Wood bed guard ralls Vlrg1ll18 S Jeffries SPACIOUS 2 bedroom upper, bedroom house )l" bath s 2 bedroom upper, one bath, drIve, garage, front and Foldmg highchairs Realtor 882-Q899 Park, $250plus utilities Ap- n;ttural fireplace, $~25 Ed st $250 East SIde Manage. back porches, dIshwasher Moses basket pliances 881.0550 Side ~tanagement 88~ 3890 ment 884-3890 Mabrak 881-0000 EXEUCTIVE OFFICES Wood playpen Perego Pram LAKEPOIl\lTE, Grosse Pomte I FORSYTH Pflvate offiCes WIthout costly Dresser/Changmg table top Park 5 room 10ller, one I While everyone else overhead ReceptlOlllst, con- Scales (baby) bedroom kitchen ap- Jenny Lmd hIghchaIr pliances natural wood ference room, secretaflal, is facing 5:15 word processmg, computer Baby swmgs floors. leaded glass doors Wood changlllg table $285 monthly plus security servIce and personahzed freeway frenzy ... phone answering AttractIVe Infant and toddler car seats depoSit 82.29177 Feedmg table ... you can already be new bUlldmg PROPERTY 23409JEFFERSON Strollers and carnages counting laps around SOUTH OF 9 MILE 6N NOllTHEIIN MICIlIGAN Wood youth chair MANAGEMENT 776.7260 VACATION IIENTALS Walkef'i ALL LOCATIONS your own private half- 286-8113 mile course on the MOM'S TOY ATTIC MARYLAND, upper one bed- riverfront. COLON!AL A Toy Resale ~hop room, refrigerator, stove. Rl\cr '!erra(e offers nmc dlStlll( 16637 E Warren heat, sun deck, off street live floor plan'i, from ~paCIOU'i EAST 6M FlOlIlOA VACATION 882-7631 parkmg, $325 886.()657 OffIce bUlldmg at 9 MIle and ~tudlO" to truly elegant two IlENUlS DOLL APPRAISALS Harper 150square feet AIr TWO Bedroom lower, full bcdroom de'ilgn'i All feature ANTIQUES OR basement. $350plus utIlities, amel1lt!cs of uncommon qual condltlOl1lng,carpet Jamtor, COLLECTIBLES 1355 Maryland, 886-5565 It) -parquet floors, plu.,h car near expressway 1m. mediate occupancy SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM ATTENTIO:-.r LANDLORDS petmg and modem kItchens, 757-5568 laVon's Rental and Property (omple-te With ml(rowave, golden oak cabmetry .,elf 778.0120 881.6436 NO ('11\ 'GES Management IS reasonable ....0 C\M'EL'l and rehable Good referen dcanlllg oven, dl<;hwa..,hcr ,lIld fro.,t free refngerator OF (,L\~SIFIED \DS ces Call 773-2035and leave \FTER 12'00 ....\Wl\[) \ YS your headache to us _ River '!errace nvcrfront '.':) EXCEPTJO-.S' THREE bedroom, porch, fire. apartment'i With a place, 2 bath, $925mcludmg umque advantage five heat, Alson 822-4205 ae rc<;of tl'f'e., and tran qUllllty And Ito"avail APARTMENT 2 bedrooms. able to you today' 975 Beaconsfield, $375 month 756 2114 VERNIER - "Woods" I bed room upper $425 mcludlllg uttllttes - July I 884 2444 GROSSE POINTE Park, 5 room apartment, clean, $325 includes heat 3.113763 ~tF, Grosse POlOte, large 2 bedroom lower WIth ap- pliances, basemen t and garage Excellent locatIOn, $650 plus utilities, 882-4988 ALTER-CHANDLER Park Nice, 4 room upper Apph- ances, Teasonable rent 881. 3536 • Clip and save Ihl~ ad • Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.C 8 MISCElLAHEOUS ARTIClES R MISCH ~ANf ou<; ARTIn f, H MlsnIlAHHIIJ, ARTIClES ~ MI<;CIIIANEOUS ARTI(IF\ H MIS(flLAHH!US ARlIt.lfS I 8 MISCfllANHlUS ARTlettS 8A GARAGf lAIIO. SA GARAGf YARD ~OR SALE fOR SALE ~OR SALE fOR SAlE fOR SAI E. I fOR SALE _ IIASEMENT SALES IIASEMENT SALES LATE model while Westmg. SOFA, $75, matchmg chair, WINDSURFER - O'BrIen - THE RESALE SHOP FREEZER GE . upright. ROSE oriental rug, 5x8, port- THREE FAMILY SUPER 621SOUTH HIGBIE near Mor- house refrigerator 19 cubic $50, occasslOnal chaIr, $50, never w.ed, Stroh's sail, $650 14901E 7 Mile white. full Size - good condl- able Relax-O.Nerve bench, GARAGE ESTATE SALE feet, very clean, m running mngslde Remodehng Sale, many of Grandma's towels or best offer 963.5711. days Art Glass, antiques & colIec- hon - $125 882-0535 3 large door mirrors, new Fnday Saturday, June 7, 8, wmdow, &tove top, sofa, condition, come and get It and Imens After 5 pm 881. 882-0366. everungs hbles Fme furmture & ANDERSEN aluminum wm. mdoor T V antenna; hell'- (95) 685 N Brys, Grosse $75 884.2824 more New lead crystal 8609 ALUMINUM/Glass door wall, small apphances dows, 7'X 6', 7% 'X6', $75 loom cut glass servIng POinte Woods, north of Vel'- va!>es, ceramiC, washed MOVING - 4 man nylon tent, D1CYCLES (SchWInn) 1st frame screen shdmg aluml- Antique Lamps ReWired each, good for family room pieces, bone china cups, mer, off Mormngslde, liVing pewter. WIcker l:la::.kets,poI" 8' work bench, slide proJec. celaln mugs, Cricket boxes tor, screen, drapes and ~~~~~n:8~~5~easonable nurn Window (free) $125 884. LOW, LOW PRICES or enclosed ~rch 884.7794 ~:~~~:' f~~w6~h;~t~/~~f~ ~~~~e~~~n~~;~~~~~, ~~o 6358 WE BUY ENTIRE FOR SALE - Home computer border, dmner plates (hand klng.full bedroom sets, Other mlsc Saturday, June more Bob, days 927-L071, 8,94 P m evenings 8826313 TRADITIONAL Sofa 9 TWO PRINT loveseats, two H~USEHOLDS - Purchased August, 1984 painted>, travel trunk, dressers, chests, lots of years old, With custom slip- velvet Chippendale wmg Cal1 First. Commodore 64 WIth BMC cd I book I th b b I UPRIGHT Freezer, washing covers, excellent construc- 372.2500, Video screen and Com. canes, mica s, mens co mg, a y Items, mens, machme, refrigerator, I h I back chairs, good condihon, OR AFTER 5 P M 882-3740 modore Model 15'1 disk SUitS, coats, etc , womens bikes. toys, tools, stereo 512 tlOn, s Ig t Yworn, good for askmg $450 Will separate, apparel, cut glass, tools, lamps, pIctures. much dryer, motorcycle, Suzuki ---::::-:-=-=-:-:::-':'"':""~~~ .. recovermg, $95 885-1689 293-7356 THIS IS IT SALE I dflve_ Also mcluded IS Com- lawn cart, much more' ThIS more BargainS 350, cham saw 882.4860 PEMBERTON SLALOM O'Brien Ski, World DARK ROOM equipment, Everythmg goes, movmg modore Datasette Perfect ISa pnvate mdoor sale, not AD(1'ONTVB CK S ' MOVING Sale - G E green T C 66" $8" Large sofa, 3x5 onental rug, condition Call 882-3347 BRO v • ,c. LO ALE Window air conditIOner:.. earn omp. , ;) BesslIc enlarger, Mmolla t b d PRICE $65000 a garage sale All bargains SATURDAY, JUNE 8, la\\ nmower, vacuum clean double oven self c1eamng O'Bnen skI vests (small- lens, print dryer, after 6 es ate rass an Irons, I =:-:~=~-:--,....._--:.,:..:...;,...:,:. 885-2209after 12 noon 'til 6 9 00 2 00 FIRST THREE stove, matchmg refngera. er, beIge/brown chdlrs dl' large), $25 Also ski ropes pm, 821.9628 bedroom set With kmgslze SCHWINN Girl'S 5speed, Col- pm BLOCKS OFF MACK BE nett~et green mdoor/ out- tor self-defrostmg, Ice and pall' wooden SkiS, 343- DREXEL Dlnmg room table bed, 5 piece hmed oak umbla boy's 3 speed 886- TWO CHIPPENDALE Camel TWEEI\I 7 & 8 MILE maker, $300pair, plus many 0578 dmette set, 4 pIece white 8246 door tarpetlllg. II< hlte mlOk other Items 20875Manchest- and breakfront, $1,200 G E wrought Iron settee set, 21 :":'~~==:-:-=-:::~:-':'_ back sofas (needs reup. Children's clothIng. bdby <.ape, !>mallappl13nces, golf er, Harper Woods PHILLIPINE Rattan chase washer-dryer, $75 each tWin beds complete 2 twm MAGNIFICENT English. holstenng) $475each Chip eqUIpment dlr conditIOner, dubs !>no" skiS ldmps, lounge and matching chair, Sch....lnn tandem, $125 Twm custom M~adow Creek bed. Georgian style Beacon Hill penddle dmIng room table patio furmture tOyS dn linen!> book:., glassware, SEARS chest deep freeze, 15 1 $325, wme cabmet, $95, kmg bedroorr. set, $125 Like new spreads May tag washer cherrywood dmmg room and 6 chaIr!>. $850, Chlppen tlque:. (Chlfferobc ICebox) mlSC toddler dre,ses toys cubIC feet, excellent condi- size brass bed frame, $300, 882-1123 Orienta'! thmgs crystal' set, table 5Ox78, 2 extra dale secretary (slant flOnO ;,tereos, dtcordldn, !>tove, elc tIon, $250 Sears 10 speed brass noodle cart, $350, UPRIGHT Freeze, mce $115 Silver, cranberry stemware: le~ves, 8 chaIrs, buffet WIth $525, o,lk Ilbral) table, VI<.tonan FRIDAY S4.TURDAY ladles bIke, $60 881-2712 weights and bench, $75 759- May tag washer, top rated, 4x6 rust area rug, kitchen wme drawer, mmt condl- 882-5622 dollhou!>e 41 x87' beveled 104 WHITE Simmons crib and 1045 extra large capacity, per- stuff, Imens, IBM executive lion, $4,000 Two Ha~ely and SOFA, $150, Color TV 2.3' gld!>:.mirror ;,alon hdlr dry 368 WASHINGTON Gala Sdle dresser, white rockmg chair, COMMODORE 64 - offer to fect, $375 882.9407 typewriter, Umcom adding Jo~.~~on..;~~ne~~ab~~~~.!O $175 2 hVlng room chalr~ er, roll top de!>k, Vlttonan Saturday, 9 5 !\latching tu)- <.1"""t, dUJ dvllit:" llt:t: s<:U ar.:lC2 p••nl". ul OW, lJu,)' HOUSEHOLD Sale _ Furm- machme, much more Call m ...... """" "8,,.. SllO ...... $100, anllque coffee lable I iJt.u, 11<.1-1 \. U,IUIII "1I<:t:I,, pall' !>IIK(Jdmd;,K Iddle!> IIV- stand 1brown oak SImmons an 801 printer, negotiable after 7 p m 821-6408 COLONIAL wmgback queen "'50 electnc tvpewnter, $50,1 (1l4'x122 ') food processor, mg room chaIrs, day bed, N I ture, tools, much more oj> J I) ke< ?O" , 26" 10 Crib 881-4056 e s 822-4025 770 TROMBLEY ROAD size sofabed, earth tones, 2 manual $25, bathroom cabl I ~ ~ men s TVs blc) eles, ,klS !>kdtes, SEARS all' conditIoner 6,000 DOG Screen, for back of sta- 20235 Beaufalt, Harper SUNDAY 12-5P M end tables $250all 882-2306 net, Sink and fauceb, $5U :.peed, hurmdlfler dresser toy!> book!>.poster::. Count BTUs, fIts wmdow 25" - 38" tlOn wagon, $20 882-9311 Woods WOOD 0 STOVE f t t h shower massager new. $2'), the!>l, Hollywood bedroom less other tl edsure!> t NESCO Rug 1Ox12,all' condl- ARD PATI furniture, ' re rlgera or, ras !>et tdmeras pldno, bar Wide $140 Butterfly drop. after 6 pm tlOn Unit, mfra-red gas dmmg table sel, sofa, end compactor, dIshwasher, anllque accordIOn, works, !>too!!>, trdder mirrors, J\lOVING SALE - 1258 Hamp- leaf table and 2 chaIrs, col- LATHE Southbend, 9X 24, brOIler, lamps, typewriter table and chaIr Call after 5 couch, 2 chairs, 2 end tables, $50, metal desk, $250 dp!>h !>port!>eqUIpment IskIIng ton, appliances, tool!>. or - vamlla, mmt condItIon, be h 886 3672 best off 52"8563 washer, built-in, $50 !IllI garden tools. clothing $75 771-6643 nc top, mmt 774-9278 stand, barbecue, odd chairs, pm- er u- 2619 hocke~ bdrbells, ping pong VIC TANNY V I P transfer- gIrls bicycle 885-G073 BOLENS lawnmower, 22", 26"LADY'S 10speed SchWInn -:-:~ __ -- --~ table) gla!>::. fireplace SUPER Garage Sale Furm ROTOTILLER - Briggs and rable membership regular I :::-:::-::::-:-:-="'---:::-:----::--- electriC start. self-propelled, Varsity bike, hghts, reflec- REFRIGERATOH G E !>Ide ;,lreen drapes mlsc furm ture kitchen dnd hou"ehold Straton, 5 hp engme, for- $1,590 now $1,000 296-7386 FRENCH ChaIse Lounge mulcher, almost new, $190 tors, clean, $75 822-9741 by Side avocado 2J 6 total ture hou!>ehold Item!> dnd Item!>from dn e!>tate ~al ur- ward and reverse, $250 882- 0 , mmt much_ much mOle' day. June Il, Barn 2 p m 72 4095 l blankets, vases, huge chess desk/vanity and mlald I FORMICA TABLE (36x56) top $150 882-8786 After 630 P m 882 B6£9 1'I10VING- Davenport. 5' GE Muskok<1 Gros!>e POll1te l Farms SHARP, men's Schwmn 10 set, brass 296-7386 moon console/dresser, $750 wlthextenslonleaf,6chalrs BEDROOM SET _ 3 pIece TRAMPOLINE - New 4xll refflgerator, !>tereo, hou!>e- speed bike $100 886-7846 each. 6 ft marble top (LOUIS After 6, Todd, 886.9411 Medl-terranean style $400 bed, new spnngs, excellent hold Items 680 Holly" ood GARAGE SALE !:>aturda\ . AIR CondItlOner, 9,800 BTU d t $300 b t 886 WHIRLPOOL washer and $150,shde wmdow $150 776- XIV) Console Wilt trim on TORO lawnmowers Grass. 882-8786 con I IOn or es .,..,...llll-,,6:,.:'::-34,...,5:-6-=-:--:-::-:--::-:-- 95 467 Manor, Farms dryer, $300 or best offer, 885- 3987 base) $550; marble top ba. master 21" self-propelled, DISHWASHER _ bUill m 0913 I\lOVING SALE 21173 Man 3258_ "ARD AND Garage ::.ale dIS- M S S chelor chests (3 drawers key-electrlc, clutch system, model, 2 years old, gold $90 YARDMAN ndlng reel Iype, che!>ter. Thur!>ddY, Fnday, play fIxtures from store, WARDROBE steamer trunk, U T ELL stereo eqwpment each) $325 each, 2 pairs of 2 speeds, rear bagger Like 839-4176after 4 pm good condItIOn $125, 886 10 oJ P m tables mise, some clothmg, EMe 296-7386 French Commodes (hand U ed 2 $250 ===-:";"';~~'---:--- 1837 .,,-:..:....,:,..~:=-:--::-::-::::-:-.,.,.--:--:-.., manual typewriter, addmg new. s summers, WHITE BABY grand plano =~:-=~-:- -:-_. I GOOD QUALITY household small :.Ile 413 Cloverly machme With handle, etc SOFA, SWivel chair, antique pamted) 777-8659 KIt COLONIAL furmture - love !>ale, Fnday Saturday, 94 cord bed Single bed mIcro- 882 reasonable 527-4839 ' , =-=",c=:-=-,:-=---:--:---:---,-,-.5622 -:-;:=:-:-::::=::----:--:---KENMORE automatIc all' Seawal -ff very I e293-4194egan sea t an d CoomaI Icouc h,oc- pm 1153Elford Ct 118257.35 GAR "AGE SALE Frldav. Sat- wave 885.8181 MAPLE S gle bed th rlOUS0 ers on y 1 h I 88 -~.:.:.....---::--':'-=";"":":""~";""~ urda.". June ~1-8,9 • P m' 165" SEARS upright freezer, 159 m WI conditioner, 6,000 B T U aft 6 caslOna c aIrs, amps I !-'LEA 1'I1ARKEr ' ... u cu ft like new $100 526- CUSTOM made blue couch matchmg dresser, sewmg er pm 8735 Falrcourt. Grosse POll1te 5079 With button back, excellent machmewlth chair, wooden ~~-;en~~~~ir~~m::~'lfe COLONIAL sofa and loveseat, -::::'-===----:::-::::-:-:-:- Frida), June 14, 11-4P m Aus Woods MI!>c household condition $300, gold silk desk, wooden side chest and I ;;=~-:----:----;:-- blue and tan plaid From ELECTRIC range - G E Hot pKes of Cdncer Loan Closet Items Furmture clothing, GIRL'S Raleigh bikes, good h f occasslOnal chair 882.1609 WOODstorms and screens for Town and Country, paid pomt, 40", whlte, 3year~ old, Foundation dt Grosse Pomte kitchen Items conditIOn 20", $40, 24" $50 Call' $175, 881.5059a tel' 5 .,....,:=;:.:::.==.,~~..:..::.::...;;.;;.;:.:.... porch, aU tongue and groov. $1300 WI 11 f both perfect conditIOn $17') 771 UlIItdndo Church annex -=-:--::-=:--7:::-::--:-:--::::----:---,-- 886.2515 pm BELGIUM WOOL area rugs ed 884-3037 ' 'f $sacrlUlcede 6621 Many booth!> _ bargain!> GARAGE ~ALE ~aturday, KODAK 8mm movie camera, Light green With pattern, 9' I ;-;-;-;-;=:;-"'=~-:-:---;-;-- pieces or 550 s one =:::-:-:-"7."::::-:=-;:--:---:-::--- galore Public inVited Am June 8th. 10.3,22628 Hanson BEAUTIFUL Oil pamtings by sound, color, projector and x12' and runner Excellent LIVING ROOM furniture, year 822.9388 DOLL HOUSE Klt- 13 room pie parkmg Court St Clair ~hores '~Gates", a family tradition be t ff 5759238 condition $350 771-0798 movie projector and screen, BIKE for sale . 3 speed VictOrian, IIghtmg kit, book!>, :::-<-::-::~:-:-:c?"-.,..,...,-:-::-:,..-;:----:- North of 9 Mtle Easl of for 4 generatIOns Various screen, s 0 er. :-::::~=.:.;.:.:..::....:.,--'--..;,.;.,;;,-;-~_ mlsc_ 884-7873. SChwinn Needs work, $40 collectIOn of mlmatures, In YARD SALE 2045Hollywood Mack sIzes Reasonable 924-5478 BUNK BEDS, excellentcondl- NEW 3 speed tricycle, some MOVING ze h 1 8212191 c1udmg doll house famtly Cou<.h $50, chair, $20 stove, ;-;::;::-::;:-=:::-:-::-:::- __ --::--_ lton Stack or separate, $75 antique refimshed furmture - mt co or TV., -. $550 885-4597 $4U. ddrk loom eqUIpment. HOUSE SALE, years of treas- DRYER, excellent Westmg- 882-9878 771.3961 $35, AB old fashion gas 90" WALL UNIT, black and LE ba"y Ilems mIse Thursday. ures Wicker couch chma, house electriC, $140,conver- I -=-~~~,------:,.....,..::-:--::-:,.,.. stove, $30, GE monitor tO burl 8x 11 0 e tal g TAB SAW - lIke nel\ With " I k h bl d MOVING S f A I SCHWINN 26" man's bike, $60 , 1'1 n ru all blades, 881-1054 Frida), 8-2 p m crysta ItC en ta e an llble dishwasher, fme $75 - 0 a, pp e refrigerator, $35; 15' porc h 294-7013after 5 p m ...,..::....:..:.~~-=-:.!~:.,-..--:- chairs linens. c10lhes 881-1854 no calls June 8, 9 MaCIntosh computer, acces- HumidIfier, $40 Mahogany swmg, $10. 822-5220 EVEREST and Jennings --J-A-~-I-E-S-A-.-I\-t-O-N-N-I-G-- GARAGE SALE Navy velvet household Items. many new sories, V W Jetta, (excel. telephone bench, $40 293. NAVY 1 t I h d BOC}KSELLL'R sofa. 2 dntlque rocker!>. d d FINE antique furmture - I d' 9378 veve argecouc an wheel chair-used 6 months, .., an unuse Don'tmlssthls Oriental throws, collectors ent con IlIon) 882-5928 I :- ~ .....~:---~---: loveseat, $500firm 468-7330 e cell t d t $400 151:1.1KERCHE\' \1. \llcker chaIrs, fish sale' Fndav Sdturday 10-4 plates, 1969yellow Karmen LIME Green !oveseat, good SINGLE BED, complete, and afternoo x en con I Ion. 11 A M till 7 P M aquanum collecl1bles 877 W h .'t n 526-4396 l • elothc!> hou.chold mlscel- as 109 on Ghla needs work, many condition. $45 881-4125after matchmg 6 drawer dresser, DECORATOR f I h 1-.;.;;,;;-.;,;.,;:,;..------:----:--- Tuesday thru Saturdaj ~ =-:o:=:::-::::---:"-".----=-..,-- other Items Shown by ap- 5 p.m $150 886-7709 so a, Ig t KENMORE upnght freezer, 11 A M till 4 PM- Sund<1V laneou!> Fnda\ Saturday. FOUR FamIly Garage Sale - I ,=,~~~...:....:..:..:..,----:,....,.-- yellow, quilted gray/apncot locks, 15cubic feet, $175 886- Books bought and sold 10 many 9 I.> P m 34(, 1\IcfvlJllan' Items pflCed to sell Toys, pomtment 882-7967 y C~~~~I~~Nc~~t~~;T~~~y S~~~~~2~0~O~=0~~~: flhowersd$2, kOO,ladlesmkld$4ne 2033 dIfferent categorIes of flc GARAGE SALE Mlsc house chIldren's clothmg, mlscel- SOFA and chair, also c10thmg valuable and sought after Mental 882-9585_ s ape es ,circa 1 , 50, DARKROOM set up, color, lion and non flcllon. hard hold dnd c1llldrens Satur- laneous FrIday, 9-4 pm No sIzes 16-18 296-9523after 6 cans Ask for Charlie I ~""""',;,;,;,~~=:-:--:---= mmt 886-2681 black and white, $150 Call cover and paperback All day. June II 10 4 pm 553 pre sale!>, 467 Umverslty pm 885-2773 GREENHOUSE, Lord and ANTIQUE drum table, an. after 6 30 pm, 886-2033 books are 10 excellent condl Lakeland, corner of Waler GARAGE SALE - Pamt spray- FOUR spoke rims, new, 14In Burnham complete, you dlS- tlque DetrOit Jewel gas ROTOTILLING gardens as lion and prIced well belo\\ 100 er, hedge trImmer, tables, 775-1442 TWO PAIR twm size qUilted mantle and relocate, 9x15 stove and maple hutch, $100 th t I W ~-=:::-:::-.,-,-.",....-:----- canning equlpmenl and flow as $10 Reliree 331-4500 ell' new coun erpar !> e YARD SALE Large variety , DUNCAN PHYFE table With bedspreads, rom Moseleys, best offer 884-9458 each 882-4355 ~~,;,.;..~....;.;,.;,;,;,;..;;,..._ ...... ;.;.- Will purchase book!>111 any I h much more Saturday and new very nice, 521-8743 FRIGIDAIREelectncstove, T'CH"'''~'''DD",n ~...II SOFA-queen size sleeper, $90, t d' d bOj!>cot mg !>lzelhrough7, Sunday 10dm .lpm 721 SIXchairs and buffet Tapes- NEED A FOCAL POINT '"11'''- _w...... ~1IU.lSt ,",",' 'neutral color Good condl- quam y an PICI\-UP an I to) s, relnger.ltor hIde a- Roslyn try hke couch, gr~n and good condition, pull out dinUig room set, beds, dress. tl'on DO" '703 delivery services are ava II bed. el<. 172.3BWestphaha, brown, hke new 885-9157 FOR YOUR ROOM? range Mlsc Items, 8-30.11 ers, china, office chairs - 00<7""t • able June 7, 8, 9, 10 a m 6 p m 'G:':"A"7':::R-:'A""'G:":E::""-::::S-:'A":"L-=E:--~B""la-c""k-a-n-:d SONY BETAMAX colored a m saturday, 882.9595 463-7404. WASHER "t drf~er 5.2(jm lcro-Call 331-22.18for more lllforma GARAGE Sale Brdnd ne\\ white TV. 19JO's collect- Handsome pall' entegeres for B 8563 T V 19In microwave, Ken. BABY ITEMS - Bassmet, REFRIGERATOR " older I ~:::-:w:::a-:-ve:::.:-::-es~=o:..:';.:,er:....::.:.:..-.:.:.:~tlon Ibles, picture frames, your stereo equIpment, I : ~---:-:-=:------:-- Fngldalre dryer motor. child more washmg machme, de- books, trophies walker, highchaIr, baby! model Frigidaire, very COMMODORE 64 computer, BABY Furmture for sale 5 I'en's clothes, Crib house v.oman's clothes. sIze 8-9, humIdifier, dmette plus 4 $300 the pair or $175 each matermty clothes, much clean, $75 Boy's 20" Schwinn Sony 9" T V mom tor $125 Drawer tall dre!>ser, B hold. nllsc FrIdd) , June 7th, furmture, lIIc1udmg secre. arm chaIrs, leaf blower, more 521-7855,526-4564 Stmgray bIke, $50 7758195 886-8631 drawer low dresser, eflb Saturday, June 8th, 9 a m tary's desk and much more patIo table and umbrella Three panel rattan screen $40 REFRIGERATOR and stove, MOVING SALE Seven pIece MOVING SALE mallress and twm hedd 1794 Manchester, Gro!>se Saturday only 10 4 1339 882-5735 whIte With chrome tflm, dmmg room set - $475, and 3 piece sectlonal (mcludmg 4 board All matchmg, white Pomte Woods off Mack ;;-;;Y::-;o-;;r::-k;-;sh:;-l_re"7."--;:-;:;-~---;_ CRAFT SALE - 880 Notre Custom yellow drapenes and good workmg condItion, best other good used furmture bird prmts . framed) $195 2 With white bamboo trun GARAGE SALE, everything MOVING - Yard Sale, June Dame, June 8-9, dolls, cormce boards 12', 8' and offer 527-2084 Please call 882-5823for de- Love east, $295set Kitchen $300 Also, toddler \\hllc F 8-9 10-4pm Toys, kIds clo dufflebags, more 4'8" Windows - best offer KING SIZE bed, mattress, box tails AIde convertible dishwasher, round table With lwo chaw!> gocs urnlture, appliances, thmg, and furmture, Coleco 1:;;-;-;;::::-:==---;-;----;:-- $100 Solid oak dmette set, $45 884.5866 bdby Cribs, household Items Gun It and go Chopper WIth BEAUTIFUL brand new coun. sprmg, frame, good condi- WATERBED like new In. ;;:-~==__ -;-__ ~ .31011Greater Mack/13 Mile try table 50 10 round with 886-9365 tlOn, $150 886-0216 I cludes sheets less than one $75. Solid maple dmette set, WASHING machme and Startmg 10 am, June 8 tIll battery, $45 !.94-Cadleux pedestal base, frultwood NEW MATTRESS, sprmgs, MOVING saturday Mus' sell year old, $250' 884-1813even- $125 ConvertIble loungeI', dryer, Kenmore, lIghtly us- :::-:--:::-:-::::;='::-.,-,-::- ...... -:::--;:- area 9164Harvard, 881-9268 $95 Unfimshed sohd birch ed, $200each 884-7036or 881 GARAGE SALE - 1144 Rosl) n, GARAGE Sale - Golf clubs, stamed oak, seats 6 comfor- frame - $100 822-0278even- complete TraditIOnal hvmg mgs or 882-23 09 t tabl th be h $65 Grosse Pomte Woods be- tably, great for kJtchen, den, mgs f t h 4 i ;-~';:":::---::---:---;:--- vam Y e WI nc, 8091 sofa bed, stereo, clothmg _ room urm ure, couc, LARGE refrigerator, freezer Mahogany ornamental =~-=-:-:-:-=-....,..., :-:--- twecn 8/'1 Mlle. Mack, Lake- (children and adults), '-urnl- porch, dmIng room, $375 COMPLETE Drexel dmmg chairs, 2 end tables, round on top, $125 Twin size bed, hat t ta d th PING PONG table, hke new, I !>hore Dr June 6 7 8 9 '" 882.2299 w -no s n WI mirror , • , v ture, toys, lots more 221I room sUIte Oval table With marble top table, 2 lamps, Beautyrest mattress, $40 back, $90 3maple bar stools vamty table With mirror on pm Maple dmmg room set, Allard. Fflday, saturday, 9-4 APPLIANCES - must sell' 2 leaves, 6 cane back chairs, all like new Prefer to sell Large couch, no charge just _padded, $150 2 table lamps, top, 2 black SWIvel olher furmture, also rattan p m Washmg machme, $150 server Withopen out top, 54" complete set call Thursday, remove It Other odds and $35 each Smger portable naugahyde chairs, tcnms lounge chair and olloman, -:-::-::-::-:--::::-:-:":':":"'7':::-=---:-:-- Electflc stove avocado, $125 lighted chma cabmet, wal- FrIday only 886-3131 ends 772-9632 sewmg machme, $45. Royal racket and skateboard B1l5 kmck knack!>. c10thmg and 19404 ELK HART, Ha rper SIde by SIde refrigerator nut fmlsh, excellent condi- NAVY flowered 3 seated G E WASHER and dryer, ex- portable typewriter WIth 9141 much more Woods June 6-8, 9 am 5 With Ice maker avocado, tIOn, table, pads meluded couch, $110, and matchmg cellent conditIOn $40 each case, $25 Hanovla ultra MOVING SALE 82 French p m gIrls bike With tralnmg $150 Chestfreezer, $50 885- 885-2890,774-9800 chair, $25, tan loveseat, $40, 886.3362 VIOlet lamp, $25 SCott At. PrOVinCialsofa, $75, marble wheels, gIrls clothes, 10and 5475 SOLID mahogany bed and boy'S 20" bIke, $30, gIrl's 24" AIR CONDITIONER, 8,800 water outboard motor, 36 GARAGE SALE Multi fdml top cofft'e table, $50,2 end 12,drapes, tires, all' hockey KING QUEEN bedroom set, 2 chest, $275 French chaIr, bike, $20 882-5008 B T U ,spht mode for dou- h p MIse Items all 10 ex- Iy, 1366 Nottmgham, Park tables (marble toP), $25 and many miscellaneous Drexel end tables, 2 velvet $100-$150 Lamp tables. $50 SEARS freezer, 15 cubiC ft ble hung window, $100 cellent conditIon As pnced 10-4p m Saturday, June 8 each B81-9224 GARAGE SALE ThiS Fnday, wall huggers 882-5735 QuaIl ty lamps, $20.$65 upnght, excellent condItion, 882.8499 Call after 5 pm or best offer 10 00 to 6-00 GARAGE SALE - Mlsee! 14566 I-lARBOR Island. off Saturday. and Sunday. 9-5 35mm MINOLTA SRT 202 French cabinet 25"TV, $65 $150, Mobo Horse from only pm 526.5053 laneous antiques, dl~hes, Lake\\ood Storage umts, 616 Umverslty Place Oriental trunk, Waterford E 1 d $35 be g 01 f ---=-=-=-::---:-~:-:-:-:--- edd g d I Locker, trunks, hand ....oven camera With 50mm lens, ng an. , d I e e In ART SHOW LIKE NEW - twm mattress w m ress, vel. size gUitar, 50 pegboard and plcces, poker table lop. Vlvltar electromc flash crystal, large fans, $10 An- sofa, $125, roun ta ble With d bo th f 8-10, Jewelry, furmture, hooks etc Saturday 10 an x sprmg WI rame 'Jewelry. frames, paIntIngs, (model 273), Tamron zoom tiques 543-7387 1ea f and 4 chaIrs,' $50 or best Tuesday, June 11 New orlgmal 343-G392 much more 18929Berden off a m oJ p m much, much more lens, 70-220 feet Excellent GARAGE SALE - Infants offers 885-1367 pamtlngsanduruqueglftsby OFFICE f t Moross between Mack/ex GIANT Garage Sale 43B ~=:-;:;----::::-:-_..,...-:-:-- conditIon 886~29 and chlldrens, furmture, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, local artist 22401Marter t desk ur~ -Jx:;;,u. pressway Saturday, 9-5 Roland "Farms" Saturday, HUGE Garage Sale - 20496 CRAFTSMAN 9" radial arm toys, miscellaneous Satur- Ehte, 191. white, Side by BEAUTIFUL floral chmtz lYe ,c a e If pm 10 -I I1lan.vvaried Items Elkhart One lady's bicycle, d f f 2 bone metal secretary GRAGE S dd .,..,...:::-::::-:-::::--:::~-::::---:_-:--:- small apphances, clothes, saw With stand - hke new. day, Sunday, 10-5 87 Ken SI e, rost. ree 771-0837 I sofa - brand new condition desks 2 secretary chairs A ALE - 0 ment;, 'lO"ING SALE _ La't da\.', d wood Road ----""'----~--~-~ " from three different house " • ~ J mlsc an much more Be- AMF trampolIne lOX 17', PRIVATE INDOOR SALE Stereo cabmet WIth 2-15" loveseat, 2 Sony dictatIOn Saturday 92, el of FIVE FAMILy Garage Sdle. beds, furniture, clothes All' cycles Reasonable prices packaglOg $300 fIrm Cash FURNITURE' 2 brown sofas Denbyware Two portable IQ06 NorllALE. Thursday GARAGE SALE - Saturday, QUALITY BOOKS 151, WIll heat 20'x4O' pool I DESERVE servmg mlsc dIshes Three 751-0842or 885-8839 dmmg ChaIrs, rosewood with Hampton, Grosse Pomte Saturdav 10 4, 22140Ceda"r 10 5 P m IQ95, Ros Iyn, For more lOformatlOn elegant new French doors I--..:..:.---.:..:....:.~--. chrome, refrigerator, elec. Woods (II Mlle"Jefferson) Grosse POlllte Woods QUALITY PRICES please call 772-QOBOMonday 10 hand-painted plates Mahogany Interiors t d 881 2923 ~:-;;;;-::-=:::==;:-;-.__ ';;-;-;;:7-;:=-~:-;-::;-----.-.,- GRUB STREET Friday. 9-5 pm Largelraveltrunk Doctors (Antique & FlOe flC ryeI' - 5277 CHATSWORTH near S""U-::-::-P"=Ec:':H"""-Y'-A-R-D--:-S;';'al':':e-l-o-ts-off GARAGE SALE -- 1235 A BOOKERY medICal books Genuine Furniture Shop) MISCELLANEOUS Items - East Warren Garage Sale, glrl~ clothe~ 4 adult clothes, Cadieux, Thursday, Fnday, 17194East Warren, OAK GAME table 44" round, bamboo canes Lawn cart, drop leaf. 4 pressed back Fflday, Saturday, Sunday, toys dog house baby aI'- June 6, 7 91p m ~laJorap- near Cadieux 2 - 18" leaves, 6 matchmg wood packing barrels 16135Mack Ave chairs, Ironer, books, clay 107 P m lIcles, stroller, book!> and pliances couch, ?Ikes, much DetrOIt, Michigan chairs, excellent conditIOn, Gent's belleI' SUIts, size 40 (Corner of Bedford & Mack) pots, new lower electnc hos, GIANT 3 Fa mil Yard Sale household Item<; FrIday and I miscellaneous No pre sales 882-7143 cost $1,200 Sacrifice $500 N'pw ladle~ a nd gent's 11.5 30 P m Pita! bed, garden tools, 1000 somethIng fo~ everyone, Saturday 10 1 767St ClaIr I TWO FAMILY ba by and furm- 977-3506 sweaters Gent's robes IEulht HeDPlewhlte dJnJnlZ Lmcoln Road near Mack - biker ',,~"'n"'n .. "~. ""0 pre on'n~ fur"""),, - J,'"r"h %,." 'm SlamJc::.::."teel tableware, !>er-I room chairs (mahogany) _.."F..,;,r,;:..,H1,;.;..::ay....,.,,:;Sd.:;;.;;;lu.;.;.r.:;.Ja;;,y:.,:,....;i,:-.IH-=-:=-p....;m.:.;.,f b ", I'''''k'''_u"" u,"' ..~" finIshed table and' chaIrs, ' I a nc, c oc s, antIque dress. I HUGE,-~._-Garage Sale old 1m I ' ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED vice for 6 no knJves Gent's Duncan Phyfe dmmg room ARTS. Crafts and Flea er, humldlflCr clothlllg. Jew I antiques and Junk 364 Ker' materl1lty clothes. Hed- sport coats Ladles Dalton set. Mahogany Hepplewhlte market, June 9, 9 am. 4 clry, purses, vases, con tern by FrIday, 94 Saturda\ strom cradle, Jumper chair, AZAR'S GALLERY beige Jacket Ladles and breakfront OrIental rugs p m RoseVille MaSOniC porary love seat With 2 I Q 2 I sWIng, bathtub car scats, One of the Jarge selectIOns of OrIental rugs gent's shoes TIes Fry pans,

, s;' '--- ~~ ~~'-~~-~-~~~-""""'~----""'--'''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''''.'',''i""!'fi""',""P"._'",''' .....""""',..,,,...... , ...... #",,", ..... , 0114"""''''' "'"

Page Eight.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 , 8A GARAGE YARD 88 AUCTIONS ESTAn 811 AUCTIONS (SIAn 111 CARS FOil SAL E 8C MUSICAl INSTRUMENTS 80 AN TIQUES fOR SALE 10 MOTORCYCLES FOR SAlE IIASEMENT SALlS SALES SA l E S CHRYSLER MOVING SALE - 30 years ac- CHILDREN'S clothes - ~9 HARTZ BAILEY upright New York KENNARY KAGE 1965 TRIUMPH BonneVille 1977DODGE Charger - auto. Van Antwerp, 10' AM. cumulations l' V s, ESTATE SALE HOUSEHOLD Slemway key acllon Super ANTIQUES Stock, excellenl condilion matlc, power steermg/ 4 PM June 6,7 glassware lamps 9 a m 2 11502 HELEN DR. fQl :.tudent slolrter plano $950 882-9595 brakes, sunroof, AMWM pm Saturday, June 8 J45 GARAGE sale. Gr05se Pomte SALES WARREN $450or best Tul1t.-d and mov- Open Wedne&day. Thur&day, stereo/ca!>sette, good condi- Ridge - at Moross 1!n8HONDA 750SS, full dress, Shores, two-family 68 ** \ \\ UOLE 1I0l'SE NORTH OF 13, WEST OF ed 881-5771 Fnday, 12-4p m excellent condition, $1,700 tIOn, ~t offer 882-6711after Greenbriar, orr Jefferson, 1 GARAGE SALE - 3 famIly 'IO\'l'\G S-\LE** HOOVER, FRIDAY, CONSOLI<:plano. $000 Elec- Saturday, 9 a m to 4 pill 881 4345 3 p m block south of 8 Mlle. turn on June 7 and 8 Household SATURDAY, SUNDAY WE BUY AND SELL 875 PEMBERTON trlc plano \llth amp - $200 Flea Market Every Saturday 1983 KAWASAKI, tJ50 LTD, 1976CORDOBA - very good Willison Chlldren's clothes. goods, appliances, furmture. GROSSE POINTE PARK 10.4 good condition, low mileage, condItIon, one owner, priced tOYS, household Items, pamtmgs books No 331-1034 CadieUX at E Warren J blocks l\jorlh of Alter A large home Jam packed \\ Ith HAMMOND console - mmt 882-4396 $1,800 884-8599 to !>ell 526-7037 somethmg for everyone I presales 21831Chalon near South of Jeffer~on Frida). June 7 and Satur- 8 MIle and Mack like ne\\ beautiful furmture condition, bUIlt I 10 Lesl~e FURNITURE refllll~hed, re 1981 YAMAHA 650 SpeCial, NEW YORKER 1982, Fifth da), June 8 8 A !\I .6 P M MOVING SALE 1,128 and accessories rh} thm, $2,2001best no I palle, ex FRIDA \ AND SATURDA Y cellent condItIon, must see' Mar} land. (Park) Satur- 7114 cdnlng Free estuuates, excellent condition, must JllNE7&8 Fully loaded, ZlCbart ru!>t 20719 da\. Sunda\, II A M FurmtUl e Includes}. kmg size BEAUTIFULLY carved wood 474 8953 !>ell,$800 11116 1542 bedroom set&. bamboo style upnght plano, With bench, 1_.:...... :. __ . _ proofing and pamt Pi ote(. WENDY LANE 5Pl\I . HAHLEY SXWG Wldeghde, \\ e ha\ e ne\ er I un a nlOl1Og double bedroom &et,HO\\clrd Ju~t reflmshed, all new keys. DE:NLEY'S lIOn, and more Askmg Gro~se Pomt", Woods NOTICE OF PUBLIC ~ale IIhe. e el'el ythmg Ila~ 1\1II df th I k 2 like lIew, under 700 miles, I er gran a el c DC, $450 3538 $7,950 8ll6-7939 1'\10 fal11lh atllC household AUCTION left behilld to sell ThiS 10\e I II I t I 3n ANTIQUES $5,700 882 1209 I~ 0\\ 0\ 1979 PL YI\IOUTH HOllzon 4 sale . UNCLAIMED BICYCLES h .; bedroom home full of emon ye ve ve e CONSOLE plano cherrvwood 1983 1I0NDA Hawk 400 2,000 goodies of all ~ort~ <;eats. large tradilional soja \\ lth bench good conditIOn: FurmtUle, clocks, Decoy~, toy, cylinder, 4 ~peed, no rust S-\Tl RDH .Sl '\D \\ l\IOTORCYCLE. l\lOPEDS. I miles, flaIl le~~, $200 Yeller !! 30 4 30 There IS a \ el \ IIIce selectIOn beIge modulclr seatlOg ~ofas $1 000 977 868b I and pnmltlv~ 27112Harper, very dependable, $1 bOO GASOLINE DRIVEN GOLF . \Ialnut dmlO,g room, anll " between 10 and 11,95 Mon- helmet, lorced to sell qUIck, 3958SOMERSET. near Mack CART JEWELRY & l\tISC of mahogall\ furmture III que!>wrung room, WIthlarge CARVED ROSEWOOD an. day through Friday Call $800 Complete 882 8573 1980Pontiac Phocmx, $l,bOO01 Saturda\ -Sunda\ 1l).-4Bab\ OFFICE FURNITURE &. c1udlllg a dlmng ~et a lighted chIna, secretar) tlque square gran,d plano I fmt for Saturddy hours 11. CAliS fOil SUE - best offer BIll 372 9884.882 and 111lscellaneou~ Items' EQUIPMENT Governor \\ lOthrop de~k, ~e desk, many occa!>lOnal Withonglnal stool Excellent 7729385 AMC 9687 ~IULTI F 0\ \tIL Y garage sale NotIce IS hereby gl\ en that a \ eral small la bles. a knee chalr~, bamboo style sofa condltlOlI B866429 WE BUY AND SELL 1974 SCAMP, new tlres, bat Somethmg fore\cr)one 814 public auctIOn sale of hole desk a 4 po~ter double table glass and walnut end USED PIANOS ALL AUTO ADS tery, muffler, run~ good CadIeux Frida) Saturday unclaimed blC\ des. motor bedroom set 4 bookca~e~, a I and coffee tables, large ON SALE NO I 9. AIITIClES WANTED OUT OF GROSSE $650 882-2t98 June" 8 C) e1e mopeds. gasollne small dmlllg table and .; I CUriO cabmet also mam W! dn\en golf cart, Jewelry & chairs a ~ell mg cabillet ana small ~tands ~nd dewrdtor Console~ - Spmet~ . Grands EASTSIDE book seller deslres POINTE AREA MUST 1979DODGE Oml1l 024, auto F'Ol'R Fanllh Q'11r,!I!t' 'l~It' "",,",,1\'::" .... tfl ....." (In .... ,h ...... , ~ more Thert' arl'al ...o 1 harn I .~.". .. • 0 ...."''' nn ,.~ ~r 'j 1l,<,J Jj'j<)ll flll<- pu...... i,..o:') J. .IL. tr... ~JI~ al t:: J lUi Vi • t. ....H.,., ...... L .t .a.n..I.~V \..-V '::'J~U~U i.U L ~ \..~) I 8E PREPAID!!! ilia ll\.. , I U"lPI UU1CIl, I un~ 12206 12207 121&tWavburn ~q"{;;pm~~i-~lli-be"h~id 0; rock maple bedroom sets 10 man elous pictures, :lrlnts ROYAL OAK - 541-611b Illustrated children's litera June 79 . GROSSE POINTE great, tooks great, $2,300884- Saturda\', June 8. 1985. at lme conditIOn. 3 mahogan) I and bras~ pIeces PIANOS WANTED ture, art, photography, I 0404 GIGA:'\TIC Rummage Sale. 9 JOo'ciock 10 the forenoon cedar chests a PICIllCtable TOP CASH PAID' AmerIcana DetrOIt, CIVIl NEWS e\er)thmg must go' 22506 at the Grosse Pomte Farms Illth }. benches and much There are many electrol11c I---':'-=--:"':"':"':':":"~=-__ War OccuH, Avant Garde 1981 HORIZON MIller Low NO CHANGES Lah.ecrest bet\\ een 10 11 Pollce Station. 90 Kt'rb) more Items mcludmg Zemth 19" BEAUTIFUL Spmet Very Lit, mIlitary county hIS- mtleage, one owner. ~hle Road off Jeffer~on Road Grosse Pomte Farms There are}. complete sets of Space Command TV Pan good condltlon, needs tune- torIes, phliosophy and NO CANCELS AM/FM stereo After OF CLASSIFIED ADS June 6 j 8 9 A M -3 P 1\I 1\11 fllle chma one Theo Havi asomc 19" remote, 'Sanvo up $550 294~219 worthwhIle books for collec- 4 p m 886-8721 AFTER 12 NOON, MONDAY Go\Ro\GE SALE - 58'2RIvard 1\tQVIi\G SALE - All ap. land :'Pa~adena an~ VCR. Son) Beta-Max, ReA KIMBALL upnght plano Like tlons m all categories Cash 118. CAllS fOil SALE - NO EXCEPTIONS' fOliO Fnda\ ~turday. June 7 and pllances, furmture . .'1.-1con Sa)gos 'Sprlllg Garde,n personal TV, Sony stereo new, $2,OOO/best offer paid and ImmedIate re- 8 10' 0\:'11 '\0 presales dltlon Sa turday-Sunda) old chma from Japan. F os- musIc system, CaslO PT 30 885.5702 moval 1978 AMC Concord, AM/FM, GOOD LOOKING 1978 FaIr Chtldren's to) s books. 2431i Culver. Sl Clair tona. old Leno," , old cut keyboard. Sony cassette' GRUB STREET new brakes/tires 774-2449 mont wagon, 65,000miles, 2 recOlds games furmture Shores glass pieces. Spode, Johnson deck Sony stereo musIc sys- ALLIANCE 1963DL, 4 door. 5 tone pamt, very dependable clothes. bIkes \\ omen s Bros Old British Castles." tem 'Bell and Howell sound A BOOKERY speed, AM/FM c.lsseUe, and clean New exhaust, TWO FAl\lIL Y sale. saturday Kutam pottery, Rookwood. cam'era and projector 3M ANTIQUE show and sale or-I 17194East Warren, clothe~ skates kettle grill 9-~ H20 Brys. (\""oods) $4,700/best 771-4107 MIchelin IIres $1,700 Pmk DepreSSIOn stemware (149) copier, and mor~ chard Mall, West Bloom- near CadIeux 885-8110 and numerou" household Baby clothes miscellaneous 1984 ALLIANCE DL, 17,500 Items small Onental rugs, dozens fIeld, Orchard Lake and DetrOIt, Michigan household goods of ~Ille table Imens - some I There ISpatIO furnIture, port- Maple Road June 13-16 882-7143 mIles, aIr condltlomng, 5 1979 T-Blrd, fully loaded, BACKYARD 010\ 109 sale . CRIB $65, high chair $10. 4 ne\ er used. sterling can. able gas grIll, Jacobson Thursday.Saturday, 10-9 BROWMNGS and Wlllche<;. speed, power steering/ $2,500 Evemngs, 886.0115 Saturda) June 8. 10~ P m drawer no lock file $50. 46" delabra. 10place settmgs of snow blower, shop vac, pm Sunday, noon-5 p m ters \Ianted Other quality brakes, AM/FM radIO, re- T-BIRD 1977,excellent condl' 1521Torre) Woods Indian gIrl statue $35. ';8" Towle sterling flatware. 2 shampoo master beautv TECUMSEH firearms conSidered HIgh cllnlOg seats, cloth mlerlOr, tlon Full power, leather 10- Go\RAGE SALE - Saturda\. Dutch girl fountam $35. bIrd lovel} cranberry tumblers. shop chair kIng SIZ~beddIng ANTIQUE MALL est ca~h paid 255.4992 best offer Call after 3 30 tenor, wire wheels, new onI) 796 \\ ashmgton. 124 bath $10. small trunk $5 600 lots of pretty ~ervmg pIeces and Imen's, 2 large area 3 f1oor~ filled WIth furmture, NO CHANGES pm 885-5705 brakes, tires, muffler 881- p m :\0 presales Pertlen Place, Grosse 9472 \\ andl mohre h k h rugs, lovely sllverplate In pnmltlves. glass and col1ec- N'O CANCELS 1983ALLIANCE, low mileage, GIANT GARAGE sale - Fn- Pomte Woods 886-7216 e a so avieI enoug Itclen cludlng Ice bucket, cham- tlbles Located In DOWN- OF CLASSIFIED ADS loaded, clean 751-6048 1979MERCURY Colony Park day June 4 l.H pm Satur. BLOCK SALE. on Lands- Items to fI 3 kItchens I F at- pagne cooler, tea serVIce, TOWN TECUMSEH, MI 112 1973 GREMLIN, new tires, wagon - power steer. \\are cdsseroles small ap and more Set of Royal Doul E Chicago Blvd (M.50) '\FTER 12 NOON, MONDAY da). June 8. 10-4 P 01 799 dO\1ne bet\\ een Moross and good transportallon, $225, 109/brakes, aIr, crUIse, etc :\otre Dame Casmo Thursday, FrIday, pllances. a Kitchen AIde tonchma setofWedgewood Dally 10.5, Sun 12.5 (517) NO EXCEPTIONS! after b p m 821 9628 $3,900 884-1859 mIxer WIth all attachments Queensware, CC on Blue, set 423-6441 WANTED to buy old costume Saturday. Sunday 9-5 1982EXP, excellent condition, 637 HIGBIE PL S known to man, Revere pots of Pfaltzgraff (Yorktown) "MICHIGAN'S LARGEST and Rhmestone Jewelry, JEEP 1978CJ 5- 6 cylmder, 3 GROSSE POINTE WOODS GARAGE sale - 663~7 Neff automatic, power steenng, and pans, bakmg eqUIpment Mlkasa china, Lenox and ANTIQUES MARKET" brass lamps, cellmg fIX- speed, large wheels and loff Mormngslde Dr. Cook FrIday. June 7, 10 am. 3 power brakes, 36,000miles and much. much more 1100'S of brlc-a.brac pieces over 500 exhibItors tures, wall sconces 882 tires. FMJcassette, super Rd} pm. Saturday, June 8. Along With all the above we Porcelain SIamese cat col- 0396 elena, must see $3,950 776- Extended warranty to 60,000 Bab\ furmture collectibles, 9 a 01 -4 P 01 No presale h I f II f bed d CentreVIlle, Michigan , evemngs 8767 miles $3,995 885-7340 ' Much miscellaneous Includ- ave c osets u a an I lectlOn, Daulton figure, LIar. Sunday, June 9 ,)HOTGUN~, and rIfles wanted deSIgner clothing. Oriental ALLIANCE 1983, D L 1983 MERCURY Zephyr, 4 mg baby clothes and furm- bath Imens III fme condition 1 do fIgure, large throw pII- 8 A M to 4 30 PM- Adm $2 _ Parker, Fox, Smith. Wln- runner. ongl nal prmts hundreds of books and reo 1 lows, lamps, kItchen Items, ds AM/Fl\! cassette, 5 speed, door, air, stereo, rear de queen size bed spread, mat. ture. stereos cameras, fur- d I th Falrgroun ,M-86 chester and others Prlvdte orlgmal owner, excellent frost Excellent condition' mture Isome antique), de cor s. lIey,. mens c 0 109 I linens, men's clothes, (small Caravan Antiques Market collector 478.5315 chmg dust ruffler, pillows ladles clothmg and acces. sIze) and more more more conditIOn $4,500 771-4107 884-8788 (Orlgmal $400I household pressIon glass. deSigner sorles, luggage, old qUilts. .' MATERIALS UNLIMITED ANTIQUE OR COLLECTI. ESTATE SALE - 1982 Mer- goods ) ard equipment All clothing, quilting supphes workbench tools, garden ThiS IS tnlly the fmest sale of Dealers of fme architectural BLE DOLLS SUCH AS 1!174AMCHornet 19,000miles, and fabnc. sturdy collapsI- $1,400 Days, 886-4232,even. cury Cougar station wagon 10excellent conditIon June tools, a Sears washer and the year EverythIng IS show- antlques, quality reproduc- MADAME ALEXANDER, lOgS, M2-5778 Power steermg/brakes, aIr, 8. 9. 8 30-3 P 1\1 ble table and seats (great for dryer m good condillon, sew- room new lookmg, admillls- tlon bUIldIng matenals, an- BARBIE, ETC campers). porch shades, till wheel, spbt seats, rear GlG ..\:\TIC G-\R.-\GE SALE mg supplies. costume Jewel- ter requests cash or certified t1que furmture and ac- 757-5568 11A CAliS FOil SALE - bamboo like ney,., trIkes. ry, lamps, old Jewelry, 2 check on Items over $200 cessoTles Located 111 _ CHIIYSLER defogger, luggage rack. 18 years accumulatIon Anti- crUIse control $4,000 791- que tables. lamps, candle exercise bike, custom dozen tabletop picture Numbers at 8 30 a m downtown YpSilanti, at BUYING 1977DODGE Aspen wagon, 6 drapes and many more 4192 sticks and picture frames frames, old loys. tin banks, 1 CON DUCTED BY 2 W MICHIGAN AVE • OLD CUSTOM JEWELRY automatic Clean, 52,000 Pamtmgs. \\ all sconces. GARAGESALE-Sunday,10 wooden p~zzles, a Crafts- I KATHERINE YPSILANTI. OLD GOLD JEWELRY mIles $1,550 925-0017 1982MERCURY Capri - au- glasses, dIshes, cookmg am- 3 pm, 11 Wellington man y,.orKbench, metal Open 7 days, 10-5 pm. ACCESSORIES FROM 1973PLYMOUTH stallon wag- tomatIC, power steerlllg/ \\are. kItchen chairs, tables PI. c1othmg, household storage shelves and much I ARNOLD 48H980 1920's-1940's on - 9 passenger Older, but brakes, crUIse control, pre. and stools, golf clubs. Items. and furmture super conwtlOn Good for mlum sound $4,100 Excel- games. books, toys, Jewelry. HUGE SALE - 4183 Balfour Th~o~;le real1y surprised us I 771-1170 TRAPPER'S ALLEY NORITAK~5~~~~: _ dlscon mom and the kids $1,250or lent condition Must sell' cameras, hurmdulers. bikes, - 2 famIlies - glass, rugs, We just can't believe all the tlnued "JusLma" paLtern, old best offer. 881-5771. 882-3213 table and bed Imens furniture clothes, every. pretty sale Items m such fine PRIVATE party has deluxe CLUTIERED CORNERS style Woodard'" roughtlron 1982DODGE ARIES, 4 cylin- 1979 MERCURY Zephyr 4 Everythmg prIced to go I thmg, Friday. Saturday 8-3 condltlOo You Will be pleas. edition "Llllcoln In Dalivl- outdoor arm chair or settee der, power steermg, aIr, door, 6 cylinder, aulomatlc, 1008Buckmgham, June 7. 8 ed - tell your fnends and slon, , by Salvador Dah ANTIQUES AND _ "Mayfield" pattern stereo 881-2370 good condItion, $2,000 343- 10.A M-3 PM YARD SALE - 20633Beaufalt come see us Fnday or satur- Regular price, $6,000 WIll COLLECTIBLES Please call 881-1050 0779 8 Mile and Harper rnfant day Don't miss thIS one' , sell for $3,000 Days. 968- OPEN 7 DAYS 11-9 1981OMNI, 4 speed, good con- GARAGE SALE, microwave. through 51' clothtng, mise dItion, 4{),OOOmiles, askmg 1977 COUGAR, red, loaded, . clothes, knick-knacks house. 0555, evemngs and week- COLLECTOR would like to moon-roof, $2,800 548-2783 Items Saturday only, June Numbers a\-allable starting at ends, 353-5tJ32 963-5977 buy U S and foreign stamps $3,300 886-0936 wares FrIday Saturday, 8, 9 30-4 30 Ram date June 8 00 a m Friday Call the 1010Beaubien, off Lafayette and U S coms 4690906 1981 ESCORT GL Wagon, 4 10.4 20869 Llttlestone, 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 15th Hotlme for directIOns or de. 10 Greektown V 8, wagon, air, automatic, speed, air, AMIFM, 40,000 Harper Woods taIls, 885-1410 10. MOTORCYCLES fOR SAlE mlles, $2,950 885~905 424 McKINLEY, Grosse ESTATE GARAGE ORNATE antique desk, AM/FM, leather, Imma. YARD SALE - TV's, dressers, Pomte Farms, of{ Mack, be- matchmg chair, mahogany. HONDA EXPRESS, good con. culate $2,975 884-0947 1983MUSTANG GT, 5 0, sport sewmg machmes, bUffet, SALES CONDUCTED BY SALE tween Cadieux and Moross green leathe~ top, brass dltlon, low miles, $250 best seats, sport suspenSIOn, HO miscellaneous 11566\\ hlte- Sl:SAN HARTZ June 7,8,9 30-4 30 pm (Ram 1977 MONACO wagon, low Thursday, June 6, 10-3,Fri. sculpture, 6'x3', 477-6529 offer 521-8962 engllle, 25,000mile" l' tops, hIll Wednesda v noon date June 9) No Junk 10226 mIles, good 400 Y-8 engme, day, June 7.12-4 Some hand 886-8982 Greensboro days, 354-1280evemngs aulomatlc, regular gas, askmg $7,800, after 6 pm .5 PM, Thursday-Friday made Items 1983PUCH moped - a rIOt 10 886-5005 1O-5.P M VICTORIAN oval marble top summerl New tires, $400 traIler package 882-0534 GARAGE SALE. Children's coffee table - dark walnut 885-0044 1978 DODGE Colt, very good LTD 1!1754 door, automatic clothes, aIrline dog kennel, aIr. power steermg, brakes, RUMMAGE SALE base 885.8047 1977 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD condll1on, new brakes, tires, to) s, play?en, household CHRIST UNITED HOUSEHOLD DINING ROOM, 16th century Falrmg, stereo, new rmgs. clutch, $1,350 372-3538 98,000miles Good conditIOn ;\~ETfiODIST CHURCH mlSC 3311/Jernweather, FrI- $900or best offer 886-9245 day, 9-3 and English American walnut, tIres, cham Recent tune-up 1983RELIANT wagon, loaded, 15932E WARREN carved 111 ele~ant old world $1,400 521-6642 1967MUSTANG - automatic, lAT HAVERHILL) bucket seats, plush lOterlOr, SPRIN-G S A.LE- 18' pool com. detail, extensIOn table, buf AM/Fl\1 cassette. mmt con- Y-8 289 engine, excellent FRIDAY, JUNE 7 plete, 4 l>Iece luggage, fur- ESTATE SALES 1979YAMAHA XS,750Specral conditIOn, loaded, too many fet, ehma, arm and 5 stan. Clean, conditIOn, dition, 22.000 mIles, $7,200 SATURDAY, JUNE 8 mture, dothes, etc. Satur- APPRAISALS optIOns to list $6,700 dard chaIrs, evenings, 881- 24,000 mIles. used for tour- 881-3175 10-2 day, 9-3 4219 Harvard ANTIQUES PURCHASED 7553 885-7708 SerIOUS inquiries 109, factory stock, plus ex 1981RED Plymouth Champ, 4 COLLECTIBLES FORTY years accumulatIOn of only BARGAI~S SEWING MACHINE and cab- tras, $1,200 or best offer speed stIck ShIft, radIO. rear odds and ends, sofa, chairs, 771-1170 met Best offer 759-1045 521-7859 defroster, good tires, rust- MARK V, 1979, Cartier des BAKE t:.ALE portable dIshwasher, type. SECOND ANNIVERSARY proofed, looks and runs mger series All option 10- REFRESHMENTS wnter stand, old magaztnes, L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES 1982 YAMAHA Vls;on New OPE:-lHOUSE great $2 600 884 9105 cludmg moon roof Beige, all GARAGE and movmg sale. books. SIlver plate flatware, 4/84 liqUId cooled shaH Saturday, June 15 leather IIItenor, mmt condl' small furniture and costume jewelry 19825 drive, full body fairing, red, 1981PLYMOUTH Reliant SE, Sunday, June 16 11011, $5,500 886-1439 miscellaneous household Chalon. St Clair Shores, Fn- matchlllg helmet, etc $1,600 PO\\er steermg, power Items 5950 Courville, bet- day, saturday, Sunday, 10-4 MANCHESTER Must sell, 852-427J.247 1882 brakes, automatiC, AM/FM t977 GRANADA Ghla - one ANTIQUE MALL ween Harper/LmvllIe June FINAL SALE - Fnday, Sat- 1983 XL-200 HONDA 1,400 stereo, cassette, air $1,750 owner, excellent condItIOn, 7, 10 a m -8 p m June 8, 9 116 E Main, Manchester miles, 70 m p g $700or offer Evemng~, 885-7050 wire wheels, power steer- urday, 9-5pm Large men's FRIENDLY Open 7 days, 10.5 am-4pm 886-0955aiter 5 p m :;HRYSLER mlm van 1984, 5 109/brakes rear defroster, and young men's clothlOg, t1artzlAl PROFESSIONAL Household Sales 428-9357 MOVING SALE - EverythIng household Items, antiques, SERVICE 1982 HONDA Sllverwmg, one I speed air well eqUIPped, ex. I air, AM/FM 882-7404 must go' Furmture,ladder, ladles clothmg 3628 ANTIQUE safe, $175 Oak bed, owner, englOp.guards, 3,900 cellent condItIOn Work, 1977 FORD LTD Landau, toys. clothes, June 7-8 All CourvIlle $75 774-9236 miles, $1,500 Call after 5 853-1285, evemngs, week. crUise, aIr, radIO, no rust, day 1014 Kensmgton, YOUR SPECIAL SUSAN HARTZ ANTIQUES, carved solid oak pm 286-1548 ends, 626-t509 good condition, Kell>' 824 BLOCK SALE - 8 homes, Neff POSSESSIONS Grosse Pomte Park bedroom set, (bed, bureau 1983HONDA, 650 CX custom, I Rd between Berden and ARE MY 886.8982 19B.1LeBARON 2-door, moon -:-::::4:-:-68-=9-::-:::=-.,...-:-:-::-::-:-_-:-:_ and washstand), also mint condItIOn, 3000 miles, I Lmville June 7 8 9-3 SPECIAL CONCERN roof. loaded, low mileage, 1974MUSTANG n, excellent GARAGE SALE, 364 Kerby, Grosse Pointe City wooden shlppmg trunk, all $1,700 Call for appolOtment furnIture, tools, toys. Imens, 88 AUCTlONSIUlAn I sharp and must see $6,900 condItion 53,000 miles SALES reflm~hed 881 3812 after 6 p m 7730212 I 885-8552 $1,400 Call after 4 pm 882. much more I' AUCTIONSIESTA TE II. AUCTIONSIESTA TE 1984 LASER, mu"t sell, power :-:::96::-'90~=:::-:=:-:::-::-:-:::-:-::--_ GARAGE SALE, 25 Newberry SALES SALES Place Saturday 10-5 ChIld. 1 ~teermg, poy,.er brakes, air. 1980 FORD WINDOW Van ren's furmture and toys, i AM/FM cassette, 5 speed, AM/FM custom mterlor games, furmture, skates, RAINBOW ESTATE SALES I 16,000 miles $6 800 nego $5,300, excellent condItIOn pamtlngs, lamps, books, I tlable 372-8873 ,7_75.;....;..t4;.,;4.;.,.2 ..... steamer trunk, salesman's ServlOg the Greater Grosse Pomte area 1 HOUSEHOLD AND ESTATE SALES I OMNI 024, 1980 Lo\\ miles. II 1974 MERCURY desk, school desk, Honda Estatc and Hou~ehold LlqllldatlOns automatIC, AM/FM, rear dIrt bike, chIlds car, old Our servICes provide appraisals and sales of per. Complete Service References defogger great cond\tlOn, MARQUIS TV's, electnc range Bnc-a- sonal goods We stand proudly behmd our 885-0826 $2,900 884 1572 Brac, and more reputation, havmg served thiS commuOlty for --'--'-'------i Station wagon With hItch. 12 years 1981 PLYMOUTH Reliant - 4 out of state car, excellent MOVING SALE door automatic, air, v10yl conditIon 10and out, 84,000 JUNE 6-7, 10 A M -5 PM WANTED roof, excellent conditIOn, miles, new tran~mlsslOn For your convemence, our shop IS open $1,100 771 8078 brakes. exhaust, llres' 538 LOCH MOOR Art, antiques, collectibles, fine Jewelry, Between 7-8, off Lakeshore PRICED SALE 1978 ASPEN 4 door, po\\erl $950or best FRIDAY , SATURDAY, EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Oriental rugs, paintings, ~tecrlOg, ne\\ brakes. $1,150 82.14598 after 4 p m Somethmg for everyone Old Ml 4'i7'l 882 7619 ''- _ a:1:ine~l:'c~c..c~ i~:;ns lIJNF' 7 Il FROM 10:00 A.f ..1.=4:00 p.r.1. to-5 PM We pay by TWO FAt.HLY garage sale At the resIdence of Dr Vollrad 15115 CHARLEVOIX STEVEN Ii t ~ d-t-- 1129Wayburn Friday and J Von Berg, 61 Sl1l1meadow, GROSSE POINTE PARK Cash or on Consignment itUS'NG'S Saturday 10-4 0 0 "CleOn 1 lonlng Grosse POInte Shores, off Free Estimates and Consultattons GARAGE SALE Toys - boys Lakeshore between Vermer clothes, mfant to SIze 8 New and 9 MIle 331-3486 or 882-2299 Call 963.6255 Pick Up and Return Auto desIgner matermty clothes, Includmg Drexel dlnmg set I WITHIN 3 HOURS SIZes10, 11, 12 Hlpcycle, ski WIth 12 chaIrs, patio fur- • Simonin Rub Out Complete CleanlOg of boots, baby swmg. ladles mture, Ron Webber fur- Intenor and EXlenor $3500 clothes size 10 and 11, stack mture, leather upholstered We specIalize 111 flOe antiques, quality use

, Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-C 111. CARS FOR SAlf ~ 1 Ie CARS fOR SALE l1C CAllS fOR SALE 11( CAAS fOA SALE 110 FOIlEIGN CAllS .- 13. ilEAL ESTA TE ~ 13 ilEAL ESTATE fOliO GM GM 12 BOATS AND MOTOIIS GM All OTHEII GENEIIAl GENEIIAI }'AIH1\10NT W711 rutul a -- , formal pm 8853586 bl <11-.( •., no r u,1 ~l II~' Allcl dtnmg room, 11! bath!>, reI.' !> pm llll4 2-}4~ room, 2'! (dr garage ex KENSINGTON NEAR HARPER W7'i FOHD (JI dnerVIl'e!> .,tpel IIlg Ilntpd dpplOXI Nearly new furnace SIde drive. 2 Cdr garage m.lle!\ hll 000 good U)JIll! lion 'I 4)0 IlB2 HOb 2~1 ONLY $33,000 H712 Form MANSUR CO j9H4 '1IIl'\JJEHBIIW 1111 bo 5262555 (Dupe H 100 mile, \\dlldn GRAYT01\ NEAR WARRE\' 11 m.1l11 option" Il1lpUCdb h m,llnt"lIleu belh.'1 lhdl1 SETTLE ESTATE !lel\ \lu,1 .,ell $10 ;)I~I01 he..,t Brill>. .} bedroom!> 2 baths, (2 otlel 2% (,127 2Bb 0'ib7 bedrooms bdth down), ~Ide drive 2 Cdr garage. needs I'IIU,HIIW "E Idle 19B2 ~ome I\ork hll Three bed ilER( l'ln 1'178 (,I,ll1d 1\lar room bn(k Colomal 1m medlale (,CCUpdncy Asking quJ,.' ,Ill pO\\('1 \ el I dean, $6~ 000 Open ~unday 2 4 no uhl 4 doOi $t q'j) OJ be~t oltel H8.! ,,!>22 P m 81127901 De R) l h Redlt) 1'174FlI% 1 \ ~port - all ~un 1001 lrUl,e control I echn BY OWNER lng "edt'> \\1 fF1\1 cd~~ette, 1677 ALLARD (WOODS) ::>27iO 112J0501 Immaculate, 4 bedroom bnck 19111\IER(,l'H\ GI dnd l\ldl Colomal Central aIr, large qUI'" LS ]oddcd eXl'elJent kItchen \\ Ith breakfa~t londltlOn $ll aOO ;)26 1I0b,1 loom 2'! ba ths fImshed He. CARS FOil SALE - ba~ement Lo\', cost heal \\ lth supel msulatlOn Nev. G.M. roof and newly decorated 19RO GRA'ID PRIX clean, 2'! car gdrage, $8!1,900 (,1 (HID miles POll er ~teer OPEN SUNDA Y 2 5 ,0 lIlg/bral-.e~ CrUise aIr - OR CALL 884 7721 \1\1/1"\1 ..,le! eo, b C) hnder, 1981 GOLD Corvette, 13,000 BY OWNER 1500 Yorkto~n onglllal OIl ner $3950 mIles, mmt conditIOn, load- 1 lHl6 ;)947 CI elllngs ed, $14,500 negotiable 293 4 bedroom, 2 ! bath brick Colomal WIth attached 1982 CAl\IAHO Z 28, cross fIre, 5609 garage LlVlIlg rOom, dmmg T top~ dark metdlllc blue, 1979 CAMARO One owner, no loom, kItchen 1\ Ith eatmg loaded e'cellent condItIOn, rust, sharp, $3,800 526-8085, .es, sette, excellent conditIOn ST CLAIR SHORES, 22619 aIr \1\IW1\I/l'assetle, rear 372-3867 Edgewood - 3 bedroom dclogger bUlkel'> console 1978 RED Camara Price ne bnck ranch, 2\! car garage, run roof, chen, family room, fllllsh- 51 000 mlles Excellent ed b In c1udll1g sun roof 331 1669, 884.2040 1974 CHEVY CaprIce 2 door, central aIr, stereo, good tires, brakes, exhaust, low mIles, but rus- ty $425 or offer 527-7895 1965 OLDS F85 Deluxe, 4 door, LAND CONTRACT $25,000 clean and classy Power steerIng, brakes, 56,00 $118,000 mIles $2,500 or best 885- OPEN SUNDA Y 2 5 0958 .}bedroom~ 2 bdths. modern kItchen, bay WIndows, man} 1980 BUICK Skylark LId Tw umque tea lures. large lot, Immediate possessIOn door, V-6, loaded 33,00 16004 E JEFFERSON miles $3,850 775 4157 IN THE PARK OLDS ConvertIble 1975 824 4584 after 6 P 1\1 cream puff, 34,000 actual miles, $1,000 881-6444 1974 LeSAB RE Good condl BEAUTIFUL HOME ON tlOn ne~ brakes, radIator etc $450 774-5062 CUL-DE-SAC STREET 1970 CHEVELLE - excellen 536 GLEN ARBOR LANE condItion, runs strong, 48, mIles, $2,000 8863871 GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1'l81 CHEVY Citation, automa 'i bedrooms 2'! baths, mud and laundrv room on maIO IIc,4 door, air, power, $3,200 floor Formal dmmg room • 7761514 1984 CAPRICE 4 door GM ex- NO BROKERS PLEASE ecutive car, loaded, $9,800 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 8828431 884-6851 885-0922 1981 PHOE:-IIX, 4 spced, 12. 10ATS AND MOTOIIS

1979 CHRIS CRAFT 22 foot 200 Detroit Towers. Johnson. complete canvas MICHIGAN'S FINEST bait "'ell and !>torage, ea<;y loader traller, extras I CONDOMINIUM $12,500 ExcelientlOndltlon Located on the water's edge 1,000 feet south of E 885-9352, 478 592J Jeffer~on Avenue and III the heart of DetrOIt's SEA RAY 1qR117' BO\Hlder, ,. Gold (oasl ThiS stunmng hIstorIC landmark 170 h P 10\\ hou~, mmt con offer!> unequaled pnvacy, securlly, and spec- dltlon extra~ $127')0 ')40- tacular VieWS of Canada downtown, and Lake 146') St Cldlr CORANADA 27' - full v equip ped fair condItIOn $'),000 A FIRST OFFERING! 8822812 ilftcr;; p m Due 10 dn execulI\ e assIgnment to Europe a stun CAL 2') mu..,! ..,eIl Good COil Ding 2,800 square foot 12 room apartment IS dltlon 8111'J'i18 dfter 6 pm off£red for public sale under $200.000 and SArl,BOAT Vangu-ard 470 available III ,July 30><20 foot formal lIVing main Jib ,plnoaker tr.lpe/e room WIth natural fireplace, elegant 20 foot trarler $1 200 6')1 O'i'JO dtnmg room With <;paclous buller's pantry, ultra modt'rn Mutschler kItchen, lIbrary, l1J CAli IIIPAIII domestic quarters, laundry room, abundant dosel and storage areas, and 2 formal £ASTSIDE I)('droom<; WIth pnvate baths are among Its f('atures \11 the convemence<; of an elegant home WIth the carefree f«'atures of gracIOus high nse IIvmg

llJ. CAll IIE'AIII RI\cr<;lde terrace malllCUi cd gardens, \alet park , \ng rn a heated garage, 24 hour elevator I operator, and on sIte reSident manager makes I thiS an alternatIVe WIthout compaflson Detail., avaIlable by telephone or advance appomtments - fHSTOHIC REALTY ('OMP\NY 8469 E .Jefferson DetrOIt, MIchigan 48214 I H3) 824 2700

• I Page ~n.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985 13 'lEAL Esun l) IlEAL ESUTE 13 REAL ESTAn 13 IIUl ESTAn ~ 13 REAL ESTATE GINERAl GENERAL GENEIIAl 13 REAL ESTATE GENEIIAl GENEIlAl:' G£NERAl GENERAL 13C WATlR PROPERlY HARPER WOODS 16830 VILLAGE Lane, Grosse ST CLAIR Shores Sharp, 3 LO~HMOOR 2t21 _ Super 3 Ha'" thorne - sharp J bedroom POinte City, 4 bedroom, 21~ bedroom brick bungalow bedroom Colomalm Grosse 19250 RAYMOND HARRISON MIChigan 4 bed- room home on 1 acre across NEW NEW NEW bnck ranch. fanllh loom. b.lth, cenlral dlr 331-6798 Large newly Iemodeled kit- Pomte Woods Full base- Three bedroom Colomal - from lake Custom kitchen, HOLLYWOOD fireplace fllll.,hed ha!!e anel II pm 01 881-2479 chen with oak cablOet!!, menl,2cal'garage-dlOmg family room, fllllshed base. must see $75,000 779 6423 ment attached gdrage Nice t I\Iust ;('{' I call Owner very anxIous \ e\\ custom bUilt Coloma Is. 3 bedrooms 212 baths ba\ miles from DetrOit. 2 bed. bdlh!!, 21! block garage "'Ith school dl!!tnct Asklllg 518 North Main Street, IlIndo\\. natural fireplace, largl' kitchen \\ Ith loom 2 CdI' garage - door nell roof Move'ln condition $69,900 Manne City Almost new GROSSE POI~TE CITY SQUIRES dl;h\\ a;her French doors to pallO carpeted. 2 car open(,1 l.lke o.ICl:e!!s, good 77J 1148 ,I JUST REDUCED - $39,900 Smgle home Steel bredk garage Gorgeous one bE'droom llppeI golflng J 4 mile; all o.Iy FlHST OFFEHING Owner say!! !lell Lovely ASSOCIATES wall excellent View, hVIng condOmllllUI11 All updc\ted $40.000 ('d;h 771 82.37 B) OIlner 1221 Torrey Hd, minI ma nSlOn In one of 772.8570 room, dUllng area, 2 bed- EXCEPTIONAL Apphance; all b.lsement room!!, 2 full bdths, I' ~ car Immediate occupanc) \n'\ OPEN SUNDAY . Wood; .. 4 bedroom, hVlllg DetrOIt's fmest area!! 4 bed. LAKESHORE Village Con- garage, lower level for ex. IOUS 9% flnancmg 100111, Illth dmIng L. 2 bdths, rooms, ndtural flreplace, Sit. domlllium 2 bedrooms, 1 881-6992 1-5 p.m panslOn, gas forced air heat, kitchen Illth eatlllg ;pace, tmg room, fUllshed bdse- bdth, two floors, basement a real beauty Open for Ill- fllll;hed bdsement With lav ment,leaded glass wmdov,!!, All applIance; $46,500 speclLon Saturday, June 8 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 GROSSE POI:\TE \\OODS l:ledutlJul J bedroom 0.I1IbllCk dnd ;hollel. 2 car gdrage move III condtlOn 1m 7749742 Spal:lOUl>J-l bedroom COIOlllal bung,lIoll!ll the Gro;;e Illth opener Security sys- mediate occupancy and Sunday, June 9, 2-5, or Famll) loom tuepl,lce POinte ~dlOOI dlStllcl of tem sprinkler system, sm. RE;\L ESTATE ONE Woodbridge Ea;t Condos by appOlntment Asklllg $24,900 Call Marme City TOWNHOUSE LAFAYETTE PARK II e;,hh decol ated !lell cal Hdrper \\ oods Full ba;e deck Excellent condition CHUCK DeB ENE ~T CLAlH SHORES pellllg ~~~dutlf,ul Ill'lgh,bor ment ImmauJlate mo\ e In Open Sunday, June 9 882 2% 0010 We hdve Ul1lt; dv,lIldble at till.. 765-9723 DetrOIt area 822-3770 COUNTRY CHARM hood $,,;)00 (all nOlI I conditIOn 20639 Fleetllood J194 $9~,500 . ST CLAIR ShOl e;, J bedroom tune 2 bed I ooms bd;e ST CLAIR RIVER In the Cltl J bedrooms .l full bath; complelel\ updated ') '!'PER \\ OODS I 8848b70 $48500 I \\ III also OPEN SUNDAY 2;; tn le\e, 1 21~ CdI' garage, ment centrdl dU, builtI In"I :\ ('II er carpel throughout Floor to ceilIng Bermuda A pre.>tIglOus home on over 1 Beaufalten. -\Be.lutlful4 lx>droom hOIl b\ ilPPOllltmen, t ) 961 \"ESTCHESTER bUlllms $5b 500 776 6261 p,ltlOPIKed c1ubhou;eto ;ell' Pnce1~ltlJU;!pOOIe- ~hutter, pm ate landscaped) drd II Ith double go.l" I ; acre located soulh of Manne Cape Cod Fdll1lh I Dom HlVIER-\ 'I el race one bed GROSSE POINTE PAHK BY OWNER 301 HlIkre;t duced By dppollltmenls City 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, gnll Secuntl S) ..lem Loll er leI el remoMled \\ Ith ~e tll eplace [lIllshed ba"e room rllld level pllme 10Cd SpaclOu~ 10 room Coloma!, 4 Four bedroom Faun Col. onl) cond kItchen laundl'\ room I(11111) loom pool room formal dllllllg room and ment 2 gdrdg(' Glo,,;e lIOn ne\\ carpetlllg (U;tom bedrooms, 2' 2 baths, 1000rge olllal, ne\\ kitchen, IIvmg PETTI NE REAL TY ndtural fIreplace, 3 car dll \\Ith cu~tom built III cablnetn Custom tile used POlllte "chool .. II,Io.Ikeoffer I drdpeS apphances mcluded formdl dmmg loom, break loom, dlllmg loom, family In kllchen dnd bdth Close to all di)\\ ntoll n actl I Illes I gdrage, work shop, excellent I $55000 882 JIllJ fdSt room, 1st floor laundry, room, den fmlshed bdse 521.4030 condItIOn, gredt view of dl1d e'\pre~~11 d~" l'mque hllllg e'\penent'e Illlhout deck Illth JaCUZZI, J CdI' ment, private yard With maIntenance re~pollslblhlles lOll monthl) po.l)ment STIEBER REAL TV I l:\!l\lr\CULATE 3 bedroom garage In very good condl deck Open Sunday 25 886 I 372-3478 freighters $250,000 II1c1ude~ground; care and snOlI remo\ al Call56ll 1700 iI' -4900 brick home II llh central all' tlOn Asking $138 iOO WIll !~()! _ REAL ESTATE ONE OF :1 ,1 P III -----;)- - ';:l!u:_! ~.:cpJ;:<~~ oc,-"u,t:> d L d C t t tl LOOKING lor that country at- r::Ll'r:; WATr:;r" COVIIlTR\ LAI\ESHORE DI Condo tllO ;1 ~tem bedutlfulh fIm;hed COnsl erd an on rac WI I KENMORE, Harper Wood;, mo;phere v,Ithout the dnve? 794-9393 bedroom. 2 bath TOllnhouse I basement and much more $50,000 0\\ n spaclou; 4 bedroom brick 4 bedloom bllck COIOlllal BEAUTIFUL LAKE Huron I.> lu'\ul'\ reful bl"hed 1IIdn): ThiS IS a mu~t ;ee home' CHAMBERLAIN 771 8900 bungalow FllIlshed base- With hVlllg room, dlllmg Just steps away from thiS OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 extra; 7745219 I _8_86_JO_J_b GROSSE POINTE SHORES ment WIth la\ and office 100m, stud), family room B cute 2 bedroom log cablll "1 O\\'N'ERI Gro~se P omte I - WOODS I 68dGREENBRIAHd Garage Move 111 condition clnd recreatIOn room 1I1 With fireplace, all natural Park TIIO famlh flat on I Nell) ecorate spacIOus 4 1\!ld $50's pre~tLglOus I\loravlan wood mterlOr, gas heat and Beaconsfield J bedrooms I PRI ME LOCATION bedroom ranch - natural Fore;t Excellent condItIOn lovely locatIOn on bluff over edch umt \aturdl \\ ood J Ilreplace In Ilvmg room and ONE bedroom condo, Gralver- mdny 263 03b~ throughout ,ep,lfd te I bedroom Cape Cod - central fanlll) room, formdl dllllllg Ma(k CadIeux area Newly G P lookmg sandy beach $65,000 WM J CHAMPION & CO , .IiI' fllll!>hed I ecred tlOn loom, JI" baths, flm;hed decorated, nell' carpetlllg, BY OWNER rosse OInte bd.>emenls 2 cal garage m \11 d 3 b d 884-5700 100m. large lot, covered bdsement With ~tudy, 21 ~ wall all' conditIOner Ap- 00 s e rooms, new eludes apphances and nell pallo, furlllshlllgs negotl car attached garage Many pILa nces lIlcluded Only carpet , fireplaces , family CANAL PROPERTY furnace Excellent condl bl 8 900 e'tras Call for details $16,:::00 room, 2 Cdr garage, close Clalrwood - Gorgeous 2 bed. tlOn $76 500 641 8054 a e $ 9 ~ v h I Aft 6 881 $198,500 sc 00 s er p m _ room bnck on the Shores BY OWNER SOI\lERSET/Whlttlel 885-4597 BE JIGGENS HANDLOS 882-7300 1110 ' fmest canal new wolmal1lz, Rochester HIlls prestlge Hall thorn sub Contemporary m- SpacIOus Tudor. flrepldce BY OWNER PAT WORDE BY OWNER, Grosse Pomte BY OWNER Harper Woods ed deck and 2 car garage, 1 nIce 528;00 SpeCial [manc. , 689-8880 Woods, 3-4 bedroom well. bnck bungalow, 3 bedrooms, full basement, 2 baths, all', lenor deslgl1 J 400 sq fl .4 bedroom 2 ~ bath enterlam- IIlg available POSSible short SPACIOUS !UDOR HOME db k b 1 od I I new roof and furnace, faml' mem cenler mgl ound pool Circle drl\e. 2' ~ car garage lease optlOlI 1000[, rebdte Grayont - -,I rooms, 3 bed- GHOSSE POINTE schools, J mamtame hbnc hoodungaS ow go ocatlOn, 2 car garage l Iy room, I1Ice' I ~pnnJ"ler slstem air condJtlOlUng custom landscape pro- Please call for dppollltment f rooms, t ~ baths, complete bedroom, bnck ranch, 11~ In qUiet nelg or ep- Days only, 886-2923 tesslOnall\' decorated cuI de sac fireplace. IIet bar. curl" 2598635. 7796704 I newer kitchen, move-m con baths, fireplace, full base arate dmmg room, fireplace, BY OWNER _ Sunset Circle STIEBER REAL TV ed staircase LeI elor bhnds mallltenance free 2844 dltlOn Call now for appOlnt ment alummum \\ IIldoll's, hard\~ood floors, flmshed condo On Harper between 775-4900 Chdncen CI Rochester $189 500 CHARl\IING 9 100m \\ oods' ment lIlsulated, easy malOte basement, 2 car garage, 12 Mile and MaSOniC First ST CLAIR Townhouse on the t .\LL \IR LOPEZ 354-6600 or 2-172080 Coloma I fedtunng, mground1 I 540 3640 nance, 2 car garage, asklllg storm wmdows and doors floor, 2 bedroom, hvmg 2 heated pool 3 bedrooms, 2 ~ -_____ $58,000 8857466 All appliances $63,000 2142 room, dmmg L, kitchen With rIver 2 bedroom, 2' baths, baths loft overlookmg huge ST CLAIR Shores 3 bedroom BY OWNER Immaculate Fleetwood Dl'lve 881-2611 all .applIances, laundry fireplace, garage and more family room much more A bungalow, basement, 2 car bl'lck home 4 bedrooms,lLv. Open Saturday and Sunday, room, carport $44,000 881- #19 River Colony Open 1-5 rare home $178,500 Century garage $45,000 775-7863 11-4 Evemngs by appolllt- 2755 Saturdays - Sundays By 21-To\ln and Countrv 939 1--'''----=:.------IIlg room With fireplace, ment No brokers owner 329-6242 2800 Ask for Bob ode GROSSE POINTE famllyhrootm , IFlblrar ydllllllg• HOUSE FOR Sale, Mack and LAKESHORE VILLAGE _ 2 I d d LOST Lake Woods, 60 miles room, ea eOI'I a room, bedroom upper 22856 Allen south of Alpma, 3 bedroom GROSSE POI;\iTE \~ood;, 4 i WOODS 2 f II b ath f II b t Cadieux area m DetrOit 3 bedroom Colomai. famll- I 1062 HAWTHORNE "I Uts hl kS't uh aStehmbenlt' bedroom alummum bunga. Court. St Clair Shores cabm Attached garage, J "u c er I c en WI UI. $41.500 Knox Realty 88b room. fireplace 1073Canter- I 1Il Jenn Alre range, sub-zero low, large yard 11~ car 6024 private club, ftshmg, hunt- bury, $139.000 886-2574 3 bedroom bnck ranch, refngerator/freezer, Ther. garage, new carpet and mg, golf, tenniS, $34,900 Call BEAUTIFUL lake vle~, 18 I Flonda room, fLmshed base. mador self-eleamng double basement floor $21,500 Call GROSSE POINTE PARK 2 739-0550 days, 749-5698 even- mmutes from DetrOlt year I ment, central all', thermo ovens, dlshwashel', toaster Matt at 343-9161 or 874-3191 family flat, $69,000 822-6952 lOgS round vacatIOn hVlIlg. 3 wmdo\\s, apphances, new and garbage disposal Cen. SHOREPOINTE Condommi. WATER, BOAT LOVERS bedroom brLCk $149,000 I carpetlng Move-Ill condl' tral all' condltlonmg and um Open on weekends Sun. 13A. LOTS FOil SALE I have numerous canal and 779-1672 tlOn Under $74,000 By heatmg Central alarm sys ny, rear umt, 2 bedrooms, lakefront propertIes, for sale FANTASTIC locatIOn, 2 bed. I owner For appollltment tern Fenced 1Il yard, 18' 21" baths, apphances, many VACANT ReSidential lot III varIOUS price ranges and Regal Place Grosse Po!nte BY OWNER room one bath townhouse on 884-9918 sWlmmlllg pool, bUllt.m gas extras 2 car carport 882- areas Let me help fmd your Shores Pie shaped lot III 1320 BERKSHIRE ROAD - GROSSE POINTE FARMS St Clair, one block to all 'HARPER WOODS 20025East- gnll, 2 car garage With elec. 0468 dream home prestIgIOus locatIOn near CALL GIL WI'ITENBERG shoPPlllg and bus lme, ap wood smaller '3 bedroom tnc openers Located dill BRICK mcome, excellent m. Shores Park 4 bedrooms 212 baths. den, breakfast room, 3 fireplaces. plIances mcluded. $53,000 fram~ ranch, 100X350 lot, 2 pnme DetrOIt area on Au u. vestment, Land Contract WATER SPECIALISTS spacIOus Ilooden deck soild mahogany doors CENTURY 21, AVID 882-6299 bon, across from Grosse $30,900 3808 Cadieux 332- VACANT Resl dentLal lot throughout. elegant cathedral ceilIng hVlIIg room. car garage Excellent In- Pomte Must see Excellent 2611 778-8100 1212 WOODBRIDGE Condo - vestment for hrst time f f I l\ II Three Mile Dr near Jeffer- Pe\\ablc tiled bathrooms $150,000 No brokers, please 2 be drooms, 21~ b at hs, buyers, terms Lan d Coron. for proJob esslOnarelocatLOns lustAsklllgse HARPER WOODS, 4 bedroom DRY landscaped lake lot, 882 2946 By appollltment son 250 ft deep Pnme Park hlllshed basement, 1m. tract With low do\\ n pay. $61,900 Call 884-4676 bnck Coloma1, 2 baths, large LocatIOn 5OX200x68 feet,lovely View, medIate occupancy Power ment Askmg $42,500 882- kitchen WIth many cup. HIGBIE MAXON, INC $110,000 465-2559 Brokers 773-5225 7939 after 6 p m ST JOHN's area, Harper boards, family room wlth 886-3400 ST CLAIR- INVESTMENT I SOMERSET, (Park) 3 bed- Woods 3 bedroom bnck fireplace, close to schools VERY deSirable lot, 17 Mile ON THE RIVER +, PROPERTIES room upper/lower flat, pflc' bungalow, fImshed base- $73,000. 884-2604 Road and Garfield Beautl. Elegant - bnck home on 100' TWO FAMILY FLAT - 6/6 ed $10,000 below market at ment, garage 885-0944 BRICK}l~ story, hvmg room ful sub diVISion, $25,000 Call of high, pnme rIverfront Huge liVIng room, formal , With natural fireplaces, $68,000 fIrm No Land Con 4549 FARMBROOK, 2 bed- WIth fireplace, dlllmg room, 978-7418 after 3 p m separate basements and fur- tract 824-2050 room, remodeled through- new kitchen, 2 baths, 2/2 dmlllg room You will love naces, central all', large 1652SEVERN Road _ Woods out $20,000 885-0004 bedrooms, hmshed base. anne parker TU 5-4415 offers the kitchen Master bed- some vacants III Woods a room sUite on fll'St floor, two rooms and Land Contract umque center entrance Col- 11169 BALFOUR, 3 bedroom ment, $87,500 1595 FAIR- different reSidence plot and terms In the Park for under olllal 3 bedrooms 11, baths Colomal, 11~ baths, $38,000 COURT, Grosse POI nte large bedrooms and bath up a potentIal 4 umt ap't site $70,000 famdy room Kltch~n With By owner 885-0064 Woods 881-7229 LandscapEd terrace over- and III Village commercial lookIng rIver $265,000 eatmg area New Pella wm. 6 6 LINCOLN ROAD 1965 STANHOPE, 3 bedroom frontage With extra parkmg BEAUCHAMP REALTY EIGHT UNIT APARTMENT doli'S, large lot, recently ranch, natural fireplace in 4 On terms 329-4755 329-4403 on Morang near 1-94- Four redecorated throughout Completely re~tored EnglIsh IIvmg room, l' 2 car garage, two bedroom umts, four one 881-0410 after 6 p m Tudor, 3 large bedrooms, fmlshed basement Im- VACANT LOT. Kerby Road, ST, CLAIR bedroom unJts, laundry I f ne\.v furnace, garage and mediate occupancy AskIng Grosse Pomte Farms facilities, eight parklllg The per ect roof, excellent locatIOn, 9642 50'x160' $25,000, Danaher, CONDO $67,900 881- Elegant, custom deSigned and ENGUSH TUDOR - SLATE ROOF - spaces Land Contract Just got better must see $128,000 by ap HARPER/WHITTIER 2 bed- Baer, Wilson, Stroh 885 1167 GRA YTO~ ROAD pomtment, 884-2445 or 293- 7000 bUilt home on North River- Fl\ e bedrooms, 312 baths, SpaCIOUS3rd floor, paneled rec TWO FAMILY BRICK FLAT THE PRICE IS REDUCED' t020 days room co-op, range, refnger. Side Dl'lve Bnck and frame - 6/6 - under $40,000 WIth 1\'/0 bedrooms, ,two baths, all', ator, carpetmg, drapes, all' ELMSLEIGH Lane I ~ block constructLOn, beautIfUlly de- room Illth fIreplace, screened porch to lake 100'x120' Plans BY OWNERI BROKER Land Contract terms 4 car garage and \\ onderfulloca. LAKESHORE condItioner, short walk to St corated and featurmg such available 886-3729 after 6 fmenes as crown moldmg, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 garage separate basements tlOn m the VILLAGE CONDO Matthew'sChurch Roberts pm ' ff WOODS Realty 881-9344 hand carved English fire- ~radckg~nD~OCtroa~:onJust 0 HENDRICKS & ASSOC 2 bedroom townhouse, With ap- GROSSE POINTE Park, 3 place mantel, gourmet kit- pliances, central atr, $48,900 13C. WATEII PIIOPERTY 1 chen, garden room fa ClOg W:\! J CHAMPION & CO 884-0840 Call 772-9878 bedroom, 1 2 story bnck, on EXECUTIVE canal home. 4 patio and wooded area 884..1700 TWO family bnck IIIcome, CUSTOM 4 bedroom ranch on road scheduled to be made bedroom, 3 baths, !IvlIIg beyond Master bedroom CHARMING EngILlsh Tudor great IIIvestment prestIgIOus street, lot size stairs, mastersac. remodeledbedroom Withup room, formalh dllllllgd room, sUite on first floor and two home WIth excellent location HENDRICKS & ASSOC 110XI90, 212 car gdrage, bath, walk-m closet, 2 bed kitchen Wit mmg area, large second floor bed- offers 3 bedrooms, family 884 0840 central all', mtercom s- s- d h den, famIly room, fIrst floor rooms Basement, garage - J rooms own, sunporc, laundry room, 212 car at- and attic prOVide abundant room, fmlshed basement THREE bedroom brICk ranch tern, sprmkhng system, tim- detached 2 car garage ask- tached garage, full fImshed and 2 car garage Lovel} ed outdoor lIghts, fIrst floor fig $72000 824 440::: storage A mmt conditIOn leaded glass wmdows and FamIly room, 2 car attach laundry, !IvlIIg and dlllmg I , . v d basement, patlO, large lot, property $212,000 Land umque architectural fea- ed garage - automatIc door room WIth bay Wllldol\S GROSSE POINTE Woo s - steel seawall, sprInkler Contract terms avaIlable opener flllished basement Foyer With Itahan ceramIc beautiful Coloma], 4 bed-j system, new carpetlllg and St Clair River, l00X700 foot tures PflCed $86,900 Call 1 for appomtment 881-7465 fIreplace central all', tile Family room, With wet rooms, 3 2 baths, central I many other extras On An- landscaped property With automdtIc spnnkler S) stem. bar and bUilt III Ice-maker, all', 2' 2 car garage Near Ichor Ba) Buyers only Land d f bedr MOROSS, I ~ duplex, 3 bed. nel~ carpetlllg, many bUilt Star of the Sea 703 Pear Contract 7253953 soun our oom Coloma] room, garage, mUst sell, i ms dnd extras, 111 mint condl' and beaullful fireplace, 3 full Tree Lane $183 000 885-1719 ------home featuring fam I IY $25,000 884-2074 size baths v,lth JaCUZZi III ' WATERFRONT and canal room With fIn'p]ace, 21 tLOn 778 4613 master bath Gorgeous kit- LAKESHORE Village Con. bnck home - 10 ~!Ile and baths, formal dmmg room, 2 BY OWNER chen v,lth all bUilt-ms, and domlllium - 2 bedroom, Jefferson - With mcome, basement and attached 1190 TORREY ROAD mce bay wmdow for plants assumable mortgage, ex 5/5. basement, garage. cen. garage Great views of 111tel" GROSSE POINTE CITY INCOME Many roomy closets Pl'1ce cellent condItIOn $51,900 trail all' $1220,00 774-2541 I natIOnal freighter traffiC Bnck flat ~Ith natural fireplace, 2 bedrooms and porch OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M reduced Call after 4 pm for 7739592 HARSENS ISLA '\'0 20x 40 lwo story barn, Ideal m each UOlt DeSirable locatIon lets )OU walk to VIllage Newly decorated ~pacJous 3 bedroom 2 bath Woods appomtment 885 5941 TODA V'S 1195 feet on shlppmg channel, 4 forbaat and car storage and or Park home $102,000, 884 9621 rHREE OR FOUR bedroom BEST BUV I lots, )ear around home. 4 studiO $239,000 Land Con. CALL KEN KOSOVEC bnck bungalow - Will eon. bedrooms boat house, 2 car I tract Sider Land Contract 5804 GROSSE POiNTE I garage RE/MAC PROFESSIONALS 979-9000 Farmbrook DetrOIt 882 NEW LISTING 748 'M22 I SplendId sprawling contem OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 3185622 7127 3 bedroom slllgie home For-j BUY A HOUSE for your boat I I porary on the St ClaIr 1215 YORKSHIRE LAKESHORE VILLAGE Con. mal dlllmg room, full base 3 bedroom formal dlllmg RI~er, With sea wall and FOR SALE BY OWNER C]asslc center entrance, French Pro~ IIIclal on beautIful do - 2 bedroom upper 22856 ment, Side drive, 2' 2 cari room, 100' ~teel seawall. to flshmg. boat dock Dwelhng tree lIned street III the best area of the Park Walk Allen Court St Clair Shores garage Price reduced Call ton hOiSt, boat house, sum- IS a ~arm blend of natural IIIg distance to Village and schools Three door .. off Reduced Knox Realty 8116 for details mer room and large lot I wood and stone matenals bus lines Large rooms completely remodeled Nev,er kd roof, furnace and dnveway Four bedrooms \llth 6024 Wee ays a fter 5 p m GROSSE POINTE Ca II for extras (CD 18.3(5) roomand ha~v,ltha 25xmassive40 foot greatstone master sUlte and dresslllg room l,l,Ith built ms Three HARPER WOODS 2 bedroom NEW LISTING I Chamberlam nl 8900 I fireplace and open beam full baths lln second floor New kitchen and all nell Cape Cod $14,900 881 0645 6 6, 2 family flat 2 furnaces, 3 SAND POINT near Cd,>evllle ceiling SpaCIOUS'" elcommg carpetmg throughout hou.,e A BARGAIN One bedroom bedroom~ each umt 2 ten- - 3 bedroom, 2 bath claSSIC fo)er, deluxe fullyeqUlppro HISTOHIC Rf:ALTY CO condo $19,000 8842446 ants, assumptIOn. 10% Land contemporary lakefront'l kitchen WIth Jenn Alre cook 8242700 GRA YTON, J bedroom brick Contract $13,800 assumes home De~lgned b) Grosse mg Island, and pleasant dm- bungalo .... 2 car garage, full $.364 monthly payment POlnt(' architect Anne I mg area Glas~ enclosed basement, one bath Land Cranet Bullt Iby ownerb All solanum With hot tub and Contract dvallable 88.';-)7.13 Three bedroom Coloma I Full CU\ om qtl,~ It~ .,ullt m~, "plral .,talrway leadllli! to ------~:l~cm(lIt gd~ilLd.i iLlI)od I pro ~t'''''I:;n~u:> .o;',U::'Lup,-,J "'JlUOIOIOIt Ihreelargebed~ 10MILr-:/I 'H area, 1bedroom, pled kItchen 2 (ar gardge, 100 xliOO'lot, wall tov,al1 car I room SUites, each With 12 1 bath brIck ranch 21, car fenched III yard $4';,900 petmg, drapes hand set hre generous bath and dresslllg garage. ne ....furnace Excel Easy terms place, rose garden, sprmkler faCIlitIes Mam floor laundry lent condltlon $47,900 772 and securIty systems Prl and hobby room, ba<>emenl. 1496 CROWN REAL TV ~ate 'parlte~ onl) $1110,000 three car garage, and utilI. 854-856 NOnrNGHAM TWO BEDROOM - 1'2 bath 821-6500 .,17-11'>62040 ty building A premier pro GROSSE POINTE PARK 33t-5084 II Jth garage condo LAKE ST CLAIR I perty $350 000 to....nhou'ie on LakeSt ClaIr TOM McD?NALD & SON Lakeshorc Dl'lve \H Pnced vel') moderately at $81,900, thiS beautiful two faml Beautiful view' ThIS won t 3RD GENERATION Clemen., Very tastE'ful 3 Wide ,;electlOn of hIgh quality Iy home can prOVide the smart 1I1vestor WIth free hVlng G EAT FINAN IN T .RM I If he assumes an eXlstlng low pnced mortage of Ilpprox- SImple AssumptIOn at 10% Fixed Rate for 23 Years last' OwnE'r movmg out of 2 BEDROOM CONDO bedroom ranch Priced to c,ondomllllUms on the St Imately $.30,000 Each umt prOVides hVlng room, dmmg No C!o';lIlg Co~ts ~latE' 2'1'18604 for appOint ~lIlglE' floor h\lIlg Beaullfull sell $124000 (7Ial: River ranglllg from room, kitchen, two bedrooms, full bath separate base- Fnendly neighborhood With Grosse POinte schools our ment courtva:d )ocatlon, car 46i 7521 S 2')()(J to $210 000 ment, separate utlhtles, and electnc applIances Two car home, at 20354 Danbury Lane, IS on a charmlllg cuI de. EASTLAND area - 1 bed peted: central aIr, garage 12100 FEET of waterfront pro MAC GLASflA;\i COMPANY garage, fenced III back yard 111a corner lot Located Wlthm sac patterned after Colomal Williamsburg The open floor room co op Range,refnge Nel,l,ly decorated and pi'll'" perty on Sheltor Bay, Lake 0pPO~lte St ('Jail' Inn walkmg distance of schools, pollce and fire department, plan allows comfortable IIvlllg With 4 bedrooms, 21'2 baths, rator, carpetIng, drape." air all' basement I SuperIor Grosse POlllte 32'12294 tran,;portatlOn and the Wmdmlll Pomte Park Only 15 IIvlIlg room dmlllg room, family room With natural conditIOner RoberLs Realty Oc;mORN 'm 366~1 Real Estate, 885 4qn or 882 minutes from the Downtown bUSiness and fmancisl dls, fireplace and kitchen WIth eating area The master 8819344 I Pi\RK - 2 famlh l\Taryland 0087 FOR bedroom sUite has a bath, dres';lng area and 2nd floor tnct and the Renaissance center Don't miss the oppor. lIiiCOOK 3bedroom,2~tor) 6/6 room; cach Side dnve HARBOR BEACH 52 of CLASSIFIED ADS tumty, Call for an appomtment walk-oul deck Two car attached garage Mov(' In condl I lIOn $95,000 ll84-8779 or 774 3800 Ideal locatIOn Ov,ner near Jefferson $,'i9,500 882- frontage on Lake Huron 296' $120,000 Evening,; 64t-74'i1 82,}9 No broker., deep $12,900 286-8113 CALL 882-6900

( \ • Thurlday, Jun. 8, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.C

• ,I' VM ~ IIUN \010 'llf COMMERCIAl PROPfRTY, II' 16 PETS FOR SALE "11lI1'1 II' I "UlIlJJN(,\ ISA CAR,n INSTAllATION 19 MOVING AND STOIIAGE 20E HOME IMfROVEMENT 20f HOME IM'ROVEMENT lOE HOME IM"RDVEMENT MACKINAC I'land c1ulllc, OPPOSITE Eastland - For LABRADOR puppIes AKC CARPET LAYING RELIABLE POINTE reSident PORCHES, steps, all other Spectacular water views. Sale Attractlvely designed gorgeous blacks and BARKER HADLEY HOME NEW AND OLD wllh movmg van WIll move CONTRACTOflS remodeling repair, roofing Large, private, woodsy lot 5 15sUite office bUlldmg Ade- yellows ChampIOn blood Stairs Carpeled Shifted large or small quantltle;, Free ectlmates 824-1758 bedrooms plus maid All ale Parkln/ol 777.464& hnes Huntlllg and show 1\loderlllzatlOn • AlteratIOns - IMPROVEMENT Repalfll of All Types INSURED ALUMINUM VINYL Siding, new huge custom country AdditIOns. FamIly Rooms • • I background Will deliver In ALSO Bob 882-1968or 822-4400 trim, gUllers, roofing, storm INC. kitchen, dinette and bar Kildlens & RecreatIOn COMPLETE REMODELING .... June or July $300 Call Bdr- CARPETING, VINYL doors, Windows, free esti- Natural patterned wood 20. "IANO SUIVICE AreJ!> SERVICE bara VoorheiS collect HARDWOOD mates Call Joe 886-2186 walls and ceilings Separate JAMES BARKER Kltchens.Baths 305-566.0057 Samples Shown m PIANO TUNIi\'G dnd ICpJlI family room, game room, CASH 886.5044 LETO BUILDING CO Additions- Porches FOR DETROIT AMERICAN Pit Bull Terrier office 3 fireplaces, giant in- Your Home Complete plJno ~ervlcc 1)\ l\lI<:HILLAT kItchen cabmets SINCE 1911 AttlC/Rec Rooms PROPERTIES puppies U K C 1101 door and outdoor porch and BOB TRUDEL ccrtlfled IcchmclJn Whv dnd vamtJes Formica CUSTOM BUILDING Aiumlllum SldlnglTflm NO COMMISSIONS regIstered, 9 I'. eeks old 774-7590days, 294-5896e\ el> hd ve !>omeone 10CJJI) do portico Immaculate <.ounter tops DuPont Carlan REMODELING Gutters/Down Spouts NO FEES Shots and \\ormed $175 $350,000, owner Will carry )ourllork'DalldHughe~ Sink lope; Estimates free REC ROOMS Storm WlIldows/Doors 4 DAY CLOSINGS each 7747119 Weekdays (312) 951-4754 8828705 BoonI' Cabmets 882-9247 KITCHENS Roofing/Shingles/Hot Tar ~PREC SION chimney repair PIANO ~E}{VICE~ - Tumng other (312} 943-5469 526-7300 liA. ADO"T A "ET 882-3222 Aluminum SIding and ONTARIO one of a kmd year Brick and block work, flue dnd repdlJ QUdlihed lel-hm IJOANNA WESTERN Gutter Cleaning k replacement/chimney lIdn Flc\.lblc hoUl s Fences/RepaIrs of all klllds round home on Lake Erie, CASH FREE TO lovmg home, blac screens All ....ork guaran- l{cdbondlJle rdte, lllli 1127l> WINDOW SHADES <'peUenJce room, no flooding, 30 all shots, house broken, ------TUlllng, rebuddlllg rc 1\ III \11 )()(JH~ A \D \\ I\DO\\ rFREE ESTIMATE Fence minutes from Ambassador STIEBER REALTY d d h 882 8282 FIREPLACES, waDpaClOUS,year round 3 bed- desposltlon Has hdd fIrst I CERTIFIED ;:280 Member AFI\I Edl\drd Fel LlLen,ed Fll'C E,lll11dle, CONSTRUCTION WANTED SMALL home m CI- II Ed';t 01 Alter. In the Par< room, II! baths home With shotl> 886 8373 I Coachllght Chimney Sweep ske 465 5358 In~ured HHi~()7l COMPLETE HOME fireplace, and fully eqUiPped ty of Grosse POinte 882-8568 TU 5.6000 IMPROVEMENT 3~3 0315 F'REF: TO , Custom wood decks Traverse Lake across from 17 years Excellent repeat ADORABLE kitten f1Uffvj chlmne) capb dnd bCIeem, Range" Dr) el s, £:>erl'Keb Roof1Og/cedar shake/gutters home, $64,000 Immediate busmess Without ever advel- white haired male. 8 weeks ddmpel repairs. mortdr Doorbell, Cement/masonry work occupancy 886-0249 t1smg 1,600 square feet old verv affectlOndte and _ Ilork VIOLATIONS VIOlatIOns corrected RETIREMENT year round Price IIIcludes stock and sweet Was abandoned and i Certlll~d I~sured FAST E;\JERGEl\CY Llcen!>ed bUllderitnsured cottage ElectriC heat and machinery worth approx- needs desperately a lovmg 713 144 SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES wood burning stove Partial- Imately $17,000 Price home B392441 evemngs 110. lOCKSMITHS 774-9110 ly furmshed 5 years old negotiable, $40,000 727-7185 HELP Cats, cats and more 882-9552 S &.J ELECTRIC Near HigginS Lake $29,000 16, .. FOR SALE cats and a small dog need CHELSEA LOCK CO. ns Resldenllal-Commel cldl 884-1288 homes 885-0456 I HEAVY DUTY l' DEADBOLT EASTVIEW MALTESE AKC male, 7 1\0 Job Too ~mall 13E NOIITHERN HOMES FREE DOG to good home LOCKS INSTALLED 885-2930 months, housebroken Male, one year old, Vlzsla BONDED LOCKSMITH ALUMINUM Doesn't get enough attentton GAYLORD AREA miX, all shots Must love QUALITY PERSONAL WADE'S ELECTRIC "Many ChOice Llstmgs at from workmg couple Very ammals Call bet ....een 79 SERVICE VINYL INC. Below Market PrICes" loveable, needs lOVinghome COMPANY, $200or best offer Days, 881- pm, 343-0066 343-9144 173(11\Iacl-. nedr Cadieux 8303 Evemngs, 286-4269 SEALPOINT Himalayan GROSSE POINTE IMCORPORATED • ~ldlng • Trml Large chalet In picturesque • ~eJmle~b Gullerl> • Doorl> Tyrolean Hills on 4 wooded YORK IE pups AKC regis- female cat, 4 years old, I FAST 24 HOUR spayed, free to elderly per- • \\'lOdoll!> • Rootmg acres $84,000 tered Must sell, $200 366- SERVICE • All IIlng~ • Shutler;, 9066 son or childless home 824-7147 884-9500 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION • Ponh EncJo~ure, 280Acres With spacIOus 4 bed. YORKIE pups AKC - shots, HOME • \\ rought Iron room lodge and private 10 NICE OLDER male cat, very must sell $225 366-9066 RETIRED :\IA~TER eleelfl- HE~IDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CONSTRlJCTION • GI.t~b &. ~creen Hep.tlr acre lake $200,000 affectlOna te, free to a good SECURITY clan Llcen,ed VIOlatIOn:. New ConstructIOn & Hepalrs • Vlblt Our Shuwroom HELP Semors I need a new single ammal home 822- AudIO Sentry announces the Sen'lces Increased All>o Additions - Porches -- Sun Decks .20 YII> Three level chalet With 2 fire- home I am a female Amer- 5707 avaIlabIlity of superVised small Jobs TU 5 2966 Roofing - Carpentry - Masonry • Irlburcd places on 10acres nature Ican Shorthalr SIX months I R F (wlreles!>l for the home ,127-5btb- 1l1ll-llJ60 traIls, golf $49,500 old, all shots, and spayed 18, GENERAl SERVICE My people are mce but the deSigned to satisfy the most LLOYD ALLARD Eledllc FREE ESTIMATES 822-0500 LICENSED and Insured con- dlscnmlllatmg homeol\ ner Inc 882 5475 Hebldentl<11 REED Farms, Lakefronts, Acerage, other cats are terrible I'm low man on the totum pole tractor Brick or paving EASY INSTALLATION wlfIng OUI'bpeuall) Sel'l SEHVING THE POINTES EXCLUSIVEL Y CORPORATION etc stones for driveways, Side I SMALL TRi\NSI\IlTTER 109Grob,e Pomte blllce )1) 1'1 Send For Free Brochure and want to be top cat III • Rebldenllal BUilder your home I'm affectIOnate walks, patios, around sWlm- SIZE, ACTS LIKE Grob,e POinte (.It) CCIt Illl<1 Carl A Cyrowskl mmg pools Replace your HARD WIRE lIOn ;,peCIJ!Jst, • Remodeling/Additions Gaylord Mortgage & Realty and playful when I don't • CU!ltomKitchens/Bathrooms have to compete WIth these basement wmdows With PIN POINTS SENSOR 20C. TV AND IIAOIO POBox 741 PAINTING HESIDENTIAL • Window Replacement beasts I eat well, take hl'auttful glass blocks City WITH DISPLAY RE""III Gaylord, Michigan 49735 PLASTERING COMMERCIAL • CommerCial Properties several baths a day, and am 9l grosse Pomte referral For more 1OformatlOn and d (517) 732-5119or (616) 585-7579 I A-I SERVICE In your home WE DO IT ALL • Quality work - mto htter pans PLEASE 772-3223 home security surve) con- NORTH OF Port Samlac Bob Cherney's Continental NO JOB TOO SMALL Affordable prices CALL 886-3872and say you o N G CONSTRUCTION CO tact Mr Vmce at 294-4410 TV - RadIO - Stereo 881- BeautJful3 bedroom bl-level Will give me a chance My 882-8600 home on Lake Huron ChOIce Masonry repairs, chimneys, AU D 10 7905 Over 30years III Gros,e step-mam IS always home patIOS,porches Speclaltzmg Pomte Llc ;:1082 9E.'l.(E.C!tion- ),~ LICENSED AND INSURED beach With lots of trees and by 4 P m to feed us I would privacy $88,000 Call Town mFleldstone fIreplaces LJ- SENTRY love to love you I censed 839-9459 COLOR TV, HI-FI, STEREO MODERNIZATION & Country Realty 1-622-8100 A K C Basset puppies - Sired 885-6264 CJ:JE.CO'l.ating eves 1-622.8325. GUTTER cleamng, aJummum M.T. CHARGOT by Grand ChampIOn CORPORATION ANTENNAS ('OI\IPLETE HOl\lE l\lODEHNIZATHl'\' COUNTRY home for sale, 9 773-4340 sld10g wash1Og, bushes or A LEADER IN ELECTRO;\lIC T V Service, fdst, fflendl\ I>er BUILDING CO. Miles sO.Jth of CharleVOIX, tree tn~mmg or removmg DIGITAL SECURITY PERSONALLY DESIGNED Call 77:1-7404 vice. low pnce hcenbed 1<'1 ee ebtllnJle, * Kitchens - AttiCS 101~ acres, With lake access, If you lose me tlG_ Nortown T V 882-0865 IH-IOI E Wal ren WASHEIIIDIlYEIII HIl4-u14U * Basements - Porches 3 bedroom ranch, 212 car HANDYMAN \\ lth lruck ..... UANCE IlE"AIIlS DellO\l, 1\11-Ia2H or find me 521 b471 11 Bathrooms - Rec Rooms garage Large kitchen with Clean basements garages, 20E. HOME IM'1I0VEMENT eating area, 2 baths, deck, CALL GEORGE Outdoor deck envIronments any hauling, odd Jobs Tree • Allics & Porch Enc!ol>ures partly flmshed walk-out Speclallz10g In quahty custom work at affordable pflces CUSTOM CRAFTED service, gutter cleamng Bob NUTTO APPLIANCE • Additions & KItchen, basement, family-room With - 885-6227 DORMERS • ADDITIONS. ATRJUMS * Cabinets - FormIca Washer and Dryer Service • Commercial Buildings * Woodworking-trim work stone fireplace $80,000 Sales • SCREENED PORCHES 1-616-547-2152. 1SA. CAII .. ET INSTAuUtON JIM SUTTON KITCHENS • BATHROOMS '" Replacement WlOdows 445-0776 . 1!,77Bn:. DII\e - RECREATION ROOMS '" InterIOr - Exterior Doors NORTHERN Michigan Pro- FULLY LICENSED AND ROSE APPLIANCE REPAIR TlJ 4 2942 • 'j L 2 241(, • WOOD DECKS • COMPLETE JOB START perty - Hubbard Lake Out- JERRY'S CARPET INSURED Fast, Dependable ServICe TO FINISH - LARGE OR SMALL standing Contemporary GENERAL HOME REPAIR SERVICE 7 Days A Week Chalet on the slopes of Mt Free Estimates - 882-6842 Marla overlookmg Hubbard InstalldtlOn repairs dll kmdb 5438338 R.D. PRIEST BUILDERS, INC. In home I>dleb Warehouse Lake Designed and bUIlt by 11.. FlOOII SANDING/ GROSSE POINTE 881-8019 We II run your ad pnces O\er 20 )edrl> ex- CORNERSTONE owner/architect Call Wm IIEFINISHING ROCHESTER J Champion & Co for more FREEl! 652.2255 CONST. CO. ~ KELM details 884-5700 882-6900 MASTER REMODELERS Kill-hens - Custom DeSIgn Floor laymg, sand1Og, refin- • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL lJF NORTHERN ACREAGE -I Fdmlly Rooms Ishing Expert m stain Old "HUNT" Remodeling fEN BEAUTIFULLY wooded CHAMPIONS _~ QUALITYPUPPIES I floors a specialty We also Home Improvemenl Co Wmdol'. Repldcements TOYPOODLES 1\ I' I>....;~)f refmlsh bamsters Deckl> acres between Mancelona • APRICOT r--;\;) ,+ k-. 1:" ":,':. STUDSERVICETO 535 7256 No Job Too Small tOlLIE /MIIAJ IJfJ 0ZIE@ and Torch Lake Survey and For Qualtty \\'orl-. CommerCIal Remodeling REDS • BLACK(f\~'~~\~I) 1~1ll)~t~',~ APPROVEDBITCHES G & G FLOOR CO Intenor/Exlenor title Insurance $7,500 With • WHITE " \ ~ \ II ',il}j AKCREGISTERED LOll Pnces ALUMINUM SIDING $300down and $75per month AdditIOns YORKSHIRES tei.I)!' f, J ('~..1'\~ • BOARDING Floor sanding profeSSIOnally Free Estimates on a 9% Land Contract Also SCHNAUZER"" ,_.... ~ I done Dark slammg and fm-I REFINISHING CUl>tomand Quality always 10 acres with stream 616- '", • GROOMING Ishmg All work guaranteed 8827350 LICENSED AND INSURED 938-1097 or write Northern 17017East \\' drren 10 YR. CUARANTEE cJh.O'l.i!j.C p ~ E.IH2i! [ j. Free estimates References * * JIM LAETHEM Land Co 5883 Andorra Dr 885-0257 Umt D2, Williamsburg, MI MARCELANDMARIADAGHUYT Alummum Washing & Waxmg 882-9310 49690 - Phone 293-1429 - t9. MOVING AND STOIIAGE -\DDITIONS . DECKS Brick Cleaning & Sandblasting 13H. COMMERCIAL "ROPEIITY/ BATHIWOI\IS FENCE - ProfeSSlonal In. 33633 HARPERAVENUE HOURS9 OOAM TO 6 OOPM MOVERS WORLD KITCHENS IUllDIHGS ST CLAIRSHORES,MI 48082 CLOSEDSUNDAY& HOLIDAYS (U-Haul Company, Inc J OUR PROFESSIONALISM OFFERS: blallatlOn or repair Wood WIl\DOWS PORCIIE~ INVESTMENT PROPERTY and cham link Steve 882- Every service avaJlable for lo- COMMERCIAL • Quality workmanShip 3650 - Lower level commercial, d cal Intra-Inter state movmg REMODELING 16A. ADO"T A PET • second floor apartments 16A. AOOn A .. n Free estimates Call East LICENSED & INSURED • Customer Satisfaction lOF 1l00FING SERVICE Completely rented Call for Jefferson MOVIng and details Storage GUY DeBOER • Pride With 16 Years Experience JOHN D. SIMON DANAHER BAER. 12001E Jefferson BIll 66~1 :~:;; -11>24 778-1028- 773-6986 WILSON & STROH I 823-5621 Roofmg, Caulking, 885-7000 Why 1------GROSSE POINTE [.J IZN~~~r?~ZP Weatherstnppmg, Repairs Hi\RPER WOODS == ~ LICENSED - INSURED Il\lOVI:-iG AND STORAGE CO REMODELING For Sale Not POInte reSidents ....111 move or , 16-room office bUlldmg SIXor i SPECIALISTS I remove large or small quan- CLEANED more rooms available for .\ddilions • J)ornlf'rs. I titles of furmture, apPllan'l Kilrb ..ns • Baths ROOF GUTTERS new owner Well bUilt,excel- I Adopt! I ces, pIanos - or I'. hat have (; ..ra~f'S - Pord,,.s FERLITO I lent condition, new roof I Flushed and mspected for as I you Call for free esllmates I \lunlinum - RClOfing CONSTRUCTION Co. htUe as $10 Perfect for profeSSIOnals 343.0481 or 822.4400 Opera. I \\ Ith future expansion 10 S..("urit~\larm" * .\11 type:. of cement "ork '" AdditIOns 882.4968 ted by John Stelnmger and m10d Brmg love and laughter IIlto your hearts and homes I ItEI'L\('EVlE'l:T * Drlvel'.a)-s '" Kitchens I Vlrgmla S Jeffnes Bob Breltenbecher I \\ ind"I" ,- Iloor" * Patios '" G:" d~e!> Sine .. 19:!;\ Realtor 8820899 Many homeless anJmal~ are I\alling to be chosen by}ou McCALLlJ:\t 1\lOVI:-;G com-I * Brick & Block Ilork * Roofmg SWEENEY BUSINESS AND Vll>ltthe pan)' Modern truck and I PI{E;\IENTWATERPROOFI'IG I INVESTMENT eqUIpment E~tabhshed In BROTHERS \\1:: STOP LEAKS Gl'ARA:\TEED I PROPERTIES 1918 - Full\ Insured Also plano speclahsts 77&-7898 885-0033 QUALITY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES WE 00 IT All. Anti Cruelty Association I FfIlCU GumM Excluslvel) tit. CHIMNEY AND FIIIE"UCE I CAlPEWTlIY AU-.. SALES-LEASES 13569Joseph Campau Hamtramcl-. "E"AIRICLUNING 201. ELECTlIlCAl SEftVICE Lllen,C'd • Honded • hhurerl ,.AlIItM .... EXCHANGES ( \LL l ~ \0\\ Fan A FREE I<:~l'l;\IATE fill lIlIT'TlIII WIT" IIllCIF.. 891.7188 COACHLIGHT CHIMNEY \"Irglnla S Jeffnes Realtor ---- -I J( -~ "~-I) or -l MWifM 8820899 SWEEP COMPANY 885-1798 1-:1.,,:( TIW \1. Fmanclng Available e E G CONSTRUCTION ELEVEN umls commercial - (ERTIFIED ;:21'W ( 0\ TH \("' OJ{ \'0 >l,f p<;<; • To<;ured re::oJo".llldi dl-fOSS from The Hlg~lt~t YUdill) LU\\l'\1 j Grosse POinte Mack and price, F'r('t' e~tlm!gn lo execUllon REPAIRS AND 19521 Mack Avenue, office PENDOLlNO'S CHIMNEY SEnVIC'E PHONE 8852970 DEDUCTABlE ~ FtJLLY LlCE'IISED & I:\SllRED bUlldmg for sale Will con. REROOFING Sider lease With optIOn to SAVEl ON SUMMER'S purchase Cox and Baker SPECIAL RATES SERVI CE CHARGE -Flat Roofs- 885-6040 * 10% OFF WITH THIS AD '" 775.5190 Andersen- -Shmgles- Speclallzmg In brick work. BecMeu dipptiaMce£tulee Wi ndr:1wa11I. DOCTOR'S OFFICE for sale 28021 -Tiles and Slate- - 4 exammatton rooms, 1 crowns, fluellnerc;, screens WASHERS. ORYERS. REFRIGERATORS. STOVES HARPER oak panelled consultation Cu!>tom Sheet Metal room, ) X.ray, 1 lab room ALL WORK GUARANTEED ST. CLAIR FREE ESTIMATES SHORES Loaded, on Warren near I OAVID STEPHENS ~ I I FabricatIOn 17901 E WARREN VISIT OUR Grosse Pomte Call 885-3361 881-2477 ""analler DETROIT MICHIGAN 48224 w;-. G!ol, .. o.n after 5 pm SHOWROOM '. n4-9967 ------.--.------4

Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 6, 1985

lON CEMENT ANO IRICK lOF ROOFING SEIlVICE 20F. 1l00flNG SEIlVICE 20M P'AINTlNG/DECOIlATING 20M 1'~IIHINGIOECOIlATlNG 20M ASPHAl T WOIIK ZOP WA TEIlI'RODFING WOIlIl 205 CARPENTER AINSWORTH Butldll1g Co INTERIORS INTEHIOR-exterlOr painting ALTERATIONS - Moder. ALL ROOF LEAKS resldenll ..l rooflllg gllttel"~ stucco and texture, repair AL'S ASPHALT J W. KLEINER AMERICAN Residential & Commercial BY DON & LYNl'\ mzatlOn, all bUlldll1g need~ repairs Free estImates dr) \1dB .. nd plastcr JO PA \'ING COMPANY CEl\IENT CONTRACTOR Shingles & flat roofll llcen~ed 'Husband Wife Team BASEMENT I ough to flmsh 111 alllrades 2% i7i-l ) ear~ expel tence 886.3888 Paving, se.llcoatlllg and exca CEl\IENT - BRICK STOr..IE Gutter, $2 foot Installed '\\allpapellllg WATERPROOFING I .Pall1tlng .....:.=='='....,....:.- __ -----;:.::... l'attOn ReSidential and com P,ttIOS, lIulks, porches, GUY DE BOER C E G ROOFI:'o\G i5i im INTERIOR AND extellor merclal Guaranteed quail ~tep~, dllve\l ays Low Prices Free Estimates 20G. ClIll'ET CLEANING • !\letlclllou~ LICENSED pamtmg and paperhangmg ty workmanship at red;,on Flagstone repdlr All Work Gual anteed HOFFMAN .In:>ured Reasonable rates 30 years able rates Tuck pomtlllg, patching Licensed Insured 881.6651 885-4624 EXPERT CARPET '0\ el 20 \ears Experience 20T. P'LUMllING AND CONSTRUCTION expellence lWy Barnoi\sky, STATE LICENSED AND \\' \TEItPHOOFING BOB 372-4927 CLEANING 527.5560 372-2392 alter 6 pm INSURED REFERENCES HEATING SPECIALIZING IN Rooflng and repairs \\ e can Trud. \lOlliH £,ll,IClWll PAINTING - [ntenol ex. 28HJ626 291 3589 CAPIZlO CON ST. ALL PLUMBING be lo\\er or can match am COLLEGE Studellt need" In- SMALL JOBS REPAIRS, NEW He,ldc[l'I,lI ~ (lH[u.1I'llldl tenOl. plaslel repair: tell. I 20M CEMENT AND IIlICIl tenor "nd e\tenor palllltng \1rlUen estimate FI ee esti U\ l\G HtlO\l lured ceilings paper hang WDIlK FREE ESTIMATES BASEMENT Fixtures Water Heatels, mates 822.0500 &. II \Ll 2750 PrOIC~lllOl\(l1quaht) GI o:>~c WATERPROOFING Disposals, VIOlatIOns mg and remo\'dl 882 b348 HAROLD LICENSED FUlI1I!UI (' lIC,l'H1I!; POl!\tc It'fclcnce~ Fleee~tl DONE RIGHT Carl elled, Sell er" and P~tN'I ING \\allpapermg, SLATE - TILE D\\ E 1 El)L\S 77<1lHll mdtell l'.lll SIo.IpB80-68J0or CHAUVIN 882-0717 10 YEAR GUARANTEE DIa 111;' Elecll'lcally CLeaned \'o Repairs Gutters F.1I1111\ (h\ Iwd ~ Opt'I.lll'd i'll 1'122 II.III a~hlllg SenIOr cltlten LICENSED INSURED FHEE ESTIMATES 40 YEARS EXPERIE:\CE dl;,count'i J a n 884 B757 CEMENT CONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK HI\\\THOR\E S CLE \ \t\G ALL TYPE OF TONY 885-0612 DAN ROEMER Afler 6 p m 882 '1,122 GROSSE POINTE'S I:\ ESTABLISHED 1924 HADLEY HOME h l\1.-\I:\fTE~A:'oICECompany All t) pe~ of basement water \IASTEH PLUI\IBEH cleal1lng ,pecldlI,t, t'dullo.lng \\ood ,Idll\\ng • Pre cast Steps • PatlO;, • Garage Floors !"ULLY ll\iSUfUW IMPROVEMENT BlS :;21 LlY~1 Be,t 1 etci ence~ Free C~tl IIall \1d~ll1ng 11001 cleall1ng • Tuck Pomtmg • Wallo.s proof1l1g15years gum anlee I lDnlllg tllne 2 3 hl~ mdte~ 15\ edl ~e\pCIICnce and 11.1xlIlg Free e;,tlmates • ChImney Repair References 886-5565 772-2614 INC. I Dr) foam Shdmpoo and e" '15i 72)2 Ltcensed • No Job too small 839-8543 CO:\lPLETE 882-0688 200. 'LASTEIl WOllK '1OWN & COUNTRY tra(tlon m<'thod Free Estimates Free Estimates PLUMBING ROOFIt'\G SERVICE POINTE PAINTERS GROSSE POll\TE fireman 7798-127 88601\99 Lie &. IllS Quality Work D 8\10\ GORDON BLACKWELL, Houses replped With copper C01\D1ERCI ~L &. I \1 Iii do II.Ill \1ashlllg 821 1\1'ERIOR EXTERIOR 22 Years ExperIence I JACK WILLIAMS tdllored I epalrs cracks Ne\1 bathrooms H W T RESIDE:';TI -\L CLE\\l\l; ~EI{\llE::-' I\EXPEl\~I\ E PRICI\G 2984 "F( ()\D (,f.'\j.'H IT'~)'\ - Licensed - GENERAL CONTRACTOR ellffilndtE'd Reil'iondhlpl (mlpt'i kItchen smk~ '1'~~r "ff ! l\LL L,.)Ii;,; '"\Ie::, \\tndoll' 1,1Ipet \\ALL Wdshlng ncat rehable BRICK STONJ:<:,block, con. CONCRETE & BRICK WORK Guaranteed 20yeal s GIo~,e bathroom smks New home" Reshlngle 11,,11 ~E\I0l{ ClTlZE,\ I ~el I Ice Reasonable I dtes (.rete, brick patios, chlm • DRIVE\\ AYS • PORCHES POInte Clean and plompt done from underground to Hot Tar \1 d~hlllg ~Ulll'l' uphol DISCOC'\JTS Roll Roofing ~Iel \ t 1001' 1l1',lIwd ,1Il11 For !l ee e"tlmates 882 6348 neys, fireplaces New and • PATIOS. STEPS. ETC 821 7051 293 9242 roof Sewer and drams 88~ b3i8 881 3529 repairs DeSender.822 1201 8850602 Vents \1,I,ed Il,I! (11\ ond Ilo,n' I PLASTERING and Dryl,all cleaned, repaIred and 20J. WINDOW WASHING If no answer, call evenlllgs replaced LIcensed - big or Gutters de,~ned ,1l1d p,hle \1,,"I'd GROSSE POINTE Nell SqUires 757 07i2 RepaIrs D \LE 777 P,~'I'I CO I CO CAPIllO CONST, small, we do It all Master QUALITY WORK PLASTERING And Drywall Licensed and Insured PROF 8SSIO:\ I\L C-\RPET NTRACTORS I LLEGE LUIG1-F Card and Visa accepted ALL TYPES OF repairs Texturmg and stuc. 886-u520 and lpholstel\ cicalllng all EXPERT \\ALLPAPERING I WINDOW CLEANERS Free esllmates CEMENT WORK CEMENT, BRICK AND co Insured Pele Taormina, 774 1318 372-3190 rea~onable Iate~ uSIng the 1.:\S,TALLATlO:\fOf ALL i GUdldntced ~el I Ice 10\\ e,t BLOCK WORK 469-2967 \ on ~dHdder method Cdll 1 \ PES OF \\-\LLCO\ ERING pI Ice;, .II ound' FOI Iree Good \l,ork on fight pnce EMIL THE GROSSE Garages raised and set down SPECIALIZING 111 repaIrs Tom Barrelle 885-8155 e~tlmdte~ New and Repair Work on new ratwall and floor Clean, prompt servIce Ref- PLUMBER POINTE'S 839.5155 FREE ESTIMATES 8243546 DrIVe garage Ralsmg Waterproofmg erences Free estimates SPECIALIZING IN ~HORESlDE Carpet Clean I INSURED ---~--....;;..;~:--_- Walks • Steps • Porchcs • LICENSED & INSURED FINEST Free Form Pallo 824-4465 • KItchens • Bathrooms Ing profeSSIOnal carpel ;\!lchael Satmar) Jr CLE'\ ,\?~~AS~~VlCES TONY • Laundry room and VIolations k and color 885-0612 ALL PLASTER repairs - Complete rootlllg &. guttel cFlealllllnIg\\ old gFuarantEeetd COMPLETE PAINTIJI\G I SECO;-':D GENERATION Tuck Pomtmg & Chimney I • Old and new work u \ llsure ree s I "'D DECORATING . GRAZIO master plasterer Free est! Free EstImates mamtenance mates Call ••• 34-0 24 A" I \\ IIldo\\ s carpet \\ all Basemen! Waterprooflng mates 882-0005 BIll, Master Plumber hourll I I;';' rNTERI~R - EXTERIOR \Iashmg gutters upholster) Roofs Caulked &. RepaIred Free EstImates CONSTRUCTION (Son of EmIl) Gutters Cleaned \\ allpapenng I floors cleaned and 1\ axed • Cement drIve, floors, patios PLASTER, drywall patchmg, REFERENCES hardwood floors cleaned and taping, spray lextures Free Residential &. Commercial 20M. I'AINTIN"lIECOIIA TlNG I 294.6449 771-9796 • Old garages raised and 882-0029 I:'o\STA:'\TSERYICE RALPH ROTH 886-8248 pdsle \Ia,ed LIcensed • Bonded renewed estImates /I'rank, 293-014J lOR FURNITUIlE REPAIRI ALL \\ ORK Gl"AR:\.:\ TEED i KARM'S GROSSE POINTE DALE 777 B497 CHAS. F. JEFFREY • New garage doors and ROOFI'\G SPECI-\LlST I I reframlng IlEFINISHING FRANK R. PAINTING SERVICE PAINTER'S INC, D WINDOW CLEANING CO MASON CONTRACTOR • New garages bUIlt 775.2802 Storms and screens, alum.. LICENSED - INSURED BOB'~ UPHOLSTERY - 25% Licensed and Insured Family operated smce 1962 off already low prices Local WEIR Pallltlllg _ lIltenor.extertor, inum and gutters cleaned • BrIck • Block • Stone EXPERT REPAIRS Interior and Extenor I LIcensed and Insured references' Hours - 8 to 6 PLUMBING, HEATING, Dr) \\ all &. Plaster Repau paper hanglllg and paneling Free estImates Lowest • Cement Work SEWERS AND DRAINS GUTIERS 774-3020 772.1771 Monday thru Saturdays , Wood fllllshlng \1allpaperlng Free estImates cheerfully I prlce_s In the Pomtes • Waterproofmg Home, 772-9326, Shop, given Licensed and Insur- 773-052;) 777-1329' Tuck POInting BOILER SPECIALISTS ROOFING Glazmg - Caul"lng ANDY'S MASONRY AND 881-8848,Bob McVey, 17426 ed G OLMIN • Patios of any kInd Free estimates refelences CHIMNEY REPAIR Harper, between Cadieux & SPRINKLER REPAIRS SMALL JOBS I 882-9234 WINDOW CLEANING PORCHES AND ALL BRICK I All masonry, brick, water- Morang, 774.9651 777.2468 GroVANNI SACCO I SERVICE WORK A SPECIALTY proofmg repaIrs, SpeclalIz. 1I1g 111 tuck pomt1l1g and FURNrTURE refinished, re- 885.7711 ROOFl:-;G - ShIngles. flat MICHAEL'S I DECORATING SERVrCE FREE ESTIM~TES 882.1800 Pamtmg, wallpapermg stam-I WE ARE INSURED small Jobs Licensed, 1I1sur- paired, stripped, any type of 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS areas. build-up roofs re can1l1g Free estImates S1I1ce1925 PAINTING & mg, wallpaper removal, paL-, TESTA CEMENT ed Reasonable Free estI- paIrs of all lundll Guaran- I 372.3022 mates 881-0505, 882-3006 474-8953or 345-6258 Keith Damelson teed, free estlrnates s:H ClhJllgCctaulkmgInsuredand!l:\.wINDOW cleamng com- CO., INC. LIcensed Master Plumber BRICK REPAIRS, porches, lOS CARPENTER 5416 Int:;~~~t~;I~I~~!ce I Icense pan)' Storms, screens, gut- S Th P t PROFESSIO:-iAL gUIle:- 3€f ltalldn Journeyman II ters alummum cleaned In- er~~~ 3B~ea~~n es fireplaces, chImneys - 35 PLUMBING REPAIRS Patr"lrog I FRANK B WILLIAMS, LI- vIce SIding and mm roor 264 i5i9 978-2448 sUI'~d Free Estimates DrI\'el\ays, garage floors years experience 776-4529, artlqu,ng ar.d \ armshmg I censed bUIlder SpeCialiZing & repalrs ReasonabLe Rell. 777.8352 stnpplng and stulllmg WALLPAPER 'I 882-0688 patlOs, porches m home up.datmg and all SEWER CLEANING able I do m\ O'kll ... orK Complele Kltcl'ten reflmshlllg LIC ::18560INS MIKE GEISER minor or major repairs Reasonable Rates For All LICE:-;SED r""St RED REMOVAL A OK WINDOW CLEANERS Free estimates '& Free Estimates - 885-3230 Porch enclosures, doors ad- MIke Potter - Llc ServIce on storms and screens CEMENT 882-1558 JOHN WILLIAMS BY Tl M Free estlmtes 881-1016 Justed. bookshelves install- 885-5813 PAINTERS • Lo .... Rates CONTRACTOR ed, paneling, new counter TONY 'I • Best Prices Around 775-1690 A FREE ESTIMATE for all WATERPROOFING tops, \lamtles Code vlOla The Master Plumber GUTIERS CLEANED SER \ ED Ei. ROPEA"I, I T your cement work Call -\PPRE"I,TrCESHIP 771-1007 WINDOW washmg Sprmg. S&L Expert porch rep.lIr tlOns corrected For courte- (Son of EmIl) Satisfaction guaranteed DRIVEWAYS. PATIOS, ous expert assistance In un rncel"or-£x,enor sp€CIallZlng'l WALLPAPER Fall changeover For fast, Quallt)' tuck pOinting and WALK£, STEPS, No Job too small New and Reasonable ~ates Etflclent proving your home In an) repairs. vlOlatlOns Grosse POInte references ''1 re08tr'ng damaged REMO" neat, rehable service Call patching all brlclo. and TUCK POINTING area, please call me at 293.3181 Also wash wmdows' Robert pla:!ter d.r) -\\ ail and cracks, v'AL 1 882-6348 chimney repair Speclahllllg NO JOB TOO SMALL 881-0790 peelmg paIN ...mdo....PUll) - BY JEFF GROSSE POINTE tireman In basement waterprooflllg BOB DUBE 881-8026leal'e message FREE ESTIMATES ,ng and cauLl<;mg....allpaper • Custom Pamtmg Also Willdo WIndow washlllg 821- 296.7842 ALBERT D. THOMAS PLUMBING and HEATING ROOFl:'\G REP -\-IRS t'"om mg -\ll ...ork and material • LO\I Rates 2984 1-.=.:...:-:..=.=------LIcensed Master Plumber 525 Gutters repaIred and 881-6,;.:00;.;0==1 INC. gu<1ranteed Reasonable 779-5235 775-2927 R.R, CODDENS CONTRACTORS, INC SEWER CLEANING cleaned Expenencej 201'. WATEIlP'1l00FING 1,,-, Sent or cI£lzens discount SPRINKLER REP AIR, ETC references Sea Ie r , Grosse Pomte references EL GRECO'S PAUL'S TILE CO CEMENT We are general cnntractors Grosse POInte Woods 882-0000 J.W. KLEINER One call takes care of all 886-3897 FrEee E~tlmates I :\IASTERPIECE PAINTING Installers of ceramic and CONTRACTOR your bmldmg-remodehng John ,,6-9439, AnytIme Intenor exterior Experience mosaic tile. quarry, pavers, l"amlly Busllless for 60 years COMPLETE PlumbIng - I CASHAN ROOFING problems, large or small \HKE S P AIi'.TING I III repalflng cracks, damag. and marble Systems for • New and repaIr work Basement Waterproofmg Sewer Cleamng Master HOT ROOFS Intenor-Extenor ed plaster, fadlllg, peehng heavy traffIC, or continuous • No Job too small TU 2-0628 LIcensed Work guaranteed All Work guaranteed Commerclal- Resldentlal Ijl, allpapenng SpeclahzlIlg 111 pamt Pohle serVIce, \ ery underwater exposure • DrIveways and porches QUALITY Carpentry and For- Senior CItIzen discount LICENSED Year-round service repalrs loose plaster reasonable I ates Free WORK GUARANTEED our specialty mIca work, new or refaced RepaIrs, remodel1l1g Mar- Shingles and Repairs cracks pl'elIng pa1l1t, 1'.111- estimates 882-7137 824-1326 • PatIOs 882-0717 com merc lal-reSldentl a 1 ty, 8397852 Work Guaranteed do ....s puttlcd and caulked 884 7220 CERAMIC TILE - :'oIewand • Chlmne)s RID-A-LEAK Store fIxtures, dIsplays also 20W. DIlESSMAKING AND Insured 886-3245 Reasonable pnces and - remodellllg Baths, kItchens, • Waterpooflllg Waterproofmg counters, kItchens, vamhe" TAllOillNG honest References DIVISionof Creative Artist I and foyers shO\ler pans re • VIOlatIOns repaired • Cracks, Floor leaks rec rooms, hang doors All TIRED OF your fit? Excellent ROOFS and DECKS Call 777 8D81anytime ACTIVE pamtlllg, lIltenor/ex- paIred Call Rick at 521-3H-l CALL ANYTIME • Block Walls RepaIred repairs and fInIsh work 16 alternatIons and sewmg Be- Gt:TTERS and • All work guaranteed years experIence Free est! fore 5 pm, call 886-1524 DOW:,\SPOCTS ~IELI\ 'S PAIJI\TING tenor speCIalIst, reasonable I 886-5565 mates VIto SaplCnza 774 InterlOr & ExterIOr rates Call after 5 p m 778- • LIcensed & Insured ALTERATIONS by Flo - qUIck Gutters Cleaned and Flushed I 777-2280 8933 Jl\e" and RepaIr \\ork Pat(hmg, Plastenng, 1m Bill C & J ASPHALT CALANDRA qualIty work, shortemng, ex- LIcensed and InsureC1 Stucco, Varmshmg EXPERIENCED I P 1 CONSTRUC CHARLES F JEFFREY EXPERIENCED full time perienced, reasona ble WlIldo....Glazmg & Caulkmg pamter and aVlllg nc TION 882-1800 884-2353 ADYAJI\CE ~IAIXTE'\A '\ CE \~allpaperlllg jlaperhanger QualIty work-I Commercial parkmg lots, re- • Garage ralslllg & frammg carpenter aVailable for ren- • Basement Waterproofing 17319East \\arren novallons, repairs, cabinets, LININGS replaced 111 ladles Wallpaperlllg Sale m home manshlp Free estimates paIr, sealcoat1l1g and strIp' • Cement drlve\\iays • Underpin foot1l1gs 884-9512 Free EstImates 823-1783after 6 pm p1l1g ResldentJal c1nveways • Porches, tuck P01l1tlllg doors, etc Evenmgs 526- coats and Jackets 839-8642 • Cracked or caved-m walls 3948 Reasonable Pnce PAINTING and mallltenance I Owner/SupervIsor Free Quality m matenal and • 10 year guarantee 20X. DIIAP'EIlIES References Good Work done bv experienced college estImates Also concrete workmanshIp LICensed Insured CARPENTER work, paneling 't R f D drIveways Licensed & I d PartItIOns, shelvmg, doors, CUSTOM DRAPER[ES _ ROOFING I MELIN 759-5099 studen s. e erence~ en. I CALL ANYTIME . nsure LICE\'SED I\'St:RED ms 882-9J34, John 88;)-2733 I 7738087 JOSEPH JACK WILLIAMS repairs Small JObs 882-2795 Quality \\ork reasonable WATERPROOFING REMODELING YOUR PrIces, WIde selectIOns of I WOOD REFINISHING I 6 885.8367 STRIP STI\I~ \'ARt\'ISH JAMES : APACHE ASPHALT 4 8-7069 and WALL REPAIR Our cab~~~~H~~: custom ~~~dl~,s~~~f~~~~n~~I~~~' D I t E st g FIn h or R U S I Parklllg lots - Dnveways I to;~:s ~o ~Iat~~ IS SELL Sealcoatlng, Patchmg, R.L. STREMERSCH * PROPER METHODS OF made. m solid woods at Hlldegard 884-2610,978-2691 \VATERPROOFING ONLY I reasonable prIces Call for I CALI SONI \ for tit PYRAMID Kl~;~~~e~,a~'~;~~'m~~h~~~~ Master pamters and decora- , Qual~t~l~~ferlals CEMENTC;~~~RACTOR * BUCKLED BASEMENT your free • . ( op qua I y WALLS REP A[RED. Estimate Today drapery_ and curtams - an) ROOFING panelmg, doors, trim and tors Smce 1949 GlaZIng, I 80B DrIveways STRAIGHTENED AND I 5211637 "tyle h years experIence Re-Rooflng moldlllgs \l,ood fllll'ihlllg, paper 8865565 PatIOs BRACES ' , Rea~ona blc pnce;, free Tear Offs Licensed Insured nangers of fme \\ialkover- ,- Brickwork NO I'iJURY TO L 's CARPEl'\TR\ - \\aterl eSllmate 9i94098 Repair References Free Estimates lngs SenSIble prices WE'LL SEAL your asphalt Basement Waterproofmg * AWN damage repaired Roofing I CUST VentilatIOn PRESTIGE PAI:'oITIr\G CO I drIve\l,ay for LessI U of M Steps AND SHRUBS I pamtmg gutter, Expellenc OM MADE slIpcovers, DAVID ROLEWICZ I engmeermg ~tudent j<'ree Tuck Pomtmg * ALL TYPES OF CON- d f S guaranteed workmanship Year Round Service 777 -2606 CHETE AND BRICK e Ie erences ,eaver ~I Experienced Call now - Area references Semor 296-7386 778-5025 D J ''i QVALITY pamtmg Top I ~~tlZ:1~6~3~all BIlls Black ~Or~~be~~~~~:~1 REPAIR 8820000 Bermce 872 0657 cItizens dIscount Free QL ALITY - craft - pa Int\llg quallty plastering and pamt- SP EC IALIZI N GIN 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 200. I'USTEil WOIlK 20Z. LANDSCAPING! estImates LIcensed and * - mlCllor - extenor mg 10years experience In Pendolino's IN POINTES SNOW IIEMOVAL Insured speclalt'its - repalt\\ork - lerlOr exterior Free A h It S I DRIVEWAYS AND * ALL WORK GUARA;\i guaranteed - reference, - estimates Dave 884-263(l, sp a. ea BASEMENT SUPERIOR PLASTERING 778-0900 TEED (WRITTEN FREE AND PAINTING CO SOD free estimates - Insured - Jim 881-5459 Coatmg ESTIMATES) Frellh dally Avallable for Wet plasterlllg and dry wall dp!l\cry now John - :;26 m6 WHITEY'S Get the right WATERPROOFING repair Cement-stucco 885-0602 POI\TER LAND<;CAPING EXCELLE~T mlenor(cx JOOdone at the 884-7139 repair and tuck,polntlng If no answer call after 3 00 8858448 tenor "ark PaintIng • Wall Papermg (nght pnce ------Extenor pamtmg In plaster \Iood repaIr clean • Interior Pamtlng (r'~, BRICK WORK Small Job" R L STREMERSCK sured, references LAi'liDSl <\PE DESIGN mg Experlenccd rea'iona. • Reasonable Prices I \ Commercial & tuck pomtmg chImney por • Good \~ork /,1 ReSidentIal h I avaIlable Tom McCabe On!' Dav Sod Service hIe reference'i S_ea\ er 'i I I \ c es, "10 atlOn~ repaired BASI-:l\IENT POirier Land'icaplng \\ ATERPROOFIt'.'G 8856'l

SPECIAL TV PAINTING HOME ACCESSORIES 6-RA~IO LO\'G LM,Tli'.G OIL RASE Ei'oA'\lELS eONscrRUCGJ.ION. INC. FADE RE5[~TING \LL COLORS • Iron Pa tlo F'urlllture RESIDENTIAL' ('O:\I;\lERCIAL • V,lckcr Furmture DRIVE\\ AYS • FLOORS' PORCHES ~mplete landscaping & grounds main- • ExterIor Light Fixtures GARAGES RAISED & RENEWED • Bar B Q ~ NEW GARAGE DOORS & REFRAMING tenance .Iand"cape design&constrnction • Mall Boxes NEW GARAGES BUILT Shlngllll • Flat. Slate • Shake • Gutters • Siding JIM BERNS I\'TF:iilOR ('" ~:XTERIOR BR,\I\S FIXTl'RES LICENSED & INSURED 885N4725 822.0600 POLIi>HED & SEALER ,\PPLIED - Prompt free Estimates - EWIMATES GI\'EN JOHN FISCHER 77; 47<)6 QUALITY SERVICE A'IO TERRIF'IC LAI'.DSCAPING 774-3020 OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE ,o~, Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen-C 10Z t ANDSC.P1NGJ SNOW IIEMOVAl POINTER LANDSCAPING • Complete Lanm.cape ServIce • PI'ofe!>slOnal Landscape De~lgn • Shrubs 5hdde trees • Low mamtenance plantIng • Sod fresh dally • Kentuckv Blue GIa~S • Sod Renlovdl Heplclcement on't • Shdde Sod • Sod deh\erv • One Dav SerVIce • One fuli year Guarantee • Spnnkler System!> • Bflck PatlO~/Walks • • Landscdpe Llghtmg • Hesldent Commercial • Hefel ence!> Furm~hed • SlIIce 19bU • VI!>a~ld~tercdrd applng ••• • A!>k for Dd\e 885-8448 PARK TEENAGERS deSire lawnmowmg, tnmmlllg and edgmg Job~ Prices negotl able Jeff -llll2 9239, Dan- 881 9587 SOFT SC,\PE LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE 751-2306 See our ad on page 14A HOWARDS TREE SERVICE • lice lemoval • stump removdl • tnmmmg d Today! • toppmg • cablIng • !>torm damage Fully IIIsured, free eslimate~ 758-6949 LAWN SERVICE • Weekly Cuttmg 2-6 • Edglllg • Trimmlllg • Baggmg and Removal of ClippIngs FREE ESTIMATES Call the ProfeSSIOnals at GREAT LAKES LANDSCAPING, CO 885.0502 Be ore noon CAREFREE LANDSCAPING COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE POWER RAKING TOM 331-0703 DANA WALLACE LandscaplIIg - Tree ServIce on Free Eslimates esday! 882-1283 WEEDBUSTERS Expenenced Reliable Gardemng, Tnmmmg, Plantmg r'ree Consultation 881-7209 NO LAWNS PLEASE DWYER'S LANDSCAPING Complete lawn mamtenance complete designs, installa- tIOns, power rakmg, sod- dmg LIcensed, msured 779-7985 RICHARD 0 SLAINE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR \\leekly Lawn Mallltenance Power Raklllg Shrub Tnmmlllg Sprmg Clean Ups FertilIzer Packages Competlbve Rates LICENSED & INSURED 527-807 J 885-1)377 MAC'S SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete yard work, lawn, shrub and tree tnmmIng, etc Reasonable rates, qua- lity servIce Call Tom 776- 4429 or 882-0195 MAC'S TREE AND SHRUB TRIMMING COMPLETE WORK Reasonable rates, quahty ser- VIce Call Tom 776-4429 or 882-1)195 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Design, constructIOn, plantmg, PRUNING, maintenance, Grosse POinte He'ildent INSURED ROBERT NEVEUX 884-1)536 TRIMMING, removal, spray- 109, feedmg and stump re- moval Free Estimates Complete tree servICe Call Flemmg Tree SerVIce, 774- 6460 SEAVER'S Landscaping . cleanup thatchmg, plantmg deSign for low maintenance and beaut~ Expenenced Reasondble BIl2-o

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, Thursday, June 6, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fourteen.C

DRIVE A GOOD DEAL HOME (jJ FROM MA'l Tf\\ ROGER RINKE USED CAR SALE \)1AIII\ '82 ARIES CUSTOM STAIIQ1'! WAGO~ - It PI 1111 \111110 CADILLAC I \( I I I I " I green, luggage rack, air auto p s p b one owner trade'ln $4,895

NEW 1985 CADILLACS '82 NEW YQRKER - 4 dr charcoal grey Available NOW metalliC, vmyl top, alf stereo pwr wmd lots of ex. f////.:; tras 32,740 miles $7,795 _-;.~$;' ~~J / I 1-' _ for Immediate Delivery Z~" \ "'~/ :/,~..... '80 MIRADA - 2 dr heather grey vmyl top /1 '_~ _..~~~4, If "" j .~.....~.,....'v-, "'-<"~ , , " air, crUIse stereo 8-track auto pwr a bargain -;/', -\-<.>" "J ~"'''-"'').~ "',. .... t"'.. -- ... .,~ ...... at $3,995 ./ -' \ ,,- / I J '--< ~.-;,r...--"" ..... #. 1''''''No~ '81 PLYMOUTH CHAMP - 2 dr silver air auto , .Jr>:-....'/ / C:I:~-X..4. ~ 'iere are Iwo 01 the hnest Jagua's eve' 32 256 careful mJies very economical 53,795 bUll the rnagn I,cent Series III sedan and lhe awesome V 12 po.vereo S type GT '81 PONTIAC T1000 - 4 or It blue 4 Gyl auto BOlf) Share tr,e 1r1 mllable Jagl.a specially pflced Only $3,195 qcal !es 01 graceful deSign qUich Jr\ a 1 ) qu 2 elJo n r e' I "qua Ie I n response and ag Ie I1and JAG UA R ~11V perl')I[lIar ce mO'or ng Both are equ pped lal Te" dr ,p 'r em tWd) VlI'h prec sa power rack 15 Mile (Maple) between Coolidge and Crooks 643-6900

1IiiIiI 696 at Van Dyke Open Moo & Thurs tll gOO 758-1800 WE LEASE GM VEHICLES

YOU'LL LIKE OUR NUMBERS!! Jerry Mickowski Your Neighborhood Buick Dealer

Chevrolet C.10 Pickups, C.20 Pickups. Chassis Cab, Crew Cab & Bonus Cab - 2.WD WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET June 1.July 31, 1985 • Large Selection • High Trade in • No Pressure Salesmen • Expert Service

i BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS C-10 Fleetside PRICE LIKE THIS! Pickup Stock *803 Was $9228 Extended Below Eyellne Mirrors, P.S , P.B., Y-5, Overdnve Transmission, PRICE NOW $7131 * AM, Step Bumper, P205175R15 S.B.R., Gauges or $159.10 per month"' AND WE RE READY TO PROVE IT 'Plus d•• llnation charge, lexes, lltle • '100/0 down & d •• tln.tion, taxes, tille, 48 months 8.8% Apr MAHER 15175 E.Jefferson in GrossePte. Pa~

I '85 T.1000 H.B. CPE. '85 FIERO

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Cloth Reel Buckel Seats T Glass Tilt Wheel Tilt whl body side mldgs , AM radio, T-glass, body side mldg AMIFM stereo, AM Radio Accent Stripes Body Side MOldings rechnlng rear seats, 4 cyl recl bucket 4 cyl OHC FI er1g,ne recl bucket seats 4 Cyl OHC F 1 Eng PB 5 Speed Overdrive seats, Stk #1650 5 speed manual trans Stk # 1706 Trans, Stk ~1373 or or lease for $11869 I NEW $5,595 per $9,295;~. I $6,995.¥' mo ref see dep 5200 Total PC'lIS58 45S 64 ~--- f raf see aep $175 total oayments S6,714 S15000 ref see dep S569712 to CORVETTE f• , 5.7 TPJ, Auto. 0.0., Air, T.G., Oef. System, Tilt, P Windows ~~ . g ~ Alum. Whls, 5DVR16 Tires' ~ Stereo, P. Antenna Stk: Air cond T glass cap & mats frt & rear, #451034 rear defrost, spt mirrors lilt wheel, WW Air cOr1d ,t glass rear defrost spt mlr- Body Side mldgs heavy duty generator List $25,756.00 sleel belts, PIS PIB, auto trans, dlx rors, luggage carner W W steel bells PIS PIB auto trans clock AM radIO wheel covers, velour mtenor. AM/FM ETR AM.FM stereo p sleer p brakes 4 dlx wheel covers Slepl belled radials Less 3,289.00 'ltereo cassens SIll. #1433 speed auto trans, dlx wheel covers 305 cloth Inlenor center amrest Slk :/1773

#1 PayYOu$22467, $10,295'~1$11M~395'~~5 $8,995 :t;:, c•.gqijW

,el see


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