Grosse Pointe News VOL 46-No 23 Grosse Pomte, Michigan, Thursday, June 6, 1985 30 cents 46 Pages for your ll1fol'matlon Charges turn election into recall rematch B) l\hke '\ndrLcjcL)'k Imttee For Heponslble School GO\- School Government In It.'>polItical year's polls, Clay said work WIth the Earh ChIldhood Committee, Mrs Marl' saId Had It II d~ too good to lc1st ernment, dccordlllg to that group':, advertl.'>ement.'> before the June 11 The Marrs say their contnbu- fyi '1'hl.'>yedr'.'> qUIet campdlgn tor post-electIOn campaign flllance electIOn la.'>tyear endOl sed Mourad 11011.'>were made to the campaign of she be~n active rn the recall, she \\ouldn t have dccepted the place tlHl :,('ats 011 the Board of Educa- fIlings and Brownscombe and tailed for a Wilham Brown.'>combe, not to the By Tom Greenwood tlOllel upted la.'>tweek With charge~ The Commlttee For Hesponslble vote for recdll committee 1"01' them to have been on the commIttee, ~he added that cdncIJdate Cdro] Marr disgUIS- School Government had the .'>clme I ju.'>t belIeve that .'>omeone talhed With the flllances of the com- What last week'<; dCCU.'>dtlOn:, ed her lOll' III la.'>tyear's recall ef- treasurer as the Committee For \1110made d wntl'lbutlon hd" more mIttee was eIther a mIstake or a have done I~ diVide the candlddte.'> Batter way up! 101 ts NeIghborhood ElementarJ than c1PdS~lIlg llIt{'re"t . m the ca.'>e mISreprE'.'>entatlOn, they added mto tllO cdtegone.'> \Ir~ \ldrr dnd Time to let vou c1l1mon d little The chellge~ were made by form- Schools/Recall The re.'>pon:'lble IIlvolved, Henry CldY. orgal1lLer of Although she Signed a petitIOn to 1\11'.'>Pangborn have been Iden- secret and gl\' e d pat on the back el membel ~of Cltllen.'>Agcunst Re- schools committee made contnbu CAlm, ~ald 'The.'>e eltorts don't get the reorgal1lzallOn matter on tified With la~t year'.'> recall, whlle at the Sdme tune There's been d call Efforts, the committee which tlOIlSto the campargns ot William run Without volunteer.'> and fman- the ballot, hIS Wife was very much Dr Ernest Buechler and Call bit of an additIOn to the .'>ports .'>upported three board member.'> Brown.'>combe and Roger Mourad ctal ~UPPOl't ' opposed to the recall, Marl' saId Ander~on have become the anti sectIOn 01 OUIpdper IJ) ou turn taced With expu!:,lOn trom otflce ii!UUl dU, 1\lIu lU~l 1I1~ ~edt 1a.'>I 11ldt tne J\ldl'l ~ IIldUe the con- He Wa:> lIul lIIvulvcu !II uq~aIllLlIl!; 1 c'-ail iJal! to the Gros"e Pomte Llttle fOl their vote to reorgamze the June, was the only trustee to vote tllbutlOll.'>the II eek helm e c1ndthe pdrents at Richard Elementary Buechler wa~ one of the target~ League .'>ectlOn,you'll see the .'>choolsystem and close Barnes dgc1mst reorganllatlOn Brown:,- day ot the electlOll ~hO\\s that they School, as CARE members have for recall Ander.'>on 1\ a.'>a membel silhouette of d batter dt the top Accusations 01 mlsrepresenta combe was a "Ice presIdent of the were Imolved, he added abo claImed. Marl' added of CARE of the column tlOll.'>temtrom the report thdt 1\11'.'> CommIttee For Nelghborhood !'vIr.'>!\Iall mdY be tr) IIlg to dls The contnbutlons to Bro\\ns- Mrs Marr, 1Il dl<,<.U..,"ll1g That silhouette IS none othel l\1c11'Iand her husband Wilham Schools/Recall soclate hel.'>clf Illth the recall be- combe's campaign were not for a Brownscombe's cc1ndldd<.Yoj Id~t than Gros.'>ePomle Nol'lh base- contnbuted $25 each to the Com- The Commltle(' 1<'01 Re~pon:'lble cause of the bedtlllg lt took at last recall leader , but for a good person year, said ~he knel\ a vote for hIm ball star Frank Vento, d semor dt who IS fall', who IS a fnend of the would not undo reorgaOllallOn or NH~ and d ,,1101t"top on the £\01th famIly and respected for the reopen Barnes She conceded thd t mne positions he took on the Issues. had the recall pa~.'>ed, there 1\ as Here'.'> how It all came about Mrs Marr saId the pOSSibilIty that a majontJ 01 At the begawmg of the .'>eason, Brownscombe saId he has en- llke-mmded people could ha ve New.'> .'>pOIt.'> editor Peggy dorsed both Cmdy Pangborn and been elected O'Connor and I went over to Mrs Marl' and contnbuted to theIr One person who helped locdte NOIth to do a .'>toryon their val' campaigns To hIS knowledge, Mrs documents of the Marrs' tmancldl slty ba.'>eball team Peggy did Marl' had not played an active role 1I1volvement m last year's cam- paign IS a campaign volunteer for the mterv lell 109 IIIIIIe I took the m the recall campaIgn, but had photos saId that the school reorgal1lzatlOn Anderson III one of the dlstncts After gettlllg .'>hob ot pitcher.'> Issue should have been put before Mrs Marl' claimed the charges do109 theIr .'>tuffdnd ~hortstop.'> the voters, Brownscombe said have been brought now because stoppmg, I needed a shot of a Many people lumped the cand!- her growmg support from people batter I wanted to make It dates together WIth the recall last on both SIdes of last year's con- artsy-craftsy, so I thought I~d year, somethmg she hopes doesn't troversy The resurrectIOn of recall shoot agamst the sun Frank happen thiS year. Mrs Marl' said will only reopen old wounds m the I,as the guy I grabbed, but we She makes no mistake about her community had a bit of a problem posItion on the ongmal school reor- Clay agreed, notmg that It'S The sun was so high In the sky gamzatlon plan, which she said pOSSible that while some former I would have had to lay down on was flawed and presented poorly. recall workers are clustenng the muddy field to positIOn him She took to the podlUm Sept 19, around candidates perceIved to be agamst It, so mstead we dragged 1983 at a publIc hearmg at Maire pro-recall, former CARE members over a trash contamer, turned It Elementary School attended by and workers may be sldrng With the upSide down, and Frank scram- more than 400 people to vOice her candIdates perceived as anti bled on top to pose whIle I shot oPPOSitIOn recall, redrawmg the Imes of last and kept my trousers clean She dIdn't plan on speakmg that year He was a pretty good sport evemng, but was mcensed by com- While It'S an attempt to lay gUlIt about It too, stayHlg up there ments that quahty educahon de- by aSSOCiatIOn,recall should not be holdmg hIS bat gnmly In the all' pendmg on more students m bUlld- an Issue 111 thIS campaign because while hIS teammates tossed a mgs "The more they talked about recall IS dead, Mrs Marl' SaId few remarks at h1m It, the more It troubled me," Mrs Votes should not be cast based on Marl' added candrdates' pOSitIOns on past IS- Anvhow Frank, that stunnmg Photo by Tom Greenwood silhouette III the sports .'>ectlOnIS The next year, she worked With sues, but how they stand on Issues you the school system m developrng ItS that affect the future of the svstem. One less mansion along Lake St. Clair full-day kmdf'rgarten, part of her she added • Thanks for pranks This was the view from L.akeshoreRoad last week as the wrecker's ball demolished the home Boy, talk about the power of of the late Eloise Webber, who died in 1982, leaving the house unoccupied since then, Located the press In last week's DetrOIt at 437 Lakeshore, the nearly six-acre estate is next to a nearly eight-acre parcel which formerly Intervention asked Free Press east SIde sectIOn III held the home of Henry Ford II. The 76-room Ford house was demolished earlier and 18 cluster- the ."Dateline" column, the type homes are being constructed on the site. The Webber estate was purchased by 457 Lakeshore Freep reported lone week after Limited Partnership, (comprised of Henry Ford and William Caldwell, of the Caldwell Equity Co.) us) that the students at South and builders have Indicated they hope to construct 16 more cluster homes on the grounds of the for troubled youth High had started the semor class Webber estate in the future. prank season bJ movmg out 200 By Nancy Parmenter LlVoma model on which Judge oak chaIrs and '10tables from the A proposal for a youth assIstance SchneIder saId she had based her school cafetena program Similar to those now m ef- proposal, It will prOVIde tramed The Fnendly then saId thmgs fect m many Wayne and Oakland volunteer counselors to work one- were qUIet at North I-IlghSchool Public safety vote delayed county communrtles IS makmg the on-one WIth the youth Volunteers where "the annual prank usual- rounds of the Pomtes' city counCIls would also fIll clencal pOSItIOns years down the road, the hrst per- ly mvolves stealmg an elght- By Pat Paholsky The vote to delay a deCISIOncame under the gUIdance of Woods Mum- and staff a speakers' bureau foot-tall fIberglass statue of the The Park counCil Will vote on son at the door 1'.'111be m a car when Councilman Mark Valente clpal Judge PatrrcIa Schneider The Llvoma program, which has Big Boy from a local restaurant whether or not to consolidate police "It's the wave of the future," said.
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