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Absolute Security THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23. liOO. 7 WHY HEJSUREB YESTERDAY’S MARKETS. GO ON YOUR BOND.^ W, & of I .:o l:nie In tLt ?-WILL RAILROAD Specialist W. The Greatest OOTTOX -h* I i.er.nes Gives MOVEMENT YARN’S. Treuiujer.t V. 'COTTON of ¦ Bonding and Trust Baltimore, Md. AND branches: « iiM? G.:*lVjmiiiu.lAttention. « New York, Feb. 21.—Na 10s-l and American Company, drc'rr* 1 eve a rrrtnhi ran.ber of rtork ren: 12s-l warps, at No. 14s-l s’ cum to Surety Bonds. UNI edies whlVh'ii.. iv lh all «L:cli rtcmct al warps, at Assets Over $2 500,000. Business Confined AND ATLANTIC COAST 'ibis is m t t-L li“tliaua»*s I.rer: at No. 16»-1 warps, of aimiiar. (u; t> ’.villili misJJiftttoc!.most State, and Countie* RAILROAD COMPANY OR care BECOMES HEAVIER 17Va‘. No. 20s-l warps, at 18; No. 225-l Accepted as sole security by U. S. Government and the lallydiiif,noted and ihe ox SOUTH CAROLINA. act poiiiiou of ti.e disease ( warps, at 19; No. 20s-1 warps, at 20; North Carolina. conuitii n delerminod. Thu every care is treated separ No. 0s to 10s bunch yam, at 15-15%; Condensed Schedule. atciy ai.il modiclhcs are ad No. 12s-l, «t 10; No. 14s-l, at 10% No. Solicit the Bonds of nil nlstor od which ari 10s-l at 17; at 19-20; ospeciuHj jrepared unur : Receipts No. 20s-l, No. County, City and Federal Officers, Administrators, Executors, etc., Dr. Lai ha way’s persona February’s Prom- at 20; No. 20s-l, at 20; No. Bs-2 rBAHTS eOINS SOOTH 3« 22.5-1. Bank, Corporation and railroad officers, Guardians, Receiver* and Assignee#, rcrvlsicn forrarli ea.se. ply soft yarn, at 15%-10; No. 10s-2 ply 1\ otw o people nro affcetei Deputy Collectors, Gaugers, etc., Cotton and Tobacco Buyers, BATHS No2B Noßs No 108 Noil No4B by a partlculardlsoaFOintb( ise to Break Month's soft yarn, at 10%; No. Bs-2 ply hard, ¦ame learner, consequent Insurance and Fertilizer Contractors and Builders, July 81,1899. Daily Daily Dali* Dally Daily Ir ro <w>) jx'O! !e phould 1< at 15%: No. 10s-2 ply hard, at 16%; No. Postmasters, Letter Carriers, etc. Tobacco and Cigar M,f,s. Ex. Sun treated Inthe same way ever Record, ply hard, at 17; No. 14s-2 ply, at AH PM PHAM PM l2a-2 - for ti e same complaint And all persons occupying positions of trust and responsibility. Lv Weldon 1150 858 L'r. Hathnwey.ls a epoclal 18; No. 10s-2 ply, at 18%; No. 20s-2 ply, Correspondence. Rocky Mt 12 66 952 t (a ti e best sense of tbs Reasonable Rates and Prompt Attention to Ar No. - word- 1:0 trea’s specialdls at 20%-21; No. 245-2 ply, at 23; L* Tarboro 12 21 600 efl®o3 in a ?r y'clnl Trnnr.er rs fclr.r.ivn—a? yetcm ftnt.jrd 20s-2 ply, at 24; No. 30s-2 ply yam, at LvRocky Mt 100 962 687 640 12 52 cut yearn arovi-noh collect. er.<l ter-It.-Iproe.tce Such is the Estimate of Price, McCormick & Wanted. LV Wilson 158 10 26 716 620 240 “anno ply Bs-3, and Reliable Agents —— erd irerroved and i-tilcrr*H uron cor.r.tartly 27; No. 40s-2 at 35; No. 4 Lv Selma 266 1110 the twenty years riro<*~-wcrty yerrs of the mo?, 5 ply, at No. 20s-2 ply chain In all seats and important in which we are not at present rap- Lt Fayetrllle 480 12 22 exteusive practice crioycd tmrr sprcii.il't >n tui‘ Co. At Sea Rfgarding the March 15-15%; county towns succew chain Aj Florence 725 224 . eonrtry. t>r. Flntl-.avvn v"'" rrt atf ml rniforrn warps, at. 22; No. 245-2 ply resented. Address, pm Am lsdi:e tn this ini’fvirirnlpyf tom of trraluiert. of the warps, 24; ply chain warps, V «-Vi n-i 1 65 - Dr. l'alh.'vrnv inches eo ctrir-e fer consoltatio! Movement at No. 265-2 DAM CV General AreUf >r ArGoldsboro —; and advice at, either his office or l y r*a'.s. at 25; No. 30s-2 ply chain warps, at RDI D, nAINLY, RALEIGH, N. C. 1 Lt Goldsboro 7 M 821 J. NZWTOG HATHAWAY, M. C. Stap'e. 27-28; lGs-3 ply hard twist, at Lt Magnolia —*- *OO 426 I>r. flat hairitr A <¦<>?, No. ArWilm’gton o*o 660 hard twist, at f M AN 7 If 23)f South ftrotul street. Atlanta,Ga. New York. Feb. 22.—(8i»ecinl.) —Price, 18%; No. 20s-3 ply Jtr:;T;ntTi(W pater r*Pnv wkitiyo. 20%-21; ply hard twist, at McCormick A: Co.'s Weekly Cotton Re- No. 20s-3 ESTABLISHED 1865. nArni soiita hobth. 24: Bs-3 warp, at No. 40s 2 the No. 15%: No 78 No 102 17082 No 40 No 48 view ssuys that cotton market dur- warps, at 30-30. Dally Daily Dally Bally Dally ing the Twist week has fluctuat- Kx.Snn & AM PM ed withinl narrow limits. The LIVERPOOL. ALLISON 940 746 ADDISON’S Lt Florenoe 2?,- 4 cot- Lt FayetTille 12 20 848 most salient feature has been the relative LivaßPooL. February P. M.—®oot 10 60 ton, model ate demand; prices l-16d higher; Lt Seuna 160 ABSOLUTE HBS ~ .strength of the near positions, as com- American middling fair 5 good middling AxWilson 285 with the weakness of August and 5 3-32d; middling 4 -32 d; jow middling 4 29-32 d; pared ordinary 4 M; ordinary 4 i7-82d Lt Wilm’gton good 28-3 - *• the Liverpool has The sales ofthe dav were B,uuu Dales, ot which Standard Hiah-Grade Lt Magnolia, | new crop deliveries. 927 12 80 I,OtX) were for speculation and export, and in- Lt Goldsboro 600 been distinctly reactionary in tone; and cluded 7,‘.00 Americar. Receipts 10/00 bales, in- Leading Brands : PM AM PM PM American Lt Wilson 286 648 1188 10 80 118 SECURITY. the there is substantial. But cluding tf.HOO 625 12 09 1111 168 I decline finite Futures opened steady and closed quiet and Ar Rocky Mt 880 the New Y'ork market has not fully re- steady. Ar Tarboro 7 04 Brand, —• American middling, low middlingclause; Star Lt Tarboro 12 21 sjxmded to this weakness, andi the differ- February FERTILIZERS Lt Rocky Mt 880 12 00 4 68 Genuine Ar Weldon 4 82 100 and March .. 69(3 4 61 Brand, | once between, May here and February 4 Anchor PM contracts March and April 4 66@>4 u7 PM AM ! Mjiy-Jline's in Liverpool, which at one Apriland May 4 53 Bonanza, tDally except Monday. {Daily exoept Sunday ' time during the recent excitement wn» May and June 4 50 Wmnington ana Weldon Railroad, Yadkin j as great as 120 points, has diminished June and July 4 47*4 48 Little Giant, FOR Division Main Line—Train Leaves Wilmington Carter’s July and August 4 45*4 46 900 a m. arrives Fayetteville 12 12 p m, leaves points. |to between 75 and 80 The late August and Septeembr 4 89*4 40 Fayetteville 12 25 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. tendency shown by Liverpool marks the September and October.., 4 21*4 22 Acid Phosphate. Returning leaves Sanford 2 80 p m, arrives Fay- of spot October and November 4 li etteville 8 41pm. leaves Fayettev lUe 8 46 p m, ar- i cessation the demand, and also 4 97 p liquidation November and ueoeniLer rives Wilmington 040 m Little Liver Pills. | Indicates a on the part of W ilminston and Weldon Railroad, Bennetts- ! outside speculators of sai long interest cre- RALEIGH COTTON ville Branch—Train leaves Bennettsvilleßl6a m, ated there during the recent advance. In BauMen, N. 0., February 2i. Used Maton 920 am, Red Springs 958 am, Hope Must Bear Signature of 8?j for 30 Years in Mills 10 42 am, arrives Fayetteville 10 65. Re- fact, it looks as if Liverpool this sea- Middling Tobacco. Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Cotton Mills turning leaves Hope Strict middling B*4 5 35 m, Maxton 6 16 m, son was really in the position of an Strict good middling 8I( Virginia, 4 56 p m, Red Springs p p eleventh-hour bull, and that Market steady arrives Bennettsville 715 p m. it has bought Receipts 8 naies. with train No. 78 after Virginia, Connections at Fayetteville cotton the facts upon which the PRODUCE. West at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad Springs and advance w-vs based rather than before. Grown Chickens. 70 926 North Carolina, at Red Springs with the Red Bow- See Wrapper Below. In New York the strength of the Spring ciiicaens 16 *ri7>4 more Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Fac-Slmile 16 *l7 and Southern Railway,at Gulf with the positions is almost entirely due to Hm AirLine near Butter 16 *4O South Carolina. Durham and ( harlotte Rail rosed. Very small and as easy ! the apprehension which exists in regard Train on the Bootland Neck Branch Road Corn, 8 4 16 p m, ar- to take as sugar. j to the stock of cotton in this market. The Tennessee. Vegetables. leaves Weldon 86 p m. Halifax 08 p 6 67 p of STATE NEWS. rives Scotland Neck 6 m, Greenville j quantity cotton certificated and avail- m, Kinston 766 p m, Returning leaves Kin meaoachl i able for immediate delivery on contracts ston 760 am, Greenville 862 am, arriving at evening Our Motto; “Not How Cheap, But How Good.” 1118 am, Weldon 1188 a tn.
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