THETHE BARBAR ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION OFOF MONTGOMERYMONTGOMERY COUNTY,COUNTY, MDMD EWSLEEWSLETTETTE NN Pride in Membership, Leadership in Justice RR Volume 61, issue 7 January 2014 prESiDEnT’S MESSAgE By Richard H. Melnick bAr LunCHEon SCHEDuLE Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to NO January Bar Luncheon change the world. February 4, 2014 – Speaker: Douglas F. Gansler, Current Update -Nelson Mandela 3 Happy New Year, everyone! Attorney General of Maryland As we begin 2014, I look for- March 11, 2014 April 1, 2014 6 A Balancing Act ... ward to all of us working Rockville United Methodist Church together and communicating, as 112 W. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD Legal Ethics attorneys and members of this 12:15p.m. - 1:00p.m. Article Bar Association, with a If you have a dietary restriction and 9 renewed resolve, civility, com- require a special meal, please contact passion, courage, and passion that leads us to Cindy at
[email protected] at least 1 11 Tech Talk achieve great success in our professional and per- week prior to the luncheon. Please indicate sonal lives. We are a strong community of attor- what type of dietary restriction you have. New Practitioners neys who, through our association with one anoth- 12 er, bring great value to our clients, one another, and bAr ASSoCiATion oF our society. MonTgoMEry CounTy 13 Committees/Sections Near the end of 2013, the world sadly lost ELECTion noTiFiCATion Nelson Mandela, a man who exhibited great For oFFiCErS AnD insert Bar Foundation courage, vision, and leadership in overcoming ExECuTiVE CoMMiTTEE A CLE Seminars unjust imprisonment and peacefully bringing people In compliance with Article VII of the together in a conflict-ridden South Africa.