Volume 59, Issue 11 May 2012 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BAR REVUE 2012 – By Jack Quinn “If It Ain’t Barak Don’t Fix It” Thanks – For the oppor- Bar Revue 2012 – Organizational Meeting/ 3 Current Update tunity! For some nice memo- Rehearsal – Monday, April 30th at 7:00 ries! For the new friends I have in the 9th Floor Lounge of Circuit A Balancing Act ... made! For the chance to work Court 5 on some stuff I think was and is If you saw Bar Revue last year (or even important! For the chance to heard about last year's ground-breaking 10 Feature Article step out of my ownself, my day- show) you must join us this year. Bar to-day lawyer-working-on-cases Revue is a great opportunity to connect with 11 Tech Talk self and to reflect on the broader other members of the Bar in an informal, issues of being a human being, lawyer man in an fun, and fundraising setting! The Powers oftentimes amorphous system of justice. Thanks for that Be have met and drafted out this years 13 New Practitioners the opportunity to be inspired and for exposure to show and while we have a hard act to fol- the people who have inspired. Really! Thanks! low, there is huge potential that this year 14 Committees/Sections I am often asked whether the work as President will even outdo last year's production! If is very time consuming. Can’t think of any issues or you don't think you have any talent and Insert Bar Foundation things we ignored. Got a few things done, including wouldn't be right, you're wrong. If you are A Bar Revue some important things, but I never felt overwhelmed even considering your talent, we would love or really stressed. Why? I could attribute it to my to have you join the cast and we will find a organizational strengths and focus but no one would place to showcase you! You wouldn't be Insert Annual Meeting & Law buy that. practicing law in Montgomery County if B Day Celebration The Bar Association of Montgomery County is you didn't have an inner-thespian who tries an institution developed over many years. We have to jump out every year Bar Revue rolls Bar Foundation important customs and habits. Committees and sec- around. So indulge that voice and join us 20 CLE Insert tions (with the real leaders and workers) who under- this year! From a tango at the jail to a guest stand ongoing expectations. Most importantly, we appearance from Emily Latella, to a song 28 Pro Bono have a well organized, well trained, well led staff on Obamacare, this year's show is destined many years in the making. Julie Petersen is a mar- to be chock full of great performances. vel. Really! She is intelligent, organized, focused. Please join us! If you have any questions, 29 Specialty Bar Most importantly, she is funny and fun. She is calm do not hesitate to call at (301) 213-4535. Associations and a true leader. She is a leader in the pursuit of See you Monday the 30th!! doing better, of doing the right thing. The exciting 30 Rent/Lease Ads momentum to do good which began under the inspi- ration of Trish Weaver would never have been pos- BAR REVUE sible without the encouragement and support of Attorney Opportunity ~ 32 Julie. Similarly, the strides made on Drug Court, Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Ads Special Olympics, Membership Benefits, the Constitution rewrite, the Mentor-Mentee program, Dinner: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. etc. all were advanced by Julie’s leadership and Glenview Mansion 34 States Attorney labor. So if you have ever been deterred from Schedules pursuing a leadership position by the fear of an Show: 8:00 p.m. overwhelming time commitment, take my word, F. Scott Fitzgerald Civic Center no reason not to jump in and swim. ~ 35 Judges Schedules I’m also asked whether it is fun? – it has been. Register Now ... See Insert This Issue Frustrating? – not really. Worthwhile? – I look at the or visit our website at faces of Special Olympians, deserving Pro Bono Back Calendar Cover (Continued on page 4) INSIDE THIS ISSUE FOR YOUR INFORMATION

2011-2012 Bar Association ... Main Line ... (301) 424-3454 Officers and Chairs Julie Executive Director ...... (301) 424-3453 ASSOCIATION OFFICERS [email protected] President: John M. Quinn President-Elect: Daniel M. Kennedy, III Maria Office Manager/LRS Supervisor ...... (301) 424-7040 Treasurer: Bradford S. Bernstein [email protected] Treasurer-Elect: James A. Mood, Jr. Cindy Association Administrative Assistant ...... (301) 762-8376 Secretary: Mimi L. Magyar [email protected] Past President: Patricia M. Weaver Executive Director: Julie Petersen Monika ...... (301) 424-6351 [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Steven T. Blomberg Lauri E. Cleary Marleni Lawyer Referral Service Operator ...... (301) 279-9100 William C. Davis, III } Lawyer Line ...... (301) 424-7040 Marjorie G. DiLima [email protected] and [email protected] Mark A. Gilday Monica G. Harms Maura L. Lynch Bar Foundation Wanda Martinez Michael L. Rowan Yesenia CLE Seminars and Events Coordinator ...... (301) 340-2534 Joan E. Ryon [email protected] Patricia P. Via John S. Weaver New Practitioners Co-Chairs: Pro Bono Program Casey W. Florance & Christopher W. Roberts Client Intake Lines ...... (301) 424-7651 ...... (301) 424-7652 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Assoc./Found. – Ann. Mtg. & Law Day – James A. Mood, Jr., Chair – The following staff listing is not for public information. It is for attorney use only. (301) 424-0400 Bench/Bar-Circuit – David C. Merkin, Co-Chair – (301) 251-1180; Clarice, Program Administrator (Part-Time) ...... (301) 762-5831 Michael A. Taylor, Co-Chair – (301) 251-2772 Bench/Bar-District Court – Richard D. London, Chair – (301) 588-6900 [email protected] Community Outreach - Heather S. Collier, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090; Rhian McGrath, Co-Chair – (301) 907-2804 Jennifer Office Administration / Client Coordination ...... (301) 424-2706 Fee Dispute Resolution – Carlos M. Lastra, Co-Chair – (301) 869-1700; Karen Robbins, Co-Chair – (301) 260-0223 [email protected] Judicial Selections – Michael L. Rowan, Chair – (301) 762-1696; H. Kenneth Armstrong, II, Vice Chair – (301) 251-0440 Ingrid Office Administration / Client Coordination ...... (301) 762-8488 Lawyer to Lawyer – Daniel W. Gaskill, Chair – (301) 279-7400 [email protected] Lawyer Referral – Elizabeth G. Loggia, Chair – (301) 340-9393 Legal Ethics – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650; Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1333 Legislation – Hadrian N. Hatfield, Chair – (301) 230-6575 Membership Benefits – David W. Lease, Co-Chair – (301) 838-8950; Michael J. Bramnick, Co-Chair – (301) 634-3117 FOR LAWYERS WHO Nominations & Elections – Mimi L. Magyar – (301) 347-1260 BAR FOUNDATION OFFICERS Social – Monica G. Harms, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3230; NEED HELP Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair – (240) 777-9119 Softball – Matthew S. Tidball, Chair – (301) 762-7770 (Effective July 1, 2011) Specialty Bar Associations – To Be Appointed If you are aware of attorneys who are having Strategic Planning – David A. Pordy, Chair – (301) 230-5205 problems with alcohol, drugs, stress, emotional President: Patricia M. Weaver. Technology – Sebastian Forgues Co-Chair – (240) 507-1700; Behzad Gohari, Co-Chair – (301) 761-3000 problems and related illnesses that interfere with President-Elect: John M. Quinn Unauthorized Practice of Law – Ronald M. Abramson, Chair – their professional or personal lives, please call the Treasurer: Audrey A. Creighton (301) 9172358 Youth Courthouse Project – Holly D. Reed, III, Co-Chair – Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee. Committee mem- Secretary: Lili Khozeimeh (301) 587-9480; Patricia P. Via, Co-Chair – (240) 777-6721 bers are available to assist lawyers find confidential Past President: E. Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jr. effective programs to suit their needs. SECTION CHAIRS All calls are strictly confidential. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alternative Dispute Resolution – Eric C. Johnson, Co-Chair – (301) 977-8002; Judith A. Mustille, Co-Chair – (301) 424-1720 Daniel W. Gaskill, Chair Michael G. Banks Kevin G. Hessler Business Law – Robert M. Gottschalk, Co-Chair – (202) 530-3300; Phone: (301) 279-7400 Hon. Mary Ellen Barbera Heather Q. Hostetter Marc B. Bergoffen, Co-Chair – (301) 656-2707 Collaborative Law – Suzy L. Eckstein, Co-Chair – E-mail: [email protected] Lynn C. Boynton Paul F. Kemp (301) 424-8081; Darcy A. Shoop, Co-Chair – (301) 340-7950 Douglas M. Bregman Mimi L. Magyar Commercial Litigation – Mary C. Lombardo, Co-Chair – (301) 838- Jeannie K. Cho J. Stephen McAuliffe, III 3226; J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0734 FRIENDS OF BILL W. Criminal Law – Jessica L. Zarrella, Co-Chair – (240) 777-7469; Heather Collier Rachel T. McGuckian Carlotta A. Woodward, Co-Chair – (301) 424-6366 LAWYER MEETING Hon. Gary L. Crawford A. Howard Metro Education Law – Patrick J. Hoover, Co-Chair – (301) 424-5777; Hon. John W. Debelius, III John C. Monahan Lynndolyn Mitchell, Co-Chair – (301) 340-2541; For time and location of the meetings, please David S. De Jong James A. Mood, Jr. Karen S. Smith, Co-Chair – (240) 383-2555 Elder Law – Morris Klein, Chair – (301) 652-4462 call Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee member, Dan Paul B. DeWolfe David A. Pordy Employment Law – Laurel N. Anchors, Co-Chair – (301) 990-6065; Gaskill at (301) 279-7400. Paul H. Ethridge Andrew L. Schwartz Gwenlynn W. D’Souza, Co-Chair – (301) 452-1888 Mary Ellen Flynn Harry C. Storm Estates & Trusts – Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair – (301) 230-5223 Family Law – Julie B. Christopher, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3257; BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD Jo B. Fogel Hon. Roger W. Titus Erin L. Kopelman, Co-Chair – (301) 347-1261; Hon. Ann S. Harrington Donna E. Van Scoy Samantha H. Kravitz, Co-Chair – (301) 913-5236 NEWSLETTER Immigration – Matthew R. Glinsmann, Chair – (301) 987-0030 (USPS 430-930) ISSN-1079-0780 Intellectual Property & Technology – Michael L. Greenberg, Co-Chair – is published monthly except July/August combined COMMITTEE CHAIRS (202) 625-7000; Howard A. Newman, Co-Chair – (202) 544-8040 Bar Revue – Steven J. Bienstock – (301) 251-1600 Juvenile Law – Daniel W. Gaskill, Co-Chair – (301) 279-7400; at $25.00 per year by the Cable T.V./Law School for the Public – Lauri E. Cleary, Co-Chair – To Be Announced, Co-Chair – Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD (301) 657-0176 & William C. Davis, III, Co-Chair – (240) 507-1711 Law Firm Management – Amy B. Strent, Chair – (301) 657-0010 CLE Breakfasts – Diana H. Metcalf, Chair – (301) 251-6707 New Practitioners – Christopher W. Roberts, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090; 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850-4200 Continuing Legal Education – Margaret M. Schweitzer, Chair – (240) 777-7327 Casey W. Weinberg, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3318 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Diversity – Charles B. Day, Chair – (301) 344-0393 Mentor/Mentee (sub of New Practitioners) - Samantha H. Kravitz, Rockville, 20850-4200 Endowment – Joseph P. Suntum, Chair – (301) 762-5212 Co-Chair – (301) 913-5236; Jeremy Rachlin, Co-Chair – Facilities – Patrick C. McKeever, Chair – (301) 762-5212 (301) 656-8840 POSTMASTER: Fall Outing – James R. Hammerschmidt, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9338 & Chamber Chats – Aindrea M. Conroy, Chair – (301) 762-1696 Send address changes to: Alison W. Rind, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0750 Personal Injury Litigation – Paul S. Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) – Governance – Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair – (301) 657-8808 (301) 230-5230 & Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 791-6924 Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, Newsletter Pro Bono – Michael J. Goecke, Chair – (301) 657-0185 Real Estate – Matthew D. Alegi, Co-Chair – (301) 230-6574 & 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 School Mock Trial – Bradford S. Bernstein, Chair – (301) 517-4811 Alexis H. Peters, Co-Chair – (301) 255-0538 Julie Petersen, Executive Director & Editor Speakers Bureau – Ivonne C. Lindley, Chair (Public Division) – (301) 838-3217 Taxation – Chaya Kundra, Chair – (301) 424-7585 & Rene Sandler, Chair (School Division) – (301) 610-9797 Workers Compensation Law – William J. Inman, Co-Chair – Cindy Brandenburg, Assistant & Advertising Editor Youth Initiative Program – Rene Sandler, Chair – (301) 610-9797 (301) 315-9400 & Jeffrey W. Stickle, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770

2 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 CURRENT UPDATE

ADULT DRUG COURT CIRCUIT COURT NOTES LEGAL ETHICS GRADUATION TO BE HELD ON JUNE 6 The celebration of Law Day on May HOTLINE 1 is a celebration of the rule of law and its The Honorable Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., role in upholding democracy. In 1970, A.P. Pishevar ...... 301-279-8773 The Honorable Joseph M. Quirk and the then Supreme Court Warren David Gardner ...... 301-762-8475 Montgomery County Circuit Court invite Burger wrote: For a written confidential opinion, submit you to the 12th Adult Drug Court "A sense of confidence in the courts your written request, marked confidential, Graduation on June 6, 2012 at 4 p.m., to Jeffrey M. Axelson, c/o Bar Association is essential to maintain the fabric of of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Courtroom 1, Circuit Court. Reception ordered liberty for a free people and Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. following. three things could destroy that con- For information, please contact fidence and do incalculable damage Austine Long, Drug Court Coordinator at to society: that people come to County recognizes its duty to be account- 240-777-9141. believe that inefficiency and delay able to the public it serves for the fair, will drain even a just judgment of effective, efficient, and timely execution 2011 JUVENILE BENCH/BAR its value; that people who have long of its constitutionally mandated func- MEETINGS SCHEDULE been exploited in the smaller trans- tions. Significant gains have been made actions of daily life come to believe through the implementation of the CINA (Courtroom #18 / 12:30 p.m.) that courts cannot vindicate their Differentiated Case Management Plans Wednesday, May 16 legal rights from fraud and over- that were revised in consultation with Wednesday, July 18 reaching; that people come to leading members of the bar. Wednesday, October 17 believe the law - in the larger sense At the request of both plaintiffs; and DELINQUENCY - cannot fulfill its primary function defendants’ counsel, Settlement (Courtroom #19 / 12:30 p.m.) to protect them and their families in Conferences in Track 3 cases were Wednesday, June 20 their homes, at their work, and on included as part of the revised Civil DCM Wednesday, September 19 the public streets." Plan and implemented in April 2011. Wednesday, November 21 The Circuit Court for Montgomery (Continued on page 5)

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, cont’d

(Continued from page 1) recipients, Drug Court aspirants, and oth- ers who benefit from the offerings and activities of the Bar Association of CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Montgomery County and answer “absolutely”. Most important on the ques- tion of worthwhile is the importance of our ELECTION WINNERS role, actual and aspirational, in the devel- oping lives of young people. When we 2012-2013 Officers and Executive Committee support or inspire a young lawyer to be all the right kind of lawyer, the benefit to the world is exponential. Hundreds maybe President: Daniel M. Kennedy thousands of their clients over a career will President-Elect: Richard H. Melnick benefit from that young lawyer having Treasurer: James A. Mood, Jr. benefitted from our efforts. I recently Treasurer-Elect: James R. Hammerschmidt attended a Mentor-Mentee reception. Well Secretary: Carlotta A. Woodward attended, fun. One excited, smart, promis- ing, earnest young lawyer after another. Legends Glenn Cooper, Mike Conroy, Executive Committee: Trish Weaver, and Ron Canter to name a New 2-Year Term 1-Year Remaining in Term few interacted in ways fun, informational Victor M. Del Pino William C. Davis, III and inspirational. These lions (and Marc R. Emden Wanda Martinez lionesses) of the Bar treated these youn- guns as equals, as colleagues. I enjoyed John M. Maloney Michael L. Rowan each of these budding young superstars. Donna E. McBride Joan E. Ryon One stood out and one moment above the Rhian McGrath Patricia P. Via rest. It was explained to me that this P. Lindsay Parvis John S. Weaver young lawyer left a lucrative career in business to become a lawyer. A personal family experience had occurred. I learned that it left aspiring counsel feeling power- less to help a loved one. The look on counsel’s face said more. It said that she knew what we should never forget, that as Congratulations to our BAMC Members who made lawyers we have a unique ability, an The Daily Record’s Maryland’s Top 100 Women unparalleled opportunity to help those we Judge Sharon V. Burrell should care about, family, friends, Marylin Pierre strangers. What a gift. Patricia Weaver So thanks, Bar Association for that moment and everything else during this past really nice year.


n 24 Hour Cell (301) 252-0706 n Skip Tracing n Unlimited Attempts n Rush Services within 48 hours n Court Filings Available n Scheduled Pickups


4 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 CURRENT UPDATE

(Continued from page 3) With a year’s worth of Settlement A BALANCING ACT Conferences now completed, along with greater emphasis on both court-ordered This is the part of the newsletter that is here to help you de-stress and lead a more and private ADR as early as possible, we balanced life. Each month, our newsletter will give you a tip that you might imple- ment. are pleased to report a significant majori- ty of cases now settle at or before the Doing regular things like exercise, yoga or mediation are important to reduce Settlement Conferences, with far fewer your stress and make your life and practice more balanced. Regular vacations are cases resolving on the trial date without important too. Just planning a vacation can make the two months before it more bal- going to trial. This has resulted in less anced because you know it’s in the calendar. crowded trial dockets, and with the judi- When you plan a vacation, it’s important to make it as stress free as you can. If cial vacancies now filled, near elimina- you stay connected to the office the whole time you are gone, it might lack the qual- tion of the TBA docket. This would not ity you may need to really let go of your stress. If you have to stay connected, per- be possible without the cooperation and haps you can do some things to improve yourself and your practice so that you feel support of the majority of the members of more comfortable taking time off. Ideas like getting good coverage and better del- the bar handling civil matters. egating skills might help. In reviewing the Settlement Coming back to the office refreshed let’s you see your practice from a different Conference process, several issues vantage point, which can help you make it better. remain obstacles to achieving an even higher resolution rate: Geoff Gilbert is a former practicing CPA at Ernst & Young and business attorney in Montgomery County. He now coaches Lawyers, CPA's and Executives to help them manage their practices bet- • In a small percentage of cases, ter and teaches stress related courses at the University of Maryland in College Park. You can reach parties, representatives with authority to him through his website at settle, and even counsel do not appear; • Discovery is incomplete, with the discovery deadline having passed, no will work with the parties and make rec- other caseloads scheduled for trial pre- motion has been filed seeking to extend ommendations to the Court as to whether dictably and promptly. discovery or otherwise notify the Court Settlement Conferences and Pretrial Your comments and suggestions are that the case is not in posture for a Hearings need to be moved to resolve always welcome. Settlement Conference; issues or proceed. Counsel are urged to John W. Debelius, Administrative Judge for • ADR has been ordered and sched- adhere to Scheduling Order deadlines or Montgomery County, Maryland uled to occur AFTER the Settlement request their extension prior to their expi- CHANGES IN THE FAMILY Conference, without leave of the Court; ration. Finally, in those cases in which DIVISION • Unresolved dispositive motions. appearance will impose a significant Court staff in the Assignment Office hardship on a party or authorized repre- The Family Division’s case man- who have been contacting counsel two sentative, any motion granted to allow agement section, has undergone sever- weeks in advance of the Settlement telephonic participation will require just al changes in the last few months. As of Conference are now requesting additional that, participation by telephone, rather April 9th our changes are complete, information about the status of discovery, than mere availability. with some new and some familiar faces, ADR, and noting any unresolved With these additions and the bar’s as follows: motions. Cases with such issues are for- continued support, the Circuit Court will Rick Dabbs, Lead Family Division warded to the DCM Coordinator, who be able to reach the civil caseload and (Continued on following page)

ADULT DRUG COURT GRADUATION TO BE HELD ON JUNE 6 The Honorable Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., The Honorable Joseph M. Quirk and the Montgomery County Circuit Court invite you to the 12th Adult Drug Court Graduation on June 6, 2012 at 4 p.m., Courtroom 1, Circuit Court. Reception following. For information, please contact Austine Long, Drug Court Coordinator at 240-777-9141.

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 5 CURRENT UPDATE

(Continued from preceding page) Case Manager. Rick has been with the court for over two decades and has been a case manager since the inception of the Family DISTRICT COURT Division. He assumed duties as the Lead Family Division Case Manager in March. PRACTICE POINTER Christine Alexander, Case “Return to Files” Procedure Manager. Christine has been with the court for ten years, serving in Courtroom The issue of attorneys requesting cases to be “returned to files” has been raised Clerks and the Assignment Office before before. The history of this issue was that plaintiff’s attorneys would work out last she joined us. minute settlements with defendants with regard to a civil matter that would require Amanda Barrett, Case Manager. the defendant to perform the settlement over a period of time. An example would be Amanda has been with the Court over ten satisfying a debt with monthly payments payable over a year or two or longer. The years and came to us from the Master’s parties would negotiate that a judgment would not be entered so long as the defen- Office. dant made the payments, and once the defendant made all the payments, the case Marianne Hendricks, Case would be dismissed without a judgment. Manager. Marianne comes to us from Other times when attorneys wanted cases “returned to files”, it could be a mat- Legal Aid where she represented children ter of the defendant presenting a check to the attorney on the day of trial and the in Child Welfare Proceedings in this court. attorney needing a brief period of time to make sure that the check cleared. The Lili Khozeimeh, Adoption defendant may need to pay the balance of the claim when he got his tax refund, next Guardianship Case Manager, has been paycheck date, etc., or other delays which did not necessarily require an extended with us for two years and with the Court period of time, but nonetheless did not lend itself to a judgment or dismissal on the for four years. scheduled court date. It was a common practice in these types of cases, for the plaintiff to request that MCCC LAW LIBRARY – the case be “returned to files”. The plaintiff did not want his case to be dismissed CHECK IT OUT since he would have to re-file it if the defendant failed to make the payments. There Legislative Intent: Researching MD could be statute of limitations problems, service problems, etc. Legislative History The plaintiff’s attorney therefore wanted the ability to reset the case for trial if the Need to see a prior version of a defendant defaulted and the attorney could seek a judgment for the balance due at Maryland statute or research its legisla- the time. tive history? The Law Library offers an The defendant did not want a judgment because if he made the payments, he extensive collection of resources in our wanted the case dismissed, rather than a judgment on his or her record, once he or Maryland Historic section. she performed the settlement terms. Our Maryland Code volumes date back The people responsible for administering the courts were concerned that to 1860 and we have the Laws of Maryland “returning cases to files” left too many cases that were pending and not resolved. from 1826. These statute volumes, also They could not keep track of all the cases that were returned to files without a dis- known as Session Laws, are published in position. It became more important to have a disposition of cases so that the num- chapters in yearly compilations. The title ber of pending cases that were not being tracked could be resolved one way or the and body of the chapter reflect the final form other. of the act, including language added or The “return to files” practice was pretty much abolished. The courts came up stricken in the legislative process. with Maryland Rule 3-506 (b) to deal with these matters. This rule allows for a dis- The Maryland Bill Files (1976- position in the nature of a dismissal of the case so that it will not be pending indef- 1999) are a new addition to our collec- initely without a disposition. However, if there is a failure of the agreed upon terms, tion. These microfilm files contain infor- the action can be reopened in the future to enforce the settlement terms. mation about bills submitted to the Many attorneys still did not pursue a resolution under Rule 3-506(b). This may General Assembly's Standing be because the settlement came up on the day of trial, or the parties did not other- Committees for Review. They typically wise reduce their terms to writing, and file the terms with the court. Some attorneys include bill review letters from the may not have been aware of the procedure that the court had adopted for these Attorney General's Office, amendments, extended settlements. witness testimony, recorded votes and The court continues to get requests from attorneys to “return cases to correspondence from stakeholders. files”, which it does not want to do. The court has come up with a Lexis and Westlaw databases (avail- proposed order that it intends to issue when it receives requests from able in the Library free of charge) contain parties to “return cases to files”. The proposed order can be found at past code versions from 1992 to the present. Pointers -- ORDER.pdf. The legislative history of a Maryland Richard D. London, Esquire Rule can be researched by using our col- lection of the Maryland Register, which

6 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 CURRENT UPDATE

begins in 1974. To find rule changes, look year and is devoted to developing the seeks to have a membership that reflects in the Maryland Register’s Judiciary sec- ethical and trial advocacy skills of a rich diversity in race, gender, ethnic tion or on the Maryland Judiciary website, Montgomery County litigators. The Inn background, and practice specialty. ( currently comprises 113 members: 29 Applications are available and may be for the Maryland Court of Appeals Associates, 29 Barristers, 37 Benchers, obtained from Kathy Parker, Secretary Standing Committee on Rules and Practice and 18 Judges & Masters. Associates to Judge John W. Debelius, III, Circuit proposed and final Rules amendments. are recent law school graduates or attor- Court for Montgomery County, 50 Research the regulatory history of the neys licensed to practice law in Maryland Avenue, Room 901, Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Maryland for not more than five years. Rockville, MD 20850, telephone num- by using the Maryland Register. Associates serve a one-year term and ber: (240) 777-9212, email: Researchers can also find regulatory history there are 27 vacancies anticipated for [email protected], Dorothy Fait, at the Division of State’s document website, 2012-2013. Barristers are attorneys Membership Co-Chair of the Inn, One licensed to practice law in Maryland for Church Street, Suite 800, Rockville, MD TipsSearchCOMAR.pdf at least five years, who are of good char- 20850, (301) 251-0100, email: For those wanting to read more on acter and seek to improve their skills as [email protected], or Deborah Maryland legislative history, the trial or appellate advocates. Barristers L. Webb, Membership Co-Chair of Maryland State Law Library website serve a three-year term and 9 vacancies the Inn, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, offers a definitive article on the subject are anticipated for 2012-2013. Suite 460, Bethesda, Maryland 20814- entitled, Ghosthunting: Searching for Benchers are attorneys licensed to prac- 5367, (301) 657-0725, email: Maryland Legislative History, at tice law in Maryland, who have demon- [email protected]. Complete strated superior character, ability and applications are to be returned to any of researchtools/guides/ghosthunting.html competence as trial or appellate advo- the above no later than June 15, 2012. Remember you can find the answer fast cates. Benchers are honored with life- (and get quick tutorials on these sites) at time membership in the Inn, but vacan- KINDLES FOR KIDS the Montgomery County Circuit Court cies occasionally occur, so applications Did you get a new Kindle Fire or Law Library for Bencher positions are also being maybe an ipad over the holidays and Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., taken. don’t know what to do with your old 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville MD The Montgomery County Inn of Kindle? How about donating your gen- 240-777-9120 or [email protected] Court meets on the second Tuesday of the tly used, highly loved Kindle to the Kate Martin, month from September through May in Montgomery County Women’s Bar Circuit Court Law Librarian Rockville, for a social hour and dinner, Foundation. The Foundation will be followed by an educational presentation presenting used Kindles to children that THE LAWYER’S LITERARY in the Circuit Court. The Inn offers trial are in foster care in Montgomery CIRCLE advocacy programs, accentuating legal County. For more information call 240- excellence, civility, professionalism and 777-9372 or you can drop off your 2012 On Thursday, April 26th, our group ethics. tax deductible contribution at the will be discussing The Lemon Tree by Usually, the Montgomery County Judicial Center, 50 Maryland Avenue, Sandy Tolan. At some future meeting we Inn has been fortunate to have more Suite 612. plan to read and discuss Get Shorty, by qualified applicants than available Katherine D. Savage, President Elmore Leonard. vacancies. While preference is given to Montgomery County With some rare exceptions, all of our Montgomery County litigators, the Inn Women’s Bar Foundation meetings are held in the offices of Miles & Stockbridge P.C., 11 North Washington Street, Suite 700, Rockville, Maryland 20850, and begin at 4:30 in the afternoon. If any of your friends and associates would like to join our group, all they need to do is to show-up for any of our meet- ings – everyone is always welcome to attend and snacks are always served. Jim Demma, (301) 762-1600 MONTGOMERY COUNTY INN OF COURT MEMBERSHIP OPENINGS 2012-2013 The Montgomery County Inn of Court is completing its twenty fourth

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 7 List your Firm in The Find A Lawyer Area of the BAMC Website & the Area of Practice Listing in the Lawyer Directory

... NEW SIGN-UPS ONLY ... Attorneys already listed in the Find A Lawyer Section of the Website and * the Area of Practice Listing in the Lawyer Directory will be billed separately. * Don’t Be Left Out ...

Have your firm listed, with a link to your website, your registration is received within a specified in the Find A Lawyer area of the Bar Association time period). A single category listing is $110, website and, as an added bonus, your listing will with additional category listings for $10.00 each. also appear in the 2012-2013 Lawyer Directory There is no charge for a subcategory, as long as & Desk Reference Area of Practice section (if you are paying for the initial category.

NAME: ______WEBSITE: ______PHONE: ______(PLEASE PRINT)

Please print out the 2-page document (Find A Lawyer Categories), which can be found at associations/12896/files/Find%20a%20Lawyer%20Categories.pdf. Please highlight your Areas of Practice and return with this form.

Your initial category listing is $110, with each additional category being $10. There is no charge for the subcategory, as long as you are paying for the initial category.

Please make checks payable to the Bar ¨ NEW LISTINGS ... $ 110.00 Association of Montgomery County, MD and (Find A Lawyer Link and Area of Practice Listing forward with this form to: in the Lawyer Directory) 27 West Jefferson St. Additional Practice Area Rockville, MD 20850 Categories–$10 each $ ______TOTAL Amount Enclosed $ ______

RETURN BY JULY 31, 2012 (for inclusion in lawyer directory). If you have any questions or concerns, please call Cindy at 301-762-8376 Office Code – A/4099 Thank You To Our Capital Campaign Contributors

Diamond $60,000 Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. Stein Sperling Bennett DeJong Driscoll P.C. Platinum $40,000 Paley Rothman Gold $25,000 Linowes and Blocher, LLP Miles and Stockbridge, P.C. Miller, Miller & Canby, Chtd. Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. Silver $10,000 Armstrong, Donohue, Ceppos, Vaughan & Rhoades, Chtd. Dragga, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, LLP Ethridge, Quinn, Kemp, McAuliffe, Rowan & Hartinger McMillan Metro, P.C. Camilla O. McRory, Attorney at Law Offit Kurman David A. Pordy, Esq. Law Office of Donna E. Van Scoy Bronze $5,000 Andalman & Flynn, P.C. Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman E. Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jr., Esq. Jo Benson Fogel, P.A. Law Office of John S. Weaver Lynott, Lynott & Parsons, P.A. Montgomery County Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association Murphy & Mood, P.C. Nancy A. Sachitano, Esq. Supporters Protas, Spivok & Collins, LLC $2500 Ann S. Harrington $1,000 Mimi L. Magyar, Esq. $1,000 Hostetter Strent, LLC $1,000 David P. Modell, Esq. $500 Ronald Ogens, Esq. $500 Rebecca Strandberg, Esq. $500 For more information on how to become a contributor, please visit the Inside the Bar ... Building Renovation section of our website.

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 9 FEATURE ARTICLE

The Use of an Interpleader Action to Resolve a Fee Dispute With a Client By Stewart A. Sutton When a fee dispute arises with a The same is true for interpleaders in stakeholder. Walser, 316 Md. at 366. client, the attorney is obligated to main- District Court. Md. Rule 3-221(a) and In 1961, Maryland adopted Rules BU70 tain the disputed funds in the firm’s trust (d). and BU71 to govern interpleaders. The account. Maryland Rules, Rule 16- The client has a right to file a counter- Notes to Rule BU70 and BU71 made 607(2). The attorney may either sue the complaint for the interpled funds, clear that only an “impartial stakehold- client for the unpaid fee, or alternatively, including any independent claim for er” was entitled to recover attorney’s the attorney can file an interpleader damages against the attorney. Md. Rule fees and costs and that a plaintiff who action to have the disputed funds 2-331(a); Walser, 316 Md. at 384 claimed an interest in the interpled funds deposited with the court. Md. Rule (“where the defendant alleges an inde- was not entitled to recovers his costs or 2-221(b)(3). pendent liability based upon tort or attorney’s fees: There are several advantages of breach of contract, the defendant may be However, for purposes of interpleading the disputed fees. First, the seeking punitive or consequential dam- awarding plaintiff costs and disputed fees will earn interest when they ages which exceed the interpleaded counsel fees, it was felt that the are interpled. Secondly, the court in an funds”). court should be empowered to interpleader action can order a client to A. INTERPLEADER ORDER make the award only if the endorse a joint settlement check from an The initial interpleader order may plaintiff’s position in the case insurance carrier so it can be interpled, require that the disputed funds be deposit- was that of a “common-law” which may be crucial if the settlement ed with the court. Md. Rule 2-221(b)(3). stakeholder . . . Where the plain- check states that it must be deposited This initial order will also direct that any tiff is not an impartial stakehold- before a specified date. Md. Rule undisputed funds be disbursed to the er, he should be no better off 2-221(b)(2). Thirdly, the filing of an proper party. Md. Rule 2-221(b)(7). For than any other litigant with interpleader action to resolve a fee dis- example, when a client contends that his respect to costs and counsel pute is consistent with the mechanism to personal injury attorney’s 40% contin- fees. enforce a statutory attorney lien pursuant gency fee is unreasonable, the court Id. at 380 (quoting Note to Rule BU70) to Md. Rule 2-652(c). should disburse the undisputed 60% of (emphasis added). Under the common In an traditional interpleader action, the settlement to the client as well as any law, only a plaintiff who did not claim the plaintiff is an impartial stakeholder; undisputed expenses that the attorney had any interest in the property could file an the defendants are making adverse claims advanced. interpleader. Id. at 373. “[T]he rationale to the property; the court dismisses the When a client contends that the attor- behind this rule rests on the theory that impartial stakeholder; and the court des- ney is only entitled to quantum meruit the stakeholder should stand indifferent ignates one of the claimants as the plain- recovery due to being discharged for seri- towards the claimants”. Id. at 374. tiff and the other as the defendant. Md. ous misconduct, Scamardella v. Illiano, This doctrine that a plaintiff who Rule 2-221(b). Under the common law, 126 Md.App. 76, 95 (1999); Somuah v. claimed an interest in interpled funds was an interpleading plaintiff was required to Flachs, 352 Md. 241, 256, 264 (1998), not entitled to costs and attorney’s fees be completely indifferent to the this will not prevent the court from dis- was reiterated when Md. Rule 2- claimholders, meaning he could not have bursing the client’s percentage of a per- 221(b)(6) was adopted in 1984. Id. at 381 any interest in the disputed property nor sonal injury settlement. While the (stating that Maryland Rule 2-221 was liability to either claimant. Farmers & amount of the attorney’s quantum meruit “derived from both the former Maryland Mechanics National Bank v. Walser, 316 recovery is a question of fact, Head v. practice of Rule BU and the federal prac- Md. 366, 373 (1989). Head, 66 Md.App. 655, 669 (1986), it can tice under F.R.Civ.P. 22”). Any other With the 1984 adoption of Md. Rule never exceed attorney’s contingency fee result would grant an unfair advantage to 2-221(a), an interpleading plaintiff may percentage. Somuah 352 Md. at 268. a plaintiff who preemptively interpled now maintain a separate claim for part or B. ATTORNEY FEES property, where both the plaintiff and all of the interpled funds. Walser, 316 Md. Rule 2-221(b)(6) provides that defendant asserted adverse claims to the Md. at 380-82 (holding that “independent a plaintiff who files an interpleader may disputed property. liability is no longer a bar to an inter- be entitled to his costs and reasonable C. CONCLUSION pleader action”). For an interpleading attorney’s fees if he “brought the action Maryland attorneys should consider plaintiff to maintain a claim for part or all in good faith as an impartial stakehold- filing an interpleader action in either of the interpled property, the plaintiff er”. An attorney who files an inter- District Court or Circuit Court as a mech- must also file a separate count alleging pleader action to resolve a fee dispute is anism to have the disputed fees deposited why the plaintiff is entitled to the inter- not entitled to his costs and attorney’s with the court and to resolve the fee dis- pled property. Md. Rule 2-221(a) and (d). fees, because he is not an impartial pute.

10 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 TECH TALK ... by Pat Hoover

Last month I wrote of my hopes for ed a far more stringent policy of laws and small enough to be an attractive and very the new cloud/personal web application regulations governing the ways and real alternative to the big carriers like software, Chrometa, ( means by which websites can download Verizon and AT&T. For $50 per month This program is designed to make labori- cookies to a user’s PC. On its face, this with no contract, a Clear customer can ous time keeping chores a thing of the appears to be a good thing - who’s not all use one of the Clear small, pocket sized past. It works by tracking one’s time for increased and vigilant privacy protec- modems with 6 hour battery life and run spent on a desktop or laptop computer tions on the Net? But the truth is that up to eight devices at once to wirelessly and magically tying it to one’s clients. cookies rarely cause issues for end users access the Net at 4G speed (if available in Well, it’s a month later and I’m still trying like you and me and in reality, cookies your location). Tempting... to get the thing configured properly so as allow us much faster and often an almost I can't close out this month’s musings to make it usable for its intended purpose. seamless user interface when using the without commenting on Apple’s new The export/import template Chrometa Net on a site of our choosing. A pro- iPad. It's simply fantastic, really. For the provided for that exact function didn't grammer was complaining to me the best screen display and fastest processor work for my office, so we have manually other day of what a pain in the butt it can in its class (tablet computers), Apple’s uploaded the client and project names. be when writing code in the UK as com- new iPad is unbeatable. Period. The start up curve is far steeper than I had pared with the US. I share the belief that believed and so I can't report back to you the old, long debunked, “cookie scare”, LAW DAY EVENT– MAY 1ST as I promised, at least not yet... once a concern here as well as overseas, For those who may have learned of is just that - a myth mostly with no real James H. Johnston will speak about the different ways in which the UK and basis in fact. his new book on Yarrow Mahout other EC countries handle cookies down- I just checked out the latest 4G pri- loaded from a website compared with the vate wifi offering from Clear ( practice and laws in the US, I have a and have to say that Clear’s pricing and comment. Basically, the UK has institut- miniaturized hardware have both gotten

Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 4:00 p.m. Courtroom 1, Third Floor Judicial Center 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville MD Reception from 2:30-4:00 pm in the Law Library, Room 326 Jointly sponsored by the Montgomery County Circuit Court Law Library and the Montgomery County Historical Society

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 11 IN MEMORIAM ...

Carl E. Holmes Samantha Magazine, Nora Schobel, for the Criminal Law Section of the December 1, 1922 - March 31, 2012 Sarah Magazine and Tegan Schobel; lov- Montgomery County Bar Association; ing uncle and great-uncle of many nieces, was Chair of the Maryland State Bar Carl Elliott Holmes, retired nephews, grand-nieces and grand- Ethics Committee for the last three Montgomery County attorney, died nephews. years; has over 23 reported Appellate Saturday, March 31, 2012 at Potomac Contributions may be made to Ohr Opinions both State and Federal, and has Valley Nursing and Wellness Center in Kodesh Congregation. been listed as a Preeminent Lawyer Rockville, MD. Carl was a partner in the since 1993 with Martindale-Hubbell. He law firms of FitzGerald Holmes & Ritter; was a lecturer for the Montgomery FitzGerald & Holmes and later in the firm Courtland “Skip” Townsend County Police Academy on "Roles of of Holmes & Mills. January 1, 1943 - April 7, 2012 Functions of the Defense Attorney", and Donations may be made to the Of Ocean City, formerly of taught multi-state detective classes on Darnestown Presbyterian Church. Montgomery County, died Saturday, homicide and sex crimes. He was Bruce Magazine April 7, 2012. He was a trial lawyer for defense counsel for many famous crimi- 46 years, and practiced for 20 years in nal cases, and locally represented the January 1, 1943 - April 5, 2012 Worcester County. He was known for his Court Appointed Receiver of the On Thursday, April 5, 2012, Bruce courtroom skill and sense of humor. He Carousel Hotel through many years of Magazine of Potomac, MD, passed away. attended Randolph Macon Military litigation. He was the beloved husband of Susan S. Academy, was in the Marine Corps He is lovingly remembered by many Magazine; devoted father and father-in- Reserves for over three years until being friends and family, including his wife law of Adam Magazine, William medically discharged, got his law degree Kim; son, Dean and his wife, Jean; son, Magazine, Shoshana Magazine, Eric in 1966 at American University in David, and his wife, Janet; son, Mitchell, Magazine Schobel and Diana Schobel; Washington, DC, and was admitted to and four grandchildren, Alexis, Mitchell, beloved brother and brother-in-law of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1970. He was Nicole and Bradley. Phyllis Press, Larry Press, Brenda a Panel member of the Attorney The family will hold a Celebration of Friedman and Steven Friedman; cher- Grievance Commission from 1984 to Life Memorial Service in Skip's honor in ished grandfather of Rebecca Magazine, 2012; won the Chair Award of the Year the near future, which will be announced.

12 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 Chris Roberts, Co-Chair HEADINGNEW PRACTITIONER SECTION Casey Weinberg, Co-Chair

NEW PRACTITIONER and actual participation. There will be is open to all members of the Bar, not SECTION MEETING DATES opportunities to be as involved as you just members of the New Practitioners wish, from small time commitments on the Section. Judge Johnson’s Chambers is We’d like to thank all those who day of the event, to bigger time commit- located in the Circuit Court Building at attended our April meeting and program, ments over the course of planning the 50 Maryland Avenue, ninth floor, Room and an especially big thank you goes to event. If you are interested in volunteering 911. If you have any questions, please our knowledgeable presenters, Kevin for the planning portion of the Inspiration feel free to contact Aindrea Conroy, Hessler and Jerry Hyatt! Walk, please email Rhian McGrath at Chambers Chat Committee Chair, at Don’t miss our program at Law Day [email protected]. (301) 762-1696 or [email protected]. this year! On Friday, May 18, 2012, in con- As our relationship with the Special junction with the Commercial Litigation and Olympics grows, we also have other MENTOR/MENTEE Business Law Sections, we will present the opportunities to volunteer. As a prelude to COMMITTEE program: “Lovers vs. Fighters: A Panel of the Inspiration Walk, the Community Transactional Lawyers (the Lovers) and Outreach Committee and the New We’d like to thank all of the mentors, Litigators (the Fighters) Offers Various Practitioner’s Section will volunteer at the mentees, and members of the Bar who Perspectives on Common Contract Special Olympics Spring Games on came out to our Spring Happy Hour Provisions.” Immediately following the Sunday, May 20, 2012 at Landon High Mixer last month at Oro Pomodoro – we Law Day Luncheon, and just across the hall- School. We are looking for 40 or more had a spectacular turn-out! We would way at the hotel bar “On the Rocks,” our volunteers to assist with morning, mid-day also like to thank everyone for their con- Section is also hosting a Happy Hour in and afternoon activities. If you are interest- tinued commitment to the Mentor- honor of outgoing BAMC President, Jack ed in volunteering, please email Rhian Mentee Program. At the Happy Hour, we Quinn. Join us for drink specials and cama- McGrath at [email protected]. received some terrific feedback from raderie at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel! mentors and mentees about their experi- SAVE THE DATE: We’ll be hosting CHAMBER CHAT ence in the program. our annual End-of-Year Party some time If you have practiced for seven or in June. Stay tuned for details! Our May Chambers Chat will take more years, and if you’d like to have a place on Thursday, May 24, 2012, at truly meaningful impact on a new lawyer, Special Olympics Project 12:30 p.m, hosted by the Honorable Eric we urge you to sign up to take part in the In conjunction with the Community M. Johnson. Judge Johnson has been on Mentor-Mentee Program. The time com- Outreach Committee, we are happy to the Circuit Court bench since August 29, mitment is minimal (fall and spring social report that the Bar Association’s First 2000. During his time on the Circuit events and accompanying your mentee to Annual Inspiration Walk with the Court bench, Judge Johnson has served as at least one Bar event), and your impact Montgomery County Special Olympics a member of the Family Law Committee on your mentee can last a lifetime. will occur on Sunday, October 14, 2012. and the Public Awareness Committee for And, of course, we invite all attorneys The Inspiration Walk will include Special the Maryland Judicial Conference and the in practice for seven years or less to submit Olympics athletes, Bar Association volun- Drug Treatment Court Commission. an application for a mentor through the teers, and members from our community Bring your lunch, take advantage of this Mentor-Mentee Program. Experienced participating in a walk and/or run. The opportunity to get to know a member of attorneys of the Montgomery County Bar Inspiration Walk is a huge undertaking, and our Circuit Court bench in an informal generously donate their time, energy, and we are hoping to have over 100 volunteers setting, and bring your questions for wisdom to make this program work. from the Bar. We will need volunteers to Judge Johnson about practice in the Mentees learn about the “nuts and bolts” of coordinate various aspects of the event Circuit Court. No R.S.V.P. is required, the practice of law and gain other useful including marketing, set-up, registration, and please note that the Chambers Chat practical advice from their mentors. Mentors are paired with mentees for a term JENNIFER FAIRFAX of 12 months. Finally, for those mentors who have Adoption Law • Reproduction Law • Surrogacy • Donor Agreements already been paired, please let us know if Domestic, Second Parent and Relative Adoptions you have not heard from your mentee within two weeks after you receive your pairing letter. Likewise, for those mentees 827 Woodside Parkway who receive a pairing letter, please let us Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.221.9651 know if you have difficulty contacting fax: 240.491.9551 your mentor. We’re here to help your [email protected] mentor-mentee relationship work! For more information about the Mentor-Mentee Program, or if you Fellow of the Fellow of the would like to participate as a mentor or AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF mentee, please contact Jeremy at Adoption Attorneys Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys [email protected] or Samantha Member of RESOLVE Mid-Atlantic Region • Licensed in Maryland and the District of Columbia Kravitz at [email protected].

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 13 COMMittees & seCtiOns

aLternative dispute North Marriott Hotel & Conference the service. Documents must be scanned resOLutiOn seCtiOn Center. (Presented in conjunction with in advance for use during the video con - the Commercial Litigation and New ference. May 9, 2012 June 13, 2012 Practitioners Sections). As always, thank The Clerk of the Court, Loretta All meetings will be held on the 2nd you very much to our sponsors. Knight, brings the following matters to Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m. at If you have any questions or sugges - your attention: the First Watch restaurant, located at 100 tions regarding the Section, please do not Mail to departments: In an effort to Gibbs Street, Unit D, Rockville, hesitate to contact either of us at any time. streamline the processing of mail for the Maryland 20850 (right in Rockville Town Marc Bergoffen, Co-Chair various departments, it is requested that Square), unless otherwise noted. Bob Gottschalk, Co-Chair the name of the department be added to Erik Johnson, Co-Chair the outside of the envelope. Having the Judy Mustille, Co-Chair CirCuit COurt BenCh name of the department on the envelope Bar COMMittee Business LaW seCtiOn will eliminate the extra step required to Meeting dates determine what department the mail The BAMC Business Law Section May 2, 2012 June 6, 2012 should go to. wishes to thank Jack Orrick of Linowes All meetings are open and any mem - sensitive/Confidential information: & Blocher, LLP for hosting and speaking bers of the BAMC . All meetings will be Everyone needs to be aware of the Public at our April 2012 meeting on the recent held on the 1st Wednesday of the month Access Rules and limit sensitive/confi - amendments to the Maryland Limited at 8:00 a.m. in the Administrative Judge’s dential information in their pleadings. Liability Company Act. Please join us for Conference Room on the 3rd floor of the Remember these pleadings are available our CLE Program at Law Day, May 18, Circuit Court building in Rockville. for the public to see and copy. It is sug - 2012 “Lovers vs. Fighters: a panel of Judge Debelius advised that WebX gested that you redact, request to shield or transactional Lawyers (the Lovers) is available for video conferencing at a file motions to seal the case as necessary. and Litigators (the Fighters) Offers cost of $200.00 for half a day. Parties interpreters: If you requested an various perspectives on Common should consult with opposing counsel interpreter for your case and it turns out Contract provisions” at the Bethesda and obtain the court’s permission to use one is not necessary for whatever reason, please be sure to immediately notify the Clerk’s Office (240-777-9467). We need your help in reducing the amount of funds that are paid out in cancellation fees. Please take the time to follow up on your cases with interpreters. Maryland rule 2-507(b): If a defen - dant is not served within 120 days from the issuance of original process, a Notice of Contemplated Dismissal will be mailed out. An automatic dismissal for lack of jurisdic - tion without prejudice will be entered in 30 days from the date of this notice, unless prior to the time a written motion showing good cause to defer the entry of dismissal is filed. Please note that a request and re- issuance of a summons does not re-start the 120 days. The 120 days runs from the issuance of original process. The Clerk reminds everyone that she is available to hear any concerns or sug - gestions you may have. Phone: 240-777- 9464; email: [email protected] If you have any concerns to bring to the Committee’s attention, please feel free to contact any Committee member or the Co-Chairs: David at (301) 762-9200, [email protected]; or Mike at (301) 251-2772, [email protected]. David Merkin, Co-Chair Michael Taylor, Co-Chair

14 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

COLLABORATIVE LAW practice across the United States and in Legislation, Membership, Social, and SECTION our own community. The discussion will Judicial. include: Please contact Suzy or Darcy to Thank you to everyone who attended • Maryland Judiciary Collaborative express your interest. The Collaborative Institute 2012 at Practice initiatives, including free train- See you on May 3rd, and May 18th!! Lakewood Country Club! ings for attorneys, research, Pilot Project Suzy Eckstein, Co-Chair On May 3, 2012, from 5:30 p.m. to Grant to administer a pro bono, reduced Darcy Shoop, Co-Chair 8:30 p.m., our Spring CLE is “Delving fee legal services program and plans for Into the Heart of Conflict” with future initiatives COMMERCIAL LITIGATION speakers Barbara Burr, Esquire of The • How Collaborative Practice fits SECTION Burr Law Firm LLC & Lisa Herrick, into the current law school philosophy The next breakfast meeting of the PhD. Successful conflict resolution and evolving curriculum Commercial Litigation Section will take depends on skillful communication and • The major provisions of the place on April 25, 2012 from 8:00-9:00 creative problem solving. In addition, Uniform Collaborative Law Act a.m., at the offices of Lerch, Early & knowing one's own relationship to con- ("UCLA”) and the importance of its pas- Brewer, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite flict can be essential to becoming a sage 460, Bethesda. Please RSVP to Becky productive and efficient peacemaker. • The journey of the UCLA through Madison at (301) 657-0726, or ramadi- This seminar will help participants the sections of the American Bar [email protected]. More information identify their own conflict style, their Association and the ABA House of as to speaker and topic will be published typical reactions to conflict, and their Delegates and circulated in the near future. favored approaches in addressing con- • The use of Collaborative Practice Mary Lombardo, Co-Chair flict. The expert faculty will offer par- in the civil arena (other than family Law), Brad McCullough, Co-Chair ticipants the opportunity to then refine including, medical errors, business dis- and advance their conflict resolution putes, employment discrimination and COMMUNITY OUTREACH skills for work with clients who present estates and trusts COMMITTEE particular challenges along the contin- Speakers: Connie Kratovil-Lavelle, uum between cooperation and high Administrative Office of Courts; Jana The Community Outreach conflict. Attendees will learn how to Singer, University of Maryland Law Committee and the New Practitioner’s engage in focused and constructive School Professor; Ronald S. Bergman, Section are happy to report that the Bar negotiations while working to over- Attorney, Houlon, Berman, Bergman, Association’s First Annual Inspiration come their own emotional roadblocks Finci, Levenstein & Skok, LLC; Suzy Walk with the Montgomery County to reaching successful outcomes. Eckstein, Attorney, Oakley & Eckstein, Special Olympics will occur the morning Location: Shulman Rogers, 12505 LLC; Karen Robbins, Attorney; and of Sunday, October 14, 2012 at Park Potomac Ave., 6th Floor, Darcy Shoop, Attorney. Georgetown Prep! The Inspiration Potomac, MD. You need not be collaboratively Walk will include Special Olympics ath- Please join us on Law Day (May trained to join or attend our meetings or letes, Bar Association volunteers, and 18th 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.) for our to attend the Institute. members from our community participat- program “Where in the World is The Collaborative Law Section is ing in a walk and/or run to inspire every- Collaborative Practice? (and why looking for Committee Chairs and mem- one at large at the start of the Fall Special should you care?)” The program speak- bers for the following subcommittees: Olympics athletic season. The Inspiration ers will discuss the state of Collaborative Programming, Communications, (Continued on following page) METRO COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. Security Clearance Lawyers A comprehensive approach to DWI/DUI

þ Assessment and evaluation þ Relapse prevention þ Approved and Certified þ Education (six weeks) þ Expert Testimony by the State of Maryland McAdoo Gordon & þ þ Counseling (26 weeks) Forensic drug screening Associates, P.C. JERRI BENNER-GUNNISON, DIRECTOR 202‐293‐0534 15719 Crabbs Branch Way - Rockville, MD 20855 301-670-6161 - (fax) - (301) 670-6163

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 15 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

(Continued from preceding page) ever-developing area of the law. The Changes in Court House Security Walk is a huge undertaking. We will need presentation will be an informative Security Contractors: After the mid- volunteers to coordinate various aspects panel discussion regarding the newly dle of April, attorneys will start noticing of the event including marketing, set-up, developing CSI Jury Instruction through changes in entering the Courthouses in registration, and actual participation. We case law, voir dire and the criminal pat- Rockville and Silver Spring. The private need walkers and runners! There will be tern jury instructions. Materials, includ- security firm will no longer be responsible opportunities to be as involved as you ing all relevant case law, will be avail- for checking attorneys entering into the wish from small time commitments on the able for those who attend the presenta- court buildings. Previously, if you were day of the event to bigger time commit- tion. We look forward to seeing you at familiar to the court security guard, they ments over the course of planning the the Annual Law Day Celebration this may have let you in without showing your event. If you are interested in volunteer- year. security ID badge. Courthouse security will ing for the planning associated with the Carlotta Woodward, Co-Chair now be handled by the bailiffs. The bailiffs Inspiration Walk, please email Rhian Jessica Zarrella, Co-Chair handling the entrance will rotate. They will McGrath at [email protected]. not necessarily be familiar with the attor- As our relationship with the Special DISTRICT COURT BENCH neys. Therefore, you should expect to have Olympics grows, we have other opportu- BAR COMMITTEE your ID badges checked and have them nities to volunteer. As a prelude to the available when you enter the building. Inspiration Walk, the Community May 3, 2012 Entering the Well of the Courtroom: Outreach Committee and New All meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. The court had attempted to reduce disrup- Practitioner’s Section will volunteer at the in the District Court building, 191 East tion and talking in the courtroom well. Special Olympics Spring Games on May Jefferson St., Rockville, MD, unless oth- Some of the bailiffs went too far and were 20th at Landon High School. We are erwise noted. preventing attorneys from even entering looking for 40 or more volunteers to assist The District Court Bench Bar the courtroom well altogether. with morning, mid-day and afternoon Committee had its April meeting on April It is possible to enter the courtroom activities including opening ceremonies, 5, 2012. There are a number of recent well and conduct necessary business if the manning the Bocce Ball competition, and developments that would be of interest to judge is not in the bench, and there is a min- awards ceremonies. If you are interested members of the bar association. imum of disruption. The bailiffs are being in volunteering, please email Rhian McGrath at [email protected]. The Community Outreach Committee continues to volunteer the second Friday of every month at Shepherd’s Table. Shepherd’s Table pro- vides basic services to those in need and specifically provides a dinner meal from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. seven nights a week. We will seek up to 10 volunteers for each Friday night. Please contact Dan Shaivitz at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering. If you have any thoughts or comments for the Committee, please contact Heather Collier at [email protected] or Rhian McGrath at [email protected]. Heather Collier, Co-Chair Rhian McGrath, Co-Chair CRIMINAL LAW SECTION Come and Join our Law Day Presentation on The CSI Jury Instruction: Atkins, Stabb and beyond..... on May 18, 2012 in Salon B from 9:00 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. We are pleased to have The Honorable Dennis M. Sweeney, Retired; Eric Nee, Esquire and Michael Gambrill, Esquire as our speakers to discuss this interesting and

16 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

instructed that they do not have to keep Civil Matters ELDER LAW SECTION attorneys from entering the well at all times. Civil Complaint Issues: The court 2011-2012 Section Meetings wants to remind counsel to use the most May 5, 2012 Counsel Representation at Processing current forms. Some attorneys file the The effect of the decision in DeWolfe complaint form and put “see attached”, All meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. v. Richmond has been discussed in the last with an attachment. The actual complaint in the Conference Room of the Bar several newsletters. This was the ruling is attached to the court form. The court Association building, 27 West Jefferson that required the Public Defender to rep- does not have a problem with this, but the St., Rockville, MD, unless otherwise resent individuals who were arrested attorney must either on the court form noted. from the time of the initial processing. itself, or on the attachment, have com- The next Elder Law Section meeting We previously reported on emer- plete party information, address informa- will take place on Wednesday, May 9 at gency legislation introduced to deal with tion, the amount of the claim, and the 8am at a location to be determined. this issue. The court of appeals has stayed other particulars. Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais will report the Richmond ruling until June 1. There The court does not want attorneys to on legislation enacted by the General is pending legislation to deal with the file their complaints in Montgomery Assembly this session. issue after June 1. County if there is no relation between the Morris Klein, Chair This should not have a major impact parties, the claim, and Montgomery in Montgomery County, since the Public County. EMPLOYMENT LAW Defender is already representing individ- SECTION uals from the initial stages. Miscellaneous The court wants to remind attorneys Please join us on May 18 at 10AM Other Criminal Matters to have their attorney codes on their for our Law Day seminar on Motions in The Criminal Law Section has made pleadings, and that if they change an Limine with the Honorable Roger W. several recommendations to the court. One address, update your information so that Titus, the Honorable Robert would be a disposition docket. The other the attorney code will have the most cur- Greenberg and Charles Chester. would be having an all day traffic docket. rent address information associated with Laurel Anchors, Co-Chair The Court is considering a restructuring it. Gwenn D’Souza, Co-Chair where there would be an all day traffic dock- Richard D. London, Chair et. The court is already combining payable FAMILY LAW SECTION traffic offenses with other dockets since EDUCATION LAW SECTION We want to thank Karen Shapiro, those cases have gone down in volume. Esquire and Eric Rollinger, Esquire of Other changes are possible to try to make 2011-2012 Section Meetings Stein Sperling, et. al for teaching the the court more efficient for the judges, who May 11, 2012 Divorcing Husbands, Wives and are still under staffed, and counsel. All meetings will be held at Businesses CLE on February 29, 2012. Summonses: The court has been 12:15p.m. in the Conference Room of the We want to thank Matthew Glinnsman, advised that some people are requesting Bar Association building, 27 West Esquire for his program: The Marriage is issuances of summonses for witnesses, as Jefferson St., Rockville, MD, unless oth- Ending – What Happens to My Client’s oppose to witness subpoenas. If you are erwise noted. Greencard Case? We thank Oren attempting to subpoena a witness for a Pat Hoover, Co-Chair Goldberg, JD, LLM and Richard case, you should issue a witness subpoe- Lynndolyn Mitchell, Co-Chair Chisolm, JD, CPA for their presentation: na, not a summons. Karen Smith, Co-Chair (Continued on page 21

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 17 Bar Revue 2012 presents If It Ain’t Barak, Don’t Fix It June 13, 2012

Buffet Dinner: Glenview Mansion 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Show: F. Scott Fitzgerald Civic Center 8:00 p.m. 603 Edmonston Drive, Rockville, MD 20851 Cost: $48.00 Price Includes: Dinner, Beer, Wine, Soda and a Fabulous Bar Revue Catering by Smokey Glen Farm Barbequers, Inc.

$48.00 Individual


$350.00 Sponsorship (6 Attendees)

Name of Law Firm (As it should appear):

$550.00 Sponsorship (10 Attendees) Name of Law Firm (As it should appear):

Attendees (Please indicate if any of your tickets will be donated):

Total Number Attending: Total Due: $

Contact Person: Phone:

Payment Method: Check Visa/MC/Discover (American Express NOT accepted)

Name on Card: Card Number:

Exp. Date: Security Code:

Please mail or fax registration form by June 1, 2012 Sponsorships or multi-person registration must be mailed or faxed

Montgomery County Bar Foundation, 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850 Attn: Yesenia Mendez (301) 340-2534 Fax: (301) 217-9327 [email protected] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F/420 Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD

118th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration

Friday, May 18, 2012 Bethesda North Marriott Conference Center 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, MD 20852 ~ Guest Speaker: The Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, United States Senator for Maryland ~ 2012 Annual Meeting Committee John M. Quinn, President ~ Daniel M. Kennedy, President-Elect James A. Mood, Annual Meeting Chair Program Chairs Robert M. Gottschalk / Marc B. Bergoffen, Business Law Section Co-Chairs Suzy L. Eckstein / Darcy A. Shoop, Collaborative Law Section Co-Chairs J. Bradford McCullough / Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Commercial Litigation Section Co-Chairs Carlotta A. Woodward / Jessica L. Zarrella, Criminal Law Section Co-Chairs Laurel N. Anchors / Gwenlynn W. D’Souza, Employment Law Section Co-Chairs Julie B. Christopher / Erin L. Kopelman / Samantha H. Kravitz, Family Law Section Co-Chairs Daniel W. Gaskill, Juvenile Law Section Chair Jeffrey M. Axelson / Samuel M. Shapiro, Legal Ethics Committee Co-Chairs Casey W. Florance / Christopher W. Roberts, New Practitioner Section Co-Chairs Chaya Kundra, Taxation Law Section Chair Sebastian Forgues / Behzad Gohari, Technology Committee Co-Chairs

STAFF COORDINATORS: Julie Petersen, Executive Director Cindy Brandenburg, Conference Coordinator ~ Yesenia Mendez, Exhibits Coordinator PROGRAM SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast Salon A 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Family Law The Spy Who Loved Me*: When Divorce and Social Media Collide Moderator: The Honorable Cynthia Callahan Speakers: The Honorable Lynne A. Battaglia, Court of Appeals of Maryland; Glenn Grossman, Bar Counsel, Attorney Grievance Commission; Ken D'Angelo, Target Investigations; Hadrian Hatfield, Esquire; Lindsay Parvis, Esquire and Bradley Shear, Esquire Join the Family Law Section for its two-part presentation in which attorneys will learn the interplay between family law and social media, computer communications, spyware, and tracking devices. In the first hour, learn how you and your clients can obtain the records you need--legally and ethically--by utilizing spyware, GPS tracking, subpoenas, wiretapping, interception of electronic communications, private investigators, and your own computer. Hear what methods work and what do not to get the information you need with discovery and preservation, and how to prevent the spoliation of evidence. In the second hour, find out how to authenticate social media evidence and how to get it into evidence all while navigating evidentiary and ethical rules. The Family Law Section co-chairs will be announcing the Family Law Practitioner of the Year; introducing next year’s Family Law Section Co-Chairs; and awarding the Pro Bono Initiative Award of the Year. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Collaborative Law Where in the World is Collaborative Practice? (and why should you care?) Speakers: Connie Kratovil-Lavelle, Administrative Office of the Courts; Jana Singer, University of Maryland Law School Professor; Ronald Bergman, Esquire; Suzy Eckstein, Esquire; Karen Robbins, Esquire and Darcy Shoop, Esquire The programs speakers will discuss the state of Collaborative practice across the United States and in our own community. The discussion will include: Maryland Judiciary Collaborative Practice initiatives, including, free trainings for attorneys, research, Pilot Project Grant to administer a pro bono and reduced fee legal services program, and plans for future initiatives; How Collaborative Practice fits into the current law school philosophy and evolving curriculum; The major provisions of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act ("UCLA") and the importance of its passage; The journey of the UCLA through the sections of the American Bar Association and the ABA House of Delegates; The use of Collaborative Practice in the civil arena (other than family Law) , including, medical errors, business disputes, employment discrimination and estates and trusts. Salon B 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Criminal Law The CSI Jury Instruction: Atkins, Stabb and beyond ... Speakers: The Honorable Dennis M. Sweeney, Retired; Eric Nee, Esquire and Michael Gambrill, Esquire The Criminal Law Section is pleased to present a panel discussion regarding the newly developing CSI Instruction case law. We are honored to present The Honorable Judge Sweeney (retired, Howard County Circuit Court) who is a mem- ber of the Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instruction Committee. This Committee is in the process of developing an appropriate CSI jury instruction. Joining Judge Sweeney will be Mr. Eric Nee, Assistant State's Attorney for Montgomery County, Maryland and Mr. Michael Gambrill, Assistant Public Defender for Montgomery County, Maryland. Mr. Nee and Mr. Gambrill were the trial attorneys in the Atkins case, 421 Md. 434 (2011), which is the forefront case regarding CSI Instruction. Mr. Nee and Mr. Gambrill will discuss the details of this case from the trial level through the Court of Appeals. They will also touch upon how they believe the Court of Appeals decision in Stabb v. State, 423 Md. 454 (2011), has affected the Court of Appeals decision in Atkins. A brief roundup of other pending “CSI effect” cases, from both the Court of Special Appeals and the Court of Appeals will be provided and an opportunity to ask questions will follow. We look forward to seeing you at our Law Day presentation. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Employment Law / Federal Practice Motions in Limine Speakers: The Honorable Roger W. Titus; U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland; The Honorable Robert A. Greenberg, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, MD; Charles Chester, Esquire and Angela Hart-Edwards, Esquire The panel will discuss when motions in limine are the most effective, what rules are relevant, and review examples of cases. During this seminar, the participants will review a typical motion in limine based on the deadlines for expert designations or pre-trial disclosures.

*Taken from James Bond 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Business Law / Commercial Litigation / New Practitioners Lovers vs. Fighters: A Panel of Transactional Lawyers (the Lovers) and Litigators (the Fighters) Offer Various Perspectives on Common Contract Provisions Speaker: Douglas Bregman, Esquire; Jeffrey Schwaber, Esquire and Edward Sharkey, Esquire Our distinguished panel of litigators and transactional attorneys will review and discuss many common provisions in contracts. They will examine (from the transactional lawyer’s perspective) why those provisions are included, how they are drafted, and how they are generally understood. They will also examine (from the litigator’s perspective) why those provi- sions should be included and what they should cover, how those provisions may be challenged in litigation, and how they may be viewed if the contracting parties end up in court. Salon C 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Taxation Law Section Bankruptcy, Short Sales and Foreclosures Speaker: Glenn M. Anderson, CPA, Esquire The Taxation Law Section is pleased to present a CLE program covering three timely topics in today’s trying times— bankruptcy, short sales, and foreclosures. This 50-minute program will provide an overview of each topic along with a discussion of related tax implications. Regardless of your area of practice, some of your clients may be facing financial difficulty in these trying times and may look to you for answers to common questions about their options. Incorrect advice (or failing to spot important issues) could be very costly to both you and your clients. This program is designed to provide you with the basic information to spot potential issues, answer general questions and to refer your client to a tax practitioner when appropriate. 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 p.m. Juvenile Law Confessions in Juvenile Law – Children Should Not Be Treated As “Little Adults” Speakers: The Honorable Patrick L. Woodward, Court of Special Appeals of Maryland and Andrew Jezic, Esquire (Both Speakers are co-authors of Maryland Law of Confessions, 2011-2012 ed.) With scientific studies showing that juvenile brains are not fully developed and youth crimes being punished more harshly than ever before, children need more protection when police interview them. Juveniles, like adults, make false confessions, but make them more often and for different reasons. • Checklists of the key elements of commonly litigated issues help you stay on track • Discusses custody, waiver, invocation, re-interrogation and surreptitious questioning • Discusses ethical considerations for prosecutors • Outlines under-utilized rules pertaining to the Sixth Amendment • Provides a thorough discussion of the implications of the Williams opinion on prompt presentment • Provides practice tips to facilitate applications of the law • Reviews the right to silence not directly related to interrogations The session will include a look at the Supreme Court’s recent decision in J.D.B. v. North Carolina and will provide the latest window into the troubled world of juvenile interrogations. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Legal Ethics / Technology Ethical Practices in a World of New Technology Moderator: Jeffrey Axelson, Esquire Speakers: Karen Federman-Henry, Esquire; Afshin Pishevar, Esquire and Patrick Hoover, Esquire Learn about the ethical challenges of using i-products and hear of ways to make sure you fulfill the ethical duty of confidentiality to your clients. Join us for a discussion of i-phone and i-pad applications, cloud computing, electronic filing, and electronic discovery from both ethical and technological perspectives to lawyers. Scheduled Sponsor Breaks 9:50 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Salons D & E 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch Program (Installation of Officers, Awards) Join the New Practitioner Section Immediately Following the Luncheon for Happy Hour Join the New Practitioner Section for a Happy Hour in honor of our favorite Not-So-New Practitioner, outgoing BAMC President, Jack Quinn. Join us for drink specials and camaraderie at the hotel's bar, "On the Rocks," immediately following the Law Day luncheon. No RSVP is required, but feel free to contact Casey Florance at [email protected] or Chris Roberts at [email protected] if you have questions. REGISTRATION FORM – Copy This Page and Mail or Fax ~ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.MONTBAR.ORG ~ To assist in planning the program, please duplicate and complete the form below and mail or fax it today! Please indicate in the space provided if you would like to request a vegetarian meal.

YOU MUST PROVIDE ALL INFORMATION AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION ... NO EXCEPTIONS o Complete Program (includes lunch) Before April 15th.....$85 After April 15th.....$99 o Morning Programs ONLY ...... $50 o New Practitioner Complete Program Before April 15th.....$75 After April 15th.....$85 o Lunch Only ...... $59 o RESERVED Table of 10 (lunch only) ...... $590 o RESERVED Table of 10 (programs + lunch) Before April 15th...$850 After April 15th...$990

Vegetarian Name Meal Email Address (required for program) ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______o ______

CONTACT PERSON: ______Firm Name: ______Address: ______Telephone: ______Fax: ______

PLEASE INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $______o Check Included: Make check payable to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland or BAMC o Please charge my Visa/Mastercard/Discover Account: Name on Card______Security Code ______Account # ______Exp. Date ______(OFFICE USE ONLY – INCOME CODE A-4030.2) Please note that each program registrant will be sent a link where the materials for each of the Section Programs can be downloaded. You will be responsible for printing a copy and bringing them with you. There will be no handouts available on the day of the event. SUMMER SCHOLARS PIPELINE PROGRAM Welcome Summer Scholar Interns!

Sasika Subramaniam University of Maryland School of Law Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A.

Preston Smith Kristina Miller American University University of Maryland Washington College of Law School of Law Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz Armstrong, Donohue, Ceppos, & Gilday, LLC Vaughan & Rhoades

Nabeela Abid University of Maryland School of Law Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd.

Alvaro Llosa Amber Melton University of Maryland School of Law Howard University School of Law McCarthy Wilson, LLP Paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg, Eig & Cooper, Chtd.

Ashley Thomas American University Washington College of Law McMillan Metro, P.C.

Thank you to all of the Law Firms that participated!!!

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 19 CLE SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM New Practitioner $35.00 Member $65.00 Non-Member $120.00 (unless otherwise noted)

Delving Into the Heart of Conflict: Name: A 3-Hour Advanced Training Seminar Thursday, May 3, 2012 Address/City/State: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Barbara Burr, Esq. of The Burr Law Firm LLC Lisa Herrick, PhD. Phone:

Successful conflict resolution depends on skillful commu- Email: nication and creative problem solving. In addition, know- ing one's own relationship to conflict can be essential to becoming a productive and efficient peacemaker. This Payment Method (Please check one): seminar will help participants identify their own conflict style, their typical reactions to conflict, and their favored Check Enclosed approaches in addressing conflict. The expert faculty will (Payable to Montgomery County Bar Foundation or MCBF) offer participants the opportunity to then refine and advance their conflict resolution skills for work with clients who present particular challenges along the con- Visa/MC/Discover tinuum between cooperation and high conflict. Attendees (AMERICAN EXPRESS is NOT Accepted) will learn how to engage in focused and constructive nego- tiations while working to overcome their own emotional roadblocks to reaching successful outcomes. Total Due:

Location: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A., Name on Card: 12505 Park Potomac Avenue, 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20854 Visa/MC/Discover #:

Exp. Date: CVV Code:

Be Internet Savvy I will need CLE credit for: PA VA Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Stevan H. Lieberman, Esq. of Greenberg & Lieberman, LLC Cancellation Policy: The Internet has become the primary marketing platform If you are unable to attend a seminar, please contact our of our age. Might your clients ask you to speak “domain office at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled CLE seminar. talk” or would you like to sound like you know what is No refunds will be made if cancellation is less than 24 hours going on? Although .com has the largest number of regis- prior to the seminar. trations, there are hundreds of other top level domains (TLD’s). How do you analyze and what should you do when your client complains about a .com or other TLD using their mark? How can you proactively protect your Registration client? Stevan H. Lieberman, of Greenberg & Lieberman, You may register online by visiting our website at LLC, will walk novices and experienced practitioners and using the calendar , to access each seminar individually by date. through a myriad of related topics. He will end with You may also register by mail. Simply send in this registration form "hypotheticals" to test your knowledge. along with the registration fee. Y ou may also download a form at our web page by selecting the CLE tab and then CLE Mail-In Registration Form.


20 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

(Continued from page 17) County. If you are interested in purchas- Pro Bono Volunteer Option 1: “Impact of Different Trusts on Families, ing the material from this seminar, Family Law Self Help Center Domestic Cases and Support and Property please contact Yesenia in the Bar Attorneys may volunteer at the Settlements.” In addition, we want to Foundation office at 301-340-2534 or Family Law Self Help Center to provide thank Lindsay Parvis for teaching her [email protected]. legal advice to pro se litigants. The Self CLE on the “A to Z of CPA: the Child Please Save the Date for the Annual Help Center is located in Room 224 on the Privilege Attorney”. Wine and Cheese Party on May 10, 2nd floor of the Montgomery County Thank you to all who attended our 2012 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Lerch, Circuit Court and is open from 8:30 a.m. last CLE of the Spring, The Annual Early & Brewer, Chartered, 3 Bethesda until 4:30 p.m. No advance planning is Family Law Update, on April 25th in Metro Center, Suite 460, Bethesda, necessary; volunteers may come at any Courtroom 1 of the Circuit Court. This Maryland 20814. time. CLE provided a distinctive analysis and Please Save the Date for Law Day on Pro Bono Volunteer Option 2: commentary on recent family law cases May 18, 2012. Pro Bono Clinics decided by our appellate courts in the If you are interested in being next For those of you who find it difficult to last 12 months. The lecture was an year’s Family Law Section Chair, please miss work during the day, there is an evening invaluable tool for the intelligent and contact us. option. You can volunteer at any of the sophisticated family law practitioner. In Don’t forget to participate in this below clinics run by the Montgomery addition, everyone in attendance year’s Family Law Section Pro Bono County Bar Foundation Pro Bono received a copy of Jeffrey Greenblatt’s Initiative. We are asking every member Program. To volunteer at a clinic, you must Family Law Update Book – an indispen- of the Family Law Section to volunteer sign up in advance with Clarice at 301-762- sable guide to recent case law develop- for a minimum of two (2) hours between 5831 or [email protected]. ments. Everyone whose practice touch- now and Law Day 2012 at the Family Law • TESS Community Service Center, es on family law will benefit from the Self Help Center or at a Montgomery 8513 Piney Branch Road, Silver practice tips and pointers offered by the County Bar Foundation Pro Bono Spring, MD 20901 top family litigators in Montgomery Program clinic. 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Volunteers should arrive between CIRCLE Twenty Seven Years of 6:00-6:30 p.m. TREATMENT •East County Regional Services Superior Service Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, CENTER To The Community Silver Spring, MD 20904 * DWI Evaluation, Education/Counseling (6 weeks and 26 weeks) 1st & 2nd Thursday of each month * Adolescent and Adult Drug/Alcohol Programs Volunteers should arrive between 5:30-6:00 p.m. * Outpatient Mental Health Services •Charles W. Gilchrist Center for Cultural * Individual, Couples, Group therapy by licensed professionals Diversity, 11701 Georgia Avenue, 1st * Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902 * MVA classes in Spanish and English (new licenses) 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month 424 N. FREDERICK AVE., #8A, GAITHERSBURG, MD ~ 301-258-2626 Volunteers should arrive between 5:30-6:00 p.m. COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED • Charles W. Gilchrist Center for Cultural Diversity, 12900 Middle- brook Rd., Germantown, MD 20874 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month Volunteers should arrive between 6:00-6:30 p.m. In order to keep track of the hours, please make sure to sign the Family Law Section Pro Bono Initiative Log upon your arrival and departure. If you forget to sign in, please contact Jillian Morris at [email protected]. As of March 31, 2012 we have 304 hours towards our pro bono initiative. We greatly appreciate the following volunteers who donated their time in February: Bernard Akatu, Kate Bunker, M. K. Canarte, Shelly Ingram, Harvey A. Jacobs, (Continued on following page)

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 21 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

(Continued from preceding page) Grievance Commission will speak on cur- JUVENILE LAW SECTION Priya Konings, Kate McDonough, rent efforts to combat Notario Fraud and MEETING DATES Elizabeth Pugliese, Sandra Guzman the unauthorized practice of law. Maria Salvado and Joan Weiss. We also want to Glinsmann will moderate and discuss how May 9, 2012 thank Clarice Ewing and Jillian Morris immigration practitioners can assist clients All meetings will be held on the 2nd who are helping organize the initiative. who are victims of the unauthorized prac- Wednesday of the month in Courtroom Check your email for Family Law tice of law. All BAMC and AILA mem- #20 of the District Court building from Section updates and reminders regarding bers are also invited to join us. 12:30p.m. to 1:30p.m. the Fall 2011 Program and CLE schedule. Tuesday, May 15th; 12 to 1:30 pm Dan Gaskill, Chair Julie Christopher, Co-Chair at the Rockville Memorial Library, Large Erin Kopelman, Co-Chair Conference Room. VAWA, Victims of LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT Samantha Kravitz, Co-Chair Violent Crimes and Certifications for SECTION MEETING DATES S, T and U Visas. Attorneys Christina H. May 17, 2012 IMMIGRATION LAW Miles, Director, Family Violence SECTION MEETING DATES All meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. Division, and Karla Smith, Chief of the at the offices of Hostetter Strent LLC, Mark Your Schedules! Family Violence Division Montgomery located at 7201 Wisconsin Ave., Suite The Immigration Section is pleased County State's Attorney's Office will dis- 675, Bethesda, MD, unless otherwise to announce the following two Brown cuss how to request certification of victim noted. Bag Lunches in May. All Montgomery status for various visa categories from the Amy Strent, Chair County Bar Association members and State’s Attorney’s Office. All BAMC, AILA members are invited to join us. Family Law Section and AILA members LAWYER TO LAWYER Thursday, May 3rd; 12 to 1:30 pm are encouraged to join us. COMMITTEE MEETING at the Rockville Memorial Library, Large Rockville Memorial Library is locat- Conference Room. Unauthorized ed at: 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD. DATES Practice of Law and Combating Notario RSVP for both events is not required May 10, 2012 Fraud. Attorney Eric Dunton, Staff but appreciated to [email protected]. All meetings will be held at 5:00PM Attorney with the Maryland Attorney Matthew Glinsmann, Chair on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the

22 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

CLE Classroom at a location to be SOCIAL COMMITTEE the leadership of the Bar Association announced by email. President, Trish Weaver, and Bar Thank you again to everyone who Dan Gaskill, Chair Foundation President, Joe Fitzpatrick, most attended the Barrister’s Bash on April 28th. of the strategic goals were realized, or pro- We had a wonderful time dancing the gressing towards a positive realization. LEGAL ETHICS night away to music by the Reunions. The Committee completed its 2010-2011 COMMITTEE MEETING Special thanks goes out to the activities by preparing a Matrix of DATES Appealables (The Honorables Ann Operational Priorities for 2011-2012. Harrington, Audrey Creighton, Mary May 2, 2012 Under the leadership of our new Ellen Barbera, Marielsa Bernard and All meetings will be held at 4:30 Association President, Jack Quinn, and Louise Scrivener) and the p.m. at the offices of Axelson, Trish as Foundation President, we will con- Contemptations (Honorables Charles Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, 401 tinue our efforts by updating our new prior- Day, Eric M. Johnson, Larnzell Martin, North Washington St., Suite 550, ities and monitoring the continuing pursuit Thurman Rhodes and Deputy Zachary Rockville, MD, unless otherwise noted. of our strategic goals on a regular basis. Jeff Axelson, Co-Chair Grant) for their wonderful performances. Sam Shapiro, Co-Chair A VERY special thanks goes out to 2011-2012 Section Meetings the amazing committee members who May 16, 2012 REAL ESTATE LAW worked so hard on this event. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of Shulman, Rogers, SECTION Monica Harms, Co-Chair Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A., 12505 Park May 18, 2012 – Annual Meeting Potomac Ave., 6th Floor, Potomac, MD. All meetings will be held on the 2nd STRATEGIC PLANNING David Pordy, Chair Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in the COMMITTEE 6th Floor Conference Room at the offices TAXATION LAW SECTION of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & The Strategic Planning Committee Ecker, P.A., 12505 Park Potomac Ave., completed its 2010-2011 efforts by creat- Dear Practitioners, 6th Floor, Potomac, MD. ing a Matrix of Operational Priorities for Welcome to spring. By now, many Matt D. Alegi, Co-Chair that year; assigning responsibilities, and of you have filed or garnered extensions Alexis Peters, Co-Chair monitoring activities and results. Under (Continued on following page)

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 23 COMMITTEES & SECTIONSHEADING

(Continued from preceding page) 4. Penalty relief is available with 6- on the failure. See the instructions to for the 2012 tax year. As we move for- month grace period on late-payments Form 8928. ward please note some points of interest within certain limits and conditions: (a) including options for paying income your request was received by April 17, Tax Refunds May Be Applied to Offset taxes and Senate proposals for small busi- 2012; and (b) your 2011 tax, interest and Certain Debts - ness tax cuts/tax credits. any other penalties are paid in full by Oct. 1. Payment on federal or state 3 Ways to Pay Your Federal 15, 2012. See Form 1127-A, Application income taxes. Income Tax & Penalty Relief - Of for Extension of Time for Payment of 2. Child support or student loan debt course the IRS and Maryland still want Income Tax for 2011. submitted for offset; for you to file your return as it is a viola- Tax Relief for Victims of Severe 3. Your notice of offset should tion of federal law not to do so when you Storms, Flooding, Mudslides and include the original refund amount, the indeed satisfy the minimum filing Landslides in Logan County, West offset amount, the agency receiving the requirements. Should you not be able to Virginia – Certain deadlines falling on or payment and contact information. pay your taxes however, among the many after March 15, and on or before May 31, 4. Offset in error? Contact the others, here are 3 IRS proposed alterna- have been postponed to May 31, 2012. agency shown on the notice. tives including potential penalty relief This includes April 17 as well as 2011 5. For joint filers, if you are entitled under the Fresh Start Initiative: contributions to an individual retirement to a portion of the refund, file IRS Form 1. Credit/Debit — Amex, Discover, account (IRA). Also, the IRS is waiving 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. Submit MasterCard or Visa are all accepted. failure-to-deposit penalties for employ- with your annual return. Otherwise, both The service provider will charge a fee ment and excise tax deposits due between spouses' SSN must appear in the same based on the amount of payment that is March 15 and March 30, as long as the order as your income tax return and send not considered part of your payment. deposits are made by March 30, 2012. the Form 8379 to the IRS Service Center Debit cards come with a flat fee of $3.89 Affected taxpayers outside the covered where you filed your original return. to $3.95. See; disaster area must call the IRS at Senate Votes to Proceed on Repeal, or call 866.562.5227 to request this tax relief. of Tax Breaks for Oil Companies – The 888.872.9829; or COBRA Review – ERISA rules state Senate votes 92-4 to limit debate and call 888.729.1040. that when health benefits are provided, move toward a full floor vote on legisla- 2. Additional time — Call they must be uniformly available to all tion that would repeal $21 billion in oil 800.829.1040 or apply online via similarly situated individuals. The list of industry tax breaks and temporarily An additional 60 to 120 violations being reviewed by the IRS are extend 18 tax incentives aimed at the use days to pay in full is usually met without failures to provide: a level of coverage of and production of clean or renewable issue. Of course penalties and interest the costs of pediatric vaccines (Sec. 2612 forms of energy. continue to accrue. of the Public Health Service Act); contin- De Minimis Standard in Tangible 3. If you owe $50,000 or less in com- uation coverage under Sec. 4980B; porta- Property Rules – On accounting for tan- bined tax, penalties and interest go online bility, access and renewability require- gible property, the IRS is taking a close for receive immediate notification of ments under Sec. 4980D; comparable look at taxpayer concerns about a de min- approval or submit Form 9465, or 9465 or Archer MSA contributions under Sec. imis standard under comprehensive rules call 800.829.1040. Owe more than $50k? 4980E; comparable health savings (REG-168745-03, T.D. 9564) per Scott A complete a financial statement will be account contributions under Sec. 4980G. Dinwiddie, IRS special counsel to the required. There are different due dates depending Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax &

24 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

Accounting): “Issues are coming up Compliance Act is adding confusion and and 2006. Several circuit courts have about whether taxpayers can identify tension among Americans overseas about found that long-distance providers that amounts subject to the threshold… requirements that they report foreign base their rate structure on the length of a (w)e're trying to understand the difficul- financial assets and accounts on two dif- call are not taxable under IRC 4251. ties in making those determinations.” ferent forms, the FBAR and the Form TIGTA: IRS Could Increase Senate Democrats Offer Small 8938, American Citizens Abroad said. Revenue Through Improved Fraud Business Tax Cut to Spur Economic Further, many foreign banks are dumping Detection – According to a report by the Growth – Employers adding payroll in their U.S. accounts altogether. FATCA Treasury Inspector General for Tax 2012 would be eligible for a 10% tax cut requires foreign financial institutions to Administration released April 10, the IRS that would be available for income in report their U.S.-owned accounts to the could increase revenue by about $20 mil- excess of a company's 2011 payroll and IRS or face, in some cases, a 30% with- lion a year fraud indicators were recog- capped at $500,000 per employer. The holding tax. nized and properly investigated during proposal also would extend 100% bonus Federal Judge Finds IRS Violated field audits. depreciation on qualified capital through APA In Telephone Excise Tax Refund IRS Acquiesces on Finding 2012 for all employers to encourage Notice – In determining that the IRS Contingent Bequests Ineligible for investment. failed to follow the Administrative QTIP Treatment – IRS announced in IRS’ Switch on Completed Gifts – Procedure Act (APA) in seeking a tele- Action on Decision 2012-01 the Service is Chief Counsel Memorandum 201208026 phone excise tax refund, the U.S. District acquiescing in qualified terminable inter- says even though the donors retained tes- Court for the District of Columbia est property (QTIP) treatment because the tamentary limited power over the trust, prospectively vacated Notice 2006-50 stock's lack of value rendering the error the donors made completed gifts of term and remanded the matter to the Service irrelevant. See Alan Baer Revocable Trust interests in a trust when they transferred (In re Long Distance Telephone Service v. United States. “While the court erred as property to a trust benefitting the donors' Federal Excise Tax Refund Litigation, a matter of law, its finding that the stock children. D.D.C., No. 07-014 (RMU), 4/10/12). had negligible value rendered the legal Increased Tension Over FATCA, The notice provides a one-time exclusive error irrelevant to the extent it did not FBAR and Form 8938 Reporting mechanism to obtain a refund of excise materially affect the amount of the Abroad – The Foreign Account Tax taxes erroneously collected between 2003 (Continued on following page)

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 25 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

(Continued from preceding page) viduals, Form 7004 and its instructions for refund,” AOD in Internal Revenue businesses and Form 8868 for tax-exempt Bulletin 2012-17, dated April 23. organizations. Businesses that have Could you use Will the ‘Buffett Rule' to Reduce already filed and later find that they quali- Tax Inequality? – The White House fied in 2010 or 2011 can still claim the more clients? National Economic Council argued in an credit by filing an amended return for one April 10 report that a minimum 30% tax is or both years. necessary for households earning over Thank you all for your participation $1M annually. From the report, 85% of the and involvement in our section events. top 400 richest people in the country pay See you at Law Day on May 18, where To sign up for the less than 30%. The proposed bill would our topic will be Bankruptcy and Taxes impose a 30% phased-in tax with change in presented by Glen M. Anderson, Esq. Lawyer Referral Service, the charitable contribution deduction. Chaya Kundra, Chair contact Maria at Revenue expected would be nearly $46.7 301.424.7040 billion over 11 years and it would replace YOUTH COURTHOUSE the alternative minimum tax. PROJECT COMMITTEE or Tax Rules Affecting Child’s [email protected] Investment Income: 4 IRS Facts – 2011-2012 Committee Meetings 1. All may be taxed at their parents’ May 2, 2012 ~ tax rate which includes interest, divi- All meetings will be held at In these Economic Times, 12:15p.m. in the Conference Room of the dends, capital gains and other unearned How can you afford NOT to belong? income. Bar Association building, 27 West 2. Age requirement - The child’s tax Jefferson St., Rockville, MD. must be figured using the parents’ rates if Holly Reed, Co-Chair the child has investment income of more Patty Via, Co-Chair than $1,900 and meets one of three age requirements for 2011: (1) under 18 at year end; (2) 18 at year end and had no earned income over ½ of her support, or (3) full-time student over 18 and under 24 at year end with no earned income over half his support. 3. Form 8615 - To figure the child's tax using the parents’ rate complete Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Investment Income of More Than $1,900; attach it to the child's federal income tax return. 4. Form 8814 - When certain condi- tions are met, a parent may be able to avoid having to file a tax return for the child by including the child’s income on the parent’s tax return. In this situation, the parent would file Form 8814, Parents' Election To Report Child's Interest and Dividends. See also IRS Publication 929, Tax Rules for Children and Dependents. Small Employers Health Insurance Credit – Small employers paying at least ½ of the premiums for employee health insurance coverage under a qualifying arrangement may be eligible for this cred- it. Taxpayers needing more time to deter- mine eligibility should consider obtaining an automatic tax-filing extension, usually for six months. See Form 4868 for indi-

26 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS

HELPING OPPORTUNITIES ... th 118 Annual Meeting Support Drug Court by helping a par- & ticipant obtain stable employment and Law Day Celebration therefore restore their life, stay com- mitted to recovery and become a pro- ductive member of the community. ~ For further information please contact Austine Long, Drug Court Friday, May 18, 2012 ~ 8:00a.m.-2:30p.m. Coordinator at (240) 777-9141. Bethesda North Marriott Hotel ADULT DRUG COURT & Conference Center GRADUATION TO BE HELD ~ ON JUNE 6 Guest Speaker: The Honorable The Honorable Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., Benjamin L. Cardin, The Honorable Joseph M. Quirk and United States Senator the Montgomery County Circuit Court invite you to the 12th Adult Drug Court for Maryland Graduation on June 6, 2012 at 4 p.m., ~ Courtroom 1, Circuit Court. Reception For registration, see insert following. or visit the BAMC website For information, please contact Austine Long, Drug Court Coordinator at 240-777-9141.

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 27 HEADING PRO BONO UPDATE... by Clarice Ewing, Program Coordinator

The Pro Bono Program provides free for client representation. Callers most the Judicare Project for contested custody legal services to low-income residents of often request assistance with a divorce, and complex family law cases funded by Montgomery County. Please call Clarice separation agreement or custody issue. We the Maryland Legal Services Corporation. at 301.762.5831 to add your name to a also refer adoption and guardianship cases Attorneys can seek reimbursement of $80 clinic volunteer schedule, to join the Pro as well as simple name changes. Other per hour with a limit of 20 hours per case. Bono Program panel for case referrals, or cases referred by the program include lim- The Pro Bono Program requires that for to receive detailed information about fam- ited debt collection defense, private land- each Judicare case referred that a pro bono ily law and consumer bankruptcy training lord tenant, wills and power of attorney, case is referred at the same time to the opportunities. limited immigration and limited employ- attorney. We recruit attorney volunteers to ment issues. We do not accept modifica- Thank you to the attorneys from attend the legal advice clinics. The legal tions, contempt, emergency or post judg- Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered for vol- advice clinics are held twice each month ment matters. unteering at the legal advice clinic in the in four different locations (see box below) Family Law training, taped on Gilchrist Center – Germantown on March to assist low-income residents in obtain- November 7 & 14, 2011, is now available 13th. Your support of the Pro Bono ing immediate legal advice in civil mat- via webcast for free in exchange for Program is appreciated. ters. Eligible clients present their legal accepting a pro bono case. You can watch problems to an attorney for brief advice a preview of the training at no cost and Thank You Volunteer Attorneys! The and/or referrals. Copies of the then determine if you would like to pro- following attorneys provided legal services Montgomery County Legal Assistance ceed with the entire training seminar. for the Pro Bono Program during March 2012. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Network (MCLAN) Directory are avail- Attorneys participating in the training the Bar Foundation, we thank these attorneys able to attorneys to assist in providing have the opportunity to join a mentoring for their time, dedication and service. referrals to clients. This directory is also group hosted by an experienced family available on the Bar Association’s website law attorney. Sign up now for the training Pro Bono / Judicare Case Referrals Ackman, Kay* Logan, Kimberly T. at Each clinic is staffed and join a mentoring group immediately! Akpan, Zionne* Lucero, Alicia with two supervising attorneys. In addi- The six hour seminar is also available for Aylward, Jillian Margulies, Laura J. tion, five volunteer attorneys are needed at purchase without a pro bono commitment. Badaki, Ayodeji* Murnane, Andrew W.* each location. We strive to have attorneys Contact Clarice for detailed information Barkley, Brian E. Oliver, Aileen* from a variety of practice areas available about the training, mentoring groups, and Bluefeld, Judith L. Richardson, Sabrina C.* Bryant, Michael Singer, Eric H.* to meet the legal needs of clients. By vol- registration materials. Chang, Alyssa W.* Stewart, Craig unteering at a clinic you have the opportu- We are accepting consumer bankrupt- Conte, Steven Stolker, Richard S. nity to network with other attorneys and cy cases on a limited basis. Please consid- Graves, Victor L. Stone, Harry* clients. Many attorneys find this volunteer er joining our pro bono panel of attorneys Hamilton, Dontrice P.* Whitfield, Lynette A.* Henry, Jeanett* Whittaker, Shawn C. experience very rewarding and return for bankruptcy. If you would like to view Jacobsen, Alisha* Xu, Eva Y.* often to assist clients. Recently barred via webcast the Pro Bono Resource Jung, Gene Zimmerman, Donya* attorneys are welcome at the clinics. Center (PBRC) Consumer Bankruptcy Kennedy III, Daniel M. Zuckerman, Joel R.* The Pro Bono Program also recruits training, taped on March 23, 2012, you East County Service Center attorney volunteers to accept case refer- can register and pay for the training on the Gaffigan, Joseph Montero, R. Manuel+ rals opened through the client intake line. PBRC website at If Ingram, Shelly Okasili, Eshigo The Pro Bono Program office staff you have previously attended the PBRC Iranshad, Mehrban Pugliese, Elizabeth answers calls from potential clients in Consumer Bankruptcy training and Jacobsen, Alisha Washington, Juan+ need of legal help between 9 AM and 4:30 would like to accept a pro bono case in Gilchrist Center – Germantown PM Monday through Thursday. Callers exchange for limited reimbursement of Ashkeboussi, Leila Goecke, Michael that have a type of case that we handle and the cost of the training, please contact Bloom, Jon+ Joehl, Virginia meet all eligibility requirements have their Clarice at the Pro Bono Program directly. Canarte, MaryKay+ O’Neil, Patrick Fattahi, Parva Soraruf, Nicole case opened and referred to an attorney The Pro Bono Program participates in Gagliardi, Jeanine Wagman, Robert Gagliuso, Laura EVENING CLINICS Gilchrist Center – Wheaton 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month Bunker, Kate McDonough, Kate (6:00 PM to 8:30 PM) (5:30 PM to 8:30 PM) Guzman-Salvado, Renner, Richard Tel: (301) 565-7675 Tel: (240) 777-4940 Sandra Vega, David+ TESS Community Service Center Charles W. Gilchrist Center Leavy, Edward Washington, Juan+ 8513 Piney Branch Road for Cultural Diversity Marks, Jay+ Wikramanayake, Jude Silver Spring, Maryland 20901 11701 Georgia Avenue, 1st Floor Wheaton, Maryland 20902 TESS Community Center Auerbach, Kenneth McDonough, John 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month 1st and 2nd Thursday of each month Barham, Jeff McDonough, Kate (6:00 PM - 8:30 PM) (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM) Faraday, George Smith, William Tel: (240) 777-6940 Tel: (240) 777-8400 Goecke, Michael Vega, David+ Charles Gilchrist Center for Cultural EAST County Regional Services Konings, Priya Washington, Juan+ Diversity - Upcounty Germantown Center 12900 Middlebrook Road 3300 Briggs Chaney Road * = accepted more than 1 case Germantown, MD 20874 Silver Spring, MD 20904 + = Supervising Attorney

28 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 SPECIALTY BAR ASSOCIATIONS

J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR annually in an effort to enhance the posture Association’s Headquarters by telephone, ASSOCIATION, INC., of African American lawyers as legal advo- mail or facsimile. The telephone number for MONTGOMERY COUNTY cates and to increase the number of minority the NBA Headquarters is (202) 842-3900. COMMITTEE lawyers who are readily available to repre- The fax number is (202) 289-6170. sent their clients before this nation's highest However, all applications for participation in The next J. FRANKLYN BOURNE court. This year marks the 30th anniversary the NBA Group Swearing-in Ceremony BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., Montgomery of the Women Lawyers Division’s sponsor- must be submitted to the NBA office. To County Committee meeting will be held on ship of the NBA Supreme Court Group facilitate handling, please address your Saturday, May 5, 2012, from 9:30 a.m. to Swearing-in Ceremony. Applicants must be mailed applications to: NBA Supreme Court 11:30 at the Law Office of Holly D. Reed, III, members in good standing of their highest Swearing-in Ceremony, National Bar 8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 1000, Silver state court bar for three years prior to admis- Association, 1225 11th Street, N. W., Spring, MD 20910. Breakfast will be served. sion and must have their applications signed Washington, D. C. 20001. The Bourne Montgomery County by two members of the U.S. Supreme Court Calling all members, past and present, Committee usually meets on the first Bar. The cost of participation in this group seasoned or new, or anyone looking for a Saturday of the month. If you cannot attend swearing-in event is $350.00, which includes quality Bar Association to join, Judge the next meeting, please join us on Saturday, an application fee of $200.00. Completed Herman C. Dawson, Sr., will be hosting one June 2, 2012. For more information, contact applications are due no later than May 3, of his famous backyard Seafood Feast, to our committee chair, Holly Reed, Esq. at 2012. You are encouraged to download the launch J. Franklyn Bourne’s 2012 (301) 587-9480 or [email protected]. application from the Supreme Court’s web- Membership Drive. Join us for an afternoon The National Bar Association (NBA) site, which is The of fun and fellowship on Friday, May 4, 2012 Women Lawyers Division wishes to invite foregoing is a direct link to the Supreme from 6:00-8:30 pm at the residence of Judge all members of the NBA who have not been Court’s website, then click on Bar Dawson. Please RSVP to Brandes Ash at admitted to the Bar of the United States Admissions to access the application. If for 301-952-3676. Judge Dawson’s get-togeth- Supreme Court to participate in its Annual some reason you are unable to successfully ers are truly special events. They are always Supreme Court Swearing-In Ceremony download the application, you may request well-attended by members of both the bench on May 29, 2012. This Ceremony is held an application directly from the National Bar and the bar. This is a true benefit of member- ship. The J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Pushkin & and the Prince George’s County Bar Association will hold their Annual Golf Pushkin, Inc. Classic at the Lake Presidential Golf Course, Actuaries & Consultants since 1979 3151 Presidential Golf Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 on Monday, May 7, • Pension Divorce Valuations • Actuarial Valuations 2012. The shotgun start is at 8:30 a.m. and • 401 (k) Marital Tracings • Expert Testimony the golf clinic is at 1:00 p.m. The cost for the • Wrongful Death & Personal Injury Analyses tournament is $150 per person and $550 for • Loss of Earnings Studies a foursome who signs up and pays at the same time. The fee includes range balls, Member of the National Association of Forensic Economics prizes for first and second place, longest Pushkin & Pushkin, Inc. drive, closest to pin, continental breakfast, 30 E Padonia Rd., Suite 406 • Timonium, MD 21093 awards ceremony, lunch, and other golf gifts. : 410.561.1945 • Washington: 301.951.9430 The golf clinic is $50.00 and includes the ECONOMIC VALUATIONS ECONOMIC awards ceremony and lunch. For questions, please contact Georgia Perry at 301-952- Litigation Support – Expert Witness Testimony 1442 or [email protected] or Joe Wright at Business Valuation – Pension Valuation – Financial Analysis 240-472-4533 or [email protected]. Forensic Accounting – Financial Fraud Investigations Proceeds will benefit the J. Franklyn Bourne Tax Issues – Income Tax Preparation Scholarship Fund and Operation Homefront. Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. "Doug" Gansler, has agreed to discuss Alan Zipp employment opportunities in the Attorney Certified Public Accountant General’s Office with Bourne and other spe- Attorney at Law cialty bar associations. The discussion will take place on Thursday, May 17, 2012 at Certified Business Appraiser 6:00 p.m. at UFCW Local 400, Lower Level Certified Fraud Examiner Meeting Room, 4301 Garden City Drive, Hyattsville, MD 20785 at 6:00 p.m. If you Telephone 301-340-0084 – [email protected] have any questions, please contact Marylin 932 Hungerford Drive, Suite 13 Rockville, MD 20850 Pierre at (301) 279-9020 or [email protected].

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 29 WHAT’SHEADING NEW ...

LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Department of Justice. She earned her secretarial station. Amenities include Juris Doctor from The George receptionist and use of conference rooms, Chirumbole, Gross & Conrad, P.C. is Washington University Law School. The kitchen, copy machines. Parking is pleased to announce that Fatima Harden firm is located in Germantown, available in the building. Please contact has joined the firm as an associate. Prior Maryland. Ph: (301) 428-3911/Website: Barbara at 301-634-3107 if interested. to joining the firm, Ms. Harden worked at the Montgomery County Office of the BETHESDA – Two windowed offices Whiteford Taylor & Preston announced Public Defender where she practiced for available in downtown Bethesda law today that Erek L. Barron has joined the five years. Ms. Harden will continue her office: Reception, conference rooms, firm’s Litigation practice in the firm’s new criminal defense practice, complementing copier, etc., with suite of attorneys; Bethesda office. In private practice, Mr. the firm’s existing practice areas of work- definite referral opportunities; parking in Barron has represented individuals and ers’ compensation, personal injury and building and next to large public parking businesses in all aspects of civil and crim- Social Security Disability. Ms. Harden is garage, 1 block from Metro, workstations inal litigation, including trials and appeals a graduate of Benjamin N. Cardozo also available. Perfect for sole in state and federal courts. His criminal School of Law, where she was a member practitioner. Virtual office arrangements practice includes white collar crime and of the Journal of Conflict Resolution. She also available. Please contact Peggy at his civil practice includes contract dis- earned a bachelor’s degree in Government 301-961-6464 x3322 if interested. putes, torts and real estate. He received from the University of Virginia. Ms. his LL.M. in International Law and FREDERICK – 2 offices available for Harden is licensed to practice in Maryland National Security from the Georgetown rent. 1 exterior office (12'x10') with and is fluent in Spanish. University Law Center in 2007; his J. D. window. 1 interior office (10'x8') without Garson Claxton is pleased to welcome from the George Washington University window. Shared office suite with small our newest attorney, W. Elliott Hunter. Law School in 1999; and his B.A. from law firm in commercial building within Elliott joins us as an associate in the the University of Maryland at College walking distance to the courthouse. Litigation Group, where he will be sup- Park in 1996. He is admitted to the Access to conference room. Ideal for porting the firm’s senior attorneys in mat- Maryland and District of Columbia bars. professional with assistant or individual use. Located at 7 North Market Street, ters dealing with commercial litigation, Wilson Forte LLP is happy to announce real estate and construction litigation, and Suite 301, Frederick (next to BB&T Bank that Kathryn E. Bonorchis has joined the on the corner of North Market & West corporate and partnership disputes. Elliott firm as an associate. Kathryn comes to is admitted to practice in Virginia. Patrick Streets). For more information, Wilson Forte after several years of prac- contact Eugene Souder at 301-442-4780. Hileman & Williams, P.C. is pleased to tice in the areas of insurance defense and announce that Steven M. Gassert has construction litigation. She works prima- GAITHERSBURG – Individual Offices joined the firm as an Associate. The firm rily in the areas of insurance defense, and/or 2 Office Suite – Copier, fax, is located at 7979 Old Georgetown Rd., insurance coverage, commercial litiga- voicemail, conference room, DSL and road Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814. tion, construction litigation, products lia- signage available. Desirable location on Route 355. $750-$1,500/month. Call 301- The Law Offices of James A. Hyatt & bility, premises liability, and personal 987-2002 or email [email protected]. Associates is pleased to announce the injury. Kathryn assists in the representa- addition of new associate Caitlyn K. tion of individuals, institutional and com- GAITHERSBURG – Windowed office Walters. Ms. Walters will work closely mercial clients. available in first class building on Rt. 355, with clients on estate planning and elder RENT/LEASE near Shady Grove Road. Includes internet, law matters. Prior to joining The Law phone, fax, copier, kitchen, and 2 Offices of James A. Hyatt & Associates, BETHESDA – Law firm has 2 furnished conference rooms. Available furnished. Ms. Walters worked for the U.S. offices available for sublet, with Plenty of parking. Only a 5 minute drive Beautiful Victorian House in City of Rockville First Offering. Just renovated with floor to ceiling windows. Private foyer entrance. Lots of storage for files. Plenty of free parking. Walk to court. Suite sizes range from 250 sq. ft. to 1200 sq. ft. Nine foot ceil- ings. Must see. Call Schlesinger Co. at 301-949-2131.

30 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 HEADINGWHAT’S NEW ...

to courthouses. Overflow work available. ROCKVILLE – One or two windowed two sides; reception; conference room; Call 301-670-6333. offices in townhouse with small law firm ample parking; walk to court, metro and town center; other amenities. Call 301- GAITHERSBURG/ROCKVILLE – (18’X15’ & 15’X14’). Walking distance 251-9200. One windowed office available in new to Metro, County buildings. Courts and suite in five story office building located Town Center shops. Free Parking. Use ROCKVILLE – Three windowed offices on the corner of Route 355 and Shady of reception area, small conference room, for rent in townhouse next to jury parking Grove Road. Share office suite with library, copier, kitchenette. Call 301-545- lot. Use of 2 conference rooms, library, small family law firm. Space for your 6100. kitchen and client waiting areas. Free assistant available. Furnished or ROCKVILLE – One part-time or parking. Digital copier/Internet use unfurnished. Great location, only ten satellite office in a beaufiful penthouse available. A block to Circuit and District minutes from the courthouse. Plenty of suite in premium office building with Courts. $695-1195. Call 301-251-1600. free parking. Use of reception area, outdoor terrace. One block from Circuit ROCKVILLE – Two windowed offices conference room, kitchen and DSL. Court. Adjacent to the Rockville Metro (one furnished) on second floor of two- Reasonable rent. Call 301-926-8822 or Station. Full use of conference room, level office building that has a reception email [email protected]. reception, copier and kitchen, and other area, conference room, kitchen, copier, amenities for a reasonable cost. Call FAX machine and free recently renovated KENSINGTON – Lease of attractive Stanley at 301-340-3003. parking lot. Reasonable rent. Walking space in downtown Kensington office distance to Circuit/District Courts, building is also available. Includes one ROCKVILLE – One windowed office Rockville Town Center and Metro. large and one medium size office, and secretarial space available in suite in Contact Benjamin A. Klopman at 301- secretary-reception area, conference One Church Street building. Right next 424-0677. room with substantial library. Contact to Metro. Underground parking Larry Wiser at 301-949-7870 or available. Walk to Rockville courthouses ROCKVILLE – Windowed office [email protected]. and Town Center. Use of telephone, available on lobby level of 50 West copier and, telecopier. Conference room Montgomery Ave. Includes use of ROCKVILLE – Adams Law Center in available. Please call Rand or Sandy at conference room, WIFI, receptionist Downtown Rockville – Four beautifully 301-251-0202. services and free parking. Office furniture renovated individual offices with available. Copier available. Contact ROCKVILLE – One windowed office additional space for support personnel. Margaret 301-217-9388 or available in law office suite located in the Walk to the new Rockville Town Center. [email protected]. Free parking. Rent all or part. For Executive Office Park. Shared reception ROCKVILLE – Windowed office with information call Alice Thomas or Bill area, conference room and kitchen. Free secretarial space available in a Law Office Wood at 301-424-6200. parking in office complex. Call 301-816- 1600. at Rockville Metro Plaza I. Short walk to ROCKVILLE – Complete Office Suite Courthouses, Metro and Town Square. for rent to sole practitioner or small firm. ROCKVILLE – 7th Floor office with Also available is the use of general Three private offices, secretarial/ view on Route 355 with ample free reception area, conference room, full reception area, storage room, and parking, walking to Court and Metro, kitchen and amenities, including phone restroom. Lovely second floor view of receptionist, conference room, kitchen, system, fax, copier and internet. Ample Route 355 and the Metro trains. Jackson and available secretarial area. Call Kathy parking also available in our secure, Place Office Condominium in front of at 301-762-7200. beautiful building. Opportunities for Montgomery College. Lots of parking ROCKVILLE – Spacious corner office referrals and/or overflow work. Please and easy access. Alan Zipp, CPA- in unique historic building. Private call 301-279-2200. Attorney, 301-340-0084. entrance on first floor; large windows on (Continued on following page)

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 31 WHAT’SHEADING NEW ...

(Continued from preceding page) academic credentials along with are looking for one or two attorneys with ATTORNEY experience in drafting purchase and sale experience reviewing titles, solving title OPPORTUNITIES agreements, leases, financing documents, issues, conducting settlements, drafting development agreements, easements, contracts and other real estate related ASSOCIATE – Family Law Attorney – condominium documents, and other documents. Maryland Bar is required, DC Lerch, Early and Brewer, Chartered in transactional documents. The firm is an and Virginia a plus. Please e-mail your Bethesda is seeking a domestic relations equal opportunity employer. Send resume in confidence to associate with between 1 and 3 years of resume with cover letter to [email protected] No relevant professional experience in [email protected]. phone calls please. family law. Excellent writing and analytical skills and strong academic ATTORNEY – Real Estate– Well ATTORNEY – Tax – Kundra & credentials are required. Maryland Bar established AV rated Rockville law firm Associates, P.C., an expanding and required. Candidates must enjoy practice has an exciting opportunity for an sophisticated tax litigation, controversy, in a team environment. The firm is an attorney with experience in commercial and international tax boutique law firm equal opportunity employer. Interested real estate transactions to include HOA, located in Rockville, MD is looking for a applicants should email resume with condominium, title and transaction work. tax attorney to compliment its practice. cover letter in confidence to Business transaction experience is a plus, Applicants should possess the following: [email protected]. which would include entity formations, Communication/negotiation skills; Interact shareholder agreements and other with corporate tax/finance departments, ASSOCIATE – Medical Malpractice/ commercial documents. Candidate must IRS, CPAs, related firms; Evaluation, Personal Injury – Dynamic 90+ attorney seek to contribute and make a difference. assessment, counseling on tax problems; suburban law firm with a sophisticated Firm has existing and varied commercial, Research, analyze laws, US tax planning, national and regional practice seeks an business, real estate, estate planning, litigation, controversy, publishing, associate with 2+ years of medical estate administration and litigation speaking; Counsel on new/updated laws; malpractice/personal injury experience. practices, and offers camaraderie and an JD, financial/accounting experience. CPA, Trial experience, insurance defense or opportunity for personal and professional LLM, Masters in Tax required; Minimum 4 adjuster background strongly encouraged. development. Candidate must be years practice. Email resume, cover letter, Ability to conduct and defend depositions committed to business development and transcripts, reference letters, salary and assist at trials is a must. Strong actively involved in the community to requirements: Ian Greathead, COO, research and writing skills are essential. promote own and firm practice areas. [email protected].. Excellent long term career opportunity for Excellent client communication skills, the right individual with superior academic ability to work as a team player, attention FOR SALE credentials who is eager to develop a legal to detail and sound judgment are all Solo practitioner retiring June 30 has expertise while taking on significant qualities important to our Firm. See our office furniture for sale including 2 responsibility in all aspects of cases and Firm website: executive desks, secretary’s desk, all with client relations. Maryland bar is required Respond in confidence to: chairs, conference table and chairs, 7 large and eligible for D.C. bar. VA bar is a plus. [email protected]. floor to ceiling bookcases, 7 large file Submit resume to: Ms. Maura Bowen, ATTORNEY – Real Estate Settlement – cabinets and 1 fireproof file cabinet. Also Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, Village Settlements, Inc., with offices in large law library including all Maryland P.A., Fax (301) 230-2891; Email: Gaithersburg, Bethesda, Potomac, 2nd and 3rd Reporters, Maryland Digest, [email protected]. If you are Greenbelt and Frederick is seeking a real and Maryland and D.C. Codes. Contact interested in applying for employment estate settlement attorney(s) with two to Larry Wiser at 301-949-7870 or with Shulman Rogers and believe you five years of settlement experience. We [email protected]. need special assistance or an accommodation to apply for a posted position, contact our Human Resources Department at 301-230-5249. Hearing DAVID R. HARRISON, INC. impaired users please have your relay service provider contact our Human SUSAN KITZMILLER Resources Department at 301-230-5249. ATTORNEY – Commercial Real APPRAISALS Estate – Lerch Early is seeking an MD REAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $300.00 individual with 4-7 years experience in MD PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $300.00 commercial real estate transactions to COMBINATION FEE - BOTH FOR $500.00 join its practice in representing developers, investors and landlords in all MD LICENSE #18 CERTIFIED APPRAISER #45162 aspects of commercial real estate WE APPRAISE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS & COLLECTIBLES. acquisitions, sales, leasing and finance. Excellent growth potential. Qualified 301-422-3442 candidates will have outstanding

32 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 HEADINGWHAT’S NEW ...

ADVERTISERS INDEX NEW MEMBERS Berenato & White, LLC ...... 30 Mark A. Joseph, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Elizabeth Haynos, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7000; Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Matthew S. Bergman, Esquire ...... 11 [email protected] 7404; Shawn T. Andrews, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Center for Forensic Economic Studies . . . .7 Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Robert Hendricks, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th 7343; Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Chirumbole, Gross & Conrad, PC . . . . .5 [email protected] 7410; [email protected] Circle Treatment Center ...... 21 Rodney M. Hermann, III, 50 Maryland Ave., Jonathan A. Barnes, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- 7483; 7480; Creative Dispute Resolutions, LLC . . . .26 [email protected] [email protected] Lindsey Binstock, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Ashley A. Inderfurth, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Richard Edelman ...... 11 Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7424; Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- [email protected] 7466; [email protected] Jennifer Fairfax LLC ...... 13 Sylvia Borenstein, 1 Church St., Suite 800, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 301-251-0100; Keith R. Jacobson, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Felinton Elder Law & Estate & Estate 7352; Planning Centers ...... 14 Ann N. Bosse, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, [email protected] Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman ...... 11 Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7468; [email protected] Dana C. Kaplan, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7464; David Harrison, Inc...... 32 Cynthia A. Bridgford, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Karyn McAuliffe, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, 7456; Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7372; Harvest Title & Escrow ...... 31 [email protected] [email protected] Insight Treatment Center ...... 16, 25 Teresa Casafranca, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Karen M. McNeeley, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Michael L. Kabik, Esquire ...... 22 Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- 7476; 7366; [email protected] [email protected] McAdoo, Gordon & Associates, P.C. . . .15 John Costello, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Amanda L. Michalski, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7406; Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- The McCammon Group ...... 3 [email protected] 7452; Carol A. Crawford, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Metro Counseling Services, Inc...... 15 Peter D. Mills, P.O. Box 7700, Silver Spring, Md 7342; 20907; tel.: 301-404-5335; [email protected] [email protected] Metropolitan Process Services ...... 4 Hans I. Moore, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Christina G. Favretto, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7325; Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- [email protected] Montgomery County Sentinel ...... 4 7465; Lynn Nixon, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, [email protected] Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7337; Oxley & Goldburn Insurance ...... 25 Deborah W. Feinstein, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Arthur R. Pilkerton, III, 50 Maryland Ave., 7448; Passport Title Services, LLC ...... 23 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- [email protected] 7300; Hannah J. Gleason, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th [email protected] Prudential Associates ...... 27 Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777- Christina B. Sorrento, 8787 Georgia Ave., 7358; Silver Spring, MD 20910; tel.: 301-495-4646; Pushkin & Pushkin ...... 29 [email protected] [email protected] Jack A. Gold, 2273 Research Blvd., Suite 200, Re/Max All Pro ...... 17 Rosalyn Tang, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 301-948-3800; Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7323; [email protected] [email protected] Remax at Park Potomac ...... 12 Tina D. Greene, 8560 2nd Ave., Silver Spring, Vlatka Tomazic, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, MD 20910; tel.: 240-393-4486; Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7386; [email protected] [email protected] Rossmann - Hurt - Hoffman, Inc...... 22 Jessica Hall, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Douglas Wink, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7453; Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7328; Schlesinger Company ...... 30 [email protected] [email protected] Target Investigations ...... 24 Fatima Harden, 101 Lakeforest Blvd., Suite Seth Zucker, 50 Maryland Ave., 5th Floor, 340, Gaithersburg, MD 20877; tel.: 301-948- Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: 240-777-7345; 0922; [email protected] [email protected] Alan S. Zipp, Esquire ...... 29

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 33 state’s attOrney’s assighneMaednintg s ~ Updates to these schedules can be found in the Court Schedules section of the Bar Association website ~


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- - always have clients waiting - T T S I

A during lunch hours, and could

D S ’ use your assistance.


Y Y - T

- 2. scheduled volun- - - - A A - - - A - - -

- - -

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C C A H H L R C T I H H C C C A I R A - - - A C L M H C C M R H B H H / please contact our Bar liaison: 4


- - - -

: Judi Bluefeld, (301) 279-

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34 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter May, 2012 HEADINGJUDGES SCHEDULES ~ Updates to these schedules can be found in the Court Schedules section of the Bar Association website ~

Schedule updates are available on our website when we receive them ... Click on the Court Schedules link Circuit Court

*Family Duty; CM=Criminal Motions; PT=Criminal PreTrial Jury Demand/Appeal Docket

May, 2012 The Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD Newsletter 35 Newsletter of the Periodicals BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 Postage PAID at Rockville, MD

CR Bar Office Conference Room CLR CLE Classroom C/S See Committee/Section Pages for Location CLE CLE Seminar–Call (301) 340-2534 to Register

MAY JUNE 1 5:00p.m. TBD Bar Foundation Board of Directors 2 8:00a.m. C/S Circuit Court Bench Bar Committee 4 6:00p.m. Bar Leaders Dinner CALENDAR 12:15p.m. CR Youth Courthouse Project Committee 6 8:00a.m. C/S Circuit Court Bench Bar Committee 4:30p.m. C/S Legal Ethics Committee Meeting 11 5:00p.m. TBD Executive Committee Meeting 3 8:00a.m. C/S District Court Bench Bar Committee 13 8:00a.m. C/S ADR Section Meeting Noon C/S Immigration Section Brown Bag 5:30p.m. ~ Bar Revue ~ 5:30p.m. CLE CLE Seminar –Collaborative Law 9 8:00a.m. C/S ADR Section Meeting 8:00a.m. CR Elder Law Section Meeting 12:30p.m. C/S Juvenile Law Section Meeting 10 5:00p.m. CR Lawyer to Lawyer Committee Meeting 5:30p.m. C/S Family Law Section Wine & Cheese 11 12:15p.m. CR Education Law Section Meeting 15 Noon C/S Immigration Section Brown Bag 5:30p.m. CLE CLE Seminar –Intellectual Property & Technology Law 16 5:30p.m. C/S Strategic Planning Committee Meeting 17 8:00a.m. C/S Law Firm Management Section Mtg. 18 ~ Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration ~ 24 12:30p.m. C/S Circuit Court Chamber Chat

~ Please visit our website,, for the most recent updates to the Calendar of Events ~