Professor Sir Alan Hodgkin OM KBE MA Scd FRS 1914-1998
Professor Sir Alan Hodgkin OM KBE MA ScD FRS 1914-1998 A Ian Hodgkin was distinguished for his Disease is named. His father, a friend of contributions to the understanding of Keith Lucas, originator of the All-or-None nerve conduction, the Law, died in 1918 on a excitation of muscle, mission to investigate and phototransduction conditions among in the retina. With his refugees in Armenia. colleagues Bernard Alan Hodgkin's Katz and Andrew autobiography tells us Huxley, he established that being sent away to the ionic basis of the the Downs School, action potential, Colwall, near Malvern, in r e v o I u t i o n i s i n g 4his ninth year was not a neuroscience and happy experience, and laying the foundations subsequent entry to for subsequent work, Gresham's School, Holt, now burgeoning more in Norfolk, found him in than ever, on ion the bottom class. But he channels. In 1963, at worked his way up to win the age of 49, he won Brya Organs portrait of Sir Alm Hodgkin OM as a Scholarship to Trinity the Nobel Prize for Chancenor of the University of Le tr. College, Cambridge, in Physiology and Photogmph courtesy of the University of Leicester Botany, Zoology, and Medicine with Andrew Chemistry. His future Huxley and John Director of Studies, the Eccles. He was a Fellow of the Royal zoologist Carl Pantin, persuaded him to use Society at the age of 40, and held its the time between school and university to Foulerton Research Chair from 1952 to learn as much mathematics, physics, and 1969.
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