Journal Deselection List-A 1

A.M.A. archives of dermatology 1955-1960 A.M.A. archives of dermatology and syphilology 1951-1955 A.M.A. archives of general psychiatry 1959-1960 A.M.A. archives of industrial health 1955-1960 A.M.A. archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine 1951-1954 A.M.A. archives of internal medicine 1951-1960 A.M.A. archives of neurology 1959-1960 A.M.A. archives of neurology and psychiatry 1950-1959 A.M.A. archives of ophthalmology 1951-1960 A.M.A. archives of otolaryngology 1951-1960 A.M.A. archives of pathology 1951-1960 A.M.A. archives of surgery 1951-1960 A.M.A. journal of diseases of children 1956-1960 AACN advanced critical care 2006 AACN clinical issues 1995-2006 AACN clinical issues in critical care nursing 1990-1994 AANA journal 1974-2006 Abdmonial imaging 1993-1996 Abdmonial surgery 1970-1984 Abstracts of health care management studies 1978-79, 1982-87 Abstracts of hospital management studies 1965-1978 Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American 1972-75, 1978- society for microbiology 1990 Abstracts of the general meeting of the American society for microbiology 1991-1996 Abstracts on hygiene 1968-1980 Accomplishments in oncology 1986-1988 Acta allergologica 1948-1977 Acta allergologica. Supplementum 1971-1977 Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica. Supplementum 1959-2003 Acta anatomica 1945-1998 Acta anatomica. Supplementum 1944-0980 1954-1973, 1975- Acta biochimica polonica 1999 Acta cardiologica 1946-2002 1946-1961, 1969- Acta cardiologica. Supplement 1991 1950-1960, 1966, Acta dermato-venereologica 1970-97 Journal Deselection List-A 2

1941,48,1951- 59,1966,1970- Acta dermato-venereologica. Supplementum 1997

Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis 1957-1968

Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis 1980-1991 Acta embryologiae experimentalis 1972-1979 Acta endocrinologica 1958-1993 Acta endocrinologica. Supplementum 1957-1993 Acta genetica et statistica medica & supplement 1948-1968 Acta gynecologica scandinavica 1921-1925 Acta haematologica 1948-2001 Acta histochemica 1954-2001 Acta histochemica. Supplementband 1971-1992 Acta medica Iugoslavica 1962-1972 Acta medica Scandinavica 1919-1988 Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplementum 1927-1988 Acta microbiologica academiae scientiarum 1954-1965, 1968- hungaricae 1982 Acta microbiologica et immunologica hungarica 1994 Acta microbiologica hungarica 1983-1993 Acta morphologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae 1951-1982 Acta morphologica hungarica 1983-1992 Acta morphologica neerlando-scandinavica 1956-1989 Acta neerlandica morphologiae normalis et pathologicae 1937-1949 1950-1965,1969- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplementum 1996,1999-2003 Acta neurologica scandinavica. Supplementum 1962-2000 Acta neurovegetativa 1950-1967 Acta neurovegetativa. Supplement 1952-1962 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandinavaica 1925-2001 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandinavaica. Supplementum 1931-1998 Acta oncologica 1987-2004 Acta ophthalmologica scandinavica 1995-2001 Acta ophthalmologica. Supplement 1976-1984 1965,1967- Acta ophthalmologica. Supplementum 68,1970-75 Acta orthopaedica scandinavica 1930-2001 Acta orthopaedica scandinavica. Supplementum 1934-2001 Journal Deselection List-A 3

Acta oto-laryngologica 1918-2004 1920-1934, 1937- Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplement 2004 Acta paediatrica (Stockholm) 1921-1964 Acta paediatrica (Oslo) 1992-2005 Acta paediatrica. Supplement 1924-1933, 1937 Acta paedologica 1984 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica 1924-34,1958-69 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Sect. A Pathology 1970-1981 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Sect. B microbiology 1975-1981 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Sect. B microbiology and immunology 1970-1974 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Sect. C immunology 1975-1981 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Supplement 1970-1981 Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. 1935, 1955, 1958- Supplementum 1969 Acta pathologica japonica 1990-1993 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica. Sect. A Pathology 1982-1987 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica. Sect. B microbiology 1982-1987 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica. Sect. C Immunology 1982-1987 Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica. Supplement 1982-1987 Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica 1945-1986 Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. Supplement 1959-1986 1952- 1960,1962,1964- Acta physiologica 1982 Acta physiologica et pharmacologica neerlandica 1950-1969 Acta physiologica hungarica 1983-2000 Acta physiologica polonica 1962-1972 Acta physiologica scandinavica 1940-2001 Acta physiologica scandinavica. Supplement 1940-2000 Acta poloniae pharmaceutica 1963-1972 1944-1946,1948- Acta psychiatrica et neurologica 1950 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica scandinavica 1951-1961 Journal Deselection List-A 4

Acta psychiatrica et neurologica scandinavica. Supplementum 1951-1961 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica. Supplementum 1945-1951 Acta psychiatrica scandinavica. Supplementum 1966-2001 Acta psychotherapeutica et psychosomatica 1960-61, 1963-64 Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica 1953-1959 Acta radiologica 1987-2001 Acta radiologica 1921-1962 Acta radiologica. Diagnosis 1963-1986 Acta radiologica. Oncology 1984-1986 Acta radiologica. Oncology, radiation, physics, biology 1978-1979 Acta radiologica. Oncology, radiation, therapy, physics and biology 1980-1983 1928-33,1935- 37,1939-51,1963- Acta radiologica. Supplementm 67,1971-2001 Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biology 1963-1977 1955-1966,1968- Acta rheumatologica scandinavica 1971 1956, 1961- Acta rheumatologica scandinavica. Supplement 1966,1969-1971 Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica scandinavica 1961-1965 Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica scandinavica. Supplementum 1962-64 Acta tuberculosea scandinavica. 1925-1961 1939,1942- Acta tuberculosea scandinavica. Supplementum 54,1957-61 Acta unio internationalis contra cancrum 1936-1997 Acta virologica 1957-1997 Acta zoologica 1958-1997 Actualities pharmacologiques 1956,1969-1986 Addiction 1993-1996 Administrative radiology 1991-1995 Administrative radiology journal 1995-2001 Advance data from vital & health statistics of the 1976-1983,1996- National center for health statistics 2003 Advanced imaging 1997-2003 Advanced practice nursing quarterly 1997-1998 Advances in alcohol & substance abuse 1981-1990 Advances in applied microbiology & supplement 0065-2164 Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology 1969-1995 Journal Deselection List-A 5

Advances in biological and medical physics 1948-1980 Advances in biology of the skin 1961-1972 Advances in biomedical engineering 1971-1979 Advances in biomedical engineering and medical physics 1968-1971 Advances in biophysics 1970-1982 Advances in cancer research 1953-2009 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry 1945-1968 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry 1969-2000 Advances in cardiology 1970-1996 Advances in cell and molecular biology 1971-1974 Advances in cell biology 1970-71 Advances in cell culture 1981-1987 Advances in chemotherapy 1964-1968 Advances in child development and behavior 1963-2009 Advances in chromatography 1965-2000 Advances in clinical chemistry 1958-2000 Advances in comparative physiology and biochemistry 1962-1982 Advances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research 1984-1986 Advances in cyclic nucleotide research 1972-1983 Advances in disease prevention 1981 Advances in enzyme regulation 1963-1996 Advances in enzymology and related subjects 1941-2000 Advances in experimental social psychology 1964-1998 1947-58, 1962- Advances in genetics & supplement 2008 Advances in gerontological research 1971-72 Advances in heart disease 1977-1980 Advances in human genetics 1970-1994 Advances in imaging and electron physics 1995-2001 Advances in immunity and cancer therapy 1985-1986 Advances in inflammation research 1979-1988 Advances in internal medicine 1942-2001 Advances in lipid research 1963-1993 Advances in macromolecular chemistry 1968-1970 Advances in materials research 1967-1971 Advances in metabolic disorders 1964-1988 Advances in metabolic disorders. Supplement 1970-73 Advances in microbial physiology 1967-2001 Advances in microcirculation 1968-1987 Journal Deselection List-A 6

Advances in 1961-1973 Advances in myocardiology 1980-85 Advances in nephrology from the Necker hospital 1971-2001 Advances in neurochemistry 1975-2000 Advances in ophthalmology 1972,1974-1981 Advances in optical and electron microscopy 1966-1994 Advances in oto-rhino-laryngology 1972-1998 Advances in parasitology 1963-2001 1942-1998,2000- Advances in pediatrics 2008 Advances in pharmaceutical sciences 1964-1995 Advances in pharmacology 1962-1968 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy 1969-1984 Advances in plastic and reconstructive surgery 1989-1999 Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research 1982-1995 Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology 2008-2009 Advances in psychobiology 1972-1976 Advances in psychosomatic medicine 1967-2000 Advances in radiation biology 1964-1994 Advances in reproductive physiology 1966-1971 Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research 1988-1999 Advances in shock research 1979-1983

Advances in steroid biochemistry and pharmacology 1970-1979 Advances in surgery 1949 Advances in teratology 1966-1972 Advances in the biosciences 1969-1996 Advances in the study of behavior 1965-2001 Advances in therapy 1984-1995 Advances in tracer methodology 1963-1968 Advances in veterinary science 1953-1968 Advances in veterinary science and comparataive medicine 1969-1995 Advances in virus research 1953-2000 Advances in x-ray analysis 1957-1971 Advancing clinical care 1989-1991 1959-1961, 1963- Aerospace medicine 74 Agents and actions 1990-1994 Aggressive behavior 1979-2004 Journal Deselection List-A 7

Aging 1975-1993 Aging 1967-1993,1996 AIDS : a year in review 1990-2002 AIDS bibliography 1988-1995 Air medical journal 1993-2002 Air surgeon's bulletin 1944-1945 AirMed 1995-2000 Aktuelle probleme der dermatologie 1959 Alabama journal of medical sciences 1964-1988 Alaska medicine 1969-1995 Alcohol 1984-2002 Alcohol and drug research 1985-1987 Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2000-2006 Alternatives to the use of live vertebrates in biomedical research and testing 1989-1998 Alzheimer disease and associated disorders 1990-2006 American family physician/GP 1970 American journal of 1901-1991 American journal of cancer 1931-1940 American journal of cardiovascular pathology 1990-1993 American journal of clinical hypnosis 1958-1995 American journal of clinical pathology. Technical section 1943-1945 American journal of clinical pathology. Technical supplement 1937-1941 American journal of digestive diseases 1938-1978

American journal of digestive diseases and nutrition 1934-1938 American journal of diseases of children 1911-1955 American journal of EEG technology 1989-1995 American journal of electroneurodiagnostic technology 1996-2003 American journal of emergency medicine 1989-2002 American journal of forensic medicine and pathology 1994-2008 American journal of geriatric cardiology 2007-2008 American journal of health behavior 1996-2001 American journal of health-system pharmacy 1995-2004 American journal hospice care 1984-1990 American journal hospice & palliative care 1990-2005 American journal of human genetics 1949-2008 American journal of hygiene 1921-1964 American journal of hygiene. Monographic series 1921, 1926, 1963 Journal Deselection List-A 8

American journal of hypertension 1990-1999 American journal of industrial medicine 1990-1996 American journal of infection control 1989-2002 1895-1912,1914- American journal of insanity 17 American journal of medical electronics 1961-1965 American journal of medical genetics 1989-2002 American journal of medical genetics Pt.A 2003-2006 American journal of medical genetics Pt.C seminars in medical genetics 2003-2006 American journal of medical jurisprudence 1938 American journal of medical technology 1968-1976 American journal of medical technology 1977-1983 American journal of mental deficiency 1956-1987 American journal of mental retardation 1987-2001 American journal of orthopedic surgery 1913, 1916-1918 American journal of orthopsychiatry 1930-1995 American journal of otolaryngology 1979-2002 American journal of otology 1979-1997 American journal of pathology 1925-

American journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 1989, 1991-1994 American journal of physical medicine 1952-1987 American journal of preventive medicine 1991-2002 American journal of proctology, gastroenterology & colon & rectal surgery 1978-1985 American journal of proctology 1956-1977 1941-49,1958- American journal of 1995 American journal of psychotherapy 1947-1996 American journal of public health and the nation's health 1928-1970 American journal of public health 1916-1927 American journal of reproductive immunology 1992-2003 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 1990-2004 American journal of roentgenology 1914-1922 American journal of roentgenology and radium therapy 1923-1951 American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine 1952-1975 American journal of social psychiatry 1987 American journal of syphillis 1917-1933 Journal Deselection List-A 9

American journal of syphillis and neurology 1934-35 American journal of syphillis, gonorrhea and venereal diseases 1936-1954 American journal of tropical diseases and preventive medicine 1916 1928,1930,1932- American journal of tropical medicine 1951

American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1952-1996 American journal of veterinary research 1949-1997 American medical times 1860-1964 American pharmacy 1978-1995 American practitioner 1946-1949 American practitioner 1962 American practitioner and digest of treatment 1950-1961 American review of tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases 1955-1959 American review of tuberculosis 1917-1954 American zoologist 1961-1995 Amino-acid, peptide & protein abstracts 1979 1966- ANA clinical sessions 1970,1972,1974 Analytical and quantitative cytology and 1992-2003 Analytical chemistry 1948-2001 Analytical profiles of drug substances 1972-1975 Anatomical record 1906-2004 Anatomical record Pt.A 2003-2004 Anatomical record Pt. B 2004 Anatomischer anzeiger 1935-1991 Anatomy and embryology 1987-2003 Andrologia 1975-1997 Anesthesia progress 1966-2001 Anesthesie, analgesie, reanimation 1970-1981 review 1979-1982 Angiologica 1964-1973 Angiology 1950-2004 Animal behavior abstracts 1982-2003 Animal behaviour 1958-1975 Animal behaviour abstracts 1974-1981 Animal behaviour monographs 1968-1973 Animal biology 1992-1998 ANNA journal 1990-1999 Journal Deselection List-A 10

1946-1967,1969- Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie 1976 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur 1887-1972 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. Immunologie 1985-1986 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. Immunology 1986-1988 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. Microbiologie 1985-1986 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. Microbiology 0986-1988 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. Virologie 1985-1986 Annales de l'Institute Pasteur. 1986-1988 Annales de microbiologie 1973-1984 Annales de virologie 1984 Annales d'immunologie 1973-1984 Annales d' oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico- faciale 1970-1995

Annales francaises d' anesthesie et de reanimation 1982-1996 Annales medicinae internae fenniae 1950-58, 1962-68 Annales medicinae internae fenniae. Supplement 1949-1967 Annals of allergy 1943-1994 Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology 1995-2008 Annals of anatomy 1992-2001 Annals of clinical laboratory science 1971-72 Annals of clinical medicine 1922-1926 Annals of clinical research 1969-1988 Annals of clinical research. Supplement 1969-1988 Annals of emergency medicine 1980-2008 Annals of epidemiology 1990-1999 Annals of eugenics 1925-1954 Annals of human genetics 1954-2003 Annals of life insurance 1962-69 1917-19, 1923-26, Annals of medical history 1929-1942 Annals of medicine 1989-1995 Annals of ophthalmology St. Louis 1898, 1906-1917 Annals of ophthalmology (Skokie) 1999-2001 Annals of ophthalmology-glaucoma 1994-1999 Annals of physical medicine 1952-1970 1947, 1949- Annals of the rheumatic diseases 1961,1963-2004 Annals of the Royal college of surgeons of England 1995-2004 1907-1926, 1938- Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology 1997 Annotated bibliography of influenza 1960-63 Journal Deselection List-A 11

1970-1990,1993- Annual bibliography of orthopaedic surgery 1995 Annual meeting, proceedings of the American Association for cancer research 1971-72 Annual of gastroentestinal endoscopy 1990-97 Annual progress in child psychiatry and child 1969-1992,1994- development 2001 Annual report on the results of treatment in gynecological cancer 1888, 1994 Annual reports and resolutions 2000 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry 1965-1997 Annual review of biophysics 2008 Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering 1972-1984 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure 1992-2007 Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry 1985-1991 Annual review of cell and developmental biology 1995-2003 Annual review of cell biology 1985-1994 Annual review of chronopharmacology 1984-1990 Annual review of clinical biochemistry 1980 Annual review of genetics 1967-2002 Annual review of gerontology & geriatrics 1991-2009 Annual review of immunology 1983-2003 Annual review of medicine 1950-2003 1947-57, 1959- Annual review of microbiology 2003 Annual review of neuroscience 1978-2003 Annual review of nuclear and particle science 1978-2007 Annual review of nuclear science 1952-1977 Annual review of nursing research 1983-2001 Annual review of nutrition 1981-2003 Annual review of pharmacology 1961-1975 Annual review of physical chemistry 1950-2008 Annual review of physiology 1939-2003 Annual review of psychology 1950-2003 Annual review of public health 1980-2003 Annual review of pulmonary and critical care 1950-59 Annual survey of psychoanalysis 1950-59 Anti-cancer drug design 1992-2001 Antibiotica et chemotherapia 1969-1970 Antibiotics and chemotherapy 1971-2000 Antibiotics annual 1955-1959 Journal Deselection List-A 12

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 1972-2003 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 1961-1970 Antiviral research 1990-1999 Antonie van leeuwenhoek 1934-2003 ANZ journal of surgery 2001-2004 APMIS 1988-2001 Applied and environmental microbiology 1976-2003 Applied microbiology 1953-1975 Applied nursing research 1988-2002 Applied radiation and isotopes 1993-1996

Archiv fur die gesammte physiologie des menschen 1868-1906 Archiv fur die gesamte virusforschung 1940-1974 Archiv fur experimentelle pathologie und pharmakologie 1873-1923 Archiv fur mikrobiologie 1930-1973 Archiv fur mikroskopische anatomie und entwickslungsmechanik 1923-1925 Archiv fur toxikologie 1954-1974 Archiv fur verdauungs-krankheiten 1900-1913

Archives d' anatomie, d' histologie et d' embryologie 1922-1990 Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapie 1932,1938-1996 Archives internationales de physiologie 1904-1954 Archives internationales de physiologie, de biochimie et de biophysique 1991-1994 Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie 1955-1990 Archives italiennes de biologie 1959-1977 Archives of andrology 1978-1997 Archives of biochemistry 1942-1951 Archives of dermatology and syphilology 1920-1950 Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal ed. 1988-2004 Archives of environmental health 1960-2004 Archives of environmental & occupational health 2005- Archives of family medicine 1994-2000 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics and supplement 1991-1999 Archives of histology and cytology 1988-2001 Archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine 1950 Journal Deselection List-A 13

Archives of internal medicine 1908-1950 Archives of internal medicine symposia 1969-1971 Archives of medical research 1992-1996 Archives of microbiology 1974-2003 Archives of oral biology 1959-1999 Archives of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery 1983-1988 Archives of pathology 1928-1950 Archives of pathology 1960-1975 1926-27, 1976- Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine 1984 Archives of pediatrics 1902-1962 Archives of physical medicine 1945-1952 Archives of physical therapy 1938-1944 Archives of physical therapy, x-ray, radium 1926-1937 Archives of physiology and biochemistry 1995-2003 Archives of sexual behavior 1951-2004 Archives of surgery 1920-1950 Archives of toxicology 1974-2004 1978, 1982- Archives of toxicology. supplement 1991,1994-97 Archives of virology 1975-2004 Archivos de investigacion medica 1971-1991 Archivos del instituto de cardiologica de mexico 1987-2000 Archivum histologicum japonicum. Nippon soshikigaku kiroku 1985-1987

Archivum immunologiae et therapie experimentalis 1962-1972 Arizona medicine 1969-1985 Arteriosclerosis 1981-1990 Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis 1991-1994 Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vacular biology 1995-2005 Arthritis and rheumatic diseases abstracts 1964-1970 Artificial cells, blood substitutes and immobilization biotechnology 1994-2005 Artificial kidney bibliography 1967-1974 Arzneimittel forschung 1969-1996 ASAIO journal 1979-1985 ASAIO journal 1992-2004 ASAIO transactions 1986-1991 Aspen's advisor for nurse executives 1992-2000 Atherosclerosis 1970-1999 Atlas of the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America 2000-2002 Journal Deselection List-A 14

Audiology 1972-2001 Augmentative and alternative communication 1988-1995 Australian and new zealand journal of medicine 1979, 1978-2000 Australian and new zealand journal of surgery 1991-2000 Australian journal of experimental biology and 1924-1936, 1938- medical science 1986 Australian and new zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology 1992-1997 Australian nurses' journal 1988-1993 Australian nursing journal 1993-1995 Australian paediatric journal 1986-1989 AWHONN lifelines 2000-2005