Third Quarter
THIRD QUARTER GROUP INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUES * Pro forma NOK million 1.1.–30.9. 1.1.–31.12. 1.7.–30.9. 1.1.–30.9. 1.7.–30.9. 1.1.–31.12. 16 000 Amounts in NOK million 2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 14 000 Operating revenues 40,473 23,523 32,126 13,157 7,752 41,127 13,631 55,699 Operating expenses (35,448) (20,769) (28,206) (11,537) (6,810) (36,011) (11,957) (48,737) 12 000 Ordinary operating depreciation (1,623) (910) (1,182) (533) (299) (1,673) (551) (2,183) 10 000 Operating profi t before amortisation and 8 000 other revenues and expenses 3,402 1,844 2,738 1,087 643 3,443 1,123 4,779 Amortisation intangibles (144) (1) (7) (47) (1) (125) (42) (173) 6 000 Other revenues and expenses** (211) (697) (690) 0 (550) (697) (550) (710) 4 000 Operating profi t 3,047 1,146 2,041 1,040 92 2,621 531 3,896 2 000 Profi t from associates 196 499 592 85 139 188 57 181 0 Dividends 782 533 551 110 31 536 31 554 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 2004* 2005 Portfolio gains 1,764 670 750 672 248 674 248 754 Financial items, net (285) (138) (157) (71) (26) (612) (217) (762) OPERATING PROFIT** Ordinary profi t before taxes 5,504 2,710 3,777 1,836 484 3,407 650 4,623 Taxes (1,101) (496) (691) (294) (89) (780) (161) (1,023) NOK million Ordinary profi t after taxes 4,403 2,214 3,086 1,542 395 2,627 489 3,600 1 400 Gain/discontinued operations 0 12,529 12,529 0 0 12,529 0 12,529 1 200 Profi t for the year 4,403 14,743 15,615 1,542 395 15,156 489 16,129 1 000 Of this minority interests 227 47 71 33 14 47 14 71 Profi t before tax, Industry division 2,750 990 1,862 986 137 2,008 381 3,112 800 Profi t before tax, Financial Investments 600 division 2,754 1,720 1,915 850 347 1,399 269 1,511 Earnings per share (NOK) 20.3 71.3 75.5 7.3 1.9 73.3 2.3 78.0 400 Earnings per share diluted (NOK) 20.2 71.2 75.4 7.3 1.9 73.2 2.3 77.9 Earnings per share diluted, adjusted (NOK) *** 21.6 13.3 17.4 7.5 4.1 15.6 4.7 20.4 200 The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
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