1114 NEPD Ver. 1 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION in accordance with ISO 14025, ISO 21930 and EN 15804 Owner of the declaration: Franzefoss Pukk AS Program operator: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Publisher: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Declaration number: NEPD-1537-527-EN Registration number: NEPD-1537-527-EN ECO Platform reference number: - Issue date: 13.03.2018 Valid to: 13.03.2023 Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum Franzefoss Pukk AS www.epd-norge.no NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 1/8 General information Product: Owner of the declaration: Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Franzefoss Pukk AS Bærum Contact person: Henrik Bager Phone: +47 482 00 589 e-mail:
[email protected] Program operator: Manufacturer: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Franzefoss Pukk AS Postboks 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Phone: +47 977 22 020 e-mail:
[email protected] Declaration number: Place of production: NEPD-1537-527-EN Bondkall (Oslo) and Steinskogen (Bærum), Norway ECO Platform reference number: Management system: - NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 NS-EN ISO 14001:2015 This declaration is based on Product Category Rules: Organisation no: CEN Standard EN 15804 serves as core PCR 982 153 018 NPCR PART A: Construction Products and Services, 07.04.2017 Statement of liability: Issue date: The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the 13.03.2018 underlying information and evidence. EPD Norway shall not be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life cycle assessment data or evidence. Valid to: 13.03.2023 Declared unit: Year of study: 1 metric ton crushed stone construction aggregate products LCA conducted 2018.