1114 NEPD

Ver. 1 2015

ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION in accordance with ISO 14025, ISO 21930 and EN 15804 Owner of the declaration: Franzefoss Pukk AS Program operator: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Publisher: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Declaration number: NEPD-1537-527-EN Registration number: NEPD-1537-527-EN ECO Platform reference number: - Issue date: 13.03.2018 Valid to: 13.03.2023 construction products, Oslo and Bærum

Franzefoss Pukk AS


NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 1/8 General information

Product: Owner of the declaration: Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Franzefoss Pukk AS Bærum Contact person: Henrik Bager Phone: +47 482 00 589 e-mail: [email protected]

Program operator: Manufacturer: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Franzefoss Pukk AS Postboks 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Phone: +47 977 22 020 e-mail: [email protected]

Declaration number: Place of production: NEPD-1537-527-EN Bondkall (Oslo) and Steinskogen (Bærum), Norway

ECO Platform reference number: Management system: - NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 NS-EN ISO 14001:2015

This declaration is based on Product Category Rules: Organisation no: CEN Standard EN 15804 serves as core PCR 982 153 018 NPCR PART A: Construction Products and Services, 07.04.2017

Statement of liability: Issue date: The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the 13.03.2018 underlying information and evidence. EPD Norway shall not be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life cycle assessment data or evidence. Valid to: 13.03.2023

Declared unit: Year of study: 1 metric ton crushed stone construction aggregate products LCA conducted 2018. Data from Bondkall is average for 2016, and data from Steinskogen is average for 2017.

Declared unit with option: Comparability: A1-A3, A4 EPD of construction products may not be comparable if they do not comply with EN 15804 and are seen in a building context.

Functional unit: The EPD has been worked out by: Oddbjørn Dahlstrøm Asplan Viak AS

Verification: The CEN Norm EN 15804 serves as the core PCR. Independent verification of the declaration and data, according to ISO14025:2010 internal external Approved Third party verifier:

Lars G. F. Tellnes, Østfoldforskning AS (Independent verifier approved by EPD Norway)

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 2/8 Product Product description: Technical data: Crushed stone is created by a suitable formation, Density of rock is 2,5 til 3,0 t/m3. Density of crushed stone is extracted from , and then using a to break down 1,4 to 1,7 t/m3, depending on the product. All products are the stone into different sizes. The number of rounds with crushing CE marked and declared in accordance with current product and screening depends on the desired dimension, specification standards and authority requirements from the Norwegian and application. See table under product specification for details. Building Acts and Regulations (DiBK). Visit https://www.franzefoss.no/pukk/ for more information.

Product specification: Crushed stone contains no additives or packaging. Market: Oslo og Bærum, Norway

Substance kg % Reference service life, product: Crushed stone 1000 100 % Depends on application. Crushed stone has an almost unlimited lifespan.

Product Crushing stage Normal use / application Stone/rock from quarries 0 Frost protection layer, subgrade, security and stabilisation 0-180 Large fraction 1 (S) / 0 (B) Frost protection layer, subgrade 22/120, 22/250 Clean 1 Subgrade, base course, around drainage and pipes 0/16 Subbase 1 Base course, fine graded material for roads, walk- and bike paths, courtyards 0/45 Subbase 1 Screed material, base course 4/16 Aggregates 2 Stone for courtyards, landscape architecture (for gardening), fine grade trench backfill 8/16 Aggregates 2 (S) / 3 (B) Stone for courtyards, landscape architecture (for gardening), fine grade trench backfill 32/63 Aggregates 2 Railroad ballast. 32/63 also as fine grade clean fraction 0/8 Manufactured 2 (S) /1 (B) Cable trench, paving, sports fields, fine grade screed material 0/4 Manufactured Sand 2 Cable trench, paving, sports fields, fine grade screed material, aggregates for asphalt and concrete production 0/2 Manufactured Sand 3 Cable trench, paving, sports fields, fine grade screed material 2/4 Aggregates 3 Gritting sand/, Landscape architecture (for gardening) 4/8 Aggregates Gritting sand/gravel, courtyards, trench backfill, aggregates for asphalt and concrete 3 production 8/11 Aggregates Courtyards, landscape architecture (for gardening), aggregates for asphalt and concrete 3 production 11/16 Aggregates Landscape architecture (for gardening), fine grade trench backfill, aggregates for asphalt 3 and concrete production 11/22 Aggregates 3 Courtyards, landscape architecture (for gardening), trench backfill 11/45 Aggregates 1 (S) / 3 (B) Around concrete pipes, walls, base course 16/22 Aggregates 3 Trench backfill, around walls, aggregates for concrete production 16/45 Aggregates 3 Around concrete pipes, walls, base course S: Steinskogen (Bærum), B: Bondkall (Oslo). Crushing stage 0 means no crushing after blasting in the quarries. Crushing stage 1: primary crushing stage. Crushing stage 2: secondary crushing stage. Crushing stage 3: tertiary crushing stage

LCA: Calculation rules Declared unit: System boundary: 1 metric ton crushed stone construction aggregate products The flow chart for production of crushed stone is shown in the figure below. Additionally, a bulk carriage (A4) has been Environmental impacts for the different products depends on added, to show the importance of this transport. the number of crushing stages, see table under product specification for details.

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 3/8 Data quality: Data for mining rock in quarries, internal transport, mass handling and crushing and screening of crushed stone (A1-A3) is based on specific consumption data for Bondkall for 2016 and Steinskogen for 2017. Production data from Bondkall and Steinskogen is combined and calculated as one combined production site. The results in this EPD represent an average of these production sites. The production sites produce around 400,000 tonnes of stone from Bondkall (2016) and 660,000 tonnes of stone from Steinskogen (2017) annualy.

Emissions from production and detonation of explosives are derived from safety data sheets for the relevant explosive types. Generic data is from Ecoinvent v3.2, Allocation, Recycled Content (November 2015) and SimaPro v Characterization factors from EN15804: 2012 + A1: 2013. No data is older than 5 years.

Allocation: Cut-off criteria: The allocation is made ​​in accordance with the provisions of EN All major raw materials and all the essential energy is 15804. Incoming energy and water and waste production in- included. The production process for raw materials and house is allocated equally among all products through mass energy flows that are included with very small amounts allocation. Effects of primary production of recycled materials (<1%) are not included. This cut-off rule does not apply for allocated to the main product in which the material was used. The hazardous materials or substances. recycling process and transportation of the material is allocated to this analysis.

No allocation of material and energy consumption has been made between the production of crushed stone and natural sand / natural gravel, as natural sand / natural gravel is not handled / produced at the production sites.

LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information

The following information describes the scenarios in the different modules of the EPD. This declaration is based on a "cradle to gate" assessment. Aditionally, a bulk carriage (A4) to a construction site has been added, to show the importance of this transport. On average, crushed stone is transported 12.5 km from gate to customer. On average, a standard full load transport is 13 tonnes crushed stone.

Transport from production place to user (A4) Type Capacity utilisation (incl. return) % Type of vehicle Distance km Fuel/Energy consumption

Truck Maximum load one way, 50% 16-32 t, EURO 5 12,5 km 0,031 l/tkm 0,38 l/t

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 4/8 LCA: Results

The LCA results show environmental impacts, resource use and outflows calculated according to EN 15804: 2012 + A1: 2013. The results are per metric ton of crushed stone, and broken down by number of crushing stages. For details see table under product specification. Transport A4 is 12.5 km to a construction site. Crushing stage 0 means no crushing after blasting in the quarries.

System boundaries (X=included, MND= module not declared, MNR=module not relevant) Beyond the Product stage Assemby stage Use stage End of life stage system boundaries Use Repair potential Disposal Transport Transport Transport Assembly Maintenance Replacement Rawmaterials Manufacturing Refurbishment Waste processing Waste Operationalwateruse Operationalenergy use De-constructiondemolition Reuse-Recovery-Recycling-

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D


Environmental impact Crushing stage 0 Crushing stage 1 Crushing stage 2 Crushing stage 3 Parameter Unit A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A4

GWP kg CO2 -ekv 1,74 2,08 2,54 3,13 1,57 ODP kg CFC11-ekv 2,23E-07 2,77E-07 3,51E-07 4,47E-07 2,80E-07 POCP kg C2H4 -ekv 5,57E-04 6,34E-04 7,42E-04 8,69E-04 3,00E-04 AP kg SO2 -ekv 1,17E-02 1,40E-02 1,71E-02 2,12E-02 6,03E-03 3- EP kg PO4 -ekv 3,36E-03 4,01E-03 4,89E-03 5,96E-03 1,43E-03 ADPM kg Sb-ekv 1,13E-05 1,25E-05 1,38E-05 1,52E-05 6,07E-06 ADPE MJ 20,3 24,9 31,2 39,2 23,8

GWP Global warming potential; ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer; POCP Formation potential of tropospheric photochemical oxidants; AP Acidification potential of land and water; EP Eutrophication potential; ADPM Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources; ADPE Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 5/8 Resource use Crushing stage 0 Crushing stage 1 Crushing stage 2 Crushing stage 3 Parameter Unit A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A4 RPEE MJ 0,61 8,63 16,0 25,7 0,31 RPEM MJ 0 0,12 0,20 0,18 0 TPE MJ 0,61 8,75 16,2 25,9 0,31 NRPE MJ 20,3 25,1 31,6 39,9 24,1 NRPM MJ 0 0 0 0 0 TRPE MJ 20,3 25,1 31,6 39,9 24,1 SM kg 2,00E-04 4,07E-03 6,95E-03 1,60E-03 0 RSF MJ 0 0 0 0 0 NRSF MJ 0 0 0 0 0 3 W m 7,51E-04 9,33E-04 1,22E-03 1,44E-03 1,16E-04

RPEE Renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier; RPEM Renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials; TPE Total use of renewable primary energy resources; NRPE Non renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier; NRPM Non renewable primary energy resources used as materials; TRPE Total use of non renewable primary energy resources; SM Use of secondary materials; RSF Use of renewable secondary fuels; NRSF Use of non renewable secondary fuels; W Use of net fresh water

End of life - Waste Crushing stage 0 Crushing stage 1 Crushing stage 2 Crushing stage 3 Parameter Unit A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A4 HW kg 3,31E-05 3,68E-05 4,20E-05 4,72E-05 1,70E-05 NHW kg 0,19 3,96 6,66 15,7 1,48 RW kg 1,23E-04 1,55E-04 1,97E-04 2,53E-04 1,59E-04

HW Hazardous waste disposed; NHW Non hazardous waste disposed; RW Radioactive waste disposed

End of life - Output flow Crushing stage 0 Crushing stage 1 Crushing stage 2 Crushing stage 3 Parameter Unit A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3 A4 CR kg 0 0 0 0 0 MR kg 4,75E-04 9,68E-03 1,66E-02 3,82E-03 0 MER kg 0 0 0 0 0 EEE MJ 0 0 0 0 0 ETE MJ 1,10E-03 7,87E-02 0,13 0,11 0

CR Components for reuse; MR Materials for recycling; MER Materials for energy recovery; EEE Exported electric energy; ETE Exported thermal energy

Reading example: 9,0 E-03 = 9,0*10-3 = 0,009

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 6/8 Additional Norwegian requirements

Greenhous gas emission from the use of electricity in the manufacturing phase National production mix with import, on low woltage (included production of transmission lines, in addition to direct emissions and losses in grid) is applied for electricity in the manufacturing prosess (A3). The annual production volumes of this market are taken from IEA/OECD statistics and are valid for the year 2012 (ecoinvent 3.2).

Data source Amount Unit

Ecoinvent v3.2 (November 2015) 0,0358 kg CO2-ekv/kWh

Dangerous substances x The product contains no substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list The product contains substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list that are less than 0,1 % by weight. The product contain dangerous substances, more then 0,1% by weight, given by the REACH Candidate List or the Norwegian Priority list, see table. The product contains no substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list. The product is classified as hazardous waste (Avfallsforskiften, Annex III), see table.

Transport Transport from production site to a construction site according to scenario A4: 12,5 km

Type Capacity utilisation (incl. return) % Type of vehicle Distance km Fuel/Energy consumption

Truck Maximum load one way, 50% 16-32 t, EURO 5 12,5 km 0,031 l/tkm 0,38 l/t

Indoor environment The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), StrålevernInfo 6:2015: Concentrations of radium (Ra-226) in the masses should be as low as possible and less than 150 Bq / kg (becquerel per kilogram). For crushed stone this corresponds to 12 ppm uranium (parts per million). If the masses are placed over the radon barrier of the building, it is particularly important that the radium and uranium concentrations are low.

Concentrations of radium (Ra-226) in crushed stone from both Steinskogen and Bondkall are below the recommended limit value given by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, according to NS-EN 932-1. Test Method: EPA Methods 200.7 and 200.8 (Modified).

Documentation on the concentrations of radium (Ra-226) in crushed stone from both Steinskogen and Bondkall is available upon request at Franzefoss Pukk AS.

Carbon footprint Results are based on an average production of crushed stone from Bondkall and Steinskogen. The table below shows the difference in GWP (A1-A3) for the individual production sites compared to the average of both sites, in absolute terms and as percentages.

Crushing stage 1 Crushing stage 2 Crushing stage 3 Site Parameter Unit A1-A3 A1-A3 A1-A3

Bondkall GWP kg CO2 -ekv 2,20 106 % 2,79 110 % 3,40 109 %

Steinskogen GWP kg CO2 -ekv 2,01 97 % 2,37 93 % 2,93 94 %

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 7/8 Bibliography NS-EN ISO 14025:2010 Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures

NS-EN ISO 14044:2006 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines

NS-EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declaration - Core rules for the product category of construction products

ISO 21930:2007 Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration of building products

NS-EN 932-1:1996 Tests for general properties of aggregates - Part 1: Methods for sampling

NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems - Requirements

NS-EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

Ecoinvent v3.2, November 2015 Swiss Centre of Life Cycle Inventories. https://www.ecoinvent.org/

SimaPro LCA software, developed by PRé Sustainability https://simapro.com/

Statens strålevern, The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) StrålevernInfo 6:2015 http://www.nrpa.no/filer/6f312fa358.pdf

EPA Methods 200.7, 1994 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry. EPA Methods 200.8, 1994 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. Determination of Trace Elements in Waters and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

NPCR Part A, 2017 The Norwegian EPD Foundation, 07.04.2017. Construction Products and Services.

Dahlstrøm Oddbjørn, 2018 LCA Rapport, Franzefoss Pukk, Knust stein - pukk fra Oslo og Bærum (Steinskogen og Bondkall), 06.03.2018

Program operator Tlf: +47 977 22 020 The Norwegian EPD Foundation e-post: Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo [email protected] Norway web www.epd-norge.no Owner of the declaration Tlf: +47 482 00 589 Franzefoss Pukk AS e-post: Olav Ingstadsvei 5, Pb 53 [email protected] 1309 Rud web www.franzefoss.no Author of the Life Cycle Assessment Tlf: +47 417 99 417 Asplan Viak AS e-post: Oddbjørn Dahlstrøm [email protected] Kjørboveien 20, 1337 Sandvika, Norway web www.asplanviak.no

NEPD-1537-527-EN Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Bærum 8/8