Members in Action: Redesign the Delivery System
Members in Action: Redesign the Delivery System CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center – Omaha, Neb. Building A Culture of Team-based Care Improves Value The AHA’s Members in Action series highlights how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value- based strategies to improve health care affordability. This includes work to redesign the delivery system, manage risk and new payment models, improve quality and outcomes, and implement operational solutions. Overview Impact CHI Health and Creighton University Medical Center, an academic medical center in Omaha, Nebraska, partnered to The CHI Health Creighton University design and build University Clinic, a new primary care-based Medical Center model of care improves medical facility that functions as a learning laboratory for value. Patients that received care in the inter-professional health sciences education, research and team-based model had a 16.7% reduction in collaborative team-based care. The facility serves Omaha’s emergency department visits and a 17.7% inner-city population, which includes a large refugee population reduction in hospitalizations. They also from Asia and Africa. found these patients had a 48.2% reduction in charges and improved patient satisfaction. Since January 2017, University Clinic has fostered inter- Research is now addressing whether professional care teams by bringing together master’s level the model is sustainable over time and behavioral health counseling, community link, a grant-funded replicable in other cohorts of patients. program that assists with social determinants of health, diabetes education, a PCMH accredited family medicine residency Not only do patients like to receive care program, nurse practitioners, medical assistants, OB/GYN, from inter-professional teams, CHI Health occupational therapy, physical therapy, physicians assistants, Creighton University Medical Center- psychology, psychiatry, radiology technicians, social work University Campus has seen improvements and speech therapy.
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