〔Med. Entomol. Zool. Vol. 66 No. 4 p. 167‒200 2015〕 167 reference DOI: 10.7601/mez.66.167 Keys to the esh ies of Japan, with the description of a new genus and species from Honshu (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) Hiromu Kurahashi*, 1) and Susumu Kakinuma2) * Corresponding author:
[email protected] 1) Department of Medical Entomology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama 1‒23‒1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162‒8640 Japan 2) IDD Yamaguchi Lab., Aobadai 11‒22, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi 753‒0012 Japan (Received: 9 June 2015; Accepted: 2 October 2015) Abstract: A new genus and species of the Japanese Sarcophagidae, Papesarcophaga kisarazuensis gen. & sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Honshu, Japan. Practical keys to the Japanese 43 genera and 122 species are provided including this new species. A check list and data of specimens examined are also provided. Key words: Diptera, flesh flies, new species, new genus, Sarcophagidae, Japan INTRODUCTION The collection of Sarcophagidae made by the first author was studied during the course of the taxonomical studies on the calypterate muscoid flies from Japan since 1970 (Kurahashi, 1970). This was a revision of the subfamily Miltogramatinae dealing with seven genera and 14 species. Before this, Takano (1950) recorded seven genera and nine species of Japanese Sarcophagidae. Many investigation on the Japanese flesh flies made by Drs. K. Hori, R. Kano and S. Shinonaga beside the present authors. The results of these authors were published in the part of Sacophagidae, Fauna Japanica (Insecta: Diptera) and treated 23 genera and 65 species of the subfamilies of Sarcophaginae and Agriinae (=Paramacronychiinae), but the subfamily Miltogrammatinae was not included (Kano et al., 1967).