Project Document
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Appendix 1: Project Document PROJECT DOCUMENT SECTION 1: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Project title: Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas and Improved Livelihoods to Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Madagascar 1.2 Project number: GEF ID: 10233 PMS: 1.3 Project type: FSP 1.4 Trust Fund: GEF 1.5 Strategic objectives: GEF strategic long-term objective: BD-1: Mainstream biodiversity across sectors as well as landscapes and seascapes; BD-2: Address direct drivers to protect habitats and species Strategic programme for GEF VII: BD-1-2a; BD-1-2b; BD-2-7 1.6 UNEP priority: Healthy Ecosystems and Environmental Governance 1.7 Geographical scope: National 1.8 Mode of execution: External 1.9 Project executing organization: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) 1.10 Duration of project: 60 months Commencing: 10/01/2021 Technical completion: 31/12/2026 Validity of legal instrument: 60 months 1.11 Cost of project US$ % Cost to the GEF Trust Fund 5,763,303.00 28.24% Co-financing Cash 0 0% Sub-total 0 0% In-kind Ministry of Environment & 1,000,000.00 4.90% Sustainable Development FAPBM 7,499,744 36.75% 1 Appendix 1: Project Document UNDP CO Madagascar 5,000,000.00 24.50% CITES Secretariat 120,000.00 0.59% TRAFFIC 920,000.00 4.51% Grace Farms Foundation 103,200.00 0.51% Sub-total 14,642,944.00 71.76% Total 20,406,247.00 100% 1.12 Project summary The Project aims to fight illegal wildlife trade (IWT) in Madagascar at national, regional and local levels and specifically conserve endemic biodiversity in the spiny dry ecosystem of the south-east of the country, in the Anosy and Androy Regions, Toleary Province. The Project Objective is conservation of biodiversity in Madagascar through strengthened management of the New Protected Areas (Category V), with active engagement by communities, and enforcement to reduce the rate of IWT and poaching. The Objective will be achieved through implementation of four integrated project strategies (components): Component 1 -National policy and institutional frameworks to address wildlife and forest crime and develop NPAs; Component 2 - Management effectiveness of selected NPAs; Component 3 - Community engagement and poverty reduction for effective NPA management; and Component 4 - Knowledge Management, Gender Empowerment, and Monitoring & Evaluation. Under Component 1, the project will develop a National Wildlife Crime Law Enforcement Strategy and National Strategic Guidelines for New Protected Area (NPA) Management in Madagascar; assist the country to introduce eCITES@ASYCUDA solution and build capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) and Customs to use the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) electronic permit system; provide advanced mentoring to MEDD, Ministry of Justice, and Police to investigate and prosecute wildlife crime and obtain essential equipment for a National Wildlife Crime Unit/MEDD. Under Component 2, the project will assist the MEDD to operationalize 3 NPAs (total area of 196,410 ha) in the Anosy and Androy Regions and provide them with training and equipment to ensure effective NPA co-management and long-term conservation of spiny forest ecosystem and endemic species. Under Component 3, considerable investments will be made in the sustainable livelihood of local communities in the target NPAs through establishment of Rural Communes Natural Resource Management Committees, development of the Commune’s Natural Resource Management Plans, and supporting implementation of the Plans through funding of community pilot projects on Community- Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), Sustainable Land Management (SLM), alternative sources of income, and reforestation. Under Component 4, the project will support a nation-wide wildlife crime awareness campaign and will share lessons learned from all project activities with other conservation initiatives in Madagascar and abroad. This project is part of the GEF Programmatic Approach to Prevent the Extinction of Known Threatened Species (Global Wildlife Program, GWP) and it was designed to contribute to the GWP and to coordinate its activities with the mentioned GEF funded Program (GWP 9071). UNEP will bring to bear its vast scientific and empirical experience of critical relevance to the objectives of the project through sharing experiences of its other projects being supported by GEF or other agencies. 2 Appendix 1: Project Document TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 4 SECTION 2: BACKGROUND AND SITUATION ANALYSIS (BASELINE COURSE OF ACTION) ................. 7 2.1. Background and context ....................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Global significance ................................................................................................................ 7 2.3. Threats, root causes and barrier analysis ........................................................................... 8 2.4. Institutional, sectoral and policy context ........................................................................... 16 2.5. Stakeholder mapping and analysis .................................................................................... 20 2.6. Baseline analysis and gaps .................................................................................................. 26 2.7. Linkages with other GEF and non-GEF interventions .................................................... 30 SECTION 3: INTERVENTION STRATEGY (ALTERNATIVE) ................................................................ ..35 3.1. Project rationale, policy conformity and expected global environmental benefits ....... 35 3.2. Project goal and objective ................................................................................................... 43 3.3. Project components and expected results .......................................................................... 43 3.4. Intervention logic and key assumptions ............................................................................ 59 3.5. Risk analysis and risk management measures .................................................................. 61 3.6. Consistency with national priorities or plans ................................................................... 64 3.7. Incremental cost reasoning ................................................................................................. 65 3.8. Sustainability ....................................................................................................................... 69 3.9. Replication ........................................................................................................................... 70 3.10. Public awareness, communications and mainstreaming strategy ............................... 70 3.11. Environmental and social safeguards ............................................................................ 72 SECTION 4: INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .................. 80 SECTION 5: STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION ...................................................................................... 84 SECTION 6: MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN .......................................................................... 86 SECTION 7: PROJECT FINANCING AND BUDGET ................................................................................ 88 7.1. Overall project budget ........................................................................................................ 88 7.2. Project co-financing ............................................................................................................ 88 7.3. Project cost-effectiveness .................................................................................................... 89 APPENDICES…… ................................................................................................................................. 91 3 Appendix 1: Project Document ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AFD French Development Agency [Agence Française de Développement] ANGAP National Protected Area Management Agency (see MNP below) [Agence National pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées] ASARA Food and Increased Agricultural Income [Alimentaire et Augmentation des Revenus Agricoles] AVSF Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders [and Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières] BPPS UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support CCZ Critical Conservation Zone CEO Chief Executive Officer CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species COAP Protected Area Code [Code des Aires Protégées] COBA Community-level Association [Communautés de Base] COVID19 2019 novel coronavirus CRS Catholic Relief Services CSO Civil Society Organisation DREDD Inter-Regional Direction for Environment and Sustainable Development [Direction inter-Régional de l’Environnement et Développement Durable] DSAP Protected Area System Directorate (Direction du Système des Aires Protégées) DWCT Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIES Environmental and Social Impact Study [Etude d'impact environnemental et social] EN Endangered ERC UNDP Evaluation Resource Centre ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMP Environment