T :~; 439 438 LYCIA

1459. . Dedication to Artemis Pergaia, probably after 43 A.D. M.Seyer, 2. For the restoration T£PllllcrcreOlv cLIGR III 467 (Balboura), in which Antoninus Pius refers to the permission Kazi Sonut:;lari Toplantisi 10,2 (1988) 119: small altar with inscription: 'A(nE~.llOt lII]epyut~. given by Hadrian to the TEPllll £i<; concerning Demosthenes' foundation, ed.pr., who in ch. 3 discusses the Non vidimus. Cf. M.Seve, BE (1990) no. 178 (probably after the creation of the province of crcr problem of the relation between the TEPIlT1crcrd<; oi.xpoC; OiVOOVOOl<; and the OivoavOEU; (cL B. L. 7 and C. LL. Lycia-Pamphylia in 43 A.D.). 1021103), concludes that the two are the same, viz. the citizens of the of Oinoanda, and rejects the view (cf. SEG XXXII 1308) that the Termessians maintained separate institutions II 3. llovcrt1(OC; armv : cf. ed.pI. on 227­ 1460. Oinoanda. Identification of Diogenes the Epicurean. SEG XXIX 1443. 228 on the difference between 9vIlEAt1COC; and 1l0vcrtlCOC;; cL also LL. 12, 51 and 105/106 11 5. G.A.Souris, M.Worrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) 72 with note 131, doubts the Severan date for Hellenika 40 (1989) 59. prefers ot xpE[crlkuo]V'tE<; 11 6. for the ambassadors cf. ed.pr. on 73-75: Tobolasios is a second name; Simonides IV may have been the son of Demosthenes' aVEljftOC; (B. L. 18; cf. C. L. 95); Mettios Diogenes' Epicurean treatise. The lettering of Diogenes' Epicurean 'catechism' resembles that of Apelles' family owed its civitas Romana to the Trajanic governor Mettius Modeslus (ca. 99-103 A.D.; cf. p. 40); the text in our lemma no. 1462 (ca. 125 A.D.). The only thing that is certain is that Diogenes ed.pr. comments on the problem of the chronology of Hadrian's travels in the East: the fIrst in 124/125 A.D.; the belonged to the family-line of Moles-Diogenes-Simonides (cf. our lemma no. 1464). second brought him to Lycia in 129 and 131 A.D.; cf. our lemma no. 1958 and SEG XXXVI 1507*; on 164-182 detailed comment on the function of gubernatorial (cf. below sub D and E) and imperial permission for foundations 1461. Oinoanda (area of: Seki) ?? Artists commissioned to make a silver and ratification of urban decisions. plaque, 1st/2nd cent. A.D. SEG XXXIII 1179. M.Worrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) B. C.Iulius Demosthenes promises a foundation, 24 July 124 A.D. 48 note 18, doubts the Oinoandian provenance of this text. 'Eltt apxtepEoo~ ' LepU(l"trov KAUU­ oiou 'PouPptuvou, KO', r. 'AltOAAooVtOU 1462, Oinoanda. Documents concerning the foundation of C.Iulius Demosthe­ KUlthoovo~ 'AP'te~.tetotou 'IouAtO~ UtO~ . ~etv owallevu, a'ttva * ,u oi]IUP xutpetv· 'AltOOExOJl~lt 101uAtov AllJloaS£vllv 'tf\~ ~eoSat 'tOlCOU AC t' . lCUt Ka'ta 'troY ltUPUP1100JlEvOOV 'ta roPWIlEVU td'tn ooopea. Ul)'tOU' O\. ltpe[opeuoulv't£~ ou'too~ OUK £a'tt papu 'tiP 'tau'tllv lCallOtKUt 'tnltU'tpiOl ltUPE­ n~uv 'Ap.£IJ.OOV AtOYEvOU~ To~ooAa;;tO~, V xovn 'tllV xpetav, roa'te £ltllvyEASultlllot d~ 'tt,v ltPOnl1 'tpte'tiav 'tOY £KOavtaJlov Ltlloovioll~ 0', MEntO~ 'AlteAAf\~' Eu'tuxel't£· ITpo 0' KaAavOrov Le1t'teJlPptoov, altO . ltotfta~oSat LtJlOOviOl1v r' 'tou MOAll'tO~ 'tOY ave\jflov' E


IIaaav EXW Xa.ptV ou 1tep\. 'toinou J.l,ovou a.Ma Kal on 'ti1~ 1tPO:rtT)~ J.l,OU 1tavT)yU­ Etta J.l,e'ta 'ta~ ~OUAa<; Kal 'tT,V ElCA.T)Giav ttl E' aywv AOY[ tj­ . . p£w~ 'tT,v aywvoEleaiav E1ttO€Of::K'tat, tva 'tu1twaa~ 40 KroV €vKWJ.l,tOypa.J.l,ou * ,ow', ei<; J.l,Ev 'ta &ElAa 'trov clywVtaJ.l,a.­ tdou J.l,Ev * G' OEUtEPelOU oe p', tW ElUGta t[ou 1t(X j'tPcpOU 'A1tOAArovO~, ty' Kat to' ;:wv ooEl"ae'tat 'toaoihov E:Ka.a'tcp 'trov VetK[T)aa.v'twv olaov into 'tOU EElVOU~ o[i]oo­ aywv 'tpaycporov, ot~ ooE!tlaew.t 1tPWteiou J.l,ev * av' oEU'tepd[ouj * pKe', te' 1-( OEU't€pa Elucria tou n:a'tpcpou 'A[1tOM]rovo<;, t~' Kat t~' a.ywv 'tat €v 'ta'i~ Ka'ta 1tOA.tV clYOJ.l,€vat~ 1tOAet'ttKa'i<; 1ta­ oe VT)yUpeatv XW!?l.~ 'trov 1tEVtae'tT)ptKrov aywvrov, [£1tl. 'to mho1* ,a ~', Kat ei<; 1tapa­ lCtElaproorov, ot~ ooElTtGe'tat 1tpmEiou J.l,EV *~' oeut~peiou OE * pv', tTl' Ot!l1t[a.v]­ 44 tON Kat o~ElTtcre'tat 1tpmetou * pv' OEu['tEpeiou * p'] tPt'tetou * v', ooE!tlcre'tat o'e J.l,taElwJ.l,ata Kat X' Ka1. aywva.pta 'YUJ.l,VtKa., €v J.l,0­ Elewpia~ * ei~ oi~ Kal. crKllV01tapoxcp * KE;, tEl' Kal. K' Ka1. Ka' 1tapaJ.l,wElwJ.l,am, €v ot~ EG eiKoaa.npw­ Demosthenes, who was a Roman knight cr. ed.pr. (on 55-63), who argues that after his equestrian career, preceded 'to~ '!i1[<;] J.l,Ev 1tPcirtT)~ 'tpte'tia~ ItJ.l,wvioT)~ trov Oe aAAwv 'tptEnrov QV by part of his urban career, D. returned to Oinoanda to become pry tan is and grammateus of the city and federal UV Ka'ta xpovou~ 1-( 1tOAt~ €AT)'tat Kat to EK[

chronology of the Ehcooo:n:pon:Ot (and OElCO:ltpon:Ot; cf. also LL. 28 and 31/32) cf. ed.pr. on 162~164; cf. also our reserved for councillors; the borderline betwecn the two categories may have to be located between agor'dnomia and lemma no. 1181 II 18. for Simonides cr. above ad L. 7; for the ancestral name Moles, common in Lycia cf. also gymnasiarchy (cf. ed.pr. on 133/134). W. tentatively suggests (129) that in addition to the bouleutai also the LL. 113 and 117; the ancestor of Simonides may be the same as of Diogenes III (LL. 113 and 117), though this is gerousiastai may have been part of the crEt'tOJ.l.£'tpOUJ.l.EVO~; in the Lycian city of half of the gerousia not certain, ed.pr. II 21-24. for ltavTtyupt<; cf. app.crit. ad LL. 59-61; 1toAn-mcal 1tavTirUpn<;: festivals consisted of demotai, probably not the poorest but rather the better-off among the demos. organized by the Lycian cities, ed.pr. (on 238-243; cf. also 189/190) with reflection on o:yrovE<; n:oAI''nlCOi Summing up: the crEt'tOJ.l.E'tPOUJ.l.EVOt were a '500 plus' group of privileged, com-receiving citizens; the bouleutai ('urban contests' rather than contest.~ for citizens only); ed.pr. argues that apparently the Lycian League financed belonged to them plus an unknown number of demotai; a small number of the demotai seitometroumenoi consti­ urban agones (L. 22: UltO 'tou e6vou<;) [but in view of L. 106 UltO 'tou e!1vou<; may have been a somewhat tuted, together with the boule, the extended elite of 500; all the other seitometroumenoi were demotaifpolitai, imprecise, loose term, meaning 'by (the people 01) the Lycians' rather than by the League of the Lycians, Pleket]; Picket]. Ed.pr. collects and interprel~ the evidence for Lycian cr~'WJlE'tpwv-funds, fed by public money (or grain) 'trov 1tEVtaEtTiPtlCrov aywvrov: apparently those federal games which were sacred crown-games and were and private contributions and meant to provide grain to all citizens; he wonders whether originally the organized in the Lycian metropoleis, to be distinguished from federal games held in less important cities and crEt'tOJ.l.E'tpouJ.l.EVOt were supposed to finance the CIt't0J.l.£"tpwv-fund and subsequently developed from benefactor into financed by private people, in which money prizes were awarded, ed.pr., with discussion of SEC XXVIII 1246 a privileged group of com-receivers; for the relations between sitonia .. sitometrion seitometroumenoi cL now ('P(()J.l.aia; icroltueto<;, icroAU,.mto<;), I.Eph. 1123 (lCOWOV AUlCia<; Ev Mopot<;), SEC XXVIII 1248, TAM II 428, also J.Strubbe, EA 13 (1989) 114/115; lCpt'ttlCa: unattested before, ed.pr., who shows (125) that it was only the 307, RHeberdey - E.Kalinka, DAWW 45 (1897) 49 no. 65 (Euaresteia in Oinoanda; cf. our lemma no. 1463), bouleutai who were to act as referees CKampfrichter'); lCpt'ttlCa: sc. OTivap~a; from lCPt'ttlCOS, Frisch (not a new OCIS 566 (eEJl\<; of M.Aur.Artemon; Oinoanda) [we should perhaps distinguish agones organized by the Kowov word) II 29. ElCq>OPWV; rent, probably in money, ed.pr. (164); cf. also 142 note 370 and 143 note 375 for TAM II and agones which are said to be lCOWO<; AuKirov; the latter category occurs in SEC XXVIII 1248 (cf. app.crit. ad L. 532 (from ) mentioning an ElCqJOptucrtTt<; who is styled 'tOY lCtTt'topu'trov Xrop(rov II 30-31. the agonothetes 5), TAM II 307, DAWW no. 65; in OCIS 566 KowoS AUlCirov is replaced by the more explicit h: 't£ Audrov should be member ofthe boule; cf. LL. 59 (idem for panegyriarchs), 61, 63 and 65 (for sebastophoroi and masti­ ltI:lv'trov; in TAM II 428 we have the aywv 'trov JlEyO:Arov Kacrcrdrov lCOtVCt AUlC(roV: probably an interna­ gophoroi citil.enship suffices), ed.pr., who on 194/195 considers the agonothesia an arche (cr. LL. 89 and 110­ tional federal agon. If this analysis is accurate the It£v't. ay. which Demosthenes mentions may be a rather loose Ill) [but cr. LL. 101 and 119 where it is an irregular 'Sonderfunktion', Pleket]. Demosthenes' order about the reference to the quadrennial federal games which are sacred crown-games and thus of international standing; cf. fCR election of future agonothetai is reinterpreted by thc boule in C. LL. 89/90, to the extent that the agonothetes has III 382 with YEvOUS aYIDV(()V n:oAEtnlCrov 'tE lCa1. 1tEV'tUE'tTiPtlCOii, correctly interpreted by W. as local, urban to nominate a successor one year before his own agonothesia actually took place, viz. five years before the nomi­ contests versus one federal and international agon; Demosthenes' wording is vague, since it is not only sacred, nated person entered his function, ed.pr. (on 84 and 185/186); 'nothing out of his own pocket': cf. ed.pr. on 184 international games which are pentaeterikoi; cf. ed.pr. 243 note 94, Pleket]; 4,450 denarii presuppose a capital of note 5, who points to L. 67 (agelarch pays his own statue) and to the fact that Demosthenes' descendants (cf. B. ca. 11,000 - 13,300 den., ed.pr., who on 236/237 compares this modest foundation with much larger agonistic app.crit. ad LL. 12/13) paid E~ OilCEiU<; q>~AO'ttJ.l.(a<;; contra L.de Ligt, Mnemosyne (1990) 499 who, however, foundations in (120,000 den.) and with equally modest foundations in Lycia itself (16,000; 12,000 disregards the fact that in the perception of the boule, who changed Demosthenes' plan from LL. 30/31. future den.); for the nUpaJltCIe. and eErop{Ut cr. infra ad LL. 44-46; for the ayrovo:p~u 'YUJlvmi for citizens only cf. L. agonothetai may well have to and want to contribute out of their own pocket and therefore necd more time to 46 with ed.pr.'s comment on 257 II 25-27. cf. ed.pr. on 123-135 for detailed commentary on the boule, prepare themselves for the agonothesia. For the EilCocra1tpon:Ol cf. app.crit. ad LL. 15-17 in fine; for the duties of seitometroumenoi, the 500 and the rest of the politai. In ICR III 492 (OCIS 566; cf. also ICR III 489) the 500 are the agonothetes cf. ed.pc. on 183-185 II 32. for the n:a'tpij.>o<; eEO<; 'An:onrov cf. also LL. 36, 42, 53 and 62, distinguished from the STt~o'tut. Both categories are n:oA"i'tat. In our document we also have the 500 and the rest of ed.pr. (on 188-190, with comment on urban and federal cults of this god) II 35. l1YEJlovl EV1:Uxfl: for the back­ the politai, with two additional categories; freedmen and paroikoi (for whom cf. our lemma no. 2032). The 500, as ground of the address to the Roman governor (cf. L. 100) cf. ed.pr. on 165-172; ed.pr. argues that ratification by defined by our text, consist of the councillors and part of the crEt'tOJ.l.E'tPOU).I.EVOt, who were drawn by lot to malce the governor was not necessary for all decrees but merely for those affairs which had financial implications: cr. L. up the 500; accordingly the total number of crEl'tOJ.l.E'tPOllJ.l.EvOt was larger than 500, ed.pr., who supposes that the 99 (a'tEM:tU and crlCE1tTi); cf. also LL. 90 and 109~11l II 38-46. the hierarchy of the items in the program and of '500 plus' were potential receivers of grain, from whom the 500 were drawn by lot; ed.pr. refers to parallels for the prizes is comparable to that in other inscriptions (Aphrodisia~), ed.pr. (225-236), who gives a tabular survey his concept of 'potential' versus real receivers to Rome (150,000 actual receivers) and Oxyrhynchos (unknown of the prizes and points out that in absolute figures both the program and the prizes in Oinoanda were smaller than numerus clausus) where vacancies were filled by newcomers drawn by lot from among the citizens at large in Aphrodisias; for the duration of the Demostheneia (1-23 Artemisios) cf. ed.pr. on 245-248 with parallels: 10 [However, the crEt'toJ.l.E'tPOUJ.l.EVOt in Lycian cities do not seem to have been potential but actual receivers, as days (IC VII 2712 and ICR III 785), 20 days (IC V 1 18 B), a month (SEC XXXVII 885 C. LL. SO/51 where shown by SEC XXVII 938 (Tlos; l,l00 people); we do not know the exact number in Oinoanda but it is this W5rrle's suggestion to read J.l.i\v[u oAov lOt 'J [·tQu<; has already been anticipated); for the themes and persons dcalt number which is to be put on a par with Rome's 150,000; vacancies were filled by lot from a large potential of with by AoytlCoi EvlCroJ.l.tOypaq>Ol and 1to~Ti'ta{ cf. ed.pr. (231 with note 25, 248-250); o:yopa; the monthly urban citizens. The elite of 500 consisted of x members of the council (themselves crEl1:0JlE'tPOU).I.EVOt) and the top of market, clearly to be distinguished from the panegyris-market (LL. 60, 88 and 115/116), ed.pr. (209); for the the other crEt'tOJ.l.E'tPOUJ.l.EVOt, who as a whole constituted a much larger and relatively distinguished group among ltUpaJ.l.tcreWJ.l.u'tu (cf. L. 23), J.l.ElJ.l.ot, alCpoO:J.l.a'tu, eEaJ.l.a'tU and the ana alCpOaJlu'ta cf. ed.pr. on 251-253; the citizens. The so-called OTiJ.l.O'ttlCul apXu( may well have been occupied by candidates from the group of '500 _ for O:PEO"lCOV1:rov ed.pr. refers to the notions of 'tEplJlt<;, o:n:~ and Otaxucr~<; rii<; IJIUx.Ti<; (cf. SEC XXXV 744 L. x' citizens who formally belonged to the demos (demotai), since they were not bouleutai, and in a way formed its 25); for the o:yrovapta cf. app.crit. ad LL. 21-24 in fme. upper fringe, from which newcomers to the boule, in addition, of course, to sons of established councillors, used to be recruited. Incidentally, demotikai archai could also be occupied by bouleutai; the bouleutikai archai were 444 LYCIA LYCIA 445

C. Decree of the city council in honor of C.lulius Demosthenes, with regula­ tions concerning the appointment and duties of the agonothetes, the procession ltaiocov, Ol1:tVEe; elttA€~oucrt ava 1tatoa<; lC', [ou<; liv a]U1:ol OOlCtj..lacr(o()t, 1:ou<; and sacrifices during the Demostheneia and the erection of a stele containing all acrJCfJcrov1:a<; 15 po j..lOV Wcr1:E AaJ.1ltaoo15p0J.1e'iv K~t 'tOY vnJCfJcrav1:a cr't E

liget ou J.1ovov tii<; ~~['tpioo<;] aAM KaL 'tou £9vou<; ltpo<; ltpU1:aVEt<; E' f3oue; f3', ltoAEmKOI. ayopavoj..lo[ t] f3' [f3ouv] 0'.', YUj..lvacriapX~t f3' ultacrt 't01<; &HOle; ote; ltap€epcrl1voe; cruv aioova ltEv'taE'tl1PtKU J.1oucrtKU ltavllrUpn eTCT)vYEiAa'to 52 lCa'tacrlCEuacral elC 'toov iOicov lCat avea9cival mltOlAEt Kal. cr't€ lCat MEpAalCavoole; Kat MEyaAcp "OPEL lCal. [- -] Ame; lCal. Kipf30u lCal Eu1topot<; lCat Opoa'tOte; lCa[l -3]paKU Kal. OUaAcp lCat Ycr­ [exo]v1:a eK1:Ulta ltpocrcolta A1)1:0lCP(hop~<; Nipoua T patavo13 'Aopta[vou J Kaicrapoe; LEf3acrwu lCal.1:o13 ltpOlCa~[y€'t]Ou ll[J.1ooJ~ lta'tpc,Oou 9EOU 'AltoHco­ , lCalAo'tetJ.1iq. lCal.' avultEPf3Atl­ Aou90ucrat<; j..lovaypime; f30uv 0'.', Ntyupacrcro<; cruv 'ta'i<; alCoAou90U­ 1:cp J.1qaAO\jfuxi q. Kat 'til ltpo<; 'toue; LEf3acr1:0U[<; EucrEf3eJiq. e1t1l vEcr€v 'te lCa1.ltacru 76 [cr]at<; j..lovaypiat<; f30uv 0'.', Ouau'ta MapaKav[15a cru]v 'tal<; alCoAou90ucrat.; 1:Elj..ln e~E1:dj..ll1cre, tva o£ crwlCocrJ.1119n elC ltav'to<; II ltaVtl'YUPl<; lCa[t ltA1l1­ j..lovaypime; f30uv 0'.', MtAYEl1t61:aj..l0<; 'Ouft15acra cruv 1:0'.1<; aKoAouBoucr[ate;] 56 pEcr'ta'tll y€vl11:at II ltpo<; 'tOY lCelCupCOlC[o]'ta 0'.[u'tTJv] AU1:0lCpa1:0pa Eucr€f3eta E\jfl1­ 1tPO 'tfje; 1tO'.vl1rUpeco.; e'tet de; 1:0V 'tfje; ay[co]­ v0gecria<; evtau1:ov a1.pcicr9m 15l1j..lapxou<; [lCal) alto15EtKVUV'tOe; tlC 'toov cruv9uov'tcov altEt90vv1:a<;, oj..loico<; aipet:cr9at i.lTC· au'tou Kal crEf3acr'to


voStht,v tui~ 1tOAEcrt 1tEpt til~ ouvSuO'iu~' [Kut toJu~ Tiyrovoee'trJlcotu~ ilST] O'UV­ 7lm). This ancestor Moles l11ay be identical with the Moles from L. 18 (ed.pr. 72/73) and with the MOAT\<; 1tpOeOpEUEtV tip ayrovoettll tv til 1tUVT]-rUPH' LnOYEvou<;, mentioned in a dedication to Ku'icrup l(UL t.fll.l.O<; from Oinoanda (fGR III 482 = OGfS 555; cf. our 88 SE: KUt atfAELUV Oux 1tuO'rov trov tfj~ 1tUV[T]-rUPE]ro~ T,IlEProv 'trov 1ttltpuO'Kolltvrov lemma no. 1464), ed.pr. on 58 and 71/72 II 49-50. for the social rank and status of Demosthenes in his city, the . . 1taV'trov .KUt. Suolltvrov KUt dO'uyolltvrov Kat til0']­ Lycian League and the Empire cf. ed.pr. on 55-69; cf. also app.crit. ad L. 7; analysis of the eight ambassadors on tvrov


evidence (141-144) on villages, their territory (cf. our lemma no. 1239), the relationship with large estate-owners provincial cult (with some criticism of Kearsley's views: see SEC XXXVI 1518 and our lemma no. 1973) and on (probably no villages situated on a private estate but rather fragmentation of landed property) and the legal and the functions, religious and otherwise, of imperial priests in the city (cf. also L. 91); priest of Zeus: unattested social status of the urban and rural population (Moi, 1tUPOtlCOt). For the total number of oxen (27) and the ca. before in Oinoanda, ed.pr., who wonders whether the eponymous priest in SEC XXVII 931 LL. 1(2 is perhaps 8,000 portions of meat available to the citizens (not the metics: cf. 256 note 167) cf. ed.pr. on 254-256 II 80-82. the priest of Zeus II 70-71. the secretary of the council and the 5 prytaneis together sacrifice two oxen; close for the village officials and apXtOElCaVOt, LL. 80/81) cf. ed.pr. on 144-150, with parallels for relationship between the two functions, ed.pr., with copious evidence about their competence. The prytaneis were (~~apxot o~~ap­ X <;, villages denoted as oil~ot and lCotvU, the election of ~~apxot (apparently the business of the villagers, not an independent college of magistrates rather than a committee of the council. Demosthenes himself was both o of the boule, but not always effectuated: see L. 81) and the function of the (apxt)OElCaVOt; obviously demarchoi ypcqJ.~a'tEu<; and 1tpu'tavt<; (L. 7) II 71. the agoranomoi are those of the polis (1toAEt'ttlcoi), to be distinguished were a common phenomenon but archidekanoi are not to be expected in all villages; the boule may well have had from those in charge of a panegyris: cf. above ad LL. 59-61. Each agoranomos was in office during six months. something to do with their appointment; some (apXt)OElCaVOt probably were representatives of urban quarters, The two gymnasiarchs were probably in charge of the two urban gymnasia, one of the VEOt, the other possibly of supervising security- and police activities; comment on OElCavia and Egyptian q>uAalCl'tat, to which OElCavoi the YEpoucria. The two paraphylakes were presumably responsible for city and territory respectively; for I II were subordinated. In Oinoandian territory the dekanoi may have fulfilled police functions in the villages. For Oinoanda's extensive chora cf. LL. 72-80, ed.pr. on 111-114 and 149/150; on 149/150 ed.pr. argues that the para­ I OElCavia cf. now Chiron 20 (1990) 144-147. II 83. for the 'Strafbefugnis' of the agonothetes (cf. also LL. 63-65, phylakes and their diogmitai were also responsible for the levying of taxes; in the villages it was the apXtOElCa­ with parallels by ed.pr. for rather drastic action by the agonothetes) cf. ed.pr. (on 202-209), who points out that in VOt, L. 81, who exercised local police duties II 71-72. Ecrr1~apxo<;, 1tatOovo~o<;: cf. ed.pr. on 116/117 for reflect­ L. 83 the agonothetes had no competence to proclaim punishment; his task was one of registration of the culprits; ions on the school system in Hellenistic-Roman cities and the degree of literacy II 72. btt~EA1l't"<; 01l~ocrirov further comment on Ox; a1to lCa'taoi1C1l<;: Fiktion rechtskraftiger Verurteilung'; the clause presupposes the exist­ EPYroV: whereas elsewhere most epimeletai (or E1ttcr'tu'tat) were appointed ad hoc, in Oinoanda it seems to have ence of urban jurisdiction II 85-87. on cruv8ucria cf. above ad L. 69 II 87. crUV1tPOEOPEUEtV: cf. ed.pr. on 187: been a regular magistracy; cf. the cura operumpublicorum in Latin inscriptions andI.Mylasa 106/107, ed.pr. (on honor for ex-agonothetai and support for the acting agonothetai II 88-89. for the ateleia cf. also LL. 99, 102, 117/118), with further reflection on 118-123 about the hierarchy of functions and magistracies in Hellenistic 109/110 and 115/116; for the various taxes (E1tcOVtOV; rent for hiring stands; 'Handlerlizenzen') cf. ed.pr. on 210­ Lycian cities (the three apxov'tE<;). The crmov1l<;, ayrov08E-c1l<; and OElCa- and EilCocri1tpro'to<; are held by ed.pr. 215 (cf. also above ad LL. 59-61). He rightly rejects the idea of a Lycian 'Zollunion' which abolished all intra­ to have been irregular officials [for the crt'trovia cf. contra l.H.M.Strubbe, EA 13 (1989) 99-122, especially 102, Lycian dues on im- and export (cf. SEC XXXVII 1234) II 89-92. cf. app.crit. ad L. 30; the of candidates Pleket] II 72-80. for detailed comment on the villages which all in all must contribute 14 oxen and are part of 1tpO~OA" probably took place in the council, ed.pr., with many parallels for the nomination of successors by acting Oinoanda's territory cf. ed.pr. (on 47 and 135-150). The obligation imposed upon the villages to sacrifice during magistrates or by the boule. The avn1tpO~OA" emerges here ca. 500 years after its first attestation in Plato's the Demostheneia was not subject to gubernatorial approval; it was a matter of polis autonomy. OuaAro, Op1tEV­ Nomoi 755 (b) _ 756 (b). Ed.pr. refers to § 51 of the Lex Malacitana, where those nominated by the duovir (in va, 'EA~1lcrcro<; and KEpOE~O'ta are attested in other literary or epigraphical sources, ed.pr. (47 and 135). It is now case of a lack of enough volunteers), have the right to suggest other names in addition to their own; in an certain that Orpenna belongs to Oinoanda, not to (so C.Naour, op.cit. (cf. SEC XXX 1532) 7/8); for avn1tpO~OA" one substitutes other names for those initially suggested. Cf. SEC XXXVII 593 for probole in another Oinoandian village cf. L.Robert, Etudes Anatoliennes 383/384. Ap~aOou (L. 72), Ktp~ou (L. 73) and imperial Macedonia II 90-91. (cf. LL. 99 and 110). crlCE1t1l vacatio, viz. temporary exemption from munera, KtAAOU (L. 74) are genitives of proper names and belong to the series of Asianic village names called after the = ed.pr., who adduces examples of a'tEAEta from functions for a limited period of time, and of UAEt'tOupY11cria, viz. name of the dominating chief in the genitive. KalCucr~Ot KtAAOU probably is a village with a temple of the indi­ immunitas, i.e. permanent exemption II 92. oi. 1tEP1. 'trov apx. laws about the elections, probably part of the genous Kakasboi Theoi (attested in other inscriptions) founded by Killes, ed.pr. MEya "Opo<;, Eu1topot, rIPEtvO­ vo~ot: lex provinciae (cf. ad L. 109), ed.pr.; 30 Hyperberetaios: end of the year of the magistracy, viz. 31 December, At80<; and 'AE'toU Nocrcria CAdlerhorst') are Greek names, YcrlCaq>Ot possibly so (from i)<; and crlCUq>O<;). Three ed.pr. II 93. [perhaps Ox; 1t]apEiA1lq>E instead of rovElcr8at: 'und soll sich das durch villages have single names: [.JUPVEUt, EA~1lcrcrO<;, Ntyupacrcro<;; six at least have double names: 0p1tEVVa ltEAta, notarielle Urkunde bestlitigen lassen', ed.pr. (with comment on 208/209); cf. our lemma no. 10521199-102. for Ouau'tU MapalCavOa, MtAyEt1to'ta~o<; OU~Oacra, rIpEtvOAt80<; KOAABH[- -J, KEpOE~o'ta rIaAavYEt­ the reasons why the governor had to give permission for the ateleia and skepe and for the relation between council ~ava1C1l, [- -]~ la1tovOouvoa and perhaps Mtvaouvoa q:~N[- -]lYHPA; one village has three names: 'OpV1lcrcro<;, 'AE'tou Noocria, Kopaljla. and assembly cf. above ad LL. 6 in fine, 35 and 47. The latter two categories may well reflect local Ot- and 'tptlCro~iat, ed.pr. (on 135-139), with other evidence D. Decree of the Oinoandians concerning the promises of Demosthenes and the about such groups of villages in Asia Minor; cf. the 1tEv'talCro~ia in our lemma no. 1474. In LL. 72/73 the sending of ambassadors to the Roman governor, 125 or 126 A.D. village of Thersenos is grouped together with eleven other places, in L. 74 OfAPlAN[... ]AKH (itself perhaps a otlCro~ia) with two others. OuaAro (part of Thersenos) is attested as Xropiov in Oinoandian territory in the 6th "EOOSEV TEPIl1l onll'P . £7tE[tOr, r. 'IoDA.to].; !l>u\3iu t11l1l0


Kat o'toa.; EX'troV ioioov avaSet.; Kat KaS' £Kao'tOv [Kalpov 1ta]pexoov 'tT]V euSll­ 1463. Oinoanda. lulius Euarestos finances the Euaresteia, Severan period. . viav, OtlVeO'tnoa'to EK 'troy ioioov XPllJ1.o.'tOOV K~t 1tavnyuptv ~~'taer'tllplKT]V] Heberdey-Ka1inka 49 no. 65. M.Worrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) 74 note 140, points [J1.]OUOlKT]V t011V 'tOl'; 9£J1.aOl 'tal'; £V 'tiP eSvel o.y[oJ1.£vat.;] 1tOAetnKa'i.; 1t~Vlly6peOl, out that the full name of the founder is '!OUAW'; AOUKto.; IleiAw.; Euo.peo'to,;; H.-K. have 'l1v' ~al (, eeto'ta'to~ AU'tOKPo.'tOOP NEpoua.; Tpalavo.; 'AOptav[o.; Ka'ioap [At]Atov and fGR III 497 prints Ile['tjiAtOU instead of IleiAw.;. For the Iulii in Oinoanda cf. ~ao'to.; E1tt)'VOV'; E1teK'UpOOOe, en Oe Kat BV 'tft vu[ v axSdoJu ~OUAft EV 'tiP 10UAicp M.Worrle on 57-60 and 74. For the Euap£o'teta cf. ibidem 240, where W. suggests that they J1.11Vt1tpOeASrov E1t1lvyeiAa'to 1tpo,; 'te 'tT]V 'tou AU'tOKPo.'tOPO'; eu[oE!3etav Kat] were a "'private' Nachschopfung" of a federal agon and belonged to the category of the prize­ 108 'tT]V 'tij.; 1t()Aeoo.; eUKOOJ1.{av o't£q)(1.VOV Xpuoouv [Kat 1l00J1.0]v E1to.p~pov avaSei­ games, whereas other federal contests rose to the status of tepot ayrove.;. For criticism cf. our · ... vat 'tft 1tOAet, J1.ap'tuPllSijval au'tov Kat E1tt 'tou Kpa'tlO'tOu i1y[ eJ1.0VO'; Cl>Aa]­ lemma no. 1462 B app.crit. ad LL. 21-24. foui]ou "A1tpou Kat oellSijvat au'tOu E1ttKUprooat llv [E\jIllq)tol~J1.eSa OKE1tllV 'tiP ayoovoSE'tTI Kat [a'tE]AetaV 'troy etmpepOJ1.£VOOV Kat eioaY0J1.[EvOOV [ay]opaS0J1.£VOOV Kat £~~YO~EVOOV ci)Vt('i>v Kat 1t[t1tpao ] KOJ1.£VOOV EV 'ta'i.; 'tij.; 1464. Oinoanda. Dedication to Kaisar and the demos, 42-27 B.C. ? OGfS 555 . y6peoo.;J i1J1.£pat.; flOll Kat aAAOOV i1yeJ1.0VOOV i1J1.elV [Ota'to.y]­ (fGR III 482). M.W6rrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) 58 note 30 (cf. also 71), reports that lJ1.]aOLV £1tl'te'tpmpo'toov 'tal'; £1ttycvOJ1.EVat.; J1.e't[a 'ta..;] VOJ1.0Seoia.; Kawai.; a[p­ A.Hall rediscovered the stone and pointed out that in L. 2 0 So.vSou 'aus einem verkannten ... X~'i.; oouvlal OK£1t1lV OJ1.0ioo.; 'ta'i.; 1tpoaYouoat.; apxai.; Kat [ayelv £V 't~l.;l epichorischen Personennamen verlesen --- ist'. For the dedicant MOAll'; tnoy£vou.; 'tou 112 aVllKoUOat.; 1tOAeOtV ~av11'YuPet.; 1tpo.; 'to BK 'tij.; [qnAav ]SPOO1ttW; ~u'tou [J1.e'tExelV MOAll'tO'; cf. our lemma no. 1462 C app.crit. ad L. 47 in fine. He may have belonged to a pro­ · . . (hv 1tapEXet ayaSrov Kat £v 'tOU'tOO ou'v'au~11[Sijvat ~v 1t()ALVj. Antonius/Octavianus group in Oinoanda and stood at the beginning of the awarding of civitas [K]at 11PE9"oav 1tpE~~et.; EX 'troy 1tap' i1J1.eiv 1tp(O'te[~olv'toov r. AtKtVV[ 10'; Boa.;, Romana to Demosthenes' ancestors. 'r. AtKivlvtO~ ~pov'toov, nll1tOAeJ1.0'; Kpoioou, !noy£vll'; [y' 'tou MOAll'tO';], lS~oloo,; TAll1toAEJ1.0U 01. ~~<:-oroOOV'te'; alniP 'to[u'to] ~o 'I1nlPtoJ1.a vacat 1465. Oinoanda. Dedication to Septimius Severus and Caracalla, 210/211 or 103-108. Recapitulation of Demosthenes' merits and of his various benefactions; for npOYcO<; -cils Enapxeiac; cf. 215/216 A.D. SEG XXXI 1294. M.W6rrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) 46 note 6, ed.pr. on 56 and 62; on the concept of 'friend' of the governor and the emperor (cf. the epithet UEI3

'0 J1.WOOV KaSio'ta09at 'tou ayrovo.; 'to'\)'tou ayoovoSttll'; exetv OK[f1t1lV 1tEV­ 1467. Oinoanda (area of). Epitaph of Artemon and his wife, undated. CfG 4380 'tae'tiav -- 15 - -, eiVal Oe a'tEAetaV 'ta..; 'tou ayro]­ M.W6rrle, op.cit. (cf. our lemma no. 1462) 136 note 331, argues that the patronymic 116 vo.; i1J1.Epa.;, (iv 1tpOVOnOll'te 01too,; J1.110Ev ai 1tOAeOO'; 1tpooooo[t J1.elooSroot' Oi (,Ap'tEJ1.00V MepAa'tou; CfG prints Me[ tjAo.'tOU but gives MEP AATOY in the majuscle copy) 1tPeo~eU'mt 110av r. AtKlvvw,; eoa.; Kat r. AtKivvwC;] is to be related to the name of the village of MepAaKo.voa, on record in our lemma no. 1462 C Cl>pov'toov Kat TAll1tOAeJ1.0'; Kpo{oou Kat MOYEVll'; i 'tou MoAll'tO'; K[ai KPOlOO'; L. 72 and part of Oinoanda's territory. · . TAll1tOAEJ1.0U]

116.O:v - j.lE,CIl6iixn: clearly the governor is mainly interested in the financial health of the city. 1468. . The dossier of Opramoas: imperial rescript to Gagai, 151 A.D. TAM II 905 no. 50 (XII F) [now J.H.Oliver. Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Empe·