Peacemaking in the New World Disorder
2015 Peacemaking in the new world disorder Authored by Paul Dziatkowiec, Christina Buchhold, Jonathan Harlander, Massimiliano Verri Meeting report THE OSLO FORUM Improving the mediation of armed conflict A global series of mediation retreats Where politics meets practice The Oslo Forum is the leading international network of Participation is by invitation only. Sessions take the form of conflict mediation practitioners. Co-hosted by the Centre closed-door discussions, and adhere to the Chatham House Rule for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) and the Royal Norwegian of non-attribution. Sessions are designed to stimulate informed Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Oslo Forum regularly convenes exchanges with provocative inputs from a range of speakers, conflict mediators, peacemakers, high level decision-makers including conflict party representatives, war correspondents, and key peace process actors in a series of informal and discreet outstanding analysts, thinkers and experts. retreats. Participants have included Kofi Annan, former Secretary- The Oslo Forum features an annual global event in Oslo, General of the United Nations; Jimmy Carter, former President complemented by regional retreats in Africa and Asia. The aim of the United States; Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary is to improve conflict mediation practice through facilitating of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar; Juan Manuel open exchange and reflection, providing informal networking Santos, President of Colombia; Thabo Mbeki, former President opportunities that encourage coordination and cooperation of South Africa; Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland; when needed, and allowing space for conflict parties to advance Mohammad Khatami, former President of the Islamic Republic their negotiations. of Iran; Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria; Gerry Adams, President of Sinn Féin, and Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor Sharing experiences and insights of the International Criminal Court.
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