Santa Clara University Scholar Commons The Owl SCU Publications 10-1875 The Owl, vol. 10, no. 2 Santa Clara University student body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Fiction Commons, Nonfiction Commons, and the Poetry Commons Recommended Citation Santa Clara University student body, "The Owl, vol. 10, no. 2" (1875). The Owl. Book 56. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the SCU Publications at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Owl by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. THE OWL. Vol. X ()C1VB E'R, 1875- FI{EEDO~I: WHAT IS rr ? (By J-1)£ BELLE ISL1-:.) '" FREEDOIVI 1"-1 proclaim it \" hole frame thrills with unspeakable to the birds of the air, to emotion: he seems to rise above him ..he beasts of the field, to the fishes of self, and to beC0111e as it were a new the sea, to all creatures, animate or being, under the magic power of that inanirhate; and the eagles dash away simple name. Nay sometimes he is from me in fright; the lions look me altogether carried away by -the enthu in the face with stolid indifference, siasin thus excited; he exults in ,the and t urn aside to hide themselves in possession of such a treasure; his the recesses of the forest; ' the ele heart is filled with the hope of its phants stalk majestically by, regard constant enjoyment: and he not in less of my words; the fishes seek, in frequently contravenes even his 0\\'0 silence, the deepest abysses of the rational nature, in his mad attempts ocean: none of them can understand to acquire what he considers its fun what I say to them.