Extremal axioms Jerzy Pogonowski Extremal axioms Logical, mathematical and cognitive aspects Poznań 2019 scientific committee Jerzy Brzeziński, Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska, Zbigniew Drozdowicz (chair of the committee), Rafał Drozdowski, Piotr Orlik, Jacek Sójka reviewer Prof. dr hab. Jan Woleński First edition cover design Robert Domurat cover photo Przemysław Filipowiak english supervision Jonathan Weber editors Jerzy Pogonowski, Michał Staniszewski c Copyright by the Social Science and Humanities Publishers AMU 2019 c Copyright by Jerzy Pogonowski 2019 Publication supported by the National Science Center research grant 2015/17/B/HS1/02232 ISBN 978-83-64902-78-9 ISBN 978-83-7589-084-6 social science and humanities publishers adam mickiewicz university in poznań 60-568 Poznań, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c www.wnsh.amu.edu.pl,
[email protected], tel. (61) 829 22 54 wydawnictwo fundacji humaniora 60-682 Poznań, ul. Biegańskiego 30A www.funhum.home.amu.edu.pl,
[email protected], tel. 519 340 555 printed by: Drukarnia Scriptor Gniezno Contents Preface 9 Part I Logical aspects 13 Chapter 1 Mathematical theories and their models 15 1.1 Theories in polymathematics and monomathematics . 16 1.2 Types of models and their comparison . 20 1.3 Classification and representation theorems . 32 1.4 Which mathematical objects are standard? . 35 Chapter 2 Historical remarks concerning extremal axioms 43 2.1 Origin of the notion of isomorphism . 43 2.2 The notions of completeness . 46 2.3 Extremal axioms: first formulations . 49 2.4 The work of Carnap and Bachmann . 63 2.5 Further developments . 71 Chapter 3 The expressive power of logic and limitative theorems 73 3.1 Expressive versus deductive power of logic .