Produced by Kallisti & Kallora, Order of the Illuminati, N Albion, Galahad Cruachan Gorge W E Game coordinates are given E-W, N-S. S 10 20 30 Thousands 40 50 60 0 0

grey spectres wraith Crigfan 10 10 Forrest Golau-leuad Wood Ulf dulaha Addolis curmudgeon Coregan Weald puggard Moodlight Thicket Treflan Hill Grove Sheamis Cyfach Glen Cair Mald the Treflan curmudgeon Hermit deamhan aeir Bryniag megafelid deamhan hound torc Grove Serchu's Woodsiog riader roan stepper deamhan aeir 20 20 Bryniag Plains Daughter Grove of miswriath Sotuh pheghoul Crachan Rhyddni Breifine alp luacha graug grugach Warrior of Medb Treflan's Meadow Criar rage wolf uneathed cave bears Hill mad changelling bodach Rhyddni's Run

Brythwich Run 30 30 Brythwich Glaswelt Plains Thousands Thousands Grove Grove of Melith Dun Lamfhota bocaidhe Glaswelt Grove empyrean guardian Grove of Glaswelth Hill Lamfhota empyrean

Deheudir Cynnull sentinel ghostly invaders Torchog 40 40 Miarwen Bre Dewines Twins Blinding Ravine Grove

Benyn Grove Teletha's Dun Ailinne Hill DadlauTower Dyheu Copse Hill squabblers Forest of AilinneDun Ailinne Teletha's Dyheu Glen Kaskelen ValleyLonely Stone Wood Field speghoul 50 50 faeghoul giant ant giant beetle Dun Ailinne Tyraa Mynydd Grove of Tower giant beetlePennoth Cae Aruchel

Pennoth Fridd HIlls Dun Ailinne Wood Tower Kydden'scrauch Crachan Daughter Bignose Trees Warrior of Medb Gwadda Forest earthshaker 60 60

Drum Ligen

Thousands 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 © 2004 Kallisti & Kallora, Order of the Illuminati, Albion, Galahad, all rights reserved Updated 24 April 2004 Monsters and approx levels:

Name Level Range Name Level Range Name Level Range

alp luacha grey earthshaker yellow/orange megafelid blue/yellow Bignose blue empyrean guardian blue/green miswriath grey bocaidhe 28 empyrean sentinel grey pheghoul green/blue rage wolf bodach grey faeghoul green grey roan stepper grey Crachan Warrior yellow fuath yellow siog riader green crauch imp grey/green ghostly invaders blue spehghoul green curmudgeon green giant ant grey squabblers grey curmudgeon puggard 38 giant beetle grey torc grey/green/blue Daughter of Medb yellow grey spectres grey Ulf blue deamhan aeir blue grugach grey uneathed cave bears yellow deamhan hound blue leprechaun yellow/orange wraith sprite grey dulaha yellow/orange mad changelling grey