1933-02-10 Pm
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THE PLYMOUTH MAIL VOL. 47, No. 13 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1933 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Early History of Presbyterian MANY CANDIDATES GOONTT PLAN Church Closely Linked With COMMITTEE WORKS Developments of Community FOR CITT ELECTION NOT FAVOHED The summary of the first fiity gregatlon celebrated their semi-cen- LOCAL WELFA ON NEW BANK PLAN years of me history of the Presby tcnial anniversary. Rev. W. W. Wet- Plymouth Officials Not terian organization contained a Dies While Visiting statement mat in 1877 it was decid Plymouth Receives Large League of Women '■ InnrriirilTP At Home of Relative So Sure It Will Be A ed to remodel the church. At a of it and a picture of the church CONTEST TO BE Benefit meeting on April 3, 1876 a com decorated for the occasion are In ShwentFor Use-Here °f Cloth,ng , Vofers___ to Afcef AbH11WtNIU mittee’consist-ng of Win. Orr, Craw the possession of Mrs. Louis Hil- Floyd E. Daggett, pornilnent Ypsi „ , . „ , 1 Safford^ A. D. Stevens, I. M. Hough, mer. In seeking material for tho lanti lawyer and a cousin of Wil iP^n “s 1 [a,ld Ai Stevens was appointed to history to be read at that annivers The Plymouth "chapter „< ‘Sr" h/,d'X ''f.SS [ liam Holmes of this place, died sud the «Slty,Vf act wit*1 the trustees and ascertain ary, I. M. Hough wrote to Mrs. American Bed Cross has recently mtwillg Monday. February Kt. :,'i A LIVELY, ONE denly Sunday evening while visit Detroit has aroused considerable what repairs were necessary on the E. M. Stewart of Michigan Center. citnimeut, both Inside and outside i flmrch building and the probable recelred a large quota of clothing 2:3U „-eloet. at the home'of Sirs, i MAILED OUT ing at the home of William Gyde, She was the daughter of Ira Bron- for nten, women and children who Puul wiednmu. 34(1 Blunk avenue.-------- who lives oma farm southwest of LX U?-7>,t-75? rel>re?™t- cost. Copying Iron, iho reeonl for on one of the founders of the Contests Have Developed athe of the City of Plymouth on v„r|i « verit. cto,“D/ ,0 The occasion wui be a member-1 Plymouth United Deoosit- Plymouth. Mr. Gyde is also a cousin . C.i,y Pl!;’?<ratl‘ °“ April 15, 1ST0 diureh. The letter is copied in nnemploymenr are not able to pur- .[Up teil honor of new mid pros-1 ftr. Anvin„o T„ lid For Every Office To ol Mr. Daggett. tho committee to study this matter •A meeting was held in Mr. has made considerable Investigation part, not alone to show the pre- chase It. The allotment Is made on1 ,K.c,ive members. Will. dues de- i OrS Al«I0US To Aid Be Filled Mr. Daggett bad been in ill health Hick’s store. Committee report tha. ise and interesting form, but to the basis of- the number of people i crease,! and with interest in govern-1 as to the possible benefits to be de Mr. Mitchell, a builder from De Institution for a year or more but his condition rived, but as yet has not found iresent the information about the rcx-ieing public assistance and the trcm,In! WMIWMU was not regarded as at all serious troit who was obtained by R. G Sunday school. estimated number of borderline times like those the im,«i« u- ->i i «-t,i On February 1st, the last day for | where any considerable saving cases requiring only partial aid , c T,lp>p- UK l*a«U‘ i> at- With the appointment of Harry filing petitions for offices to be and he had been able to lie out mo;,!,r could be made in any department of Hall, made an examination of th< “When I received your letter in a t s requiring om> imrtia aid trading many new ami interested 11Robinson. Charles II. Kathbum. filled at the city election to be held of the time. church building and finds that to viting me to be present at the fifty- Hie shipment received last but-' members. Angus Heeney J W RHckemuaff Mr. Daggett was born near St. the County Government by the consequence of planks being laid un first anniversary of the organiza on April 3rd, there had been filed formation of a new county, nor der the foundation when built had urtlay includes 189 suits Of men's The program for Monday is a and Ernest S.’ltoe as members of thirteen petitions Tor the six offices. Johns in 1893 and was graduated where the out-county areas arc not tion of the Presbyterian church of winter underwear. 4< pairs of In- continuation of the study of county the depositors’ from the University of Michigan In rotted away and caused the south Plymouth, it called up so many committee, rapid The officers to be elected arfe three receiving a fair share of the ben fants stockings, 37 men’s work 1 governmenr. The speaker will be teps are being taken io perfect the Commissioners for two year terms, 1905. He came to Ypsilanti a year efits from the taxes being paid. wall to settle and crack and bulge tender memories that I resolved to jackets, 199 men's trousers, 35 cor- Prof. ’A. W. Bromage of the Poli later. He was city attorney five outward. Declares that south wall attend the meeting and not until reorganization of the Plymouth one commissioner to fill the vacancy The January 21st issue of the De duroy knickers, and 40 pairs of tical Science Department of the United Savings bank under u mora for one year term, one Municipal years and assistant prosecuting troit News quoted the Chief Ac should be taken up and relaid as this morning did I relinquish the boy’s long trousers. attorney of Washtenaw County six high as the lower side of the win-1 idea, but ill health compels me to University of Michigan who has torium plan provided by the state Judge, and one Constable. All of the countant of the Board of County A memo was given to all of the worked considerably on the subject hanking department. present commissioners whose terms .Auditors as follows: dow, also to anchor the walls thor-1 deny myself that pleasure, much to Mr. Daggett leaves his wife. Nel oughly, put on a new roof and- my disappointment and regret, public welfare clients last Satur of reorganization of county govern-1 The plan, regarded as one of the expire this year have filed for re- “Evidently the promoters of the day advising them that this cloth ment.. , best that the banking dejiartment election. These commissioners are lie. a daughter. Mrs. Frank Carnp- new county scheme believe - they cornice and stained glass windows, “If ray memory is not at fault Iiell, of Ypsilanti. and a son. put a furnace under to warm the the meeting to organize the church ing wonld lie available to them, and j lias devised and one that will pro- Mayfir John W. Henderson, Frank ' would save money: they think dnee that time a considerable I vide greater security to the ileposlt- K. Learned. George H. Robinson.' Ijiurence W. Daggett of Ypsilanti. they’re- paying more than their church, fresco the walls, take out was held in an unfinished chamlier Masonic funeral services were held the gallery and alter the church of my father's house, it being the amount has lieen given out to i or as well as safeguarding the In and Ruth E. Whipple. Tho first share for the services Wayne worthy cases. terests of the l«ink. lias lx?cii ex- three have filed for the two year Tuesday at Ypsilanti. County provides, hut they have an renerally outside and in and the'largest room then available. Janie.- cost was estimated to lie twenty- Purdy and my Father, Ira Bron In addition to the ready-made RNIER LOCA 1 plained iu a letter mailed to each term and the latter for the one other guess coining. For instance clothing distributed by the Red I deposit..r. Tin* letter fully clarifies year term. A petition for Oliver not so long ago I made a survey of five hundred dollars. A committee son, were elected both elders and was appointed to circulate .a sub deacons. I was present at the or Cross the local Chapter has already I tlie reorganization plan and the Goldsmith has been filed for the the County Jail and discovered that received several thousand yards of I prompt signing of tho agreement one year term. Petitions for the the townships of Plymouth and scription to obtain that amount. A ganization hut did not unite with building committee consisting of G. the?church till about a year after cotton goods which is being made up. 1 will prove of untold lienefit to two year term were also filed in Ecorse had a dozen times as many into dresses, nighf clotli’ug, under-, j Plymouth as well as the depositors. behalf of Arthur E. Blunk, Jacob inmates as they were paying for. A. Starkweather, C. W. Hicks, and ward when meetings were held in Amos Stevens to prosecute the the school house. I was baptized wear. etc. Each week day except Because of the fact that the A. Streng. and Sidney D. Strong. “The reason was that the police Saturday the Red Cross head- i SAGINAW NEWS TELLS OK 1 Plymouth United had something and law enforcing officers of these work was appointed. The work was and received into the church by PROGRESS OF M.