IN SCOTLAND The Easter weekend starts on and marks the end of . Unfortunately, this does not always mean a day off work. Easter takes place in spring, this is the so-called "moving holiday", which means that the exact Sunday changes every year and can fall every Sunday between March 22 and April 25. This year it falls on April 12. For Scots, these holidays are mainly limited to Easter Sunday. According to the current tradition, on this day, the whole family eats a festive Christmas dinner. Easter is celebrated here completely differently than in Poland. For Easter Scots, it is before all a period of very active rest, trips, visiting local attractions and participating in outdoor activities. Easter dishes

• Like other major holidays, Easter has its own culinary traditions that Scottish families have been sticking to for many years. In this regard, it is the same as with us. Surely each family has its own unique recipe for preparing a festive meal. Roast Lamb

• Roast lamb as the main meal is something that cannot be done in Scotland without. Simnel Cake This cake is filled with fruits, spices and also covered with marzipan. Traditional cakes also have 11 marzipan balls on the top layer, which represent the 11 apostles Hot cross buns • Hot Cross Buns are sweet rolls filled with raisins or currants, marked with a cross on top. History has it that they were invented by a monk who was inspired to celebrate Good Friday by laying on his crucifixes. What does Easter look like in Scotland?

• In Scotland, as in our country, are the most important element of Easter. And in every form. They can be painted, decorated and even chocolate. And let's not forget the . • The history of Easter eggs dates back to medieval Europe and Anglo-Saxonand who celebrated the arrival of spring by worshipping the goddess Eostre. As part of the ceremony, they reportedly buried eggs in the ground. Hunt – in Scotland

• One of the Easter traditions is .Early in the morning, the kids set out in search of chocolate eggs. • Rolling eggs - Another Easter fun for children on rolling eggs from the hill. Of course they are to roll to the very bottom in full • Egg Jarping/Egg Tapping. the one whose egg remains intact for as long as possible wins. Źródła wykorzystane w prezentacji: noc-w-szkocji-tradycje- potrawy/ transforms/1/afXktkpTURBXy8 wZjQ0N2QxNzNkZmQ1NjFhZTE xNDRkZDhhZTU5NzVmYy5qcGe SlQMAP80IAM0EgJMFzQSwzQJ Y a-na-wielkanoc/ https://mojezyciewszkocji.blogs

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• Patrycja Budka 7a • Lena Ruczyńska 7a.