Aper Agricultural Technology Development
UNCLASSIFIED -~ O'STArI AOUCI !lOR II!I8i'l'ICIW. :E~ w.~, D.C. 2OS2J PANAMA PROJECT ?APER AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Project Numbe~:525-0180 AID/LAC/P-028 Loan Number:~25-T-050 UNCLASSIFIED OCP{'.nn·'ENT OF ~~TATE AGENCY FOR :NTL.RNATIOi.... e.L DEVELOPME.NT WAf\t-JINGTON. D. C Z:-gC4'.3 ~.SSIST"NT ADMINISTRATOR Loan No. 525-T-050 AID/LAC/P-028 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION AND n~QU~~T FOR ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS Name of Country: Panama Name of Project: Agricultural Technology Development Project Uumber: 525-0180 Pursuunt to Section 103 of Part I, ChClpter 1 of the Foreign Assi:;talJce Act of 1(J61, ClS amen,.:lc,1, I herc,by auth orize Cl Loan and a G~-.~llt tc th(: I\cpublic of I'2nuHla (the "COoL)ero.ting Country") of not to C'xccC'cl f',i',~ j·1ilJicJ;1 United State:; DGll<lnj ($6,O(JO,OOO) (the "l,uthori~('d LOClll Amount") (mci FiVe' Ilunurcd TllOu:~.':ll1cl Unitc,u ,Steit":,, Dollars ($500,000) (the "lIulhcni zed CL1:lt / .. n".ounL") to help in finLlncincl certcdn fon· i (Jll (':-:CIl,':lltjC' ,(].L1 local currency cost:,; of 'loollc, and ,s(-,rvi.c·:-~) n:quirl"d fc,r t llc projcc-('. dCf;cribcu in Uk' irl;n:,-,ULll:.~'.1y fl)llC\';il!r; ;',:l1lcr:C0. The y;r0j.--.(;t \·!ill finclllcc tl.;Ci'l1ic;11 a::sislcl!1cc, tr,'i!ljll~J, equiprlont c:nd I1lClteriCll:; and con::lructicll \.'lJich ',·.rill ;'S~3j,:~t PundrrlClI~" l\[JpliL'(j "'LJrjcT.ltu;alt~l::;cdrcll ITJ'c;Litut(., (IlJI!d') to estaJ)li~~ll an dqricultllYdl rl~~;(,:l.t-ch capahili t:)' and tC) conciuct rescdlTh ClCt i vi i..:ie.s ~,n uiJ;Jr(JX i n.,i tc: 1 y c~ iClht pri or i t~· .J red::> of PD,llamCl.
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