Aper Agricultural Technology Development
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UNCLASSIFIED -~ O'STArI AOUCI !lOR II!I8i'l'ICIW. :E~ w.~, D.C. 2OS2J PANAMA PROJECT ?APER AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Project Numbe~:525-0180 AID/LAC/P-028 Loan Number:~25-T-050 UNCLASSIFIED OCP{'.nn·'ENT OF ~~TATE AGENCY FOR :NTL.RNATIOi.... e.L DEVELOPME.NT WAf\t-JINGTON. D. C Z:-gC4'.3 ~.SSIST"NT ADMINISTRATOR Loan No. 525-T-050 AID/LAC/P-028 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION AND n~QU~~T FOR ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS Name of Country: Panama Name of Project: Agricultural Technology Development Project Uumber: 525-0180 Pursuunt to Section 103 of Part I, ChClpter 1 of the Foreign Assi:;talJce Act of 1(J61, ClS amen,.:lc,1, I herc,by auth orize Cl Loan and a G~-.~llt tc th(: I\cpublic of I'2nuHla (the "COoL)ero.ting Country") of not to C'xccC'cl f',i',~ j·1ilJicJ;1 United State:; DGll<lnj ($6,O(JO,OOO) (the "l,uthori~('d LOClll Amount") (mci FiVe' Ilunurcd TllOu:~.':ll1cl Unitc,u ,Steit":,, Dollars ($500,000) (the "lIulhcni zed CL1:lt / .. n".ounL") to help in finLlncincl certcdn fon· i (Jll (':-:CIl,':lltjC' ,(].L1 local currency cost:,; of 'loollc, and ,s(-,rvi.c·:-~) n:quirl"d fc,r t llc projcc-('. dCf;cribcu in Uk' irl;n:,-,ULll:.~'.1y fl)llC\';il!r; ;',:l1lcr:C0. The y;r0j.--.(;t \·!ill finclllcc tl.;Ci'l1ic;11 a::sislcl!1cc, tr,'i!ljll~J, equiprlont c:nd I1lClteriCll:; and con::lructicll \.'lJich ',·.rill ;'S~3j,:~t PundrrlClI~" l\[JpliL'(j "'LJrjcT.ltu;alt~l::;cdrcll ITJ'c;Litut(., (IlJI!d') to estaJ)li~~ll an dqricultllYdl rl~~;(,:l.t-ch capahili t:)' and tC) conciuct rescdlTh ClCt i vi i..:ie.s ~,n uiJ;Jr(JX i n.,i tc: 1 y c~ iClht pri or i t~· .J red::> of PD,llamCl. I appl'ovl' Ule' total lc:\'C'l of 1\10 apP.J..cjy.:-iated fund ing plcll1!ll.'d [(l]' thi:,: project 0:' SC-VOll rlillion l~ni.Ud Stcl.tc~; i)olL1J:.':; (~7,Of!O,()OO), 01' l:lhic11 .;;6,OU(),UOO \:;11 be: LOdn funckd :tnd ~;J ,000,000 (~Llllt funded, jncluciill'J th~ iundinc; ilutl!c'ri::l.;d above, c1urin.j the IAtrinci FY 79 throusll FY 1980. I dl)IJU,V- further incrcml'nts c1urinq ULlt perioc; of Grant fllllciinq U!J ::0 ~SOO,OO(l, subject te' tl1(' avai.l ability 0::- flLHl:; in aCCOHlc'1r,Ce \.:j th AID a] 1utnlcnL l;roce durcs. I herel,']' ilu!:.hcri,',:.c' the initiatjon of 'll'qoliation <lr,d executiOii o! ~)rc.,j(~r:t I\CJTecr"\'nt~; t.)/ the ofiic(-,r t·) '.·:hom such authorit.y hLl~: b,~Cll rJclcc.Flt(-rj in ,,::::cor.~!:tJlCC \oJjtl1 !\I!) rec;u lutions and L1(!1.c:j'ltion~3 of l,uthorj,ty, subject to the [0110'.'; ing essential tc'rms and covenants and r.lujor conditions, to gether with such other terms and conditions as AID may deem appropriate: -2- The Cooperatinq Country shall repay the Loan to AID in United States Dollars within tw~nty (20) years from the dilte of first disbursc:!1I0'nt of tlw Loan, including Cl grace per iod of not to exceed tpn (J ()) ~'I?:irs. The Coopcr"utin'J Country shull tHy tu AID in United States Dollan, intcrc:-;t from the dat:e of fir~;t disDur;:;cr'C'nt of thE' Loan at the rate of (a) two pe:rccnt (2'~) per Clnn'tnl during the fir:;t ten (10) years and (b) three jJerc:ent (3':,) per annum tlH:rcafter, on the outstanding disbursed La] CInco of. the Loan and on any due and unpai d interest accrued thl~reon. Exccpt for occun shippinq, quods and services finan ced by AID under the: Loan shall hLlve tlwj r source and orj~in in the Coo[lerCltinC} Country or in countLi(;~~ \·.']lich dye includ ed in AID Geo(]raphic Code 941, C!XC(~pt LlS /\10 may uthl;rwise agree in \Vrj Linq. Occun shippin~J finZ"lI1ced under l-.hc Loan shall bc procured in the Uni ted Statc:s or in the CooL'cra ti n<j Country, except uS Til]) may oti1l'r\visc Cl.grl-:c in wri tinC]. Goods .Jnu ,3l;rvicc::~; fi J1dIlCCr} 1)1' ,~\JD unc](:r the Grant shull have their source: "llCi oriCjill ill the Cooperiltin~J COllntr~- or in the Unill:cl SLltC'~; c)~cejlt a~; AID may othen.'i:;c u(jL-l.'C~ ill \V r i tin CJ • 0 C C' d n ~; !l i jl pin lj f i Ill} n c " dun cl crt 11 e C 1- ant s ! H 11 b c procured in the Uni ted StatL"-" except a.s hID may o~henl: s(~ agree in writing. C. Condition Precedent to Initial Disbursc~cnt Prjor to ;jny cJi,~buP'3cmcnt, or to the issuClnce of any commitment dOCUlllentc; under the; Projl'ct l\()rcernent (s), thf~ Coopera tin'] Country ~~hu 11 furni [;h in fOCi; ancJ sub,; tance satisfactory to AID: 1. A detailed implrTIlentation plan for the iirst year of tIH.' Project lhat l)r()vili(;s a schedule for tl1C' prucurement of Project j npllts includin,] technicCll a!jSistC'lDC:-:, training, unr: conunodities; that outline,; the Cooperating Country ,lctions rE'(JuirC'u priur to USL' of the Project inputs; and chat c1(',~cr~be~; hmo' such inFut Idill contri bute to ProJect Clctivities. D. Conditions Precec1ent to Disbursement for Field AC'tl:VI ti es in i:Jcil (,eoqrilphiL: ArcLl Prior to any disbursement, or to the issuance of any commitment documents under the Project Agr.eements for field -3- research and validation trials in each at the approximately eight priority geographic areas, the Cooperating Country shall furnish in form and substance satlsfactory to AID: (1) Evidence that required diagnostic studies have been completed and an~lyzed ~nd a research plan developed for such geoqrapltic area, '.',hich ~:hilll i,lclude an analysi~3 of the need for cOlllplementclry inputs anu a description of the arrangements for obtaininq the .. l. (2) A plan from the Hinistry of 1\nricultural Development which describes the role, personnel anu other contributions of e~ch institution thRt will be involved in the disse!l1inLltion of the resu1ts of t.he research to Panamilninn small far~ers, including it specific plan for the I)ilrticipation and training of Ministry of ASJriculturnl Development personnel in this activity. (3) 1\ detailed pliln for the US8 of J.ong-term technical assistance in carrying out the research activities and evidelice that arrilngements have been made to obtain the technicill services specified in the plan. E. Conoi tion Prececknt to Disbursement frol~l the Research Fund Prior to any di~.3burSel;leI1L, or to the is:;!]ilnCe of any commitment documents under th(~ ProjLct ]\grcel1i(;nts for research contracts firFlIlccd by the IDIAP research contract:.; fund, IDIAP will furni~3h in form ilnc1 SUDc;tanco satisfilctory to AID, il plan for the usc of such funds. F. Covenunt The Cooperating Country covenants thilt, prior to the prOCUrPffi('llt or usc of any pesticide financed under the Project i1SJreement(s), it will confer with AID/Panama regardin~l t.he proposed procurcrncn L or usc of the pesticide and will jointly prepilre with AID/Pullarnu und describe in writing a plan as to how the pesticide will be used and the safeguards to be followed. ~ /A){i6) --:M~5,L5-':;-i 5 tan t Admi 11 is t r pJ.o r Bureau for Latin run~rica and the Caribbean ~Y4,---,-/9-1-1- 79__ Date -4- Clearances: GC/LAC, J. Kessler ::rr!)f6) date '!/~-/.. i~i 'i /,F', Ll\C/DR, C. Leonard (I' date c Ll\C/DR, R. l'1athia --~."-:,,"--.--,,-.- date-'-: ,---+;- LAC/DR, M, 13rown '. ' date LAC/CEN, l'l. lillJ~ei17</,' date~;rir-(l Drafted: r;C/LAC :S\'lhi tman':c:-c : 8716/79: x29l82 Revised: GC/LI~C: S\'Jhi tman: cc: 9/5/79 , I. TRANSACTION CODE AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DE"ELO~MENT .. "DO PP C CHANGE ~'I u DELETE 2. DOCUMENT PROJECT PAPER FACESHEET CODE 3 3. COUNTRY/ENTITY ~ DOCUMENT REVISION NUMBER PANAMA 0 5. PROJECT NUMBER (7 di"u) 6. BUREAU/OFFICE 7. PROJE.CT TITLE (Minimum 40 charlfctrrs) A. SYMBOL [525-0180 , B[~~EJ ~ricultural Technology Development ] -.J LA --L ______ ...---- _. T - " ", " .." " 0' "Me; CO"" "'"" k"""HeO om 0' 0""""0' FY ~ . _____p,_L,np: ',~~'::',~_~~ '""':'~:;~'; ~ 10. ESTIMATED COSTS (5000 OR EQUIVALLNT S' I A. FUNDING SOUHCE ------G. TOT A~ AID AP?~OPRIATEQ .2..C:2: AL CillO. __ IG .... NT' I 4P_Q __ .: .~_JOO ,_I_,[~ ~QQ onL ___ I_./50 I 1..1.2Q._ lC~QQ~_ :~:~I",,,30~4 ,',19;:~ ~f'~6::~ ~'~-~~~"~::: ~~i OTH ER~~~:Jo:S~- - '_'.=--01_.' -_0. ·-[.'.-3556 '.' - .-. 100'0 _I. -44.'--·_~cr--~.·-. i _·~7_-:;8-6 ~_--_~ O'll --: .i~.~A_l:.~J. __ }444, 1 __ _ _ _ _____ II. PRCPC'$ED BU:JGET APPROPR'AT,::' FUNDS IS.)OO~ 0 f:t=~~ '_~ ~_~)_._2,'~_,-.,--_~_~1·-_'·._··.• ,080_'.' .'_'.',:_~0_8 ' ','QO~ P6Q'O "t· 5 00_" ,'- F-:'~.::. -= ~",_ __ -,--_. - TOTALS 500t60'00 1· 500 I _ - f ~ __ -- -~~l~~~=~~== t -_ .• - '. 1 ~ Hi ('If PT"i E ... .At... N 41H FY __ Q. ~TH FY__ L'Ff. .... ),. F':~~~C_T__ I . UATIO"-l SCtifCUl~O II. APPROPP,A rlOll ';~--~-:~:; -~ l.( A"J -~;--:J::r;Tt u L_o~r.1 -'TOob--6000-- III FN --j .- L.'~-~::.- ~- ~=--=-=- . -~-l.-.---.-.-:.== _ . __ L!2..00 _ L .?OOO 13.