S. E. ZONIA GALLARDO DE SMITH Viceministra Académica

S. E. JOSÉ PÍO CASTILLERO Viceministro Administrativo

S. E. RICARDO SÁNCHEZ Viceministro de Infraestructura

GUILLERMO ALEGRÍA Director General de Educación


PRESENTACIÓN La priorización del currículo para la Educación, responde a la necesidad del Sistema Educativo de articular, y armonizar estrategias, ante la nueva realidad que en materia educativa nos marca la Pandemia Mundial, desatada por el Covid-19.

Esta propuesta de priorización curricular, como parte del Plan de Acción de la Estrategia de Meduca, tiene su fundamento en la Constitución de la República de Panamá, capítulo 5, y en los fines y principios establecidos en la Ley 47 de 1946, Orgánica de Educación, que forma parte de las bases legales del currículo nacional.

Así, en aras de hacerle frente al cumplimiento de la Estrategia Nacional de Educación 2020/2021, y cumplir con éxito los múltiples desafíos que, en materia de ciencia y tecnología, tiene el sistema educativo panameño, presentamos a todos los actores, responsables de la ejecución de esta propuesta de planificación curricular priorizada.

Esta planificación, es un proceso progresivo y flexible, que debe adaptarse a la situación actual que vive el país. Con base al currículo priorizado en situación de emergencia, los docentes podrán elaborar guías didácticas y módulos para reforzar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes.

El currículo priorizado será vigente hasta el período escolar 2021, se aplicará para todos los estudiantes del sistema educativo panameño. Se espera retornar al currículo vigente para el período escolar 2022; sin embargo, la disposición del tiempo y el abordaje de los contenidos será crucial en el logro de aprendizajes significativos. La aplicación, el razonamiento, la contextualización de los objetivos, de manera sencilla, precisa y clara es fundamental.


JUSTIFICACIÓN El currículo priorizado, es una planificación para dar continuidad al proceso educativo. Se fundamenta principalmente en el derecho del estudiante para: conservar la salud individual y colectiva, adquirir el pleno desarrollo humano sostenible, poner en práctica las habilidades sociales, científicas, tecnológicas, de emprendimiento y en fortalecer la conciencia social y ciudadana.

Presentamos el currículo en situación de emergencia, priorizando los objetivos de aprendizaje y contenidos, de acuerdo al diagnóstico, visto desde un enfoque por derecho, otorgando relevancia a la relación con las competencias e indicadores, realizando los ajustes necesarios a la situación actual.

Para cada competencia sugerida en el diagnóstico, se presentan indicadores que permiten el nivel de logro de estas y señalan los tipos de evaluaciones que permiten alcanzarlas.

El currículo priorizado, adaptado a la situación de emergencia, se presenta como una guía para saber ¿qué enseñar?, ¿qué aprender?, ¿cuándo hacerlo?, ¿cómo evaluar los aprendizajes?, utilizando todos los recursos que se tiene a disposición, priorizando competencias, adaptando y manejando tiempos y metodologías acorde al contexto de la emergencia y a la realidad geográfica y necesidades específicas de la población estudiantil y sus familias, ejerciendo el derecho a una educación para todos en todo momento.


La vida ha cambiado para todos, hay un nuevo contexto, nuevas necesidades, nuevos retos, intereses y demandas de aprendizaje, a los cuales se debe responder. ¿Podemos enseñar de la misma forma que lo hacíamos antes de la emergencia?

PROCESO METODOLÓGICO PARA LA INTERVENCIÓN DEL CURRÍCULO EN SITUACIÓN DE EMERGENCIA Para la intervención del currículo en situación de emergencia se establecieron cinco (5) pasos. Los mismos se orientan en los derechos fundamentales declarados en la Convención sobre los derechos del niño en situación de emergencia. Se aplicaron desde la etapa de preescolar hasta la etapa de educación media, priorizando las necesidades de aprendizaje por derecho, de acuerdo al nivel de impacto de la afectación, según el diagnóstico realizado.

Para cada etapa se priorizaron las competencias involucradas en los aprendizajes, así como sus capacidades que se deben desarrollar con la intervención y sus respectivos indicadores.

Los derechos de los niños se establecen universalmente. Se realizó un diagnóstico para cada etapa del sistema educativo, se establecieron los derechos fundamentales que deben priorizarse ante una emergencia (Derecho a la vida, a la salud, a educación, a la familia…). Posteriormente, se consideraron las necesidades de aprendizaje vinculados a los derechos de los niños por etapa, se describió el nivel de la afectación y la vulnerabilidad de los niños en tiempo de emergencia.

Estas necesidades de aprendizaje, deben adquirirse a corto, mediano y largo plazo y durante toda la escolaridad de los estudiantes. Del análisis del diagnóstico situacional, se han detectado las competencias básicas, genéricas y algunas específicas, que se desarrollan durante toda la escolaridad y que responden a los fines de la educación nacional y a los objetivos de la educación panameña.



Yarielis García Supervisor Nacional de Inglés

Siria Rodríguez Supervisor de Inglés- Región de Herrera

Daira Creighton Coordinadora Académica de inglés- Región de Panamá Norte

Víctor Castillero Coordinador Académico de Inglés- Región de Los Santos

Karla Fischbach Especialista Técnico




To use vocabulary related Some communities with Associates the different to countries and presence in our country. countries and nationalities in context. nationalities with their ü Chinese-China flags. ü Colombian-Colombia ü Venezuelan-Venezuela To identify different ü American- The United communities with presence States Identifies countries and in our country. ü Brazilian-Brazil nationalities of people AREA 2: ü Dominican-Dominican he/she knows. PEOPLE, Republic ENGLISH EDUCATION, ü Israeli- Israel

7th GRADE AND PLACES ü Costa Rican-Costa Rica ü Spanish-Spain Makes short simple ü Indian: India sentences about Structures: countries and Verb to be/personal nationalities correctly. pronouns I am from . I am Panamanian


WEEK #2 Ethnic Groups in Panama

To show respect for the Ethnic groups, and cultures Classifies the ethnic different ethnic groups of of Panama: groups of Panama in: Panama. Major native groups Major Native Groups: Minor native groups ü Embera-Wounaan ü Ngäbe - Bugle Other groups. To discuss the ü Guna characteristics of each ethnic group of Panama. Lists specific Minor native groups: characteristics and ü Bri bri cultural aspects about the

ü Naso – Teribes different ethnic groups of ENGLISH Other groups Panama. 7th Grade ü Mestizos

ü Blacks ü People from other ethnicities and Answers simple nationalities born in our questions about the country different ethnic groups of

Structure: Panama.

Wh- questions

- What are the ethnic groups of Panama?

- Where do the indigenous ethnic groups live in Panama?


WEEK #3 Tourist Attractions in


To locate tourist places in Some places to visit in Names places he/she the different knows. Panama. ü Casco Viejo ü Anton Valley Identifies adjectives to To describe tourist places ü The Old City of Panama describe places. in Panama. ü The ü Colon Island ü Taboga Uses adjectives in ENGLISH ü San Blas sentences to describe 7th GRADE ü Amador Causeway tourist places in Panama. ü Portobelo ü Boquete


Adjectives for places

The Panama Canal is an amazing waterway.

Portobelo is a beautiful and historical place.


WEEK #4 Educational System in Panama Levels of education To describe the levels and ü Preschool Differentiates the levels sectors of our educational ü elementary of . system. ü junior high school ü high school

ü colleague To define the role of people ü university Associates people with related to our educational Public and private their roles in our system. educational systems educational system. ü similarities ü differences People related to the Makes and answers ENGLISH educational system yes/no questions about 7th GRADE ü Minister ü Teacher his/ her school. ü students ü principals ü supervisors Ordinal numbers


Yes/No questions (To be)

Are you in 7° grade? Yes, I am


WEEK # 5 Food Groups and their Contribution to a Balance Diet

To recognize the Definition of a Balance diet

importance of having a Categorizes meals balance diet. Vocabulary Food groups according to the different Dairy Products -- Calcium nutritional groups. Vegetables – vitamins

minerals, fiber

To classify meals Fruits -- vitamins Expresses likes and according to the different minerals dislikes in terms of food. AREA 3: nutritional groups. Grains -- fiber

ENGLISH HEATH , Meats and poultry -- proteins

7th GRADE NUTRITION Writes sentences about AND FOOD. Examples of meals of each food he/she eats for food group. breakfast, lunch, and Structures: dinner.

I like /I don´t like

What do you like to eat for


I like to eat chicken.

I don´t like to eat veggies.


WEEK # 6 To classify food in healthy Causes and Consequences and junk. of a Bad Nutrition Distinguishes healthy from junk food. Vocabulary Healthy Food: Junk Food: To identify consequences fruits chips Lists diseases caused by of having bad nutrition. nuts and seeds cookies bad nutrition. meat, fish fast food poultry sweets vegetables pizza Uses should to write water soda advices about healthy whole grains and junk food.

Diseases caused by bad nutrition ENGLISH ü heart disease 7th GRADE ü obesity ü high blood pressure ü stroke ü osteoporosis



I should not drink soda. I should eat broccoli and tomatoes.


WEEK # 7 Healthy Habits

To discuss the benefits of Benefits of practicing healthy Names the benefits of practicing healthy habits. habits. practicing healthy habits.

ü Keeping physical and mental health To recognize some habits ü Keeping away from Lists healthy habits to grow healthy. some diseases he/she practices and ü Keeping fit habits he/she needs to ü Having good practice. performance at school or job Some healthy habits ENGLISH ü Exercising regularly Makes sentences with 7th GRADE ü Practicing sports have to in order to ü Eating on time indicate the healthy ü Visiting the doctor habits he/she needs to ü Sleeping 8 hours a day practice.


Have/has to

I have to keep fit.

She has to do aerobics.


WEEK # 8 Our Flora and Fauna To define the concepts of flora and fauna and their Definition of flora and fauna Identifies different types importance for mankind. and their importance as part of flora and fauna in of the ecosystem. his/her community.

To distinguish elements of Examples of the flora and our flora and fauna. fauna of our country Provides examples of flora and fauna of our Birds orchids country. mammals tropical plants trees ÁREA 4: reptiles Uses there is and there ENGLISH ECOLOGY AND amphibious are to make sentences 7th GRADE CONSERVATION fish about the elements of Endemic species of flora and flora and fauna of fauna Panama. Structures: There is /there are

ü There is a variety of species of animals in Panama.

ü There are many kinds of birds.


WEEK # 9 Natural Resources

To classify natural Definition of natural Classifies natural resources in renewable resources resources in renewable and non-renewable. and non-renewable. Classification of natural resources according to their To discuss actions to renewability Provides ideas to preserve our natural ü Renewable promote preservation of resources. ü Non- renewable our natural resources.

Actions to preserve our Writes sentences about natural resources natural resources using ü Reduce singular and plural nouns. ü Reuse ü recycle

National parks and protected ENGLISH areas 7th GRADE Structures:

Singular and plural nouns Water is an important resource. There are amazing parks in Panama. There are unique species of birds in our country.


WEEK #10 Holidays To indicate holidays and Holidays Celebrated in important festivals Panama Associates the holidays celebrated in Panama. Vocabulary with months of the year. ü Carnival ü Holy week

To explain how people ü Independence day spend their holidays. ü Mother´s day Names important festivals ü Christmas celebrated in different Some important festivals in provinces. Panama ü The thousand Polleras AREA 5: festival Writes sentence using ENGLISH HOLIDAYS ü Congo festival simple present forms of 7th GRADE AND ü Boquete international fair verbs to express activities Activities people do during he/she does during holidays holidays. ü Going to the beach/river ü Going to the countryside Structures: Verbs (simple present) People dance typical dances.

Panamanians cook tamales for Christmas dinner.


WEEK # 11 Sports Vocabulary Kinds of sports ü adventure To categorize sports ü aquatic Classifies sports in: practiced in Panama. ü strength and agility adventure, aquatic, ü extreme strength, extreme, ü mountain mountain, and motorized. To answer questions about ü motorized sports and recreational Sports and recreational activities. activities practiced in Writes a short paragraph Panama about his/her favorite sport. ü baseball basketball ü football golf ENGLISH ü fishing boxing Makes and answer simple 7th GRADE ü diving and snorkeling present questions about ü rafting and kayaking sports. ü surfing Structures:

Yes/No questions Short answers (affirmative/negative)

Do you practice any sport? Yes, I do. I practice baseball.

Do you practice any aquatic sport? No, I don´t.


WEEK # 12 Weather and Climate

To compare seasons in Seasons in Panama & Compares seasons in Panama with seasons in seasons in other parts of the Panama with seasons in other parts of the world. world other countries. rainy season summer dry season winter To describe the weather autumn spring during specific seasons. Weather Words Classifies activities in indoor and outdoor.

sunny cloudy

windy stormy AREA 6 Describes the weather in warm hot ENGLISH WEATHER, Panama using adjectives. 7th GRADE TIME AND . MONETARY UNITS Activities to do during different seasons ü Indoor activities ü Outdoor activities

Structure: Adjectives for weather

The weather is hot during the dry season. We go to the beach on sunny days.


WEEK # 13 Time and Numbers Cardinal Numbers To answer questions about Names his daily routines time. Telling the time and leisure activities. Ways to tell the time

2:20 - It´s two twenty To list daily routines and 2:20 - It's twenty past two Makes a timeline based on leisure activities. Daily routine and leisure his/her daily activities. activities ü get up ü brush my hair ü study Makes and answers ü get undressed questions about time. ENGLISH ü play soccer 7th GRADE ü exercise ü take a nap ü listen to music ü read ü check e-mail

Structures: Frequency adverb What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at 8:30.

What time is it? It´s ten o´clock.


WEEK # 14 Monetary Units Currencies in America Panama- Balboa To distinguish United States- Dollar Provides examples of currencies from different - Canadian dollar currencies used in countries. Mexican- Mexican peso different countries. Colombia- Colombian peso Costa Rica- Costa Rican colon To identify the different Brazil- Brazilian real Recognizes the monetary units used in our Chile- Chilean peso different monetary country. Cuba- Cuban peso units used in Panama. Peru- Peruvian sol…. ENGLISH Types of monetary units 7th GRADE used in Panama Uses number and ü dollar monetary units to ü cent answer questions ü nickel about prices. ü quarter ü dime ü penny Structures How much….? How much is it? It is 20 dollars. What is the currency used in Panama? Our currency is the Balboa.


WEEK # 15 Transportation To compare past and Routes of transportation Lists means of modern means of ü Land transportation. transportation. ü Water ü Air Transportation in Panama Provides examples of To identify means of and Worldwide past and modern types transportation used in ü Past means of of transportation. Panama. transportation ü Modern means of transportation Makes sentences to Transportation systems express future plans. AREA 7 used in Panama ENGLISH TRADITIONAL ü Bus 7th GRADE AND MODERN ü Taxi COMMUNICATION ü Truck ü Train ü Airplane ü Ship … Structures: Simple Present as future Used to The flight arrives at 7:00 o´clock. People used to ride horses to move from one place to another.



SUBJECT AREA LEARNING CONTENTS ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVES INDICATORS WEEK #1 Types of Family Structure Reads and pronounces Vocabulary sentences about AREA 1: To identify and share ü nuclear family, people from the family differences in ü extended community, and ENGLISH FAMILY, the community and ü single country. 8th GRADE SCHOOL country in a written or ü childless COMMUNITY, oral way. Describes the type of AND COUNTRY Structures: family he or she has.

Wh-Question To describe the kind of family each student ü What kind of family do you Answers simple has. have? questions about types ü I have a nuclear family. of family ü She has a childless family

WEEK # 2

Family Values Writes sentences describing the family To show empathy and Vocabulary values using respect for parents and ü empathy possessive adjectives. relatives. ü respect ü solidarity


ü obedience Identifies the ü love importance of family To value the role of role in our society. family and school in society. Uses the vocabulary to Structures: describe family values. Possessive Adjectives

ü She loves her family. ü He respects his parents.

WEEK # 3 Family activities during the To develop attitude of COVID-19 lockdown Lists family activities respect and carried out during the commitment toward Vocabulary lockdown. family members. ü home chores ü entertaining time Writes a short ü games paragraph about family ü virtual or distance activities during the To collaborate with learning lockdown using action family activities during verbs. the lockdown. Structures: Simple present Recognizes sanitary instructions in English ü We make the home about the lockdown. chores. ü Ruben plays the guitar. ü Victor walks in the yard.


Week # 4 Family conflicts during the pandemic time Writes about the • importance of having To show a positive• Vocabulary good mental health in attitude during the• the pandemic time. pandemic time. ü stress ü anxiety Uses vocabulary to be ü fears about coronavirus aware of the current ü economic worries situation. ü fatigue from caretaking ü disagreements about the Posts prevention tips at To identify stressful severity of the virus home about how to situations. ü uncertainties about what take care of your family will happen next during the pandemic. ü juggling work ü caretaking


Adjectives I am nervous about COVID-19. Laura is scared about coronavirus. Week # 5 People and Places in the To describe people and School Develops a written places in the school. Vocabulary: report about people People and places in the ü principal school. ü students


ü teacher ü janitor ü secretary Identifies people and ü accountant places in the school To appreciate the School Places and their functions. importance of people in ü principal’s office the school. ü lab ü gym ü teachers’ lounge Answers simple ü library questions about school ü restroom places. Structures: Wh- questions ü Where is the principal´s office? AREA 2: ü Who is the secretary? PEOPLE To recognize the most WEEK # 6 Identifies places with important places in the Community and Country their characteristics. community. .Vocabulary: ü neighborhood ü city ü countryside Writes sentences about ü presidency activities people can do ü school at different places in the To use vocabulary ü bank community. related to places in the ü market community. ü restaurant ü church ü hospital Lists different places in ü police station the community. ü gas station


Structures: Prepositions ü John studies at school. ü Anna is at the hospital.

Week # 7 People and their economic To classify economic activities in Panama Names economic activities in Panama. Vocabulary: activities in Panama. ü exports ü imports ü finance To describe each ü agronomy Identifies specific economic activity in ü tourism economical activities Panama. ü banking according to the region. Structures: Common Nouns ü Our country exports hundreds of grains. ü Tourism is great in Panama. WEEK # 8 Panamanian Ethnicities To recognize the Vocabulary: Identifies different different ethnicities in Caucasian: ethnics groups in our country. ü Spanish Panama. ü British ü Germans ü Italians


Indigenous: Prepares a list of ethnic ü Buglé groups that he/she ü Kuna knows. ü Emberá To classify different ü Wounaan ethnic groups of ü Teribe/Naso Panama. Asians: Lists characteristics of ü Chinese each ethnic group. ü Japanese Afro- Structures: To be Louis is from Spain. Louis is Spanish.

WEEK # 9 Main Occupations of People in To identify different Panama Describes an occupations in Vocabulary: occupation using Panama. ü paramedic adjectives. ü doctor ü nurse ü electrician To discuss the ü firefighter Lists his/her favorite characteristics of each ü farmer occupations. occupation. ü lawyer ü housewife ü bus driver ü police officer ü security guard ü pharmacist


ü delivery man Recognizes adjectives ü sanitary worker in a given paragraph ü cashier about occupations. ü sellers Structures: Adjectives ü The doctor is tall. ü The sanitary worker is generous. ü The chef is famous. WEEK # 10 Educational System To analyze the Authorities Describes the roles of importance of ü National Authorities educational authorities educational authorities. ü Minister of Education in Panama. ü Academic Vice Minister of Education ü Administrative Vice To describe the Minister of Education Establishes the authorities´ roles in our ü Infrastructure Vice hierarchical order of educational system. Minister of Education educational authorities. ü Regional Authorities ü Regional Director of Education

ü Teaching Technical Sub Makes a list of five Director educational authorities ü Administrative Sub he/she knows. Director Structures: Wh-Questions


ü Why are educational authorities important? WEEK # 11 Educational System in Panama To discuss the different ü educational levels Differentiates levels of education in ü preschool characteristics of public the public and private ü primary and private schools. sectors. ü secondary AREA 3: ü university EDUCATION ü educational teaching ü public Writes questions and To compare the ü private answers using how characteristics of public much and how many and private education. Structures: with the vocabulary learned. How much / How Many

ü How much time do we have to finish the test? Writes a paragraph about his/her ü How many schools are in educational Panama? experience.

WEEK # 12 Secondary Educational To identify the different System Writes a short high schools’ studies Academic paragraph about the options. Education importance of ü Science education.


ü Humanities ü Business To value the Lists the most importance of important education in the Professional and characteristics of each different high schools´ Technical high school degree. degrees. Education ü electricity ü construction ü welding Writes about the ü agricultural importance of ü autotronic education in people´s ü mechanics life.

Structures: Regular verbs ü The student decides to study autotronic. ü Mary likes to study business. AREA 5: WEEK # 13 Formulates ways to Pollution avoid air, water, soil, ECOLOGY AND To describe air, water, and noise pollution. CONSERVATION soil and noise Air Pollution pollutants and ways to diminish their effects. ü Burning fossil fuels States ways to prevent ü Exhaust gases from pollution. industries and To show interest to factories protect and maintain


free pollutants Gives examples of environment. Water Pollution types of pollution.

ü Human and animal wastes ü Dumping solid wastes in water bodies

Soil Pollution

ü Oil Spills ü Acid rain which is caused by air pollution

Noise Pollution

ü Transportation noises from vehicles, airplanes, etc. ü Construction noises


This lake is polluted.

ü That river has oil spills.


WEEK # 14 Sports in Panama AREA 6: To recognize the ü popular sports (regional Lists the most popular

importance of famous and international) athletes and sports in RECREATION, athletes in Panama. ü popular athletes Panama. TOURISM ü importance and benefits To identify the most ü health, ü economy popular sports in Describes the Panama. Vocabulary ü soccer importance and ü baseball benefits of practicing ü surf sports. ü swimming Enumerates different ü tennis sports in the community ü volleyball to promote healthy ü basketball habits. ü karate ü boxing.

Structures ü comparatives/superlatives.

WEEK # 15 Technology Describes ü Laptop technological devices AREA 10: To describe ü Cellphone he/she uses at home technological device ü Smart TV TECHNOLOGY ü Air Pods (headphones) Underlines verbs from AND ENERGY ü IPad (tablet) a reading. ü Printer ü Scanner


To recognize different ü Flash drive technological devices. ü Alarm ü Blender .

Structures: Simple Present

ü Mario listens to music with his Air Pods.

ü Celine calls her mother with her cellphone.



SUBJECT AREA LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENTS ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS WEEK # 1 To recognize vocabulary Society Writes sentences using related to Covid- 19. Building Strong Families the new vocabulary and During Covid times the grammar structures, To identify aspects correctly. related to Covid- 19 to Vocabulary: strengthen the family ü experiences knowledge about the ü shapes virus. ü pregnant Describes aspects that ü same blood Panamanian family are ENGLISH ÁREA 1: ü ages facing during Covid -19 times. 9th GRADE ü commitment FAMILY, SCHOOL, ü course COMMUNITY, ü willing COUNTRY ü bonds Writes a short paragraph . about Covid- 19 times in ü quantity Panama.


Subject pronoun Simple present tense He protects against Covid-19.


WEEK # 2 To analyze the role of the The Role of the Family in School family during Covid and Community. Successfully identifies times. Family in Covid times at home words related to Covid

19 in Panama. To use grammar in Vocabulary: context. ü physical distancing

ü self-isolation ü positive attention ü eye contact Describes tips for ü smiling families during Covid - 19. ü praising

ü wellbeing Writes sentences and ü gratitude answer questions about Covid-19 using the given structure. Structures;

WH questions Present progressive

How can physical distancing help during COVID-19 pandemic?

We are keeping physical distancing because of Covid-19


WEEK # 3 Answers questions To establish family`s and The Role of the Family in School about the role of the school´s roles within a and Community family in school and community. Vocabulary: community. ü keeping the social rules

To share the role that ü keeping the sanitary rules family and school have in ü keeping the law Summarizes family`s the society. ü child welfare and school´s roles within ü food security a community in a written form.

Structures: Makes comparisons between the role that the Possessive adjectives family and the school Possessive pronouns have in the society.

My family keeps the new social- distancing rules, what about yours? WEEK # 4 To value the impact that Moral Values in Pandemic Identifies the impact of family and school have in Times. Pandemic times using students’ life. the new vocabulary. Vocabulary: To express their own ü prioritizing ideas about moral values ü clarity Writes the values in pandemic times. ü generosity students need to ü affection practice during ü apologizing pandemic times. ü helping others


ü discussion of real-life examples.


Simple present

He always shows his generosity.

WEEK # 5

To predict the positive People in Society Identifies positive Values students need to elements among elements of relationships ÁREA 2: PEOPLE relatives, classmates, practice for having a good at home and at school. relationship. friends and other people. ü at home Writes values students ü at school To analyze the values need to practice for practiced at home and at having good Vocabulary school. relationships. ü responsibility ü tolerance Uses adequate ü sincerity vocabulary and grammar ü teamwork structures for writing a ü trust simple paragraph, and ü kindness messages. ü motivation ü time management



Wh questions Who has responsibility here?

Frequency adverbs. I always trust my friends.

. WEEK # 6 Relationships ü among relatives, To analyze the Correctly, writes classmates and friends. importance of good sentences and questions ü marriage relationships among using the grammar

relatives, classmates, structures given. Vocabulary: and friends. Types of marriage (civil, legal,

religious) empathetic, supportive, To analyze the types of respectful, caring, wedding Describes aspects of marriages through ceremony good relationships. readings.

Structures; Simple present Uses the new They are in a wedding ceremony. vocabulary for writing a Present continuous. short paragraph. Are you living with both parents?


WEEK # 7 ÁREA 3: RIGHTS Human Rights AND ü individual and social To analyze social and Identifies the differences RESPONSIBILITIES ü rights individual responsibilities between a right and a for children related to human rights. responsibility. for women

ü discrimination Classifies rights and Vocabulary: responsibilities. ü human right To identify discriminative ü democracy actions. Writes about ü discrimination discrimination that our ü declaration society is facing. ü illiteracy (adults) ü duties ü norms

Structures: Plural nouns My duties are unlimited. There are norms to be followed.

WEEK # 8 To appreciate rights and Rights and Duties of a Citizen responsibilities people Describes different types have to practice in our Vocabulary: of responsibilities people society. ü rights must practice as citizens. ü deserve

To show respect to ü fair Answers personal others. ü responsibilities questions.


ü get an education ü freedom of speech Describes rights and Structures: responsibilities.

Wh- questions

Why Is Freedom of Speech an Important right? What are the responsibilities people have to practice?

WEEK # 9 AREA 4: To present recipes with Health and nutrition Describes the NUTRICIONAL good nutritional balance. ü concept advantages and HABITS ü a balance diet disadvantages of good To prepare healthy food. ü advantage of a good and bad nutritional nutrition. habits. ü causes and effects of a bad nutrition. Prepares a recipe with a ü suggested recipes. good nutritional balance.

Vocabulary: ü food ü sandwich ü hot dog ü meat ü pizza ü rice with chicken ü beef


ü steak ü salad Structure: Yes/No Questions Is it important to eat healthy food? Do you prepare good recipes?

WEEK # 10 To analyze the reasons Eating habits. Develops reading for having good eating Vocabulary: comprehension skills habits. ü kidneys related to a given ü healthy diet reading. ü unhealthy diet Writes about eating To value the importance ü sick habits using likes and of good eating habits. ü spicy ü ingredients dislikes. ü procedures Discusses the consequences of eating unhealthy food. Structure:

Conditionals If you drink too much soda, you could get sick of your kidneys.


WEEK # 11 Health Problems ü Definition of health Establishes the To identify health problems importance of eating problems. ü Saying how you feel. healthy food to avoid ü Diseases cause by bad health problems. To recommend good nutritional habits. nutritional habits to avoid Demonstrates health problems. understanding of Vocabulary: grammar structures ü a backache writing a paragraph ü a cold about health problems. ü a cough ü an earache Write sentences about ü a fever health problems at ü the flu home. ü a headache ü a sore throat ü a stomachache ü a toothache

Structures: Imperatives Go to the doctor! You have a fever. Adverbs of manner (quickly, slowly, deeply) I quickly go to the doctor when I have a fever.


WEEK # 12 Improving Health

To demonstrate the Vocabulary: Provides ideas about importance of good ü wash how to improve our quality of life by ü exercise health. protecting our health. ü protect ü lift Describes the To describe good habits ü skin importance of preventing to prevent illnesses. ü enough sleep illnesses. ü weights ü eat healthy Demonstrates how to ü go for a walk improve our health ü yoga writing a paragraph. Structures: Modals Should/shouldn’t Could/couldn´t Can/can´t You shouldn’t eat junk food. You should advice your friends to wash their hands.

WEEK # 13 Ecology AREA 5: Lists ways to reduce ECOLOGY AND To contribute to raise Definition waste and reuse CONSERVATION consciousness about Ways to protect ecology materials to preserve nature conservation. Vocabulary natural resources.


To take care of our ü biology Provides some ideas environment. ü organisms about how to protect ü physical environment ecology in Panama. ü interactions ü abiotic Identifies environmental ü biotic problems and ways to ü water quality solve them. ü environmental pollution ü biodiversity ü natural resources . Structures: Regular Verbs ANCON protects our natural resources. Irregular Verbs We are all responsible for our environment.

WEEK # 14 Ecology and Society’s responsibilities To aware people about Writes about the ü family the society’s importance of citizens´ ü community responsibility to preserve responsibilities in our ü national authorities our environment. society.


ü ecosystem Uses grammar ü ecosystem To demonstrate natural structures correctly in a services conservation practices paragraph. ü prosperity


(reduce, reuse, and ü food recycle). ü clean air ü fresh water ü environmental law, 41 (1998) ü ANAM ü strategies ü sustainable development

Structures: Review tenses Simple Present You need a healthy environment for your own health and happiness. Simple Past They planned good strategies to protect our environment. Week # 15 AREA 6: Recreation and Holidays TOURISM AND ü Tourism in Panama To identify the Recognizes touristic SPORTS ü Hotel Industry importance of tourism in attractions in every ü Tourist areas Panama. province in Panama. ü The Panama´s position

To describe tourist Lists tourist places in attractions in Panama. Panama. Vocabulary Tourist attractions Writes about his/her ü Contadora Island favorite tourist place.


ü El Valle de Anton ü Casco Viejo ü National Park ü Panama Canal

Geographical location ü capital, city, town, canal, lake, ocean, river, mountain, hill.


Preposition of place Contadora Island is located on the Pacific side of Panama.

Adverb of time I went to El Valle the Anton last year.