Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Nile Valley

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Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Nile Valley 46 Erdkunde Band XIII JAATJNEN, S.: The Human Geography of the Outer SMITH, J.: View of the Agriculture of the County of Hebrides. Acta Geographica, 16, 2. Helsinki, 1957. Argyle, 1813. JACKSON, P.: Scottish Seaweed Resources; in: Scott. SMITH, F. T.: The Land of Britain (Hsg. Stamp, L. D.). Geogr. Mag., 1948, S. 136—144. Part 3: Sutherland. London, 1939. JÄGER, H. u. HEMPEL, L.: Sind die crofter Schottlands SOLCH, J.: Geomorph. Probleme des Schottischen Hoch- eine junge Siedlerschicht? in: Zeitschr. f. Agrargesch. und landes; in: Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Wien, 1936, S. 31—51. Agrarsoz., 1958, S. 204—207. SOLCH, J.: Die Landschaften der Britischen Inseln. JONES, G. R. J.: Some Medieval Rural Settlements in Band 2, Schottland und Irland. Wien, 1952. North Wales; in: Inst, of Brit. Geogr., Transact, and STAMP, L. D.: The Land of Britain; Its Use and Misuse. Papers, 1953, S. 51—72. London, 1948. KIRBIS, W: Siedlungs- und Flurformen germanischer STAMP, L. D., and BEAVER, S. H.: The British Isles. Lander, besonders Großbritanniens, im Lichte der deutschen 4. Aufl. (neubearb.) London, New York, Toronto, 1954. Siedlungsforschung. Göttinger Geogr. Abhandlungen 10, STEVENS, A.: The Human Geography of Lewis; in: Scott. 1952. Geogr. Mag., 1925, S. 75—88. LEARMONTH, A. T. A.: The Population of Skye; in: Scott. STRAKA, H.: Das Pflanzenkleid der Britischen Inseln; Geogr. Mag., 1950, S. 77—103. in: Erdkunde, 1949, S. 143—159. Louis, H.: Glazialmorphol. Studien in den Gebirgen der TIVY, J. and CAIRD, J. B.: South Uist: A Scottish Britischen Inseln. Berliner Geogr. Arb. H. 6, 1934. Congested District. Mskr. eines Vortr. a. d. Tagung d. Brit. MAC COURT, D.: Infield and Outfield in Ireland; in: Ass. Adv. of Science, Sekt. E, Dublin, 9. 9. 1957. The Economic History Review, 1955, S. 369—376. THOMAS, F. L. 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J.: The Land of Britain New Statistical Account of Scotland; Edinburgh, (Hsg. Stamp, L. D.) Part 9—12: The Highlands of Scot- 1835—48. land. London, 1944. PANZER, W.: Die Hebrideninsel Lewis; in: Zeitschr. d. WAGNER, E.: Kulturgeogr. Beob. in NW Schottland, be- Ges. f. Erdk. Berlin, 1928a, S. 38—64. sonders auf der Insel Skye; in: Erdkunde, 1953, S. 27—40. PANZER, W.: Zur Oberflächengestalt der Äußeren WATSON, J. W.: Forest or Bog — Man as the Deciding Hebriden; in: Z. f. Geomorph., 1928b. Factor; in: Scott. Geogr. Mag. 1939, S. 148—161. SINCLAIR, J.: General View of the Agriculture of the WILLIAMSON, K.: Ancient St. Kilda, in: Scottish Field, Northern Counties of Scotland, 1795. 1958, S 46—49. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE NILE VALLEY K. W. BUTZER with 7 figures and 5 photos Zusammenfassung. Die pleistozänen Terrassen des Niltals eustatisch bedingt (Monastirien), in Oberägypten klimatisch deren Studium von K. S. SANDFORD in grundlegender, lang- (mit Acheul). Diese Unterscheidung wurde auf Grund der jähriger Arbeit 1926—1933 eingeleitet worden ist, wurden Terrassenzusammensetzung, der Bodenbildungen und der 1958 v. Verf. neu untersucht zwecks einer Unterscheidung bekannten Industrien vorgenommen. An Hand von Boden- lokalklimatischer (in Ägypten sowie südfich der Sahara) profilen hat sich folgender Ablauf mehrmals vollzogen: und eustatisch bedingter Äufschotterung. Es wurde zuerst a) Sandablagerun,gen durch Nil und Wadis. b) Schluß- eine quartär-geologische Kartierung in Mittelägypten durch- akkumulation von Schottern (in Oberägypten), c) Braun- geführt. Dabei stellte sich heraus: 1) Nilablagerungen in erdebildung mit mächtigen Kalkanreicherungshorizonten, erkennbaren morphologischen Niveaus fehlen zwischen Beni d) Lokalaridität mit Aussetzen der chemischen Verwitterung Adi und Mallawi vollkommen. 2) Nördlich Mallawi können sowie der Bodenbildung. Gleichzeitig eustatisch bedingte Niveaus in 78 und 90—98 m über dem Flußniveau (Sicilien) Aufschotterung in Unterägypten, c) Roterdebildung mit zum Meer verfolgt werden ¡südlich Mallawi fehlen diese auf Entkalkung. Die Wadiprofile Oberägyptens deuten auch auf 300 km Entfernung bis Gebelein, wo zwar ähnliche Niveaus, eine komplizierte Talenrwicklung im Verlauf des Jung- die aber wahrscheinlich nicht gleichzeitig sind, zu erkennen pleistozäns (3—4-und 1—2-m-Waditerrassen) hin. sind. Nördlich Gebelein gibt es keine 46-m-Terrassenstufe. 3) Eine 25—30-m-Terrasse ist durch ganz Ägypten ver- The investigation of the complex system of breitet, mit Ausnahme der 140-km-Strecke Beni Adi—Beni Pleistocene river and wadi terraces in the Nile Mazar. Nördlich hiervon handelt es sich um eine eustatisch bedingte Terrasse mit Acheul (Tyrrhenien), südlich um eine Valley was successfully begun some 60 years ago ältere Pluvialterrasse mit Abbeville. 4) Eine 10—15-m- when M. BLANCKENHORN (1901) geologically Terrasse ist in Unterägypten ebenfalls interpluvial und mapped the eastern bank of the Nile between K. W. Butzer: Contributions to the pleistocene geology of the Nile valley 47 Cairo and Maghagha. However the sum total of prevented the completion of a similar mapping of the geological knowledge concerning this great exotic Asyut area between Manfalut and Badari. Geological mapping in Egypt until 1929 was limited to the 1:1,000,000 river flowing from the equator across half of map of W. F. HUME in King Fuad's Atlas of Egypt (1928). Africa remained fragmentary and incoherent A year later SANDFORD and ARKELL published their until K. S. SANDFORD began his fundamental and 1:150,000 map of the Nile-Fayum divide, and their map notable survey of the post-Miocene deposits be- of the desert between Cairo and Wadi el Natrun appeared a decade later on the same scale. Apart from these no low Wadi Haifa. Working in good part with W. further contributions other than the Oriental Institute J. ARKELL, SANDFORD'S thorough investigation Publications (OIP) 1:1,000,000 sheets for the Nile Valley lasted from 1925 to 1933, since 1926 under the between Wadi Haifa and the Fayum have appeared. The auspices of the Oriental Institute of the Univer- preliminary map attached here (Fig. 1) is meant to continue the work of SANDFORD and ARKELL to the south after a sity of Chicago. The material was published in brief interruption between Biba and el Fashn. A second four volumes 1929—1939, a preliminary report season would be required to bring this material to sufficient on the unfortunately discontinued work in the detail on a 1:150,000 level and complete the sections in the Wadi Asyuti delta and around Beni Adi for the Sudan appearing in 1949. Excepting the contribu- 1:100,00 topographic series to Badari. It is hoped that this tions of G. KNETSCH (1953, 1954, 1955) no Pleis- preliminary and tentative study will indicate a means tocene field work of importance has been carried whereby a full solution of the inherent problems can out in the Egyptian Nile Valley since 1933, eventually be gained on the basis of further detailed field work. although the classical work of E. J. WAYLAND, E. NILSSON and others in East Africa and the The writer's appreciation is particularly due to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial assistance A. A'RKELL valuable contributions of J. (1949) and to the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo for from the Sudan have greatly added to our know- permitting the benefit of jeep and driver during the period ledge of the Quaternary history of the Nile south of work carried out together with one of their Egypto- of the Sahara. logists. Prof. A. MOUSSA of the Egyptian Mission in Bonn and Dr. R. HIGAZY, Director of the Geological Survey of During the last 20 years Pleistocene geomor- Egypt, were further of kind assistance. The hospitality of phology and stratigraphy have received great the American College in Asyut is also appreciated. impetus, and complemented by notable advances in palaeopedology, have been subjected to con- A. The Pleistocene Terraces of the Nile siderable revisions in concept and principle. Above The areal denudation and erosion of the Creta- all doubt has arisen whether the Nile ter- ceous and Eocene marine beds covering the greater race sequence is altimetrically uni- part of Egypt west of the Red Sea Hills began at forman dcontemporary between Wadi latest during the Oligocene, when large gravel Half and the sea, a stretch of some 1500km. spreads were deposited in the Libyan Desert be- It is not feasible that glacial eustasy should be tween the latitude of Minya and the Fayum. appreciable so far upstream, something implicit These cobble gravels, predominantly hornstein, from SANDFORD'S work which postulates a con- were derived from the limestone beds and the tinuous Pleistocene pluvial phase. Neither can Nubian Sandstone and possibly deposited by a aggradation or degradation proceed so fast up- predecessor of the modern Nile. Certain is that stream as to keep apace with the fairly rapid at the close of the Lower Pliocene (Pontic) the fluctuations of Mediterranean sea-level. An inter- Nile Valley already existed in its present position play of essentially independent eustatic and local north of Aswan and with more or less similar climatic factors (both in Egypt and East Africa) areal dimensions. During the Upper Pliocene a must be allowed for.
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