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Page 10 Levitt on the Level of ttie Exptorar Scouts Post #23 from Ssn Angeio, Texas performs an Amerlcsn Indian folk drassed in fancy-dance costume for studsnts Tuesdsy afternoon, Nov. 19. The scouts by CAB. Musical 'Corrosion' —page 10 Levitt on Chilly the level Willie -page 2 —page13 NEWS ' -tr Multimedia degree program planned for '93 Crime Devdopmant of • B.S. d^ree » oommu- Blotter mcatkm at UTSA began at die itait of die 10-2g-91.5:00 to 11 2-91, 7:15 MOMflCT. The project iestiO in ill initial (taget Olfenie: HwStmient Mid the degree will not be ofCned eailier dun Location: C3iiafaobn Hall. #115 die fall of 1993. Officer met with oomplainaiit regarding nu­ "That it our projected target dale, but it merous aniioying telqihone calls. couM go into the fall or spring <rf 1994," iaid Dr. Sieve Levitt who it in charge of devekip- 10-30-91.10K» ajm. to 10:45 ajn. ing the program't curriailuni. OCfeme: Tteft Curmtly, an oommuiiicaliont comet are Lo«iiw;ldmPeace Library RefiN^noeRoom. taught through the Engliih, clattict and phi- CanH^yMnt rqxMled tbe dieft ctf hia text lotophy divition, which it where Levin laid book. Estimated value, $31.00. Ihe de^ee program will initially be houted. Levitt liawaeei the program offering de- g.31-91 to 11-1-91 greet in technical oonmiunicaiiant, telecom- Ofiiense: Theft municatioat management, puUk rdatioiii and Location: SB,2Sa.l4 advertiaing and general qwech. A camera and ftwhUght were ttolen. Esti­ The teleoonmunicalioni ooncentraiion will mated value. $620.00. ft>ciit ontechnical writing, technical oral pro- tcntalion and "all the tediincal procettet in­ li-5-91,1:00 p.m. to 11-6-91,1:30 p.m. volved in putting togedier textual and vitual Offense: Theft maleriaU, including graphic productiont and Location: Qiithobn Hall Parking Lot detk-top pubUthing." Levitt taid. Texas license plate 824-5VH wat removed The teleoommimicationt managcmeiitcan- ftom car while parked in the lot. GMimated cenlralkMi will deal with the appUcationt of vdue, $5D0. electronk oonununicationi technology in pri­ vate and public organizaliont, tuch at oom- 11-6-91,2:30 p.m. to 3:00pjn. puler, voice and video netwoffci. OOenae: Theft The puUic relatioiit and advertiting con- Location: Engineering Building, Rooni cenlraiion will focnt on a oomtnnation of tech­ 1.00.24. nical communicationt and telecommunica- Pliyticiwl PUmt personnel repeated the thelt of tiont. piqfdcd plant property. Estimated value, Although the general apaecti concentration $55.00. will primarily be geared toward peeparalkMi of high tchool speech tpachert, ^pvitt said, "It Dr. saaaa Lidtt handa ttia dawlopmant of tha maaaeomnMinloatlonadrcukim. 11-7-91,1:29 ajn. win have Ihe flexibility to ooncenlrale in a O0aMt: Theft IiiOCation: Qiithobn Hall, second level general area of communications." Levitt said that the program wiU integrate graduates. A witness reported diat a white tesia iMd According to Levitt, who holdt a Ph J), in bask communications principles and theoiiet "Therefore, I aee it at a program really brdcendiegliiMondieftrepani^andtllMlia oommunicatioiit from the Univertity of Ohio, wilfa "the kind of cutting edge communica- benefitting the ttudenlt, at wdl at the city and fire nil|a|Tiiihni into room 235. CcMnbiaed the program win be unique from what the other lioni technologiet that ne being uaed in orga- the Soudi Texat region. I diink it wiU help eHimalMlvdiiBof glass and fireexiii^uithepi •choolt in the region offer in that it wiU be a nizationa, and which are in demand in the promote ecdnonuc development in diit region WOS.00. "•tale of die art" oommunicationt program marketplace.' At a retult, Levitt taid that by h^xng promote high technology oommu- widi a "very applied lechnkal dntt." UTSA win be producing highly emptoyaUe nicaliont induttriet," he taid. 11-7-91,4:50 p.m. to 5:26 pjn. Levitt ttretaed the need for die program to Olfcttie: Theft be an iiHerditcipliiHuy eflfart, "becauae oom­ laeaiani John Peace LifarBiy. near room municationt cult acrott M miny difCemit treat and career palht." He taid there it a Cdmidainant rqpcrtod the ifaeft of her purse. tirong relationthip between the commnnica- • EsiifE orricEis' TIIIIIBC COIPS Ktitimated value. $g0.00. tione program and the maiugement and mar­ keting division, becauae the program empha- lizet the tpi^ication of oommunicationt prin- H-8-91,10:50 a.m. to 12 noon ciplet within organizatioiial netwoikt. QOBOMS ^itotfadt Looition: Lot M, Soudiwest comer "There win be a number offautinett oourtet ComplainaM reported the ihefl. Esttmated which we hope to incorporate into the pro­ vdue, $15,241.00. gram. At the tame time, much of our courte work wiU be beneficial Cor many of their ttudenlt." |l.«-91.iaaQ?4«-l«lll-ll-91.7:30 a.m. Levitt it working with an ad hoc advitoiy LdttMkm: il8l 24)1.22 coaimittee of membert of the divitiont on tkkatma^fatmmiof persons carved a hole campus which are related to die purpote of the itt diai |iftHrt4lt1ia||at partition in ttie men's oommunicationt program. The divitiont of nvirooai. management and maikeling, Englitfa dattict and phikMophy. art and architecture, and to- U-14-lS^l.Kk21pjn. I 111 cid and pdicy tciencet are repreaenled in the CASH IN ON GRADES. cammiUee. tixfiaaiafttlStmmm m&^ subjects in. a '^Mntl^^ftpiiAkii^lnHftoi^ip^ afrt»>i gaaiwaam.malamamlatmaaaaTg*'* aaafKw^amamp.namKmaaOIC By SunyoufiQ HMnmond AiiM aofc mMJiSamd .Nawa EdNor jajiytttfiwH tat lp«bi«|||illiiiiiiii:' m RECYCLE 'VtmniiMa df«liii&l hy • minor t^ MlHWBla wtee ptaam^i^ji^i^ai^i^ge^gs^ M y.*^ iad1^ a^Sititt^atiA ytaaiii^^miSii&i^^^iiMi CONTACT MAJOR VOLLEY, MS 3JL41, (S12) <91-4C22/5ii7 unof Minoritiel encourage changes in Multicultural Affairs Office Afttmwektofl- g^mg,lheUTSAadaiin- •dmkiitlralkmandMljudifiedingaingtottie geatad dut die directar't job deacriptkin be dentt and placement of a coditmn to tit on die ranon and campua tmanonty gronpt banw tmanKned to fDCua man on minority needa. tearch coaunitlee fbr a new director, aaaataa on Ihe dhecliaa «n4 ftac- t wat diaappcnnled dutt die ooa- Tbqrfiddwcrigindjobdeaciiplioninadeit Minorily and intematxind atudentt need- lk» of tte Mukieidttml Afiiart Ol^ Mtionconlactaddieiiewapniert. Shecontenda impoaaiblefbr dwdireclar to fdfiU the needs ing ataittance can go by the Multiculturd h addhiaa to aaaiating nunbrity and inter- did dwooaStkn'tfequesIt wouki have been of Ixith minority and intamaliandttudeitti. AfEtirtoffkeinSB.2.01i)BorcaU69I-4770. narinwd ttadaati. the office it alao dunged honored indue tune. At • leoent meeting, Hernandez and die widi ooordinaliag awdie* abroad. TheMSChatriogbeenaeatedtonegoliale oodHiao came to tenm on die mabi iatucs. Tlw Minority SbMientCoaIilMa(MSCX an widi die adwiniattation on iaaues it feels are inchidiag die addition of an attittant director By Jany Sallnaa amance of minority ttiidentoiganiiatinnt,pe- I to nrinority thidenis, further tug- to woric cmtanvely widi internatMmd ttu- Oentnibulkia Wrttar litiaiMd dm adtaunitlralMn on aeverd pointt iomwiiing the diiection andmanagnneiitrf llieolfiee. The MSCiacompoied of membert of MBChA, the BOingnd Educatx» Student Olganizalkm and the Rkdi Sttident AlUance. Among the iitoea nued by the MSC it the name ofHieMnlricukufdAffMitOtBoe which waaeatafaUihBdduringlhefaniattyear. Inthe fhtnn the office win be called the Office of hfinority Student Affain and Inlemaliand Student Center. Linda Vaigat waa hired at directiir during llMqmng aemetlcr, Imtreeignedin Augnttfor penondietaont. It wat during diit tranailion diat die office came under &• from campua Right nunority graqia for what wat teen aa a diqao- poftknialB emphawt on the needs of inlenw- Negotialnni were compUcaled aflar die Office fiir Slmfcint AffaiiB failed to leqnnd to B'S peliliao in a linnty fashion and I dnut its handlkig of the rifeuttiaa. Macintosh Dr. BoUue HeroaiidBZ, vice presklent for ahidsnt affaiia. who launched mdoveisees the <rffioe, explamed dnt dw office lud been con- oenlrating on the inteniational students' paper woric because it had accumutoted after Var- gaa'dqiarture and needed to be dealt with by dw interim director, Anne Robinson. Hernandez further eR|riaiiied the had not responded to dw students' coalition becauae her office was oonductmgastudyitflhe minor­ ity office d the univeisity's president's re­ quest But Monica Ctuz, fomicr MBC%A pted- denl, says the administration needed to be prodded by outside pressure. (>uzexpressed frustratian with dw lack of response from the Right now MtKMosbClassic^Syslem. AtacmtosbLCSystem. Madntosh Usi System. Now's the right time to buy an ^le* What's more, you may even qualify for the Maditt06h*ooiiqNiter system. Because right now new^leConqxiter Loan, which makes buying a you can save big on yule's most popular com- Macintosh now even easiec putefs and quaUfyingprinteis. And Macintosh is So come in ri^t now and check out the big die riglttcomiNilerto help you achieve your best, savings on Macintosh. But huny-these fecial throughout ooUqse and beyond. savings last only thiough January 5,1992. i For fufther infomiatloii contact UTSA Computer Store • 6914290 A r cm\ia^t)mrm.bii.iai/a.*tHf^im'^*a)ma>ma4fauiitM^^ Cd —i^'^lfwmi^^ Paragon incites 'Comedy Riots' b dw begimiiiig, Ssn Antonio had a few sdect comedy clubs. Sooii,dldwcliri)sinthe city featured oomediana, but money was not ooming in and the clubs began to disappear. Today, San Antonians are able to lounge at home in their Uving rooms ard get a few kughs at the touch of a button. Thanks to television snd remote conirol, laugh teekere now have an opportunity to enjoy k>cd com­ ics, Friday nights at 10 o'clock on ihe Public Access Channel. Yes, Public Access. "Comedy Riots" is the brdnchild of pro­ ducer Philip Gueira. Paragon Cable first aired dw 30-ffiinute show Nov. 1. Gueira snd his associate producer. Grant Johnson, frequent performances of comedians and then approach dwm with an offer to be on the show.
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