Obedience Event #’s 2011064617 & 2011064618 Entries Close Wednesday, 6:00 pm, September 28, 2011 After which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered or substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. * PREMIUM LIST * 2 AKC All-Breed Obedience Trials (one ring -- a morning trial, followed by an afternoon trial) Classes offered: Beginner Novice A & B, Novice A & B only Open to all AKC-Recognized Breeds and All American Dogs (Mixed Breeds) Houston Obedience Training Dog Club, Inc. Licensed by the American Kennel Club 2400 Campbell Rd, Unit “H”, Houston, Tx. 77080 Trial Hours: 6:30 a.m. until 30 min. after judging ends Saturday October 15, 2011 All Classes will be held INDOORS, UNBENCHED CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under AKC Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary Houston Obedience Training Dog Club, Inc. Trial Secretary Sandra Walroth, 11810 Hammond Dr. Apt 405 Houston, TX 77065 FIRST CLASS MAIL DATED MATERIAL HOUSTON OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CLUB, INC. - Non-profit organization for over 40 years - www.hotdogclub.org – 713-694-7446 2400 Campbell Rd., # H, Houston, Tx. 77080 OFFICERS President Kim Hess Vice President Sally Duncan Treasurer Jo Ella Dixon Director Sandy Walroth Secretary Karen Cooper 627 Rolling Mill Dr. Sugarland, Tx 77498 OBEDIENCE TRIAL COMMITTEE Trial Chair: Kathleen Milford 20918 Hamlet Ridge Ln. Katy, Tx 77449 281-796-6189
[email protected] Trial Secretary: Sandy Walroth 11810 Hammond Dr. Apt. 405 Houston, Tx 77065 832-744-0270
[email protected] Chief Ring Steward: Nancy Ward HOT Dog Club Equipment: Kim Hess 2400 Campbell Rd., Unit H Catalog: Cynthia Krohn Grounds: Sandy Magie Houston, TX 77080 Judge’s Hospitality: Donna Fox Ring Setup & Building Prep: George Anna Bobo & Kim Keleman Trial Hospitality: Phyllis Patten & Kathleen Costello www.hotdogclub.org Premium List: Kristi Carpenter Trophy Chair: JoElla Dixon www.facebook.com/hot.dog.club and the Officers and Directors of the HOT Dog Club, Inc.