360˚/ø2 = ☥ = A+Ω = π +ø = 〰〰

The represents the first key to the Mysteries “The Creation of Everything”. The Ankh means more than Life – it is the most ancient symbol of a code of sounds and primordial deities. The Ankh is actually the Names of the so-called Deities or Ogdoad: Amen/Amaunet - Nun/Naunet - Ku/Kaukhet - /Hauhet. – ANKH.

At some point the Eight fuse themselves together bounded by Ma'at and Djehuti and a Deity is formed out of this chaos ≤≥ [[[Elohim]]] ≤≥ [[[, , , , ]]]

The Ankh itself has four distinct sides and one of them is the Loop Nun/Nunet. These four pairs were thought to be the Children of Djehuti and Ma'at. Both Djehuti (Vibration), Ma'at (Order) and the four pairs themselves have their own forces. Amen/Amaunet is the hidden spark of life and its opposite , Nun/Naunet – is the primordial unformed mass and its opposite, Ku/Kaukhet is the qualities of Light and its opposite, and Heh/Hauhet is the qualities of infinity and its opposite.

The Crescent and The Sun is what most recognize as The Star and The Moon, The Order of the Sephira. The or The Dung Beatle symbolizes more than just The Force of The Creator who wheels the Sun around day after day and means more than "Rebirth" or "Reincarnation" due to its nature in the incubating process of its eggs. But it is the Mathematical Science of 'Pi', what some may know as the 'Fibonacci Sequence' that the Scarab performs in the operation of its preparation process of the Dung, which ultimately provide and sustain life.

"Pi" or "The Fibonacci Spiral" Has absolutely everything to do with the creation of all things in Heaven and Earth. From Galaxies to Snails and Atoms, to Embryos and the Hair Spiral that grows in the head of every man, woman, and child.

In the Ogdoad, The 8 Primordial Deities represent the Atomics and their Atomic Natures. The 4 Fish represent the 4 aspects of The Atom (Dark Matter, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, as they come together.) Finally, The 5 Papyrus Water Lilies represent the 5 Elements of Nature.

360˚ Righteous Knowledge

720˚ Wisdom of Self