G:\Lists Periodicals\Periodical Lists B\BIFAO.Wpd
Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale Past and present members of the staff of the Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Stelae, Reliefs and Paintings, especially R. L. B. Moss and E. W. Burney, have taken part in the analysis of this periodical and the preparation of this list at the Griffith Institute, University of Oxford This pdf version (situation on 14 July 2010): Jaromir Malek (Editor), Diana Magee, Elizabeth Fleming and Alison Hobby (Assistants to the Editor) Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 21-3 fig. 1 Meir. B.2. Ukh-hotep. iv.250(8)-(9) Top register, Beja herdsman. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 21-3 fig. 2 Meir. B.2. Ukh-hotep. iv.250(4)-(5) Lower part, Beja herdsman. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 21-3 fig. 3 Meir. B.2. Ukh-hotep. iv.250(8)-(9) III, Beja holding on to boat. Salmon in BIFAO i (1901), pl. opp. 72 El-Faiyûm. iv.96 Plan. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 88-9 Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues. iv.257 Fragment of statue of Ukh-hotep. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 89 [4] El-Qûs.îya. (Cusae) iv.258A Block of Djehutardais, probably Dyn. XXX. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 90 [top] Text El-Qûs.îya. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Stelae, Reliefs and Paintings Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom griffith.institute@orinst.ox.ac.uk 2 iv.258 Fragment of lintel. Clédat in BIFAO i (1901), 92-3 Cartouches and texts Gebel Abû Fôda.
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