Calendar of Events June 2021 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331

Glossary︓ Special Remarks: Matsuri Festival, Event Tsuyu Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in 梅雨 Tsuyu is the rainy season in early summer in Japan. It usually starts Japan. around the beginning of June and ends in mid-July. Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan, is least affected by Tsuyu. Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 梅雨 - Tsuyu literally means plum rain. One of the reasons is that 8:00pm ⇒ Tsuyu occurs when plums are ripening.

The following events are still to be confirmed. (as of May.23) Please check the latest information in advance. Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: Cormorant fishing, an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout- like fish), handling trained cormorants. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (9/21 this year) or when the JR Tokaido Honsen Line to https://www. water is excessively muddy. Fee is 3,200 JPY or 3,500 JPY without meal. Chubu Gifu Gifu Nagara River Nagaragawa Ukai Gifu Sta. From there, take JR東海道本線岐阜駅よりバスで ukai- 6/1 〜 10/15 For reservation, please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai Kanransen 中部 岐阜県 岐阜市 ⻑良川 ⻑良川鵜飼 bus to Nagara-bashi Bus 20分⻑良橋下⾞ Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies. Stop (20 min.) i/

Schedule & Key events: ●daily (except 9/21) 19:45-20:30 (Departure time: 18:15, 18:45, 19:15)

Summary: More than 3 million hydrangeas are blooming at Shimoda Park with a panoramic view of Shimoda Port. It is a best season to eat Kinmedai From JR Tokyo Sta., take JR http://www.s Shimoda Park and (splendid alfonsino) rich in fat during the spring and summer. In Shimoda Chubu Shizuoka Shimoda Ajisai Matsuri Limited Express "" to JR東京駅よりJR特急”踊り子”で伊 himoda- 6/1 〜 6/30 others where the number of unloading Kinmedai is the largest in Japan, you can 中部 静岡県 下田市 あじさい祭 Izu-Kyu Shimoda Sta., and ⾖急下田駅下⾞、徒歩20分 下田公園ほか enjoy different kinds of Kinmedai dishes. then walk 20 min. /

Schedule & Key events: daytime

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/4 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: Cormorant fishing. Fee is 3,000JPY without meal. For reservation, please call 0568-61-2727 (Kisogawa Kanko) or reserve through major travel JR Tokaido Line to Sta. From there, Chubu Aichi Inuyama Kiso River Kisogawa Ukai agencies. JR東海道新幹線名古屋駅より名 http://kisoga 6/1 〜 10/15 take Inuyama Line 中部 愛知県 犬山市 木曽川 木曽川鵜飼 鉄犬山線で犬山遊園駅下⾞ (東 to Inuyama-Yuen Sta. (East 口)、徒歩3分 Schedule & Key events: Exit), and then walk 3 min. ●6/1-8/31 19:30-20:15 ●9/1-10/15 19:00-19:45

Summary: Festival including Chinowa-kuguri , a traditional ceremony to pray for good Yamanash Fuji- Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Nagoshi Ohara- Fuji-Kyuko Line to Fujisan- https://senge Chubu health and longevity. 富士急⾏線富士山駅より徒歩20 6/30 i Yoshida Sengen-jinja Shrine Eshiki eki Sta., and then walk 20 中部 分 山梨県 富士吉田市 北口本宮富士浅間神社 夏越大祓式 min. x.html Schedule & Key events: 15:00- Shinto rites

(1) From JR Kyoto Sta., take Summary: municipal bus No. 5 or 100 Opening Shin-en (the sacred garden) at the shrine to the public for free of to Okazaki-koen・ (1) JR京都駅より市バスNo. 5又 Sakyo-ku, Heian-jingu Shrine Heian-jingu Shin- http://www.h charge. The "Iris Garden" with 2,000 roots in the shrine is noted for its Bijutsukan・Heianjingu-mae は100で30分、岡崎公園・美術 Kinki Kyoto Kyoto Shin-en en Muryo Kokai eianjingu.or.j 6/4 magnificent flowering in this season. Bus Stop (30 min.), and 館・平安神宮前下⾞、徒歩5分 近畿 京都府 京都市 平安神宮 平安神宮神苑 p/shrine/gard then walk 5 min. (2) 地下鉄東⻄線東山駅より徒 左京区 神苑 無料公開 en.html Schedule & Key events: (2) Tozai Subway Line to 歩10分 Higashiyama Sta., and then 8:30-16:30 (entry up to 16:00) walk 10 min.

(1) JR Tokaido Shinkansen Summary: Line to Kyoto Sta. From Kaizan-ki A wooden image of "Ganjin Wajo" (688-763︓ a National Treasure), Chinese there, take Kintetsu (1) JR東海道新幹線京都駅より (Ganjin Wajo Buddhist monk who introduced the Ritsu Sect of Buddhism to Japan, is Kashihara Line to Nishinokyo 近鉄橿原線で⻄ノ京駅下⾞、徒 http://www.t zazo Tokubetsu Kinki Nara Nara Toshodai-ji Temple shown to the public at Shinhozo Hall of the temple. Admission is 1,500JPY Sta., and then walk 10 min. 歩10分 6/5 〜 6/7 ten) 近畿 奈良県 奈良市 唐招堤寺 (2) JR Nara Line to Nara (2) JR奈良線奈良駅より奈良交 bout_summer 開山忌 Sta. From there, take Nara 通バス六条山⾏で17分、唐招提 .html (鑑真和上坐像特別 Schedule & Key events: Kotsu Bus (for Rokujoyama) 寺下⾞ 展) ●daily 9:00-16:00 to Toshodaiji Bus Stop (17 ●6/6 13:00- Memorial service for "Ganjin Wajo" min.)

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/4 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: Rice-planting Festival. Priests and groups of worshipers in traditional Fushimi- farmers' costumes plant rice seedlings in the shrine's paddy field, to the (1) JR Nara Line to Inari Sta. ku, Fushimi Inari Taisha (1) JR奈良線稲荷駅下⾞ Kinki Kyoto Taue Sai tune of traditional music and songs of Ota-mai Kagura performed beside. (2) Keihan Honsen Line to 6/10 Kyoto Shrine (2) 京阪本線伏⾒稲荷駅より徒 近畿 京都府 田植祭 Fushimi Inari Sta., and then / 京都市 伏⾒稲荷大社 歩5分 walk 5 min. 伏⾒区 Schedule & Key events: 13:00- Ritual pray at Honden (main hall of the shrine) 14:00- Rice-planting with Ota-mai Kagura

Summary: Rice-planting Rites, designated as one of National Important Intangible Folk Isobe- Cultural Properties. Parishioners in traditional attire transplant rice seedlings JR Sangu Line to Toba Sta. https://www.i cho, Izawano-miya Kinki Mie Izawano-miya Shrine to the tune of music in the sacred paddy field of the shrine, praying for From there, take Kintetsu JR参宮線鳥羽駅より近鉄志摩線 6/24 Shima Otaue-Matsuri 近畿 三重県 伊雑宮 bumper crops of this year. to Kaminogo で上之郷駅下⾞、徒歩3分 itual/annual/e 志摩市 伊雑宮御田植祭 Sta., and then walk 3 min. vent.html 磯部町 Schedule & Key events: Details are still to be arranged

The following events have been cancelled or postponed. (as of May.23) JR Chitose Line to Sapporo Summary: Hokkaido-jingu Sta. From there, take Annual Festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is a parade of four Horen , JR千歳線札幌駅より地下鉄南北 Hokkai Hokkaido-jingu Reisai Namboku Subway Line to O- http://www.h Hokkaido Sapporo eight beautifully bedecked floats and over 1,200 people in traditional attires. 線で大通駅にて地下鉄東⻄線に do - Shrine and others (Mikoshi Togyo) dori Sta., and change to okkaidojingu. 北海道 札幌市 乗り換え円山公園駅下⾞、徒歩 北海道 北海道神宮ほか 北海道神宮例祭 Tozai Subway Line to Schedule & Key events: 15分 (神輿渡御) Maruyama-koen Sta., and cancelled then walk 15 min. Summary: Onikoshi Sozen-jinja Horse Festival, designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Onikoshi Sozen-jinja Shrine: Takizawa Shrine, Chagu-chagu Properties. About 100 of colorfully decorated horses are led by their proud owners, JR Tohoku Shinkansen Line ⻤越蒼前神社: https://www. Tohoku Iwate 滝沢市 Morioka Hachiman- - Umakko who pray for long life of their horses. to Morioka Sta. From there, JR東北新幹線盛岡駅より無料シャ 東北 岩手県 Morioka gu Shrine and others チャグチャグ馬コ take free shuttle bus or taxi トルバス又はタクシーで35分 p=1351 盛岡市 ⻤越蒼前神社、 Schedule & Key events: (35 min.) 盛岡八幡宮ほか cancelled JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line to Nagoya Sta. From there, Summary: Atsuta-jingu take JR東海道新幹線名古屋駅より Atsuta-jingu Shrine, Annual Festival of the shrine. This festival features Kento Makiwara (huge altars with Reisai (1) JR Tokaido Honsen Line (1) JR東海道本線で熱田駅下 https://www. Chubu Aichi Nagoya Jingu Park 365 lanterns each) light up beside the Torii gates of the shrine. - (Kento Makiwara) to Atsuta Sta., and then ⾞、徒歩8分 atsutajingu.or 中部 愛知県 名古屋市 熱田神宮、 熱田神宮例祭 walk 8 min. (2) 名鉄名古屋本線で神宮前駅 .jp/jingu/ 神宮公園 Schedule & Key events: (献灯まきわら) (2) Meitetsu Nagoya Honsen 下⾞、徒歩3分 cancelled Line to Jingu-mae Sta., and then walk 3 min.

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 3/4 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: Festival in commemoration of the feudal lord "Maeda Toshiie (1537-1599)" who built Kanazawa Sta., the foundation of Kanazawa city. The highlight of this festival is Hyakumangoku Hokuri Kanazawa-jo Park Hyakumangoku Ishikawa Kanazawa Gyoretsu (a long pageant) in which Shishimai (lion dance), Kaga-tobi (acrobatics on JR Shinkansen Line http://100ma ku - and others Matsuri JR北陸新幹線⾦沢駅下⾞ 石川県 ⾦沢市 ladder by firefighters), sacred Horen and warriors parade. to Kanazawa Sta. 北陸 ⾦沢駅、 百万石まつり ⾦沢城公園ほか Schedule & Key events: cancelled

(1) From JR Kyoto Sta., take Summary: municipal bus No. 5 or 100 Takigi Noh (open-air torchlight Noh ) performance. Day tickets (5,000JPY each) are to Okazaki-koen・ (1) JR京都駅より市バスNo. 5又 Sakyo-ku, http://www.k sold at the door on the day. If it rains, the performance will be held in the Rohm Bijutsukan・Heianjingu-mae は100で30分、岡崎公園・美術 Kinki Kyoto Kyoto Heian-jingu Shrine Kyoto Takigi Noh yoto- - Theatre Kyoto Main Hall. Bus Stop (30 min.) and then 館・平安神宮前下⾞、徒歩5分 近畿 京都府 京都市 平安神宮 京都薪能 walk 5 min. (2) 地下鉄東⻄線東山駅より徒 左京区 / Schedule & Key events: (2) Tozai Subway Line to 歩10分 cancelled Higashiyama Sta., and then walk 10 min.

Summary: (1) From JR Kyoto Sta., take Higashiya Yasaka-jinja Annual Festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is Azuma Asobi , a graceful municipal bus No. 206 to (1) JR京都駅より市バスNo. 206 ma-ku, Reisai http://www.y Kinki Kyoto Yasaka-jinja Shrine court dance of Heian period (794-1185). Gion Bus Stop (15 min.) で15分祇園下⾞ - Kyoto (Azuma Asobi) asaka- 近畿 京都府 八坂神社 (2) Keihan Honsen Line to (2) 京阪本線祇園四条駅より徒 京都市 八坂神社例祭 Schedule & Key events: Gion Shijo Sta., and then 歩5分 東山区 (東遊) cancelled walk 5 min.

From JR Kyoto Sta., take municipal bus No. 17 to Summary: Demachi-yanagi Bus Stop, JR京都駅より市バスNo.17で出町 Sakyo-ku, Kifune Matsuri Annual Festival of the shrine. The festival features parade of Mikoshi (portable and change to Eizan Kurama 柳下⾞、叡山鞍馬線に乗り換え貴 Kinki Kyoto Kyoto Kifune-jinja Shrine (Mikoshi Togyo) shrine) from the shrine to Okunomiya Shrine. Line to Kibune-guchi Sta. 船口駅下⾞、 http://kifuneji - 近畿 京都府 京都市 貴船神社 貴船祭 From there, (1) 徒歩30分 左京区 (神輿渡御) Schedule & Key events: (1) walk 30 min. (2) 京都バスNo.33で貴船下⾞、 cancelled (2) take Kyoto bus No. 33 to 徒歩5分 Kibune Bus Stop, and then walk 5 min.

Summary: Honkomor Saikusa-no Lily Festival, with a long and distinguished history, originates in warding off JR Nara Line to Nara Sta. or i-cho, Isagawa-jinja Shrine Matsuri epidemics occurred very often in ancient times. Women and children in white ancient Kinki Nara Kintetsu Nara Line to JR奈良線奈良駅又は近鉄奈良線 http://isagaw - Nara and others (Shinai Junko) costume with lilies in their hands proceed onto the streets. 近畿 奈良県 Kintetsu Nara Sta., and then 近鉄奈良駅より徒歩7分 奈良市 率川神社ほか 三枝祭 walk 7 min. 本子守町 (市内巡⾏) Schedule & Key events: cancelled

Summary: Sumiyoshi Rice-planting Rites, designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk -ku, Sumiyoshi Taisha Cultural Properties. Women ceremoniously plant rice seedlings in the shrine's paddy Nankai Honsen Line to http://www.s Kinki Osaka Otaue-Shinji - Osaka Shrine field to the tune of traditional music and songs. Sumiyoshi Taisha Sta., and 南海本線住吉大社駅より徒歩3分 umiyoshitaish 近畿 大阪府 御田植神事 大阪市 住吉大社 then walk 3 min. 住吉区 Schedule & Key events: cancelled

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 4/4 Calendar of Events June 2021 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331


Matsuri Festival, Event Special Remarks: Tsuyu 梅雨 Mikoshi Portable shrine Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in Japan. Tsuyu is the rainy season in early summer in Japan. It usually Taiko Japanese drum Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 starts around the beginning of June and ends in mid-July. Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan, is least affected by Tsuyu. Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 - Tsuyu literally means plum rain. One of the reasons is that 8:00pm ⇒ 20:00 梅雨 Tsuyu occurs when plums are ripening.

The following events are still to be confirmed. (as of May.23) Please check the latest information in advance. Region DatesPref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: (1) Toei Asakusa or Oedo Annual Festival of the shrine, featuring the shrine's Sengan-Mikoshi , weighing Subway Line to Kuramae Sta. Torikoe-jinja (A17, E11), and then walk 5 (1) 都営地下鉄浅草線⼜は⼤江⼾ about 4 tons. Tokyo Tokyo Taito-ku Shrine and Torikoe Matsuri min. 線蔵前駅より徒歩5分 https://twitter.c 6/5 〜 6/6 東京 東京都 台東区 others 鳥越まつり (2) JR Sobu Line or Toei (2) JR総武線⼜は都営地下鉄浅草 om/torikoejinjya 鳥越神社ほか Schedule & Key events: Asakusa Subway Line to 線浅草橋駅より徒歩8分 ●6/5 & 6/6 9:00-17:00 Mikoshi on display Asakusabashi Sta. (A16), and ●6/6 9:00- Parade of Taiko then walk 8 min.

Summary: Tokyo Metro Tozai, Hanzomon Shobu (iris) Flower Exhibition. Potted irises are exhibited in the precincts of the https://www.ya Yasukuni-jinja Line or Toei Shinjuku Subway 東京メトロ東⻄線、半蔵門線⼜は都 Tokyo Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Hanashobu-ten shrine. Admission is free. 6/5 〜 6/13 Shrine Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T07, 営地下鉄新宿線九段下駅(1番出 東京 東京都 千代田区 花菖蒲展 ory/ 靖国神社 Z06, S05)(Exit 1), and then 口)より徒歩5分 ml Schedule & Key events: walk 5 min. ●daily 6:00-18:00

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/3 Region DatesPref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL (1) Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line to Kamiyacho Sta. or Toranomon Summary: Hills Sta.(H05,H06), and then (1) 東京メトロ日比谷線神谷町駅⼜ Hozuki (ground cherry) Fair. Potted ground cherries are sold in the precincts of the walk 5 min. は⻁ノ門ヒルズ駅より徒歩5分 Atago-jinja Tokyo Tokyo Minato-ku Hozuki Ichi shrine. The festival is rather small in scale this year. (2) Toei Mita Subway Line to (2) 都営地下鉄三田線御成門駅より 6/23 〜 6/24 Shrine 東京 東京都 港区 ほおずき市 Onarimon Sta.(I06), and then 徒歩8分 愛宕神社 Schedule & Key events: walk 8 min. (3) 東京メトロ銀座線⻁ノ門駅より徒 ●daily 9:00-18:00 (3) Tokyo Metro Ginza Line to 歩8分 Toranomon Sta.(G07), and then walk 8 min.

Summary: Torikoe-jinja Shrine: Torikoe-jinja Chinowa-kuguri - A traditional ceremony to pray for good health and longevity. (1) Toei Asakusa or Oedo Shrine, Suijo-sai - Shinto purification ceremony of the shrine. Gozabune boat carrying Subway Line to Kuramae Sta. 鳥越神社︓ Yanagibashi Katashiro (paper cut in the shape of dolls), guarded by dozens of boats, departs Chinowa-kuguri (A17, E11), and then walk 5 (1) 都営地下鉄浅草線⼜は⼤江⼾ Tokyo Tokyo Taito-ku Bridge, from Yanagibashi Bridge and goes down Sumida River as far as Tokyo Bay, where https://twitter.c 6/30 〜 7/1 / Suijo-sai min. 線蔵前駅より徒歩5分 東京 東京都 台東区 Sumida River the ritual is held. om/torikoejinjya 茅の輪くぐり / ⽔上祭 (2) JR Sobu Line or Toei (2) JR総武線⼜は都営地下鉄浅草 鳥越神社、 Asakusa Subway Line to 線浅草橋駅より徒歩8分 柳橋、 Schedule & Key events: Asakusabashi Sta. (A16), and 隅田川 ●6/30 20:00- Chinowa-kuguri then walk 8 min. ●7/1 10:00- Suijo-sai

Summary: (1) JR Yamanote Line to Harajuku Sta.(West Exit), and (1) JR⼭⼿線原宿駅(⻄口)より徒 Meiji-jingu Shobu (iris) Flower Festival. There are about 1,500 iris roots in the garden. Iris https://www.m Middl then walk 1 min. 歩1分 Tokyo Early Tokyo Shibuya-ku Shrine garden Hanashobu flowers are usually in full bloom in mid-June. Admission is 500JPY. 〜 e (2) Tokyo Metro Chiyoda or (2) 東京メトロ千代田線⼜は副都心 東京 June 東京都 渋谷区 明治神宮 花菖蒲 dokoro/hanasyo June Fukutoshin Line to Meiji- 線明治神宮前駅(2番出口)より徒 御苑 ubu/ Schedule & Key events: Jingumae Sta. (C03, F15)(Exit 歩1分 Details are still to be arranged 2), and then walk 1 min.

Summary: Ayame (iris) Flower Festival. A million iris flowers of 500 species are in bloom in (1) JR to Itako Sta., and then walk 3 min. https://www.cit Suigo Itako Suigo Itako the garden. Admission is free. Events at the venue such as Yomeiri-fune (a boat (1) JR⿅島線潮来駅より徒歩3分 Kanto Ibaraki Itako (2) From Tokyo Sta. Yaesu 5/21 〜 6/20 Ayame-en Ayame Matsuri escorting a bride) have been cancelled this year. (2) 東京駅八重洲南口より高速バス 関東 茨城県 潮来市 South Exit, take highway bus e/page005718.h ⽔郷潮来あやめ園 ⽔郷潮来あやめ祭 で70分 ⽔郷潮来バスターミナル下⾞ to Suigo Itako Bus Terminal tml Schedule & Key events: (70min.) daytime

The following events have been cancelled or postponed. (as of May.23) (1) Horikiri Shobuen︓ Summary: Keisei Line to Horikiri-Shobuen Horikiri Shobuen, Shobu (iris) Flower Festival, held in two parks. There are 6,000 iris roots in Horikiri Shobuen (1) 堀切菖蒲園︓ Sta., and then walk 10 min. Katsushika- Mizumoto Park Katsushika and 14,000 iris roots in Mizumoto Park. Various events are scheduled on weekend during the 京成線堀切菖蒲園駅より徒歩10分 http://www.kat Tokyo Tokyo (2) Mizumoto Park︓ - ku and others Shobu Matsuri festival period. (2) ⽔元公園︓ sushika- 東京 東京都 JR Joban Line or Keisei Line to 葛飾区 堀切菖蒲園、 葛飾菖蒲まつり JR常磐線⼜は京成線⾦町駅よりバス Kanamachi Sta. From there, ⽔元公園ほか Schedule & Key events: で⽔元公園下⾞、徒歩5分 take bus to Mizumoto Koen cancelld Bus Stop, and then walk 5 min.

©2021 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/3 Region DatesPref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL

Summary: (1) Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Suga-jinja Annual Festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is a parade of Mikoshi in the Line to Yotsuya-sanchome Sta. (1) 東京メトロ丸の内線四谷三丁目 Shinjuku- Suga-jinja Shrine Reitaisai Tokyo Tokyo neighborhood of the shrine. (M11), and then walk 7 min. 駅より徒歩7分 https://sugajinj - ku and others Mikoshi Togyo 東京 東京都 (2) JR Chuo or Sobu Line to (2) JR中央線⼜は総武線四谷駅より 新宿区 須賀神社ほか 須賀神社例⼤祭 Schedule & Key events: Yotsuya Sta., and then walk 10 徒歩10分 神輿渡御 cancelled min.

Summary: Shirahige-jinja Shirahige-jinja Annual Festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is a parade of Mikoshi in the https://shirahig Reitaisai Tobu Isezaki Line to Higashi- Tokyo Tokyo Sumida-ku Shrine and neighborhood of the shrine. ejinja951.wixsit - Mikoshi Togyo Mukojima Sta., and then walk 東武伊勢崎線東向島駅より徒歩8分 東京 東京都 墨田区 others 白鬚神社例⼤祭 8 min. 白鬚神社ほか Schedule & Key events: jinja 神輿渡御 cancelled

Summary: (1) Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Annual Festival of the shrine. This festival features Chigo-Gyoretsu , a procession of children Sanno Matsuri to Akasaka Sta. (C06)(Exit 2), in fancy attire, Kagura-Bayashi (festival music), Nodate , Sato-Kagura (Shinto dance with (1) 東京メトロ千代田線赤坂駅 (2番 Hie-jinja Shrine Kaminigiwai and then walk 3 min. http://www.ten Tokyo Tokyo Chiyoda-ku music) and Sanno-ondo folk dancing. Many other events are scheduled during the festival 出口) より徒歩3分 - and others Gyoji (2) Tokyo Metro Ginza or 東京 東京都 千代田区 period. The festival is rather small in scale this year. (2) 東京メトロ銀座線⼜は南北線溜 日枝神社ほか ⼭王祭 Namboku Line to Tameike- tei/index.html 池⼭王駅 (7番出口) より徒歩3分 神賑⾏事 Sanno Sta. (G06, N06)(Exit 7), Schedule & Key events: and then walk 3 min. cancelled

Summary: (1) Toei Mita Subway Line to Hakusan-jinja Ajisai (hydrangea) Flower Festival. About 3,000 hydrangeas roots are usually in full bloom in Hakusan Sta. (I13)(Exit A3), (1) 都営地下鉄三田線白⼭駅(A3 Shrine, Bunkyo Ajisai early June. Various events are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays during the festival and then walk 3 min. https://www.cit Tokyo Tokyo Bunkyo-ku 出口)より徒歩3分 - Hakusan Park Matsuri period. (2) Tokyo Metro Namboku Line 東京 東京都 文京区 (2) 東京メトロ南北線本駒込駅 (1 白⼭神社、 文京あじさいまつり to Hon-Komagome Sta jisai.html 番出口) より徒歩5分 白⼭公園 Schedule & Key events: (N13)(Exit 1), and then walk 5 cancelled min.

Summary: Shinagawa-jinja Shrine: Shinagawa-jinja Annual Festival of two shrines in Shinagawa ward, held on the same day. The highlight of Keikyu Line to Shin-Bamba Shrine, Ebara-jinja Shrine festival is Kaichu-togyo , in which Mikoshi is carried into the sea at Odaiba Sta.(North Exit), and then walk 品川神社︓ Shinagawa- Ebara-jinja Shinagawa Tokyo Tokyo Kaihin Park. The most spectacular scene of Shinagawa-jinja Shrine festival comes when 1 min. 京急線新⾺場駅(北口)より徒歩1分 https://shinaga - ku Shrine and Tenno-sai 東京 東京都 Mikoshi is carried up very steep stairs in the shrine. Ebara-jinja Shrine: 荏原神社︓ 品川区 others しながわ天王祭 Keikyu Line to Shin-Bamba 京急線新⾺場駅(北口)より徒歩5分 品川神社、 Schedule & Key events: Sta.(North Exit), and then walk 荏原神社ほか cancelled 5 min.

Summary: (1) Toei Oedo Subway Line to Tsukiji Shishi Namiyoke Inari- Annual Festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is a parade of Mikoshi , weighing Tsukiji-shijo Sta. (E18), and (1) 都営地下鉄⼤江⼾線築地市場 Matsuri Tokyo Tokyo Chuo-ku jinja Shrine and about 4 tons, carried by townspeople. then walk 5 min. 駅より徒歩5分 - Mikoshi Junko 東京 東京都 中央区 others (2) Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line to (2) 東京メトロ日比谷線築地駅より徒 つきじ獅子祭 ex.html 波除稲荷神社ほか Schedule & Key events: Tsukiji Sta. (H10), and then 歩7分 神輿巡⾏ cancelled walk 7 min.

Tokyo Ryutsu Summary: Heiwajima, Center Heiwajima Kotto Antique Fair where more than 250 dealers participate in. Admission is free. Tokyo Monorail Line to Ryutsu Tokyo Tokyo Ota-ku 東京モノレール流通センター駅より徒歩 https://kottouic - Building Matsuri Center Sta., and then walk 1 東京 東京都 太田区平和 1分 東京流通センタービ 平和島骨董まつり Schedule & Key events: min. 島 ル cancelled

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