Drinking Water Treatment: Distillation Bruce I
® ® University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Know how. Know now. G1493 (Revised December 2013) Drinking Water Treatment: Distillation Bruce I. Dvorak, Extension Environmental Engineering Specialist Sharon O. Skipton, Extension Water Quality Educator water as it is boiled in the distiller. Such compounds will not Homeowners are increasingly concerned about be completely removed unless another process is used prior contaminants in their water supply that may affect to condensation. See the section in this NebGuide on treat- health or cause taste, odor, or nuisance problems. Dis- ment principles for further discussion of ways distillers may tillation, one of the oldest methods of water treatment, remove VOCs. is an effective method for reducing many impurities The boiling process during distillation generally inacti- found in water. This NebGuide discusses the process vates microorganisms. However, if the distiller is idle for an and related equipment used for household drinking extended period, bacteria can be reintroduced from the outlet water treatment by distillation. spigot and may recontaminate the water. Water Testing Contaminants Removed from Water by Distillation Regardless of which water treatment system is con- Distillation can remove nearly all impurities from sidered, the water first should be tested to determine what water. Compounds removed include sodium, hardness substances are present. Public water systems routinely test compounds such as calcium and magnesium, other dis- for contaminants. Water utilities are required to publish solved solids (including iron and manganese), fluoride, Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), which inform con- and nitrate. Operated properly, it effectively inactivates sumers on the source of the water, contaminants present, microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoan potential health effects of those contaminants, and methods cysts (though protozoan cysts are not likely to be found in of treatment used by the utility.
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