8 April 1975
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[Tuesday, 8 April, 1975.J 5535 Mr RUSHTON replied: (2) When Will the primary school be I have now finalised my pro- built at Kardinys, which will re- granmme of visiting the 138 local lieve the Carawatha problem? authorities as proposed. in the The HoIn. 0. C. Macfl'JNON replied: company of the member for Avon (1) Yes. (Mr Ken McIver) and the mem- (2) The construction of a new school ber for the Central Province (Mr at Kardlnya, has been listed for H. W. Gayfer), I completed the consideration. Priority must be programme last night by visiting given to other schools with more the Northam Shire Council. temporary accommodation or Mr BRYCE: Mr Speaker- greater growth potential. A final The SPEAKER: Order! Will the decision, therefore, must be de- member resume his seat? pendent on the degree to which Mr Bryce: Secrecy does not stop 'with costs of buildings continue to the Government. escalate. Sir Charles Court: That is a nice 2. INDUSTRIALL GASES thing to say about the Speaker. The SPEAKER: May I: ask the mem- Storage Hazards ber for Ascot to repeat his state- The Hon. R. H. C. STUBBS, to the ment? Minister for Education representing Mr BRYCE: I said it appears secrecy the Minister for Labour and Industry: does not stop with the Govern- With reference to my question on ment. the 19th March, 1975, relating to the storage of bottled gases, and Sir Charles Court: That is a nice one. as there are no mining regula- The SPEAKER: Of course, the impli- tions for the control of such, is cation is very plain to me, and the there any regulation under any public at large. I deplore the other Minister's portfolio which remark from the honourable will control the storage and sale member and I must ask him to of steel bottled gases? apologise. The Hon. G. C. MacKINNON replied: Mr BRYCE: Mr Speaker, If you un- derstand, from what I said, any Provision is made under the Ex- implication towards you, I with- plosives and Dangerous Goods Act for the packaging, storing and draw. sale of steel bottled gases. Mr O'Neil: That is qualified. Mr Jamieson: That Is reasonable 3. TRAFTIC enough, too. Trail-bikes and Recreation Vehicles The SPEAKER: Order! I 'will accept The Hon. D. K. Dans for the Hon. the apology as it is tendered. R. F. CLAUOHrON, to the Minister ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE: for Recreation: SPECIAL Will the Minister advise when It SIR CHARLES COURT (Nedlands- is Proposed to Introduce legisla.- Premier) [3.36 P.m.]: I move- tion to control trail-bikes and That the House at its rising adjourn similar recreational vehicles? until UTuesday, the 8tb April. The Hon. 0. C. MacKINNON replied: Question Put and passed. This year. House adjourned at 3.37 p.m. 4. TOTALISATOR AGENCY BOARD Greyhound Racing: Investments The Hon. R. H. C. STUBBS, to the I~rgiutatiut Council Minister for Education representing Tuesday, the 8th April, 1975 the Chief Secretary: Referring to my question on the The PRESIDENT (the Hon. A. F. 20th March, 1975h, relating to Ortffth) took the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and Trotalisator Agency Board invest- read prayers. ment on greyhound racing- QUESTIONS (6): ON NOTICE (1) With regard to the amount allocated to race course 1. EDUCATION development, $8 122.95- Carawatha and Kardinya Schools (a) does this mean Its use is The Hon. R. THOMPSON, to the for greyhound race Minister for Education: course developments (1) Is the Minister aware of the only. accommodation problem at the (b) if not, what clubs are Carawatha. primary school? likely to participate? 554 554[COUNCIL.) (2) With regard to the amount (2) The Board has not resolvec allocated to the Special Pur- the manner In which thit pose F'und, $2 707.70, what Fund shall be utilised. are the uses this item will provide for? The Hon. 0. C. MacKINNON replied: 5. RAILWAYS Link with Mitchell Freeway (1) Clause 11, Part 1, of the Grey- hound Racing Totalisator The Hon. D. K. Dans for the H-on (Distribution and Race R-. F. CLAUGHTON, to the Ministei Course Development) Reg- f or Health representing the ministei ulations, 1974, specifies the for Transport; manner In which the Board (1) Will the Government ensure thai may authorise payments out a railway permanent way is In. of the Race Course Develop- corporated in the extensions ai ment account, such Clause the Mitchell Freeway as it is con. reading as follows: structed2 11(1) The Board may auth- (2) Will the Government provide arise payments out of the Plan of the linking between thE Racecourse Development Proposed railway Permanent way Account- within the Mitchell Freeway, wit? (a) to assist any person, or the existing railway system? body of persons, to make The H-on. N. E. BAXTE replied: improvements, or to pro- (1) Present planning provides for vide totalisator facilities, busway In the median of tht on any Greyhound Rac- Mitchell Freeway. ing Ground, or to con- struct, or make improve- (2) The provision Of a North-Wes, ments to, facilities ancil- railway In conjunction with; lary to any such ground Murray Street underground rail. which is, or is Intended way was studied as one of thE to be, conducted under electrification options by Wllbu: the management of a Smith and Associates. An Illustra. Greyhound Racing Club tion of how the two might be con. or Committee of Man- nected is shown on page 13 ai agement; Wilbur Smith's "Report in Brief- (b) to re-finance or dis- The alignment they suggest fa charge, in whole or In the North-West railway does noi part, any liability incur- Precisely follow the alignment o: red by a Greyhound Rac- the Mitchell Freeway. ing Club in making in,- provemnerts. on any licen- sed Greyhound Racing 6. FIRE BRIGADES Ground, or In the con- Rescue Apparatus and Equtpment: Higi struction of, or making of Buildings improvements to any facilities ancillary The Hon. R. H. C. STUBBS, to tha thereto, whether on the Minister for Education representini racing ground or else- the Chief Secretary: where; (1) What is the maximum height tha, (c) to discharge in whole, or the rescue apparatus used by thi in part, any liabilities in- Fire Brigade is capable of rescuini curred by a Greyhound people from buildings? Racing club In respect of a Greyhound Racing (2) What fire safety and lire preven Ground which tion equipment is in existence a has ceased present in buildings under 4: to be used for greyhound metres in height not required b racing; or use the sprinkler system? (d) under or In relation to an agreement, guarantee or (3) Is it known how many building arrangement entered into in the City of Perth- pursuant to regulation 8 (a) do; and of these regulations. (b) do not; (2) Any payment to discharge comply with the fire preventioi a liability referred to in sub- requirements? regulation (1) of this regula- tion may be made directly to (4) (a) Are any buildings In the Citj the person to whom the Grey- of Perth regarded as a seriou hound Racing Club is In- fire risk; and debted. (b) if so, could they be named? [T uesday. 8 April, 1975.] 5555 The Hon. 0. C. MacEMJNON replied: The Hon. N. McNEJLL replied: (1) The maximum operational height The matter raised by the Leader of Brigade aerial equipment is 25 of the Opposition warrants some metres (80 feet), subject to suit- investigation. I will have the able standing being available. matter investigated to see whether However, aerial equipment is de- such an amendment is necessary. signed Primarily as a water tower far fire fighting purposes. ADDRESS-IN-REPLY: SEVENTH (2) Fire safety and fire prevention is DAY limited to design factors at the Motion time of construction. However. fire protection measures in- Debate resumed, from the 26th March, clude: on the following motion by the Hon. I. G. Pratt- (a> High buildings under 80 feet (25 metres)- That the following address be pre- Fire Hydrant service; sented to His Excellency- May It Please Your Excellency: Hose Reels and/or fire ex- We, the Members of the Leg&- tinguishers: lative Council of the Parliament (b) All high buildings over 80 feet of Western Australia in Parlia- (25 metres) (including those ment assembled, beg to express exceeding 42 metres)- our loyalty to our Most Gracious Fire hydrant service fitted Sovereign and to thank Your with Fire Brigade booster Excellency for the Speech You connection and a second- have been pleased to deliver to ary water supply; Parliament. Hose reels and/or fire ex- tinguishers; THE HON. GRACE VAUGHAN (South- FIreman's. lift (for exclu- East Metropolitan) (4.53 p.m.]: Despite sive Fire Brigade control the fact that the motion now before the in emergency) Chamber needs to be amended, I will make Automatic fire and smoke my remarks in anticipation of some sort detection systems (not of amendment being moved to make the sprinkler). motion more acceptable. Although what (3) If the term "fire prevention re- 1 have to say in may speech on the Address - quiremnents" means In-Reply may sound a little like a lecture withi building regulationscompliance existing on the behaviour of other people, I do not at the time, the answer to (a) is, exonerate myself from such lapses. buildings generally comply. Therefore, when I refer to other people, (4) it is the opinion of the Board's I do not mean they are the only guilty Senior Officers that unsprlnklered individuals; I include myself.