pubblicazione dimonografiebrevisingoliautori. per pubblicazionecontributididiversiautorieraccoltearticoli, sistema divalutazioneanonimoeprevededuenumeriall’anno.Anchesesarannoconsiderati politici inretiedellecomunitànuovestrutturesistemidi rinascita deinazionalismieregionalismiinEuropanelmondo,all’integrazioneprocessi deliberativi didemocrazia,allo“scontrociviltà”potenzialeealconflittosocio-religioso,alla sfide ambientali,allecrisidella“democraziaelettorale”inEuropaeallosviluppodeimodelli alla trasformazionedellesocietàcontemporaneesottolapressionedell’immigrazionee ai processid’integrazionesopranazionaledelmondoattuale,allademocratizzazionenelmondo, vista econl’aiutodiunavarietàstrumentimetodologici. L’analisi delcambiamentopoliticoesocialepuòessereinfattiindagatosottodiversipuntidi umane, chevannodallasociologiaallascienzapolitica,storia,aldirittoefilosofia. Poliarchie èunarivistachemiraafavorirel’incontrodelledisciplinescienzesocialie considered, Polyarchiesprivilegesthepublicationofsingleauthorshortmonographs. are expected.Althoughcontributionsfrommultipleauthorsandcollectionsofpaperswillbe governance systems.Thejournalhasananonymousrefereesystemandtwoissuesperyear integration ofpolicyprocessesintonetworksandcommunitiesnewframeworks conflict; theresurgenceofnationalismsandmicro-regionalisminEuropeworld; of adeliberativemodeldemocracy;thepotential“clashcivilizations”andsocio-religious environmental challenges;thecrisesof“electoraldemocracy”inEuropeanddevelopment world; thetransformationofcontemporarysocietiesunderpressureimmigrationand contemporary issues:processesofsupranationalintegrationanddemocratizationinthe and withthehelpofavarietymethodologicaltools. analysis ofpoliticalandsocialchangecanindeedbeinvestigatedfromdifferentperspectives and humanities,rangingfromsociologypoliticalsciencetohistory, lawandphilosophy. The Polyarchies isacollectionofpapersaimedatpromotingtheencountersocialsciences Polyarchies embracesarangeof Poliarchie volgelasuaattenzione governance. Larivistahaun Poliarchie privilegiala 1/2016 Poliarchie/Polyarchies Studi e ricerche del DiSPeS / DiSPeS Studies and Researches Europe (1945-2016). Europe (1945-2016). Governments in Governments in Francesco Poropat Giuseppe Ieraci A DataSet

Poliarchie/Polyarchies. 1/2016 Studi e ricerche del DiSPeS/DiSPeS Studies and Researches. Attributing Creative Commons materials


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POOLI NG IEDAS POOL.ORG.AU/POOLINGIDEAS Governments in Europe (1945-2016). A Data Set

Giuseppe Ieraci Francesco Poropat Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste

EUT EDIZIONI UNIVERSITÀ DI TRIESTE Governments in Europe (1945-2016). A Data Set

Abstract The paper presents a data set based on 708 governments in 31 European contemporary democracies from the end of World War II to the present time. The data are organized in synthetic country data sheets, each of one offering basic information on the composition of the governments, their duration and the cause for their termination. Moreover, each data sheet includes the calculation of a Government Turnover Index (GTI).

Keywords Governments, Europe, Government Turnover

I governi in Europa (1945-2016). Una banca dati

Sintesi Il paper presenta un data set su 708 governi in 31 democrazie europee contemporanee, dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale ai giorni nostri. I dati sono organizzati in schede paese sintetiche, ciascuna del- le quali offre informazioni di base sulla composizione dei governi, la loro durata e la causa della loro terminazione. Inoltre, ciascuna scheda paese include il calcolo di un Indice di Alternanza Governativa (GTI).

Parole chiave Governi, Europa, Alternanza Governativa

4 1. Introduction

The data collection here presented was started in the late ’80s and it was employed by Ieraci (1996a; 1996b). Subsequent updating has been part of various research projects fulfilled through the years at theDipartimento di Science Politiche e Sociali in connection with CASIP (Centro Interdipartimentale di Analisi dei Simboli e delle Istituzioni Politiche), University of Trieste. The original data set was firstly updated and employed by Ieraci (2012). Since then further updating has been done regularly by Francesco Poropat. The present edition of the data set is an expantion and updating of Ieraci and Poropat (2013). With regard to 2013 edition, in this data set the goverments of , Latvia, Lithania and Estonia were added, summing to 708 recorded governments in 31 European countries since 1945 to 2016. The data are based on a variety of cross-checked sources ranging from Keesing’s Contemporary Archives Record of World events to the websites of central governments and parliaments, available through Inter-parliamentary Union (www.ipu/org) and Worldwide Government on the WWW (www.gksoft. com), and other secondary sources. The information provided in each country report is synthesized in a table or data sheet, and organized as follows:

Column 1: Name of the Prime Minster and party affiliation; Column 2: Term in office; Column 3: Party composition of the government; Column 4: GTI related value; Column 5: GTI related value as percentage of the party composition of the government; Column 6: Duration in days; Column 7: Duration of the inter-government crises in days; Column 8: Reason for the termination of the government.

In column 1, after the name of the Prime Minister, the roman figures count the sequence of governments lead by him\her, followed in parenthesis by the acronym of his\her party. For example, ‘Beel I (kvp)’ should be read as: ‘This is the first government led by Mr Beel of Kvp’. In column 3, after the acronym of each party in the coalition government, the figures in parenthesis provide the percentage of the parliamentary seats (lower house) held by each party. The figures in square brackets are the total percentage of MPs (lower house) supporting the government. The figures in brace refer to those parties that are offering parliamentary support to the incumbent government without holding

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 5 any portfolio. Similarly, the final figures in brace offer the total percentage of MPs (lower house) supporting the government including the percentage of the supporting parties with no portfolio in the government.1

2. Methodological note

Columns 4 and 5 in each country data sheet report the series of the Government Turnover Index (GTI) calculated respectively on the party composition of the coalition governments and on the percentage of the same party composition:


GTI1, 2 = (∑ p/P)/G-1 G=2

Given a temporal series of governments G1,..n, for each G in the series, p and P are respectively the number of new parties in government and the total number of parties in government (GTI1), while they are respectively the percentage of parliamentary seats controlled by the new parties in government and the total percentage of parliamentary seats controlled by the government (GTI2). Finally, G is the total number of governments in each temporal series. Hence GTI1, 2 ranges from 0 (with regard to Gn-1, Gn exhibits no party changes at all, that is that neither «perfect government alternation» nor «limited turnover» has occurred) to

1 (with regard to Gn-1, Gn is a totally renewed government, that is that «perfect government alternation» has occurred), while for any of its intermediate values 2 GTI1, 2 signals «limited turnovers» in power. Starting from G2, GTI1, 2 can be disaggregated for each government in each given series, but here I will only present and discuss the aggregated average results. The 708 governments in the universal set drawn from 31 European contemporary democracies3 after World War II have at least one institutional feature in common, which is that they need to receive an investiture vote from the legislature, although in some cases the investiture is directed exclusively to the prime ministers. In other words, the governments of these 31 democracies must enjoy some level of parliamentary support if their survival has to be guaranteed, regardless of other specific institutional properties. Concerning the party composition of the governments and the relative party distribution of

1 Although rare, these cases did occur specially in Italy.

2 Obviously the first government assumed in the series (G1) has no term of comparison. This is why in the formula the summary is calculated starting from G=2, and why GTI is a ratio of the party change over the total number of governments in the series with the exclusion of the very first (G-1). 3 The total number of governments in this data set amounts to 708, but the calculation of GTI could not be applied to 27 caretaker governments with no clear majority support in parliament.

6 seats, this study refers exclusively to the situation in the Lower Houses.4 A new government is recorded when one of the following events occurs:5

1. Change of Prime Minister; 3. Formal resignation of the government after the election and the appointment of a new Head of State, or after legislative elections and before the inaugura- tion of a new legislature; 4. Changes in the party composition of the coalition government followed by formal resignation of the government.

The comparison here advanced concerns 31 European contemporary democracies where, regardless of other institutional features, the government takes office after a collegial investiture vote or after an investiture vote for its leader (i.e., Prime Minister, Bundeskanzler, Presidente del Consiglio, Taoiseach, etc.) by the parliament. The data referring to France have been arranged separately between IV Republic (1947-1958) and V Republic (1959-2016). The historical series of governments refer to the period 1945-2016, but in some cases the data collection starts more recently and according to the country’s last democratization.6 In the Appendix, Tables 1-3 provide some descriptive statistical information, which could be referred to in any comparative analysis. The tables are drawn from Ieraci (2012) and Ieraci and Poropat (2013) but they are here integrated with the data derived from the 4 new country cases added to the original sample by F. Poropat:

Tab. 1: Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016); Tab. 2: Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016), Ideological Swings; Tab. 3: Government Turnover Index (GTI) in 31 European Contemporary De- mocracies (1945-2016).

Finally, in the Appendix the list of all the party acronyms for each country is provided.

4 In some cases, notably Italy, the investiture vote of confidence must be delivered by both the Parliamentary Houses, Camera dei Deputati and Senato. 5 The survey criteria adopted here are similar to those employed by the authors of Political Data 1945-1990 (EJPR 1993: 5) and by Müller-Rommel, Fettelschoss and Harfst (2004). 6 Spain from 1977; Portugal from 1976; Greece from 1974; Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slo- venia from 1993; Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, Estonia and Poland from 1991; Romania from 1992; Hungary, Croatia, Moldova, Lithuania and Latvia from 1990; Serbia from 1994.

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 7 Index of the tables

Albania pag. 12 Austria ” 14 Belgium ” 17 Bulgaria ” 21 Croatia ” 23 Czech Republic ” 25 Denmark ” 27 Estonia ” 30 Finland ” 32 France IV Rep. ” 36 France V Rep. ” 38 Germany ” 42 Greece ” 44 Hungary ” 47 Ireland ” 49 Italy ” 52 Latvia ” 57 Lithuania ” 59 Moldova ” 61 Montenegro ” 63 Netherlands ” 64 Norway ” 67 Poland ” 70 Portugal ” 72 Romania ” 74 Serbia ” 77 Slovakia ” 79 Slovenia ” 81 Spain ” 83 Sweden ” 85 United Kingdom ” 88

8 Appendix

– Table 1, Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016) pag. 92 – Table 2, Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016), Ideological Swings ” 93 – Table 3, Government Turnover Index (GTI) in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016) ” 94 – List of political parties ” 95

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY EJPR [1993], Political Data 1945-1990. of Competition in Europe: Party Government in 20 Democracies, Comparative Data in Search of special issue, 24. Explanations’, in West European Ieraci, G. [1996a], ‘Events and Politics, 35, 3, pp. 530-550. Causes in Cabinet Termination and Survival: Is Explanation Still Ieraci, G. and F. Poropat [2013], Possible?’, in West European Politics, Governments in Europe (1945-2013). A 19, pp. 51-68. Data Set, DiSPeS Working Paper, 4, Trieste, EUT. ——— [1996b], ‘Perché cadono i governi? La stabilità di governo Müller-Rommel, F., K. nelle democrazie parlamentari Fettelschoss and P. Harfst dell’Europa Occidentale [2004], ‘Party Government (1945‑1996)’, in Quaderni di Scienza in Central Eastern European Politica, III, 1, pp. 43-82. Democracies: A Data Collection’, ——— [2012], ‘Government in European Journal of Political Alternation and Patterns Research, 43, pp. 869-893.

10 Tables Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation after the General Strike organized by the independent unions forced Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation after 22.03.92 elections Resignation because of the political scandal over massive corruption Resignation after 29.06.97 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health Resignation of the Prime Minister for Kosovo crisis Resignation after 24.06.01 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister in favor of Nano Resignation after 03.07.05 elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

101.0 185.0 131.0 133.0 433.0 392.0 843.0 159.0 1793.0 1136.0

composition composition in the party party the in

- -

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 1.000 0.958 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

composition in the party party the in

- - Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.800 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Sp [56.1] Sp [56.1] Caretaker government Dp(65.7)sdp(5.0)rp(0.7)[71.4] Caretaker government Sp(52.5)sdp(2.49)uhrp(2.84) dap(2.72)ap(0.8)[61.35] Sp(52.5)sdp(2.49)uhrp(2.84) dap(2.72)ap(0.8)[61.35] Sp(52.5)sdp(2.49)uhrp(2.84) dap(2.72)ap(0.8)[61.35] Sp(41.43)sdp(3.65)uhrp(2.60) dap(2.55)ap(2.55)[50.23] Sp(41.43)sdp(3.65)uhrp(2.60) dap(2.55)ap(2.55)[50.23] Dates of tenure 22.02.91 – 05.06.91 05.06.91 – 10.12.91 10.12.91 – 13.04.92 13.04.92 – 11.03.97 11.03.97 – 24.07.97 24.07.97 – 02.10.98 02.10.98 – 29.10.99 29.10.99 – 22.02.02 22.02.02 – 31.07.02 31.07.02 – 11.09.05 Cabinet Nano I Nano Bufi Ahmeti Meksi Fino II Nano MajcoI Meta Majco II III Nano ALBANIA

12 Resignation after 28.06.09 elections Resignation after 23.06.13 election 0.0 0.0 n.a. n.a. 0.99 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.413 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.400 Dp(44.1)pr(3.9)[48.0] Alliance for changes (46.92) Ashe(57.63)[57.63] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 15.09.13- 29.06.09-15.09.13 11.09.05 – 28.06.09 Berisha I Berisha II Rama

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 13 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation before the 09.10.49 elections Coalition crisis Formal resignation before the 22.02.53 elections Formal resignation before the 13.05.56 elections Formal resignation before the 10.05.59 elections Coalition crisis Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Formal resignation before the 18.11.62 elections Ovp internal crisis Coalition crisis followed by the 06.03.66 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

30.0 10.0 36.0 39.0 129.0 175.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

120.0 475.0 159.0 586.0 371.0 571.0 1420.0 1074.0 1137.0 1117.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition ovp(51.5)spo(46)kpo(2.5) [100] ovp(46.7)spo(40.6)[87.3] ovp(46.7)spo(40.6)[87.3] ovp(44.8)spo(44.3)[89.1] ovp(49.7)spo(44.8)[94.5] ovp(47.9)spo(47.3)[95.2] ovp(47.9)spo(47.3)[95.2] ovp(47.9)spo(47.2)[95.2] ovp(51.6)spo(44.8)[96.4] ovp(51.6)spo(44.8)[96.4] Dates of tenure 18.12.45-08.11.49 08.11.49-18.10.52 28.10.52-25.02.53 02.04.53-14.03.56 22.06.56-14.07.59 16.07.59-03.11.60 03.11.60-11.04.61 11.04.61-18.11.62 27.03.63-02.04.64 02.04.64-25.10.65 Cabinet Figl I (ovp) Figl II Figl III Raab I (ovp) Raab II Raab III Raab IV Gorbach I (ovp) Gorbach II Klaus I (ovp) AUSTRIA

14 Formal resignation before the 13.03.70 elections Resignation after the early elections on 10.10.71 Formal resignation before the 05.10.75 elections Formal resignation before the 06.05.79 election Formal resignation before the 24.04.83 elections Formal resignation before the elections of the President of Republic. (08.06.86) Intra-coalition crisis after the 23.11.86 elections Formal resignation before the 07.10.90 elections Resignation after the 09.10.94 elections Coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over the budgetary policy. Early elections held on 17.12.95 Voluntary resignation on 18.01.97, after the defeat of the coalition in elections for the and in Vienna municipal elections Formal resignation after the 03.10.99 elections TheCoalition crisis. fpo broke the alliance because of the alleged links of the ovp Early elections on 24.11.02 with Haider. 0.0 7.0 49.0 16.0 21.0 30.0 57.0 68.0 49.0 85.0 10.0 95.0 20.0 546.0 162.0 383.0 293.0 974.0 948.0 1413.0 1432.0 1285.0 1448.0 1111.0 1357.0 1394.0 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.116 0.000 0.490 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 ovp(51.5)[51.5] spo(49.1)[49.1] spo(50.8)[50.8] spo(50.8)[50.8] spo(51.9)[51.9] spo(49.2)fpo(6.5)[55.7] spo(49.2)fpo(6.5)[55.7] spo(43.7)ovp(42)[85.7] spo(43.7)ovp(32.8)[76.5] spo(39)ovp(28)[67.0] spo(39)ovp(28)[67.0] spo(39)ovp(28)[67.0] ovp(28.4)fpo(28.4)[56.8] 19.04.66-03.03.70 21.04.70-19.10.71 04.11.71-07.10.75 28.10.75-06.05.79 06.05.79-24.04.83 24.05.83-09.06.86 16.06.86-25.11.86 17.12.90-11.10.94 29.11.94-17.12.95 12.03.96-18.01.97 28.01.97-03.10.99 04.02.00-08.09.02 21.01.87- 09.10.90 Klaus II Kreisky I (spo) Kreisky II Kreisky III Kreisky IV Sinowatz (spo) Vranitzky I (spo) Vranitzky II Vranitzky III Vranitzky IV Vranitzky V Klima Schuessel I

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 15 Voluntary resignation because of political crisis and parliamentary defeat The ovp broke the coalition. Early elections held in 28.09.08 Coalition crisis and subsequent reshuffle 0.0 102.0 0.0 712.0 1309.0 1839.0 0.000 0.492 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.520 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.120 ovp(43)fpo(9.8)[52.8] spo(35.5)ovp(34.5)[70.0] spo(32)ovp(28)[60.0] spo(32)ovp(28)[60.0] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 16.12.13- 28.02.03-01.10.06 11.01.07-02.12.08 02.12.08-16.12.13 Schuessel II Gusenbauer Faymann I Faymann II

16 Causes of the cabinet termination

Lack of parliamentary confidence Coalition breakdown Coalition breakdown Formal resignation after the 26.06.49 elections breakdown before the 04.06.50 Coalition’s election Formal resignation after the election of the King Resignation for cvp internal crisis Formal resignation after the 11.04.54 elections Formal resignation after the 01.06.58 elections Resignation for coalition enlargement

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

8.0 7.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 25.0 45.0 81.0 11.0 24.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


100.0 221.0 609.0 213.0 220.0 146.0 131.0 1182.0 1500.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.570 0.000 0.216 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition bsp(34.9)pvv(8.4)cpb(11.4) [54] bsp(34.2)pvv(8.4)cpb(11.4) [54] bsp(34.2)cvp(45.5)[79.7] bsp(34.2)cvp(45.5)[79.7] cvp(49.5)pvv(13.7)[63.2] cvp(50.9)[50.9] cvp(50.9)[50.9] cvp(50.9)[50.9] bsp(40.6)pvv(11.8)[52.4] cvp(49.1)[49.1] Dates of tenure 31.03.46-09.07.46 03.08.46-12.03.47 20.03.47-19.11.48 26.11.48-27.06.49 11.08.49-19.03.50 08.06.50-11.08.50 16.08.50-09.01.51 15.01.51-12.04.54 23.04.54-02.06.58 26.06.58-04.11.58 Cabinet Van Acker III (bsp) Huysmans (bsp) Spaak II (bsp) Spaak III Eyskens I (cvp) Duvieusart (cvp) Pholien (cvp) Van Houtte (cvp) Van Acker III Eyskens II BELGIUM

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 17 Coalition breakdown Formal resignation after the 26.03.61 elections Formal resignation after the 23.05.65 elections Coalition breakdown breakdown before election on Coalition’s 31.03.68 breakdown before the 07.11.71 Coalition’s elections Coalition breakdown breakdown before the 10.03.74 Coalition’s elections enlargement Resignation for coalition’s breakdown. Rw quitted the Coalition’s coalition. Formal resignation after the 17.04.77 elections Intra-coalition crisis (Egmont Pact) Formal resignation after the 17.12.78 elections breakdown. Fdf quitted the Coalition’s coalition 3.0 0.0 3.0 9.0 7.0 29.0 65.0 37.0 74.0 65.0 96.0 46.0 120.0 106.0 47.0 43.0 59.0 662.0 206.0 197.0 690.0 315.0 358.0 995.0 495.0 288.0 1489.0 1249.0 0.167 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.384 0.460 0.000 0.209 0.000 0.112 0.000 0.534 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.000 cvp(49.1)pvv(9.9)[59.0] cvp(49.1)pvv(9.9)[59.0] cvp(45.3)bps(39.6)[84.9] cvp(36.3)bps(30.2)[66.5] cvp(36.3)pvv(22.7)[59] cvp(32.6)bps(27.8)[60.4] cvp(31.6)bsp(28.8)[60.4] cvp(31.6)bps(28.8)pvv(16.0) [76.4] cvp(31.6)pvv(16)[47.6] cvp(34)pvv(14.1)rw(6.1)[54.2] cvp(34)pvv(14.1)[48.1] cvp(37.7)bsp(29.2)fdf(4.7) vu(9.4)[81] cvp(37.7)bsp(29.2)fdf(4.7) vu(9.4)[81] cvp(38.7)bsp(27.3)fdf(5.2) [71.2] 06.11.58-30.08.60 02.09.60-27.03.61 25.04.61-24.05.65 28.07.65-10.02.66 19.03.66-07.02.68 07.06.68-08.11.71 21.01.72-22.11.72 26.01.73-19.01.74 25.04.74-11.06.74 11.06.74-03.03.77 06.03.77-18.04.77 03.06.77-11.10.78 20.10.78-18.12.78 03.04.79-16.01.80 Eyskens III Eyskens IV Lefevre (cvp) Harmel (cvp) Vandenboeynants (cvp) Eyskens V Eyskens VI Leburton (bsp) Tindemans I (cvp) Tindemans II Tindemans III Tindemans IV Vandenboeynants II Martens I (cvp)

18 Resignation for Senate defeat Intra-coalition breakdown. Pvy quitted the coalition Coalition breakdown breakdown and early elections Coalition’s in 08.11.81 Formal resignation after the 13.10.85 elections Etno-linguistic conflict. Coalition crisis. Elections in 13.12.87 Formal resignation after the 24.11.91 elections Formal resignation after 21.05.95 elections Election in 13.05.99 Resignation Coalition “red and green”. before election in 18.05.03. Green defeat. Formal resignation after the 10.06.07 elections Interim government Resignation brought about by political scandal Formal resignation after the Van election ofRompuy’s Head of 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 n.a. 39.0 18.0 87.0 45.0 10.0 202.0 104.0 193.0 n.a. 76.0 92.0 139.0 160.0 168.0 746.0 262.0 320.0 1396.0 1295.0 1170.0 1460.0 1428.0 0.000 0.208 0.000 0.000 0.459 0.000 0.586 0.524 0.000 0.761 0.000 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.666 0.500 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.000 cvp(38.7)bsp(27.3)[66.0] cvp(38.7)bsp(27.3)pvv(17.4) [83.4] cvp(38.7)bsp(27.3)[66.0] cvp(38.7)bsp(27.3)[66.0] cvp(28.8)pvv(24.5)[53.3] cvp(32.5)pvv(21.7)[54.2] cvp/psc(29.2)bps/psb(34) vu(7.5)[70.7] cvp/psc(26.9)ps/sp(29.7) [56.6] cvp/psc()ps/sp()[] vld(15.3)prl(12)sp/ps(12.7) agalev(6)ecolo(7.3)[53.3] vld(16.7)prl mr (16)sp/ ps(15.3)[48] open vld(12)cd&v(20)ps(13.3) mr(15.3)cdh(6.7)[67.3] cd&v(20)open vld(12)ps(13.3) mr(15.3)cdh(6.7)[67.3] cd&v(20)open vld(12)ps(13.3) mr(15.3)cdh(6.7)[67.3] ??.??.95-??.??.99 23.01.80-09.04.80 18.05.80-04.10.80 22.10.80-31.03.81 06.04.81-21.09.81 17.12.81-14.10.85 28.11.85-19.10.87 09.05.88-25.11.91 09.03.92-22.05.95 12.07.99-12.07.03 12.07.03-11.06.07 21.12.07-23.03.08 23.03.08-22.12.08 30.12.08-15.11.09 Martens II Martens III Martens IV Eyskens Martens V Martens VI Martens VII Dehaene I (cvp) Dehaene II (cvp) Verhofstadt I (open vld) Verhofstadt II (open vld) Verhofstadt III (open vld) Leterme I (cd&v) Van Rompuy (cd&v)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 19 Open vld quitted the coalition. New Open vld quitted the coalition. New elections on June 2010 Formal resignation after the 25.05.14 elections 389.0 147.0 1241.0 0.000 0.000 0.395 0.209 0.470 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.248 cd&v(20)open vld(12)ps(13.3) mr(15.3)cdh(6.7)[67.3] cd&v(11.3)open vld(8.7) ps(17.3)mr(12)cdh(6)[55.3] Open vld(9.78)mr(9.64) n-va(20.26) cd&v(11.61) [51.29] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 11.10.14- 25.11.09-22.04.10 16.05.11-11.10.14 Leterme II (cd&v) Di Rupo (ps) Michel (mr)

20 Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support Minority cabinet. Voluntary resignation of the Prime Minister Minority cabinet. Voluntary resignation before the elections pke, bzns-as). Bsp = cartel party (bsp, Dismissed by intervention of President. Resignation before the elections bsdp, bzns-ns, dp, Ods = cartel party (sds, vmro). Resignation for elections Ndsv (Movement for Simeone II). Resignation before the elections Kzb (cartel party led by bsp). Dps (Right and Liberty Movement). Resignation before the elections Gerb (Citizens for the European development of Bulgaria). Voluntary resignation of the Prime Minister

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

98.0 98.0

416.0 655.0 737.0 1522.0 1482.0 1116.0 1453.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.686 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.333 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition sds(45.8) caretaker government caretaker government bsp(52.1) sds(28.8) ods (57.1) ndsv(50)dps(8.8)[58.8] kzb(34.2)ndsv(22.1)dps(14.2) [70.5] gerb(48.3) Dates of tenure 08.11.91-29.12.92 30.12.92-17.10.94 18.10.94-24.01.95 25.01.95-11.02.97 12.02.97-20.05.97 21.05.97-23.07.01 24.07.01-16.08.05 27.07.09-20.02.13 17.08-05-26.07.09 Cabinet Dimistrov (sds) Berov (ind.) Indjova (ind Videnov (bsp) Sofianski (sds) Kostov (sds) Sakskoburggotski (Simeone II) (nds) Stanishev (bsp) Borisov I (gerb) BULGARIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 21 Voluntary resignation after election on 12.05. 13 Voluntary resignation after Bulgaria’s fourth biggest bank KTB bankrupt Voluntary resignation after election on 05.10.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.0 92.0 433.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.407 0.700 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.527 Caretaker government Caretaker government Caretaker government Gerb(32.67) Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 07.11.14- 13.03.13-29.05.13 29.05.13-06.08.14 06.08.14-07.11.14 Raykov Oresharski Blisnashki Borisov II

22 Causes of the cabinet termination

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Resignation after 29.10.95 elections Resignation after 03.01.00 elections Early elections in 23.11.03 Coalition crisis. Resignation after 25.11.07 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for corruption Resignation after 04.12.11 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0.

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


327.0 390.0 236.0 955.0 586.0 900.0 1540.0 1426.0 1432.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Hdz(41.61) Hdz(44.7) caretaker government caretaker government caretaker government Hdz(45.23) sdp (38.7) Hsls, Hdz(33.9) Hdz(36.6) Hdz(36.6) Dates of tenure 25.11.07- 01.07.09 30.05.90 – 24.08.90 24.08.90 – 17.07.91 17.07.91 – 12.08.92 12.08.92 – 03.04.93 03.04.93 – 07.11.95 07.11.95 – 27.01.00 27.01.00 – 23.12.03 23.12.03 – 25.11.07 03.07.09 – 23.12.11 Cabinet Mesic Manolic Greguric Sarinic Valentic Matesa Racan Sanader I Sanader II Kosor CROATIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 23 Resignation after 08.11.15 elections 75.0 1.415 0.1 0.30 1.000 0.000 0.30 1.000 0.000 Kukuriku(40.0) Kukuriku renamed Croatia is Growing (37.1) Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 22.01.16- 23.12.11-08.11.15 Milanovic Oreskovic

24 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the elections Formal resignation the after elections Voluntary resignation after Socialist’s European elections defeat in 2004 Voluntary resignation after Socialist’s regional elections defeat in 2005 Formal resignation after the elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation after 2010 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

549.0 194.0 741.0 266.0 474.0 192.0 848.0 375.0 1278.0 1457.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.306 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.190 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.666 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.666 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition ods(38)kdu/csl(7.5)oda(7) ods(34)kdu/csl(9)oda(6.5) ods(34)kdu/csl(9)oda(6.5) cssd(37) cssd(35)kdu/csl(11)us(4.5) cssd(35)kdu/csl(11)us(4.5) cssd(35)kdu/csl(11)us(4.5) lista civ(40.5) lista civ(40.5)kdu/csl(6.5) verdi(3) caretaker government Dates of tenure 01.01.93-04.07.96 05.07.96-01.01.98 02.01.98-16.07.98 17.07.98-14.07.02 15.07.02-26.07.04 04.08.04-25.04.05 26.04.05-15.08.06 10.01.07-08.05.09 09.05.09-29.05.10 16.08-06-09.01.07 Cabinet Klaus I (ods) Klaus II (ods) (kdu/csl) Tosovsky Zeman (cssd) Spidla (cssd) Gross (cssd) Paroubek (cssd) I (lista Topolanek civ) II (lista Topolanek civ) Fisher (ind.) CZECH REPUBLIC

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 25 He resigned on 17.06.13 in the aftermath of a police investigation in which his chief of and alleged mistress Jana staff Nagyová was arrested Voluntary resignation 0.0 0.0 203.0 1093.0 0.75 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.374 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.444 cssd(22.08)ods(20.22)top 09(16.70)[59.0] Caretaker government Cssd(20.46)ano-2011(18.66) kdu-csl(6.78)[46] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 29.01.14- 28.06.10-10.07.13 10.07.13-29.01.14 Necas Rusnok Sobotka

26 Causes of the cabinet termination

Government no confidence and Parliament dissolution. Early elections in 27.10.47 Formal resignation after the 05.09.50 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation for early elections in 21.04.53 Formal resignation after the 22.09.53 elections Resignation for death of Prime Minister Formal resignation after the 14.05.57 elections Resignation for death of Prime Minister Formal resignation after the 15.11.60 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

8.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 40.0 12.0 41.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


696.0 906.0 159.0 486.0 833.0 997.0 229.0 654.0 1026.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.246 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition v(25.7)[25.7] sd(38.5)[38.5] sd(39.6)[39.6] v(21.5)dkf(18.1)[39.6] v(22.3)dkf(17.6)[39.9] sd(42.3)[42.3] sd(42.3)[42.3] sd(40)rad(8)jp(5.1)[53.1] sd(40)rad(14)jp(5.1)[53.1] sd(43.4)rad(6.3)[49.7] Dates of tenure 07.11.45-04.10.47 13.11.47-05.09.50 13.09.50-26.10.50 27.10.50-21.04.53 21.04.53-27.09.53 30.09.53-29.01.55 01.02.55-15.05.57 27.05.57-19.02.60 01.04.60-16.11.60 18.11.60-03.09.62 Cabinet Kristensen (V) Hedtoft I (sd) Hedtoft II Eriksen I (v) Eriksen II Hedtoft III Hansen I (sd) Hansen II Kampmann I (sd) Kampmann II DENMARK

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 27 Formal resignation after the 22.09.64 elections Formal resignation after the 22.11.66 elections elections in Defeated in Parliament. New 23.01.68 Formal resignation for early elections in 21.09.71 Resignation for referendum on Cee enlargement Formal resignation after the 04.12.73 elections Formal resignation after the 09.01.75 elections Formal resignation for early elections in 15.02.77 Resignation for coalition enlargement breakdown and Parliament Coalition’s dissolution. Early elections in 23.10.79 Formal resignation after the 08.12.81 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation for early elections in 10.01.84 Formal resignation after the 08.09.87 elections Coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over the NATO arms debate 3.0 0.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 1.0 12.0 14.0 15.0 10.0 28.0 21.0 40.0 23.0 750.0 787.0 428.0 359.0 426.0 406.0 728.0 549.0 394.0 774.0 584.0 461.0 244.0 1333.0 1324.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.250 sd(43.4)rad(6.3)[49.7] sd(43.4)[43.4] sd(39.4)[39.4] dkf(21.1)v(19.4)rad(15.4)[56] sd(40)[40] sd(40)[40] v(12.6)[12.6] sd(30.3)[30.3] sd(37.1)[37.1] sd(37.1)v(12)[49.1] sd(38.8)[38.8] sd(33.7)[33.7] dkf(14.8)v(11.4)cd(8.6)kf(2.3) [37.1] dkf(24)v(12.6)cd(4.6)kf(2.8) [44] dkf(21.2)v(10.6)cd(5)cpp(2.2) [39] 03.09.62-23.09.64 26.09.64-22.11.66 22.11.66-24.01.68 01.02.68-27.09.71 09.10.71-03.10.72 05.10.72-05.12.73 19.12.73-29.01.75 13.02.75-15.02.77 25.02.77-28.08.78 30.08.78-28.09.79 26.10.79-09.12.81 30.12.81-03.09.82 10.09.82-15.12.83 24.01.84-09.09.87 10.09.87-11.05.88 Krag I (sd) Krag II Krag III Baunsgaard Krag IV Jorgensen I (sd) Hartling (v) Jorgensen II Jorgensen III Jorgensen IV Jorgensen V Jorgensen VI Schlueter I (dkf) Schlueter II Schlueter III

28 Radicals quitted the coalition after early elections on 12.12.90 Lack of parliamentary confidence Intra-coalition crisis; early elections Rasmussen 21.09.94. New Coalition breakdown Formal resignation after the 11.03.98 elections Elections in 20.11.01 Elections in 08.02.05 External support by ds (13.5). Early elections on 13.11.07 External support by ds Election in 15.09.11 Coalition breakdown Formal resignation after the 18.06.15 elections 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 927.0 759.0 606.0 823.0 974.0 502.0 702.0 850.0 510.0 1176.0 1176.0 1005.0 0.83 0.149 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.371 0.333 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.358 dkf(19.6)v(12.3)rad(5.6)[37.5] dkf(16.7)v(16.2)[32.9] sd(39.4)rv(4)cd(5.1)krf(2.3) [50.8] sd(34.6 )rv(4.5 )cd(3.8)[42.9] sd(34.6)rv(4.5)[39.1] sd(35.2)rv(3.9)[39.1] v(31.3)dkf(12.5)[43.8] v(29.1)dkf(10.2)[39.3] v(25.8)dkf(10)[35.8] v(25.8)dkf(10)[35.8] Sd(24.9)sf(9.2)rv(9.5)[43.6] sf(9.2)rv(9.5)[18.7] ( External support by ds.) (19.5) Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 28.06.15- 03.06.88-16.12.90 17.12.90-14.01.93 25.01.93-22.09.94 27.09.94-30.12.96 30.12.96-23.03.98 23.03.98-27.11.01 27.11.01-18.02.05 18.02.05-23.11.07 23.11.07-05.04.09 05.04.09-03.10.11 03.10.11-03.02.14 03.02.14-28.06.15 Schlueter IV Schlueter V Rasmussen P.N. I (sd) Rasmussen P.N. II (sd) Rasmussen P.N. III (sd) Rasmussen P.N. IV (sd) A.F. Rasmussen I (v) A.F. Rasmussen II (v) A.F. Rasmussen III (v) L.L. Rasmussen I (v) Thorning-Schmidt I Thorning-Schmidt II L.L. Rasmussen II

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 29 Causes of the cabinet termination

Voluntary Prime Minister’s resignation Voluntary Prime Minister’s after supplementary problems and a continuing decline in economy Resignation after first election on 20.09.92 Lack of parliamentary confidence. Lost a vote of confidence Resignation after election on 05.03.95 Coalition crisis and subsequent reshuffle Voluntary resignation Resignation after election on 07.03.99 Coalition crisis and subsequent reshuffle Resignation after election on 02.03.03


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

129.0 261.0 712.0 171.0 199.0 474.0 758.0 468.0 1033.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.699 0.260 0.000 0.000 0.595


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.333 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.500 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Pfe(100.0)[100.0] Pfe(100.0)[100.0] I(22.0)Ersp(8.8)Rm(9.7)[40.5] I(22.0)Ersp(8.8)Rm(9.7)[40.5] Estonian coalition party (32.2)Coalition I/Ersp(7.9) Rm(6.0)[46,1] Estonian coalition party (32.2)Coalition I/Ersp(7.9) Rm(6.0)Re(16.2)[62.3] Estonian coalition party (32.2)Coalition I/Ersp(7.9) Rm(6.0)Re(16.2)[62.3] I(16.1)Re(15.9)Rm(15.2)[47.2] Re(15.9)K(23.4)[39.3] Dates of tenure 20.08.91-29.01.92 30.01.92-21.10.92 21.10.92-08.11.94 08.11.94-17.04.95 17.04.95-06.11.95 06.11.95-25.02.97 27.02.97-25.03.99 25.03.99-28.01.02 28.01.02-10.04.03 Cabinet Savisaar (acting) Vahi I (acting) Laar I Tarand Vahi II Vahi III Siimann Laar II Kallas ESTONIA

30 On 24.03.05 Parts stepped down as Prime Minister after a vote of no confidence against Minister of Justice Ken-Marti Vaherhad passed the Riigikogu n.a. Resignation after election on 06.03.11 Voluntary rasegnation. On 04.03.14, Ansip announced his resignation to enable a successor to lead his party (Re) into 2015 elections Resignation after election on 01.03.15 0.0 2.0 0.0 9.0 15.0 732.0 753.0 368.0 1428.0 1084.0 0.51 0.680 0.452 0.616 0.000 0.374 0.242 0.328 0.666 0.333 0.666 0.000 0.500 0.333 0.327 Erp(24.6)Re(17.7)Er(13.0) [55.3] K((25.4)Re(17.7)Er(13.0)[56.1] Re(17.7)Irl(17.9)Sde(Until 2009;10.6)[46.2] Re(28.6) Irl(20.5)[49.1] Re(28.6)Sde(17.1)[45.7] Re(27.7) Sde(15.2) Irl(13.7) [56.6] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 09.04.15- 10.04.03-12.04.05 12.04.05-05.05.07 05.05.07-04.04.11 06.04.11-26.03.14 26.03.14-30.03.15 Parts Ansip I Ansip II Ansip III Roivas I Roivas II

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 31 Causes of the cabinet termination

Prime Minister Paasikivi was elected as Head of State Electoral defeat Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Voluntary resignation and subsequent coalition reshuffle Formal resignation after the 1951 elections Coalition breakdown Lack of parliamentary confidence. Caretaker government with no parliamentary support. Formal resignation after the 07.03.54 elections Coalition breakdown Prime Minister Kekkonen was elected as Head of State

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

7.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 17.0 16.0 12.0 12.0 57.0 16.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

326.0 848.0 580.0 305.0 245.0 645.0 118.0 113.0 162.0 483.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.108 0.000 0.000 0.365 0.375 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.250 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition sdp(25)skdl(23.5)kp(24.5) sfp(7)lkp(4.5)[84.5] sdp(25)skdl(23.5)kp(24.5) sfp(7)[80] sdp(27)[27] kp(28)sfp(7)lkp(2.5)[37.5] kp(28)sdp(27)sfp(7)lkp(2.5) [64.5] kp(25.5)sdp(26.5)sfp(7.5) [59.5] kp(25.5)sfp(7.5)[33] kp(25.5)sfp(7.5)lkp(5)kok(14) [52] sfp(6.5)sdp(27)kp(26.5) kok(12)[72] kp(26.5)sdp(27)[53.5] 5.5.54-14.10.54 Dates of tenure 17.04.45-09.03.46 26.03.46-22.07.48 29.07.48-01.03.50 17.03.50-17.01.51 17.01.51-20.09.51 20.09.51-27.06.53 09.07.53-04.11.53 16.11.53-09.03.54 20.10.54-15.02.56 Cabinet Paasikivi III Pekkala (skdl) Fagerholm I (Sdp) Kekkonen I (Kp) Kekkonen II Kekkonen III Kekkonen IV Tuomioja (ind.) (Sfp) Toerngren Kekkonen V FINLAND

32 Coalition breakdown Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence Caretaker government with no parliamentary support. Formal resignation after the 06.07.58 elections Coalition breakdown resignation due to Prime Minister’s political and financial scandal Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Coalition breakdown Formal resignation before the appointment of a parliamentary government Formal resignation after the 20.03.66 elections Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Formal resignation after the 15.03.70 elections Caretaker government with no parliamentary support. Voluntary resignation Caretaker government with no parliamentary support 5.0 8.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 41.0 40.0 16.0 43.0 21.0 97.0 61.0 445.0 144.0 140.0 118.0 896.0 230.0 613.0 267.0 622.0 643.0 782.0 471.0 0.195 0.000 0.000 0.450 0.292 0.000 0.000 0.526 0.000 0.000 0.677 0.073 0.074 0.250 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.333 0.400 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.200 0.250 0.200 sdp(27)kp(26.5)sfp(6.5) lkp(6.5)[66.5] kp(26.5)sfp(6.5)lkp(6.5)[39.5] caretaker government kp(26.5)sdp(27)lkp(6.5)[60] sdp(24)kp(24)kok(14.5)sfp(7) lkp(4)[73.5] kp(24)[24] kp(24)[24] kp(26.5)kok(16)lkp(6.5)sfp(7) [56] caretaker government kp(26.5)kok(16)lkp(6.5)sfp(7) [56] sdp(27.5)kp(24.5)skdl(20.5) stp(3.5)[76] sdp(27.5)kp(24.5)skdl(20.5) sfp(6)stp(3.5)[82] sdp(26)kp(18)sfp(6)lkp(4)[54] kp(18)sdp(26)skdl(18)sfp(6) lkp(4)[72] 03.03.56-22.05.57 27.05.57-18.10.57 29.11.57-18.04.58 26.04.58-22.08.58 29.08.58-04.12.58 13.01.59-28.06.61 14.07.61-01.03.62 13.04.62-17.12.63 18.12.63-11.09.64 12.09.64-27.05.66 27.05.66-01.03.68 22.03.68-13.05.70 14.05.70-14.07.70 15.07.70-29.10.71 Fagerholm II Sukselainen I (Kp) Von Fieandt (ind.) Kuuskoski (ind.) Fagerholm III Sukselainen II Miettunen I (Kp) Karjalainen I (Kp) Lehto (ind.) Virolainen (Kp) Paasio I (Sdp) Koivisto I (Sdp) Aura I (ind.) Karjalainen II

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 33 Formal resignation after the 02.01.72 elections Voluntary resignation and subsequent coalition reshuffle Coalition breakdown Caretaker government with no parliamentary support. Formal resignation after the 21.09.75 elections Caretaker government with no parliamentary support Voluntary resignation and subsequent coalition reshuffle Coalition breakdown. Sfp quitted the coalition Formal resignation after the 18.03.79 elections Prime Minister Koivisto was elected as Head of State Coalition breakdown. Skdl quitted the coalition Formal resignation after the 20.03.83 elections Formal resignation after the 15.03.87 elections Formal resignation after the electoral defeat on 17.03.91 Formal resignation after the electoral defeat on 19.03.95 Formal resignation after the 21.03.99 elections 0.0 9.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 47.0 12.0 12.0 68.0 21.0 25.0 27.0 39.0 23.0 30.0 117.0 146.0 162.0 291.0 224.0 278.0 383.0 976.0 315.0 101.0 1003.0 1427.0 1418.0 1424.0 1461.0 0.000 0.000 0.485 0.241 0.263 0.000 0.388 0.000 0.072 0.000 0.000 0.221 0.000 0.514 0.590 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.400 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.333 0.500 caretaker government sdp(27.5)[27.5] sdp(27.5)kp(17.5)sfp(5) lkp(3.5)[53.5] sdp(27.5)kp(17.5)sfp(5) lkp(3.5)kok(17)[70.5] kp(19.5)sdp(27)skdl(20)sfp(5) lkp(4.5)[76] kp(19.5)sfp(5)lkp(4.5)[29] sdp(27)kp(19.5)skdl(20)sfp(5) lkp(4.5)[76] sdp(27)kp(19.5)skdl(20) lkp(4.5)[71] sdp(26)skdl(17.5)kp(20)sfp(5) [68.5] sdp(26)skdl(17.5)kp(20)sfp(5) [68.5] sdp(26)kp(20)sfp(5)[51] sdp(28.5)kp(19)sfp(5) smp(8.5)[61] kp(26.5)sdp(28)sfp(6)[60.5] kok(27.5)kp(20)sfp(6)[53.5] sdp(31.5)kok(19.5)sfp(5.5) verdi(4.5)[61] 29.10.71-23.02.72 23.02.72-19.07.72 04.09.72-04.06.75 13.06.75-22.11.75 30.11.75-17.09.76 29.09.76-11.05.77 15.05.77-17.02.78 01.03.78-19.03.79 26.05.79-27.01.82 17.02.82-29.12.82 31.12.82-11.04.83 06.05.83-03.04.87 30.04.87-18.03.91 26.04.91-20.03.95 13.04.95-15.04.99 Aura II Paasio II Sorsa I (Sdp) Liinamaa (ind.) Miettunen II Miettunen III Sorsa II Sorsa III Koivisto II Sorsa IV Sorsa V Sorsa VI Holkeri (kp) Aho (kp) Lipponen I (sdp)

34 Formal resignation after the 16.03.03 elections Coalition breakdown because of the Irakgate scandal Formal resignation after the 18.03.07 elections Formal resignation after the 17.04.11 elections In June 2014, Katainen stepped down as Prime Minister of Finland for a new position in the European Union Formal resignation after the 19.04.15 elections 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 67.0 339.0 1428.0 1395.0 1518.0 1097.0 0.143 0.474 0.000 0.520 0.363 0.000 0.680 0.207 0.373 0.200 0.333 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.666 0.231 sdp(25.5)kok(23)sfp(5.5)all sn(10)verdi(5.5)[69.5] kp(27.5)sdp(26.5)sfp(4)[58] kp(27.5)sdp(26.5)sfp(4)[58] kp(25.5)kok(25)sfp(4.5) verdi(7.5)[62.5] Kok(20.4)sdp(19.1)v(8.1) verdi(7.2)sfp(4.3)kd(4.0) [63.01] Kok(20.4)sdp(19.1)v(8.1) verdi(7.2)sfp(4.3)kd(4.0) [63.01] Kesk(21.10)ps(17.65) kok(18.20)[56.95] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 29.05.15- 15.05.99-17.04.03 17.04.03-24.06.03 24.06.03-19.04.07 19.04.07-17.06.11 22.06.11-24.06.14 24.06.14-29.05.15 Lipponen II (sdp) Jäätteenmäki I (kp) Vanhanen I (kp) Vanhanen II (kp) Katainen Stubb Sipils

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 35 Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support by pcf Coalition enlargement Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support by sfio and parliamentary defeat breakdown Coalition’s Lack of parliamentary confidence breakdown Coalition’s Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 17.06.51 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 22.0 10.0 31.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

2.0 2.0

33.0 104.0 198.0 237.0 390.0 239.0 231.0 122.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.000 0.156 0.000 0.214 0.273 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.166 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.400 0.200 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition pcf(29.4)mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3) ri(4.5)udsr(4.2)rad(6.9)[89.1] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)ri(4.5) udsr(4.2)rad(6.9)[59.7] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)ri(4.5) udsr(4.2)rad(6.9)[59.7] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) prl(6.1)ri(4.5)udsr(4.2)[65.8] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) ri(4.5)[55.5] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) prl(6.1)ri(4.5)udsr(4.2)[65.8] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) udsr(4.2)[55.2] mrp(27.8)rad(6.9)ri(4.5) udsr(4.2)prl(6.1)[49.5] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) ri(4.5)udsr(4.2)[59.7] mrp(27.8)sfio(16.3)rad(6.9) ri(4.5)udsr(4.2)[59.7] Dates of tenure 21.01.47-05.05.47 05.05.47-19.11.47 24.11.47-19.07.48 26.07.48-28.08.48 05.09.48-07.09.48 11.09.48-06.10.49 28.10.49-24.06.50 02.07.50-04.07.50 12.07.50-28.02.51 10.03.51-10.07.51 Cabinet Ramadier (sfio) Ramadier II Schuman I (mrp) Marie (rad) Schuman II Queuille I (rad) Bidault (mrp) Queuille II Pleven I (udsr) Queuille III FRANCIA, IV REPUBLIC

36 Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support by mrp Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support by rad and uras Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation after the 02.01.56 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation because of lack of rad, udsr parliamentary support by rgr, Resignation because of lack of rs, parliamentary support by rad, udsr, ipas rgr, De Gaulle speech Political crisis, Institutional reform. De Gaulle become Head of State of V Repubblic 8.0 7.0 8.0 5.0 4.0 0.0 13.0 16.0 37.0 18.0 22.0 29.0 40.0 14.0 150.0 290.0 133.0 350.0 231.0 335.0 474.0 110.0 161.0 222.0 0.152 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.235 0.393 0.412 0.550 0.000 0.517 0.000 0.547 0.173 0.302 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.166 0.142 0.250 0.428 0.333 0.000 0.428 0.000 0.428 0.165 mrp(15.1)rad(11.8)ri(8.4) craps(6.8)udsr(2.6)[44.7] mrp(15.1)rad(11.8)ri(8.4) craps(6.8)udsr(2.6)[44.7] mrp(15.1)rad(11.8)ri(8.4) craps(6.8)udsr(2.6)[44.7] mrp(15.1)rad(11.8)ri(8.4) craps(6.8)udsr(2.6)ars(4.3) [49] mrp(15.1)uras(15)rad(11.8) ri(8.4)craps(6.8)ars(4.1) udsr(2.6)[63.8] rs(14.8)rad(11.8)ri(8.4) udsr(2.6)[37.6] mrp(15.1)rs(14.8)rad(11.8) ri(8.4)ars(4.3)udsr(2.6)p(7) [64] sfio(15.8)rad(9.7)udsr(3.2) [28.7] sfio(15.8)rad(9.7)udsr(3.2) rgr(2.3)[31] ipas(15.9)sfio(15.8)mrp(13.9) rad(9.7)rs(3.5)udsr(3.2) rgr(2.3)[64.3] mrp(13.9)rad(9.7)udsr(3.2) rgr(2.3)[29.1] ipas(15.9)sfio(15.8)mrp(13.9) rad(9.7)rs(3.5)udsr(3.2) rgr(2.3)[64.3] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 10.08.51-07.01.52 20.01.52-29.02.52 08.03.52-23.12.52 08.01.53-21.05.53 27.06.53-12.06.54 19.06.54-05.02.55 23.02.55-24.01.56 01.02.56-21.05.57 12.06.57-30.09.57 05.11.57-15.04.58 14.05.58-28.05.58 01.06.58-08.01.59 Pleven II Faure I (rad) Pinay (ri) Mayer (rad) Lamel (ri) Mendes France (rad) Faure II Mollet (sfio) Bourgès Maunoury (rad) Gaillard (rad) Pflimin (mrp) De Gaulle (ind.)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 37 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the 07.01.62 elections Parliamentary defeat Parliamentary defeated on constitutional reform Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Formal resignation after the 1967 elections Parliament dissolution by Head of State Resignation for early elections in 1968 Formal resignation before the election of the Head of State party Internal crisis of De Gaulle’s Formal resignation after the 1973 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 60.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

31.0 41.0

144.0 447.0 419.0 344.0 266.0 1193.0 1130.0 1110.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.176 0.000 1.000 0.070 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.000 0.333 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition gaull(42.7)rsp(5)mrp(12.3) ind(28.7)[88.7] unr(48.9)mrp(7.9)ind(3.8) [60.6] unr(48.9)ind(3.8)[52.7] unr(48.9)ind(3.8)[52.7] unr(48.9)ind(3.8)[52.7] unr(40.6)vrep(8.7)[49.3] vrep(8.7)[8.7] udr(60)ind(13.6)[73.6] udr(60)pdm(5.6)ind(13.6) [79.2] n.c. Dates of tenure 08.01.59-14.04.62 15.04.62-15.05.62 16.05.62-06.10.62 06.12.62-08.01.66 09.01.66-01.04.67 08.04.67-30.05.68 31.05.68-10.07.68 12.07.68-20.06.69 22.06.69-05.07.72 06.07.72-28.03.73 Cabinet Debré (gaull/unr) Pompidou (s.p.) Pompidou II Pompidou III Pompidou IV Pompidou V Pompidou VI Couve de Mueville (udr) Chaban-Delmas (udr) Messmer (udr) FRANCE, V REPUBLIC

38 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Resignation for presidential conflict Coalition breakdown Formal resignation after the 1978 elections Formal resignation before the election of the Head of State Resignation for 1981 elections Intervention by Head of State Coalition crisis brought about by the Communists withdrawal Formal resignation after the The1986 elections. Socialists lose parliamentary majority Mitterand Presidential elections. confirmed Formal resignation after the 1988 elections Mandate resignation by Mitterand n.a. 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 88.0 32.0 34.0 329.0 821.0 214.0 366.0 636.0 481.0 606.0 416.0 321.0 1136.0 1052.0 0.081 0.000 0.106 0.040 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.138 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.058 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.666 0.000 udr(37.9)cdp(4.4)ind(11.5) [53.8] udr(37.9)cdp(4.4)ind(11.5) [53.8] udr(37.9)cdp(4.4)ind(11.5) ref(6.4)[60.2] udr(37.9)cds(4.4)ind(11.5) rad(2.3)[56.1] udr(37.9)cds(4.4)ind(11.5) rad(2.3)[56.1] udf(25.3)rpr(28.9)[54.2] psf[23.4] psf(54.6)pcf(8.8)[63.4] psf(54.6)pcf(8.8)[63.4] psf(54.6)[54.6] rpr(28.9)udf(22.7)[51.6] psf(46.7)[46.7] psf(45)mrg(1.6)rad(1.2)[47.8] psf(45)[45] 05.04.73-27.02.74 01.03.74-27.05.74 28.05.74-25.08.76 27.08.76-28.03.77 30.03.77-31.03.78 05.04.78-13.05.81 22.05.81-22.06.81 23.06.81-22.03.83 23.03.83-17.07.84 19.07.84-17.03.86 20.03.86-10.05.88 12.05.88-14.06.88 28.06.88-15.05.91 16.05.91-01.04.92 Messmer II Messmer III Chirac (udr) Barre (s.p.) Barre II Barre (udf) III Mauroy (psf) Mauroy II Mauroy III Fabius (psf) Chirac (rpr) II Rocard (psf) Rocard II Cresson (psf)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 39 n.a. Formal resignation after the election of the Head of State Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle for intra-coalition conflict. Juppé II’s government Formal resignation after elections defeat at the first vote in 25.05.97 elections Resignation after Head of Sate’s defeat. Chirac confirmed. Elections in 09-16. 06. 02 n.a. n.a. Resignation after referendum defeat on European Constitution Resignation for presidential elections in 2007. Elections in 10-17.06.07 Formal resignation after the 2007 elections Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle for intra-coalition conflict Resignation for presidential elections in 2012 Formal resignation after the 2012 elections 2.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.0 30.0 33.0 360.0 771.0 143.0 653.0 424.0 714.0 577.0 1797.0 1239.0 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.067 0.023 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 psf(45)[45] rpr(42.8)udf-cdspr(36.9)[79.7] rpr(42.8)udf-cdspr(36.9)[79.7] pcf(6.6)ps(47.5)verdi(1.2) [55.3] ump(61.9)udf(5)altri(2.4) [69.3] ump(61.9)udf(5)altri(2.4) [69.3] ump(61.9)udf(5)altri(2.4) [69.3] ump(61.9)udf(5)altri(2.4) [69.3] ump(54.2)nc nouveau centre(3.8)mpf mouvement pour la france(0.1)[58.1] ump(46.36)nc nouveau centre(2.12)others(1.17) [49.65] ump(46.36)nc nouveau centre(2.12)others(1.17) [49.65] ps(40.91)eelv(3.60)prg(2.34) fg(1.08)others(3.08)[50.99] rpr(42.8)udf-cdspr(36.9)[79.7] ott.95-26.05.97 02.04.92-28.03.93 30.03.93-10.05.95 18.05.95-07.10.95 04.06.97-06.05.02 06.05.02-17.06.02 17.06.02-30.03.04 31.03.04-30.05.05 31.05.05-15.05.07 18.05.07-18.06.07 19.06.07-13.11.10 13.11.10-15.05.12 15.05.12-18.06.12 Bérégovoy (psf) Balladur (rpr) Juppé (rpr) Juppé II Jospin (ps) I (rpr) Raffarin II (rpr) Raffarin III (rpr) Raffarin ump De Villepin (rpr) ump Fillon I (rpr)ump Fillon II Fillon III Ayrault I

40 Voluntary resignation after the defeat of the left in local elections 2014 0.0 651.0 0.000 0.000 0.256 0.542 0.000 0.000 0.344 ps(40.91)eelv(3.60)prg(2.34) fg(1.08)others(3.08)[50.99] ps(40.91) prg(2.34)[43.25] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 01.04.14- 18.06.12-31.03.14 Ayrault II Valls

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 41 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the 06.09.53 elections Formal resignation after the 15.09.57 elections Formal resignation after the 17.09.61 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health Formal resignation after the 19.09.65 elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 28.09.69 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence. Resignation as a consequence of the political scandals Formal resignation after the 08.10.76 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

2.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 2.0 11.0 19.0 19.0 10.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

696.0 733.0 401.0 508.0 942.0 1479.0 1461.0 1473.0 1053.0 1148.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.225 0.000 0.216 0.000 0.000 0.451 0.117 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition cdu/csu(34.6)dp(4.2)fdp(12.9) [51.7] cdu/csu(49.9)dp(3.1)bhe(5.5) fdp(9.9)[68.4] cdu/csu(57.7)dp(3.4)[61.1] cdu/csu(48.5)fdp(13.4)[61.9] cdu/csu(48.5)fdp(13.4)[61.9] cdu/csu(49.4)fdp(9.9)[59.3] cdu/csu(49.4)spd(40.7)[90.1] spd(45.2)fdp(6)[51.2] spd(46.4)fdp(8.2)[54.6] spd(46.4)fdp(8.2)[54.6] Dates of tenure 20.09.49-09.10.53 20.10.53-22.10.57 24.10.57-06.11.61 14.11.61-11.10.63 17.10.63-20.10.65 26.10.65-01.12.66 01.12.66-20.10.69 21.10.69-13.12.72 14.12.72-06.05.74 16.05.74-14.12.76 Cabinet Adenauer I (cdu) Adenauer II Adenauer III Adenauer IV Erhard I (cdu) Erhard II Klesinger (cdu) Brandt I (spd) Brandt II Schmidt I (spd) GERMANY

42 Formal resignation after the 05.10.80 elections confidence breakdown. No Coalition’s vote Formal resignation after the 06.03.83 elections Formal resignation after the 25.01.87 elections New German reunification October 1990. elections in 02.12.90 Formal resignation after the 16.10.94 elections Resignation after political defeat in 27.09.98 coalition. Formal resignation “Red-Green” after the 27.09.02 elections Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support. Early election in 18.09.05 Big coalition. Elections in 27.09.09 Formal resignation after the 22.09.13 elections 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.0 34.0 712.0 157.0 1388.0 1462.0 1406.0 1763.0 1441.0 1454.0 1091.0 1436.0 1145.0 0.000 0.000 0.811 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.504 0.280 0.493 0.195 0.455 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.666 0.234 spd(43.1)fdp(7.9)[51] spd(49.9)fdp(10.6)[60.5] cdu/csu(45.5)fdp(10.6)[56.1] cdu/csu(49)fdp(6.8)[55.8] cdu/csu(44.9)fdp(9.2)[54.1] csu/cdu(48.2)fdp(11.9)[60.1] csu/cdu(44.4)fdp(6.9)[51.3] spd(44.5)v(7)[51.5] spd(41.6)v(9.1)[50.7] cdu(36.8)spd(36.2)[73] cdu(38.4)fpd(15)[53.4] Cdu(40.5)csu(8.9)spd(30.5) [79.9] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 17.12.13- 16.12.76-05.10.80 05.10.80-17.09.82 04.10.82-10.03.83 11.03.83-10.03.87 11.03.87-16.01.90 17.01.90-15.11.94 16.10.94-27.09.98 28.10.98-22.10.02 22.10.02-18.10.05 22.11.05-28.10.09 28.10.09-17.12.13 Schmidt II Schmidt III Kohl I (cdu) Kohl II Kohl III Kohl IV Kohl V Shroeder I (spd) Shroeder II (spd) Merkl I Merkl II Merkl III

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 43 Causes of the cabinet termination

Voluntary resignation after early elections in 20.11.77 Voluntary resignation after Prime elections for Head ofMinister’s State Resignation for electoral defeat. Elections in 18.10.81 Formal resignation after the 02.06.85 elections Resignation after electoral defeat in 18.06.89 and political scandals Resignation for early elections in 05.11.89 Intra-coalition conflict; resignation of all components Resignation for early elections in 08.04.90 Internal conflict brought by nd about disagreements over the Political Economy

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 47.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

97.0 82.0 56.0

890.0 528.0 965.0 1101.0 1321.0 1473.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.431 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition nd(73.3)[73.3] nd(57.3)[57.3] nd(58.3)[58.3] pasok(57.3)[57.3] pasok(53.7)[53.7] nd(48.3)kke(9.3)[57.6] nd(49.3)pasok(42.7)kke(7) [99] caretaker government sostenuto dagli stessi tre partiti nd(50.1)[50.1] Dates of tenure 21.11.74-27.11.77 28.11.77-06.05.80 09.05.80-19.10.81 21.10.81-04.06.85 05.06.85-19.06.89 02.07.89-07.10.89 23.11.89-12.02.90 13.02.90-10.04.90 11.04.90-02.12.92 Cabinet Kostantinos Karamanlis (nd) Kostantinos Karamanlis II Rallis (nd) A. Papandreou I (pasok) A. Papandreou II (pasok) Tzannetakis (nd) Zolotas (nd) Zolotas II Mitsotakis (nd) GREECE

44 Internal conflict in nd. Early elections 10.10.93, won by Pasok. Papandreou III 13.11.93 Resignation of the Prime Minister for health. He dies in 23.06.1996 Formal resignation after the 22.09.96 elections Formal resignation after the 09.04.00 elections Resignation after the 07.03.04 elections Formal resignation after the 16.09.07 nd won 152 seats elections, Resignation after the 04.10.09 elections. Electoral defeat Resignation after the debit crisis Government of national unity in response to the debt crisis government Transitional Resignation after the 25.01.15 elections Elected on anti-austerity platform. Announced the Greek bailout referendum, signed the Third bailout agreement. Resigned due to rebellion of SYRIZA MPs opposing the agreement Resignation for early elections in 20.09.15 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 770 34.0 24.0 312.0 824.0 244.0 750.0 185.0 879.0 177.0 1296.0 1431.0 1281.0 - - 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.115 0.000 - - 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.666 0.500 0.000 idem pasok (56.7)[56.7] pasok (56.7)[56.7] pasok (54)[54] pasok (52.7)[52.7] nd(55)[55] nd(51)[51] pasok (53.3)[53.3] Government of national unity none Nd(29.66)syriza(26.89) pasok(12.28)[68.83] Syriza(36.34)anel(4.75) [41.15] Carateker government 03.12.92-11.10.93 13.10.93-16.01.96 18.01.96-22.09.96 23.09.96-09.04.00 09.04.00-10.03.04 10.03.04-16.09.07 16.09.07-06.10.09 06.10.09-10.11.11 11.11.11-16.05.12 16.05.12-20.06.12 20.06.12-26.01.15 26.01.15-27.08.15 27.08.15-21.09.15 Mitsotakis II A. Papandreou III (pasok) Simits I (pasok) Simitis II (pasok) Simits III (pasok) Kostas Karamanlis I (nd) Kostas Karamanlis II (nd) G. Papandreou I (pasok) L. Papademos Pikrammenos P. A.Samaras Tsipras I Christophilou

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 45 1.000 0.342 0.838 1.000 0.386 Syriza(35.46)anel(3.69) [39.15] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 21.09.15- Tsipras II

46 Causes of the cabinet termination

Prime Minister’s death Prime Minister’s Resignation after the elections Resignation after the elections Resignation after the elections Voluntary resignation after conflict with szdsz Resignation after the elections Voluntary resignation after Parliamentary no confidence vote Resignation after the elections Resignation after the elections in 06.04.14


Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

208.0 878.0 583.0 408.0 1302.0 1450.0 1419.0 1085.0 1452.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition mdf(42.5)fkgp(11.4)kdnp(5.4) [59.3] mdf(42.5)fkgp(11.4)kdnp(5.4) [59.3] mszp(54.1)szdsz(17.9)[72] fidesz(38.3)fkgp(12.4) mdf(4.4)[55.1] mszp(46.1)szdsz(5.2)[51.3] mszp(46.1)szdsz(5.2)[51.3] mszp(42.5)szdsz(6.2)[48.7] mszp(42.5)szdsz(6.2)[48.7] fidesz(67.9)[67.9] Dates of tenure 23.05.90-20.12.93 21.12.93-14.07.94 15.07.94-05.07.98 07.07.98-26.05.02 27.05.02-25.08.04 29.09.04-23.04.06 24.04.06-14.04.09 15.04.09-28.05.10 29.05.10-06.06.14 Cabinet Antall (mdf) Boross (mdf) Hrn (mszp) Orban I (fidesz) Medgyessy (mszp) Gyurcsány I (mszp) Gyurcsány II (mszp) Gordon Bajnai (mszp) Orban II (fidesz) HUNGARY

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 47 0.000 0.450 1.000 0.000 0.450 fidesz(66.83)[66.83] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 06.06.14- Orban III (fidesz)

48 Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Prime Minister voluntary resignation Formal resignation after the 04.10.61 elections Formal resignation after the 07.04.65 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Formal resignation after the 18.06.69 elections Formal resignation after the 28.02.73 elections Formal resignation after the 16.06.77 elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

820.0 842.0 568.0 965.0 1211.0 1084.0 1022.0 1288.0 1351.0 1570.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition fg(21)lab(9.5)cnt(8.8)cnp(6.8) [46.1] ff(46.9)[46.9] fg(34)lab(12.9)cnt(3.4)[50.3] ff(53)[53] ff(53)[53] ff(48.6)[48.6] ff(50)[50] ff(50)[50] ff(52.1)[52.1] fg(37.5)lab(12.2)[50.7] Dates of tenure 18.02.48-12.06.51 13.06.51-01.06.54 02.06.54-19.03.57 20.03.57-17.06.59 23.06.59-10.10.61 11.10.61-20.04.65 21.04.65-08.11.66 10.11.66-01.07.69 02.07.69-13.03.73 14.03.73-04.07.77 Cabinet Costello (fg) Valera (ff) Costello II Valera II Lemass (ff) Lemass II Lemass III Lynch (ff) Lynch II Cosgrave (fg) IRELAND

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 49 Prime Minister’s voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s Formal resignation after the 11.06.81 elections Parliamentary defeat. Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support Parliamentary defeat. Resignation because of lack of parliamentary support. 1982 Early elections in November Intra-coalition crisis Formal resignation after the 15.05.89 elections voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s Parliamentary defeat. Elections in 25.11.92 Intra-coalition crisis brought about by the lab withdrawal Formal resignation after the 06.06.97 elections Formal resignation after the 17.05.02 elections Formal resignation after the 24.05.07 elections Voluntary “Rainbow coalition”. resignation for pressures alleged scandals Intra-coalition crisis 6.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 40.0 48.0 67.0 28.0 41.0 884.0 567.0 212.0 279.0 854.0 938.0 273.0 675.0 346.0 1499.0 1305.0 1777.0 1831.0 1032.0 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.071 0.000 0.326 0.625 0.954 0.000 0.121 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.666 0.666 0.000 0.500 0.000 fg(60.1)[60.1] ff(56.8)[56.8] fg(43.9)lab(10.1)[54] ff(54.7)[54.7] fg(47.3)lab(10.8)[58.1] ff(54.7)[54.7] ff(52)pd(4)[56] ff(52)pd(4)[56] ff(40.9)lab(19.8)[60.7] lab(19.8)fg(27.1)pd(6)[52.9] ff(46.4)pd(2.4)ind(3.6)[52.4] ff(48.8)pd(4.8)[53.6] ff(46.6)pd(1.2)verdi(3.6)ind td(3)[54.4] ff(46.6)pd(1.2)verdi(3.6)ind td(3)[54.4] 05.07.77-05.12.79 30.06.81-27.01.82 09.03.82-13.12.82 14.12.82-20.01.87 10.03.87-11.07.89 12.07.89-06.02.92 11.02.92-05.11.92 12.01.93-17.11.94 15.12.94-15.05.97 26.06.97-08.05.02 18.05.02-24.05.07 07.05.08-09.03.11 11.12-79-29.06.81 25.05.07-06.05.2008 Lynch III Haughey (ff) Fitzgerald (fg) Haughey II Fitzgerald II Haughey III Haughey IV Reynolds I (ff) Reynolds II (ff) Bruton (fg) Ahern I (ff) Ahern II (ff) Ahern III (ff) Cowen (ff)

50 1.000 0.504 0.806 1.000 0.534 fg(36.1)lab(19.4)[55.5] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 09.03.11- Kenny I

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 51 Causes of the cabinet termination

Constitutional government. Support resignation by the Psi breakdown brought about by Coalition’s the Pci and Psi withdrawal Formal resignation after Head of State elections Collaboration resignation by the Pli breakdown for dc internal Coalition’s crisis Formal resignation after the 07.06.53 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence. breakdown for dc internal Coalition’s crisis Lack of parliamentary confidence. breakdown for dc internal Coalition’s crisis

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 14.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 17.0 20.0 13.0 11.0 14.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

12.0 12.0 191.0 100.0 356.0 559.0 535.0 704.0 141.0 437.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.108


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition dc(37.2)pci(18.1)psi(20.7) pri(4.1)pli(7.4)[88.1] dc(37.2)pci(18.7)psi(13.9) [69.5] dc(37.2)pli(7.4)[44.6]dc.pli. psdi(7.2)pri(4.1)[55.9]bis dc(53.0)psdi(5.7)pri(1.6) pli(3.4)[63.7] dc(53)psdi(5.7)pri(1.6) [60.3{63.7pli}]dc.pri[55]bis dc(53)pri(1.6)[54.6{63.7 psdi. pli}] dc(44.6) [44.6{45.4pri.a.psdi.a.pli}] dc(44.6)[44.6{54.4 pri.pli. pnm.a.msi}] dc(44.6)[44.6{a.psdi.a.pri}] dc(44.6)psdi(3.2)pli(2.2) [50{50.8pri}] Dates of tenure 14.07.46-20.01.47 02.02.47-13.05.47 31.05.47-23.05.48 23.05.48-12.01.50 27.01.50-16.07.51 26.07.51-29.06.53 16.07.53-28.07.53 17.08.53-05.01.54 18.01.54-30.01.54 10.02.54-22.06.55 Cabinet De Gasperi II (dc) De Gasperi III De Gasperi IV-IV bis De Gasperi V De Gasperi VI-VI bis De Gasperi VII De Gasperi VIII Pella (dc) Fanfani I (dc) Scelba (dc) ITALY

52 Coalition’s breakdown brought about by Coalition’s the pri and psdi withdrawal Formal resignation after the 1958 elections breakdown for dc internal Coalition’s crisis Partnership resignation by the pli breakdown for extention Coalition’s breakdown for extention Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 28.04.63 elections breakdown for extention Coalition’s Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the Catholic school policy by dc partners Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the public Collaboration kindergarten policy. resignation by the dc Formal resignation after the 19.05.68 elections Resignation for partnership enlargement Partnership resignation by the psu; Breackup psi/psdi Resignation for partnership enlargement 7.0 13.0 12.0 20.0 30.0 19.0 36.0 29.0 26.0 33.0 19.0 23.0 31.0 48.0 670.0 395.0 209.0 374.0 116.0 555.0 449.0 137.0 205.0 548.0 833.0 148.0 205.0 186.0 0.000 0.000 0.076 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.094 0.000 0.328 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 dc(44.6)psdi(3.3)pli(2.2) [50{50.8pri. a.pnm}] dc(44.6)[44.6{56.3 msi.pnm. pmp.a.pri.a.pli}] dc(45.8)psdi(3.8) [49.6{50.6pri}] dc(45.8)[45.8{57pli.pmp.msi}] dc(45.8)[45.8{57pli.pnm. msi}] dc(45.8)[45.8{50.6psdi. pri.a.psi}] dc(45.8)psdi(3.8)pri(1)[50.6{a. psi}] dc(41.3)[41.3{a. psi.a.psdi.a.pri.a.pdium}] dc(41.3)psi(13.9)psdi(5.3) pri(1)[61.5] dc(41.3)psi(10.3)psdi(5.3) pri(1)[57.9] dc(41.3)psi(10.3)psdi(5.3) pri(1)[57.9] dc(42.3)[42.3{58.6psu.pri}] dc(42.3)psu(14.5)pri(1.4) [58.6] dc(42.3)[42.3{58.6psi.psdi. pri}] 06.07.55-06.05.57 20.05.57-19.06.58 01.07.58-26.01.59 15.02.59-24.02.60 25.03.60-19.07.60 26.07.60-02.02.62 21.02.62-16.05.63 21.06.63-05.11.63 04.12.63-26.06.64 22.07.64-21.01.66 23.02.66-05.06.68 25.06.68-19.11.68 13.12.68-05.07.69 05.08.68-07.02.70 Segni I (dc) Zoli (dc) Fanfani II Segni II (dc) Tambroni Fanfani III Fanfani IV Leone I (dc) Moro I (dc) Moro II Moro III Leone II Rumor I (dc) Rumor II

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 53 Coalition break down Partnership resignation by the pri vote defeat at Senate; Early No-confidence elections in 07.05.72 Resignation for partnership enlargement Partnership resignation by pri Partnership resignation by psdi Partnership resignation by psi Early Parliament dissolution. Elections in 20.06.76 Resignation for extention of the pci support Partnership resignation by the pci confidence vote defeat at Senate; Early No elections in 1979 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the Political Economy policy breakdown for political scandal Coalition’s break down Coalition’s 31.0 33.0 25.0 12.0 51.0 36.0 90.0 54.0 48.0 16.0 22.0 53.0 16.0 121.0 126.0 9.0 78.0 10.0 101.0 527.0 351.0 238.0 203.0 410.0 536.0 326.0 228.0 178.0 220.0 403.0 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.157 0.201 0.000 0.049 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.099 0.030 0.228 0.056 0.023 0.750 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.333 0.666 0.250 0.200 dc(42.3)psi(9.8)psdi(4.7) pri(1.4)[58.6] dc(42.3)psi(9.8)psdi(4.7) pri(1.4)[58.6] dc(42.3)[42.3{53.3psdi.pri. pli}] dc(42.4)psdi(4.7)pli(3.3) [50.7{52.9pri)] dc(42.4)psi(9.7)psdi(4.7) pri(2.2)[59] dc(42.4)psi(9.7)psdi(4.7) [56.8{59pri}] dc(42.4)pri(2.2)[44.6{59psi. psdi.a.pli}] dc(42.4)[42.4{49.3psdi. pri.a.psi.a.pli}] dc(41.8)[41.8{a. pci.a.psi.a.psdi.a.pri.a.pli}] dc(41.8)[41.8{92.8pci.psi.psdi. pri.pli}] dc(41.8)psdi(2.4)pri(2.2) [46.4] dc(41.6)psdi(3.2)pli(1.4) [46.2{a.pri}] dc(41.6)psi(9.8)pri(2.5)[53.9] dc(41.6)psi(9.8)psdi(3.2) pri(2.5)[57.1] pri(2.5)dc(41.6)psi(9.8) psdi(3.2)pli(1.4)[58.5] 27.03.70-06.07.70 06.08.70-15.01.72 17.02.72-26.02.72 26.06.72-12.06.73 07.07.73-02.03.74 14.03.74-03.10.74 23.11.74-07.01.76 12.02.76-30.04.76 29.07.76-16.01.78 11.03.78-31.01.79 20.03.79-31.03.79 04.08.79-19.03.80 04.04.80-27.09.80 18.10.80-06.05.81 28.06.81-07.08.82 Rumor III Colombo (dc) Andreotti I (dc) Andreotti II Rumor IV Rumor V Moro IV Moro V Andreotti III Andreotti IV Andreotti V Cossiga I (dc) Cossiga II Forlani (dc) Spadolini I (pri)

54 Coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over the budgetary policy by the psi Political support resignation by the psi. Early elections in 26.06.83 break down; Partnership Coalition’s resignation by the dc Defeat on no confidence vote. Elections in 14.06.87 breakdown Coalition’s breakdown. Partnership Coalition’s resignation by the psi Five ministers (dc left wing) resigned on 26.07.90 because of disagreement on a On law reforming the TV lecense policy. 27.90 cabinet Andreotti VI bis sworn in. Subsequent fall of the cabinet for conflict with the President of the Republic Formal resignation after the 05.04.92 elections Voluntary resignation after referendum in 18-19.04.93 Lack of parliamentary support. Elections in 27.03.94 Intra-coalition conflict. Ln resignation Parliamentary no confidence vote. Early elections in 1996 Parliamentary no confidence vote. Political support resignation by the prc 7.0 18.0 97.0 45.0 91.0 32.0 94.0 15.0 66.0 64.0 22.0 118.0 127.0 82.0 11.0 150.0 228.0 371.0 737.0 376.0 305.0 265.0 226.0 363.0 874.0 1304.0 0.000 0.000 0.079 0.000 0.379 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.244 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.800 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 1.000 0.000 1.000 pri(2.5)dc(41.6)psi(9.8) psdi(3.2)pli(1.4)[58.5] dc(41.6)psi(9.8)psdi(3.2) pli(1.4)[56] psi(11.6)dc(35.7)psdi(3.7) pri(4.6)pli(2.5)[58.1] dc(35.7)[35.7{41.3psi}] dc(37.1)psi(14.9)pri(3.3) psdi(2.7)pli(1.8)[59.8] dc(37.1)psi(14.9)pri(3.3) psdi(2.7)pli(1.8)[59.8] dc(37.1)psi(14.9)pri(3.3) psdi(2.7)pli(1.8)[59.8] dc(37.1)psi(14.9)psdi(2.7) pli(1.8)[56.5] psi(14.6)dc(32.7)psdi(2.5) pli(2.7)[52.5] dc(32.7)psi(14.6)psdi(2.5) pli(2.7)v(inc. in pds)pds(17) [69.5] fi(17.9)an(17.3)ccd(4.3) ln(18.6)[58.1] caretaker government [60.5] pds(26.5)ppi(12.7)altri(6.5) [45.7(5.6prc)] 23.08.82-13.11.82 01.12.82-29.04.83 04.08.83-03.03.87 17.04.87-28.04.87 28.07.87-11.03.88 23.07.89-29.03.91 13.04.91-24.04.92 28.06.92-22.04.93 29.04.93-13.01.94 11.05.94-22.12.94 13.01.95-11.01.96 18.05.96-09.10.98 13.04.88-19.04.1989 Spadolini II Fanfani V Craxi I (psi)-Craxi I bis Fanfani VI Goria (dc) De Mita (dc) Andreotti VI-VI bis Andreotti VII Amato I (psi) Ciampi (ind.) Berlusconi I (fi) Dini (ind.) Prodi I (ppi)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 55 Resignation after regional and administrative elections defeat Formal resignation after elections in 2001 Internal crisis and political reshuffle after regional and administrative elections defeat Formal resignation after the 2006 elections Resignation after Parliamentary defeat. Early elections confidence vote No Formal resignation after elections on 25.02.13 Intra-coalition conflict 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 29.0 132.0 70.0 550.0 382.0 391.0 721.0 370.0 1474.0 1279.0 - 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.050 0.145 0.364 - 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.259 pds()ppi()altri()pdci()udeur() dem()[45.7] pds()ppi()verdi()dini()sdi() pdci()udeur()dem()[45.7] fi(28.8)an(15.7)ln(4.7)ccd(6.1) [55.3] fi()an()ln()ccd()[55.3] Ulivo pds/ppi(34.9)verdi(2.4) prc(6.5)sdi(2.9)pdci(2.5) udeur(1.6)idv(2.5)[53.3] pdl(43.8)ln(9.5)mov aut(1.3) [54.6] Caretaker government pd(25.42)pdl(21.56)sc(8.3) [55.28] pd(25.42))sc(8.3)uc(1.78) ncd(n.n.)[35.5] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 22.02.14- 21.10.98-26.04.00 25.05.00-11.06.01 11.06.01-20.04.05 22.04.05-17.05.06 17.05.06-08.05.08 08.05.08-12.11.11 16.11.11-21.12.12 03.05.13-22.02.14 D'Alema (ds) Amato II (ind.) Berlusconi II (fi) Berlusconi III (fi) Prodi II (ppi) Berlusconi IV (pdl) Monti Letta Renzi

56 Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation after election on 06.06.93 He resigned after the Farmer's Union left the government in summer of 1994 Resignation after election on 01.10.95 Resigned after he had lost support from the Parliament Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Resigned after he had lost support from the Parliament. Election on 03.10.98 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Resignation after election on 05.10.02 Resigned after he had lost support from the Parliament


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

408.0 462.0 419.0 177.0 476.0 232.0 294.0 916.0 488.0 1136.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 1.000 0.015 0.716 0.000 0.000 0.381 0.393 0.112 0.505


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 1.000 0.250 0.666 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.333 0.250 0.750 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Ltf[68.2] Lc(32.4)Lzs(10.7) Lzp(1.2) [44.3] Lc(32.4) Lzs(10.7) Lzp(1.2) Tpa(0.7)[45.0] Dps(15.2)Tb(12.0)Lc(14.7) Lnnk(6.3)Lzs(1.4)Lvp(7.2) [56.8] Dps(15.2)Tb(12.0)Lc(14.7) Lnnk(6.3)Lzs(1.4)[49.6] Dps(15.2)Tb(12.0)Lc(14.7) Lnnk(6.3)Lzs(1.4)[49.6] Lc(18.1)Tb/Lnnk(14.7)Jp(7.3) Lsdp(12.9)[53.0] Lc(18.1)Tb/Lnnk(14.7) Tp(21.3)[54.1] Lc(18.1)Tb/Lnnk(14.7) Tp(21.3)Jp(7.3)[61.4] Jl(24.0)Tb/Lnnk(5.4)Lzs/ Lzp(9.5)Lpp(9.6)[48.5] Dates of tenure 07.05.90-03.08.93 03.08.93-15.09.94 15.09.94-21.12.95 21.12.95-13.02.97 13.02.97-07.08.97 07.08.97-26.11.98 26.11.98-16.07.99 16.07.99-05.05.00 05.05.00-07.11.02 07.11.02-09.03.04 Cabinet Godmanis I Birkavs Gailis Skele I (Independent) Skele II Krasts Kristopans Skele III Berzins Repse LATVIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 57 Voluntary resignation after the government fell as the Saeima voted 39–53 against the government's budget proposal for the year 2005 Resignation after election on 07.10.06 Voluntary resignation In February 2009, Godmanis resigned as Prime Minister along with the rest of his government over concerns about handling the economic crisis Resignation after election on 02.10.10 Resignation after election on 17.09.11, following the country's first parliamentary dissolution referendum held on 23.07.11 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Resignation after election on 04.10.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 268.0 705.0 408.0 448.0 596.0 356.0 825.0 283.0 n.n. 0.466 0.401 0.134 0.000 0.275 1.000 0.185 0.364 0.413 0.6133 0.333 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.500 1.000 0.250 0.400 0.387 Tp(16.7) Lzs/Lzp(9.5)Lpp(9.6) [35,8] Tp(16.7) Lzs/Lzp(9.5)Lpp(9.6) Jl(24.0)[59.8] Tp(19.7)) Lzs/Lzp(16.8)Lpp/ Lc(8.6)Tb/Lnnk(7.0)[52.1] Tp(19.7)) Lzs/Lzp(16.8)Lpp/ Lc(8.6)Tb/Lnnk(7.0)[52.1] Jl(16.5)Tp(19.7) Tb/Lnnk(7.0) Lzs/Lzp(16.8)[60.0] Jl/Ps/Scp(31.90)Lzs/ Lzp(20.11)[52.01] V(18.83)Zrp(20.82)Na(13.88) [53.53] V(18.83) Zrp(20.82)Na(13.88) Lzs/Lzp(12.22)[65.75] Lzs/ V(21.87)Na(16.61)) Lzp(19.53)LuV(n.n)Lp(n.n.) [58.01] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 05.11.14- 09.03.04-02.12.04 02.12.04-07.11.06 07.11.06-20.12.07 20.12.07-12.03.09 12.03.09-03.11.10 03.11.10-25.10.11 25.10.11-22.01.14 22.01.14-05.11.14 Emsis Kalvitis I Kalvitis II Godmanis II Dombrovskis I Dombrovskis II Dombrovskis III Straujuma I Straujuma II

58 Causes of the cabinet termination

Voluntary Prime Minister’s resignation Voluntary Prime Minister’s after the declaration of independence on 11.03.90 Resignation after Russian Army invasion Lack of parliamentary confidence. On 14.07.92 lost a vote of confidence Resignation after first election on 25.10.92 Resignation after presidential election in February 1993 Seimas vote of no confidence against him, who had retrieved his deposits from a bankrupt bank in December 1995 Resignation after election in 10.11.96 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Interim

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 30.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet 86 3.0

280.0 553.0 125.0 203.0 886.0 146.0 1065.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Lpp (100.0) Lpp (100.0) Lpp (100.0) Lpp (100.0) Ldlp (44.0)[44.0] Ldlp (44.0)[44.0] Ldlp (44.0)[44.0] Ts-Lkd (31.34)Lkdp(10.43) Lcs(8.67)[50.44] Ts-Lkd (31.34)Lkdp(10.43) Lcs(8.67)[50.44] Dates of tenure 17.03.90-10.01.91 10.01.91-13.01.91 13.01.91-21.07.92 21.07.92-26.11.92 12.12.92-10.03.93 10.03.93-08.02.96 23.02.96-19.11.96 04.12.96-02.05.99 01.06.99-27.10.99 Cabinet Prunskiene Simenas Vagnorius Abisala Lubys Slezevicius Stankevicius Vagnorius II Paksas I LITHUANIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 59 Resignation after election in 08.10.00 Coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over economic policies Resignation after election in 10.10.04 Lack of parliamentary confidence and subsequent reshuffle Resignation after election in 27.11.08 Resignation after election in 28.10.12 1.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 47.0 263.0 552.0 866.0 357.00 1256.0 1468.0 0.81 0.000 0.520 0.000 1.000 0.170 1.000 1.000 0.380 0.000 0.666 0.000 1.000 0.666 1.000 1.000 0.422 Ts-Lkd (31.34)Lkdp(10.43) Lcs(8.67)[50.44] Lls(17.25)Ns(19.64)Lcs(2.86) Mkds(4.19)[41.24] Lls(17.25)Ns(19.64)Lcs(2.86) Mkds(4.19)[41.24] Dp(28.24)(Coalition:Lsdp/Ns) (20.65)Ndp(6.6)[55.49] (Coalition:Lsdp/Ns)(20.65) Lcs(9.1)Lvls(5.5)Pdp(n.n) [35.25] Ts-Lkd(19.72)Rnp(15.09) Lrls(5.73)Lcs(5.34)[45.88] Lsdp(18.37)Dp(19.82)Tt(7.31) Llra(5.83)[51.33] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 12.12.12- 03.11.99-26.10.00 27.10.00-20.06.01 04.07.01-15.12.04 29.11.04-01.06.06 18.07.06-04.12.08 04.12.08-12.12.12 Kubilius I Paksas II Brazavskas I Brazavsakas II Kirkilas Kubilius II Butkevicius

60 Causes of the cabinet termination

He was removed from his position after an overwhelming vote of no confidence Voluntary resignation Resignation after first election on 27.02.94 Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation before election on 22.03.98 Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation Resignation after election on 25.02.01

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 42.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

361.0 399.0 692.0 377.0 320.0 14.00 21.00 237.0 1061.0 118.00

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Fpm Fpm Fpm Pdam(43.2)[43.2] Pdam(43.2)[43.2] Alliance for Democratic and Reforms(46.42)[46.42] Caretaker government Caretaker government Alliance for Democratic and Reforms(46.42)[46.42] Independent Dates of tenure 26.05.90-22.05.91 28.05.91-01.07.92 01.07.92-27.02.94 27.02.94-24.01.97 24.01.97-05.02.98 22.03.98-05.02.99 05.02.99-19.02.99 19.02.99-12.03.99 12.03.99-09.11.99 21.12.99-19.04.01 Cabinet Druc Muravschi Sangheli I Sangheli II Ciubuc I Ciubuc II Urechean Sturza I Sturza II Braghis MOLDOVA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 61 Resignation after election on 06.03.05 Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation before election on 29.07.09 Voluntary resignation Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Voluntary resignation before election on 29.11.10 Voluntary resignation Resignation after election on 30.11.14 He resigned on 12.06.15 after the Prosecutor General's Office began a criminal investigation into the falsification of his school diplomas Voluntary resignation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 47.0 35.0 45.0 11.0 64.0 94.0 39.0 295.0 831.0 630.0 1460.0 1076.0 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 Pcrm(50.1)[50.1] Pcrm(46.0)[46.0] Pcrm(46.0)[46.0] Pcrm(44.7)[44.7] Caretaker government Pldm(16.6)Pl(14.7)Pdm(12.5) Amn(7.3)[51.1] Pldm(29.42)Pl(9.96) Pdm(12.70)[52.08] Pldm(29.42)Pl(9.96) Pdm(12.70)[52.08] Pldm(20.16)Pdm(15.80) [35.96] Caretaker government Pldm(20.16)Pdm(15.80) [35.96] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 30.07.15- 19.04.01-19.04.05 19.04.05-31.03.08 31.03.08-10.06.09 29.07.09-14.09.09 14.09.09-25.09.09 25.09.09-28.11.10 14.01.11-25.04.13 30.05.13-18.02.15 18.02.15-22.06.15 22.06.15-30.07.15 Tarlev I Tarlev II Tarlev Greceanii I Greceanii II Pirlog Filat I Filat II Leanca Gaburici Gherman Strelet

62 Causes of the cabinet termination

Resignation for 03.11.96 elections Formal resignation before the elections of the Head of State Resignation for elections in 31.05.98 Formal resignation before the elections of the Head of State Resignation for 10.09.06 elections Ad interim Formal resignation for 27.03.09 elections. Resignation of the Prime Minister for judiciary reasons in 21.12.10 Formal resignation for 14.10.10


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


456.0 502.0 986.0 705.0 1718.0 1682.0 1402.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of % n.a.

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.117 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.117


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 0.125 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition dps(42.66) dps(50.0) dps(50.0) Dps(37.2)ns,sdp[48.87] sdp[47.34] Dps, sdp[48.62] Dps, Dps()sdp()[51.94] Dps()sdp()[51.94] Lpcg()Dps()sdp()[46.33] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 04.12.12 - Dates of tenure 01.06.98-08.01.03 04.11.96 - 05.02.98 15.02.91 – 03.11.96 05.02.98 – 31.05.98 08.01.03 – 10.11.06 10.11.06 – 29.02.08 29.02.08 – 21.12.10 29.12.10 – 04.12.12 Cabinet Dukanovic I Dukanovic II Vujanovic I Vujanovic II Dukanovic III Sturanovic Dukanovic IV Luksic Dukanovic V MONTENEGRO

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 63 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the 07.07.48 elections breakdown Coalition’s Elections and electoral defeat in 25.06.52 Formal resignation after the 13.06.56 elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 12.03.59 elections Formal resignation after the 15.05.63 elections breakdown Coalition’s Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation after the 15.02.67 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

31.0 49.0 68.0 89.0 11.0 67.0 69.0 43.0 38.0 48.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

80.0 87.0

736.0 898.0 469.0 791.0 584.0 551.0 1380.0 1457.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.223 0.000 0.148 0.000 0.000 0.202 0.000 0.405 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.333 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition kvp(32)pvda(29)[61] kvp(32)pvda(27)chu(9)vvd(8) [76] kvp(32)pvda(27)chu(9)vvd(8) [76] pvda(30)kvp(30)arp(12) chu(9)[81] pvda(33.3)kvp(32.7)arp(10) chu(8.7)[84.7] kvp(32.7)arp(10)chu(8.7) [51.4] kvp(32.7)arp(9.3)chu(8) vvd(12.7)[62.7] kvp(33.3)arp(8.7)chu(8.7) vvd(10.7)[61.4] kvp(33.3)pvda(28.7)arp(8.7) [70.7] kvp(33.3)arp(8.7)[42] 09.08.48-24.1.51 Dates of tenure 01.07.46-07.07.48 14.03.51-26.06.52 02.09.52-14.06.56 12.10.56-12.12.58 23.12.58-13.03.59 19.05.59-16.05.63 24.07.63-28.02.65 12.04.65-15.10.66 22.11.66-16.02.67 Cabinet Beel I (kvp) Drees I (pvda) Drees II Drees III Drees IV Beel II De Quay (kvp) Marijnem (kvp) Cals (kvp) Zijlstra (arp) NETHERLANDS

64 Formal resignation after the 28.04.71 elections breakdown. Parliamentary Coalition’s dissolution. Elections in 29.11.72 Coalition crisis brought about by the kvp and arp withdrawal. Elections in 25.05.77 Formal resignation after the 26.05.81 elections and electoral defeat Partnership resignation by the pvda Formal resignation after the 08.09.82 elections Formal resignation after the 21.05.86 elections Intra-coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over environmental policy Formal resignation after the 03.05.94 elections Formal resignation after the 06.05.98 elections n.a. Coalition crisis brought about by the lfp withdrawal. Early elections in 22.01.03 Partnership resignation by the d'66 Lack of parliamentary confidence 7.0 75.0 13.0 57.0 52.0 96.0 90.0 163.0 272.0 112.0 186.0 109.0 117.0 219.0 84.0 511.0 239.0 106.0 135.0 1477.0 1410.0 1253.0 1295.0 1025.0 1639.0 1354.0 1323.0 1128.0 0.336 0.096 0.578 1.000 0.559 0.000 0.444 0.000 0.475 0.535 0.000 0.341 0.359 0.000 0.500 0.200 0.600 1.000 0.666 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.666 0.000 0.666 0.333 0.000 kvp(28)vvd(11.3)arp(10) chu(8)[57.3] arp(8.7)kvp(23.3)chu(6.7) wd(10.7)ds70(5.3)[54.7] pvda(28.7)kvp(18)arp(9.3) ppr(4.7)d'66(4)[64.7] cda(32.7)wd(18.7)[51.4] cda(32)pvda(29.3)d'66(11.3) [72.6] cda(32)d'66(11.3)[43.3] cda(30)wd(24)[54] cda(36)wd(18)[54] cda(36)pvda(32.7)[68.7] pvda(30)vvd(25.3)d'66(9.3) [64.6] pvda(30)vvd(25.3)d'66(9.3) [64.6] cda(28.7)lpf(17.3)d'66(4.7) [50.7] cda(29.3)vvd(18.7)d'66(4)[52] cda(29.3)vvd(18.7)[48] 4.11.82-23.05.86 05.04.67-22.04.71 06.07.71-29.11.72 11.05.73-22.03.77 19.12.77-26.05.81 15.09.81-12.05.82 25.05.82-08.09.82 14.07.86-04.05.89 07.11.89-04.05.94 22.08.94-06.05.98 03.09.98-16.04.02 22.07.02-16.10.02 27.05.03-30.06.06 07.07.06-22.11.06 De Jong (kvp) Biesheuvel (kvp) Den Uyl (pvda) Van Agt I (cda) Van Agt II Van Agt III Lubbers I (cda) Lubbers II Lubbers III Kok I (pvda) Kok II (pvda) Balkenende I (cda) Balkenende II (cda) Balkenende III (cda)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 65 Intra-coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over Afghanistan military budget Formal resignation before the 12.09.12 elections 49.0 236.0 559.0 1093.0 0.64 0.480 0.482 0.280 0.429 0.666 0.666 0.500 0.337 cda(27.3)pvda(21.3)cu(4) [52.6] vvd(20.4)cda(19.6)pvv(15.5) [55.5] vvd(26.6)pvda(24.8)[51.4] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 05.11.12- 22.02.07-20.02.10 14.10.10-23.04.12 Balkenende IV (cda) M.Rutte I M. Rutte II

66 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the 10.10.49 election Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Formal resignation after the 12.10.53 election Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Formal resignation after the 07.10.57 elections Formal resignation after the 11.09.61 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence Formal resignation after the 12.09.65 elections Formal resignation after the 07.09.69 elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 6.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


764.0 692.0 459.0 963.0 712.0 747.0 1434.0 1434.0 1425.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition lab(50.7)[50.7] lab(56.6)[56.6] lab(56.6)[56.6] lab(51.3)[51.3] lab(51.3)[51.3] lab(52)[52] lab(49.3)[49.3] h(19.3)v(10.7)cpp(9.3)cp(10) [49.3] lab(49.3)sp(1.3)[50.6] h(20.6)v(12)cpp(12)cp(10.7) [55.3] Dates of tenure 05.11.45-10.10.49 10.10.49-13.11.51 19.11.51-12.10.53 12.10.53-14.01.55 21.01.55-07.10.57 07.10.57-11.09.61 11.09.61-23.08.63 27.08.63-20.09.63 24.09.63-11.10.65 12.10.65-07.09.69 Cabinet Gerhardsen I (lab) Gerhardsen II (lab) Torp II Torp Gerhardsen III Gerhardsen IV Gerhardsen V Lying (h) Gerhardsen VI Borten I (v) NORWAY

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 67 Coalition’s breakdown Coalition’s Resignation for referendum defeat on Cee enlargement Formal resignation after the 09.09.73 elections Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Formal resignation after the 11.09.77 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health reasons Formal resignation after the 13.09.81 elections Resignation for coalition enlargement Formal resignation after the 08.09.85 elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation for elections in 11.09.89. Socialists defeat Coalition crisis brought about by disagreements over the European Integration policy Formal resignation after the 12--13.09.93 elections Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle 8.0 7.0 3.0 0.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 7.0 3.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 11.0 18.0 546.0 576.0 359.0 815.0 607.0 250.0 601.0 824.0 218.0 378.0 1236.0 1314.0 1068.0 1112.0 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.316 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.666 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 h(19.3)v(13.3)cpp(8.7)cp(9.3) [50.6] lab(49.3)[49.3] cpp(8.7)cp(9.3)v(13.3)[31.3] lab(41.3)[41.3] lab(41.3)[41.3] lab(50.6)[50.6] lab(50.6)[50.6] h(36)[36] h(34.4)cpp(9.6)cp(6.3)[50.3] h(31.8)cpp(10.2)cp(7.6)[49.6] lab(42.5)[42.5] con(22.4)krf(8.5)sp(6.7)[37.6] lab(38.2)[38.2] lab(38.2)[38.2] 07.09.69-02.03.71 10.03.71-07.10.72 18.10.72-12.10.73 16.10.73-09.01.76 12.01.76-11.09.77 11.09.77-30.01.81 04.02.81-12.10.81 14.10.81-07.06.83 08.06.83-10.09.85 26.09.85-02.05.86 09.05.86-13.10.89 16.10.89-29.10.90 03.11.90-07.10.93 07.10.93-24.10.96 Borten II Bratteli I (lab) Korvald (cpp) Bratteli II (lab) Nordli II Nordli Brundtland I (lab) Willoch I (h) Willoch II Willoch III Brundtland II Syse (con) Brundtland III Brundtland IV

68 Political elections in 1997. Resignation after the electoral defeat n.a. Resignation after electoral defeat in 10.09.01 Resignation after External support by frp. the 2005 elections Left-center coalition. Resignation after the 14.09.09 elections Formal resignation after the 09.09.13 election 9.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 18.0 14.0 339.0 871.0 538.0 1458.0 1427.0 1489.0 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.509 0.957 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.521 lab(38.2)[38.2] cpp(15.2)cp(6.7)v(3.6)[25.5] lab(39.4)[39.4] cpp(23)h(13.3)v(1.2) [37.5(prog par 15.8)53.3] lab(36.1)soc di sn(8.9)cp(6.5) [51.5] lab(37.9)soc di sn(6.5)cp(6.5) [51] h(26.8)frp(16.3)[43.1] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 16.10.13- 25.10.96-29.09.97 17.10.97-03.03.00 17.03.00-10.09.01 19.10.01-17.10.05 17.10.05-14.09.09 15.09.09-16.10.13 Jagland (lab) Bondevik I (cpp) Stoltenberg I (lab) Bondevik II (cpp) Stoltenberg II (lab) Stoltenberg III (lab) Solberg

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 69 Causes of the cabinet termination

Lack of parliamentary support Intra-coalition crisis Elections voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s Elections Intra-coalition crisis Elections Intra-coalition crisis voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s after intra-coalition crisis

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 36.0 36.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

162.0 291.0 177.0 541.0 335.0 628.0 950.0 496.0 481.0 390.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition wak(10.7)pc(9.6)pl(6.1) pcd(0.9)[27.3] ud(13.5)wak(10.7)kld(8) pl(6.1)ppg(2.6)[40.9] ud(13.5)wak(10.7)kld(8) ppg(2.6)[34.8] sld(37.2)psl(28.7)[65.9] sld(37.2)psl(28.7)[65.9] sld(37.2)psl(28.7)[65.9] asw(43.7)uw(13)[56.7] asw(43.7)[43.7] sld(47)psl(9.1)[56.1] sld(47)[47] Dates of tenure 23.12.91-05.06.92 11.07.92-27.04.93 28.04.93-25.10.93 26.10.93-05.03.95 06.03.95-06.02.96 31.10.97-06.06.00 07.06.00-18.10.01 19.10.01-28.02.03 01.03.03-26.03.04 07.02-96-30.10.97 Cabinet Olszewski (pc) Suchocka I (ud) Suchocka II (ud) Pawlak (psl) Olesky (sld) Cimoszewicz (sld) Buzek I (aws) Buzek II (aws) Miller (sld) Miller (sld) POLAND

70 Elections in 25.09.05 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Early elections in 21.10.07 Formal resignation after the 10.10.11 election voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s after to take office as President of the European Council 0.0 1.0 7.0 0.0 11.0 544.0 258.0 486.0 1469.0 1102.0 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.503 0.000 0.433 0.928 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.666 0.000 0.444 sld(47)[47] ps(33.7)srp(12.2)lpr(7.4) [53.3] ps(33.7)srp(12.2)lpr(7.4) [53.3] po(45.4)psl(6.7)[52.1] po(39.18)pis(28.89)rp(10.02) [77.09] po(39.18)pis(28.89)rp(10.02) [77.09] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 22.09.14- 02.05.04-31.10.05 31.10.05-14.07.06 15.07.06-16.11.07 09.11.07-18.11.11 18.11.11-11.09.14 Belka (sld) Marcinkiewicz (ps) Kaczynski (ps) Tusk I (po) Tusk II Kopacz

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 71 Causes of the cabinet termination

Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the Political Economy Coalition crisis brought about by cds disagreements over the agricultural and health policies Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the political agenda Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the lefts political censorship Formal resignation after the 02.12.79 elections Prime Minister death. 07.12.80 Eanes’ presidential re-elections Conflict between Prime Minister and his party Early Parliament Intra-coalition crisis. dissolution and new elections Voluntary resignation after elections in 25.04.83 Partnership resignation by psd. Caretaker government with no parliamentary support. Elections in 06.10.85 with Eanes support

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45.0 68.0 54.0 35.0 55.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

99.0 503.0 186.0 198.0 149.0 336.0 214.0 441.0 171.0 746.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.282 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.625 0.044 0.000 0.000 0.573


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.500 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition psp(40.7)[40.7] psp(40.7)cds(16)[56.7] caretaker government caretaker government caretaker government psd(30)cds(18)[48] psd(32.8)cds(18.4)ppm(2.4) [53.6] psd(32.8)cds(18.4)ppm(2.4) [53.6] caretaker government psp(40.4)psd(30)[70.4] Dates of tenure 23.07.76-08.12.77 23.01.78-27.07.78 28.07.78-14.09.78 22.11.78-07.06.79 01.08.79-27.12.79 03.01.80-04.12.80 09.01.81-10.08.81 04.10.81-19.12.82 20.12.82-08.06.83 09.06.83-25.06.85 Cabinet Soares (psp) Soares II da Costa Nobre (ind) Mota Pinto (ind) Pintassilgo (ind) Sa' Carneiro (psd) Pinto Balsemao (psd) Pinto Balsemao II Pinto Balsemao III Soares III PORTUGAL

72 Voluntary resignation caretaker’s Voluntary resignation caretaker’s minority government after elections in 06.10.85 Lack of parliamentary confidence Voluntary resignation after the 06.10.91 elections Voluntary resignation after the 01.10.95 Psd defeat. Guterres formed a elections. new government Elections in 10.10.99 Resignation after local elections defeat (2002). Political elections in 17.03.02 Resignation after President UE elections in 05.07.04 commission’s Early Parliamentary dissolution. Elections in 20.02.05 Elections in 27.09.09 resignation after parliament rejected the austerity plan prepared by government at the request of the EU 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 90.0 29.0 104.0 644.0 906.0 831.0 144.0 594.0 1531.0 1433.0 1442.0 1715.0 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.177 0.298 0.596 0,263 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.341 psp(40.4)[40.4] psd (88)[35.2] psd(59.2)[59.2] psd(54)[54] psp(48.7)[48.7] psp(50)[50] psd(45.7)part pop(6.1)[51.8] psd(45.7)part pop(6.1)[51.8] psp(52.6)[52.6] psp(42.2)part pop(9.1)[51.3] psd(29.11)cds-pp(10.43) [39.54] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 15.06.11-??? 26.06.85-07.10.85 06.11.85-12.08.87 17.08.87-27.10.91 28.10.91-01.10.95 28.10.95-10.10.99 10.10.99-06.04.02 06.04.02-17.07.04 17.07.04-11.12.04 12.03.05-27.09.09 26.10.09-15.06.11 Soares IV Cavaço Silva (psd) Cavaço Silva II Cavaço Silva III Guterres I (psp) Guterres II (psp) Barroso I (psd) Santana Lopez (psd) Socrates I (psp) Socrates II (psp) Coelho

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 73 Causes of the cabinet termination

Intra-governmental crisis Intra-coalition crisis Elections death Prime Minister’s Intervention of Head of State Intervention of Head of State n.a. Elections resignation Voluntary Prime Minister’s Elections in after Presidential elections. 28.11.04 Elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet 9.0

99.0 14.0

644.0 743.0 447.0 602.0 370.0 831.0 1453.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.204 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.265 1.000 0.503


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.333 1.000 0.666 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition fdsn(34.3)[34.3] fdsn/pdsr(34.3)punr(8.8) [43.1] fdsn/pdsr(34.3)[34.3] cdr(35.6)usd(15.5)udmr(7.3) [58.4] cdr(35.6)usd(15.5)udmr(7.3) [58.4] cdr(35.6)psdr(26.5)udmr(7.3) [69.4] cdr(35.6)psdr(26.5)udmr(7.3) [69.4] cdr(35.6)usd(15.5)udmr(7.3) [58.4] psdr(44.9) psd/pur(39.8)pnl/pd(33.7) udmr(6.6) Dates of tenure 13.11.92-17.08.94 18.08.94-01.09.96 02.09.96-11.12.96 12.12.96-29.03.98 15.04.98-12.12.99 13.12.99-21.12.99 22.12.99-27.12.00 28.12.00-21.12.04 29.12.04-05.04.07 30.03.98-14-04.98 riceanu ă Cabinet Vacaroiu I (ind) Vacaroiu II (ind) Vacaroiu III (ind) Ciorbea (cdr) Dejeu (cdr) Vasile (cdr) Athanasiu (cdr) (ind) Isarescu (psdr) Nastase Popescu-T I (pnl) ROMANIA

74 Elections in 30.11.08 Resignation after the conflict between psd and pc Lack of parliamentary confidence Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation before attending to the Parliament. He resigned the day after the re-election of the president Basescu (06.12.09) Intra-coalition crisis n.a. n.a Intra-governmental crisis A crisis inside the ruling coalition, Social Liberal Union, resulted in the split of the governing alliance and collapse of the government Intra-governmental crisis and subsequent cabinet reshuffle Ponta left for Turkey to undergo knee Gabriel surgery; during his recovery, Oprea took over as interim prime minister Voluntary resignation 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 10.0 16.0 23.0 3.0 774 11.0 12.0 29.0 88.0 12.0 620.0 284.0 224.0 278.0 185.0 438.00 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.160 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.082 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 pnl/pd(33.7)udmr(6.6) pdl (34.4)psd/pc(34.1) pdl (34.4) pdl (34.4) pdl (34.4)[34.4] pdl (34.4)udmr(6.6)[41.0] Ad interim Ad interim Usl(58.0)[58.0] Usl(58.0)[58.0] Usl(58.0)unpr(5.24)[63.24] Usl(58.0)unpr(5.24)[63.24] Caratetaker government 06.04.07-21.12.08 22.12.08-01.10.09 02.10.09-13.10.09 23.10.09-04.11.09 06.11.09-07.12.09 23.12.09-06.02.12 06.02.12-09.02.12 09.02.12-07.05.12 07.05.12-21.12.12 21.12.12-05.03.14 05.03.14-13.12.14 17.12.14-22.06.15 29.07.15-10.08.15 riceanu ă Popescu-T II (pnl) Boc I (pdl) Boc II (pdl) Croitoru (ind) (pdl) Negoita Boc III (pdl) Predoiu Ungureanu Ponta I Ponta II Ponta III Ponta IV Oprea

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 75 0.000 0.226 0.580 0.000 0.282 Usl(58.0)unpr(5.24)[63.24] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 10.08.15- Ponta VI

76 Causes of the cabinet termination

Voluntary resignation after general strike of workers Formal resignation for the 20.12.92 elections Formal resignation for 19.12.93 elections Formal resignation for 21.09.97 elections resignation due to Prime Minister’s financial scandal Formal resignation for 21.12.00 elections Prime Minister Koivisto was killed n.a. n.a. Formal resignation for 28.12.03 elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n.a. n.a. n.a.

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet 4.0 1.0 n.a. n.a. n.a.


350.0 1278.0 1127.0 1139.0

composition composition in the party party the in

- -

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.449 0.000 1.000 1.000

composition in the party party the in

- - Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition Sps(46.10) Sps(46.10) Sps(40.4) Sps(49.2) Sps(34.2)srs(28.1)[62.5] Sps(34.2)srs(28.1)[62.5] Dos(64.7) Ad interim Ad interim Ad interim n.a. n.a. n.a. Dates of tenure 18.03.94 – 21.09.97 22.09.97 – 24.10.00 24.10.00 – 25.01.01 25.01.01 – 12.03.03 12.03.03 – 16.03.03 17.03.03 – 18.03.03 18.03.03 – 03.03.04 Cabinet Zelenovic Bozovic Sainovic Marjanovic I Marjanovic II Minic Dindic Covic Korac Zivkovic SERBIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 77 Formal resignation for 21.01.07 elections Early elections in 11.05.08 due to Kosovo independence Formal resignation for 06.05.12 elections Formal resignation after 10.03.14 elections 0.0 0.0 55.0 254.0 730.0 1027.0 1441.0 1.000 0.492 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.990 0.867 1.000 0.333 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.818 Dss(17.96)spo(7.7)G17 PLUS(11.61)[37.27] Dss(16.55)G17(6.82)ds(22.71) [46.08] Zes(38.42) Sns(24.0)sps(14.5)[38.5] Coalition sns/sdps/ns/spo/ ps(48.35)[48.35] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 27.04.14- 27.07.12-27.04.14 22.01.07 -13.05.08 08.07.08 - 27.07.12 03.03.04 – 21.01.07 Kostunica I Kostunica II Cvetkovic Dacic Vucic

78 Causes of the cabinet termination

Intra-government crisis Intra-government crisis resignation Voluntary Prime Minister’s Elections Elections Elections Elections in 17.06.06 Elections in 12.10.10 Election in 10.03.12

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 13.0 26.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


243.0 123.0 266.0 726.0 1416.0 1445.0 1358.0 1425.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.168 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.384 1.000 0.306


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.500 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition hzds(49.3)sns(10)[59.3] hzds(49.3) hzds(49.3)sns(10)[59.3] sdl(19.3)kdh(12)adsr(5.3) dus(4.7)nds(3.3)[44.6] hzds(40.7)zrs(8.7)sns(6)[55.4] sdk(28)sdl(15.3)smk(10) sop(8.7)[62] sdku(18.7)smk(13.3)kdh(10) ano(10)[52] smer(30)hzds(10)sns(13.3) [53.3] smer(34.8)sdku-ds(15.4) [50.2] Dates of tenure 12.01.93-18.03.93 19.03.93-16.11.93 17.11.93-15.03.94 16.03.94-12.12.94 13.12.94-29.10.98 30.10.98-15.10.02 17.07.06-12.06.10 08.07.10-04.04.12 16.10-02-04.07.06 Cabinet Meciar I (hzds) Meciar II (hzds) Meciar III (hzds) Moravcik (dus) Meciar IV (hzds) Dzurinda I (sdk) Dzurinda II (sdku) Fico I (smer) Radicova SLOVAKIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 79 0.280 0.570 0.642 0.666 0.685 Smer(44.41)kdh(8.82) ol’ano(8.55)[61.78] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 04.04.12-??? Fico II

80 Causes of the cabinet termination

Intra-government crisis Intra-government crisis Elections Lack of parliamentary confidence Elections voluntary resignation Prime Minister’s Resignation after the 09.11.04 elections Elections Early election in Intra-coalition crisis. 2011 confidence vote No


Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

441.0 679.0 374.0 172.0 788.0 683.0 377.0 1236.0 1417.0 1175.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.489 0.578 0.850 0.000 0.813 1.000 1.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.666 0.666 0.750 0.000 0.600 1.000 1.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition lds(24.4)skd(16.7)zlsd(15.6) zs(5.6)sdss(4.4)[66.7] lds(24.4)skd(16.7)zlsd(15.6) [56.7] lds(33.4)skd(16.7)[50.01] lds(27.8)sls(21.1)desus(5.6) [54.5] sls(21.1)sdss(17.8)skd(11.1) [50.0] lds(37.8)zlsd(12.2)sls(10) desus(4.4)[64.4] lds(37.8)zlsd(12.2)sls(10) desus(4.4)[64.4] sds(32.2)sls(7.8)sd(11.1) ns(10)desus(4.4)[65.5] sd(32.2)zares(10)lds(5.6) [47.8] sds(26.19)lgv(8.37) desus(6.97)sls(6.83)nsi(4.89) [53.25] Dates of tenure 12.01.93-28.03.94 29.03.94-06.02.96 07.02.96-26.02.97 27.02.97-06.06.00 07.06.00-29.11.00 20.11.00-18.12.02 19.12.02-02.11.04 03.11.04-21.09.08 21.11.08-10.02.12 10.02.12-27.02.13 Cabinet a I(sds) š Drnovsek I (lds) Drnovsek II (lds) Drnovsek III (lds) Drnovsek IV (lds) Bajuk (sls) Drnovsek V (lds) Rop (lds) Jan Pahor (sd) Jansa II SLOVENIA

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 81 Lack of parliamentary confidence Resignation after the 13.07.14 elections 0.0 0.0 459.0 110.0 0.64 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.858 0.64 1.000 1.000 1.000 ek(n.a.) š ps(31.1)sd(11.1)[42.2] Alliance of Alenka Bratu (34.49) [34.49] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 18.09.14- 27.02.13-31.05.14 31.05.14-18.09.14 ek I ek II š š Bratu Bratu Cerar

82 Causes of the cabinet termination

Voluntary resignation after the 01.03.79 elections and subsequent reshuffle Ucd internal crisis Voluntary resignation after Ucd’s elections defeat in 28.10.82 Voluntary resignation after the 22.06.86 elections and subsequent reshuffle Resignation for early elections in 29.10.89 Resignation before elections in 06.06.93 Resignation after political scandal and Early lack external support by ciu and pnv. elections in 03.03.96 Formal resignation after the 12.03.00 Won with absolute majority elections. The pp lost the 2004 Aznar withdrew. elections

(days) Crisis duration duration Crisis

1.0 9.0 9.0 1.0 29.0 35.0 43.0 10.0 62.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

640.0 663.0 609.0 968.0 1321.0 1191.0 1296.0 1408.0 1493.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition ucd(47.1)[47.1] ucd(48)[48] ucd(48)[48] psoe(57.7)[57.7] psoe(52.6)[52.6] psoe(47.4)[47.4] psoe(45.4)[45.5(ciu.pnv)] pp(44.6)ciu(4.6)pnv(1.4) [50.6] pp(52.3)ciu(4.3)pnv(2)[58.6] Dates of tenure 04.07.77-05.04.79 06.04.79-29.01.81 27.02.81-29.10.82 03.12.82-17.07.86 26.07.86-30.10.89 07.12.89-29.06.93 09.07.93-04.03.96 04.05.96-12.03.00 12.03.00-13.04.04 Cabinet Suarez II (ucd) Suarez III Calvo Sotelo (ucd) Gonzales I (psoe) Gonzales II Gonzales III Gonzales IV Aznar I (pp) Aznar II (pp) SPAIN

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 83 Red-Green government (Erc=sn rep di Catalonia; Iu-Lv=sn unita-verdi). Formal resignation after the 09.03.08 elections Minority government with erc e iu support. Early election in 2011 1.0 0.0 1376 1455.0 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.363 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.363 psoe(46.9)erc(2.3)iu-lv(1.4) [50.6] psoe(48.3)[48.3 (iu. erc)] pp(44.62)[44.62] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 20.12.11-??? 14.03.04-09.03.08 09.03.08-20.12.11 Zapatero I (psoe) Zapatero II (psoe) Rajoy

84 Causes of the cabinet termination

Prime Minister’s death Prime Minister’s Formal resignation after the 19.09.48 elections enlargement Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 21.09.52 elections Formal resignation after the 26.09.56 elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 11.06.58 elections Formal resignation after the 18.09.60 elections Formal resignation after the 20.09.64 elections Formal resignation after the 15.09.68 elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

6.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet

431.0 708.0 477.0 395.0 224.0 829.0 1106.0 1465.0 1462.0 1454.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.210 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition sap(50)[50] sap(50)[50] sap(48.7)[48.7] sap(48.7)c(13)[61.7] sap(47.8)c(11.3)[59.1] sap(45.9)c(8.3)[54.1] sap(45.9)[45.9] sap(48)[48] sap(49.1)[49.1] sap(48.4)[48.4] 31.07.45-5.10.46 30.10.57-11.6.58 Dates of tenure 11.10.46-19.09.48 19.09.48-30.09.51 01.10.51-21.09.52 21.09.52-26.09.56 26.09.56-26.10.57 11.06.58-18.09.60 18.09.60-20.09.64 20.09.64-15.09.68 Cabinet Hansson (sap) Erlander I (sap) Erlander II Erlander III Erlander IV Erlander V Erlander VI Erlander VII Erlander VIII Erlander IX SWEDEN

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 85 Resignation for age reasons Formal resignation after the 20.09.70 elections Formal resignation after the 16.09.73 elections Formal resignation after the 20.09.76 elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 16.09.79 elections breakdown Coalition’s Formal resignation after the 19.09.82 elections Formal resignation after the 15.09.85 elections killer Palme’s Formal resignation after the 18.09.88 elections Parliamentary defeat brought about by disagreements over the anti-crisis economic policy Resignation after 15.09.91 electoral defeat Formal resignation after the 18.09.94 Soc.dem. won elections. 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 17.0 18.0 15.0 26.0 18.0 19.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 18.0 376.0 342.0 727.0 331.0 569.0 485.0 165.0 925.0 500.0 567.0 1091.0 1099.0 1072.0 1080.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.682 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.106 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 1.000 sap(53.6)[53.6] sap(53.6)[53.6] sap(46.6)[46.6] sap(44.6)[44.6] c(24.6)m(15.7)fp(11.1)[51.4] fp(11.1)[11.1] m(20.8)c(18.3)fp(10.9)[50] m(20.9)fp(10.8)[31.7] sap(47.4)[47.4] sap(45.4)[45.4] sap(45.4)com(5.4)[50.8] sap(45.4)[45.4] sap(44.6)[44.6] m(22.9)fp(7.4)kds(7.4)c(8.9) [46.6] 15.09.68-26.09.69 13.10.69-20.09.70 20.09.70-16.09.73 16.09.73-20.09.76 08.10.76-05.10.78 20.10.78-16.09.79 12.10.79-04.05.81 22.05.81-19.09.82 08.10.82-15.09.85 16.09.85-28.02.86 12.03.86-03.10.88 04.10.88-15.02.90 26.02.90-16.09.91 04.10.91-19.09.94 Erlander X Palme I (sap) Palme II Palme III Faelldin I (c) Ullstein (fp) Faelldin II Faelldin III Palme IV Palme V Carlsson (sap) Carlsson II Carlsson III Bildt (m)

86 Voluntary resignation and subsequent reshuffle Elections in 20.09.98 Formal resignation after the 15.09.02 elections Minority government. Resignation after the 17.09.06 electoral defeat Centre-right Alliance for Sweden. Formal withdrawal for the 19.09.10 elections Resignation after 14.09.14 electoral defeat 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 18.0 525.0 908.0 1455.0 1481.0 1357.0 1473.0 1.000 0.000 0.310 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.243 0.729 1.000 0.000 0.666 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.276 sap(46)[46] sap(46)[46] sap(37.5)leftparty(12.3) verdi(4.6)[54.4] sap(41.2)[41.2] m(27.8)c(8.3)fp(8) christiandemocrats(2)[46.1] m(30.7)c(6.6)fp(6.9) christiandemocrats (5.4) [49.6] s(31.01)mp(6.89)[37.9] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 03.10.14- 07.10.94-15.03.96 20.09.98-15.09.02 15.09.02-06.10.06 06.10.06-19.09.10 20.09.10-03.10.14 22.03.96-20.09. 98 Carlsson IV Persson I (sap) Persson II (sap) Persson III (sap) Reinfeldt I (m) Reinfeldt II Lofven

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 87 Causes of the cabinet termination

Formal resignation after the 26.02.50 elections Formal resignation after the 25.10.51 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health Formal resignation after the 26.05.55 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for health. Crisis of Suez Formal resignation after the 08.10.59 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for scandal health. Profumo’s Formal resignation after the 15.10.64 elections Formal resignation after the 31.03.66 elections Formal resignation after the 18.06.70 elections


Crisis duration duration Crisis

0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(days) Cabinet duration duration Cabinet


610.0 594.0 998.0 363.0 531.0 1672.0 1258.0 1470.0 1540.0

composition composition

in the party party the in

% of change change of %

0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000


in the party party the in Ratio of change change of Ratio 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 of the cabinet Party composition Party composition lab(61.4)[61.4] Lab(50.4)[50.4] con(51.4)[51.4] con(51.4)[51.4] con(54.8)[54.8] con(54.8)[54.8] con(57.9)[57.9] con(57.9)[57.9] lab(50.3)[50.3] lab(57.8)[57.8] Dates of tenure 26.07.45-23.02.50 23.02.50-26.10.51 26.10.51-05.04.55 06.04.55-26.05.55 26.05.55-09.01.57 13.01.57-08.10.59 08.10.59-18.10.63 18.10.63-16.10.64 16.10.64-31.03.66 31.03.66-19.06.70 Cabinet Attlee (lab) Attlee II Churchill (con) Eden (con) Eden II Macmillan (con) Macmillan II Home (con) Wilson (lab) Wilson II UNITED KINGDOM

88 Formal resignation after the 28.02.74 elections Formal resignation after the 10.10.74 elections Resignation of the Prime Minister for age reasons Formal resignation after the 03.05.79 elections Formal resignation after the 09.06.83 elections Formal resignation after the 11.05.87 elections support resignation brought about Con’s by disagreements over the fiscal and European policies Formal resignation after the 09.04.92 elections Formal resignation after the 01.05.97 elections Formal resignation after the 07.06.01 elections Formal resignation after the 05.05.05 elections Resignation Formal resignation after the 06.05.10 Electoral defeat elections. Formal resignation after the 07.05.15 elections 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 219.0 542.0 498.0 680.0 1353.0 1123.0 1497.0 1464.0 1257.0 1846.0 1790.0 1428.0 1049.0 1821.0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 con(52.4)[52.4] lab(47.4)[47.4] lab(50.2)[50.2] lab(50.2)[50.2] con(53.3)[53.3] con(60.7)[60.7] con(57.6)[57.6] con(57.6)[57.6] con (51.6)[51.6] lab(63.6)[63.6] lab(62.5)[62.5] lab(55.2)[55.2] lab(55.2)[55.2] con (47)libdem(8.8)[55.8] 19.06.70-04.03.74 05.03.74-10.10.74 10.10.74-05.04.76 05.04.76-03.05.79 05.05.79-11.06.83 11.06.83-13.06.87 13.06.87-22.11.90 28.11.90-09.04.92 11.04.92-02.05.97 03.05.97-08.06.01 08.06.01-06.05.05 06.05.05-26.06.07 27.06.07-11.05.10 12.05.10-08.05.15 Heath (con) Wilson III Wilson IV Callaghan (lab) Thatcher I (con) Thatcher II Thatcher III Major I (con) Major II Blair I (lab) Blair II (lab) Blair III (lab) Brown (lab) Cameron I (con)

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 89 0.000 0.291 0.997 0.000 0.291 con (36.8)libdem(7.9)[44.7] Average on turnover GOV Turnover Index 08.05.15- Cameron II (con)

90 Appendix TABLE 1 Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016)

Governments Turnovers

Countries Tot. N. Caretaker Complete=1 Semi≥1\2 Partial<1\2 Tot.

ITALY 61 2 6 13 5 24 FINLAND 46 3 1 9 16 26 BELGIUM 41 0 2 12 4 18 DENMARK 38 0 12 1 2 15 FRANCE V REP. 39 0 9 5 3 17 NORWAY 31 0 15 1 0 16 SWEDEN 30 0 6 4 0 10 AUSTRIA 27 0 1 4 0 5 NETHERLANDS 27 0 1 11 5 17 IRELAND 25 0 10 5 0 15 UNITED KINGDOM 25 0 7 0 0 7 ROMANIA 24 1 4 4 1 9 GREECE 23 2 6 1 1 8 FRANCE IV REP. 22 0 0 0 12 12 GERMANY 22 0 1 7 1 9 PORTUGAL 21 4 5 3 1 9 MOLDOVA 21 4 5 0 0 5 LATVIA 19 0 2 4 9 15 POLAND 16 0 6 1 0 7 LITHUANIA 16 0 5 2 0 7 ESTONIA 15 0 1 4 4 9 CZECH REP. 13 2 4 2 0 6 BULGARIA 13 5 6 0 1 7 SLOVENIA 13 0 4 4 0 8 SPAIN 12 0 3 0 0 3 SLOVAKIA 10 0 4 4 0 8 HUNGARY 10 0 4 0 0 4 SERBIA 15 0 5 1 1 7 ALBANIA 13 1 4 1 0 5 CROATIA 11 3 3 0 0 3 MONTENEGRO 9 0 0 1 1 2 Totals 708 27 142 138 67 347

92 TABLE 2 Government Turnovers in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016). Ideological Swings

Governemnt Turnovers

Complete towards Semi- and Partial towards

Big otal . . st T eft eft ot ot

Countries 1 in series i g ht i g ht coalitions entre entre L L T T

turnovers R R C C (≥70%) ALBANIA Centre-left 5 3 0 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 AUSTRIA Big coalition 5 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 12 BELGIUM Big coalition 18 1 0 1 2 5 11 0 16 6 BULGARIA Right 7 1 1 4 6 0 1 0 1 1 CROATIA Centre-right 3 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 CZECH REP. Centre-right 6 3 1 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 DENMARK Right 15 7 0 5 12 1 0 2 3 0 ESTONIA Left 9 0 0 1 1 2 4 2 8 FINLAND Big coalition 25 0 1 0 1 14 10 0 24 6 FRANCE IV R. Big coalition 12 0 0 0 0 4 6 2 12 0 FRANCE V R. Big coalition 17 4 0 5 9 2 5 1 8 0 UNITED KINGDOM Left 7 3 0 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 GERMANY Centre-right 9 1 0 0 1 1 6 1 8 3 GREECE Right 9 4 0 2 6 1 0 2 3 2 HUNGARY Centre-right 4 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 IRELAND Centre-left 15 5 0 5 10 2 2 1 5 0 ITALY Centre 23 2 0 3 5 14 4 0 18 1 LATVIA Centre-right 19 0 0 2 2 3 3 11 17 0 LITHUANIA Left 7 3 2 0 5 1 0 1 2 0 MOLDOVA Centre-left 5 4 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 MONTENEGRO Centre-left 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 NETHERLANDS Centre-left 17 0 1 0 1 4 9 3 16 4 NORWAY Left 16 7 0 8 15 0 1 0 1 0 POLAND Centre-right 7 2 2 2 6 0 1 0 1 0 PORTUGAL Right 9 2 1 2 5 2 2 0 4 1 ROMANIA Left 9 1 2 0 3 2 4 0 6 0 SERBIA Centre-left 7 2 1 2 5 1 0 1 2 0 SLOVAKIA Right 8 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 4 0 SLOVENIA Centre-left 8 2 2 0 4 0 3 1 4 0 SPAIN Right 3 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 SWEDEN Left 10 3 1 2 6 1 2 1 4 0 Totals 316 68 19 53 140 68 77 31 176 36

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 93 TABLE 3 Government Turnover Index (GTI) in 31 European Contemporary Democracies (1945-2016)


Countries (1) (2) (3) Parties Aver. % Turn. % SLOVAKIA 0,69 0,57 0,64 BULGARIA 0,52 0,41 0,70 IRELAND 0,53 0,50 0,81 NORWAY 0,52 0,51 0,96 HUNGARY 0,45 0,45 1,00 POLAND 0,44 0,43 0,93 SLOVENIA 0,64 0,64 0,86 CZECH REP. 0,44 0,37 0,75 FRANCE V REP. 0,34 0,26 0,54 ROMANIA 0,28 0,23 0,58 DENMARK 0,36 0,37 0,83 GREECE 0,39 0,34 0,84 NETHERLANDS 0,34 0,28 0,43 PORTUGAL 0,31 0,30 0,60 UNITED KINGDOM 0,30 0,30 1,00 SPAIN 0,36 0,36 1,00 ITALY 0,24 0,13 0,35 BELGIUM 0,25 0,21 0,47 SWEDEN 0,26 0,22 0,70 FINLAND 0,23 0,20 0,36 GERMANY 0,21 0,18 0,45 FRANCE IV REP. 0,17 0,17 0,30 AUSTRIA 0,12 0,10 0,52 ALBANIA 0,35 0,36 0,99 CROATIA 0,30 0,30 0,10 SERBIA 0,80 0,99 0,59 MONTENEGRO 0,12 0,00 0,00 ESTONIA 0,33 0,33 0,51 LATVIA 0,39 0,36 0,41 LITHUANIA 0,41 0,38 0,81 MOLDOVA 0,25 0,25 1,00 Averages 0,37 0,33 0,65


ALBANIA KZB Coalition for Bulgaria NDSV National Movement for Stability and AP Peoples Alliance Progress ASHE Alliance for a European Albania ODS United Democratic Force DAP Democratic Alliance Party SDS Union of Democratic Forces DP Democratic Party of Albania RP Republican Party of Albania SDP Socialist Democratic Party of Albania SP Socialist Party CROATIA UHRP United for Human Rights Party HDZ Croatian Democratic Union KUKURIKU (Fictitious name of a party coalition) SDP Social Democratic Party of Croatia AUSTRIA

FPO Freedom Party of Austria KPO Communist Party of Austria CZECH REPUBLIC OVP Peoples Party SPO S ocialist Party ANO-2011 Action of Dissatisfied Citizens CSL Czechoslovak People’s Party CSSD Czech Social Democratic Party KDU Christian and Democratic Union BELGIUM ODS Civic Democratic Party TOP09 Tradition Responsibility Prosperity BPS/PSB Socialist Party US-DEU Freedom Union–Democratic Union CD&V Christian Democratic and Flemish CDH Humanist Democratic Centre CPB/PCB Communist Party of Belgium CVP/PSC Christian Social Party DENMARK FDF Federalistes Democrates Francophones MR Mouvment Reformateur CD Democrats Centre N-VA New Flemish Alliance DKF Conservative People’s Party PRLW Parti des réformes et de la liberté de JP Justice Party Wallonie KF Communist Party PVV/PRL Liberal Reformist Party RW Walloon Rally RV Radical SP.a Socialist Party-Differently SD Social Democratic Party VLD Open Flemish and Democrats SPF Social Democratic Party VU Flemish regional Party “Volksunie” SPS Left Socialist Party V Liberal Party VENSTRE Denmark’s Liberal Party


BSP Bulgarian socialist Party ESTONIA GERB Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria ER

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 95 ERSP Estonian Radical Socialist Party DP German Party KER FDP Free Democratic Party I Pro Patria Union SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany IRL Union of Pro Patria and Res Publica VERDI Green party RE Estonian Reform Party RM People’s Party Moderates SDE Social Democratic Party GREECE

ANEL Independent Greeks FINLAND PASOK Panhellenic Socialist Movement KKE Communist Party of Greece KESK Centre Party of Finland ND New Democracy KOK National Coalition Party SYRIZA Coalition of the Radical Left KP Radical People’s Party LKP Liberal people’s Party SDP Social Democratic Party of Finland SFP Svedish People’s Party HUNGARY SKDL Finnish People’s Democratic League SMP Finnish Rural Party FIDESZ Hungarian Civic Union STP Socialist Worker Party FKGP Independent Farmers’ Party VERDI Green party KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party SZDSZ Alliance of FRANCE

GAULL Gaullists CDP Center, Democracy and Progress IRELAND CDS Central of Social Democrats EELV Europe Ecology-The Greens CNP Cornish Nationalist Party MRG of the Left CNT Family of the Land MRP Radical Movement Party FF Fianna Fail-The Republican Party NC New Centre FG Fine Gael PCF Communist Party of French LAB PF Federalist Party PD Progressive Democrats PSF Socialist Party VERDI Green Party RAD Radical Party RPR Rally for the Republic RSP Revolutionary Socialist Party ITALY UDF Union for French Democracy UDR Union des démocrates pour la AN National Alliance République CCD Christian Democratic Centre VERDI Green party DC Christian Democracy FI Forza Italia IDV Italy of Values (Italia dei Valori) GERMANY LN North League MSI Italian Social Movement CDU/CSU Christian Democratic Union/Christian NCD New Centre-Right Social Union PCI Communist Party of Italty

96 PDCI Party of Italian Communists LRLS Liberals’ Movement of the Republic of PDIUM Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Lithuania Unity LSDP Social Democratic Party of Lithuania PDS Democratic Party of the Left LVLS Lithuanian Popular Peasants’ Union PLI Liberal Party MKDS Union of Modern Christian Democrats of PMP People’s Monarchist Party Lithuania PNM Monarchist National Party NDP New Democratic Party PRC Communist Refoundation Party NS New Union PRI Italian Republican Party RNP Rising Nation Party PSDI Italian Democratic Socialist Party TS Homeland Union PSI Socialist Party of Italy TT Order and Justice PSU United Socialist Party UDC Union of the Centre UDEUR Union Democrats for Europe ULIVO Ulivo MOLDOVA VERDI Green party ALLIANCE FOR DEMOCRATIC AND REFORMS AMN FPM Popular Front of Moldova LATVIA PCRM Communist Party of Moldova PDAM Agrarian Party of Moldova DPS Democratic Party of Socialists PDM Democratic Party of Moldova JL New Era Party PL Liberal Party JP New Party PLDM Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova LC Latvia’s Way LNNK Latvian National Independence Movement MONTENEGRO LPP Liberal People’s Party LSDLP Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party DPS Democratic Party of Socialists of LTF Popular Front of Latvia Montenegro LVP Latvian Unity Party LPCG Liberal Party of Montenegro LSP Socialist Party of Latvia NS People’s Party LZS Latvian Farmers’ Union SDP Social Democratic Party NA National Alliance PS Civic Union TB For Fatherland and Freedom TP People’s Party NETHERLANDS V Unity ZRP Zatlers’ ReformParty ARP Anti Revolutionary Party CDA Christian Democratic Appeal CHU Christian Historical Union CU Christian Union LITHUANIA D’66 Democrats 66 DS70 Democratic Socialists ’70 DP Labour Party KVP Chatolic People’s Party LCS Liberal and Centre Union LPF Pim Fortuyn List LDLP Democratic Labour Party PPR Political Party of Radicals LKDP Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party PVDA Social Democratic Labour Party LLRA Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania VVD Liberal people’s Party for Freedom and LLS Lithuanian Liberty Union Democracy LPP Agrarians Lithuanian Peasants’ Party

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 97 NORWAY UNPR National Union for the Progress of Romania CP Centre Party USD Social Democratic Union CPP People Christian Party USL Social Liberal Union FRP Progress Party H Conservative Party KRF Christian Democratic LAB Labour Party SERBIA SP People Socialist Party V Liberal Party “Venstre” DOS Democratic Opposition of Serbia DS Democratic Party DSS Democratic Party of Serbia G17 (Fictitious name of a party coalition) POLAND NS New Serbia SDPS Social Democratic Party of Serbia ASW Solidarity Electoral Action SNS Serbian Progressive Party KLD Liberal democratic Congress SPO Serbian Renewal Movement LPR League of Polish Families SPS Socialist Party of Serbia PC Centre Agreement SRS Serbian Radical Party PCD Christian Democratic Party PIS Law and Justice PO Civic Platform PSL Polish People’s Party SLOVAKIA RP Palikot’s Movement SLD Democratic Left Alliance ADSR Alliance of Democrats of the Slovak SRP Social Democracy of the Republic of Republic Poland HZDS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia UD Democratic Union KDH Christian Democratic Movement UW Freedom Union Ol’ANO Ordinary People and Independent WAK Catholic Election Action Personalities SDK Slovak Democratic Coalition SDKU Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party PORTUGAL SDL Party of the Democratic Left SMER Direction – Social Democracy CDS Democratic and Social Centre SMK Party of the Hungarian Coalition PP People’s Party SNS Slovak National Party PPM People’s Monarchist Party SOP Party of Civic Understanding PSD Social Democratic Party ZRS Union of the Workers of Slovakia PSP Socialist Party

SLOVENIA ROMANIA DESUS Democratic Party of Pensioners of CDR Romanian Democratic Convention Slovenia FDSN Democratic National Salvation Front LDS PDL Democratic Liberal Party LGV Gregor Virant’s Civic List PNL-PD National Liberal Party PUNR Romanian National Unity Party NS Party of the Slovenian Nation UDMR Democratic Union of Hungarians in NSI New Slovenia – Christian People’s Party Romania

98 SDSS Slovenian Democratic Party SWEDEN SKD Christian Democrats SLS Slovenian People’s Party C Centre Party ZARES Social Liberals FP Liberal People’s Party ZLSD Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia KDS Christian Democrats ZS Greens of Slovenia M Conservative Party MP Green Party S Swedish Social Democratic Workers’ Party SPAIN

CIU Convergence and Union ERC Republican Left of Catalonia UNITED KINGDOM IU-LV United Left PNV Basque National Party CON Conservative Party PP People’s Party LAB Labour Party PSOE Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party LIBDEM Liberal Democratic Party UCD Union of the Democratic Centre

Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 99

About the Authors

Giuseppe Ieraci is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Trieste University – Italy, and teaches courses in Political Science, Democracy and Public Policy. His research interests are in the fields of democratic theory, party systems and political institutions, and policy analysis. His recent publications include: ‘Governments, Policy Space and Party Positions in the Italian Parliament (1996-2001)’, South European Society & Politics, 12 (2006), Governments and Parties in Italy. Parliamentary Debates, Investiture Votes and Policy Positions (1994-2006), Leicester, Troubador Pub. Ltd (2008), L’analisi delle politiche pubbliche, Rome, Aracne (2009), ‘Measures of Freedom, Democracy and the Free- dom in the World Index’, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, XVII (2010), ‘Government Alternation and Patterns of Competition in Europe: Comparative Data in Search of Explanations’, West European Politics, 35 (2012), 3.

Francesco Poropat is research fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Trieste University, Italy, and he is currently working on a research project on the new processes of democratization. He published The Balkan Demo- cratic Puzzle. Party System and Political Alignment in Serbia and Montenegro, Edizioni epoké, Novi Ligure (AL) – Italy, 2012.

Address: Dip. di Scienze Pol. e Soc. (DiSPeS), Università di Trieste, Piazzale Euro- pa 1, 34127, Trieste, Italy, e-mail: [email protected]

Le versioni elettroniche a testo completo sono disponibili nell’Archivio istituzionale di Ateneo dell’Università di Trieste “OpenstarTS” agli indirizzi (DiSPeS Working Papers) (Poliarchie)

DiSPeS Working papers

1, 2012 Federico BATTERA Gli autoritarismi e le prospettive della democrazia in Africa settentrionale e nel Medio Oriente

2, 2012 Gabriele BLASUTIG La condizione occupazionale dei laureati e le nuove sfide per le politiche del lavoro

3, 2013 Giuseppe IERACI Fallen Idols. State Failure and the Weakness of Authoritarianism

4, 2013 Giuseppe IERACI and Francesco POROPAT Governments in Europe (1945-2013). A Data Set


1/2014 Federico BATTERA Ruling Coalitions and Chances of Democratization in Arab Countries

2/2014 Luigi PELLIZZONI Territorio e movimenti sociali. Continuità, innovazione o integrazione?

3/2014 Pier Giorgio GABASSI Valutazione e giustizia organizzativa

1/2015 Chiara BECCALLI Una pratica di memoria della Prima Guerra Mondiale e identità comune europea: immagini e riflessioni dei visitatori museali

2/2015 Daniele ANDREOZZI, Loredana PANARITI Politiche del lavoro / amministrare per il lavoro. Ipotesi, prospettive e scenari per il Friuli Venezia Giulia

3/2015 Pier Giorgio GABASSI New leadership e carisma

4/2015 Giorgio OSTI Socio-spatial relations: an attempt to move space near society

5/2015 Serena BALDIN The Fuzzy Logic and the Fuzzy Approach: A Comparative Law Perspective

1/2016 Giuseppe IERACI and Francesco POROPAT Governments in Europe (1945-2016). A Data Set pubblicazione dimonografiebrevisingoliautori. per pubblicazionecontributididiversiautorieraccoltearticoli, sistema divalutazioneanonimoeprevededuenumeriall’anno.Anchesesarannoconsiderati politici inretiedellecomunitànuovestrutturesistemidi rinascita deinazionalismieregionalismiinEuropanelmondo,all’integrazioneprocessi deliberativi didemocrazia,allo“scontrociviltà”potenzialeealconflittosocio-religioso,alla sfide ambientali,allecrisidella“democraziaelettorale”inEuropaeallosviluppodeimodelli alla trasformazionedellesocietàcontemporaneesottolapressionedell’immigrazionee ai processid’integrazionesopranazionaledelmondoattuale,allademocratizzazionenelmondo, vista econl’aiutodiunavarietàstrumentimetodologici. L’analisi delcambiamentopoliticoesocialepuòessereinfattiindagatosottodiversipuntidi umane, chevannodallasociologiaallascienzapolitica,storia,aldirittoefilosofia. Poliarchie èunarivistachemiraafavorirel’incontrodelledisciplinescienzesocialie considered, Polyarchiesprivilegesthepublicationofsingleauthorshortmonographs. are expected.Althoughcontributionsfrommultipleauthorsandcollectionsofpaperswillbe governance systems.Thejournalhasananonymousrefereesystemandtwoissuesperyear integration ofpolicyprocessesintonetworksandcommunitiesnewframeworks conflict; theresurgenceofnationalismsandmicro-regionalisminEuropeworld; of adeliberativemodeldemocracy;thepotential“clashcivilizations”andsocio-religious environmental challenges;thecrisesof“electoraldemocracy”inEuropeanddevelopment world; thetransformationofcontemporarysocietiesunderpressureimmigrationand contemporary issues:processesofsupranationalintegrationanddemocratizationinthe and withthehelpofavarietymethodologicaltools. analysis ofpoliticalandsocialchangecanindeedbeinvestigatedfromdifferentperspectives and humanities,rangingfromsociologypoliticalsciencetohistory, lawandphilosophy. The Polyarchies isacollectionofpapersaimedatpromotingtheencountersocialsciences Polyarchies embracesarangeof Poliarchie volgelasuaattenzione governance. Larivistahaun Poliarchie privilegiala 1/2016 Poliarchie/Polyarchies Studi e ricerche del DiSPeS / DiSPeS Studies and Researches Europe (1945-2016). Europe (1945-2016). Governments in Governments in Francesco Poropat Giuseppe Ieraci A DataSet