1/2016 Polyarchies is a collection of papers aimed at promoting the encounter of the social sciences and humanities, ranging from sociology and political science to history, law and philosophy. The analysis of political and social change can indeed be investigated from different perspectives and with the help of a variety of methodological tools. Polyarchies embraces a range of contemporary issues: processes of supranational integration and democratization in the world; the transformation of contemporary societies under the pressure of immigration and environmental challenges; the crises of “electoral democracy” in Europe and the development of a deliberative model of democracy; the potential “clash of civilizations” and socio-religious conflict; the resurgence of nationalisms and micro-regionalism in Europe and in the world; the integration of policy processes into networks and of communities into new frameworks and governance systems. The journal has an anonymous referee system and two issues per year are expected. Although contributions from multiple authors and collections of papers will be considered, Polyarchies privileges the publication of single author short monographs. Poliarchie è una rivista che mira a favorire l’incontro delle discipline delle scienze sociali e umane, che vanno dalla sociologia alla scienza politica, alla storia, al diritto e alla filosofia. L’analisi del cambiamento politico e sociale può essere infatti indagato sotto diversi punti di vista e con l’aiuto di una varietà di strumenti metodologici. Poliarchie volge la sua attenzione Governments in ai processi d’integrazione sopranazionale del mondo attuale, alla democratizzazione nel mondo, alla trasformazione delle società contemporanee sotto la pressione dell’immigrazione e delle sfide ambientali, alle crisi della “democrazia elettorale” in Europa e allo sviluppo dei modelli Europe (1945-2016). deliberativi di democrazia, allo “scontro di civiltà” potenziale e al conflitto socio-religioso, alla rinascita dei nazionalismi e dei regionalismi in Europa e nel mondo, all’integrazione dei processi politici in reti e delle comunità in nuove strutture e sistemi di governance. La rivista ha un A Data Set sistema di valutazione anonimo e prevede due numeri all’anno. Anche se saranno considerati DiSPeS Studies and Researches per pubblicazione contributi di diversi autori e raccolte di articoli, Poliarchie privilegia la pubblicazione di monografie brevi di singoli autori. Giuseppe Ieraci Francesco Poropat Polyarchies Poliarchie/ Studi e ricerche del DiSPeS / Poliarchie/Polyarchies. 1/2016 Studi e ricerche del DiSPeS/DiSPeS Studies and Researches. Attributing Creative Commons materials DIREZIONE EDITORIALE / EDITOR Giuseppe Ieraci REDAZIONE / EDITORIAL BOARD Diego Abenante,For Daniele Andreozzi, example Serena Baldin, Gabriele Blasutig, Giovanni Delli Zotti, Daniela Frigo, Igor Jelen, Elizabeth Swain To comply with these guidelines, you COMITATO SCIENTIFICO / SCIENTIFICshould BOARD include the following attribution Matthijs Bogaards (Jacobs University Bremen) Bernardo Cardinale (Universitàfor diCharlieHipHop Teramo) in the credits of Pietro Grilli di Cortona (Universitàyour film.Roma 3) Luca Lanzalaco (Università di Macerata) Liborio Mattina (Università di Trieste) Leonardo Morlino (Luiss Guido Carli Roma) Lucio Pegoraro (Università di Bologna) Guido Samarani (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) Michelguglielmo Torri (Università di Torino) Luca Verzichelli (Università di Siena) Gli articoli presentati in questa serie sono sottoposti a due referees esterni al Comitato scientifico impaginazione The rap used in thisGabriella film was Clabot based on Lets get moving by CharlieHipHop available at http://charliehiphop.com http://creativecommons.org.au/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0 ISBN 978-88-8303-731-3 (online) EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste Via Weiss, 21 – 34128 Trieste Of course, if you’re using content availablehttp://eut.units.it under a licence that includes the Share https://www.facebook.com/EUTEdizioniUniversitaTrieste Alike element you must release your new work under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike licence too. For more information on complying with the full terms of the CC Licences, see our fact sheet at http://creativecommons.org.au/materials/licences. Attributing in different mediums Where possible, the same information should be included regardless of how you are reusing the work. However, sometimes this is impractical or impossible. The CC licences let you change the exact placement, the language or level of detail from medium to medium, as long as your attribution is ‘reasonable to the medium’. For example, when you are using CC material in a book, it is easy to provide a long, written attribution with all the information next to the work. However, where you use a CC song in a podcast, it is trickier to provide the same amount of information so immediately. POOLI NG IEDAS POOL.ORG.AU/POOLINGIDEAS Governments in Europe (1945-2016). A Data Set Giuseppe Ieraci Francesco Poropat Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste EUT EDIZIONI UNIVERSITÀ DI TRIESTE Governments in Europe (1945-2016). A Data Set Abstract The paper presents a data set based on 708 governments in 31 European contemporary democracies from the end of World War II to the present time. The data are organized in synthetic country data sheets, each of one offering basic information on the composition of the governments, their duration and the cause for their termination. Moreover, each data sheet includes the calculation of a Government Turnover Index (GTI). Keywords Governments, Europe, Government Turnover I governi in Europa (1945-2016). Una banca dati Sintesi Il paper presenta un data set su 708 governi in 31 democrazie europee contemporanee, dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale ai giorni nostri. I dati sono organizzati in schede paese sintetiche, ciascuna del- le quali offre informazioni di base sulla composizione dei governi, la loro durata e la causa della loro terminazione. Inoltre, ciascuna scheda paese include il calcolo di un Indice di Alternanza Governativa (GTI). Parole chiave Governi, Europa, Alternanza Governativa 4 1. Introduction The data collection here presented was started in the late ’80s and it was employed by Ieraci (1996a; 1996b). Subsequent updating has been part of various research projects fulfilled through the years at theDipartimento di Science Politiche e Sociali in connection with CASIP (Centro Interdipartimentale di Analisi dei Simboli e delle Istituzioni Politiche), University of Trieste. The original data set was firstly updated and employed by Ieraci (2012). Since then further updating has been done regularly by Francesco Poropat. The present edition of the data set is an expantion and updating of Ieraci and Poropat (2013). With regard to 2013 edition, in this data set the goverments of Moldova, Latvia, Lithania and Estonia were added, summing to 708 recorded governments in 31 European countries since 1945 to 2016. The data are based on a variety of cross-checked sources ranging from Keesing’s Contemporary Archives Record of World events to the websites of central governments and parliaments, available through Inter-parliamentary Union (www.ipu/org) and Worldwide Government on the WWW (www.gksoft. com), and other secondary sources. The information provided in each country report is synthesized in a table or data sheet, and organized as follows: Column 1: Name of the Prime Minster and party affiliation; Column 2: Term in office; Column 3: Party composition of the government; Column 4: GTI related value; Column 5: GTI related value as percentage of the party composition of the government; Column 6: Duration in days; Column 7: Duration of the inter-government crises in days; Column 8: Reason for the termination of the government. In column 1, after the name of the Prime Minister, the roman figures count the sequence of governments lead by him\her, followed in parenthesis by the acronym of his\her party. For example, ‘Beel I (kvp)’ should be read as: ‘This is the first government led by Mr Beel of Kvp’. In column 3, after the acronym of each party in the coalition government, the figures in parenthesis provide the percentage of the parliamentary seats (lower house) held by each party. The figures in square brackets are the total percentage of MPs (lower house) supporting the government. The figures in brace refer to those parties that are offering parliamentary support to the incumbent government without holding Poliarchie/Polyarchies – 1/2016 5 any portfolio. Similarly, the final figures in brace offer the total percentage of MPs (lower house) supporting the government including the percentage of the supporting parties with no portfolio in the government.1 2. Methodological note Columns 4 and 5 in each country data sheet report the series of the Government Turnover Index (GTI) calculated respectively on the party composition of the coalition governments and on the percentage of the same party composition: n GTI1, 2 = (∑ p/P)/G-1 G=2 Given a temporal series of governments G1,..n, for each G in the series, p and P are respectively the number of new parties in government and the total number of parties in government (GTI1), while they are respectively the percentage of parliamentary seats controlled by the new parties in government and the total percentage of parliamentary seats controlled by the government (GTI2). Finally, G is the total number of governments in each temporal series. Hence
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