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117th Year of Publication 2 Sections, 18 ' ' Page 's-, 15 Cents S. Viets Nixon on Vietnam— abandon Ground forces are out By FRANK CORMIER Later Nixon sai dthe Saigon forces could resist success- FLORESVILLE Tex7 (AP)— President Nixon fully, provided the continues to supply air and , says no ' ' Quang Tri U.S. ground forces will be recommitted to the stepped-up naval, support. ; . war in South Vietnam but declares Hanoi runs " The President and Mrs. Nixon were overnight guests at ) a very great SAIGON

' ¦¦ Counly, Minnesota, running thence of a similar Oat*: April J,Vim. ' . ' ' ' nona Winona County and the tiling ce^ . East 18 rods, thence North to Burns Val- County Audllor , , resolution by Wabasha County with tha ¦ Time: 9:30 o'clock A.M. ley Creek, thence West along the bank On motion, the following ordina nce Wabasha County Auditor. Place: Courl House, Winona, Minne- spa of aald Creek to where the welt line amendment be adopted. thli 4th Dated at Winona, MlnnetMi sota. ,. ' . . -; . : of the above described quarter section ¦ " ;; ¦ , ORDINANCE AMINDMINT day of April. -IW. ' - . Apdllo^l6 - Members Present: Charles E. - Wil- Una crosses said creek; thenc* IM /MI fo liams, James Papenfuss, Len J. Merch- the place of beginning. WHEREAS, Tha Winona County Board Leo Borkowski S. Sgt. Musser completed a Chiirman of tha Board RUSHFORD, Minn. - Air- lewitz, Paul Baer. - and 37, subdivision of SH of Commissioners, . Winona, Minnesota Also, lots . •f County^Commissioners tour of duty at Cam Ranh Bay, Section 35 and St of NE'A of Secllon have on the 17th day of August, 1970 man 1 C. Craig L. Woxland, son Presiding: Leo R. Borkowski , Chair- of . - Attest! ' ' ¦:' . - i . Vietnam. ¦ ¦,' '¦ 35, Township IW, Range 7. West,, lying enacted an ordinance known M the of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard [ . man. /¦ . ' .' . ' . . - V Alois J. WlCMlC Mark Monson, son of Mr." and southerly of the Burns Valley Creek, mora County of Winona Zoning Ordinance es- Woxland, Rushford, was among Serving with the Armed Forces Others In Attendance: Steven John- particularly described as follows: tablishing zoning districts and official County Auditor son, Winona Dally News and Mrs; John maps thereof, pursuant to a part of a Mrs; Marvin Monson Spring That piece of land lying south of brook On motion, ths usual monthly bills those supporting the successful * Luebbe of the League of Women Volers. ; (SW'/<) of sec- comprehensive plan; were approved. Grove, has completed basic On motion reading of tho minutes of In the .southwest Quarter mission of Apollo 16. that under this program young eight weeks at Ft. Campbell, tion thirly.flve (35), Township One Hun- WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to x OUT OP 7HB: COUNTY RIVENUB March 6 and March 13 meetings be Ky. Army training arid has been as- dred Seven (107) North, of Range Seven Consider Amending tht County Zoning FUND: Allied Radio Shick $23.70. Paul men can choose six areas of as- ¦ • dispensed wllh. Airman 'Woxland, a commu- ¦ (7), west of tht fifth principal meridian, Ordinance on April 4, 1972 at 10:00 A.M. Bauir Electric, Inc. Stto.34, ¦ 7 ., signed to eight weeks of ad- Bur 1112.70, completing the .:• . . .* On motion Ihe Judge of District Court In Room e . ol thta Winona County Court ' tt.4tT.07, nications equipment repairman signment after N.J. Wlriona County, Minnesota, being tha Baumenn-Mirkel Agency, Inc. CANTON, Minn. - M. Sgt. vanced training at Ft. Dix, be authorized to purchase a dictaphone same land conveyed by deed dated No- House; Wlnone, Minnesota was published George J. Beech tSJOM, Donald W. .Communications basic course, with these as- to exceed »1,000.00 as allowed in the 1958th Richard Roe, son of Mr. and at: not . vember 13, 1855, by James White to In the Wlnoni¦ Dally News en March 24, Blake WIS, Blotdow Bake Shop tu.ot, signments guaranteed for at Lawrence L. Smith, son of Mr. In the budgel, Charles Kuehnleln, excepting piece of 1972; • . . " Son 8,H, t» R. Sd., Anderson AFB, Guam, serv- Mrs. Melvin Roe; Spring Grove, • Walter S. Booth * least . 16 months. Tolzin can be and Mrs. Walter Smith, Canton, On motion homestead classifications land lying the west half of the southwest WHEREAS, proof of such publication Borttowskl *1«.4«, Vernold A. Boynton ices the squadron's radio relay has completed basic boiler tech- were approved for Nlkkl Werner for quarter (W'/i of SWA) of 'said Section, li now on file; »U.« , Miryellen Brady StlOD, Mary- contacted in the Exchange is serving at Korat Royal Thai described as follows: Commencing In tha ellen Brady 145.00, Burroughs Corp. equipment. During the manned 1971 and 1972 reducing the valuation . WHEREAS, tha County Board of Wl- nician training school at the Na- center of Burns Valley Creek when the Business Envelope Minuficturen , Winona for informa- AFB, Thailand as a comput- from $1,020 lo HAO lor each year end nona County found on April 4, 1972 that 110.95, space flight the Guam installa- Building, , valuation creek crosses the township line between val training center, Great Lakes, Richard Zywlckl reducing the the. proposed tmindment was required Inc. $22.«, tion oh this and other Army en- er systems technician. Before ¦ Secllon 2, Township IM, Range 7, ami tion was part of the global net- 111. ¦ from $1,220 ta 1740, by reason of public necessity and general Community Memorial Hospital %S4.tO. listment options. arriving in Thailand he was On motion notice of filing award and Section 35, Township 107, Range 7, and welfare; ; Donald Cummings ti.60, Mrs. Emeline work linking astronauts Charles running East on said Town line f rods, Mrs. R. S. Deeren $5.0O, ' stationed in Alaska nollce of appeal In the matter of Isobel NOW THEREFORE, The County Board Datta M.BO, Thomas y y-y . thence. North 5 rods to the creek, Ihence Degen-Berglund, Inc. $35.00, Dictaphone Duke, John Young and . :*A K. Templelon were placed on file. of Winona County ordains that the Coun- along the creek In a westerly direction Agency. $124.40, Mrs. Eleanore control in WABASHA , Minn. -7 Pvt. John On motion an order trom tht Minne- ty of Winona Zoning : Ordinance pi and Sales Mattingly to mission ' to the place of beginning. Dlson i Cleiners-Laund- ALMA, Wis. — Army Pvt. DURAND, Wis. — Arman sota Municipal Commission dismissing the seme Is hereby amended in lis zon- Dietrich $32.40, ' y y' Ay- E. Franke, son of Mr. and Mrs. This amendment Is hereby ordered ef- Molly Fischer $101,00. Houston. . the petition No. A2016 and a notice of ing district classification, by rezoning the erers $1.«, Mrs. James . . Noll, son of Mr. and , fective upon publication. Inc. $32.50, pad City Agen- " Michael A. Bauer son of Mr. Marovie G. Franke, Wabasha, rehearing ' on ':' petition' No. A2011 were real estate described: below from an A-l Garvey Co., ' y' , y ',y Ay' Mrs. Fay Cll|l $38.60. * Mrs: Norbert T. Noll, Alma, Has and Mrs. Bernard A. Bauer, at placed on file. Passed and adopted this 41b d«/ of Limited Agri-Forest Conservation Dlstrlel cy, Inc. $20.00, has completed basic training Goodies Cafe $334.00, Karl P. Grabner completed a 14-week automotive On motion a letter trom Springsted, April, 1972.¦ . to the R-2 Community Residence . District. Pvt. Jeffery L. Anderson, Durand , has graduated from Ft. Campbell, Ky. ¦ ' ¦" - . Leo Borkowski $30.00, Sharon Grupa $44.15, Inc. relatllve to the sale of counly build- The real estate rezoned¦ Is described as of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A; repair course at the Army's the Air Force s course iri weap- ' Chairman. "the Boerd follows, to-wit: Mrs. Hazel Hackbarth Sli.OO, Mrs. son ' 1972) ing bonds vya s placed on file. , of (First Pub. Monday, May 1, - of Lawrence Hansen M.00. Mrs. Grace Winona Rt. 3, has ordnance center arid ' school, ons mechanics at Lowry AFB, On motion (ente rs from fhe Count/ Counly Commissioner* Commencing at the southwest corner Anderson, ¦ ' - Hartwick $77.30, Roy Hezelfon $18.00, cy Stale of.Minnesota ). -ss, - Historical Society and the Winona Jay- Attest: . ' .' - . of the NW'A of the NE'/. of Section 28, Diego for Aberdeen Proving Ground , Md. Colo.; and has been assigned to ) In Probate Court . A. Hedlund 177.62, international Business been stationed in San Counly of Winona ¦ cees relative to use of the old Armory Township 106 North, Range j West of the ¦ No. 17,426 . ' " Alois J. Wiczek Machines Corp. $34.45, Illinois Law basic training until June 1 His A ,: . Elgin AFB building during remodeling of the Coun Fifth: Principal Meridiem thence easl . * ; , Fla. In Ra: Estate Of Counly Auditor Forum-Unlverslty of III. $2.50, Jackson House were placed on file. . along the south line of the NW'i of the Joswick mailing address is 469-70-7990, Francis M. (Crick, ' Decedent. County Sheriff's Dept. J5.0O, ALTURA, Minn. — Army Pvt; , . On mollon, the following ordinance NE'A of said. Section 28, a- distance ol Mrs. Philip Kar- Order lor Hearing on Final Account On motion the County Sanitarian be 476 feet to the center of the Township Fuel tY Oil Co. $398.19, PLP 30 26 K Co. RPR Srd Bn. GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) ¦ amendment be adopted. Kendell-O'Brien Lumber Co. Milton F.Watt, son of Mr and and Petition for Distribution. authorized to attend a County Sanitar- Road; thonce at a deflection angle to slna $5.00, . $5.00, Peggy Leaver- MCRD San Diego, Calif., 92140. — Pvt. Rick W. Deeren, son of .the' 'representative of the above named ians' Workshop on April 18, 19 and 20 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT the left of lOi' 17' and along the center $3.45, Merlyn . Kreni Mrs. Doyle7W. Watt , Altura , sponsored by the Extension Service cn $144.65; AArs. Bonnie E. Leavitt $20.00, estate having filed her final account and WHEREAS, The Winona County. Board of the Townchip Road, a distance ol ton Mr., and Mrs. Gordon. Deeren, ' the St. Paul campus at the University The Lewiston Journal $271.10, Lund Of- has completed , an eight-week petition (or settlement and allowance ol Commissioners, Winona, Minnesota 131.2 feet; thence at a deflection angle rural Galesville, has completed thereof and tor distribution io the per- of Minnesota. . . . ¦ U* 48' and along the fice Supply. Co. $121.65, . C. James basic training session _at Ft. have on the 17th day of August, 1970 to the right of Former Winonan his eight weeks of basic Army sons thereunto entitled: On motion 1he Clerk of District Court enacted an ordinance known as the Coun- center of the Township Road, a distance Ted Maier Drugs; $1.53, Mrs. Mae Cieminski, has recently been Campbell, Ky., and has been IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing be offered an Increase of J2,SOO:00 ptr ty of Winpna Zoning Ordinance establish- of 200 feet to the point of biglnnlnc McGill $14.30, Mid West Communications training at Ft. Knox, Ky. thereof be had on May 25, 1972, at 9:30 year to take on the additional duties ing zoning districts and official maps of'" . a parcel ; to be described;. thence Service. Inc. $7.50, John R. MIcheel admitted to practice law before assigned to advanced training. ; Co. $199.70, Slate Donald J. Teska, o'clock A.M., before this Court in the of Clerk of County Court. thereof, pursuant to a part of • com continuing along the center of thi Town- $566.08, Miller-Davis son of Mr. probate court room In the court ' house of Minnesota Documents Secllon $1.15, the U.S. Court of Military Ap- On motion the poor relief bill of the prehensive plan; ship Road on the last described courre, and Mrs/ In Winona, Minnesota, and that notice Monroe $2 50, Mrs. Marie Mueller $80.40, Floyd Teska, Gales- City of :Wlnona for the year 1971 be WHEREAS, a Nollce' - ' pf7Intention ' a distance of 1O0 feet; Ihence at a de- peals in Washington, D.C. CALEDONIA, Minn. — Pvt. hereof be. given by publication of this tc , a National District Attorneys Assn. $5/0, ville has enlisted placed on tilt. Consider Amending fhe County Zoning flection angle to the left of 90" in the Navy order In the Wlnqna Daily. News and by James F. Neeck $33:80, Nelson Tire Serv- Son of Mr and Mrs. Clem William J. Klug.son of Mr. Ordinance on April 4, 1972 at 10:00 A.M. distance of 216.5 feet; thence al a de- . and is stationed mailed notice as provided bv law. . .On motion » letter from the Whits- , a dis- ice, Inc. $115.92, Roy J. Nelson $10,00, at Great Lakes In Room 9 of the Winona Ccunty Court flection angle to the left of 90' J. Cieminski, 902 E. Broadway, and Mrs. Wilfred J. Klug, Cale- Dated April 28, 1972. water Town Board In regard to the con- deflection Norlhern States Power Co. $357i2,. North- Naval Training House, Winona, Minnesota was published tance of Too feet: thence at a Center, His S. A. Sawyer : dition of Counly Road No. 16 In the 90 , a distance of western Bell $810.91, Oliver Office Equip- he's a graduate of the Univer- donia , has completed his eight . in the Winpna Dally News on March 24, angle to the left of- " mailing address is USN • Probale , Judge vicinity of thi Whitewater Town hall was ¦ 216.5 feet to the center of the Township ment, Inc. $4.95, Donald J. Omodt, Sher- 393-58- 1972; - - -; . sity of North Dakota where he weeks of basic Army training 5732 Co, (Probale Court Seal) placed on file. Road and the point of beginning, con- iff Hennepin - Co. «.20, 114 21st Bn. Recruit Streater, Murphy, On motion the County Board, go ' on . WHEREAS, proof of siich publication is 46 icrei rhore or less In the Papen- also recejved post graduate law at Ft. Knox, Ky. • taining 0. Paint Depot, Inc. $1.41. Jamil ¦ Training Command, Gr e at Brosnahan & Longford record endorsing the committee to study now on file: NWVi of the NW'A of Section 2J, Town- fuss $304.10, Sarah A. Pedis $M.11, J. admitted to ¦ 77' Attorneys for Petitioner ¦. " . ' degrees and was • H Lakes; ill. . . the Inception ot a Counly Group Home . WHEREAS/the County Board Of Wi- ship 106, N, Range 5 West. The right of C. Penney Co., Inc. $135.70, Poucher ¦ ¦ ¦ for delinquents.. Vote: Aye — - Mirch- nona Counly found on April 4, 1972 . that way. of the Township Road Is excluded Printing 8. Lithographing Co. $89.25, practice before the North Da- COCHRANE , Wis. — Pvt. ¦>• ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦7*r. 7" , (First Pub. Monday, May 1, 1972) lowltz, Papenfuss, Williams; Abstain— the proposed amendment was required therefrom. ¦ Praxel Ambulance Service $280.00, Irvin is cur- Mr; ¦ ' kota Supreme Court. He Stephen M. Kowung.son of Slate of Minnesota ) ss. Baer. by reason of public necessity and.gsn- This amendment Is hereby ordered H. Przytarski • $)6.00. Sybil M, Ratlilly FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. — ¦ ' ¦ rently serving with the Air and Mrs. Henry Koenig, Coch- County ol Winona ) In Probate Court On mollon Ihe Governor 's Crime Com- eral welfare; . . '" . •._::" effective upon publication. $108.00, Mrs. Betty . Rumpel $6.«0, City Hospital recruit Susan M, ¦ of St. Charles $35.00, Vernon L. Spitzer Jura- No. . 14,237 / • mission, be notified as to the tentative . NOW THEREFORE, The County Board Passed and adopted this 4th day of Force in Washington, D.C. rane, has . completed basic .: In Re Estate Ol starting date of the Group Home for $94.00, Mrs. Eva Srnec $2.90, Standard ' ' sinski, daughter of Mr. and of Winona County ordains that the Coun- April, 1972. ,7 : \' ' : ¦ Arch LeMay, Decedent. delinquents, which dale Is January T , Oil, Winona $467.80,. Bruce W. Stanton ))/ ':- A ) . * :¦ ' /).. Army training after serving ty of Winona Zoning Ordinance be and . A Mrs. Ray Jurasinski, Fountain Order for Hearing on Final Account 1973, and also that the notice b« con- the same Is hereby amended in lis zon- Leo Borkowski $47.35, Susan Steiner $30,55, Oscar . . ' Chairman of the Board Michael F. Rose, son of City, has completed a 10-week ' . . and- . Petition- for 'Distribution. sidered as a request for state funds arid ing district classification by rezoning the Steuernagel S119.95, Swartz Office Supply Pvt. The representative of ttc above named also all possible assistance Hwt-msY.-'be real estate described below frbm an Ao . .,:.:...... :,...... :.of....County...Comm!s5lflhfi« eor-$54-.2S?-Dr.~J: -V-. -Testor - $6.O0, Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rose, training course and has been estate having filod Its fintl account end available In , setting up the .program. ': Limited Agriculture Forest Conservation Attest: ' bara Tibor $10.00, Tousley Ford Co. Machines, Inc. New Legion assigned to the Naval Training petition for . -seMlenij"'" and allowance • On mollon a notice of permit for District fo an R-2 Community Residence . - - $103.39, Tri-State Business Gilmore Valley, has completed fhe Alois J. Wiczek . . Tulare $33.40. Dr. R. B. thereof and lor- distribution to the per- construction and operation of a disposal District. The real estate rezoned Is des- Counly Audllor: $793.80, Willis E. automotive Center , Great Lakes, 7111., to sons thereunto entitled; Tweedy $2,344.85, a 14-week course iny system for the Village of Utica by the cribed as follows, to-WIt: On motion the following . ordinance officers installed attend hospital. corps school. IT . IS ORDERED, That the hearing Pollution Control Agency was placed on ,Mn. Kenneth Vaughn $5.00, City ot repair at the Army's ordnance '*¦ That part of the Northwest quarler df amendment be adopted; • • 7 y . . *. : .- , . 7 thereof be had on June 1, 1972, at 10:00 file. the Northwest quarter (NWW of the Winona $45,00, W 8. C Printing Co. $79.50, Aberdeen o'clock A.M., before this Court Iny the , Richard C. center and school, On motion a notice of permit for the NW'/S) of Secllon 12, Township IM North, -ORDINAMCE AM6NDMENT Helmer Weinmann $323.24 at Mondovi LAMOILLE, probate court room in the courl house West Publishing Co. Minn. — After construction and operation of e disposa l Range 6 West, Winona County, Minne- WHEREAS, Thi Winona County Board Weinmann- SIO.00, Proving Grounds, Md . In Winona, Minnesota, and that notice Winona completing system for the Village of Rollingstone sota described as follows: Beginning at Of Commissioners, Wlhona, Minnesota $52.00, Charles E. Williams $42.10, ' ¦;¦ ' 7 training at Ft,. Lemv hereof be given by publication of this Dilly News ' •..; 7 by the Pollution Control Ag. the northwest corner of said Section 12; ' the 17th day of August, 1970 Clean Towel $18.20, Winona, ;. . . MONDOVI , Wis. (Special) ; - order lit the Wlriona Dally News and ency was have on 42, ard Wood, Mo., Pfc. Larry J. by thence, soulh along the west line of said as the $948.30, Winona Paint «. Glass Co. 121. mailed nollce as provided by law. Placed on file. enacted an ocdlgance known __ Leland Chase, first vice com- Section 12, a distance of 442.41 feet; \Con1ng Ordinance es- Winona Printing Co. $800.28, Winona Rub- Pvt. Michael D. Searight, son Schroeder, son of iMr. and Mrs. Dated April 38, 1972. On motion a notice of application for County of Winona thence at a deflection angle to the left tablishing zoning districts and official bish Service »8.00, Winona Typewriter, mander of the 10th District in- . ' ; S. A. Sawyer permit for disposal system for: the VII- of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sea- John Schroeder, Lamoille, has :- . ¦ of 89' 30', a distance of 778 feet to the Inc, $242.00, Mrs. Laura Wright $24.80. • . Probate Judge lage of Lewiston was placed on file. maps thereof, pursuant to a part of a stalled the new officers of Post center line of County State: Aid Highway plan; OUT OF THE BOAT WATER SAFE- right, 733 W. 5th St., has com- been assigned for duty in Viet- (Probale Court Seal) - comprehensive * AmericanJf Mondovi On motion a notice of application for Np, 9; thence at a deflection angle to TY. ENFORCEMENT FUND: Baumann- 154, ^gion, , Streater, Murphy,: . WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to pleted eight weeks of basic nam. His new address is 475-68- certification for discharge permit for the left of 105* 46' and along the center at thd regular meeting Monday. Brosnahan & Langford. Consider Amending the County Zoning Merkel Aoenck, Inc. $146.00. Dresbach Army training at Ft. Camp- 2035, 446 Trans. Co. APO San th 19)2. 4*2.355 and will Consider Amcndinq Ihe Counly Zoning variance will not create unnecessary has involved hundreds of consider a Planning Is now on file; there simply were no techni- why haven't more Americans Policy Resolution nt Ordinance on April 4, 1972 al hardship and does nol Interfere with the for this is Ihe Cilv Planning 10:00 dedicated people , Ccmmhilon thnt will A M. In Room 9 ol the Winona County WHEREAS, the County Board of Wi- purpose of Subdivision Regulations. Leo Borkowski ) County cians or professionals. They of Polish heritage climbed to STve as lhe bnMs ' for amendment ot Court House, Winona Minnesola wns nona Coupty found on April 4, 1972 that a lot size variance was Charles E. Williams ) Commissioners, a tremendous task. Winona's Mns er Plan ol 1959. On mollon, couldn 't speak the English higher places in this country? ' published In the Winona Dally Nsws on the proposed amendment was required granted fo Vernon Gallagher lor a lot James Papcntuss ) Winona Yet "Project: Pole was Copies ol the resolution In b? con- " March 24, 1972; by reason ol public necessity and general on a part ol NEVi of NEW ol Scdlon Len J. Merchlewitz ) County, language . They clustered to- Piszek thinks he has the an- siders are available al Ihe office of Kd- the willarr;, Granting of Paul Baer ) Minn. conceived by one man , Clly Planning Department, WHEREAS, proof of such publication 11, Township 107. Range B. gether, worked hard and lived swer : Room «, Clly create unneces- ward J. Piszek, because he Building, Winona , MN. Is now on lite; NOW THEREFORE, The Counly Board this variance will not of Winona Counly ordains that the Coun- sary hardship and does nol Interfere Attest: hy the philosophy thnt if you "Most early immigrants Respectfully, WHEREAS, the County Board of Wi- became curious about his ty of Winona Zoning Ordinance be ond with the purpose of Subdivision Regu- Alois J. Wiczek Hurles F , Dillerud nona Counly found on April 4, 1972 thnt were good (at your job , pro- lations. Polish heritage. came to the United States to Director of Planning Ihe proposed amendment was required the same Is hereby amended in Ils zoning County Auditor and ix-0lllclo fession , trade) people- would by rea:on of public necessity and gen- district classification hy rezoning Ihe renl On motion, a lot size variance was About seven years ago 1 escape religious persecution. (rem Clerk o! the Board recognize il. It just didn 't (First Pub. Monday, April 24, 1972) eral welfare; eslnte described helr.w an A-2 Gen granted to James Popcnluss lor a lot began lo wonder about just Included in those other groups eral Agriculture District to an R-2 Com- on a part of the SEU of NWU ol Sec- Dated af Winona, thli 4lh day of April, Slate ol Ml-ne'.nln ) si. NOW THEREFORE, The Counly Board work that way." munity Resident District. The real estate tion 9, Townshi p 105, Range 5. Grant- 1972. were politicians , doctors, reli- Counly of Winona ) In ol Winona what and who we Americans Probale Courl Counly ordains that the rezoned Is described as follows, to-wll: ing ol this variance will not create un- On mollon, lhe Board edlourntd. No. 17,4(19 County ot Winona Zoning Ordinance be of Polish heritage were ," re- Piszek found during his gious leaders, scientists, law- of Sec. necessary hardship and does not Inter, In Re Estate Of pnd the same Is hereby amended In Its The Southeast Quarter (SE"<) Leo Borkowski ^ , the Southwest Quarter (SWl'tl of the fore with the purpose of Subdivision called Piszek in an interview. visits to Poland , however, yers, technicians and other Erna Auslln, Decedent. zoning district classification by rezoning 10 Chairman of Ihe Board of Sec, 11; Regulations. Vote: Aye — Williams, Ord»r for Hearing on Final Account the real estate described below from nn Southwesl Quarter (SW'.i) He is president of Mrs. Paul's that Polos indeed were pro- professionals. following described part of the North- Merchlewlli and Boer. Abstain—Papen- Attest: •nd Petition tor Distribution , A-l Limited Agricultural Forest Con- the west Quarter of the Soulhwcst fuis. Alois J, Wiczek Kitchens , Inc., Philadelphia fessionals and technicians , "Since the Poles only Tha representative of tho above named servation District to tho R-2 Community (NW"*) (SWU) of Sec. 11 described as os|al« having tiled his final account and Residence District. The real eslaln re- Quarter On motion, « lot sire variance was County Auditor frozen foods processors, and had been for centuries. brought with them their peas- stake petition for settlement and allowance zoned Is described as follows, to-wll: follows: Beginning at the corner granted to Joe Lane for a lol on a port Ihence which pledged the $500,00(1 re- "I found out , for instance-, ant beliefs and customs, it thereof ami (or distribution lo Ihe per- and running East 2.7 chains; ol the NE"< of NE',1 of Section 1, Town- (Fin) Pub, Monday, April 17, 1972) All that part of the following three South unlit Ihe line strikes the spring ship 106, Range 7. Granting ol this var. that Poles accomplished a sons thereunto entitled ; Slate ol Minnesola ) ss. quired to finance a beginning took a little more time for described parcels of land which lies run; thence up the channel ol Ihe run lance will not create unnecessary hard- IT IS ORDERED, That Ihe hearing Northerly of lhe East Burns Valley County of Winona ) In Probale Court of the broadscale" drive to miracle in rebuilding their them |o become viable Ameri- thereol he had nn May 16 , 1972, et 10:00 tn a point South 52' East distant 4 chains ship and dons not Interfere with Iho Road: the No. 17,526 o( cities , " lie points out. "War- o'clock A.M., before this Cnurl In tho In a direct line In the center ol purpose of Subdivision Regulations. toll the story Polish- cans. . 1. The Paul Twenly (20) rod s of the run; thence South IV West to Ihe South In Re Gilati Of prohale courl room in the court , house On mollon, a conditional use permit R saw is over 700 years old , but northwest quarter of Ihe line of the 40; thence West until II strikes Blinchi . schroeder, Decedent. American contributions to so- In Wlnonn, Minnesola, and Ihni nollce Northwest lor the construction ol a dwelling on a Order for Hearing "Now wo have second and qunrlrr (NW"« of NW'i) Section 2, the west line of Section II; thenco North on petition ler « 2!> years ago it didn 't, exist. herooi be olven by publication ol this of part of thl e'.'j of Iho SW'i nf NW'i Probiti ciety. Township One Hundred Six (104 ) North along Ihe Section line lo Ihe place of of Will, Limiting Time le Pile third - generation Polish- order In tho Wlnonn Dally News and by and of thl EV* ol NWVi ot SvV'.i of Claims and "Were we Poles really Today a modern cily stands of Range Seven (7), west of the Filth beginning all In Township 107 Norlh of lor Hearing Thircon. Amcricnns , and this is where mailed nollco ns provided by law, Section 35, Township 106, Range 7 was Howard E. Hoveland having filed e where onl Dated April 20, 1977, Principal Mcrldlnn, Winona Counly, Range I West of lhe Flllh Principal equal to others?" Piszek asks. y ashes and desola- Minnesota, granted. petition tor tho probati of Ihe Will of 'Project : Pole' can be most S . A. Sawyer Meridian, excepting therefrom lhat part " On motion,-^ conditional use permit •aid decedent and for the appointment of "Deep inside I felt that we tion prevailed. 2. The northeast quarler of the of the lollowlng described premises ly- • effective. " Probate Judge north- for the Installation of a mobile home on Howard E-. Hoveland as Executor, which (Probate Court Seal) west quarler (NE'i ol the NWU) of Sec- ing wllhln Ihe above described parcel as we're indeed equal and in "This' was accomplished the N. 17 acres of NE',1 of SE". and Will Is on Hie In this Courl ind open ta Poland In- Peterson, Challeen , tion Iwo (j). Township ono hundred six follows: never has been the a of SE'i Section 21, Township Inspection; some , basic human ways we without Marshall Plan aid , as Dolnno A Thompson, Lid. (10A ) Norlh ol Range Seven (7), west of Commencing at the Northwest corner S'' troduced to the art of public 101, Range 10 was granted. IT IS ORDERED, Thit the hearing excelled. Attorneys Inr Petitioner the Flllh Principal Meridian, Winona of the Southwest Quarter (SWU) of Sec- thereof be hod on was tint case with Wesl. Ger- On motion, conditional use permit May 9, 1972, al 10:15 relations , Piszek emphasizes. County, Minnesola. tion 11, thence In an Easterly direction • o'clock A.M., "While I felt this way I many, was granted lo Hardrlves, Inc. tor a before Ihls Court In the Japan and Western Eu- (First Pub. Monday, April 17, 1972) 3, One acre in the northwest quarter and along the Norlh line of the Southwest probati court France, for example, could blacktop plant on a parcel containing room In tin court houie knew of nothing thai could ropean countries, ol the nnrllieasl quarler (NW'i ol NEW) Quarler (SWV<) of Section 11 a distance In Wlnonn, Minnesota, and lhat " Bids Solicited 12.53 acres In tho NW". of SW 1/. of Sec- ob|ecfloni have originated the proced- The Township ot Homer, Wlnonn Coun- nf snld secllon two (2), described as fol- of 365.2 feel to thn center of Ihe rond; to Ihe allowance of tald will If any, be substantiate my feelings. " Piszek says he also discov- ,V rlnht, and a tion 4, Township 105, Range 5. ure ," he says. "Throughout ty, would like lo have bids trom , con- lows: Commencing nl a point o| 17 rods thence deflecting 127' 4B' filed befon said time of hearing) that So Piszek. began to journey ed a rich Polish ' appreciation tractors tor: ensi of the norlhwcst corner ot the north- distance of 155.9 feet to the point ot be- Pursuant to recommendation of Ihi the time within which credllori of said ginning; thenco deflect 70* , right, Engineer, to Poland to find .out first- foi music, art , the theater and llie centuries, France lias im- 2,500 Yards or more nf Crushed Rock west quarler of Iho northeast quarter 34' '/ Highway on mollon, the con- decedent may fill their claims be limit- posed on the world her lan- to be spread on township roads anytime (NW'/4 of NE''<) of secllon two (2), Town- and a distance nf . i.i tent lo a point; tract for llres for county equipment bi ed to sixty days from thi date hereof, hand about his country and opera. afler removal ol road limits. All bids ship one hundred six (106) Norlh, of thence deflect 8* 0JW left, ami a dis- awarded to Anarlln Tire Service. and that the claims so tiled be heard on tlience de- guage, food , wine, styles, I fe- to be in by 8:00 p.m. on May 9, 1972. Tho Range seven (7), west ot Ihe Filth Prin- tance o| 71.3 feet to a point; June 22, 1972, at 10:30 o'clock A.M., be- its people. "I found the Poles had a left, ard a dlslnnce RESOLUTION Board reserves Iho right lo reject any cipal Meridian, Winona Counly, Minne- flection Of 105" 33' fore Ihls Courl In tho probata court room style, etc. For nearly 1,000 deflect "Before my first trip to Po- deep pride and appreciation or all bids. sota, (hence running west along Ihe sec- Of 12,9 feet to a point; thence Upon mollon, llie folliiwlng resolullon In tha court house In Winona, Minnesota, 4«« feet land l ofteto wondered about for their history and cultural ytfars Poland , by comparison, Shirley Bucher, Town Clerk tion line 12 rods to Ihe northwest 'corner 15' left and a distance nf 147 .) was unanimously adopted by the Board and that notice hereof be given by pub- lias remained uncommunica- Rl. . 1, Winona, Minn, of Ihe northeast quarter (NE'/«) of said to a point; thenca defloct 11' 00' right, ol County Commissioner! ot Winona Coun- lication of this order In The Winona the Polish cities," he remem- achievements," he adds. "1 secllon) lltrnce south along Ihn quarter and a distance ol 132,5 feel to a point; ty, Minnesota In melting duly assembled Dally News nnd by mailed notice as bers. "Who planned and exe- learned for the first time that tive and reticent. (First Pub. Monday, APrll'-17, 1972) line la rods, thence easl 4 rods, Ihence Which point Is on the canter line of Ihe on tha 4th day ol April, 11)2 al the provided by law. northeasterly to Ihe place of beginning, road; Ihence deflect 101 * 55' Irll nnd court Houil In the City ol Winona, Mln- Dated April 13, 19)2. ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS cuted the construction and the Copernicus was a Pole , and "Polish people art. waiting along Ihe center line of tha road a dis- 'nesola. S, A. Sawyer The Saratog a Township Board , Winona Also, tha West 18 rods of Lol 34, Sub- tance of 21(1.4 feet, more or less, tn the installation of utilities? Who that in lltl fl , nearly (100 years to be discovered. They are division ol SVi of Socllpn 35 and S'At of WHEREAS, the 1?M Legislature created Probata Judge Counly, will receive bids for 4,000 yards, point of beginning, excepting therefrom, (Probale Court Seal)* NE'/4 of Section 35, Township 107, Range a County Court System; - did tho architecture? Could it before Ihe American Constitu- about to be." more or less, of crushed rock In be de- Ihe right el way, of Ihe previously es- Harold J. Llb:ra 7 West, lying southerly of the Burns Val- WHEREAS, Minn, Slat. 525,01 Secllon have been thd Poles? Certain- livered A, spread on roads In Saratoga tablished rood, containing exclusive o( Attorney for Petitioner tion , the King of Poland guar- Ho expressed confidence the Township, ley Creek , more particularly described exceptions, 0.74 acres, more or less; also 1, Subd. 3 provides that Winona and as follows: ly not tho Poles that I knew anteed its citizens equal pro- campaign will attract the sup- (lids to bn submitted by May 4th, 1972 corrmnnclnn nt n point on the rlpht of Wabasha Counties shell be a single as a boy. These Poles were at B:.10 I' M, Commencing nl Ihe soulhwosl corner way line of slntr rural highway Norlh Counly Courl District; tection of Ihe laws; that it port of Polish-Americans and The flonrrf reserves tho rloht lo reject ol tho toullieasl quarler (SE''«) ol Secllon 25' 30' wesl nnd 1,940 (net distant trrm WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 525.01 Sec. I , warm, friendly, honest, strong, was Cnsimir the Ureal who the attention of all Americans any or all bids. J Thirly-llve (351, Township One Hundred Ihe Southeast corner of Section 10, Ihence Subd. 3 allows the Counly Courl Dlslrlcl but Uie technical and cultur- outroduced tho principle of Roy Hosby, Clerk Seven (107) Norlh, of Range Seven (7), North 43" East 100 feet Ihence North to be separated Into single County Courl across the nation. Saratoga Township Weil of the Fifth principal meridian, Wi J7' Eat) 110 feet, thence North <«' Bail Olitrlcti by thi concurrence ol the Coun ' " ' ' : "' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' . ' - . ' " • . " . . ' . '. ' ' ¦:¦ . .. %. '... >- . 7 Relief shines " ' " ¦ ' Winona. - State- . ' A \ stumbles as Twins split before UW-La Crosse LA CROSSE, Wis. — Winona Bothwell took the defeat -wi bringing his RBI total for the That twin bill is scheduled for State, having already played his first mound appearance of J day to six — aU on round trip- a 5 p,m. start at Gabrych Park. three games in two days, the season, while Larry Mad-. pers." . ' The Warriors' next NIC outing dropped a doubleheader to the sefn, although hurling onl two- ! will be at Southwest State Fri- ' '¦' y Anderson suffered the mound with Yankees University of Wisconsin '- La, thirds of an inning, collected defeat in the opening game, his day and Saturday. NEW YORK (AP) — Bill game for. the" Yankees and John Crosse here Sunday. the victory. first of the season against no Winona SUIa (7) UW-La Cross* (10) Ellis and Roy White connected ' r h Rigney and Ralph Houk put The Indians won the opening IN ADDITION TO Samp s wins, while Ken Buege tallied : A •<> at> r n in the nightcap. game 10-7„in a come-from-be- the win. Yoost.Jb 3 1 o Lalor,lb 4 1 1 their respective new-look bull- round tripper in the nightcap, Llnbo.lf ' . . 4 l.j. BuswelUb 111 hind effort highlighted by a six- 1 I o BStgrwId pens on display Sunday and Minnesota (4) New York (J) McNary and Bothwell also col- The Warriors , .lb 4 l a abr hbi abrhbi run rally in the bottom of the who won two of Rosi.c 10 1 Hnley.c 111 Tovar.rf 3 1 1 0 McKI'y.Jb 4 D 0 0 lected nome runs. McNary was ? three games in their Northern Y ungtuur.rt 1 \ » Do1pMn,H 1 J > liked what they saw. fourth inning, and won the . ' Thom'n.n 4 ) 3 0 Lanlcr,3b 0 0 0 0 Intercollegiate Conference series . 3 I l Oromack.u 1 I | 5.1 1 1 10 11 the only Warrior in the second ! Sauerjb 1 10 MelUi 1 • • "We"re 75 per cent better in nightcap 7-6 by coming from Ev|on,ss . . .1.0 1 Kll' il 10 Allen,2b 4 ll 0 behind again, this time scoring game to get more than one hit,; with Moorhdad State Friday Konwoi,cl Oil the bullpen, maybe 100 per Braun,3b 5 0 11 3 1 10 Saturday, are scheduled to DAmJrsn.p l T 1 . '. 4 • 1 Darv»!n,c| 4 0 3 I Whlta.lf 1 0 0 O two runs in the1 bottom of the his second a double. and Cpnnolly,po 0 0 0 Arnoy.lf 4 9 J cent," said Minnesota's Rigney Brecht.p h 10 0 Bucgc.p a a a Nettles,If 4 0 1 0 Blom' 4 0 O O seventh. Bothwell's homer came with j host Lea College in a twi-nitc Dempiey.c 2 0 0 0 Alou,lb 0 0 O O ' Rader.p 0 0 0 lot after Dave LaRoche, acquired 0 0 0 0 Col'on,rf 3 11 T ... The two defeats dropped Wi- one man ori in the sixth inning, doubleheader Wednesday. Tomllnson.p 111 from Califronia, saved the sec- 10 0 0 Munson.c 3 1 12 nona State's overall record to Tolali .. . J4 . 7; « . Totali, 27 10 10 Roof.c 0 0 0 0 Michael,!! 3 J 10 ¦ Wlnoni Stall . ' - ..; 450 100 ¦ O— 7 ond game of the doublehdader 1 0 0 0 Kllne.p 1 I) o 13-5. - , La Croiia . ;,:- . '. '. . , . -. .. -.' . . .,.in.«01-ic—ll Ncrlon.p I'JJ O Lyle.p 1000 5-4 ¦ - ' - In the first game, the War- E—Cronnth, Ev(en. with the New York Yankees . Perry ,p i 0 1 0 - . . , RBI—Linbo, AnOerwin, Manubl.pb J 0 0 0 Tolal }0 5 —5 —4 riors came on like gangbusters, help Bothwell 4 -, get Bwwtll, Henley, Warriors OolpMn, Mcl|, J. for starter Dick Woodson. 0 0 0 0 tallying four runs ir. the open- stlk Corbin,p 0 0 0 0 scrwald, Arney, Tomylnton. -"We're a good 75 per cent IIII ing inning on a single by Dave" 2B—Roii. HR— Bothwell. SB—McNary, better," said New York's Houk, Granger.p o 0 o o Linbo, walks to Dick McNary Konkol.. DP-WSC Lell 4, La Crosia ». Mit'wld^ 1 00 0 IP H R ER 8B SO whose new stopper, Sparky and Steve Youngbauer , and a Andenon (L-0-1) . 3 5 7 7 1 I from Boston Total 39 4 IJ 4 in NIC t it le race Connolly .... 1 J J 0 2 0 Lyle, picked Up . grand slam home run by Tad ' One out when winning run scored. ¦ Rador . .. .1 J 11 0 O during spring training, won the Bothwell. mc from Minnesota - Morris; re- Buege (W) . 7.. ' . 3 . S ' :* S 3 J Minnesola ...... 7...:. JC0 Olo 010—4 - - ¦ : mained on top of. the Northern TomLlnsoB-4 . .. . . *: ' 111 4 3 opener also by a 5-4 score. New York ...' 030 010 001—5 W L Pet. GB ' ^ THE WARRIORS added two WINONA STATE . . -» I .»8» Intercollegiate Conference base- WP—Andtrjon J, Connolly. Balki — Houk waved for Lyle in the E—Carcw, Btomberg. DP—Now York 1. St . Cloud 7 1 .77» 1 . Ton-Jinian. seventh inning of the opener LOB—Minnesota 14, Nev/ York 7. JB— more in the second on a sin- Sculhwest Stata .4 5 .US 4 ball standings this week. Murcer, Torres. HR--Munion 1. S— gle by Dave Anderson , a walk Mlnnesota-Morlss 1 5 .111 Hi Trie Warriors, whb. finished with the Yankees nursing a 4-3 Kline. SF—Callison. . . . GAME 1 IP H R ER BB SO to Dean Yoost and another sin- Bemldll stale .. .. 3 7 .m ' 4$. second to .St . Cloud State last lead. Although the left-hander Perry ...... 5 3 4 3 5 0 gle by Linbo. A walk to Doug year, dropped a 2-0 decision to . Winona Slate it)' ¦ UW-Li Croilt (7) yielded the tying run in the Corbin '¦/:...' ..2 0 0 0 0 I Winona State, with an assist -. ib'r h' • -at> rh 1 o 0 0 O l Sauer , a sing Moorhead State Friday, but '¦ ¦ eighth on a couple of soft sin- Granger . le by Ron Evjdn Yop»l,2b;- ' " - ."J- 1 1 L»lor,3b " ¦: O 0 0 .Norton L, 0-1 .:.. 'A i 1 1 O 1 and a sacrifice fly Anderson bounced back to take a double- 2 0 0 Brayhorn ,ph 1 1 0 gles the winner Kline 7 ..:.-M4 - . 5 3 7 3 1 by , ¦ , he came away ' Balley.rf 1 0 0 Johnvon,3b 2 0 0 4 111 1 accounted for the Warriors header 4-3 and 7-0 Saturday. . . when Gene Michael singled in Lyle W, 10 .... J'/j ' fi- McNary,lb 3 2 1 Bu»well,2b I O O PB—Dempsey. T—2:4». nal tally in the fourth rnning. )u)ix>y0:. A St: Cloud, meanwhile, defeat- Ross,3b 3 0 0 Oehr,2b IOO the ninth and scored on Rusty Yungbaur.rl 2 0 0 4 J J SECOND GAME La Crosse, trailing 7-3 going ed Morris 2-i Friday, but lost Urbach,rl 0 1. 0 Torres' pinch double. (4) Hcnley.c V 1 1 Minnesota (5) New York ' a ten-inning, 2-1 decision in the Andcnon,ph O 9 0 . D I f abrhbi abrhbi |MMi*<4WMM_Ha*alHMMIi«aMeVH Twins had taken a 5-3 lead on Woodson Wr 2-0 . 7 5 3 3 2 5 , Morris will entertain Moor- UWL (Buiwell-MelNStellcrwald). Rod CareWs two-run single. He LaRoche ...... 2 2 1 0 O 1 a two-run homer — tallied on er basketball player has trans- head in a three-game make-up Left—Winona t, La Crosse I. Kekich ...... S . 10 3 2 2 4 Winona Daily New* *SL IP H R ER BB SO allowed an unearned run in the SPORTS walks to Joel Steigerwald and ferred to Augustana College in- Next weekend, Mor- Armltronfl . ... 3 5 5 5 4 2 Beene L, 01 .... IW 1 2 1 0 J vU Wednesday. ninth but retired pinch hitters Roland ...... :.. 1% 1 0 0 l o Winona, Mimiesota Jack Arney, a double by Gregg Sioux Falls, S.D., and two ris will be at Bemidji , St. Cloud Bothwell (L, 0-1) . 3V, 4 1 2 » $ Save—LaRoche 4. HBP—by Kekich, MONDAY, MAY 7 , 1972 . Flegel : 4'/,. . '«. " i 4 7 4 Thurman Munson and Ron Swo- ¦ " ¦' • ¦ ¦ " • • ' : " Grobacky and a single by Steve more indicate they also will fol- Wino- Tovar, by Beene, Tovar, by Roland, - .- - . - : . - ' • - _J travels to Moorhead and Matson (WP) :. . . 0 0 0 O /• boda with the potential tying Darwin. T—li39. A—27,475. Kamla. low him there. na will be at Southwest. Wp—Flegel. PB—Halvonon, Henger. run at second base. "We gave up a good player (shortstop Leo Cardenas) to get him," Rigney said, "but with LaRoche and Wayne Granger (acquired from Cincinnati) our Cotter relay erases bullpen is right at the top, as . good as any. Last year we lost 26 games before the All-Star -break in the seventh, eighth and ninth innings and we" never recovered from that shock." . PaGelli lead, 65-62 Rigney, not only has. con- fidence in his relief corps this 7 Cotter High's mile relay Crosse Saturday; Cotter flnish- ord clocking of 55.3. The pre- season but a first-place club team provided the finishing ed in a tie for sixth place out vious mark was 55.9. , Smith produced another point tOO.:. 7 touch as the Ramblers pulled of 18 teams in Class B witli out a well-earned 65-62 triumph Marshfield (Wis.) Columbus. for Coach Marv Rouse's squad Rigney wasn't around for the over Austin Pacelli in a dual The Ramblers and Columbus with a fifth-place effort in the finish of the first game". He was meet held at Jefferson Field wound up with ll points apiece long jump, and Phil-Drazkowski chased in the top of the ninth Sunday afternoon. while Arcadia and Wisconsin came in third in the mile run by umpire Frank Umont for Lt was the third dual compe- Rapids Assumption each had to with a time of 4:44. v protesting a play at second tition in six days for Cotter and settle for . a share of the team base , on which Bernie Allen title with 36 points. Madison SMITH, A DURABLE senior the fourth meet it had par- who quarterbacked the Ram- dropped a throw from third ticipated in since last Tuesday. Edgewood was third with 27 baseman Hal Lanier. Umont points, Rochester Lourdes col- blers' football team last fall and ruled that Allen dropped the1 The mile relay unit compos- was a starting forard in bas- ed of Rich Smith, Rick Klein lected 18 , and Holmen was ball in the act of relaying to fifth with 17. ketball, was the individual first and called a Minnesota schmidt, Sean Burke and Tony standout in Sunday's meet. He Kleinschmidt sprinted away Cotter's shuttle hurdle relay won the long jump with a leap runner out. trio of Smith, Burke and Tony "Before 1 even got out there, from the Pacelli foursome of 18-9, placed first in the 220- and won by an eight-second Kleinschmidt tied for first in yard dash, was second to Klein he said, 'Don't you come out , placed fourth in an- * margin with a time of 3:47.3. one event schmidt in the high hurdles, here,'" Rigney disclosed. "I other and set two new school told him he was full of bleep The last-event victory er^ed and led off the winning mile- a two-point Shamrock lead. records in the process. In the relay unit . and he threw me out. That's 540-yard low hurdle shuttle, when I kicked my cap. I told In a separate dual meet held Competing in the 220-yard Umont he knicked one entirely for girls, Pacelli's they wound up in a tie with dash for the initial time this , .now I'll Holmen's team for top honors kick one. " strong female contingent breez- season, Smith nipped Dick Munson homered in the first ed to a W/z-2V/z victory over with a 1:08.2, shaving over Swanke of Pacelli on a last- Cotter 's girls. eight seconds off the old mark. second thrust to win with a In the 1160-yard high hurdle CLEARING HURDLES . . . Tony Kleinschmidt, left , of in their dual track and field meet Sunday at Jefferson Field IN THE ANNUAL Knights of shuttle , they managed to take (Continued on page 5b) Cotter High School , clears the hurdles in the 120-yard event Kleinschmidt won this heat and the event with a time of 16.8 7 Vikings Columbus Relays held in La fourth place with a school rec- Cotter while an unidentified Austin Pacelli hurdler docs the same (Daily News Sports Photos by Jim Galewski) are free Wilt s scoring But don' t Write off Rangers agents Bruins off and winging MINNEAPOLI S (AP) - Seven Minnesota Vikings officially be- came National Football League again, Lakers free agents today—wide receiv- for Stanley Gup ers Gene Washington, John Hen- in bid derson and Al Denson, running By DAVE O'HARA .ve've got ," New York Coach I got the pass at the blue back Clint Jones, defensive BOSTON (AP) —The Boston Emile Francis said. "They 've line and just started going for backs Nate Wright and Charlie Bruins arc off and winging in looked adversity in the eye all the net ," he said. "I knew Park West and tight end Bob Brown. even series year and don't know what it wa.s with me and didn' t really The seven , who playdd with- By RON ROACH the Lakers feel is a big key ln their bid to regain the Stanloy means to quit. In our last five -know how much room I had. At out signed contracts in the 1971 LOS ANGELES (AP) - By the serids because of his out- Cup, but don 't write off the games against Boston wc a time like tliat you try any- season, now can negotiate with design or otherwise, big Wilt side shooting and rebounding NCw York Rangers, who hope scored only four goals and the thing. YOII don 't get that many any team they choose. If they Chamberlain is scoring again ability, has a pulled muscle in to win hockey's most coveted fellows were wondering if they chances to go around someone. do sign with another team, the and he's likely to keep it up for his right side. prize for the first time in 32 could put the puck in the net. Then , when I saw Giacomin Vikings would be compensate'd. awhile. • The Lakers proved ' they years. Now we .score five in one game down , I just flipped the puck The Vikings won't attempt to At least the Los Angeles La- can play defense, too, blitzing The Bruins, who captured the Psychologcally, that should over him," - sign Denson, who was sus- kers want it that way after New York 28-11 in the third Cup for the first time in 29 help us," Sanderson summed up tho pended late in tlie 1971 season their 7-foot-l center dominated quarter. years in 1970 and then were ''We quit forechecking general feeling among thd when he refused to report to both rtids of tho court—scoring o The Knicks , as shooters, dethroned last spring, got the stopped hitting and played il Bruins, who weren't overly the taxi squad. 2:1 points and grabbing 24 proved they arc human. They jump Sunday by winning the too easy," Boston Coach Torr happy after blowing the big Gary Cuozzo, who also played rebounds—in Sunday's J 08-92 can miss, loo. They weren't first game in the best-oi-scven Johnson said. "Then we gol lead. without a contract last season victory over the New York nearly as sharp as in the series series C-5. " , luck y and finally put it in the "It was a helluva game be- signed Saturday with the St. Knicks at the Forum. opener when they made 72 per However , the final score net. I just hope we play hockty tween tho two best Louis Cardinals, wlvp sent wide Chamberlain took only 1.1 cent of their first-half field goal barely begins to tell the story. ' teams in for fiO minutes in the next game hockey, but they had no right receiver John Gilliam nnd two shots last Wednesday night and attempts. Boston , helped by short-handed Tuesday." future draft choic . to the Vik- scored 12 points when the La- The bif* question was whether goals by Derek Sanderson and bein f< up 5-1 ,and thoy had no Sanderson , a flamboyant cen ings. kers lost the best-of-seven DeBusschere can play on Ken Hodge 45 seconds apart In "Actually, we had no business General Manager Jirn Pinks sends opener , Wednesday night and if he the first period , ter returning to action althougl 114-92. The Na- , built a 5-1 being up 5-1, and they had no said he is awaiting word from tional Basketball Association does, will he be 100 per cent? lead. weakened after a bout with ; the Federal Pay Board to deter- championship playoffs resume DeBusschere, who led all re- The Rangers fought back as r.tomach ailment and a virus in business tying it. You might mine what pay raises profes- Wednesday night for game bounders with 10 in the first the Bruins cased up and pulled fCcton , was used mainly to kll say one hand feeds the othtfr penalties, taking only sional athletes will be per- three in New York's Madison half , was hurl colliding with into n 5-5 tie on three' goals In an occa and that's the way this game mitted . Square Garden. Chamberlain when the two the first l() minutes of the final sional turn . IIe hurt the can go," West and Jones have signed Besides Chamberlain 's scor- sought the same rebound in the ,: >...* <• ¦?..- **¦ _ -ymmma. period. Then the Bruins' Ace Rangers badly with his short The New York comeback with an agent who will meet ing —which he once did with second quarter. CHAMBERLAIN'S "UNBELIEVABLE SHOT" . . . Wilt Bailey scored the winner at handed goal and then Hodgi took some of the glitter from a camo through. with Pinks this week. such regularity that he's the "Losing Dave iH a nig Wow of the Lakers whirls under the basket for a 17:<14 going around All-Star de- brilliant performance by Chamberlain Bailey, normally a rcservi Hodge, who scored thrcd goals Finks said, he wrote letters to NBA's all-lime leading scorer because he doea so many Ihings fancy fingertip roll that brought two points in the NBA play- fenseman Brad Park and beat- all of the free agents except Sunday 's game had this after- forward but spelling Sandersoi for his first National Hockey we'll ," snid New York Coach offs against New York Sunday. New York 's Jerry Lucas ing goalie Kd Giacomin with a Denson and "all of them in- math: Red Holzmnn , who seemed backhanded flip. at center, madd the play of hi; League playoff hat trick. Hodgo failed to block the shot. The Lakers won 106-92. (AP Photo- dicated thdy want to pfay with • Dave DeBusschere, tlie (Continued on page 5b) career to lift the Bruins to vie scored twice in tho first period us." Knicks' 6-foot-6 forward who Lakers fax) "That's the kind of a team tory. and once in the second. ; i Brett dqesntj/j^iifc :' Casper, attitude ' BiifiZ'&aM Brewe r rout changed, forges By MOKE O'BRIEN "I throw mainly fast balls Denny McLain. Davis took sec- MILWAUKEE (AP ) - Ken and go as long and as hard as I ond on the throw to the plate lead in Nelson Brett has no qualms about not can," he said, "If I throw only and raced in on Theobald's By BOB GREEN He was in fourth place, trail- seven innings and it' good single. finishing what he starts. s DALLAS (AP ) - "I feel like ing Casper, Puerto P.icin veter- Brett's arm and bat already enough I don't care. T don't •:. "Brett's going to be super," an Chi Chi Rodriguez and John I don't finish a Bristol said. "He's got a great I can play again now," Billy had about finished the Oakland even care if Casper said. Schlee, a member of the Pre- Athletics after seven innings game all year, because we've attitude and we changed his de- ston Trail Club who is seekin g good team." livery a little bit and took away The veteran pro, winner of Sunday. The young Milwaukee got a more than 40 tour titles but his first tour title. Rodriguez southpaw left the mopping up Brett had faced 19 batters, his windup. Now he's got better birdted the final hole for a 69- control and a better curve and slump-ridden a year and a half ; to Ken Sanders—one of the best one over the minimum, until was talking about a changed 20.1 and Schlee's 69 gave him a at that specialty—and the change." y A A "A Joe Rudi reached on Rick mental attitude that he credited 204. Brewers broke a four-game los- Australian veteran Bruce Auerbach's error to open the Bristol said he had to lift with helping him to a one- ing streak with a 3-1 victory. strcke lead after three rounds Crampton , Tom Weiskopf and s seventh. Bando tripled to Brett, boos or not. Brett gave ihimsel! and the A' "Brett was obviously tiring of the fain-delayed, $125,000 By- Dwight Nevil were next at 206. Brewers a 1-0 lead when he sin- the center field wall one out ron Nelson Golf Heavily favored Jack Nicklaus later but died on third when and when I went to talk to him Classic. gled home Darrell Porter in the he told me that was the longest "I' m more relaxed," Casper knocked himself out of con- inning. Then he doubled Brett faimed Gene Tenace arid second he's pitched in three years," he DEDICATION CEREMONIES ... Winona colleges ; Dr. Robert A. DuFresne, president said after a one-under-par 69 in tention with a 73-213. Arnold and scored the decisive run in retired Bobby Brooks oh a fly Palmer rallidd with a 67-208. said. "I wanted to bring in State College dedicated its recently com- pf Winona State; Miss Susan Day, head of Sunday's third round that gave the seventh after Sal Bando's to right. . Lee Trevino took a 73-207. relieved after Larry Sanders while be still had pleted addition to Memorial Hall Sunday the school's health and phy-ed department; him a 54-hole .. total of . 202, triple—the first Oakland hit- Sanders eight under par The biggest gains, however, Brown got the A's second hit breathing room." guests at the ceremonies , Argan Johnson, president of Nels Johnson on the Preston had pulled the A's into a mo- afternoon. Special Trail Golf Club course. made by Fred Marti matched inning ear- with one out in the eighth. But "I didn't argue," Brett said. which built the addition; mentary tie half an were, from left ; Dr. Carl Knutson, state Construction Co., "'Everything¦¦- , . seems easier the course record with a 64 lier." :7- their hopes of a rally fizzled "I was worried about a home superintendent of health and physical educa- and Mayor Norman Indall. (Daily News thnt put him at 208. baseman George run, and there's no sense stay- now. Things that weVe banked The crowd of 6,714 booed when first tion; Ray Calhoun, vice chancellor of state Sports Photos) against ' , He used only 23 strokes on Scott deflected Curt Blefary's ing in when you have a guy l|ke ihe before now seem to Manager Dave Bristol when he be going for me," said Casper. the' greens, reeled off one string lifted Brett with one out in the shot to second baseman Ron Kenny in the bullpen." of four consecutive birdies on eighth. But the 23-year-old fire- Theobald , who turned it into a Brett's two hits in three trips "Mainly, I'm thinking better the back nine and missed from baller, who has completed just forceout, and Rudi bounced out. put him at 3-for-6 for the year. better than I have all year." 12, : 5 and 8 feet on the next one of his 27 major league Brett doubled with one out in "I had one front office man— And it was thinking——or lack three holes. starts, said he . would have the seventh and scored on a competent one from the Na- Kentucky Derby field of it, a mental lapse—that may made the same move. Brock Davis' single off loser tional League—tell me when we have led to a triple bogey seven got him from Boston last fall on the 17th hole that cost Cana- Skeels tops that if you don't want him to dian: longshot Wilf Homenuik a pitch, they'd take him and put share of the top spot in this Fathers, Sons is him in Uie outfield ," Bristol will be a large one chase for a $25,000 first prize, Tenni s program said. more than he has won in any of Bob Skeels put together a 587 By ED SCHUYLER Jr. Prospect. But barring injuries nothing six . previous seasons on the series for Skeels and Schuppen- Brett hit .300 for Boston In LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AIP)-The No Le Hace has won all four that happens during Derby American tour. 1970 and in his high school days hauen in the; Westgate Father 1872 Kentucky Derby field was of his starts this year for Jo- week should change the status He failed to call for relief—to and Son League to garner bowl- in EI Segundo, Calif., played shaping up as a one to- seph R Straus including the of Riva Ridge and Hold Your tor Win oha large . which he was entitled—when ing honors over the weekend. slated center field when he wasn't Louisiana and Arkansas Peace as the first and second Rep- detenriined. day, with trainers and owners der- his tee shot was; plugged in the Lyle Jacobson had the top ROCHESTER, Minn. — pitching. He recalls batting bies. Key to the Mint favorites respectively. , Roches- The meeting Sunday was de- of several 3-year-olds spurred , one of , mud . The slightly-built. 34-year- game among the fathers with resentatives of Winona "about .450" . with about 10 by the stars of Paul Mellon Lea Owa- signed to schedule tennis to high hopes of Derby glory 's pow- Riva Ridge , Mrs. John old from Winnipeg was tied for a 203. Matt Smith of Smith and ter, Austin, Albert , home runs in 35 games one Cannonero IPs victory last erful Rokeby Stable, has not Earth met in matches between teams from year. ¦ Tweedy. 1971 2-year-old cham- the lead at that point, but tridd Smith led the sons with a 195— tonna and Blue . . .. year. ' raced , since March 15. Head of Rochester Sunday to discuss the participating cities and the "But they gave rne to hit a six iron out of.the mud. 540 effort. -a bonus the River , who relishes a slop-, pion , won one of two starts in. It caught and organize inter-city play as future holds a series of ex- to sign as a pitcher , Despite the presence of such a creek and he later " he said. py track, upset Riva Ridge in Florida and then last Thursday three-putted for the seven. Team honors went to league members of the Southeastern change matches in the district. Brett said he knew after four impressive contenders as Riva champion Smith and Smith Ridge, Hold Your Peace and the Everglades. New Prospect , won Keeneland's Blue Grass A Tournament Players' Divi- District of the Minnesota Lawn There is a tentative match be- innings he was working on a the race which has pro- with a 393—1,146. . tween a team of Rochester No.Le Hace, Derby, watchers owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Stakes, sion official later, confirmed ¦ Tennis Association. no-hitter. duced seven of the last 12 Der- ' ' . - . • players and Winonans set for feel this year's number of start- lace Gilroy, set a track record that HomCnuik was entitled to The. bulk of the day was spent "I didn't try to be cute-just by winners. May 29 — again the site is yet throw the ball ers could at least equal the 20 in the Bahamas. . a free drop from the mud—if getting acquainted with the ," he said. "I was Hold Your Peace, owned by he had Lewiston banquet to be slated. The matches will lucky for six-innings. Bando hit that ran last year when Cano- Also set for . the Derby Trial called for a ruling. He elaborate tennis program con- Maribel Blum , won the Fla- didn 't and was stuck -witrrtie ducted in Rochester , while pre- include men's and women's dou- a fast ball. I wanted to throw it nero II, a $1,2007 yearling aiid is Dr. Hassi Shina 's Lester's sdteduled-toni g htrr ^T bles, mixed doubles and singles in on him but member of the mutuel field ; mingo and the Stepping Stone seven. . paring for exchange matches got it out over Jester, conditioned by Juan opening day at the 7 LEWISTON, Minn: - The events. the plate." broke out of the pack for victo- Purse on That left him with a 71 and a this" summer. Arias, the man who trained Downs last Saturday. He fin- 205 total going into today s final Lewiston". High School athletic The purpose of tonight's Sanders' I -2-3 scoreless in- ry. ' Duane M. Peterson and How nings gave the Brewer Tuesday's one-mile Derby Canonero II lo victory : in the ished ahead of Riva Ridge in round. The tournament sched- banquet- will be held at the high ard VanDeinse represented Wi- meeting, according to Peter- bullpen a mark of having allowed Trial should give a clearer pic- Derby and Preakness. Arias the Everglades but lost to .him ule was pushed back one day school tonight at 8. nona at Sunday s meeting and just ' son , is two-fold : it is to relay two runs in 35 innings: Sanders ture of how many will go in the also will saddle Di. Shina's in the Futurity; at Belmont last when Thursday's play was rain- Guest speaker will be Carl will report their findings to a the results of Sunday's meet- has saved each of lV4-mile^ $125,00O-added Derby Hassi's Image for the Derby, year. eel out El|er of the Minnesota Vikings. meeting of those interested in the team 's ing, and to make preparations victories. ' •' . " . ' Saturday at Churchill Downs ¦? promoting tennis in Winona at . . ^??? ¦??•?????????? ¦?-?? ^^ ¦?¦??^?? ¦^?^???????? ^ for the local program. Local "I wanted the save even 8 tonight in Memorial Hall on more today, the way Kenny However, Arnold Winlck the Winoha State College cam- preparations will include divid- trainer of Hold Your Peace ing players into , two classes— was pitching and considering , pus. he hadn 't won a game," he noted , "Some of these people Plans to be. discussed include probably by age and ability, have come here to run in the with sections for juniors, seniors said. "I was determined I several programs from Sun- wasn't going to give up a home Derby and they won't have it day's meeting. Peterson re- and women with varying de- any other way. grees of ability. run." ; " ports scheduling a tennis clinic . Some , of the outsiders being One of the programs to be- The crowd lifted total home for Winona on May 20 from -2-5 attendance for seven dates to pointed for the Derby were U p.m. featuring Rochester's ten- gin in the near future will send Pos Ent, Pascallo two area youths 45,356, barely exceeding last , Sensitive nis pro, Owen Kennedy, and to Rochester year's opening Music, Big Brown Bear and an to receive instruction from day 40,566. After Mrs. Clark Millikan; a leader seven home dates a year ago oft-injured colt named One in the Rochester program, Ken- Kennedy and Mrs. Millikan. ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ attendance totaled 91,067. Eyed Tom who has yet to race. LAC - KWALLS j nedy ahd Mrs. Millikan will The home stand will conclude The Derby Trial is expected j WH5TEWALLS hold a teaching clinic and dem- William (Buddy) Gilmour with games Tuesday , and to draw a field of 12 including ^ onstrate a variety of skills. The was second in harness racing Wednesday nights against Min- No Le Hace, Key to the Mint , site of the clinic is yet to be winners in 1971 with 305. nesota.' Head of the River and New Even it a new s/cr c/zam 7s i)i///f Minneapolis will still support Met By PAT THOMPSON changing offers on the various cent has been mentioned. people all over town, various MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP ) items. groups about the project and — City Coordinator Thomas A. "We hope by the end of May Revenue bonds on the sta- trying to get a dium would be retired by concensus of Thompson , confident a $49.1 that we will come to a con- sta- opinion as far as the general million domed stadium and clusion." dium rental , admissions tax, public is concerned. parking ramp will be built , The $21 million stadium pro- parking income, advertising "As far as and concessions. Some I'm concerned the says Minneapolis will not with- posal is rejected. tax- reaction has been more positive payers are concerned they will draw support from Metropoli- The city council would act on than negative. Actually as far tan Stadium. the issue if the Vikings do be asked to carry uhe burden if as the Vikings are concerned the stadium is not sclf->suppbrt- , "We have no intention of agree to offers from Thompson all the five directors have to do dropping our support as far as A major point is what per- ing. is agree they want to join the baseball goes," said Thompson. centage of gate receipts the "We're in the process, as far city and that's it. "It (the Met) needs some work Vikings will be asked, or agree, as the city is concerned ," said "Frankly, I haven 't any rea- and there's no doubt that we to pay. One figure of 12,5 per Thompson , "of talking to son to be doubtful. " agree that it should be done- T&B/SmKBIm ^^Km^^^^^^KttKBBI ^^t^K&Bttr __m^______f T seats replaced and that sort of Uhing. " The city owns the bonds of the 49,700-seat Met Stadium , which also houses the Minnesota Vikings . Finley raps Kuhn Warrior JV Thompson currently is nego- ' tiating with the Vikings on t ^ ? moving to the proposed 65,000- ? USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM KMau&e of an ex- 3 WAYS 4 /_«w7w;WVM__l 9 (' ^Vt tmn 1 1 fJtTO!_^_S^1 ? stretches pected heavy demand for Goodyear tires, wo may run _ B. IMIIilllillirTi £ JUBBft WXXBBXW Starred toeitlona A 4 rt .. * soat downtown dome and 5,100 for intervention I out of some sizes during this offer, but we will be happy Til (in,mr(i*D-rbi ^. - Do Not Honor ? WM\ .\il\M ' car parking ramp. ? to order your size at the advertised price and issue you _„ "!«__ lUIUJlttHMILLlI VSWHKJ' IMMSUXj Bonk Cradu C UT . 4 a rain check for future delivery of the merchandise. y I - J ^—^ J - "^ I 4 CHARGE ^ The coordinator predicts an answer from the Vikings this streak to 4 month. in Blue contract Wmona State, running its "We're going over many of By MIKE O'BRIEN ers to act in "the best interests winning streak to four in a row , Vikings " (AP) the details with the , MILWAUKEE - Vida of baseball ," ordered Finlcy to dumped UW-Ln Crosse 3-1 and 8 SPRING IS THE TIME FOR 'j said Thompson. "There are a Blue's name might be an Oak- leave open his offer | and said he 2-1 in a junior varsity j number of tilings that cither land contract now if baseball would urge Blue to accept il. double- should or should not be includ- commissioner Bowie Kuhn "That's when I saw red ," header nt Loughrey Field Sat- : I GOODYEAR'S "CIRCLE QF SAFETY" INSPECTION I ed in a building of this kind. hadn 't "arbitrarily involved Finley said. urday afternoon. j We need to determine what fa- himself and forced himself" "I haven 't decided whether to Craig Anderson, 2-0, collected cilities are to be provided be- into the salary dispute, accord- keep it open , but right now I the win in tho first game, giving Free Check of ihe Following: fore you arrive at a point of ex- ing to Athletics owner Charles will not keep it open—won 't up only two hits, striking out | j THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL I J two and walking three. Paul Brake System Battery O. Finley.. even consider it—until he I I * • j*» « jfi^ H _ Finley, still hopeful of signing (Kuhn) Rader, 3-1, won the second , fan- £ orders Blue to accept ? I • Shocki Suspension ^ his brilliant it ning nine, yielding just two hits • Complete Front $5 _ _Q Wm | ? pitcher—on his own , " he said. «t^ ^ iF ¦ and walking ono. End Aligntnont ^W^ • is terms—switched targets from ! 1 • Tires • Wheel Balanco Tri'Oval .Blue's agent , Robert Gerst, lo "Ho has got to rctrnct that The Warriors , now 5-3, (allied ^ statement two of their first-game runs in ExhauU Sys,om Kuhn , in an interview with the and request mo to I I * Torsion Bart & Air Conditioning, 52 Extra 1 the third inning ' J Associated Press Sunday. keep it open, or go out and or- on Ln Crosse rained out der Blue to accept it ," he said. errors and added an insurance "It's unfortunate because 1 run in the fifth ns Dick Snuer FOUNTAIN . CITY , Wis. - thought I had Vida on the verge "Or once ho has requested both Sunday 's regular racing pro- parties to give consideration singled and Al Schiesscr trip- I I FOR APPOINTMENT . . . CALL 454-5181 ? of signing until he (Kuhn) led, I gram at Tri-Ovnl Speedway stepped in ," said Finley, here —that' s something else. was washed out for the second Blue earned In the nightcap, the Warriors for a weekend series between $14,750 last year scored all of their runs in the consecutive week, prompting of- while comp iling n 24-fl 1 1, Thurs. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ihe A's and Milwaukee Brew- record onening inning as Snuer dou- 4 D I u i 1 * Sun> P"™ to 5 p-1"" * J ficials to schedule twin rounds ers and winning the American Regular . bled. John Hughes walked i"vi t HOUrS at I « Mon. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Fri. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 4 for this week. "The commissioner arbi- League's most valuable player Rollie Smith poked a two-TtRI Tuos- 7 nm' to 9 pm Sat 7 am to s p,m Following postponement of trarily involved himself and and Cy Young awards. double. \ Our Mew Location I * ' • ' ' * ? Sunday's round , Tri-Oval owner forced himself into contract ne- Finley said he had offered n The Warriors ' doublelmnder . . J • Wed. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ? Belmont Krause announced that gotiations with Blue, and I do $50,000 contract for 1972 , plus with Rochester Stnte Junior ? I ¦ racing would be held Tuesday $13,000 as a bonus for College. sdwduWl for. forlnv , : r •/..A-.A-....v.-.. - .\.rt-'.-...-.v.- '->^ ^v^ . .,.,, ^«M.' ws;J.- - .\v,-.vs^ c-jiAv.-<- .i^l^.;-v;-:-'- ;: ,siNw.v,v%«% *^A'*«»M***W not believe ho had the authority 1071—$5 ,- AJwirt^.»;^^^^^v/':'-\\. _____ ^_____WW^_____^______j^__ W^_l^_WW^& T and Friday nights at 0:30. to do so," he said. 000 for attorney's fees and $fl- wns canceled Their next ' win Tuesday's round will be a 000 for Blue's college education hill wil' be Wednesday ngni'nst makeup of Sunday 's rained out An apparent contract agree Finlcy said Gorst initially de- Lulhr" College, also lit hough- evem while Friday christeas the ment fell through Friday after manded $115,000. rey Field. a first of what will bo regular 22-hour meeting in Chicago, "Gerst never wanted a joint i.n Cron» ...... ooo inn o-i j a Winona I when Blue refused SI. 001 010 x-l 4 0 NELSON rounds at the speedway. to sign TIRE SERVICE a statement," Finley said. "Why? K^B Spannhnqor unit ¦rrtiari ! ' Cralq Anctor- \ (Independent Goodyuar Dealer) m_ _m^^y ^^^^ joint announcement publicizing Because he has had himself in »00 Mlkkolion, Kohncrl U) and Sceuor; , MAY J, 1972 $63, . Paul Radtr and Dob Morlonion, ^???????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????? *

' l In Wisconsin Area Gopher^^ iS^(g^:^P^6n: signs scoreboard Cotter BASEBALL SATURDAY'S RISULTt (Continued from page 3b) LOCAL SCHOOLJ- Wlnona Jt. 4-7, Moorhaad SI. l-e. of Big Ten fit le race 24.45 clocking. pollute SI. MarVt 1MJ, Mitalejltr «•». The only other double win- for d streams Cottar 1. Mankilo Loyola 1. ¦ ' ¦ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS conference competition. The the winning margin in the open- STEVENS POINT, Wis. (AP) mobile laws, boating rules and cluding the stream from the NIC— " " . ners In the meet were Steve _ Bemldll St. *-7, Soulhwtst St. 0-J. The Northwestern Wildcats Spartans took a doubleheader er while a single and two dou- Walsh arid Greg Anderson of The Wisconsin Wildlife Fed- other; environmental protec- Minn. Morris 4-1, St. Cloud SI. 1-5 (HI ¦ designation. captured three of four games from Eastern Michigan Friday, bles in the sixth were the mar- eration recommends Wisconsin lives. . . ' - gimt 10 innlngi, iicond jamt • Innlngi).) Pacelli. Walsh took both the • . Proposed fluorescent or- MIAC— 6-1 and 4-3, and split a pair gin of victory in the night cap. poison labels on its polluted over the weekend and remained 44o and half-mile run, and An- put In other resolutions, the con ange instead of red as the tra- 7 St. Thcmat "14, Concordia M (Jnd with Central Michigan Saturday Iowa remained third in the ,' » Innlngi). . __ ; in first place in the Big Ten derson won the low hurdles in streams and keep its game vgntion: _ ditional warning color worn by B*m» by winning 11-2 after losing the Big Ten race after dumping wardens bfl the police beat. St. Jbtin'i M, Augiburg t-t. \ baseball race. addition to the high jump. • Endorsed plans to annex deer hunters. Oustavui Adolptwi 1-1, Hamlin*) 1-1. who have nev- opener 7-3 Purdue 4-0 and 12-1 Sunday. SUNDAY'S RESULTS 7 The Wildcars, . Teammate Todd Nelson turned The suggestions were among the lower St. Croix River to the James Warding of Sussex ~ LOCAL SCHOOLS- " er won an outright baseball Minnesota " remained In the The Boilermakers could only in a fine 10:15.6 clocking in the National Wild and Scenic Riv- was elected president. Bernard Mankato Loyola at Cottar, ppd., rain. resolutions adopted during the crown but shared the title with thick of the conference race by muster one hit in 13 innings. two-mile run to best Drazkow- at the 71-club feder- ers system. Shearier of Wisconsin Rapids UW-La Crom 10-T, Winona St. 7-«. ¦¦ weekend TODAY'S GAMES Illinois in 1940, swept a double- sweeping a doubleheader from Jim Wise held Purdue to '¦ Called for a congressional and Arthur Hagemahn of ski; , ation's 23rd annual convention. • LOCAL SCMOOLS- header from Indiana Saturday, Illinois Sunday, 2-1 and 4-2. The three hits in the opener as the Cotter s other first-place per- investigation of the Interior De- Wausau were re-elected vice Winona High al Rochester JM, ppd. ' The group also called for con- ' to 'Tuesday, rain. victories boosted the Gophers' Hawkeyes upped their confer- partment' 7-4 and 9-3, to boost their con- formances were recorded by trolled use of chemicalt. for kill- s reasons for ex- presidents. TUESDAY'S OAMES 8-2 while ence record to 7-3. Purdue fell LOCAL SCHOOLS- ference record to 5-1. conference record to Jim Husman in the shot put ing trash fish, restoring water Lear Col. it Winona St. (i) J p.m. 3-6. The two to 2-4. In the rain-shortened t Northwestern's only confer- Illinois dropped to and Ae Dee Latten in the dis- quality in the Rock River ba- teams were rained o'ut Satur- nightcap, Iowa romped to a 12-1 cus. Rick Kleinschmidt came " TRACK ence loss this season came Fri- sin, preserving 12,000-acre Lake day when Ohio State's Lyal day. . victory in six innings as Purdue in second in the open mile, Koshkonbnj>, and preventing SATURDAY 'S RESULT S s Dave Flanders' committ^ seven errors. . LOCAL SCHOOLS- Fulks shut out the Wildcats on TMinnesota' > Tony was . second to Anderson appointment of K or C ReUys — Arcadia :«, Wiscon- gubernatorial Scoreboard one hit, 5-0, after Northwestern seventh inning shot provided Ohio State also split a double- in the low hurdles, Tom Haun members of the folicy-setting sin Rapids Assumption X. Madison Edge- header with Wisconsin Satur- wood 17, Rochestir Lwrdes 11, Holmen had captured the /irst game of took a second- in the 440, Dan Natural Resources Board. 17, Cotter 11, MiriMleld Columbus 11. a doubleheader, 12-1. day. The Buckeyes dumped the Kujak wound up second In ithe Moundsvlew SIU. Albert Le* *!• Wi- Baseball ¦Basketball¦ nona High 14Vi. Badgers 4-1 after losing the 880, Dan Kohner notched a Delegates recommended the " " '¦ ' Michigan State, the defending AMERICAN LEAGUE Playoffs SUNDAY'S RBSULTS . NBA ' " ¦ ' first game 3-i. second in the high jump, Latten state post signs along streams Eait Division . . LOCAL SCHOOLS- champion, did not engage in W L Pet. 08 . Championship Cotter U, Austin Pacelli ii. finished second behind Husman which contain health hazards No games; scheduled. Detroit ...... 7 4 Ml TUESDAY'S MEETS Lakers Northwest**™ will be home in the shot Sundayi Result . and Pete Wildenborg "bacteria , mercury, Baltimore 7 « Jll I LOCAL SCHOOLS- for a pair J>( such as Lot Angeles , New York tl, best-of-7 doubleheaders this ' Cleveland ..:.:.... « 6 .500 l'i 10* Cotter at Onalaika Luther, 4 p.m. 3b) followed Latten in the discus. pesticides and other pollu- ¦ ' series tied, 1-1. (Continued from page weekend. The Wildcats take on ¦ ¦ Boilon '...... -:.;• 4 7 .JM 3 WJHS shut out The one first for Cotter in -; ' New York 4 i: .131 -JV _ . Today's Gam* tants." . No game scheduled to split the Illinois Friday and Purdue Sat- Mi lwaukee ...... 3 7 .SCO l'.V . TENNIS gratified, however, the girls' iicet was turned in Richard Hemp of Mosinee, Tuesday'! Game . TODAY'S MEETS by John Marshall urday. Weit Division. No game scheduled. west Coast games. by Barb Tcstor in the long ' ' LOCAL SCHOOLS— e'n(lip <» a . term as president of Minnesota -. . -.;¦$. 1 .717 ' ¦ 'ABA ¦ ROCHESTER . Minn. — Ro Other games Friday find jump where her best effort was Oakland ...... 7 . 4 . .«!« 1 Winona High at Rochester JM, ppd. Coach Bill Sharman of the the federation , said the pres- Division Finals to Tuesday, rain. 7 Chester John Marshall's Junior Michigan at Michigan WState measured at 15-1 Chicago ...... ,S S .(IS 1 Siturday's Results Lakers said Chamberlain "was Vi. However, riverside warnings Texas ...... 7 .531 1 Rochester St. jr. Col. ai Winona St., for a single contest , Purdue at ence of ¦ * East Divliion 1 p.m; High School baseball team shut tremendous. We wanted him to Jean Glubka did wind up in a Kansas City ;,' :... '..* :« . .11» - -;1W awaken -the . public that Vlrgini* ll(, Ne* York 107, Virginia TUESDAY'S MEETS 4-C Wisconsin for a pair and Ohio three-way tie could " leads beit'-et-T series, l-l. out Winona Junior High go to the" basket more to put for first in the * not as in- Saturday's Results LOCAL SCHOOLS- State at Southern Illinois-Ed* these waters are Sunday's Results Wlnona St. at Slout St., 3 p.m. here Friday. more pressure on Jerry Lucas. high jump, Kathy Polus took Minnesota 1, New York 0. No games scheduled. wardsville in a nonconference nocent as they appear." - . Detroit -(..- .Chicago 1. John Marshall collected six He has sacrificed his shooting second to her teammate in the Today's Game GOLF single 'The legislature was asked Cleveland 3, Kansas City 1. East Division : TODAY'S MEETS hits, while Winoha was held this season to do other things game. long jump, and Jane Glubka Oakland 1, Milwaukee 1. ' ¦ ¦ Virginia at New York. LOCAL . SCHOOLS- . Saturday's other games arj finished last year to authorize a pro- Texas 7, Boston 6. - West Division Winona High It Rochester JM, ppd, hitless in its first game of the (rebounding and shotblocking). second in the softball Ballimore (, California l. . Indiana it Utah, best-ol-7 serin tied, to Tuesday, rath. V season. Illinois at Wisconsin and Iowa throw. .': gram for posting waters which ¦'¦ ¦ Today we needed his scoring." Sunoey' s Games ' 3-3. ' ; ' - .. ' Luther, Stout 51., UW-Da Crosse al Wi- swimming and drinking New York 5-4; Minnesota 4-5, Winoha will be at Chatfield The Lakers played bette*r de- at Minnesota in doubleheaders, ' contain Tuesday's Games nona St., ppd. raln; \ v HO-Yd. High HtirdlH _ |. T. Kl»(r> hazards. The bills died in the Chicago (, De:rolt 3. No games scheduled. Rushlord at Colter, ppd.Xra 'm. this Friday." fense and got 31 points from Michigan iState at Michigan in icrtmidi (C)j J. ; Smilh (C)/ J. Ander« Milwaukee 2, Oakland 1. ion i. R. Klein- 1st game, ind same, rain. deciding factors in the game at Southern Illinols-Edwards- KDmldl tC)f-f. H#» iPli T—4l4t.l. The federation also opposed -4, California. BelHmore J. appeared to be DeBusschere's ¦ville in another single, nonconfe- K» Yd. Dnh—l. Hanien (P); a. Iwank plans for transferring con- Today's Games tPli J. Cltmenca K)i T—U.0, No games scheduled. ' rence game. servation wardens, from the i n j u r .y and Chamberlain's 4»-Yd. oaih—l. Walih (P)i t. Hlun Tuesday' s Games . IC); }. Klnmvjkl (C); T-5«.«. Cleveland at Texas, night. box shooting. 7 . Saturday s scores Natural Rsources Department H0-Yd. Low Hurdlei— 1. And»nwi (P)i Kan:as City at Detroit, night. By going to thef basket, J. T. . Klelmchmldl (C)j I. Burka (C)» to the Justice Department. Chicago at Baltimore, night. - Minnesota (3) Ntw York (0) Loyola (1) Cotter (2) FIRST GAME ib' i-hbl abr hbi ABRH AB R H Macalester (4) bl. Mary i (10) Minnesota at Milwaukee, night, ' Chamberlain drew fouls from IIO-Yd. Run-W»l5h (P); J. The proposal reflects sugges Tovar.rf 4 0 0 0 ( 3 0 1 4 8 0 ku|*li (C)» California at New York , night. . AB R H AB R H Lucas, the Knicks' &-8 center Arkansaw dumps I. tomaihek (C); T—JilS.J. night. Thom' 4 l 1 0 Torres.rf 4 0 l o 111 2 80 Gill.c 3 0 0 3 1. 2 tions that agents would be ab'c Oakland at Boston, «0-Yd. Daitv—K Smith (Ol t. Iv»an« 4 110 Murce r,cf 4 0 1 0 Dccker.c 11 1 LiVas' 3 0 1 Anderson,cf 4 2 3 T»ylor,«» 4 2 4 who had 16 points. Walt Fra- closely with ke (P); 3. Wis* -1. Andarson (P) t a. Koh- Pittsburgh ...... 5 » .315 4 Kaat.p 10 0 0 Sweb' OOOO . 10O — — - 0 0 "I Micha«ls,ll 3 0 0 saw High School's baseball ¦ ¦ amazing accuracy of the first ner (C)( J. T. Kleinschmidl (C); H—K. .3J5 4 1 0 0 0 McDa'l.p OOO 0 — ——' Totals 31 2 2 Jones,2b 0 0 0 Stanger'e,2b 2 1 0 Delegates, however, said. the St. Louis S I . . team added a pair of victories Pole V«ult-1, Buihlack I IM Lahovd.lf 111 I Doyle L, 1-1 ... 5 7 .» . -.? 4 1 Lake Clly 1 c Oronoco o I lectins three — . Including a MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) Area man named ll 111 0 Kellcgg 1 0 Wanamingo ' 0 1 Philadelphia (-3, San Diego 1-1. 3 litDavls. LEGION Nassaucr .. 1 111 i .. . i pair of two-baggers — and Har* — The Minnesota Gophers' Montreal 5-2, Sail Francisco 1-13. Duncon.c 4 11 1 Brlggs,1b\4 0 1 0 Hal-Rod W. L. COB ., 4-1 7 11 4 5 2 2 Plainview 4 0 Los Angeles 7, Mew York o. Brooks/cl 3 0 0 0 Con ro.rl 4 1 1 I Teamsters ...... M 33 WP—Doyle, Nassausr. tung two with a home run to football team heads into its All-America Today' s Games Br0wn,3b 4 0 I 0. ScotWb 4 0 11 Fenske Body ,Shop ...... (0 3» The Wabasha County Baseball his credit. Wayne Gebhardt led third week of spring practice New York (Seaver 1-0) at San Fran- Hunter.p 4 0 1 0 Porter.c llllMutual Service ...... 53 4( SECOND GAME cisco (Cumberland 0-2).) Fingers,p O OOO Aui"ch,ss J 0 0 0 Bauer Electric ...... 51 47 Macalester (9) St. Mary' s (to) League opened its 1972 season the losers with two hits. with Coach Cal Stoll talking of trapshooter Houston (Roberts 1-1) at PlttsburgH — — — — Llniy,P - 08 0 0 Oasis Bar .. .:. 51 41 AB R H AB R H this weekend. 7 ' The nightcap was a slugfest progress made and needed. (Blass 1-1), N. Totals »4 3 7 1 Vojs,ph 10 0 0 Hal-ROd Lanes ...... 4» 50 Doylo.Jb soo Brawley,3b 5 2 1 Zumbro Falls tipped Bellches- Minn. (AP) Philadelphia (Fryman 1-0) at Loi An- Samfers,p 0 9 0 0 Legion Club ...... 4«Vi SOVs Anders0n,cf 3 1 2 Taylor. ss 4 2 I with Arkansaw drilling 16 hits, "The men showed remark- MINNEAPOLIS, od.p 1 0 II 5t>, _ geles (Osteen 1-0), N. Lock' Winoha. Plumbing . :*VA MagneJl-fi ¦ 3 I I VVel»«n'er,c 4 1 J ler 4-3 in 12 innings, while home while committing able progress but there's still a . Henry Hein of LaCrescent, Thco1d,2b 2 8 0 0 ...... 47 51 Oou.'d.if ¦ ¦' seven errors; — Tueiday's Games East Side Bar • 3 3 2 3 11 runs highlighted Lake City's Minn., and Loral I. Delaney, Philadelphia at Los Angeles, N. Lake Center Industries .. 44 . 55 Hadro3b 3 2 2 Wili'gch.rt . '. j 0 2 . Both John and Dan LeBrec col- long way to go," Stol l said Montrea l at San Diego, N. :- • Total 31 1 5 1 William's Annex ...... 42 57, Hans' 3 1 2 Mlcha»ls,lf 3 11 12-1 thrashing of-Oronoco. lected two hits each, as did after a Saturday scrimmage. Anoka, have been named to New York at San Francisco, N. Oakland •• ¦¦ ''0' 00° 000—1 Lang's Bar 33 M Dam' 3 0 0 . 4 2 .1 . - ' Kellogg stepped Wanamingo Sports Afield All America men Houston af Pittsburgh, N. Milwaukee . . . .OCO lol . OOfc—1 Hfrfon.c 3 II Sfsng'ne,2b 3 0 1 Dave Brantner, Hartung and "It takes time to put in a new Atlanta at Chicago. E—Rudi, B. Brooks. LOB—Oakland 13. Plfi DUSTERS Le«nar,p 10 1 Ziclinskl.p 1 1 1 4-3 in the only other game. Gary Setterlund for the Trav- system and work in a new and women trapshooting teams Cincinnati at St. Lools, N. Milwaukee 5. IB-Scott, Epstein. HR- Hal-Rod W. L. Nasauer.p 0 0 0 Cerrone p OOO ; Plainview had an opening-day for 1972. D, May 2. Teamsters . -- it- "¦ Brinoo' 1 0 1 Rolbieckl.p l 0 0 ¦ elers, while Gebhardt again staff." MIAC IP H R ER BB SO Blanche's Tavern .19 1», Adamj.lf 0 0 8 10 I aye . . . ' collected two for the losers. Stoll said quarterback Bob Jimmy Robinson, veteran W L Pet. GB Hunter W, 1-1 ¦ . . » . - '1 '"'' . . *" J Graham & McGuire 37 11 — Hoi;an,p 0 0 0 7 1 .875 . ... Vt ' 8 Ken's Auto Body ...... 37 51 Totals 28 » 12 . Morgan , the team captain , con- ST. MARY'S .;... Finqers '- . J" J ' — Arkanvaw .... . 100 101 1—4 shooting editor, also announced St. Thomas ... 7 1 .875 0-1 5 . 5 3 5 » Turner' s Markel • ' • 14 14 7 1 Lockwood L, »¦¦ _ Totals . 3} 10 17 Immanutl 100 0M 0—3 4 ' j tinues to play impressively. 500 3 . J East Side Bar 34 14 Macalester .. Saturday that Ken Jennings, Gustavus Adolphus 4 4 . Limv : •; ; . 500 373 0— I Myari and Salltrlundj - ' 4 4 .500 1 2 0 J Sloppy Joe's - .. .:.; » 25 Morrliofl and The Gophers conclude spring St. Johns ...:;¦; . ... Sanders ° °_ 1„ «¦ St Mary 's . ISO 012 x—10 Saints win ink Elbt. Bismarck, N.D., was elected to ...... 4 .400 4 Save-^FIngers 3. WP—Lockwood. PB— Winner's Circle -13 . E—Magne. Bl—G-nld. " Hamline .. * H*drn, Han«hen, Arkannw ,- ' - 001 M0 0-1J H practice with their annual in- 5 A—(,11». Richard's Hair Styling .... 10',t 37', . . T the junior first team that also Concordia .3 5 .375 Porter. T-2:27. ' D.imianovlch 2, Horlon , Brlnoowa 't. Ser- Immanuel 013 030 S—15 1 3 333 5 Scotty's Sweetheart s . .. ' -... . 1* » vais. trasquad game May 20 at Me- Macalester 2 4 . Ad»ms. Brawl'y Tavlo-. VVeiien- ll' s Antonovich J. LaBrec and letttrlund) Grave and Included Don Westman Jr., Augsburg 1 7 .115 ( Roger's Meats ™' i "'-^ burner. M(Hh»'3. WII' o,-> j. stana-rnne, ... 17 31 Elbe. . morial Stadium. Fargo, N.D. on the second TUESDAY'S GAMES Gall's Appliance 2B—Gou 'd, Hadro. H»n«c *'en, Horton, ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - St. John's at Concordia (1).) pi-awlry, Servais. 38—Murlha. SB-Tay- team and John Waseca , Sauk Gustavus Adolphus at St. Thomai (1). WHS baseball . SUGAR LOAF lor The Minnesota Fighting Saints Points Hamline at Macalester (2). Westgate S—Hansehen, Adam^, Zlellnskl. Rapids, as honorable mention. > ¦ «5 SF- of the newly formed World M'dway D- — > *nr.v\r.. 44 Keith Hewlett, Rochester, postponed E.B.'s corner nP—it. Marv 's (Murfha.Tavlor Murtra). Hockey Association will an- Black Horse « LOB— yiir i ~. i— t , st was named to the sub-junior 3J * . M*rv '« *. nounce today the signing ot Hockey High's Big Nine Con- L-Cove Bar PITCHING 'UMMARY Winona Oasis . 10 team and Harry Koogler, Min- IP H R E» BB SO Mike Anlonovich , a junior at with John Mar- .. '. PHyOffa ference baseball Sunshine Bar . • 5° I »crn»r ..J » 7 t 2 1 neapolis, to the professional Winona Liquors 50 the . NHL Rochester, scheduled N-, <'»III>' 1 10 0 11 team. shall at 400 Bar '0 The former state high school Chompionf hip has been postponed M-n-» L. 0-1 J 7 3 7 0 4 Saturday's Result for today, 7'"-! nrki . J'i R 5 S 1 1 star from Greenway of Cole- LAKESIDE ro-rnni> No games scheduled. to Tuesday because of the rain. Points 13 7 7 2 1 s Result Woslgale ¦ raine led the" Gophers Sunday' 46 P'-'hl-Ckl W, 2-0 l"i ' 7 2 10 to the (, I, Boston liadi The game will be played at 4 Wally's Supner Club Boston Now York 40 HC-»n 1 0 0 . 0 1 1 Western Collegiate Hockey As- Bobick withdra ws bcst-ol-7 series , 1-0. Jacques T.V • HFiPi— Wi|tn«n p.m. •¦ 3«'i (by Magne). WP—M.igne, Today s Game Westgate Liquor sociation championship when ' Lounge 33 Corrono 2. PE—Horton. No game scheduled. The Hawks golf and tennis Shorty'i D A J from AAU tourney Schwelgort Mtals •. 33 he was a freshman. Tuesday's Gam* matches, also with John Mar- New York at Boiton. Rog-jr 's Meats " TRACK Last season Anlonovich shall have also been reschedul- Aulo inn Gull ...... •- 104 MTjndsu'<~" tri .. Alb"'« Lea 81, LAS VEGAS , Nev. (AP) - 4 scored ei ght goals in the first ed for Tuesday. Phillip's Bui Serv V/inon-> High 35' i Clifford Stephens of the U.S. ¦ 120-Yd, Hlnh Hurdl».s — j, Paul An- eight games, then suffered a Army outpointed Bob Culbert- FATHER 8. SON LEAGUE dre 'Ml, 2. Sen-ke IA). i . Lindberg (M), knee injury which later 2 tie in CC Weitgaie Bowl 4. G'lherffn (A). T—15.1. re- son of Rochester , Minn., in a SONS: 10»-Yd. Da«h — 1. Dan Kni'dtson (A), quired surgery. heavyweight quarter-final blind bogey twin bill High single jime— Malt Smllh, Smllh 3. Everson (Ml, 3. Jon Noidig (W), 4. Cotter & Smith, 1*5. LaMn'kl (Wi. T—10.3. Smith A match of the National Amateur James Jeresek and Roy High series — Malt Smith, Two-Mile Relav - 1. MO""dsvlew , 3. out Smith, 195. W "-na, 3. AlbeM lea. T—8:?» S. Athletic Union boxing tourna- Johnson tallied identical 77*s to is rained FATHERS: M'le Pun — I. Don PM'rson (A), 3, Gross income from ment Saturday. win a blind bogey tournament The Cotter High - Mankato High single game — Lyle Jacobson, Slch (M> . 1 Hilvrrspn (A), 4. Moran- Van Hoof «, Van Hoof, 301. ch-rk (W) T-4:43.»/ Minnesota 's other heavy- Club Skeels & at the Winona Country Loyola doubleheader scheduled High Series - Bob Skeels, ICO-Yd. Relay - 1. Albert Lea, 3. sale of chickens weight entry, Duane Bobick of over the weekend. Sunday at Gabrych Park was Schuppenhauer 107. M""'d-vle»' . 3 . Winona . T—1:34 a. Bowlus was forced to withdraw High Team flame — Smllh * Smllh, 440 Yd. D»'h — 1. Or»dnn Hold (Ml, , Ralph Carlblom , 0. G. Ver- canceled because of rain. 193. 2. Ncldlo (W). 3 McNamee (A), 4 . tumbles sha rply before the tournament after ding and J. L. Jeremiassen tied Saturday, Cotter had beaten High Team Series — Smllh A Smllh Blurkev (Ml. T—S1.4. 1,14(. 4".0 Yd. Shuttle Hurdles — J. Moundi- suffering a broken nose in spar- Smllh WASHINGTON (AP) - Gross for third with HO's and Carl Loyola 2-1. League Clumplons Smilh * vlrw. 2 Albert Le«, 3 Wlnom . T—57.4 . ring sessions. Klagge was sixth with a 75. No make-up date has been 8P0 Yd . Run — 1, Alh-rtson (Ml, 1, income from the sale of chick- f.tvlium (Ml. 3. MOIInt (W), 4. Sherman ens, including broilers, and set. (A) . T— '¦•C7 9. Relay 1. c.f Sunday News Classi- particularly for beef and pork, stead of Wisconsin's north- KNITCRAFT IS now taking application! representative and sent to Houston County tainty stemming fied Dept, 452-3321. An 18-word notice Cities Svc 38% Nw Banc 44% from the Price In their mod- -was the major ' reason for im- woods:. will be published free for 2 days In for permanent positions Appointment of an additional Auditor Delores Hauge. Accord- Com Ed 35 Penney 75 Commission's order last , week an effort to bring finder and loser ern, air conditioned plant. Apply 4020 proved farm market prices ear- Minnesota Legis ' together. W. 4th St.; Goodview. : veterans employment represen- ing to the 1971 ComSat 63% Pepsi 82% to some companies to rescind say. stenographer liet this year, officials tative at the Department of lature, the maximum levy rate Con Ed 25% Pips Dge 4VA their price increases. STRAY ANIMAL found In my pasture. PERMANENT PART-TIME 000 in Owner may claim for Identifying and to work 20-30 hours per week In lew Large consumer demand also Manpower Services office here must not exceed $285, Cont Can 31% Phillips 27% Losses ran through motors, . office. Tel. 452-2388. ' small expense. Tel. 454-2628.' has helped. ¦ New medical was announced today by R. M. maintenance and operation costs Cont Oil 27 Polaroid 138% aircrafts and airlines. Tobaccos were hi WAITRESS—Full or part-time, must be Brown, office manager.. and $55,000 in capital outlay — Cntl Data 63% RCA 37% gher. All other groups Personal! 7 21. Attractive working condlllpnt. Ap- According to the Statistical The new representative is funds earmarked for acquiring Dart Ind 53% Rep Stl 23% were mixed. ply to Candy Watson, dally after I Ke port ing Service, cattle Dennis H. Johnson, property and equipment for the Deere 60% Rey Ind 75% The market rose sharply Fri- SAY A PRAYER for nice weather, for a p.m. WILLIAMS HOTEL. who has variety of practical reasons such as our phone plan been school district. Dom Cm 1% Sears R 114V4 day in response to selective FULL-TIME WAITRESS wanted. Apply slaughter during the first three promoted farmer friends who want to get their ' Garden Gate Restaurant, 114 Pleia E. from the posi- 7 Among the items included in du Pont 166 Shell Oil 43% buying in depressed issues. Big crops In, and also so we may all enloy '" months produced about 5.73 bil- No phone calls. . 7 . . . . tion of inter- the final budget will be salaries East Kod 118% Sp Rand 33'/a Board trading, however, was the Bellanca Aircraft Aerobatics Show lion pounds of beef , a 1 pe"r at 6 p.m. and the Golden Knights Para- viewer which for school staff. Salary:¦ negotia- Firestone 25 St Brands Wi the lightest in nearly a month. chute Show . at p.m. at Max Conrad Male—Jobs of Interest— 27 gain from January-March Field Wed. night. This Is sponsored by cent set for state he has held for tions are presently under way Ford Mtr 71 St Oil.Cal . 56% last year. the local Army Recruiting Office and TWO MEN-lahdscape and sodding work. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP ) the past two and are expected to be complete Gen Elec 67% St Oil Ind 63% the Winona Aviation Group. Ray Meyer, Westgate Gardens, no , phone cells. Ap- But veal production was ' A phone service which will years. Johnson by July 10. Gen Food 29% St Oil NJ 69% Innkeeper, WILLIAMS HOTEL. ply 4-6 p.m. . down 11 per cent, pork down 5 — Livestock Gen Mills 47% Swift 31% REDUCE7 SAFE and last with GoBese EXPERIENCED single man for fielu put Minnesota physicians and will be associ- "The reason for reviewing SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. W — (USDA) per cent and lamb and mutton 1 "water pills at work and some chores. By the month. dentists-4hrOUgh with either a Gen Mtr 79% . Texaco 30 /. -.— Cattle 3,000; calves 500; slaughter Tablets and E-Vap " ear- ated with the the>budget three times, " ex your nearest Ted Maier Drug. Start at oncel George Rothering, Tel. off 1 per¦ ¦ cent from a year Gen Tel 301 Texas Ins 150 steers and heifers active,- 25-50 higher; ' ' University of Minnesotr or senior veteran plains Johnson, "Is. that fluctua- load high choice 1,241 lb slaughter steers 608-624-2761. lier. . '. SPACE. Tel. Mary Glilete 42% Union Oil 29% at 35.50; most choice 950-1,250 lbs 34,25- FREE GARDEN Mayo Clinic specialist will start e m-.p 1 oyment tions in school enrollment, . In transpor- Altogether, the total me"at . 35.25; mixed high good and . choice 452-1706 after 6 P.m. MAN FOR RATE department Goodrich 27% UnPac 55% 33.75- 430, ta Crosse, June 1, it was announced Sun- r epresentative prices and an assortment of 34.25; good 33.25-33.75; load high choice tation firm. Write Box supply was about 9.13 billion water/ soil or fer- A day. Goodyear 31% U G Steel 31 1,094 lb slaughter heifers 34.75; most WHAT GROWS without Wis. - . Reider J. Tom- .Tnhnsnti other factors affect the budget interest-earning savings ac- pounds in the first quarter, ac- choice 850-1,050 Ibs 33:50-34.50, mixed high tlllzer? An Greyhnd 18% Wesg El 51% NATIONAL wanted lor 3-4 The caller will also be able to merass, in job before we can make a final good and choice 32.75-33.30; good 3O.00- count at MERCHANTS ; HANDYMAN-yard man counting for the 1 per cent de- requir- get, with the help of a comput- Gulf Oil 24% Weyrhsr 52% 32.75; slaughter cows steady; utillly and BANK; Have a happy dayi . days per week. .Some yard work supply of nearly placement and promotion of decision ." perl-time factory cline from the Homestk 24% Wlyvorth commercia l 26.00-27.50; slaughter bulls ed! Can work Into er, the latest medical journal employment in the 39% CERAMIC tile baths wipe clean In sec- maintenance Starting pay $2 per Jiour. 9.25 billion a year earlier. ' ' veterans He added that state -aid ; for fully steady; utility and commercial 28.50- . articles in the field . •• ' - . 32.00; good 28.0O-3O.CO;' vealers active/ onds. Leo Prochowltz, Building Con. Write E-66 Dally: News. ite area, Brown ' said. - , , Id March, desp a predicted the coming -school year has strong; choice 52,00-57.00;. prime ujp - to tractor. Tel. 452-7841. . is a nativey of SOMEONE WANTED part-time for farm- upturn in fed cattle later this The physicians an d dentists Johnson, 26, been increased to about $70,000 M 00; good 47.00-53.00: ' : Duluth and is a graduate of the Winona markets ¦ Hogs 4,000; ' barows and gilts moder- BETSINGER Tailor Shop, 227 E, 4th, work; mostly . tractor work. George spring, beef production only are bdng told that "we're here and that figure should lower ately active, generally 25 higher; 1-2 now open dally ? to 1. . Goetzman; Rt. 2, Winoha, Tel. 452-6389. equaled the year-earlier mark University of; Minnesota-Duluth. 190-240 lbs 24.25-24 .50;- 1-3 .190-240 lbs to help your patients, not you," the burden on local property Froedtert Malt Corporation month? of about 1.86 billion pounds the He has a major in business ad- 34.00-24.25; 2-4 i»0-i6D Ibs 23.75-24.25; RELAX and unwind with safe, effective SALES. . Do you need a 51,COO a , said Dr. William R. Fifer , ; one taxes. Houre 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2-4 ' .' 260-280 '.lbs 23.25-23:75; sows scarce, GoTensc tablets. 'Only 98c at your near- Must he legal age end have t car. Tel. ' ' ' Submit sample before ' ' report said. Pork was down 1 ministration and a minor in ' ¦¦ . ' loading. steady, 25 higher; 1-3 270-400 lbs 21.00- est Ted Maier Drug. . Mr. Arthur, Mpls! 927-461?. ;. of the university faculty mem- . Barley purchased at prices sublect to 21.50; : 2-3 400-600 lbs ' 20.30-21.25; boars per cent from - the" economics. He served two years ' ¦ - . ' . year earlier bers who helped develop the change steady. BURN MOBIL FUEL OIL and enloy output in March. AU red meat plan. in the Coast Guard and is a Says renters must Bay State Milling Co. • Sheep 1,000; slaughter Iambi active, the comforts of automatic personal ¦ Elevator A Grain Prices fully steady; choice 90-110 lb wooled care. Keep-full . seryjeo. Burner ser- THE; VET for the month averaged 1 per- The new service- . 'will- ; 'be member of the Coast Guard extended to ¦¦ " benefit from decreases No. I norlhern jprlng wheal .... 1.53 slaughter lambs 29.00; good and choice vice, repair and tune-up cent less than in March last called the Minnesota Medical Reserve. No. 2 northern spring wheal . . ' .,.' . 1.51 28.00-20.00; choice and prjme 90-110 lb our oil customers only. JOSWICK FUEL ' ' 8, OIL CO., 901 E. 8th , Tel. 452-3402; year. Information Service. A physi- Johnson is single and lives PAUL Minn. (AP) - No. 3 northern spring wheat ...... 1.47. shorn slaughter lambs with No. 1-2 - pelts His firstbri-the-job train- ST. , No. 4 northern, spring wheat .... -1:43 30.00-3U00; choice , and prime spring cian or dentist will be able to at 1603 W. Sth St. Gov. Wendell Anderson says NO. 1 hard winter wheat ...... 1.51 slaughter lambs 10O Ibs 32.00; slaughter HAVING A DRINKING problem? For Recent reports show the experienced, CONFIDENTIAL aid to ing was with a tough out- num- phone a toll-free number at the the federal Price Commission No. 2 hard winter wheat ...... 1.49 ewes weak to 50 lower; utility and good ber of cattle in feed lots, being ASHS SUSPENSION No. 3 hard winter wheat ...... 1.45 4.50-6.00; cull 3.00-4.50; feeder lambs help men . and women stop drinking " " University of Minnesota 24 has advised that decreases in No. 4 hard winter wheat ..; 1.41 steady; choice and fancy 60-85 lbs Tel. 454-4410, ALCOHOLICS ANONY- fit put in shape for slaughter this WASHINGTON (AP ) - The No. 1 rye ...... 1.05 28.00-29.00; 85-100 lbs 25.00-28.00. . MOUS, for yourself or a relative. hours a day. property taxes must be passed " ' ' ' No. 2 rye .: .. 1.03 ' '¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' spring and summer, are up The Northlands American Motors Corp. has be- . - ¦ around 9 or 10 per cent Regional along to renters. Transportation 8 Train him now for yours. from a Medical Program will finance come the sixth firm to. request Anderson, in a news release and the Price Commission year ago.'A- Egps MEXICO—14 days. Leaving May 6. Would the MMIS service with an a one-year suspension of pollu- Saturday, said .a spokesman for intend that decreases in CHICAGO WHOLESALE esti- clearly. like 4 more sociable ..senior citizens to Livestock markets in the ' EGG MARKET mated . $25,000 for tlie first year. tion emisson standards for 1975 the Rent Advisory Board of the property taxes will be passed share expense. Everything furnished. . Grade A large white ...... ;...:.. -27 Midwest have , recently betfi . $275. This price not repeated! Tel. 687- Roger Schroeder of the uni- model automobiles. commission said "the board along to tenants." . Grade A medium white ...... 24 ' DRAFTSMAN down from prices earlier this 4762. ' -. year, reflecting the versity's School of Pharmacy " gradual will be 7 the project director . 7 MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd WANTED buildup iri the slaughter supply. Auto Service, Repairing 10 Only qualified persons with Dr. Fifer said more than 2,- DON'T! GAMBLE with your llfel Have minimum 3 years industrial 000 doctors and dentists TAGGART TIRE SERVICE specialists at the rebuild your brakes. : Price S34.95 most machine design experience Mayo Clinic and tlie university cars. Tel. 452-2772. need apply. Eight champions have been asked to volunteer to answer callers' requests for in- Business Services J4 Pleasant working conditions formation. in newly styled Engineering BODY WORK and cycle painting. Reason- Department. Included are some . specialists able. Second left of . SiCbrecht's Green-, named in state in private practice who have house, ask lor . Butch. Contact Joyce Brehmer In clinical faculty appointments at CHIMNEY AND foundation need repair- person at the university, Dr. Fifer said. ings? Also any type ol plastering,: stuc- speech co or cement work.. Tel. 452-7086 or 452- DI-ACRO - contest "We've already gotten back ' ¦ 7726. -— ... . . - Minn; -' y— ST. PAUL, Minn, (AP) - an immense number of cards," 7 Lake Cityr from those PIANO TECHNICIAN—local referenced ' Eight champions were named 1 agreeing to work on upon request Reasonable rates. Write . - "An Equal Opportunity the program 114 14th St. NE Rochester, Minn. 55901. Saturday in the Minnesota , Dr. Fifer said. ' Employer " . State High School League's Tel. 507-282:1136. Bill Olseen. .. speech tournament at Henry S.E. CARPENTER SERVICE. Homes, re- THE WIZARD OF ID By Parker and Hart modeling, additions, garages or lust an- Help—Male or Female 28 Sibley High School in suburban nual repairs. Tel. 454-3270. Mendota Heights. Leonard charges WANT MALE or. female ' for general - of- More than 10,000 students LAWN MOWERS, scissors, saws sharp- flee work. Legal and accounting backT ened. Riska's Sharpening- Service, 759 ground " helpful. . Shorthand and typing competed on a local, district, E. Front St. Tel. 452-7281. required. Good working conditions and regional arid state level with fringe benefits. Write E-65 Daily News. agency critics POWER MOWER , tiller and other 128 finalists advancing into Sat- small engine repairs. Howard Larson. RETAIL SALES^-Need person with mu- urday's rounds. ¦' old Minnesota City Road. Tel. 454-1482; sical background for permanent lob In If no 'answer, Tel. 6B9-2334. . complete music store. Apply iri person, A five-judge panel deter- HARDT'S MUSIC STORE. mined these champions: are being unfair Decorating 20 Painting, IMMEDIATE OPENING for part-time Extemporaneous reading MILWAUKEE (AP) - Jerris employe. Hours, 11-5 p.m. Mon. through — exper- '¦ INSIDE and outside painting by Thurs.; and 11-8 on Frl. Starting sal- Nancy Ostrom, New Ulm. ; Leonard, administrator of a 454-1166 ienced painter. Tel. . ary, $2 per hour . Considerable custom- Story telling — Lois Armon, federal agency which dis- er contact and handling of money. Winnebago. tributes aid to local law en- HOUSE PAINTING Please send resume to P. O, Box 451, Serious interpretation —Brad forcement , says congressional Winona, Minn. Jensen, Hutchinson criticism Inferior & Exterior . has given his office Situations Wanted—Fem. 29 numerous interpretation ' — an unfair image. Roof . Coating Jill Lundeen, Bloomington Ken- The "rear test" of his Law All Work Guaranteed WILL BABYSIT In my home, Tel. 452- nedy. Enforcement Assistance Ad- Fully Insured 7278. , Discussion — Jean Findorff ministration , will involve con- Tel. 454-2133 Situations Wanted—Male 30 Edina. gressional response to the agen- TIGER By Bud Blake Extemporaneous speaking — cy's request for $800 million in Plumbing, Roofing 21 MAN WANTS traclor driving |ob In the Ste-ve mornings and on weekends In Ridgeway Harper, Bloomington Jef- the next fiscal year, he said area. Tel. Houston 896-2026. ferson. Sunday. ELECTRIC K OTO ROOTER Original oratory — John The former Wisconsin legisla- tor clogged sowers and drains Instruction Classes 33 Kachelmacher , CALL SYL KUKOWSKI Minneapolis tor was chosen by the Nixon WILL GIVE ' rel. 452-9509 or 452-6436 1 year guarantee or organ lessons in Washburn. administration to head the your own home. Tel. 454 1366. Donald Non original oratory — Rob- agency, which was set up under tchnlopp. ert Morgan , Windom. PLUMB.NG BARN the Safe Streets Act of 1968 and Open Mon. and Frl. evenings, also Business Opportunitiei 37 which has Sat. mornings lor our customers con- been given almost ' $700 million in venience. . . . . FOR - SAL-E-L»dles' Reedy to Wear. the current fis- 154 Hloh Forest Tel. 454-4246 Contact Kathryn' Wabashi, Minn. cal period. *, Socialist Party A House subcommittee report Dogs, Pets, Supp lies 42 said the program contained POODLES-3 males, »35. Tel. 452-5571. "inefficency, waste" nnd "in SHS speech some cases, FOR SALE—2 St. Bernard females, 2 picks Heck to corruption. " years old, registered, good breeding The panel, Leonard said , stock, Cnll Den's Supermarket . Tel. "nitpicked at n few projects" Kellc .O 767-4982 . which oppose Mondale were liot representative students rank CLIPPING AND groomlno, all breeds. of the program . Louis Speltz, Tel, 452-4637. DULUTH , Minn. (AP) - In a speech Minnesota to a church Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 's Socialist Labor group, Leonard party has nominated Karl predicted sta- tistics will show a decrease GRIN AND BEAR IT DENNIS THE MENACE high in state STANDING AT STUD - Red LcopnTd Heck , White Bear Lake, to seek ; | Appaloosa Stnlllon Sanskrit T-54, 727 . next year in the nation ' ;—¦ Proven sire of outstanding fools. Burns the U.S. Senate seat now held s rate of i —» Two students from Winona serious crime . Valley Appaloosa Ranch, Rt. 1, Bnx by Sen. Walter F, Mondale, D- Senior High finished among the 37, Ln Crescent, Minn., 55947. Tel. Minn. Citizen concern nnd govern- top five in the s.'.ate Saturday 895-4501. ment funds can curtail crime The party 's .state convention , in the finals of the Minnesota ANNOUNCING AT stud: Tod' s Chcekn, Sunday also adopted a resolu- he said. State High School speech con Tenn, Walking Horso Reg. 667303. A "We can overwhelm it with , perfect combination of "Wilson Allen" tion calling for combined action test , held at Sibley High School and "Merry Boy " breeding, leaturlnrj of workers to take over in- money and bury it with dol- Mendota Heights, Minn. excellent conformation, wllh a keen dustry in t-hc lars ," he said "We must do Alicia Smith , a senior , fin- head and car, This ' slallion Is loose name of society, . and natural (jailed, Ride wllh prldo on creating conditions under which more than sny Congress will ished fourth in ihe finals of the a Tenn. Walker. Tel. 507-C94-2222. war would be impossible. appropriate the money. panel discussion bracket after " BLANK ANGUS slccrs, 40, yenr old. Joseph Pirincin , a former earning a place among the top Tel. 689.2694 , steelworker and retired eight in the state through two Socialist PUREBRED DUROC open gilts ol very Labor party organizer from elimination rounds; while Jamie flood qualify, ready (or breeding, Joe Cleveland , Ohio , told the con- DNR to tighten Kinzie , n junior , wound up fifth Spolli, Tel, St. Charles 932-3059. vention that no social system in the slate after completion of SEVERAL REGISTERED horned Here- has ever existt'd that could be the extemporaneous speaking ford bulls, various itgoi, orandsons of Improved Iho Imported Eaton Drummer nnd Pat- on after it reached division. He too progressed terson' s Golden Heir P37, Introduce the limit of social usefulness. non-resident through two elimination rounds some new blood Inlo your herd. Farm- Capitalism er prlcos. Southwlnd Orchards, ', _ mile did an outstanding to get to the finals. from Vlllnoe ol Dakola, Minn. Job of developing productive ca- The panel discussion division pacity in the 20tli century, Pi- hunting licenses FIFTY ANGUS cows wllh sprlno calves. puts contestants in a group sit- To). Mondovi 926 3669 or 926-5231. rincin said, but then came to ST. PAUL , Minn. (AP) - uation where they are judged depend on wars HOUSE BOARDING-Now Insulated, ven- , depressions The Minnesota Department of on their discussion and knowl- tilated, environment controlled barn, and now a combination. Natural Resources will make it edge of n specific topic each tlo stalls , box stalls, Indoor arena, 200 He said under the Socialist tougher for nonresidents to pur- had researched beforehand. mllos troll rides. ROLLINGSTONE Labor party STMU-ES, Rolllnostono, Winn. Tel. 's program of in- chase resident hunting licenses Extemporaneous speaking, 689-2311 nnd reserve your ipol now. dustrial government , the work- next fall. one of the most difficult of the FEEDER PIGS and sows. Daniel Brom- ers would elect their own repre- The department said Min- mcrlch, Winona. Tel. 454-1273. sentatives to groups, puts the speaker be- responsible posi- nesotans will be asked to show fore tlio judges with just one tions in industry LEWISTON LIVESTOCK MARKET and govern- proo f of residency before pur- hour to prepare his final speech. A REAL GOOD auction market tor your ment. livestock Dairy cattle on hand all chasing a big game license. ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦— II^—— ¦ i n IW Topics are drawn from a list of week. Livestock bouohl every day. "It would be n -" ' '¦ ^IMXWW W—> system where Tho department also plans to Trucks available. Sale, rnurs.. I p m. "We ov/ o the administration a vote of thanks , ¦-- -«- ¦¦ 34 that tlie contestants have 7you can fire your boss instead run all big f "^'" ^<-=Tk- v y | lol. Lewiston 2667 ri Wlnonn 452 7814 . fjnni c licenses Gentlemen!, . . . app lying the thoughts of Chairman seen before , but only one hour of your boss firing you," lie ex- through a computer to check PUREBRED YORKSHIRE nnd Hamp- on has our sales a real corporate , ' is allowed for actual prepara- plained. possible cheaters Mao givon clout!" YouMM YOU ear THIS CUP JUST POR COIN' Tf/AT? * shire serviceable bnara. Roper Owen, . tion. Durand, Wis. Tel. 672-5717. Hon**, Cittl*, Stock 43 Arrijeto for Sail* 57 Apartments, Furnished 91 Houses for Sato 99 Now Cars Used Cars IOS Auction Sales property, SS-396, Holly-4, 2-door ONE CLOSE springing Holsteln htlte'ri NOTICE Rosa Growers: yes, wt havt NEWLY REDECORATED, completely fur- INCOME 2 lots, Dresbach, KEN'S SALES & SERVICE CHEVR0LET-19&5 Minnesota Land & also dog free for good home. Galen cocoa-hulli. Westgate Gardens. nished small apartment for single lady. AMnn- V. M. Gran Realty, 903 Elm SI. JEEP 4 WD Vehicles 8. Accessories hardtop, Tel. 601-582-2627 alter 5 . . Enj#l/ Fountain CJty, Wis. Ho H. ents. 765 W. 4th, S., Li Crescent. Tel. 895-244). Hwy. M-61 E. Tel. 451-9731 Auction Service VOLKSWAGEN BUG-1963. 578 W. . SCREEN WINDOWS, and davtnport. In Klijiy Everett J. Kohner Auction Salts BY OWNER. 4-yearold housa, 3 bedrooms, ANGUS BULL—IS months old, service- good condition. Reasonable. Tel. 452- WANTED: 2 girls to share apartment Winona. Ttl. 4S2-HU ¦ built-in • appliances, finished garage, BUICK—1965 Special, vinyl .to|>r-«»«MK ln. able age. Forrest Nichols. Galesville, 5112.7 ' from now to Sept. 1. all utilities fur? Jim Papenfuss. Dakota Tel. 453-W7J FOR YOUR AUCTION, ust the Boyum Wis. T«l. 539-3255. nished, mar WSC. Tel. 451-3980. patio, outside utility building Priced to 1972 OPELS dow scroops, real nice Inside and out. System. BERTRAM BOYUM, Auction- NEW 14' flat-bottom boat, ladders, chain sell. Tel. St. Charles »»^iti 8675. Inquire Hiawatha Product Shop, MAY t—Sol. 11 eer, Rushford. Tel. W4-9381. SIXTY FEEDER pigs, weaned and cas- link gates, wood posts. Cheap. Bargain FINE off-campus housing for girls being 3850 4th St., Goodview. a.m. t miles W. of La Crescent, Minn, on Co. Hwy. t, then ~" ~ trated, 40-50 lbs. Rlchird Vlx, Rt. 7, Center, 251 E. 3rd. rented new for summer and fall. Lloyd MOON LANDING SPECIAL! 753 W. IN STOCK - ALVIN K0HNBR about 2 nilles N. on Co. Rd. Gerald F. Caledonia, Minn. Ttl. Houston . 196-3903. Deilke, Tel, 452-4649. Howard. Only J8WO. t rooms and bath, CHEVROLET — 1967 2-door hardtop, 327 AUCTIONEGR-Clty and stata llcenieol Schwarti, owner; Beckman Bros., auc- NEW GAS RANGES at reasonable prices. new pas furnace, new roof, new water 1—1900 Station Wagon, red, V-8, power steering, power brakes, au- and bonded. Rl. 1 Wlnoha. Ttl. 40- ANGUS-HOLSTEIN cross feeders, haatir. 2-car garage. Corner: lot. SI HO tomatic transmission. 8900 or make tioneers; Thorp Sales Corp., clerk. ¦« ' ¦ -¦ 22, 450- AUTOCRAT U HARDWICK, 20-Inch, 24- Business Places for Rent 92 automatic transmission. 8o. : . ' - . 7 Ib. sttars and heifers. Dell Wick, Alma, Inclv 30-Inch 8. 36-Inch. All colon, na- down, balance at M7.86 month- olftr. Tel. 454-4881 alter 4 p.m. ly. Frank West Agency, Tel. 452-5240 MAY t-Saf. 1 p.m. WIS, Til. .MMM4. ' tural or bottle gas. GAIL'S APPLI- OFFICE SPACE for rent, available Jan. , green Household Auction, FREDDY FRICKSON . ' or 452-4400. . 1—1900 4 door sedan , Fountain City Auditorium. Julia Kasper ANCE, 21S E. 3rd. I in new building al 4lh & Ctnltr. Mobile Homes, Trailers 111 , Auctioneer automatic transmission owner; HII Duellrnan, auctioneer; downtown Winona. 650 sq, ft on first . Louis, Will handle ell cites end kinds of Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 clerk. Til. Dakota M3-4U1 ZIPPERS REPAIRED or replaced. floor or 1700 sq. ft. on second floor 1—Opel GT Sport Model. NEW 1971 Coleman 8-sleeper, will sacri- auctions. Guaranteed work. 471 W. Sth after with automatic elevator. Will partition 7 fice at dealer's cost. Bat jay's Camper CAPON AND Roaster outlook Is good. 1 dally or Tel. Mrs. Cady 4S4-5342 any- and decorate to suit tenant. Home Fed- " "" Salts, 3648 W. 6th. Open evenings and Grbwtri ara really needed. Wt have 1—Opel Ralleye, Black vinyl eral Savings, Box 231, Spring Valley, BOB Saturdays. complerlt program, '.- marlcels, cafonli- Minn. 55975 or Tel. 346-7345. top, canary yellow bottom •rs and sarvlce. Started heavy. XL-9 MCCULLOCH chain saw; 50 pair shutters, STEURY T RAVEL trailers (tent type) y cockerels available now. Geese avail- ^ with black ralleye stripe. various sizes; 10 canvas awnings; ona WAREHOUSE SPACE for rent, 1,000 Ml. for salt. On display at Wibasha Skelly |/ 7- 7 :HouselioH :7 able May 3rd. Wlhona Chick Hatchery, heavy duly VJ " drill; 1952 Studebaker ; j ft, with overhead door, feat. I55J W. #$eto Service, Hwy. 61, every day, 7 *.m. to Box 2J3. Winona, Winn. 559J7 . Tel. 2-torj truck;. 1962 Series Chevrolet flat- Broadway. Tel. Mon. 452-7434. GUARANTEED BY ? pjn. - . Ttl. 612-565-9938. 454-5070. y ; ' bed truck (no hoist). Tel. 454-3270. fi ReAlTOR BUICK MOTOR DIVISION OFFICE SPACE with phone answering TRAVEL TRAILERS, pickup caps, camp- AVAILABLE NOW-Used automatic i po" CLEAN carpets with ease. Blue Lustre service evalla'ol* . in Professional Build- iao ^*v/;AW;V^^ ¦ HARDT'S Pianos, violins, clarinets, ance suspension, 351 cu. In. 2-barrel, 1. p|0'.v Tel. 4540858, trumpets, etc. Rental payments apply ¦; " Tel.y Rushford . 864.9315. . ' -. owner, actual mileage less than 15,000, MOBILE *OME~12x60, toward purchase price. HARDT'S excellent condl- ; ELMER GERTH Immaculate condition, May be seen at tlon, localed next to Merrick Park, I ¦ lj McCORMICK 12' grain drill with grass; MUSIC STORE, U6 Levee Plaza E. JUST MINUTES from Winona, beautiful ' ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ No. 56 New Idea hay rake; " 1949 SC valley acreage/ trout pond with springs 173 Tei Steven's Garage, Bluff Siding : or Tel. Founlaln- City, Wis. Skirled, 2-car ga- I- : 7 7 ". - - - ' ' 'I- Case tractor, completely overhauled; and stream through property. Tel. Jim E. 2__d UUra|HMflMkAli 454-5141> . Fountain City 687-6151. rage, appliances, air conditioned, carp- ¦ ¦ : No. 46 New Holland baler; stalk chop- Radios, Television 71 Mohan 454-2367 or TOWN 4 COUNTRY eted, on landscaped lot. Havt to set to ' ' ¦; A y CADILLAC—1964 Fleetwood 75, air condi- appreciate ' : - - ' ^utytityjic v. .'| per; IHC 3-1.4 plow Minnesota 6-ton REAL ESTATE. 454-37*1. , Tel. ,. i8?.iW, |-- ' tioning, power steering and brakes, elec- heavy duty wagon with : combination . TELEVISION SERVICE hay and grain box with hoist; 1950 Ford Factory-trained technicians provide 40 ACRES In city limits. Beautllul set- ^P MLS tric windows, etc. Tel. 457-2784 anytime expert, courteous service : between 4 aind 7 p.m. 2-ton truck with steel grain box and ting for above average homes. Sewer CAMPERS on ALL makes Multiple Listing Service FOR REAL camping hoist. Tel. Jerry Anderson 452-4482 aft- and wafer In at properly line. This Is en|oyment, lee the WINONA FIRE 8, POWER EQUIP ¦ ¦ ¦ . CO. down-to-earth price. CHEVROLET—1967 station wagon. 4-door, Skampcr line of . all vinyl campers and (¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' • ' er,4:30. 54-56 E. 2nd Tel prime land at a > Sj¦ 3 . 452-5065 V-8, automatic, power steering, power fold-down truck mounts. Cash discount. , \- ^lJ^^Kt 7 ;: tV. Tel. Jerry or Mark at.TOWN & COUN- brakes, radio, etc. Low mileage. Local ¦ MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE 11' grain drill TRY REAL ESTATE, 454-3741. WE'RE NOT JUST STOCKTON CAMPER SALES, Stockton, A / Located at 365 E. 8th St. car. Special while it lasts, $995. Fenike Minn. . < M 7^- double disc. Kenneth Haeiiser, Fountair. Sewing Machines .Tel. 689-2670. ¦ 73 2nd. ¦ ¦ Clly,: Wis. Tel. 687-7234. . FARMS - FARMS — FARMS Auto Sales, 460; E- . yy ; - SAYING IT, WE WILL take anything - AA .\< . y\/-y^^y - ., . -¦1 ALL MODEL Vikings ar* on sale now - . ' . - MIDWEST REALTY CO. In trade on a . - : ^ MUSTANG — 1967, 8-cyllnder, standard moblla home. . i ALLIS CHALMERS D-17 tractor with durlnS Spring Clearance. WINONA Osseo, Wis. ' ; 452- ' ppwer steering, 2-way hydraulic; In SEWING CO., 915 W. 5lh. Tel. Office 597-3659 7lT'S A FACT! transmission. Priced to sell. Tel. . Fleetwood ;r- . .;; ,]p_ri^ ¦ ¦' 7 - ' |, good condition. Wallace Johnsori, Dur- Tel. Res. 695-3157 2496, Rlfzcralf . ' ' We have sold almost all of. Liberty . .- and. Tel. 673-4864. Typewriters "We buy, we sell, we trade." . - ' ¦ 77 new. VOLKSWAGEN — 1961 with sunroof, 4 Check our Spring Discount prices. $" ' ¦: ' ". Starting at 1 P.M . - .f t- our listings and need ch everses, 14" Chevy, 4 adapters, TRI-STATE - ELEOTRAK Garden Tractors; 8 to 16 IF YOU ARE In the market for a farm tomo^-. MOBILE HOMES TYPEWRITERS and adding machines ones. If you want your home jywide oval tires. Come to 721 W. : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ h.p,, runs on batteries. No oat or oil or home, or are planning to tell real 'i 3930 6th St., Winona Til. 454-3741. ' y-: ; ¦ for rent or sale, Low rates. Try us before 3. p.m. f A: : ' needed. Free mower with purchase ot estate ol any type contact . NORTH SOLD give us a call. We *th J for all your office supplies, desks, International refrigerator; Roper gas range ; Easy manual tractor. TRI-STATE MOBILE HOMES. INVESTMENT COMPANY. Real % : files or office chairs. LUND OFFICE ERN don't make promises — just BUICK—1962 UtSabre, V-8, automatic. ^, ' 3930 «th St. Tel. 454-3741. Estate Broker, Independence, Wis., or Town & Country washer; oval china cabinet; 2 bedroom sets; dining room i\ SUPPLY CO., 128 B. Jrd. Ttl. 452- Must selll First offer over $135. Tel. Eldon W. Berg, Real Estate Salesman, sales, 5222, ' 452-1508. Mobile > table, chairs and buffet ; Sylvania TV; 2 platform rockers; | CUSTOM PLOWING and planting. Tel. Arcadia, Wis. Tel. 3237350. ; Homes ¦ > rugs, console sewing machine; portable seizing machine; ' Rushford - . 164-9315. The One Price pj VOLKSWAGEN—1963 convertible, 1969* re- kitchen set; davenport and chair ; single bed ; Hollywood Wanted to Buy 81 built engine. Must sell. Tel. Rolling- Mobile Home Sales Lot 1 s| DISC SHARPENING by rolling. On farm Houses for Sale 99 WINONA REALTY ¦ itona 689-2927. Be sale and buy Irom ui always a f bed , rollaway bed ; hamper; large trunk ; 2 octagon end i service anywhere. Diamond K Enter- GOOD USED 10x28 or 11,2x2! ' ' ' p tractor tire. FIVE-ROOM modern house, centrally lo- . ' .- " -. Tel. 454-5141 7 discount, prises, Fred Krani, St. Charles, Minn. : State price. Norbert Litscher \ tables; arm chairs; bed , chest arid vanity; floor lamps; | | , Fountain cated, clean. Move In anytime. Inquire FORD LTD — 1J69 2-door hardtop, vl- . All-1972 Models Tel. 932-43M. . City. Tel. 687-7503. ¦;¦ s table lamps; radio; toaster ; ;.| 716 E, 8th. Tel. 454-4275. nyl root, V-8, automatic, power List Our silverware; electric fan; i ' brakes, factory air SCHMIDT'S SALES 8. SERVICE Boat*, Motors, Etc. 106 steering, power Price Price I kitchen set; bedding; end tables ; metal bed ; kitchen BEER CANS A 0w designs, especially Tel. Dennis Johnson 454- 14x70.Slar \ So. of 1-90 at Wilson, THREE BEDROOM, East Centra], all conditioning, ...... J12.650 J8.890 chairs ; bath scale: coffee table ; glassware, dishes; din- Af i : cone-top cans. Will trade. Phillips, 2609 modern, all newly carpeted, central gas 4123 or 4S2 2661. _. 14x70 Buddy ,...:, Jll,900 87,990 \ Tel. 454-561 8 S. East St., Appleton, INBOARD-outboard OMC, 1964, 17', rea- r ^_ Wis. 54911. heat, garage." Under 514,000. Buy. like 14*68 Hlghline VI .. -. 815.500 • S8.995 Ing room- table with 6 chairs ; buffet; bookcase secretary |i sonably priced, Tel. 43*2365 after J. 2-door hardtop, ' FITZGERAL0-6URGB ' ;>«?,":'Tel. 454-2838. ., . DODGE, 1969 Polara 14x68 Cardinal CrafrT $12,500 . S8.450 , desk; odd single chair; 5 drawer7 chest; old rocker; PICKET FENCE--at least 30V 4' high. power steering, power brakes, air con- 14x78 Award .... $13,000 $8,795 |j Sales «• Service ' Tel. LARSON 1947 18' with 155 h.p. ¦ 454-1858. brick house on large lot BulC* V-6 ditioning, S180O. 1968 Mercury Monterey 14x70 Award :,. ' f davenport; big gold-covered chair; 2 shelf bookcase; pair | | " .; Tel Lewiston 6201 2-3 BEDROOM engine, heavy duty 4-wheel trailer; Best . ... J13.0OO $8,895. plus 2 extra lots. On corner 10t h and 2-door hardtop, power steering, power 14x70 . Dolse Cascade 510,500 $6,995 of matching side chairs ; end table; step table; wood M OLD WATCHES—preferably pocket or offer takes. Tel. Lewislon 5311. conditioning, $165". 1968 Feed-Easy Van Dale Calumet Wall. Tel. 452-3987 before 5; 452-6518 brakes, air 14x60 Buddy ...... $ 8,350 $5,695 "i ¦ ' ¦' ¦ locket . 25 years or older, need not be ' ¦ ¦ ' Convertible, power frame gold/brown chair; floor lamp ; one mahogany hand p Silo Unloaders - . - ¦ Bunk Feeders alter 6. . .- :¦ ' Pontiac Bonneville 14x60 Cardinal Craft.. $11,390 $7,450 In working condition. Tel. 454-1738, brakes; J1350. 1965 Mer- made chest with Liquid Manure' Systems ' . Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 stecring, power 14x60 Manchester ... $ 9,145 : $6,295 , dovetailed joints, 100 years old; Italian B BEAT THE RENT rapl For home financ- cury Comet 2-door, J450. 1967 Plymouth 14x60 C oncstoga ...... $ 9,725 S6.50O Everett Rupprecht WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL chair, cord woven seat, 75 to 100 years old; cane seated ,M ing see FIDELITY SAVINGS It LOAN, BSA—1971 i50 Lightning, only 800 miles', Fury III 4-door tiardlop, power steering, 14x70 Star ¦ '.,;..¦ . $11,885 $7,995 ^ Lewliton, Mlnri. Tel. 507-523-2720 CO. pays highest prices for scrap ¦ ¦ Iron, 172 Main. Tel. 452-5202. • ' ' excellent condition. Tel. Cochrane 608- 60,000 miles, 81095. Contact In- t small single piano bench, dark stained oak ; pewter silver E metals and raw . radio, 12x50 Buddy I 5,250 $3,695 ¦ fur. 248-2257. Dept., First National TRANSFER SYSTEMS - -- . Closed Saturdays stallment Loan 14x62 at Lake f plated 8" tray; 17 small pewter pitchers; 2 silver plated % BEFORE YOU buy, see the beautiful 3- 452-2810. Permanent or portable. 222 W. 2nd Bank, Tel. Village . :. $14,000 $8,500 coffee servers, Tel. 452-2067 the lovely 2-bedroom HONDA — 1970 175 Scrambler, excellent . 6 to 8 cup capacity ; 2 sets of silver-plated |f Ed's Refrigeration s Dairy Supplies bedroom and 14x70 Slide-Out' ...... $16,350 110,990 ' Townhouses. Tel. 454-1059 for Informa- . condition, electric start; Tel. 4M-4480 *" cream and sugary servers; silver plated round tray ; six 555 E. 4th • "', Tel . 452-5532 HIGHEST PRICES PAID . 24x44 . Hilton .;...... $M,9C0 $10,900 |! tion. A after 5 except Sun. . for scrap Iron, metals, rags, hides, y 24x52 Hilton ... $15,900 : JIT.900 f dainty unique sterling silver elm leaf cocktail spoon stir- IJ raw furs and wool USED HOMES i rers Fertilizer, Sod 49 NEW 3-BEDROOM homes on Bluflvlew GIRLS' used 26" Columbia bike, 3-speed, 12x60 New Moon 3-bedroom, $3,750 and sippers, made in Mexico , H Circle, with double oltached garages. good condition. Tel. 452-9017. 10x60 Star with slide-out, $2,695 Sam Weisman & Sons Reasonably priced. Tel CULTURED SOD—delivered er laid. INCORPORATED Also duplex. 12x65 Hallmark, $4,900 ALVIN KOHNER , AUCTIONEER Orvai Hilke, 452-4127. MATCHLESS 650—1961, good condition. \ . Tel. 454-1494. 450 W, Jrd Tel. 452-5847 12X60 Artcraft, $3,200 J $425. .Tel. St. Charles 932-3710 9-(, or New and used supplies of homes ar- for occupancy, 2-5 ( EVERETT J. KOHNER , CLERK ; H SOD, LAWN fertilizing, shrubbery, seed NEW HOME S ready 932-3385. riving each week. For more Inforrna-. Rooms Without • available. $21,500 , and general landscaping. Robert Rorafl Meals 86 bedrooms. Financing tion on any of these home*, call or *> on up. Wilmer Larson "Constrpcf Ion; / " ' AZAmmim<»mAVMZ^^ Landscaping, . Lamoille, Minn. Tel. 454- WANTED—Custom motorcycled gall tank slop In at 2657 -alter 8 p.m. ROOMS FOR RENT for working men or Tel. 452-6533. or Sportster tank . Tel. 452-3772. , r r,~ 't yVwzmszm ^ students. Inquire 25J Franklin. Tel. Town & Country ^ 454-IOOa. QUALITY BUILT modular homes low et THE 1972 HONDAS ARE HEREI Hay, Grain, Feed 50 $13,500. Many extras. Financing and Many models to cnoose front. Mobile Homes construction asslstanse available. Con Soe . us first (or a great deal on a Hwy. 43 8, Sugar Loal, Winona hay for sale. Bernard Apartments, Flats 90 434-1885; evenings, GOOD MIXED tlnenlal Homes, Tel. great machine. Tel. 454.5287, 11 no answer 454-3368. ANOTHER HORP AUCTION Jacobson, Rushford, ' Minn. 452-164 5. . ROBD MOTORS, INC. j T j THIRD E 522—upstairs I , apartment for 2. An affiliate of Robb Bros. Store 4 rooms. Gas heaf, large enclosed THREE BEDROOM home wllh attached Auction Sales Seeds, Nursery Stock 53 porch Inc. and Jim Robb Realty. _4_Biw /ws> mHtm&Bm . Call alter 5. garage, in Hokah, with full basemenl, ' $15,900 with extra lot. MLS 583. MAY 2—Tues. 12 noon. 3 mile N.W. of lbs., 59c; onion plants, WINDY SENN ONION SETS, 2 EAST CENTRAL, 3 rooms; heat , water, RUPP OnalasVa. Mary Paudler 6. Sons, own- canna bulbs, glad bulbs, seed potatoes, lights, . . stove and refrigerator furnished. SELECTION of homes In Spring ers! Russell Schroeder, auctioneer; MAY 6 I GOOD Compact Cycles SAT.7 garden seeds. Winona Potato Market. $80. Available June 1. Adults. Tel. 452- new homes, vacant. Will Sales, Parts eVServlce 1969 Toyota 2 door ... $1495 Norlhern Inv. Co., clerk. 5438. Grov«. 3 Also 1 used 4 bed- WINONA FIRE S. POWER EQUIP. CO. crop, 99. consider trade. ¦ TIMOTHY SEED—1971 78 pure Unusually good finan- Plymouth 11:30 a.m, , > mile S. ol • , room home. 54-56 E 2nd Tel. 452-J065 1967 MAY 3-W«d. ' seed, 96 > germination. 15c Ibs. Paul AVAILABLE MAY 15 in V/ end , 1 bed - own- 11:00 A.M. . cing. $1195 Ettrick, Wis. Even Kllnkcnberg, J. Klelfer, Allure, Minn. room upstairs, light, panelled Fury III I apart- er; Alvin Kohner, auctioneer; North- SALE SITE : Located 6 miles West of LA CRESCENT, % ment . Stove and refrigerator. Adults. Package Homes. Trucks, Tract's, Trailers 108 ern Inv. Co., clerk, CARGILL seed corn and alfalfa. Special Dealer of Wick 1966 Lincoln MN. on County Highway 6, then about 2 miles north on f) Tel. 452-5519 afler 5. ask lor brochure. discounts. Tel. Jerry Anderson 452-6482 Please ieHEVROLET-1970 pickup, low mileage. > CORNFORTH REALTY, Continental $1296 MAY 4-Thurs. 12:30 p.m. 4'/i miles A. county road. Watch for the Thorp auction arrows. Lunch- ;| after 4:30. i-Xustom cab, Positraction. Tel. Plain- NOW RENTING new t bedropm and ef- Crescent , Minn. ot Independence , Wis. Joe Pietrek Es- on grounds La view 534-3730, f;| ficiency apartments Heal and water Tel. 895-2106 tate; Richard Kreckow, auctioneer; furnished Air conditioning, Articles for Sale 57 laundry Northern Inv. Co., clerk. and recreation room facilities. Furnish- MACK—1962, in good shape. Tandem RIVERV1EW PROPERTIES FARM MACHINERY ed or unfurnished ValU View Apart- axle, 5-spced and triplex freight liner I0BB Sale, 363 | RUMMAGE SALE—Mon . through Fri. 4 Thest pieces of real estate are lo- T0HSIET MA y 5—Frl. I p.m. Furniture menti. (Winona 's neweit). South of caf) , Will sacrifice for H250. May be spring formals, lun'or sijov; . all—t.\ie Peterson 's -Lake, belween .. E. Itti , Elmer Gerth, owner; Alvin s Allis Chalmers WD tractor; John Deere G tractor, new [;! '" Community ' "Hospital "" Tel' 455-Mo. ' cated" near" " seen anytime. Scolt Tiffany, Pepin, s, children' s clothing, Kellong, Minn. Kohner, auctioneer; Everett J. Kohner, \ mens', women' Wabasha and Wis. Tel. 442-4454 . MERCURY engine, good condition , less than 100 hours after overhaul ; y 113 E. Mark. clerk. ' Allis Chalmers 2 bottom 14" plow ; Allis Chalmers field Sugar Loaf Apartments Bastment home, 24x30/ size, situat- "Your Country Style Dealer " t\ 1, FARM TRUCK, 1 Vi-lon Ford, 1950, 4-cyl- REDWOOD square grand DELUDE 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, lol. Has 10/ ease- i, cultivator ; 8' grain drill; end gate spreader; New Holland ANTIQUE ed on a 75x145' Inder, 2-speed axle, wllh combination % piano; player piano wllh 60 rolls and fully carpoted, air conditioned. Includes the lake with boat dock MIRACLE MALL ment to Timber Lock stock and grain box, drop ' 66 hay baler; baled less than 8,000 Dales , like new; John Cl bench. Best offer . Wrlle Mrs. R. A. heat, water and gas. No single stu- water system with bath. area, Good sides. In good condition; also loading Open Mon.-Wed,-Fri. Evenings s Wis, 54610. Tel. 715-235- dents, 358 E, Sarnia. Tel. 452-4834. sell on contract . } Deere 10' wheel disc, hyd . cylinder; Beeline 8 row 110 fj Capps, Alma, Owner will chute. Demmlng pressure pump wllh ; 7420. 1. Weekend coltone on large lot . Has AUCTION gallon Epoxy lined tank with 8 roller pump, trailer type, j new pressure switch and li h.p. motor, > good location on blacktop Apartments water and 125. Clarence A. Meyer, Rl. 1, Waba- like new; Massey Harris 4 bar side rake on rubber; h your own rug and uphols- , Furnished 91 for expansion. 54C00. Located at 204 North Prai- SAVE BIGI Do road. Room sha, Minn. 559BI. Tol. 565-4263 . tery cleaning with Blue Luslr«. Rent Minn Allis Chalmers mower to fit WD 45 or D-14, rear mount- ti H. Choate & Co. GIRLS TO SHARE furnished apartment Realty, Wabasha, Minn. rie St., Lake City , . electric shampooer Jl. - Warcou pickup, Vi lon, 4-speed. Ex- ed; bale elevator 32' ; Homelite chain saw. ¥\ lor summer and/or tall. Air condition- Tel. 565-4004. FORD—1963 ed, 1 block Irom Somsen cellent condlllon, Tel, 689-2807, ONE-WHEEL TRAILER, covered box, ex- . 121 W . 7lh. , MISCELLANEOUS : Hanger and weights to fit 05 Massey fi tire, $45. Child' s swing Tef. 452-3609. tra wheel and INTERNATIONAL-1964, In good Shape, Ferguson tractor; Bostjch hand box stapler; 250 new 10" jj sel , SIO. Tel. 452 148a . IC? Fairfax. Saturday; NOW AVAILABLE, approved for 4 Indi- positraction, -4. 5pced, ncavy duly cement blocks; 30 gallons different color paint; windows || viduals, private entrance and bath, throughout, lel. Mon. 452-7434 , SPRING SALE. Zenllh portable TV , black and screens; wire and fencing equipment; oil drums; largo closet ,iro,i, % and while or color for summer viewing. heat and wnler fur- nished, air conditioned , 1 block trom INTERNATIONAL 1971 1600 trucK wllh 1 chicken nests, motal , new misc, poultry equipment; tires p. FRANK LILLA & SONS, 761 E. 8;h. 6 hydraulic endgale. Inquire May WSC, Tet . 452-7307. box and li and farm tools. fy MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, RADIAL ARM saw, new condlllonj set TRUCKS AND CARS: I960 . ton Ford pickup, 3 speed , U ol 4 mag wheels and llres, wide rim Tr|REE-ROOM modern apartment , all Starts at 1 P.M. furnished, prefer couple over 50 CHEVROLET-194? pickup, 1-owner, Posi- , lor Mustang. Tel, 452-4450. , 165 > good condition ; 1062 Dodge, 4 door sedan automatic trans- \M monlh. Tel. 452-6264. traction, overdrive. Excellent condition. i mission, heater, radio and good condition; 1958 1 ton a the Thorp office In Rochester, MN , 5O7-28M041. ft NEEDL . S a deal. Better. Buy NOW! All household goods and old For All Makes AVAILABLE JUNE l-excellent condi- Spring & Summer h THORP ON « . THE • SPOT CREDIT ri ol Record Players tion, furnished, completely modern ¦A: Knowledge of mortgages Be sot for items belonging to this es- facilities, air conditioned , See Man- Vacation drivinfi, !'] Sale managed by Milo J. Runningen , La Crescent, MN. >. Hardt's Music Store ager , Coach Houso Apartments, 120 E . and loans tlint will help tate will be sold on tho |i 607-89&-2600. Auctioneers tho Beckman Brothers 1)6)18 Pin* E. Drodwe y. (lio buyer finance. SEE THE WALZ BOYS . | ~~ same day. ' M ATL CENTER ST.—1 foom elllclency apart- For the BUST DEAL BETTER TRAINED. I GERALD F. SCHWARTZ, Owner I ment lor lady only. J85, T«l. 452-67V0. Office Hours: « A.M. to G P.M. in town. ESTATE OF ROSE GILES DAILY NEWS " (1 Days a Week BETTER EDUCATED. SUBSCRIPTIONS "NEW" Lake City Stato Dank , Clerk Completely Furnished Sundays, Noon - 6 THORPSALES I May Bo Paid at Beautifully Decorated BETTER MOTIVATED ? Tunno ! TED MAIER DRUGS I-P m Apartments GENE KARASCH . REALTOR MAAS & MAAS - CORPORATION Many luxurious lentures. No Telephone Orders fiOl Main St, HIRE THE VETERAN AUCTIONEERS L^HzI KEY APARTMENTS Office «5-l-419o Open Friday Nights fj World's Largest Auction end Real Esteto So/v/c0 | WiU Be Taken 1732 VV. 4111 Ttl. 4J*4W» I BUZZ SAWYER By Roy Crane

DICK TRACY By Chester Gould


By Chick Young BLONDIE¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ' 7- . - , ^. -7 . ' . " ' . - ' . , " ;,.:¦ . " 77 .7 A ' ¦ . - ' A 'A . ' . y./-: ' , y.

' LI'I ABNER 7 y By Al ..Capp.' . y i i ¦ M : ¦ REDEYE By Gordon Bess - ;:


APARTMENT 3-G By Alex Kotzky

¦ PJ 25 No-Nonsense m ¦

|. I lm I V Hi . •^¦p ^_W m &_w • I

REX MORGAN, M.D By Dal Curtis fl $35.00 Walnut Finished 30" wide Sliding fcl Units with Corner Table. Gold/Green

$259.00 Naugahyde Sofa in new "Wet Look" fl . Cl 00 $119.00 High-back Colonial-styled Chair. COQ 19 Has wood trim •PAOJ W fl w.t. Gold/Green Partridge Print. f w.t, | 1

Rj $315.00 Traditlonally.styled Sofa in gold nylon (TO*>0 $289.00-3 Pc. Walnut-finished Bedroom Set, Double Dresser, 1 ID frieze. Arm caps end casters. Floor model... «P£JQ w.j , chest and Qucen-slze Panel Bed. C9f Q H fl Plastic tops. T"*' w.t. fl |9 $299.00—3 Pc. Bedroom Set in pecan finish. Double Dresser, fl M 4-Drawer Chest and Panel Bed. $169.00—3 Pc. Table Group. Dark Walnut finish. Wi_4 uJ4 W I|# 2 hexagon Commodes and Big Cocktail Table. .. T*'* ' w.t. fl

fl $249.00-5 Pc, Dark oak finished Dining Room Tabte-48" $139.00 Englander Quilted 6" Foam Mattress CljO fl diameter, and Founda,lon .. *?***' w.t. H MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernst HJ on a pedestal. Cl QQ - |B| 4 Black Naugahyde covered Chairs . $AiJ*j Wit, H fin $148 Kroehler Lounge Chair. Loose foam seat CQQ fl Englander mis-matched 6" King s|« Foam and back cushions in heavy Herculon **>* w.t. H HI Cl 7Q W Mattress and 2 Foundations Only *r¦'•¦*' w.t. fl M $119—42" Round Table, 4 Blue and Gold CQQ H Chairs. Bronze finish,. *P w.t. fl $319.00 3 Pc. Wnlnut-flnished Bedroom Sot. Double Dresser, Bj _ 4-drawer Chest nnd King-she Panel Bed . . - % _ COOO ,,1MT c ,, .. ^ ^ fl (.Kl ... , „ , J.fct//M ?** °° Twin-size Fontn Mattress and CCft ID M with Frames On vy *r "*' w.t. >. . L , - n ^rl BM H Matching Foundation Only T*'*' w.t. H

fl $111.00 5 Pc. Dinette. 30"*40"x48" Table and fan A $144.00-5 Pc. Round Black-finished Dinette. £110 H JM 4 tall-back Chairs •POI Wit . Maple P|nst|c Top# 4 Ret| c,,aira J llV w f< M

M $184.00 72" Apartment-slze Sofa Oval Table. 6 Tall-back CO^Q H

$349.00 Maplc-flnlshed Bedroom j m Set, Double Dresser, 5- fl B Drawer Chest nnd beautiful COQQ $99,00—52" wide Coral-eolorcd 2-Cushton COP fl NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller fl Yok» Bed. ., ^OJ Wit. Love seat *?&¦> w.t. ¦

m $64.00 Hlgh-bnck Platform Rocker In (Try $59,00 Foam-padded Swivel Rocker In black, Jl wti brewn, green Naugyhyde $W fl I Open Monday and Friday Evenings Til 9 D

H 79 YEARS THIS '72 H 1 Better T) T JT) JZ T?' O Furniture I I Buys At -DU Jt VlVJC/ O Ma« I H Phono 452-3762 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING BEHIND OUR STORE East Third & Franklin SJ