Mn 2000 MAPS 01133.Pdf (526.3Kb Application/Pdf)
: • • ," ·, .•• > ••• ~· ; ~ : l I / ,.' ._. DIRECTORY MINNESOTA STATE & FEDERAL LEGISLATORS 1975 (J\ jl,\ ! Ii l: ("C.., Cifd t x'.k/n~.; o ;, ::.~ l :, '• ..'.C published as a public service by (g) ~JN NlS OIA AN-4\_LYSIS & PLANNING SYSJ_EM. AG RIC UL TURAL EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ,,~7 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 --?- ;1115(1,,,,. > Ir' 1 "-,.--,:, ::__ I c1 "' .,- DIREC~ORY MINNESOTA STATE and FEDERAL LEGISLATORS This Directory was prepared by the staff of the Minnesota Analysis and Plan ning System (MAPS), which is part of the Agricultural Extension Service, University of Minnesota. Informational input for the Directory was acquired from legislative off ices and individual members of the legislature. Costs of preparation and publication have been borne by MAPS and any changes, additions, or corrections should be sent to MAPS at the address listed below. Single copies of the Directory will be sent free of charge to individuals re questing them as long as the supply lasts. MAPS cannot honor requests for free mul tiple copies to organizations, but will consider such orders on a cost-reimburse ment basis. Further information can be obtained by contacting: Minnesota Analysis and Planning System (MAPS) 415 Coffey Hall University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 Ph. (612) 376-7003 i. District ~ ~ ~ FITZSIMONS 19 ANDERSON lA BRAUN 19A CLAWSON lB CORBID 19B MANGAN 2 MOE 20 JOSEFSON 2A KELLY 20A SMOGARD 2B EKEN 20B STANTON J ARNOLD 21 OLSON JA ANDERSON 21A LINDSTROM JB PRAHL 21B SETZEPPANDT 4 WILLET 22 BERNHAGEN 4A ONGE 22A KVAM 4B SHERWOOD 22B DAHL s PERPICH 2J RENNEKE SA FU GINA 2JA ALBRECHT SB SPANISH 2JB JOHNSON 6 PERPICH 24 PURFEERST 6A BEGICH 24A VANASEK 6B JOHNSON 24B BIRNSTIHL 7 SOLON 2S CONZEMIUS 7A MUNGER 25A WHITE 7B JAROS 2SB SCHULZ B DOTY 26 OLSON BA DOTY 26A MENNING BB ULLAND 26B ERICKSON 9 SILLERS 27 OLSON 9A BEAUCHAMP 27A MANN 98 LANGSETH 278 PETERSON 10 HANSON 2B JENSEN lOA DEGROAT 2BA ESAU 108 GRABA 288 ECKSTEIN 11 OLHOFr 29 UELAND, JR.
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