Paired Drills – Epee II students assist Epee I

Repeat each of the following 3-4 times successfully, then switch roles, then progress to the next drill.

1) Prise de Fer - with Advance- a. Fencer A advances with arm partially extended, hand low; b. Fencer B retreats and threatens inside-high on A’s first step (front foot) c. Fencer A takes the blade with C6 (with rear foot) and lunges to hit the arm 2) PdF-Disengage, Lateral - with Advance-Lunge a. Fencer A advances with arm partially extended, hand low; b. Fencer B retreats and threatens inside-high on A’s first step (front foot) c. Fencer A takes the blade with C6 (with rear foot) d. Fencer B retreats and attempts a strong lateral 6 e. Fencer A disengages laterally and lunges to hit inside of arm 3) PdF-Disengage, Vertical - with Advance-Lunge a. Fencer A advances with arm partially extended, hand low; b. Fencer B retreats and threatens inside-high on A’s first step (front foot) c. Fencer A takes the blade with C6 (with rear foot) d. Fencer B extends and elevates (attempting to resist opposition) e. Fencer A disengages vertically and lunges to hit the flank (keeping guard high) 4) PdF-Beat + - with Advance-Lunge a. Fencer A advances with arm partially extended, hand low; b. Fencer B retreats and threatens inside-high on A’s first step (front foot) c. Fencer A attempts to take the blade with C6 (with rear foot) d. Fencer B retreats and derobes, evading the PdF, holding weapon loosely e. Fencer A executes a beat in 8 and lunges to hit arm with a vertical disengage 5) Take/Re-Take - with Advance-Advance-Lunge a. Fencer A advances with arm partially extended, hand low; b. Fencer B retreats and threatens inside-high on A’s first step (front foot) c. Fencer A attempts to take the blade with C6 (with rear foot) d. Fencer B retreats and derobes, counterattacking with a thrust inside-high e. Fencer A retakes the blade with an advance and lunges to hit arm

Advanced Drills – Epee II

I. Repeat selected drills from above with various initial lines: a. Begin with a PdF in 8, 4, or 7

II. Decision Drills based on selected drills above.