Curriculum Vitae
Carrie E. Schweitzer Curriculum Vitae Address: Department of Geology, Kent State University at Stark, 6000 Frank Avenue N.W., North Canton, Ohio 44720 Phone (KSU): 330-244-3303 or 330-672-2505; FAX: 330-672-7949; E-mail: <> EDUCATION Ph. D., Geology, May, 2000, Kent State University, Dissertation Title: Systematics and Paleobiogeography of Fossil Decapod Crustaceans of the North Pacific Ocean M. S., Geology, December, 1996, Kent State University, Thesis Title: Fossil Decapod Crustaceans of the late Oligocene to early Miocene Pysht Formation and late Eocene Quimper Sandstone, Olympic Peninsula, Washington B. A., Biology, Departmental Honors, June, 1993, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio EMPOYMENT HISTORY Professor of Geology, Kent State University at Stark, North Canton, OH, Aug 2011-present Associate Professor of Geology, Stark Campus, Kent State University, Canton, OH, Sept. 2005-Aug. 2011 Assistant Professor of Geology, Stark Campus, Kent State University, Canton, OH, 2000- Aug. 2005 Part-Time Adjunct Instructor, Stark Campus, Kent State University, Canton, OH, 2000 Field Assistant, Summer Field Camp, Kent State University at Black Hills State University, 2000 Part-Time Summer Instructor, Kent State University, Dept. of Geology, 1996-1999 Teaching Fellow, Kent State University, Dept. of Geology, 1996-2000 Graduate Assistant, Kent State University, Dept. of Geology, 1994-1996 COURSES TAUGHT Courses taught: Invertebrate Paleontology, How the Earth Works; How the Earth Works Laboratory; Earth and Life through Time; Earth and Life through Time Laboratory, Environmental Earth Science, All about the Oceans; Geology of Ohio (upper division), Mass Extinctions: Causes and Consequences; Paleoecology; Paleoceanography; Career Paths in Geology. RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS Research Associate, Department of Systematic Biology, Invertebrate Zoology Section, United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.
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