The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.43 ubiished by tht Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly Vol. LVII No. 43 THE UKRAfNIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22,1989 50 cents Ukrainian Communist Thousands in Chicago pledge solidarity with Ukraine Party's plenum: Millennium statue orchestrated farce? is dedicated CHICAGO - In a truly ecumenical by Dr. Roman Solchanyk celebration, thousands of Ukrainian Americans pledged their solidarity with The official report on the plenum of Ukraine on Sunday, October 15, during the Central Committee of the Com dedication ceremonies of a statue of Ss. munist Party of Ukraine that convened Volodymyr and Olha, concluding on September 28 to select a new party Chicagoland's yearlong festivities mark leader in place of Volodymyr Shcher- ing the Millennium of the Christia- bytsky has all the markings of a well- nization of Ukraine. rehearsed farce. On a bright, yet windy Sunday after Virtually ail of the speakers at the noon, characteristic of this ethnically plenum essentially did two things: (I) vibrant city, dignitaries from Ukraine's heaped mounds of praise on Mr. capital city of Kiev, a Ukrainian Shcherbytsky both as an individual and member of Parliament from Krakow, as a party leader, and (2) heaped Ukrainian Orthodox, Catholic and mounds of praise on Volodymyr A. Protestant leaders joined together with Ivashko, Mr. Shcherbytsky's successor, federal, state and city officials to unveil both as an individual and as a party what the'day^'smaster of ceremonies and leader. Millennium Monument Committee The absence of any serious dissonant chairman Julian Kulas called a "con notes in the plenum proceedings, and firmation of the long history of our the fact that directly after the plenum religious faith." Pravda published back-to-back in terviews with the three main actors in The event, which called for freedom this performance — Mikhail Gorba for all Ukrainian Churches, also chev, Mr.
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