Urban Sports



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Message from the President Message from the Director of Urban sports in the spotlight of the World Union of Olympic Smart Cities & Sport Cities

07 page 09 page 11 page

Interview with Dr. Andrew Interview with Raffaele Chiulli, Montréal: Outdoor sport Smith, Reader in School President, Global Association of facilities to increase physical of Architecture and Cities, International Sports Federation activity University of Westminster

15 page 19 page 21 page

Ciclovias recreativas: A How Munich’s youth keeps FISE World Series: free and community-based the Olympic Legacy alive an extreme sports tour recreational programme MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD UNION OF OLYMPIC CITIES

By 2050, 68% of the world’s population is projected to live in urban areas. It means that cities will house 2.5 billion more people than today. To ensure that the benefits of urbanisation are fully shared and inclusive, the 2018 UN report on world urbanisation recommends implementing urban growth policies that ensure access to infrastructure and social services for all, focusing on the needs of the urban poor and other vulnerable groups for housing, education, health care, decent work and a safe environment.

www.smartcitiesandsport.org Cities are made with a combination of public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor facilities, institutionalised and spontaneous playing fields.

Due to space and budget constraints, most cities face a chronic lack of facilities which prevent them from assuring equal access to sport and physical activity to their citizens. Grégoire Junod Mayor of Lausanne To face this challenge, cities need to imagine alternative solutions both in terms of space and sport practice. Every square meter, every stair, every sidewalk, every street corner, every park is a potential playing field or, more widely, a space to practice physical activity in.

Sport practice does not necessarily – or not only – need infrastructures and structures!

The best arenas for physical activity and sport are the places in our cities. By promoting urban sports, cities are engaging into an ownership of their whole territory and revealing its genuine potential. By organising events in iconic places, cities are showcasing their attractiveness even beyond sport. Time has come to shape our cities in a way that invites the population to be naturally and physically active on any occasion, and to offer alternatives to sport practitioners.

Current trends show that the new generation is already revolutionising the use of the urban landscape for sport and we can – we have to – get inspired by the youth to increase our offer to all generations and segments of society.

Progress and innovation have facilitated our daily life by limiting physical activity and efforts. To reverse this trend, architecture and urban design can today contribute to keeping us healthy by promoting movement. Cities are not only made up of motionless stones and concrete blocks, but of spaces that stimulate physical activity and creativity. Let’s shape our cities into a constant invitation to move within spaces and from one space to another. The possibilities are endless and Smart Cities & Sport publications and events are an open door to these new perspectives.


Urban public spaces and their design, with streets, squares, playgrounds and parks, play a key role in our daily lives. This is where we transit, we cycle, we drive, we meet, we play or we relax.

These places are also an untapped resource for physical activities and sport. So how can we create urban spaces that function as quality spaces and draw people in to being active and playing sport?

This publication highlights different aspects of urban sports. First, with an interview by Dr.

Andrew Smith, from the University of Westminster, which focuses on the importance of urban @smartCTandsport planning to tackle the challenges of physical inactivity and the opportunity to stage sport events in public spaces featuring a new city image.

Mélanie Duparc Director of Smart Cities & The second featured interview, given by Mr. Chiulli, President of GAISF, gives readers feedback on Sport the first edition of the World Urban Games held in Budapest earlier this year and the reutilization of industrial zones for this sport event. The publication also highlights other events showcasing urban sport, such as the MASH Festival organized in the Munich Olympic Stadium and the FISE World Series held in Hiroshima.

In addition, we feature two case studies of cities which have totally rethought the use of their public spaces. We begin with the City of Montréal, which has released several projects to improve the sporting offer in its territory and aims at developing urban sport. We then discover the Ciclovías recreativas, innovative strategy implemented in different South American cities which ensures the full enjoyment and benefit of the closed-off city roads to its citizens.

The new strategy may not be about enticing people to do sport in specialized sports venues and sports clubs, but to get them active right where they are in the streets, in public spaces and in the city parks, while simultaneously facing the challenges related to social inclusion in shared territories.

I hope that the ideas and strategies presented in this publication will inspire you to find ways within your city to proactively rethink, retransform and reuse these spaces to be multifunctional and sustainable for the future generations to come.

Enjoy the reading!


With the first World Urban Games held in Budapest in September 2019, urban sports have acquired a new dimension.

As IOC President Thomas Bach said for Some old disciplines are being replaced “incubator for innovation”. 3x3 basketball the occasion, „the World Urban Games by modern, youthful ones like BMX and has been on the YOG programme since are a wonderful illustration of the strong 3X3 basketball. Singapore 2020, BMX free style park has partnership that exists between GAISF made its debut at Buenos Aires 2018 and and the IOC. Shaping the future of sport YOGs as a lab breaking – inspired from street dancing can only be done in partnership. Standing – and sport climbing were also presented

www.smartcitiesandsport.org together, united in our shared goal to To meet this challenge, the Youth Olympic in the Argentinian capital. promote our shared values of sport, we Games have clearly appeared as the can make the world a better place through best laboratory possible to introduce Using the Youth once sport.” As for GAISF President Raffaele new disciplines and measure their more as the perfect testing ground for the Chiulli, “The World Urban Games program attractiveness. This use of the YOG as a Olympic Movement and, in particular, to for Budapest 2019 presents a global stage platform to test and validate new sports explore ways to make the Games more for emerging disciplines, as well as an formats has now become one of the youthful and urban, the IOC worked opportunity for world-class athletes to key strategic goals for the IOC, which with the Buenos Aires 2018 Organising demonstrate their abilities and for people hopes to enhance the YOG’s role as an Committee to develop one of the most in urban areas to take a proactive role ground-breaking concepts to date, the in sport”. Urban Park. Using a popular green area of the city where people already gathered, During the last few years, the IOC has Sport climbing, new urban sports and disciplines were been sizing up the growing place of urban ” surfing, and brought to life right in the beating heart sports in overall sport practice and above of Buenos Aires. These included 3x3 skateboarding will all among the youth. Evolution of sport basketball, sport climbing, breaking and has been constant over the years and the make their debuts BMX freestyle park – all of which had first Olympic Movement is integrating these in the Japanese been tested at a changes. As Franco Carraro, the Chair of capital next year. If edition. Youth and street culture were the Olympic Programme Commission blended with sport, food trucks provided explains, “the pace of change continues confirmed following a real taste of Buenos Aires and access to accelerate in both sport and society their maiden Olympic was free for everyone with a festival-style but the construction of the Olympic appearances, the bracelet. Programme continues to find a balance three sports will between the traditional forms of sport Many experiential elements tested at the and those newer sports that are growing appear on the Urban Park will be seen at Tokyo 2020, in popularity and reaching out to new programme for a such as opening the venues to fans when audiences.” second time in Paris.” the Olympic competition finishes and the opportunity to try out sports. The Urban

4 Park did not just offer an opportunity to BMX freestyle park, skateboarding and generations and become a blueprint for wow local audiences in Buenos Aires, 3X3 basketball are all set to make their future Olympic Games. The proximity of however; millions of fans also tuned in debut on the Olympic programme at the the two venues to each other will help via the Olympic Channel to watch the high- Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. According to create a youth-focused urban atmosphere adrenaline sports. This was in addition to Carraso, “the changes to the Tokyo 2020 in the area, increasing the opportunity for engaging with athletes and influencers event programme reflect the changing engagement with fans and delivering a via social media, ensuring that fans on nature of sport and the changing unique Tokyo 2020 experience. the ground and around the world were structures of sports. We are seeing more brought closer to the Olympic action than urban sport. We are seeing more adapted Despite having its schedule tightened by ever before. and shortened formats. This reflects the the impending threat of Typhoon Hagibis, changes in society, the overall global the Tokyo 2020 Test event for BMX racing Tokyo as a full-scale test urbanisation of populations, and therefore, was held successfully at the Ariake Urban the changes in the ways that they can Sports Park on Friday 11 October. The “The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be access sports facilities and experience event was the first chance for riders to more youthful, more urban, and more sport.” try out the new track at the Urban Sports gender balanced. There will be new urban Park, located in the stunning waterfront sports added to the programme that are With these additions to the sports area, close to the Athletes’ Village. The popular with young people, including sport programme for Tokyo 2020, which will BMX racing track will have space for 5,000 climbing and skateboarding“. Thomas be staged in an urban setting, it is hoped spectators. Bach (FT, 4.10.2018) the Tokyo 2020 Games will inspire new @smartCTandsport

5 In Tokyo, the festive atmosphere of Games Executive Director Christophe balanced, more youthful and more urban. the Urban Park will be seen across the Dubi. They offer the opportunity to connect with Waterfront City area with the Urban the young generation,” said IOC President Festival, which will play host to BMX and Paris as a confirmation Thomas Bach. “Pending the outcome of skateboarding events. the IOC Session, it is important to note Sport climbing, surfing, and skateboarding that the sports would be provisionally Meanwhile, the Playground will include will make their debuts in the Japanese included. The final decision should be outdoor warm-up areas where visitors capital next year. If confirmed following made only at the end of 2020.” can watch 3x3 basketball players and their maiden Olympic appearances, sport climbing athletes as they get ready the three sports will appear on the to vie for Olympic glory. With its urban programme for a second time in Paris. All Festival, Tokyo will offer a buzzing festival three sports — as well as breaking — have environment that brings fans closer to been selected with a younger audience the Olympic action than ever before. “We in mind, incorporating more diversity To learn more about not only want people to come to the and urban culture alongside traditional urban sports at the Olympic Games, we also want to take sports. Most of these new disciplines are Olypmic Games the Games to the people. We want to anchored in the urban territory and all of make Olympic sport as accessible and them are appealing to the youth. engaging as possible; we want to create an environment where they are both “All four of these proposed sports are entertained and inspired, where they can clearly in line with Olympic Agenda 2020.

www.smartcitiesandsport.org witness history in the making and then They contribute to making the programme get active themselves”, said IOC Olympic of the Olympic Games more gender


Why is it important for cities to place themed retail experiences (e.g. ESPN specialised stadiums / arenas. There are sport as a priority in their urban zones). Places like Sheffield in the UK are multiple examples: motor racing (F1 in development strategy? trying to develop zones that are less based Singapore, Valencia), equestrian events on the consumption of sports events / (Longines Global Champions Tour), track Sport provision can fulfil a number of experiences but more on the production and field (Manchester’s Great City Games), key policy objectives: most importantly of sport – i.e. hosting sports companies and – even ski jumping – the need to encourage physical activity and sport organisations. This means have all been staged in urban squares

and shared social experiences. Levels hosting sports education, sports science, and parks. Some new franchises have @smartCTandsport of obesity and loneliness are two of the sport medicine, sports administration chosen to focus exclusively on staging biggest challenges facing cities today. etc., as well as more conventional sports their events in urban public spaces – such Sport is also very popular, high profile, and companies such as the manufacturers as the Formula E motor racing series. This attracts lots of positive media attention, of sports equipment and clothing. The allows them to reach new audiences so it is also used in place marketing / sports industry is growing and some and get more visibility. Even when sports city branding. However, it is increasingly cities rightly see it as an opportunity are still staged in purpose-built arenas, difficult to differentiate a city as a venue to develop a concentration of related various activations are often installed for elite sport, and there is a poor track organisations and companies – in the in public squares and parks – including record of stadium-led development, same ways that cities are also developing fan zones, sponsorship activations and so cities are perhaps better advised to clusters related to creative industries or various outreach activities. focus more on participatory sport and technological enterprises. In terms of grassroots initiatives. social development, the challenge is to For cities, these kinds of projects ensure that the employment, facilities and provide spectacular imagery and media What is the potential value of sport- venues in these zones are accessible to a coverage, but there are lots of associated city zones for the economic, social and diverse range of citizens. These zones can practical and political challenges. There promotional development of a city? also attract spectators, participants and is considerable push back against the attention from outside the city, increasing use of public spaces for sport events – Several cities have developed dedicated tourism arrivals and helping to promote particularly when these are ticketed and ‘sports city zones’ which are often clusters cities as attractive places to live, invest involve the introduction of barriers and of venues used to stage major events. and visit. invasive security arrangements. It is very These can be used to help win future bids costly and difficult to arrange for streets and stage more regular events, but the What are the challenges that cities face to be closed to traffic, and the provision of more interesting / advanced versions when adapting public spaces for sport? sports events need to be balanced against offer opportunities for amateur sports the needs of other users / uses of urban participation and training. Some even There are various dimensions to this. public space. In some cities there are feature tourist attractions – halls of Many cities are keen to stage sports worries about the over-commercialisation fame, interactive sports museums and events in urban centres, not just in of public spaces (with corporate logos

7 dominant) and the various sponsorship, provision is integrated into people’s daily and an informal recreational dimension – retail and hospitality that comes with lives. That means investing more in alongside an elite sport event is another many sports events tend to exacerbate neighbourhood parks, providing routes good example. Anyone can sign up, and this problem. so that people can commute to work by there are times when the streets are cycling / running, encouraging work places closed to traffic for recreational cycling. A more progressive option is to ensure to install showers (so that their staff can These types of initiatives link elite sport urban public spaces are places that exercise before, during, or after work), and events to grassroots physical activity – encourage physical activity. The installing gym equipment in everyday and that has to be the way forward. installation of green gyms in many parks landscapes. There perhaps needs to be Initiatives like ParkRun and other freely and squares has been successful and less emphasis on formal sport, and more accessible / community organised events cities are now looking for other ways of on active lifestyles. One worrying trend help to turn public spaces into active ensuring that public spaces are designed is the increased monetisation of sport spaces. These projects also enable people with activity in mind. This includes ‘active provision in some cities (e.g. in parks) to meet and socialise – which is known to travel’ (walking and cycling), but also trying – with citizens asked to pay for things improve mental, as well as physical health. to reverse the age-old policy that various that used to be free (football pitches, activities are banned from public spaces. etc.). There needs to be more provision Many public areas in the UK have signs of places to play and the (temporary) saying ‘no ball games’ or regulations that provision of ‘play streets’ – where roads ban skateboarding, cycling and other are closed to traffic for certain periods – types of active leisure. Some enlightened may help to ensure that informal sport municipalities are trying to remove these participation is encouraged (particularly

www.smartcitiesandsport.org – to ensure that people are encouraged amongst children). to play and use urban spaces in a more active way. According to your opinion / research, which cities are at the forefront of What’s the best way to integrate “sport creating public spaces that promote areas” in urban environments? sport in the city? Why?

I think there are two key considerations I’m perhaps a little biased, because I live here. in London, but there are lots of really good projects happening here. One is to better integrate elite sports facilities / arenas by ensuring that they The City of Westminster in London is are economically, socially and physically doing a great deal of good work via its accessible. This is partly a design Active Westminster strategy https:// consideration, but it is also about how activewestminster.org/about-us/strategy. facilities are managed. New arenas need This strategy aims to shape the built and to be built with community use in mind natural environment so that being active – offering educational, community and becomes the default choice. social facilities. There are ways of allowing The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has local people to use sport facilities on the been designed in a way that encourages (many) days when high specification activity – with the public able to access To learn more about venues are not staging events. We affordable swimming and cycling facilities. Active Westminster need to ensure that local people can The public spaces also encourage cycling, access volunteering and employment walking and running; and many of the opportunities in sports venues. In many venues can be booked for community cities, the emphasis needs to shift from events. passively watching sport, to actively participating in sport. The creation of events like RideLondon (an annual cycling event)– which has The other dimension is to ensure sports both an amateur participatory dimension


In September, the first inaugural edition benefit of the International Federations. Designing events to fit cities’ needs and of the World Urban Games (WUG) was visions is the new trend in sport. How held in Budapest. What was the vision Our goal is to provide a global platform was the collaboration with Budapest in of GAISF at the genesis of this event? for IFs to highlight their sport or discipline co-creating this inaugural edition? as part of a major multi-sport event, The vision was to be the ultimate global also to learn together. The lessons are The City of Budapest and the Local showcase of a new generation of then shared not only with the IFs on the Organising Committee were instrumental

urban sport, and we saw this realised programme of the WUG, but with all of in the success of the Games. From the @smartCTandsport in Budapest. Not only did we gather the GAISF’s 125 members. moment the Games were awarded world’s most elite athletes from a diverse to Budapest, we have had an aligned and engaging range of urban sports, but Throughout the development of the vision and worked in tandem together to we also created a venue that encouraged Games, we consulted with the IFs to produce an incredible urban festival of participation. ensure that they felt represented. We are sport, music, art and culture. This kind now in the process of getting feedback of alignment is exactly what ensures It was amazing to walk around the from them, as well as the athletes, to the best possible outcomes for both the World Urban Games Park and see young ensure we put their comments and International Federations and also the city. people trying out the latest tricks on their suggestions into the planning for the And delivering the best possible outcomes skateboards and scooters, or receiving 2021 edition. is what ensures that our events will be a breaking master class from some of attractive and sustainable in the long term. the athletes.

The Games created an opportunity to inspire, and to turn that inspiration into participation. We believe that this was achieved and look forward to doing even better next time!

The mission of GAISF is to help IFs develop and showcase their sport. How was the collaboration with IFs in developing the sports programme of the WUG?

The World Urban Games, and all of our @GAISF multi-sport events, are created for the


I would like to thank the Budapest Team element is as attractive as possible. Eurosport and the BBC, to Reuters and for their commitment and dedication to the New York Times, the whole world the Games and hope to work with them The WUG is not only a sport competition, has seen the success of the World Urban again in the future. but also a cultural programme. How do Games. the different activities offered to the Youth’s physical activity and sport public complement one another? GAISF decided to award the second

www.smartcitiesandsport.org activity are decreasing. How do you think edition 2021 of the WUG to Budapest. WUG can contribute in attracting young We wanted the World Urban Games to What is the added value of Budapest as people and getting them more active? be a truly complete celebration of urban a host city for the WUG? culture. This started with sport, but we We saw the enthusiasm that young also had live music from some of the This is not yet confirmed – we are still in people have for sport. It is clear, and this biggest urban acts in the world. Over three discussions with Budapest about the 2021 is not just in Budapest. This can and days, more than 130 pieces of street art edition and will announce the outcome of should be the case all over the world. were produced. these discussions in due course. It is our responsibility, as GAISF and as International Federations, to create Even, the venue itself – an old market hall On a personal note, could you share your exciting opportunities that engage young from the 1930’s that had been abandoned best memory of this first edition of the people and lead them back to sport. – is authentically urban and provided the WUG? perfect setting for the inaugural edition We do have to remember that young of the Games. There was a wonderful moment when people see themselves as being multi- I walked through the Market Hall, and I talented, and rightly so. Certainly, this How would you describe this first experienced the joy of the young people is something that we recognised edition’s outcomes (participation, trying out new sports. All around me, kids with the World Urban Games. We had finances, media coverage)? were engaging. There was breaking, flying participants that saw themselves as disc, basketball, parkour and skating. And athletes, as DJs and as street artists: all I am certain that this was a great start the smiles on the parents’ faces, as their in the same person and all in the same for the World Urban Games. We brought children expressed themselves physically day! Most young people are also, by together the world’s best athletes, and were a real joy. It was incredible – how necessity, photographers, filmmakers they have been very complementary in sport should be. and storytellers, as they capture and their feedback, which is hugely important share their lives. With the World Urban to us. After all, athletes are at the heart Games, we learned how important it is to of what we do. We recorded a total To learn more about GAISF and the World recognise and celebrate all of these other attendance of 50,000 people, which Urban Games aspects of young lives, in addition to sport, exceeded our initial expectations. And we https://gaisf.sport/ so that we can make sure the sporting have had great media coverage. From https://wugbudapest.sport/

10 ©Tourisme Montréal

Montréal: Outdoor sport facilities to increase physical activity MONTRÉAL, THE CITY CASE STUDY AS A PLAYING FIELD

In September 2019, the City of Montréal released a list of 19 projects to improve the sporting offer on the territory. The city invests CAD 16,5 million to finance borough initiatives conceived to develop and improve the city sports facilities and improve the service offered to Montréalers. These projects are part of a comprehensive city strategy which relies on active design and expresses a strong commitment to support access to sport for all.

Tackling inactivity in an urban environment sports facilities. Although partially compensated by immigration, population ageing is another problem to concretely address. More www.smartcitiesandsport.org The first cause for obesity is inactivity. Between 1990 and 2004, generally, sedentary lifestyles have penetrated all segments of the obesity increased by 70% in Quebec, according to data from the population, due to major changes in our ways of working, moving, Quebec Institute of Statistics: the proportion of people affected shopping and recreate. “There are many ways to prevent obesity is from 13 to 22%. Experts say that obesity, which causes many and chronic diseases but one of great strategies is that people chronic diseases, generate huge costs for society. adopt a physically active lifestyle”, argues Sophie Paquin, urban planner at the DSP and Associate Professor in the Department According to the National Institute of Public Health (INSPQ), it cost of Urban and Tourism Studies, University of Quebec in Montréal $ 1.5 billion in care in Quebec in 2011, representing 10% of the (Urbanité, Spring/Summer 2017). This is where the principles of total bill for adults. Decrease in physical activity of Quebeckers, “active design” are mobilised. observed for 40 years, is one of the factors involved. Active Design for an Active City Easy and equal access to physical activity is another challenge to be taken over. Increasing population puts pressure on available The City of Montréal, Quebec, Canada, has consciously endorsed not only the concept of “active design” but also its concrete implementation. While the sedentary lifestyle causes increasing and chronic health problems, buildings and other urban facilities such as stairs, sidewalks, cycle paths, streets and parks designed to promote physical activity could help turn things around, experts say.

“Active design is an urban development approach that identifies recognised strategies for land use, urban planning, urban design and architecture to support the well-being of communities and more specifically to encourage a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet. As part of the approach to environments that encourage healthy lifestyle habits, active design aims at developing and designing lifestyle spaces that foster healthy choices.” – Vivre en Ville, inspired by the Center for Active Design, 2013


©Tourisme Montréal The term “active design” combines all the actions taken by urban planning and architecture stakeholders to encourage or multiply opportunities to be physically active and provide easy access to a healthy diet. In active design, the idea is to invite people to be naturally active without imposing them to be so. Design has to lead people to physical activity.

Outdoor activities in an urban context

To encourage a physically active lifestyle, the City of Montréal is rethinking its approach to physical activity by promoting “outdoor activity in an urban context”. Beyond traditional outdoor activity, ©Tourisme Montréal this term designates today non-motor-powered physical activities performed in a dynamic relationship with elements of nature, such as gardening, games, observation and outdoor sports, close to plein air urbains (Urban Sport and Outdoor Master Plan) which a natural urban setting. uses quantitative and qualitative data to compare and clarify various aspects of urban planning to create environments that The concept of urban outdoors rests on an expanded vision of the encourage a physically active lifestyle. outdoors in which our cities’ physical and cultural environments are adapted to take greater advantage of nature in an urban setting. Focused on the human being and active design, the plan builds Outdoor activities are performed in a dynamic relationship with upon the connectivity of green spaces and the city’s sports elements of urban nature, consisting of laneways, parks, green network to integrate access to parks, public places, pedestrian

and blue beltways and walking paths, whether it is time spent in @smartCTandsport streets, playgrounds and sports fields for everyone. It addresses free exercise, more intense physical activity or daily travel. In this areas that need upgrading in the sports network, such as park vision, residential neighbourhoods can be equipped with green chalets. and active corridors or pedestrian or shared streets that allow children to play, walk or cycle to school. This concept also enables The objective of the Plan d’action du sport et du plein air urbains public spaces to be occupied in unusual ways, for example, by 2019-2029 is to create environments that foster physical activity building an unregulated form of playground between two buildings and sports to encourage people living in or travelling to Montréal or on a vacant lot. to become and remain physically active.

The urban outdoor network is a connectivity approach to green Montréal’s recreational and sports equipment network, however, spaces and to the city’s sports network, aimed at integrating is facing a general maintenance deficit that has serious access to parks, public spaces, pedestrian streets, playgrounds repercussions for the use of some of the most popular fields. and sports fields for everyone. Sports clubs and the population as a whole are affected by this situation as free exercise becomes an increasingly popular trend From concept to programme ©Montréal today. Despite major assets, several boroughs are experiencing disruptions in service due to the requirement that all group sports The City of Montréal has developed a forward-looking Action and outdoor equipment be appealing and safe (i.e. upgrading, plan (2019-2029) to frame this new approach. The Plan d’Action maintenance, facilitation, communication and investment). Décennal provides a framework of processes and sequences to be implemented, a monitoring and control method, a 10-year calendar From programme to projects and an overall budget. It identifies the administrative units of the Ville de Montréal that will be responsible for completing each of At the end of a bidding process, the City of Montréal selected 19 the actions, or partners tasked with their completion, as well as projects to be implemented in the first phase of the action plan. the compliance of these actions with the city’s various policies. The selection process was inclusive and aimed at maximizing Once the action plan is completed, a report is produced, confirming geographical and social balance. Among the criteria to be whether or not the desired outcomes have been achieved. selected, the following were key:

This action plan is based on the 2018 Plan directeur du Sport et du • Inclusive approach considering all marginalized or

13 ©Montréal

excluded groups (young people, newcomers, universal potential to the urban sport and outdoor network. Optimal location accessibility, etc.); would require universal accessibility, notably by promoting mobility, • Intersectionality, e.g. promoting inclusion, the fight accessibility and the clarity of terrain and equipment identification. against multiple discrimination (gender, class, ethno- “For our administration, it is important to give boroughs the cultural background, disability, socio-economic status, necessary leeway to maintain, improve, adapt and transform our www.smartcitiesandsport.org sexual orientation or gender identity, etc.), the reduction network of outdoor sports facilities where they are needed. Thanks of inequalities and an adequate response to the needs of to the PISE programme, all sports, but also all types of equipment, a diverse population through carrying out projects aimed can benefit from an assistance from the City of Montréal. The at all citizens. large number of applications received demonstrates the need for • Active design encompassing all strategies to encourage a comprehensive and inclusive program”, said Hadrien Parizeau, people to adopt a physically active lifestyle. Hadrien Parizeau, Associate Councilor for Youth, Sports and • Planning in a global perspective of the park and collective Recreation when unveiling the 19 projects selected. appropriation in harmonising interventions, rather than doing them piecemeal and promoting better collaboration Four types of projects are supported, namely the upgrading of between sports stakeholders and the City of Montréal. existing sports facilities, the development of new sports facilities, • Innovation to adapt to technological and climatic changes, the development of sports facilities dedicated to emerging sports as well as in sports practices. and the development of spaces for free practice. The projects • Adequacy with the Urban Sport and Outdoor Master Plan, selected touch a variety of sports, such as basketball, soccer, that is, the stowage with the major findings and issues tennis, skateboarding, athletics, beach volleyball and BMX. The of the plan. estimated investments, which represent 80% of the project costs, • Integration in its environment amount to nearly $16.5 million. A second project call is planned this fall to allow the boroughs to improve their projects or to In addition, the proposed projects had to respect the identity of propose new ones. The outdoor sports facilities program has a the environment by their compatibility with the surrounding and total budget of $29.5 million over three years. projected developments in addition to integrating with urban, economic and social plans and the physical and contextual As Hadrien Parizeau concluded, “Whether it’s building, upgrading environments by their complementarity with the infrastructure or redeveloping, each of these interventions contributes to making and services already offered in addition to considering the visual Montréal an increasingly active and inclusive city, and enhances aspects, safe (eg. visual barriers). the appeal of our living environments”.

Last but not least, projects had to present the ease of access to For more information about urban sport in Montréal active, current, and planned public transportation (eg metro, bike Action plan https://www.makingmtl.ca/sport path, etc.). They were also evaluated according to their connectivity Urban sports’ events https://blog.mtl.org/en/urban-sports

14 @Ciclovias Recreativas @smartCTandsport Ciclovias recreativas: A free and community-based recreational programme


Ciclovías recreativas are streets that, one or more days a week (mainly Sundays and holidays), are released from motor vehicles for several hours in order to generate a car-free and adapted path ensuring the free and safe ride of thousands of people on bicycles, on foot or on roller skates.

roads to be closed (slope, condition of the pavement, What is pursued? etc); the presence of shops or businesses and facilities that generate excess vehicular traffic on the roads to be To recover the life of the city, generating spaces for recreation and occupied; and, finally, existence of good road alternatives www.smartcitiesandsport.org where it is possible and enjoyable to play and perform physical for vehicular flow (especially for public transport) that activity, as well as to carry out cultural and educational activities will be diverted during the day and time of the event. that encourage coexistence and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles. • Economic viability: implementing a Ciclovía Recreativa involves a series of expenses or investments City governments can find in the Cyclovías recreativas an effective that range from the purchase of many items, the and affordable program that promotes health, local economic contracting of services and the payment of fees that development and social cohesion in their communities. will work in the activity, so it is essential to verify that The promoters and main organisations at the continental level resources (state or private) are available to support that develop Recreational Ciclovías, are gathered around the the Ciclovía recreativa for the operating period planned. Recreational Cyclovías de las Américas Network (CRA Network). • Technical development: obtain approval – from the How to develop a Ciclovía Recreativa? correspondents – on the core technical elements of the project (which are not required to be complex), which The basic steps to develop a recreational cycle path can be primarily should indicate: the activity proposed circuit; summarised in the following points: deviations proposed for motorized vehicular flow; temporary signage to occupy; staff willing for the activity • Political will: ensure that there is a political will to carry with its location and functions; mitigation or special out the Recreational Ciclovía and to make decisions measures to be taken to ensure that all motorists may that may initially generate a certain level of conflict. It leave and enter their residence or businesses or other includes not only mayors or elected representatives, but facilities and dissemination campaigns to be implemented. also authorities with a more technical nature such as those in charge of transit or public transport as well as • Commitment to organising other activities: plan to carry the engagement and involvement of all the stakeholders out activities, activations and interventions in the Ciclovía willing to support the development of the activity. Recreativa on their own or in charge of third parties that

• Technical feasibility of the project: determine which streets are technically viable to be closed. At this stage, keys are aspects such as the characteristics of the

16 make it even more attractive to users. Among these development of dissemination material (flyers, posters). activities can be the development of activities for children, gift of water or fruit, loan of bicycles or skates, etc. • Development of the outreach campaign: the start of a Ciclovía recreativa must necessarily be announced and • Recruitment and training: the call to recruit, select, train promoted. The foregoing, both to invite and mobilise the and assign functions is essential, with special emphasis on neighbours, public and inhabitants of the city in general, achieving a real commitment of staff (whether voluntary or as well as to give warning to motorists on the streets that not) to take it seriously. As the activities interact in one way they won’t be allowed to access during the activity and or another with the vehicular flow, it is particularly important inform on the deviations, which should therefore be used. that it is carried out in a responsible and rigorous manner. The diffusion can be done by means of delivery of leaflets; In addition, the staff must commit to being punctual and display of posters and canvases; messages on social constant as such activity normally must be set up very networks; use of traditional mass media (if possible) such early and whose development extends outdoor for several as radios, newspapers and television; dissemination in hours, sometimes with lots of sun, cold or rain. The staff local media (neighbourhood newspapers, regional radios). will be responsible, among other things, for assembling and disassembling the circuit of the Ciclovía recreativa • Development and maintenance of the activity: and for safeguarding security during the activity itself. implementation on the first day assuming volunteers and staff as numerous as possible. Constant supervision of • Acquisition of equipment and supplies and service staff, respect for schedule and execution of tasks. Give contract: the main acquisitions and expenses in services high priority to the safety component and, above all ensure that must be incurred to start up and subsequently that the Ciclovía recreativa remains effectively free from maintain the operation of a Ciclovia recreativa, are the the circulation of motor vehicles, with only exception for following: security equipments (cones, fences, tapes, motorised neighbours requiring leaving or coming back @smartCTandsport traffic signs, etc); purchase of uniforms for staff; to their home, businesses, church or other. Evaluate the hiring of warehouse and freight (for the transfer of the activity at the end of the first day and stay mobilised for material); insurance management (when applicable); the second day and the following.

@Ciclovias Recreativas

17 car park lots close to metro lines. Sandra Mahecha, Med. Doctor specialised in Sport medicine and physical activity at Universidad Mayor, says that “the current WHO recommendation on 150 minutes of physical activity a week recommended on any number of days of the week is more powerful than the stimulus of being regular”. In regards to prevention from diseases, it is proven that “although the recommendation is not reached, any minute is better than nothing,” she insists.

Social cohesion

Another result substantiated by the study published in the Medical Journal of Chile is related to the way the city is “used” by its inhabitants. According to Pr. Mora, this type of activity strongly contributes to social cohesion in cities, because it allows people from different social and geographical backgrounds to take ownership of the urban space. It is visible in the urban areas of Santiago Centro, Andrés Bello and Pocuro with the Central Ciclovías recreativas in Chile: a case study RecreoVías. “In most urban cycleways, people meet friends. In very local areas such as La Florida or Irarrázabal, people go Streets that are closed for a few hours to the passage of motorised with family, limit their trips outside the city, interact more in a vehicles ensure that people can cycle, rollerblade, skate, or simply www.smartcitiesandsport.org neighbourhood square. While other Ciclovías recreativas that are walk or jog safely. The initiative has been repeated in different empty during the week are now frequented during the weekends” communes of Chile and in the whole continent to promote physical says Mora. The Santiago Centro Ciclovía recreativa is one of the activity. According to recent academic research, this type of most attractive ones. A study showed that participants came initiative not only strengthens social cohesion in cities, but also from 17 cities/areas and, on average, travelled five kilometres to brings people closer to meeting the minimum goal of 150 minutes reach it. Pocuro area attracts people from 16 areas who travel of physical activity per week as recommended by the World Health just over four kilometres to reach this site. Organization (WHO).

On average, people today spend 113 minutes doing some type of activity in the closed streets and 69.1% say their health is better or much better than a year ago. Regarding the users, the average age is 37.1 years old and the main activity is cycling (68.4%), followed by jogging (17.1%), other (9.8%) and walking (3,7%). Users’ main motivations are doing physical activity of recreational type, taking care of their health and enjoying discovering the ctiy in a different way.

However, according to Professor Rodrigo Mora de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, this type of initiative in the country does not have the financial support from the State that would allow continuity over time or extension of the project to other cities. As for Daniela Godoy, the Executive Secretary of Eligir Livir Sano (Choose a healthy life), cycling has benefits for physical, mental and environmental health and there is evidence that it reduces the risk of obesity and chronic diseases, improves To learn more about the quality of sleep and reduces carbon dioxide emissions into ciclovias recreativas the environment. These are all the reasons why initiatives that (in Spanish only) promote bicycle use have been taken with Ministries such as Housing and Transportation. Daniela Godoy reports that the Chilean State is working on a bicycle use policy and is building 18 ©MASH Festival @smartCTandsport How Munich’s youth keeps the Olympic Legacy alive


Initiated in 2014, MASH is a successful and developing action sports event organised in the famous Munich Olympic Park. Combining top level action sports with a laid-back cultural spirit and lifestyle, MASH presents the international elite of action sports in various disciplines, such as Wakeboard, Mountainbike Slopestyle, BMX Street, Skateboard Street and more.

Let’s take a look at this great initiative from the City of Munich, and wide ranging network in the action sports world it guarantees aiming to connect with its youth through the legacy of the 1972 the success of the MASH since its introduction in 2014. . What are the objectives of Olympiapark Muenchen GmbH? What does the MASH Programme consist of? The public company managing the Olympic Park in Munich has Each discipline in the MASH Programme features the world’s best two main objectives: athletes showing breath-taking tricks and combos and creating www.smartcitiesandsport.org an adrenaline filled atmosphere with international flair. A never Accelerate sustainable urban development before seen set up mesmerises spectators and athletes alike. The sports competitions are accompanied by supporting program Since the Olympic Games in 1972, 33 World, 12 European and – MASH Fest – which consists of an inspiring mixture of music, arts, 100 German championships have been organized in the Munich fashion and design. Free of charge, MASH is open to all visitors Olympic Park, as well as a wide range of other important sports and is a place to watch, test, experience, interchange and just “be”. events, concerts with pop, rock and classical stars, trade fairs, The premiere of MASH at Munich Olympic Park from July 18- congresses and exhibitions. With their many additional and 20, 2014 attracted more than 52’000 spectators to experience modern attractions, the leisure and tourist facilities have been and celebrate Next Level Action Sports and this number was just as successful too. increased to 80’000 spectators in 2019. There were also 18’000 With this unique concentration and combination of different fans for the Red Bull Roller Coaster Final and 9’000 fans for the event and leisure facilities and corresponding attractions, the BMX Final. Within three years, MASH has developed into a high Olympic Park in Munich has developed to become one of the potential action sports festival, that can successfully be adapted most important centres of its kind. to other locations and countries. Munich Olympic Park is currently exploring this matter and actively seeking international cities that Create new international connections might be interested in the event format. International event centre, sports and recreational park and tourist How is MASH organised? attraction with world fame – that’s the Olympic Park in Munich. With its unique architectural buildings, the Olympic park has MASH is organised in the Olympic area located in the north of already admitted more than 198,6 million registered visitors, 111,6 Munich, which is managed by the Olympiapark München GmbH, million of them visiting 12,310 sports, cultural and commercial a 100% subsidiary of the City of Munich. The company’s tasks events and about 87 million being guests in the recreational and include the maintenance of the venues facilities, buildings and tourist facilities. In the business year 2014 alone there were 4,2 outside areas of the park and to attract and create events to fill million visitors, 2,4 million of them visiting 323 events and more it with life. than 1,8 million the recreational facilities. Within the Olympiapark München GmbH events team there is a MASH is only one example of the many initiatives that have been separate young team looking especially after the planning and developed by Olympiapark München GmbH to fulfill these two execution of the MASH. With its great event organizational skills objectives. The programme’s focus on the youth also ensures a great future for the Olympic Legacy from the 1972 Games.

20 ©Munich Olympic Park ©FISE @smartCTandsport FISE World Series: an extreme sports tour


Actions sports competitions have evolved from niche events that take place in intimate setting into large scale events, such as FISE, that attract hundreds of thousands of spectators each year.

Their growing popularity was initially supported by alternative introductory sessions have helped popularise urban sports, and markets and the riders’ passion for the sports. However, with we see continued growth in follower numbers and the influence the recent introduction of skateboarding and bmx freestyle to of alternative sports on culture. the Tokyo 2020 Olympic programme, the sports are on the cusp of a popularity explosion. Every year the parks and ramps get bigger and bigger and the riders’ level and the competition between them increases. FISE In 2020, Japan will be the first ever country to welcome an Olympic has teamed up with several international federations, so each Games programme that includes urban sports. The IOC has stop will host their official world cup. A partnership with the UCI refreshed the Olympic programme to attract new audiences and for the fourth year brings spectators the UCI BMX Freestyle www.smartcitiesandsport.org surf, skateboard and bmx freestyle park have been added. Athletes Park World Cup, alongside the second season of the UCI BMX from these disciplines are currently involved in the qualification Flatland World Cup. FISE World Series also continues to be the process to try and make sure their country has a spot in the home of the FIG Parkour World Cup and WS Roller Freestyle Olympics next summer. In order to earn qualification points, Cup. The edition of these cups has raised the stakes for athletes athletes are competing at premium events which have been even further and helped cement the tours position as the most specially selected by their referring federations. The UCI selected anticipated competition for all action sports enthusiasts. At each FISE World Series events to host the UCI BMX Freestyle Park World stage of the tour, riders have the opportunity to win points, earn Cup, where riders can earn major points towards qualification. significant prize money and gain media exposure. Overall rankings are calculated at the end of tour determining the 2019 winners What is FISE about? from each discipline.

FISE World Series presented by Honor is an extreme sports tour FISE Hiroshima that brings together the best action sports athletes on the planet, to compete in different cities around the globe. This is the biggest The inclusion of urban sports in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and the best multi-disciplinary action sports series in the world. provides an increased opportunity to introduce the sports to new The selection of sports is huge, including bmx freestyle park audiences worldwide. The JUSC (Japan Urban Sports Support and flatland, skateboard, roller freestyle, breaking, parkour and Committee) are capitalising on this opportunity and actively a variety of others. The tour welcomes all skill levels. Each year, pushing the development and notoriety of these disciplines over 2,900 amateurs and professionals from over 40 countries amongst the Japanese population. take part in the tour, which is hosted in iconic cities that are well-known for their support of young people and sport. With By hosting a stop of the FISE World Series, Hiroshima has the global expansion of action sports, FISE events are enjoying achieved several goals: introducing these sports to new audiences, solid growth, especially among millennials. The festival’s vibrant promoting sports values and benefits to youth, presenting atmosphere always draws large crowds – cultivated by dedicated national riders to the world and implementing and supporting host organisations and inspirational local and international athlete the development of Action Sports culture. Moreover, the specific ambassadors. Building on the success of previous years, each values of the different sporting cultures and communities are stage of the competition offers additional activities so visitors promoted. The influx of tourists generated by FISE is of huge can enjoy a complete festival experience. Demonstrations and

22 benefit to the local economy, both directly and indirectly. It also takes many people to transport, feed, house and entertain everyone, so the local area is buzzing with the festival rhythm for several months beforehand.

Every year, the event takes place in April during one of the most beautiful periods, the spring “Cherry Blossom Season”. Since the first edition, FISE Hiroshima has gathered a large number of attendees. Over 86,000 people attended the 2018 event and in 2019 the crowds were even larger with over 103,000 spectators visiting over the 3 days. ©FISE

The event also attracted many international athletes as well as local Japanese athletes who were keen to show their skills on the world stage. In 2018, 399 riders from 31 nations gathered for the For Hiroshima, hosting a stage is also part of a long-term approach, event, including 199 Japanese athletes. For the second edition, resulting in the future development of the host city through the 516 riders from 38 nationalities competed, including almost 300 networks created by: riders, opinion leaders, organisations, athletes from Japan. institutions and private partners.

The increasing numbers of riders and spectators is proof that The event also helps to celebrate some of Hiroshima’s own values the enthusiasm for these sports is growing each year. Some including its mission for peace. Each year, the event partners with Japanese top athletes are already famous on a national scale and “Peace and Sport” to promote peace and take part in the global

abroad, such as: Rimu Nakamura and Minato Oike (BMX Freestyle “white card” campaign where international and local riders, as @smartCTandsport Park), Moto Sasaki & Misaki Katagiri (BMX Flatland), Daisuke well as prominent community and action sports figures, raise Ikeda (Skateboard Street), Zen Shimada & Hikari Izumi (Parkour), the white card as a sign of their commitment to peace efforts Kaita Dohi & Saeko Sugimura (Bouldering), Takeshi Yasutoko & worldwide. This campaign generated a final total of 98 million Chihiro Azuma (Roller Freestyle), Shigekix & Ram (Breaking). All people reached on social media promoting the values of peace of them were excited to compete at FISE Hiroshima, because it and sport to youth. is the best way for them to promote their sports and they were proud to show the best level of their disciplines. More and more cities are looking to develop Urban Sports thanks to their increased popularity amongst youth audiences, promotion of gender equality and ability to bring people together. By choosing to commit to developing action sports and hosting a FISE World Series event, Hiroshima stands out as a dynamic, young, friendly and open-minded city.

To learn more about FISE

©FISE 23 www.smartcitiesandsport.org


I would like to take this opportunity to express my warm thanks to all the the contributers that have genreroulsy shared their thoughts and initiatives in the realisation of this publication.

Mélanie Duparc Director Smart Cities & Sport

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