Océanis • vol. 33 no 3/4 • 2007 History of Norwegian Marine Science Stig SKRESLET Department of Fisheries and Natural Sciences Bodø University College NO-8049 Bodø, Norway
[email protected] Keywords: founding theologists, interdisciplinary pioneers, eras, turning points, scientific organizations, bureaucratic role Abstract Exact marine science in Norway was initiated in 1760 by pioneers in zo- ological taxonomy. Fisheries ecology that started in 1863, lead to large oceanic and Arctic expeditions, and a “golden age” of interdisciplinary Norwegian marine science ending with the 1st World War. Governmen- tal poverty between the two World Wars made scientists work on low- budget research in coastal areas or join Arctic and Antarctic expeditions funded by private capital. After the 2nd World War a New Deal appeared when the Government invited the marine science community to organ- ise interdisciplinary research coordination. It ended in 1986 when a new political regime won control over science and established an administra- tive level of research leadership that managed short-term programs in response to political agendas for economical development during the rest of the 20th century. Histoire des sciences marines en Norvège Mots clés : religieux scientifiques, pionniers interdisciplinaires, époques, tournant, organismes scientifiques, contrôle administratif Résumé Les sciences marines exactes furent développées, en Norvège, par des pionniers de la taxonomie animale, dès 1760. L´écologie des pêches, qui débuta en 1863, contribua à de vastes expéditions d´exploration océanique, notamment dans les régions arctiques. L’« âge d’or » de la ISSN 0182-0745 © Institut océanographique, fondation Albert Ier, prince de Monaco, 2009 140 S. Skreslet science marine interdisciplinaire norvégienne s’acheva avec la Première Guerre mondiale.