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MS-1986-4.Pdf Vol. 18 ML~ERALIA 1986 No 4 SLOVACA 289-384 Casopls Slovens'<ej geologickej spoločnosti a slovenských geologických organizácii Journal of tbe Slovak Geologlcal Society and of Slovak geological organizalions Vedúci redaktor Ing. Ján Bartalský, CSc. Chief editor Vedecký redaktor RNDr. Pavol Grecula, DrSc. Scientific editor REDAKčNA RADA - EDITORIAL BOARD Predseda redakčnej rady Ing. Ján Kuráň, CSc. Chairman of Editorial board RNDr. Juraj Antaš,I RNDr. Ján Bystrický, DrSc .. 1 akademik Bohuslav Cambe] , RNDr. Miroslav, CSc., prof. RNDr. Jakub Kamenický, DrSc., RNDr. Vlastimil Konečný, CSc., Ing. Ján Kozáč, Ing. Ivan Kravjanský, RNDr. Bartolo!::.::j Leš­ ko, DrSc., akademik Michal Maheľ, Ing. Ivan Marušiak, CSc., prof. Ing. Milan Ma­ tula, DrSc., Ing. Ivan P ag áč, CSc., RNDr. Anton Porubský, CSc., Ing. Rudolf Ru­ dinec, CSc., RNDr. Ondrej Samuel, DrSc., RNDr. Miroslav Slavkay, CSc., RNDr. Ivan Sarík, RNDr. Pavel Tkáčik, Ing. Milan Ťapák, CSc., prof. RNDr. Cyril V arč e k, CSc., RNDr. Imricr- ~;arga OBSAH CONTENTS 1 Ján Bystrický 1 Stratigrafické rozpätie a zonac1a dasykla­ Stratigraphic Ranging and Zonation of dálnych rias (dasykladaceá) v triase Zá­ Dasycladal Algae in the West Carpat- padných Karpát 289 hians Mts., Triassic Jerzy Grzywacz - Halina Margu! Použitie gravimetrického prieskumu na Use of gravimetrie research for prospec­ vyhľadávanie a rozpoznávanie tvaru za­ tion and shape distinction of hidden gra­ krytých granitových telies vo východnej nite bodies in the eastern part of the časti Spišsko-gemerského rudohoria 323 Spiš-Gemer Ore Mts. (West Carpathians) Radan Kvet Fotolineamenty a epicentra zemétresení Photolineaments and earthquake e pi- 339 centres Oto Orlický Paleomagnetizmus a petromagnetické vlast­ Paleomagnetism and petromagnetic pro­ nosti intruzívnych hornín z oblasti Slan­ perties of intrusive rocks from the area of ských vrchov 349 Slanské vrchy Mts. (Eastern Slovakia) Karol Ondrejkovi č Ložiskové perspektívy rudnianskeho rud­ Forecast for ore dep osi t occurences in the ného poľa 361 Rudňany Ore Field (Eastern Slovakia) Pokračovanie obsahu na 3. strane obálky Continuation page 3 of the cover 289 Mineralia slov. 18 (1986), 4, 289-321 Stratigraphic Ranging and Zonation of Dasycladal Algae in the West Carpathians Mts., Triassic 1 JAN BYSTRICKÝ 1 Ge ological Institute of The Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 81 4 73 Bratislava Receiued June, 3, 1985 CTpan1rpaqm'leCKHH ).\Hana30H 30HaJU(T ).\aCHKJJa).\aJil,HhIX BO).\OpOCJie ií: B TpHa­ ce 3anaAHhIX KapnaT B CTaThe ,[\ecprrnwpy!OTCll ,[\Marra30Hbl ,[\aCMKJla,[\aJlbHb!X BO,[\Opocnew cpe,[\­ Hero 11 BepxHero Tpwaca I103BOJlll!OlI.\MX pa3,[\eJlMTb 113BeCTHJIKJ1 pw cp OBOľ O KOMIIJleKca Ha 6!1030Hbl aHl1CKMe, na,[\HHCKMe, KapHCKHe, Hapl11.\Kl1e ]1)1 1,f peTCKHe. OT,[\eJlbHhie 611030Hbl ,[\aCMKJia,[\aJlbHb!X BO,[\Opocne.ií KOpeJ1 J11.\MPY­ !OTClI C cpaBHO.ií aMOHMTOB, 611BaJ1Bl1l1, 6paxMOITO,[\OB, ]1)111 C cpaBHO.ií KOHO­ ).\OHTOB. (Cana.ií - Eop3a - CaMyen, 1983). Stratigraphic Rangiug and Zonation of Dasycladal Algae in the West Carpathians Mts., Triassic In tlle study presented biozones of Middle and Upper Triassic dasycladal alga·e are defined, enabling to devide reef complex limestones into bivalve, brachiopod or co-Anisian, Ladinian, Carnian, Norian or Rhaetian. Indivídua! dasycladal algae are correlated with ammon ite, bivalve, bra­ chiopod or conodont faunas. The significance of the dasycladal algae1 regions (Ott, 1967, 1972c; Bechstädt - (previously ranked only to the family Brandner, 1970). There has even appeared Dasycladaceae) for stratigraphic ranging an opinion of the dasycladal algae n ot of the Triassic is known from numerous being suitable for the division of t h e publica1tions by Pia (1926-1943), Herak Triassic at al. (Zorn, 1971 , pp. 15, 17). (1957-1965), ott (1972a, b, c, 1974) and In spite of the above data of t he da­ Bystrický (1964, 1967 in Kollárová-Andru­ sycladal algae connection with the biotope, sovová - Bystrický, 1974, 1979). In recent we can state that the time sequence of ten years, however, their stratigraphic these floras is a proved fact n ot only in significance has been doubted by finding the Alps (Pia, 1. c. ; Ott, 1972a, b), but several species very closely connected also in the West Carpathians Mts. In the wit h facies (the biotope), which influences paper presented, we document the fact their stratigr aphic r ange to such an extend briefly by a few profiles of such r egions that it is reinarkably various in different in which t h e stratigraphic position of 290 Mineralia slov., 18, 1986 4 ... 5 • 6 ■ 7 • 8 .1( o 500 1km Fíg. 1. Dasycladal zones [ Physoporella pauciforata - Oligoporella pilosa, Diplopora annulatissima, Dipl opora annulata) in the region Kečov o - Domica [ Bystrický, 19 64). 1 - Wetterstein dolomite ( Ladinian); 2 - Steinalm-Wetterstein limestone ( Lower Illyrian - Lower Ladinian); 3 - earth; 4 - occurence of Physoporella pauciforata - OJigoporella pilosa Zone dasyclads; 5 - Occurrence of Diplopora annulatissima Zone dasyclads; 6 - Occurrence of Diplopora annulata Zone dasyclads; 7 - Occur­ rence of ammonites ( Flexoptychites sp.); 8 - Occurrence of conodonts [ Moc k, 1971) individual assemblages can be directly the field and, in suitable regions, even to correlated with macrofossils (ammonites, follow the sequence of their in dividual bivalves, brachiopods) or it can be eva1u­ zanes (figs. 1, 2). ated by its relation to the beds containing At present, the dasycladal algae of the a condont fauna. Except this, we want to West Car pathians Mts. are known from show that in difference to other fossils, all tectonic units (the only exception being many species can be easily identified with the metamorphosed Triassic) and the the help of a magnifying glass already on number of new findings increases. The the weathered surface of a rock, thus Middle T riassic ones extend from the enabling a reliable stratigraphic orienta­ lowest tectonic units (the Tatricum) to tion to mapping geologists directly in the uppermost ones (the "Silicicum"). However, the Upper Triassic ones are, due to considerable facies differences L) Dasyclads are according to French algo­ logists ( Bassoulet et. al., 1975, 1979) taken between the Upper Triassic of th e Tatri­ for the order Dasycladales which is devided cum and the Fatricum on on e hand into the families Seletonellaceae, Dasyclada­ ceae and Acetabulariaceae. In the Triassic and the Hronicum and the "Silici­ the Seletonellaceae are represented by Macro­ cum" on the other, known only from porella Pia, Teutloporella Pia, Gyroporella those tectonic units in which there is t he Guembel and Aciculella Pia after this division. Others belong to the family Dasycladaceae. principal dolomite, the Tisovec, Furmanec The main criterion of this division is namely or Dachstein limestones. They appear in the arrangement of branches. It is aspondy­ the Fatricum (in the K rížna nappe) after lic and mesospondylic in the Seletonellaceae, euspondylic in the Dasycladaceae. the Carpathian Keuper sediment ation in J. Bystrický: Stratigraphic Ranging and Zonation of Dasycladal Algae 291 .... •1· .. ... ,r.. A. • •1 ••, . • Á • t,,. } j Á .• • 1 1~ . v.t,oĎ •• \ • • 1 1 \ ® DRIENOVlN • • 10 Á 11 ■ O 500 1 1Km Fig. 2. The Zádielska planina Wetterstein limes tone dasycladal zones ( Bystrický, 1962). 1 - Colourful shales of Lower Triassic; 2 - Gutenstein limestone and Gutenstein dolomite ( Eagean?); 3 - Dar k cherty limestone (pseudoreifling one) , also red Schreyeralm limestone on the base (Upper Illyrian - ?Lower Ladinian); 4 - Steinalm and Wetterstein limestones (mainly Wetterstein one) (Ladinian to Lower Carnian); 5 - Dark Wetterstein limestone; 6 - ,,Dachstein reef limestone" - Furmanec limestone, megalodonts, dasyclads, foraminifers [ Sevatian - ?Lower Rhaetian J; 7 - Adnetian limestone, stainy mar! ( Liassic J; 8 - freshwater Miocene limestones; 9 - Occurrence of Diplopora annulata Zone dasyclads; 10 - Occurrence of Teutlopuorella herculea; 11 - Occurrence of Andrusoporella duplicata Zone da­ syclads the Fatra Formation, however, already substage Cordevolian (which he included only very sporadically (Gaždzicki et al., into the Uppermost Ladinian) was an 1979). unsolved problem (Pia, 1936, p. 24; 1937, p. 1003; Ogilvie-Gordon - Pia, 1940, Dasycladal zones of the Triassic pp. 16, 17). He held to this division, m ade more precise mainly by new data from Although Pia (1927-1936) kept on the Dinarids Mts. (Yugoslavia), till his pointing out the occurrence of "floral death, a short time before it having solved zanes" of the Middle Triassic, he neither, the problem of Diplopora annulata occur­ with exception of the Diplopora annul­ rence in the Cordevolian by finding out atissima Zone, named them, nor did he it was not the mentioned species occur.ring define them more precisely. He only under the Lunz beds of the Wetterstein pointed out that the species Physoporella limestone, bu t "Poikiloporella duplicata pauciforata is characteristic for the Anisian Pia (nov. gen.)" (Pia, 1941), which was t o ("Stufe der Physoporella pauciforata" in be characteristic just for the "Uppermost Pia, 1927) and the species Diplopora Ladinian".2 Having used Pia's (1935, 1936) annulata is typical for the Ladinian, findigs that "the oldest zone flora kn own although it was known to him that the so far corresponds approximately to the occurence of Diplopora annulata in the Pelsonian" (Pia, 1936, p. 26) as the basis, 292 Mineralia slov., 18, 1986 Rosenberg (1952, Blatt 1) made the Middle well as tectonic
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