Legal Issues in Criminal Justice Reading List 1
Legal Issues in Criminal Justice Reading List 1 Reading List of Legal Issues in Criminal Justice By Michael S. Vaughn Sam Houston State University Abel, J. (2017). Cops and pleas: Police officers’ influence on plea bargaining. Yale Law Journal, 126, 1730-1787. Acker, J.R. (2003). The death penalty: An American history. Contemporary Justice Review, 6(2), 169- 186. Acker, J.R. (1990). Finding the law: A criminal justice guide to basic legal research techniques. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1(2), 215-244. Acker, J.R. (2017). Taking stock of the innocence: Movements, mountains, and wrongful convictions. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 33(1), 8-25. Acker, J.R., & Bellandi, R. (2012). Firmament or folly? Protecting the innocent, promoting capital punishment, and the paradoxes of reconciliation. Justice Quarterly, 29, 287-307. Acker, J.R., Bohm, R.M., & Lanier, C.S. (2014). America’s experiment with capital punishment: Reflections on the past, present, and future of the ultimate penal sanctions (3rd ed.). Durham: Carolina Academic Press. Acker, J.R., & Champagne, R. (2017). The execution of Wallace Wilkerson: Precedent and portent. Criminal Justice Review, 42(4), 349-367. Acker, J.R., & Karp, D.R. (Eds.). (2006). Wounds that do not bind: Victim-based perspectives on the death penalty. Durham: Carolina Academic Press. Acker, J.R., & Lanier, C.S. (1997). Unfit to live, unfit to die: Incompetency for execution under modern death penalty litigation. Criminal Law Bulletin, 33(2), 107-150. Adegbile, D.P. (2017). Policing through an American prism. Yale Law Journal, 126, 2222-2259. Ahdut, T. (2017). Parameters of child protective services in the commercial sexual exploitation of minors.
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