Amidotrizoic Acid/Barium Sulfate 1477 Imbalance Should Be Corrected Before Contrast Media Are Given
Amidotrizoic Acid/Barium Sulfate 1477 imbalance should be corrected before contrast media are given. management of adhesive small bowel obstruction;2 they allow pyloric stenosis or lesions that may predispose to obstruction. Particular care is needed in patients with multiple myeloma since identification of patients who require surgery and, although they Adequate hydration should be ensured after the procedure to pre- dehydration resulting from use of contrast media may cause pre- have not been shown to relieve obstruction, they may reduce vent severe constipation. cipitation of protein in the renal tubules, leading to anuria and length of hospital stay in patients treated without surgery. It is contra-indicated in patients with gastrointestinal perforation, fatal renal failure. 1. Murshed R, et al. Meconium ileus: a ten-year review of thirty-six and should be avoided, particularly when given rectally, in those Caution is also necessary in patients with severe hypertension, patients. Eur J Pediatr Surg 1997; 7: 275–7. at risk of perforation, such as patients with acute ulcerative colitis advanced cardiac disease, phaeochromocytoma, sickle-cell dis- 2. Abbas S, et al. Oral water soluble contrast for the management or diverticulitis and after rectal or colonic biopsy, sigmoidosco- of adhesive small bowel obstruction. Available in The Cochrane ease, or hyperthyroidism or epilepsy, and in debilitated, severely Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 3. Chichester: John Wi- py, or radiotherapy. ill, very old, or very young patients. ley; 2007 (accessed 14/07/08). Uses and Administration Amidotrizoates and other hypertonic contrast media are neuro- Preparations Barium sulfate is used as a radiographic contrast medium toxic and should not be given intrathecally; patients with sub- (p.1474) for X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract in- arachnoid haemorrhage may be at risk with any intravascular BP 2008: Meglumine Amidotrizoate Injection; Sodium Amidotrizoate In- jection; volving single- or double-contrast techniques or computed tom- use.
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